In this episode we have George Teague, a former American football safety in the NFL who played for the Green Bay Packers, Dallas Cowboys and Miami Dolphins. He played college football at the University of Alabama.
We discuss from his playing days in High School, considered playing soccer, getting recruited, almost went to Georgia Tech, thought he would go to Auburn, but ended up in Alabama, whom went to win a National Championship.
Teague also mentions the players he played with and against, and who was the best he saw in his own eyes. Also his disputes with one certain player. Take a listen!
Career Highlights and awards
- National champion (1992)
- Second-team All-SEC (1991)
- All-SEC (1992)
- Second-team All-American (1992)
- NFL All-rookie team (1993)
Career history
- Green Bay Packers (1993–1995)
- Atlanta Falcons (1996)*
- Dallas Cowboys (1996)
- Miami Dolphins (1997)
- Dallas Cowboys (1998–2001)
Santiago Leon
Sports cast may 20 be haven’t yet please subscribe in all our channels, Periscope, YouTube and iTunes. And if you are on iTunes, please leave a rating and review it will help us tremendously. And visit us on the sports cast dotnet the sports cast dotnet today’s sponsor is is the Bible app create verses and pictures and you could get the app on the App Store. We got Justin on the we got Mr. Justin Riley on the line. Welcome to the sports guest.
Justin Riley
Hey, glad to be here especially talking about some football. Today we have a special guest but I
Santiago Leon
would like to have Justin introduce our guest for today.
Justin Riley
Man, I’m glad to do it. I’m very excited about this. opportunity today, folks. I have a man on the line if you’re an Alabama fan, you know his name for a Dallas Cowboys fan. You definitely know his name. This guy’s a legend, a guy that I definitely idolized growing up and wanted to be like in the sports world. And he’s definitely the reason why I became an Alabama fan. And to me, he was the real primetime Ladies and gentlemen, it is George T.
George Teague
Yes, sir. Yes, sir. What’s up? Thank you for that, man. I appreciate it very much.
Justin Riley
Hey, man, gotta gotta give you your props, brother. Glad to have you with us today.
George Teague
Yeah, you started off making me sound old. Oh, man talking about when you were growing up.
Justin Riley
It wasn’t that long ago, though. We’re not too far apart. Yeah.
Santiago Leon
So George, obviously came tell us how you’ve been doing it. For this past month during the whole pandemic,
George Teague
yeah, man, you know for the first time first part of it of course it was always a scary one that was going on but it was actually kind of cool to be able to get the extra time off it kind of hit like right after our spring break from athletic director in football coach in Texas and right after our spring break is when we got the call and said we weren’t going back so I was like, Alright, cool, you know, get a little bit extended time but two months later, I got a beard. I got an afro. Look at that, man.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, we all have the afros and definitely know that we all need a good haircut soon. So George can tell the audience what are you up to these days?
George Teague
Yeah, so fortunate that after I retired from the Dallas Cowboys, I jumped right into high school football did have opportunity to go coach and In college and the pros of Southern high school so I’m currently the athletic director and head football coach at my high school called john Park and high school in Plano, Texas, which is just in the suburbs of Dallas. So it’s pretty much Dallas, Texas and I’ve been at the school now for three years, completed three seasons and then High School for high school football 17 years now. Crazy
Justin Riley
being a coach now man, you coach back in your day, you know, you play for some pretty legendary coaches from Gene Stallings to Mike Holmgren and even bill Oliver what are some of the things you took from each of those guys and then incorporate it into your coaching style now?
George Teague
Yeah, I actually do have a piece of all of them, you know, cuz during stalling so you know when Bill Kirk came in first he was Real disciplinary, hard nosed, you know, could motivate you as this really went, but he’s very much I want to say military is the word that I can use. And Jane Stallings, he came in very, very similar to those traits. But he allowed us to be a little bit more almost like grown up, you know, where you kind of loosen up on some of the rules and restrictions and any you know, you guys are growing man, you should be able to make some good decisions on yourself. So I really take that from from Coach dogs as well to what my players that hey, although we have to be strict and disciplined and put that on our kids kind of like, be recurring, we need to give the guys a little bit of freedom just so they know how to make really good decisions. And then you know, going to the packers and playing for by Cobra. He was very similar in the same way as Bolton him kind of mixed, but he probably was more so Have a did have to have his hand on everything. Yeah. Didn’t micromanage, maybe that’s the best way I can put it. And so I’ve taken that too, you got to have good staff around you, you know, no doubt and let them do their job. If they can’t, then you get rid of but you know, he had an all star staff. When I was a Green Bay, that’s for sure.
