Santiago Leon and Victor Arocho recap the Super Bowl, Phil Rivers and Tom Brady’s future.
Santiago Leon
Sports cast February 11 2020. If you haven’t yet please subscribe in all our channels YouTube, Periscope and iTunes. And if you’re an iTunes please leave a rating and review it will help us out tremendously. And visit us on the sports cast net the sports cast net. Tonight’s sponsor is the Bible. crave verses and pitchers download is the Bible today for the iOS App Store. Meaning iPhone App Store. It’s been a great two weeks of football not just because the NFL but also the ex NFL but we do need a recap from someone that is very keen to the NFL and the Super Bowl. Victory roadshow along to three week. I hate us welcome back to the sports cast.
Victor Arocho
Thank you. Thank you for having me back. I am excited. Victor.
Santiago Leon
what you’ve been up to this past two weeks.
Victor Arocho
don’t enjoy some of the sports but you know my I just had my birthday. Day. So in between there. Yeah, a lot of stuff going on. I’m working on a new project that’s taking up a lot of time. And and that’s it really just, sometimes you just zone in focus and everything else has to go by side.
Santiago Leon
So your Super Bowl prediction was 2024. Kansas City, but Kansas City actually won 31 to 20. You’re pretty close.
Victor Arocho
Yes, I was.
Santiago Leon
What were your thoughts about the Super Bowl?
Victor Arocho
I thought I thought it was good. I mean, I thought it was a happy for Andy Reid. I mean, it’s one of the reasons why I really pick Kansas City. also thought that mahomes is just, you know, mahomes and I thought he had a good game, but he had the superstar superhero game that he had in the other two playoffs. Still got MVP. So it’s pretty interesting there. But overall, I thought it was just a good game, you know, and I mean, it’s just the Good game and it goes back to you know, people criticizes like I told you about criticizing praising garofolo. But then saying, Hey, you know, we’re already running nine times we talked about last time. And now they’re criticizing because he missed a couple reads down the field. Right? Well, you know, if you’re not seeing that at the speed that the defense of teams of the NFL come at you, you can’t just think you’re going to see that. You know, and you’re talking about a crazy defense from San Francisco with a crazy defensive line. I just don’t think it’s here. He missed somebody. It is what it is, but I don’t think it was. I don’t think that game fell on his side.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, I think you know, like you were saying mahomes didn’t have a great three quarters. I think his last quarter was the best. Coming back, coming back and win the game. When I saw I think it was the end of third end of the third quarter and the beginning of the fourth Quarter when I saw the niners up by 10 or 11 points, I thought the niners were going to win the Super Bowl.
Victor Arocho
Now, remember, we talked about you have to be, we even had this conversation right? Two weeks ago that that for San San Francisco has to be up by enough points for that comeback not to take place one, two, they have to be up by enough points deep into the game, not early in the game. And then three, once they’re up by point, they got to keep mahomes off the field.
Santiago Leon
which didn’t really accomplish.
Victor Arocho
I couldn’t I don’t know. I mean, if you don’t mind pulling up, I know you’re not going too much that just look at possession time, if you can. I will both teams and I’ll keep talking, you know, so I thought that I just think that you need to. It’s been proven that the ground game can win you some playoff games. It’s also proven that It hasn’t been proven that a ground game by itself can win a Super Bowl. It’s been proven that a defense could win a Super Bowl, but it hasn’t proven that just the running back when the Super Bowl. And that’s what happened with the Titans. That’s what’s happened with San Francisco.
Santiago Leon
I’m still looking for those stats right now.
Victor Arocho
Just possession time right so anyways, that’s what I was talking about. You got you know, and you know, San Francisco defense is great, but they gave up 31 points dude in the fourth quarter not all in the fourth quarter.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, you’re right. I think the niners became complacent in the four three third quarter they thought they got it But guys, look what happened to Baltimore. Look what happened to you know, to Tennessee Titans. You know, they were head. I mean, they had Like we’re only up by 1014 points, I think that was the most the Texans was worse. I mean, they were up 24 points. But it’s something that you got to learn from these games. I mean, unless cancer is that frickin good or their defense was pretty good
Victor Arocho
Well, I think that uh, you know, Kyle Shanahan, I can’t find you can’t find the possession time, which I’m
Santiago Leon
still still looking for but I don’t matter.
Victor Arocho
It really doesn’t matter. My point being is, is that Kyle Shanahan is still young. He’s kind of he’s he’s I’m not saying he’s made a mistake, but it’s been he’s said that he’s made a mistake one time were the run game was working for him. So he decided to start passing, and then he lost. Now he switched to saying I learned my lesson. So if the run games working, let me run the crap out of the ball, and it’s okay that my quarterback has nine throws. Right, but I would think that he’s going to have to reassess that thought process and find a happy medium. You can’t that’s like you can’t put that kind of pressure on the quarterback position in my opinion right in the Super Bowl it’s not remember we like to talk the Super Bowl late the time to get your quarterback reps
Santiago Leon
is grew up a little the man in San Francisco
Victor Arocho
yes i think i think under Kyle Shanahan he can develop him. I think that they need to they just need a better combination. I don’t I don’t believe nine passes I mean once in a while but they went several playoff games. I don’t think that you can give a quarterback so little looks at defense defenses without throwing the ball. I mean, think about the schemes at one on pure D fence, the bears, the Baltimore Ravens. None of those quarterbacks only through nine times.
Santiago Leon
is Patrick mahomes. The feature goat of the NFL?
Victor Arocho
I don’t know if it’s the future go because I don’t hate saying that with somebody so early because you got to be consistent and he’s already gotten hurt. No, he wasn’t that journeymen. But I do believe that he’s some somebody special I think with him and Andy Reid there now. Kansas City got that taste. I think that I think he’s gonna win a couple more.
Santiago Leon
I do believe so. Even with or without a new read. I think they’ll definitely win a couple more. Are they? Are they the team can say that. You think he’ll like how long does Danny Reed has?
Victor Arocho
Dude, it’s been 50 years. Second Team and the reach taken to the Super Bowl, the Kansas City Chiefs. I always kind of liked them, but they were choke artists in the playoffs. So, you know, I’m not saying that it can’t happen without Andy Reid, but I wouldn’t dismiss it. Just like you did.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, it’s obviously, yes, you got talent in the team, but you also need to have good coaching. You’re not like Jerry Jones, I said that anyone could have coached the Cowboys team back in the early 90s. Now, Jimmie Johnson is a good coach.
Victor Arocho
he regrets it now.
Santiago Leon
MVP was Lamar Jackson.
Victor Arocho
Would you agree with that? Well deserved. Yes. Well deserved. It was electric. The team had a great season. Just was phenomenal. There’s nobody outplayed that kid.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, well, the Titans did. Okay. Well, there you have it. Victor Victor’s approach you know, it’s funny because like these past couple before the Super Bowl for like the like the last two weeks before the Super Bowl I’ve been hearing different Kansas City, you know Niners because they have a better defense but everyone kept leaning towards the chiefs, the Chiefs because they had that offense. It was it was just unbreakable. But I do agree that Kansas City is the best team in the world. Are they the team of the AFC? We’ll talk about that later because we’ll be talking about Tom Brady, but before we we talked about Tom Brady, Phil rivers got released by the Chargers this past week, even though it was kind of already done like two weeks ago. But Phil rivers, one of the greats in San Diego is leaving. San Diego no sorry, La La chargers. Victor. Was this too premature or you think it’s the right time for rivers to part ways.
Victor Arocho
It’s the perfect time for him the part way Why? Because I think he just I think he’s still a good quarterback. I think he needs some other change. Something needs to change there. Because San Diego’s had great quarterbacks in the past great running backs great linebackers and they just seem to not get any further. So I think that a guy like Drew Brees can fit in nicely with a with a team. I mean, he you know, no one’s ever heard anything bad about him. He can throw he’s got over 50,000 yards. So I think he’s still got some in them. But there’s a point where, you know, he just I think they both just had to move on. You never know what could happen right? Way. Like Peyton Manning one one in in Denver.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, but Phil rivers hasn’t won anything with the chargers.