Santiago Leon
George which coach really influenced you the most?
George Teague
Out of those three or just in general?
Santiago Leon
In general, you go from high school all the way to pro
George Teague
well, cuz there’s, there’s probably two I’m gonna say who my two mentors are. They’re probably that were their college, their pro coaches or have been anyway, so anyway, one of them is Mike Zimmer. He’s a head coach. The Vikings now? Yeah, cowboys. Play for him learned a tremendous amount out from him about scheme fit, you know, film watching breaking down stuff really understanding tendencies of that. So I leaned on him a lot for a lot of information. Even today, you know, I’m still keep in contact with him and talk a lot of football. Then another one is actually a guy by the name of Clancy Pendergast. If you guys heard that name, but he’s, he was the he used to be the defensive coordinator for the Arizona Cardinals coach to the Cowboys. Recently, he was the defensive coordinator at USC. He is someone I probably speak to weekly, especially when I run into stops as a head coach, you know, to do that, so although I learned a lot from a lot of coaches, I mean, Jimmie Johnson, and you know, other guys, but these guys are ones those two guys of gentlemen that I really talk to a lot, you know, still to this day.
Justin Riley
Well, I’m gonna back it up a little bit key gonna tell the people to worry about how you got into football? You actually playing soccer one time was that right? And your mama told you what to do? Yeah. I heard a little bit about it as someone to hear the whole story.
George Teague
Well see so do was I was a military brat, right? So I grew up on a military base a lot. We lived overseas. A bunch and right in the middle of my third through sixth grade, I lived over in Germany, were probably some impressionable years, right. I want to try to figure out what to do in from sports. So I actually I got into soccer very heavily, was really, really good. And actually ended up playing on a German soccer team. That’s how good I was soccer. Danny could speak it but you know, so as that started happening, I felt like I want to be the next Pele. Hey, man, you could have Yeah, won’t do that. So they were like came back to the States. And I was a little dude, you know, then I came back to the state. And these guys are big man got into Montgomery, Alabama and running back when I thought I wanted to be, you know, I was a mere hundred five pounds of running backs 180 500 pounds. And I was just like, I don’t know if I’m gonna be able to do this, you know, you know, the so it was the first time that I had to make a decision on whether or not I was going to sport I was going to play so I actually chose to go play soccer. So man, I don’t think I can do what those guys do because they’re bigger, you know, and they’re just just different. And so I made the decision and actually got back, you know, house and started talking to my wife when I met my mom about it. And she thankfully talked me through this scenario literally talked me through it. We’re talking about your mom, though. She just kind of started talking me about my strengths and my weaknesses and pretty much said, Well, everything that you just talked about, sounds like you need to go play football. You need to figure out what position you need to play soccer in it figure out what you want to do if you don’t want to be a running back if that’s your problem the two big ones know how to use your speed what position do you got to be what do you got to do you know I like to hit people are can be on the other side and so anyway kind of I went down and I went out and said I was gonna play football and work my way up and became a free safety for the Jeff Davis volunteers and Montgomery Alabama and the rest is history man I’m getting a scholarship and into the league and you know, otherwise I probably could have been I don’t know probably out here dribbling a soccer ball rounds.
Justin Riley
I’m sure he’s talking about putting on that way i’m sure once you start getting some that my gum Ray food and like gunnery cooking, that wastes are coming home pretty quick. Didn’t
George Teague
somebody in collard greens Yes.
Justin Riley
I’m from the country to Brother I know I know how you supposed to eat so well
Santiago Leon
which is interesting you say that George because I watched a lot of soccer and in the past 10 years the US Soccer has been getting a lot of players from Germany that are you know that were born to American parents or their dad was German and like their mom was American or vice versa so it’s quite interesting to see that because you You almost had the opportunity. Um, you mentioned that in high school. You are a Allstate you change position from quarterback to safety. What happened there?
George Teague
Oh, yeah. So when, because of my size, I’m saying it was probably more advantageous for me to be a cornerback. Again, I was fast right. Quick V, you know, that kind of stuff. So it was kind of a natural fit again, when I went when I was in high school out of 155 pounds was tiny. And as I started to grow and hit the weights and got little taller and all that kind of stuff because of my physical ability coaches really wanted me to go and try to play safety because I needed one and I figured, well, you know, he can get sideline to sideline he can tackle Well, we got rid of good corners. So give it a whirl and they still allow me to play a Nickelback, you know, as a welcome think about this championship game. That’s when I got the interception point, man, man now, you know, I’m a slot guy. So I still had those skills but but I was a whole lot more physical than some of those corners played by Deion Sanders and some of those other guys that want to hit people. That wouldn’t be how Like you
Justin Riley
He never hit anybody did he? I’m sorry well but but what about your boy Mark McMillan right?