Victor Arocho
He’s made it far. Maybe he’s got a lot stats but you know the charges. This has happened to the charges before Phil Philip Rivers. So like, you know,
Santiago Leon
it’s called.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, so I like this just to place one year because of rivers.
Santiago Leon
Now, have you seen Four Rivers throw ball?
Victor Arocho
Santiago Leon
It like, would you say it’s kind of different from like the other quarterbacks?
Victor Arocho
I don’t think I noticed it enough. I know. I know he gets throw.
Santiago Leon
It’s a little awkward throw it feels like he’s pushing the ball not like throwing it. And that’s why people are saying that he might have he might have throughout his arm.
Victor Arocho
Well, oh, well see that’s different than what you asked. Well, the question the question is, do you see him throwing differently now than the way he used to throw us? Do you see anything funny about how he throws right? Yeah, because they look at mahomes he throws side hand side arms. I mean, so many quarterbacks door sidearm.
Santiago Leon
Yes, I wonder. Well that’s one of the reasons I still think there is a room of possibility of retirement. But but but I actually have not heard that. He moved back with his family and here in Florida obviously Tampa Bay Buccaneers might be Niva quarterbacks I think James Wilson is a free agent with that be a good spot from
Victor Arocho
Tampa is always a good team and we I think Philip Rivers if he’s with a good team, you’ll do well. I don’t think it’s a bad team. Tampa’s got great fans. It’s a great place to play. If he’s moved to Florida, you know, that’s ideal for him. And remember, he’s used to playing in good weather. So you don’t want to go from good weather to still lousy weather unless you’re in a dome. And you know, because now you at that age, you gotta adjust to a lot of different things.
Santiago Leon
If Brady leaves New England with a patriots Vegas spot for Philip Rivers
Victor Arocho
No, I don’t think so. I think that I don’t I don’t care what quarterback goes there if they don’t give the quarterback that goes there or whoever the quarterback it with his Brady or not if they don’t give a supporting cast I don’t think too many of them will do well. And then the to add to that you’re gonna need somebody hungry because their playbook is massive.
Santiago Leon
Before we move on to Brady, tell us your your memory favorite memory or bad memory of the chargers.
Victor Arocho
You’d be a player a moment a team that you really like back in the day. Like my give you I can give you a couple right? I’m just gonna give to one. Dan Fouts was just friggin those guys putting up points, man. I mean, they were like 4047 points. So that’s one and then from the Chargers, the the person that comes to my mind anytime I think about the charges is Junior sale, God rest his soul. One of the best linebackers. He was just the Mac for me man. He was just badass.
Santiago Leon
Which he played for the Patriots too, right?
Victor Arocho
Yeah, I came to the Patriots. Yeah,
Santiago Leon
but that was like towards is a torch. Sure. Yeah. It was past his prime.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, but he’s still played well, but I mean, he to me is like a staple for San Diego Chargers.
Santiago Leon
My favorite memory is Linda a million Thomas.
Victor Arocho
Got like him too. But he was underneath those guys. What was your favorite memory?
Santiago Leon
I know just him. That was my first memory of July come to chargers historically, and he went with New Orleans. I I don’t recall. Was it back in 2010 or 12 was it? He might have?
Victor Arocho
Maybe you weren’t. I look it up. I know. It’s been jets but for some reason Oh no. You know what I’m thinking though. Is the other guy to go date the Kardashian. He’s the one I forgot. Heisman Trophy winner.
Santiago Leon
I do know.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, he’s a badass back.
Santiago Leon
Um, also, if you could just correct me if I’m wrong It feels like the Chargers as always had good running backs that true
Victor Arocho
they’ve always had a pretty good team. I mean, their quarterbacks weren’t bad either. running backs were good, but I can’t say that. I don’t think there’s San Diego charger running backs that I can name outside of lt right now. And maybe there’s something from an East Coast that that I can name before bunch of other running backs. I hope that makes sense. Yeah,
Santiago Leon
of course. We got Melvin Gordon now which is a fantastic running back. Do you remember James Brown 1981 83 Marion, buddy, that’s
Victor Arocho
81 and maybe 30. Couple year. Yeah, but how many years was there? 89 to 93 1989 to
Santiago Leon
- And Nate Tron means,
Victor Arocho
Oh, I remember a little bit of Oh, yeah, but I guarantee if you go through those same year since look at the other running backs, you’ll see more name recognition.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, of course, the chargers. Most of the time that were in San Diego, was they actually initiated the team started off in LA, they were there just for one season. And then they moved to San Diego and they were there for maybe, what, 20 years, 30 years. And they had a situation with the stadium. They had a like the owner want to remodel it. And he couldn’t find funds in San Diego to rebuild a new stadium or to remodel Qualcomm Stadium, if you remember that. And they decided to move to Los Angeles where they’ll be chairing In a stadium with the LA Rams which will be opened in this season. The 2020 season will be open. So fi stadium is a really good stadium. Have you seen the pictures of it?
Victor Arocho
No, it’s I drove by the Oakland Raiders. Huge Stadium, or the Las Vegas. It was a corner looks like Darth Vader.
Santiago Leon
Really? Yeah, that’s gonna be an interesting situation. Las Vegas. I think the Raiders. I like Oakland. I mean, I think Oakland like is a classic city. But I guess it’s time for Las Vegas to have a football team. Right?
Victor Arocho
I don’t know. I mean, be honest with you. One. It’s just I hate seeing teams that leave like Oakland with defense that they had their you know, dynasty the whole history of that. I mean, think about it. You know, the Baltimore won the Super Bowl, and they were really the Cleveland Browns. You know, I mean, it’s kind of it’s confusing. We’re talking about the Raiders. What was your question?
Santiago Leon
But isn’t like the Raiders like a national bandwagon team like Steelers?
Victor Arocho
Well, because they won. When gotta remember when there was no cable kids at work. Everybody’s attracted to winning teams. So if you only have five, three channels and you’re watching these games, right, you’re going to gravitate to the teams that win. You know, that’s the bottom line. Unless you’re from a town that’s pure football town. Yeah, definitely some changes in the NFL. And the Raiders also had the Raiders had that personality of just nastiness. No, Lyle Azevedo, they had crazy like, they were meant to be dirty boys, you know, high penalties. I mean, they were ruthless. So you’re going to remember that kind of and then they’re blacking silver goes along with kind of that demeanor. It’s no different than, you know, you can mention a whole bunch of basketball teams, but but the Detroit Pistons were probably the hardest hitting toughest basketball team and that’s where you’re going to really remember them
Santiago Leon
something that you know for sure revenues of those, you know, like those bad boy teams, Raiders for the NFL, the pistons for the NBA, you know, those teams that are kind of like, you know, black sheep of the family but something to definitely look at. Um, let’s before we hand to Tom Brady, the NFL might be expanding the 17 games Victor, is that good for the league?
Victor Arocho
I’m just wondering, what is it they’re trying to accomplish with other than money? Sony peace? I don’t know yet. Is it good for the league? I mean, is it because the schedule is too short and people want more of it or is it just monetary? I think people want more more football, right? Because it’s You know consistently watch but you know it’s almost like I hate to see that happen just to do it because you know people want to see and there’s no consideration for the players right but if they were doing it because they were going to add like an some other kind of playoff or it was going to help contribute to teams to get a better shot in the playoffs then you know, I would probably have a little bit more thought on it but right now just knowing they want to expand the 17 games I don’t you know, I don’t understand specially when they know the concussions all that’s there so haven’t gotten good stuff from it. You know what I mean?