George Teague
Marion was a ball hog man. Yeah. striker buddy, bro he a little man complex you know I love a man want to get scrappy and fight now that guy absolutely he’s one of the quickest dudes I’ve ever seen though and be around just emulating his feet. I mean I learned a lot from him just because of the way his feet were and I was like, Oh my gosh, I could do that. You know. It was just unbelievable how fast he planted, you know down which is really good,
Justin Riley
really good. So yeah, that that transition from corn to safety and like, obviously, it panned out pretty well for You. Matter of fact, you know that you found two scenes as Alabama you led the conference in interceptions back to back years. So, so that’s pretty good. But I want to ask about that team. At what point did y’all realize, hey, we got a contender here. I mean, don’t be wrong, y’all guys have some dudes. You have some serious accounting players in Alabama history. But when was that moment you realized, I guess yourself and as a team that you’ll have something pretty special going
George Teague
on, actually. Oh, it was the year before. For our younger ones, believe it or not, you know, maybe we’re one all the way someone on a national championship. I’ll tell you what, when we got our butts handed to us, against down in Florida. I remember the year my junior year, it was embarrassing. It was not you know, we’d never ever pictured that ever happening to us and I know it weighed on me personally. As a player, I think you hit on a lot of us that were playing. That was really the moment where, okay, when this thing happened again, you know, this Alabama, this is personal. And I mean, I didn’t lose another game after that. for the, for the remainder, so I think that’s, you know, kind of when it started there but then once we got to the senior year, you know, we were just like you said, noted in our defense, we were so fast, so aggressive. I don’t know what it was. Maybe I can look up the stats afterwards, but I’m sure we won’t give it up more than less than 10 points a game. I mean, people were lucky if they were getting a touchdown.
Justin Riley
I mean, yeah, it had been like a complete fluke for that to happen. And you know, that.
George Teague
Go ahead. Not all the goals that we had were that I mean, we were upset man, that people. I mean, we have literally been in a fight in the locker room if you gave up a touchdown, you know, that was the deal. So when it happened it was like come on bro
Justin Riley
yeah speaking of that, man, you know as good as that defense was I mean it yo yo had an NFL ready defense I mean this this go ahead call what it is. But why aren’t people giving you all the time this people aren’t giving you all the props he deserved going into that national championship game, you know, even you know beforehand. This guy you might know the morrow Thomas was saying that this third ring is gonna be the icing on the cake. And of course, he took the icing from him. What was the mindset going in after hearing all that all that chatter leading up to that game?
George Teague
Well, let me answer your question when people didn’t give us this and it’s gonna sound so corny, but people will think about it is you know, it’s kind of that old saying that everybody likes to the rough guy, sometimes, you know, the loud flamboyant person or whatnot. That’s not who we were. So, you know, they thought we were solved. Can we play with so much class? I mean, that’s what we always talked about when we class. So we didn’t have to talk a lot of trash and we didn’t have to fight. We didn’t have to do all this other stuff on the field. So I think people thought, hey, here’s this nice kid getting ready to come in and fight this bully, and, you know, the hurricanes. So they expect us to walk out of there, like that, but we we beat them with kindness if I can put it that way. Because Yeah, there was a whole lot of trash talking. But they didn’t know down inside of us the dude, every single one of us competitors. You couldn’t tell like them that, you know, he couldn’t cover someone or you couldn’t tell Eric curry or Todd Copeland that, you know, hey, this guy’s gonna block you man. You crazy I mean, this went all the way around there. Go who’s gonna stop there? Go knock your head off. Yes, try to run Football up the middle of our defense, you know, it just wasn’t gonna happen. And if you thought that Tommy Johnson or Willa gas or whoever else didn’t have some fight, man, that’s all we did compete all the time. So one tidbit for you, I’ll give you the most people out here this will be locker room talk is we used to compete against each other in our weight room, or in the dorm or whenever literally wrestling. We had wrestling teams, we compete against each other. Mia was bevel we call ourselves x and smash. I like that. So demo, ciao. Yeah, we challenge anybody different wide receivers, linemen whatever, we’re gonna do tag team wrestling, and somebody was gonna get their bucket, and we’re gonna lose. And, you know, although we were fighting with each other, it built a bond that when we got ready to fight, give someone else now you don’t pick on
Justin Riley
a brother So is there any, any any film of that? That was lost? We mark and have reemerge, and they put together like a last dance type thing for y’all.