Santiago Leon
Speaking about expansion, the ex NFL began this past weekend. I like the idea FedEx FL. I personally think it It provides a second chance to players that did not do well the NFL or never, you know, got into a team. It could be a college player that just never got drafted, but I like the idea of Victor What are your thoughts about SFL even though you’re not really knowledgeable in the Yeah, I know you’re gonna start watching it a little bit more but what are your thoughts?
Victor Arocho
Well, I’m knowledgeable about the NFL just not this. This one. I actually got a hat because I got a hat from the SFL went to see the Birmingham bolts dell’Anima so and then it died after six weeks but I to me, you know, I was kind of looking forward to seeing it but it wasn’t like that a priority that I it was just too fast after the Super Bowl. I mean, just is there wasn’t a gap. Do you know how the ratings were? I’m not sure I believe the first game was three to 4 million views on the first game was pretty good. Right That’s pretty good. And usually when you start it’s pretty good it’s
Santiago Leon
Yeah, then like a drops in the second week but
Victor Arocho
but so for me was just already, you know, too much football. I think the other thing I think that If I was running it and obviously I know how to make man’s money but I think what hurts them also, football is a sport and it’s very hard to see what a guy really looks like. Right and now you’re starting a sport brand new and there’s no really superstar so if they did like combine promoting, you know, get the public to know the players that are playing I think that those stories would entice us to want to see them more
Santiago Leon
Yeah, the rules a little bit different I’m not sure if you saw any peaks of is a running clock itself for two minutes Yeah, and and like also for the kick return no player can move until the ball is I think it’s caught or kick no caught on to the ball is called players are able to move towards that player and to how far he goes in deep and there’s no field goals or or I mean, like there’s no extra point film schools I believe.
Victor Arocho
No, but there’s extra points. You can get one Two or three points on the extra points.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, but you think this is good for players to give them a second chance?
Victor Arocho
Yeah, I mean, I always think it’s good I mean, every sport has a minor league team I mean, basketball has the D league and all that baseball’s got, you know, triple A double a baseball you know, so I think that you know, gives you the opportunity to be able to carry some guys maybe they should expand the roster to you know, to because sometimes teams are like down so bad like how the Patriots were, you know, least you got somewhere to pick up. Now the NFL allows five black practice players, but
Santiago Leon
that’s five, five, you know, to go back really quick in the NFL.
Victor Arocho
Exactly. So I do think it’s good. I just, it’s just not good. It goes back to being able to be noticed and people wanting to watch right because it’s You know, you don’t get recruited if nobody knows about you, right? You don’t get voted. Nobody knows about you. I mean, even some of the all star games, some cities have an advantage because of the broadcasting more even in college football, more people know about a particular player, because they’re playing Notre Dame a lot more on TV than anybody else. Yeah, I’m Stan.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, the xfl coverage is pretty good. It’s on ABC, ESPN and Fox, which I think it’s a bigger reach than it was. Versus the Alliance, which was like the other Football League last year that it was only on CBS and the NFL Network. And I think TNT, which is good, but I think the ABC, ESPN, ABC, Fox, I mean, ABC, ESPN and Fox, I think those three networks might help, you know, push this league along. They don’t go ahead. And last year, the issue for the lions, was that just money or like the evidence Didn’t want to move forward. But I think my goal is what I want to see for the xfl is to go to more than one season go to at least to not many other leagues besides the CFL has gone beyond one season the USFL back in the 80s when two seasons but that said and then the Alliance last year went for one season but you to remember the XML was around they wouldn’t went six weeks. Six weeks back in the early 2000s. Correct? Right. Yeah. Which was that planned or was that just cut short?
Victor Arocho
Oh, it’s just cut Sure.
Santiago Leon
Wow, why was that remember?
Victor Arocho
When was it or why was why
Santiago Leon
was it called short?
Victor Arocho
This viewership nobody was really watching. They didn’t like it. I mean, you know, make man give him credit. Again, but it was just failed. It’s like a TV show. That doesn’t do well. But I’m telling You that now me more strong about it. You know that for the SFL to succeed, they gotta promote their players. People have to know the players. Because that’s what people watch. They’re not going to just cheer team in your town for for all that excitement, just because you just started and if you don’t win, nobody cares. But if people start seeing what this person did in college and is is combining he tried to make it here, but he did it in the truck now give those people those stories will give interest. I’d like to see that kid. Yeah, right. So I had more interest in Josh Jacobs. I think his name is from the Raiders. Not only because he has a good season, but the story behind him was incredible. So not only was I watching him because he was a good running back and you got no choice no notice him but I started getting a more fondness because of the story by Right.
Santiago Leon
Yeah a few players that you may recognize that are playing in the NFL and the ex NFL is running back Trent Richardson. Quarterback Landry Jones quarterback Matt McGlone wide receivers, heavy coats, running back Matt Jones quarterback Tyree, Jackson, kicker Robert guado will kickers are pretty low in the totem pole running back, Christine. Michael. Is that one?
Victor Arocho
Right so I mean, who do you really know? I only when I knew it remembered as the first person. Trent Richardson yeah
Santiago Leon
which he was in the Alliance last year and he had a fantastic season. Some people said that he was the MVP but still didn’t get picked up by the NFL scouts. NFL denied, you know, signed them up. Or anything from the NFL didn’t sign them up so it feels like he might run into a dead end or maybe they just want to see more of him and hopefully SFL provides that good schedule. The xfl runs until May just like Vicki was saying you think he’s It was too soon. I liked the schedule. I think you got to keep the momentum of football. But I don’t remember how it was with like the USFL. I don’t know if they started, right. You gotta remember the USFL. They did it smart. The first signing was
Victor Arocho
Trump was smart. He got Herschel Walker. Yes. When the Heisman Trophy was huge. He got Steve Young. Right. I mean, think about the players. He marketed it.
Santiago Leon
JOHN Elway was in it in the USFL as well, I believe. No, no, no.
Victor Arocho
Yeah. JOHN Elway was he broke crazy man, john Elway. He pulled that Eli. He’s like if if you if I don’t go to the Yankees for baseball, don’t draft me. I’m playing
Santiago Leon
okay. Reggie white. Jim Kelly. Gary Zimmerman, Anthony Carter, Barbara Herbert. Doug Flutie. big name there.
Victor Arocho
But of course, absolutely. He went to Canada first
Santiago Leon
one to see how valleys played a couple couple leaks.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, but I’m just saying to you that You know, they marketed that way but you know, I’m not saying even market the the players ex NFL players because they’re ex NFL players. Yeah, there’s a market market the the young up and coming professionals were like like the 2223 year old, crazy a friggin defensive back or running back. I mean think about to us what’s his name San sort from, from the 40. Niners right what’s his name? The burnback
Santiago Leon
Matt Breda.
Victor Arocho
Hello from the 40 Niners the
Santiago Leon
niners running back like the current running back. Yeah. Let me pull that up. Sam sorta forgot bringing moster
Victor Arocho
Raheem moster. Okay moster that guy was on the practice squad. Yeah, it was correct. Okay, so I mean, that’s the guys I would promote in the xfl like these guys, you here exampled tells a story about this guy from the OSS, what’s his name again? poster
Santiago Leon
monster? Oh,
Victor Arocho
make a lead into a guy that may have that same potential. So people would want to see can this guy go? And then you’re going to have fantasy league players, you know, watching that just in case they jump into the league and pick them right away. You know what I mean? You gotta the story has to relate, because I don’t think anyone’s going to watch the ex NFL as a substitution to the NFL.
Santiago Leon
As Victor concluded, and I agree with them, it comes down to the players. That’s why USFL was was very successful as was with their players and how they were brought downs because they changed the schedule in the same time as the NFL, which was probably a big mistake. But that’s another podcast to talk about. Due to time. Let’s get to Tom Brady real quick. Let’s give it you know, 60 seconds. What’s gonna happen with Tom Brady Vic? What’s your prediction?
Victor Arocho
I think he’s going to San Diego.
Santiago Leon
I think so too well or LA.
Victor Arocho
Santiago Leon
I don’t think he’s going there to win a championship. He’s going there for Hollywood. He’s going there for his post career.
Victor Arocho
I think. I think he’s going there for his post. But Brady goes to win championships. Yeah. I mean, he’s not gonna go there. Just the chill. He’s going to win champion.
Santiago Leon
Yes and No, like, yes. Like to win another one.
Victor Arocho
You think you may think he he, your opinion may be that he’s not going to. But my opinion is he’s going there to win a championship,
Santiago Leon
yes and no, like, yes, he would like to win another one and he hopes to win it. But at the same time, like he knows at the same time that he may not with the LA chargers, is not like being with the Patriots. You’re almost kind of like, not guaranteed, but you’re, you know, one of the contenders
Victor Arocho
I guess but I’m of the opinion that if the Brady picks the Chargers, the Chargers going to make the moves that Brady once. One and two, he’s too great of an athlete and a person of fitness to not mentally go in there saying I’m going to win a championship. I’m just telling you, it’s not those guys are so great that you know, it’s almost like delusion is their greatest asset.
Santiago Leon
Something like that. I will say this, the Chargers do have weapons, little bit more than the Patriots. I’m still wondering if Bella check and craft will give in to Brady’s demands of looking for a receiver belcheck is he’s not really emotionally attached to his players, which I respect. We’ll see. belcheck doesn’t really say he’ll probably say like, I don’t care what you do. I mean, I look for my receiver on my own terms, whatever. Anyways, There’s another podcast to talk about.
Victor Arocho
They offered him 30,000,030 million plus why receiver? Exactly. So like, trust me, Bella check does care. He’s not gonna be like yeah, okay, let’s get 30 million they can use that 30 million I’m getting like how many players? It’s true
Santiago Leon
like a good player. Anyways, Vic, they’re ready for predictions. Okay, only have one game clippers la clippers at the Philadelphia 70. sixers
Victor Arocho
clippers all the way clippers.
Santiago Leon
I agree with Christmas sword. I think they’re the best team in the NBA, but I know you got the Lakers right there. So but we’ll see that.
Victor Arocho
The only reason I say that I think Joe Holmes there’s problems in Philadelphia.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, Philadelphia is good. He’s looking good. I don’t see him he going to the NBA Finals. I see him maybe to the eastern finals. But doesn’t NBA pick a podcast and Victor and I will.
Victor Arocho
That’s all I care about. Everybody ruled them out. Yeah, I love the
Santiago Leon
victor what is the best way to reach you to talk to you about your businesses?
Victor Arocho
Just go to Victor Rocher calm you can contact me my phone. You could send them a message or twitter at via roto var. O ch whoa and you know chat and you’ll see my comments from time to time so let’s bring it on.
Santiago Leon
You can reach the sports cast at the sports cast net or on Twitter at the sports cast one we’ve been live tweeting some college basketball and some ex NFL games. NBA All Star game it’s next week something to to very much look at. It’s kind of for me it’s it started the NBA season. But that’s just my opinion. Anyways, stick a stick around with the sports cast. We also have news and college recruiting NFL combine. And scouting combine is coming up at the end of February early March. So we got Tyler covering up covering Those stories and of course we got Ryan Chris Justin Riley into the college basketball. And of course Kyle and Victor falling in the NBA. But anyways, what a great night in sports great week. Only big things are gonna happen future. Victor, I appreciate you coming on to the sports cast. Any closing words Any closing words?
Victor Arocho
Go eat, go eat. Oh, and you know, shout out to Covina family again
Santiago Leon
Kobe. His funeral was on February 24, or morning’s ceremony at the Staples Center. I will be at the LA Coliseum. But they’re going to do it right where he played. So anyways, Victor, good night. And God bless you too, man. Bye
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