George Teague
Absolutely not. So,
Santiago Leon
George. So George, how would you compare the Alabama era back then compared to right now? What’s going on with Nick Saban? Is it would you say there’s a lot of similarities or what do you thoughts?
George Teague
No, I think there is even though the times are different. And the way you have to play the game is a little bit different. I think, why there’s similarities, similarities is because of who Nick Saban is, meaning is what I was saying to you earlier. He’s discipline, the strict, right is that oh, you know, military style, just put your finger on someone and say, This is what we’re going to do to be successful. And that’s what alabama football has been. I think when we got away from it, you know, although we might have had now Guys, nice coaches, they really lost a discipline in the players. And that’s not alabama football. So, you know, yes, we got a lot of talent. Yes, they can know how to recruit kids to get them there and all that stuff. But what I see is the hard nosed football that we don’t go out here just to play, you know, we’re trying to step on your throat. And when, you know what class of course, which
Santiago Leon
I want to piggyback on that. How was the whole recruiting process for you back then? I mean, here on the whole sports cast, we do talk about a whole lot about recruitment. How was your experience with that?
George Teague
Man, it was fun. It was fun, all those different because we didn’t have social media to go post every offer. We used to get the snail mail so the only thing I could post is I still have a very good visual of every letter that I got from every school. Sorry, every school that I got a letter from a painted up on my wall? Yep, I don’t even know what tax are or something like that, but you stack it up on my wall. So I had a bunch of letters from the schools, but you know, it was really fun to be wanted and pursued. And then just to be able to take the official visits and the trips, you know, it was really, really stressful. But it was good, especially when you get down to the end where you have to make a decision on where you’re going to go because that’s a huge decision, but I’ll tell you what sold me in the end. My last little piece was when Bill Carter came into my house when he sat there and he had me my mom or dad, my sister, my girlfriend, everybody was ready to run through the wall. It was like, Alright, you know, are you coming to Alabama? Yes. Yeah, where’s
Justin Riley
So shy
Santiago Leon
Now who was your close second? We can you say who your Who was your close second?
George Teague
Yeah, Georgia Tech, believe it or not? Because honestly guys, I want to go I thought I was gonna go to Auburn. Why? Because I thought it was Oh, yeah. engineering school there at that time they were you know they’re loyal to red slack are the guys who caused a lot of ruckus. They were pretty good. I didn’t like my trip when I went on a visit, scratched him off the list. That’s how Georgia Tech ended up on it. Engineering School, Atlanta, Atlanta. But then it just there are one and I can’t do that either. And then Bill Curry came in and said, what are we waiting on, you know, to do it like that.
Justin Riley
So you know we when you first got to the league, you know you seemingly to me at least exploded on to the same Matter of fact when the first memories of you had was in that first playoff game where you took that you picked up ball off and took it back 101 yards for a pick six, which I think is still record today. Is that right?
George Teague
Yes, a big one guy might have broken or came close. Yeah.
Justin Riley
How did you make the transition so easily? Just is it just because you know, Bama made y’all, you know, NFL ready or what was I guess what made it so easy, at least from a fan standpoint?
Unknown Speaker
Well, I’m gonna say so yes, Alabama has a lot to do with it just because of this game. We were playing and it changed from the first year that Alabama to the years that coach Oliver came in, okay, so I give him a lot of credit. And Coach Stallings Of course, but the reason why it was so Simple, I think, and I was fortunate, right? So yeah, defense, I played it, Jeff Davis, very similar to the defense that I played at Alabama, which is very similar to what I played at Green Bay. So the schemes are almost identical. I just had to relearn terminology every time. So it was easier for me to be able to say, Oh, you know, they call that we call that rock and roll, you know, and they call it, whatever, you know, blackout or something. So all I had to do was memorize from the old days that I could just go play football. I already do it, you know, where some guys were having to relearn a whole different scheme. So, yes, that’s a Bama Delta, being able to say, Hey, we’re playing high level, but I was very fortunate in high school that we’re learning high level stuff, which made it really easy. Once I got to the pros and jumping into the same system, I never had to change from format for two or three minutes or you know, I’m crazy fine, you know, db or 60 Db set, you know, consistently you know what I mean? So yeah, definitely. Yeah. So it was easy in that standpoint.
Justin Riley
So when do you feel like you really hit your stride I guess in the league where you just basically, you know, feel like you had arrived
George Teague
after I got to the Cowboys the second time, probably the second time, so that would probably be my fifth year. I mean, although I was playing while in Green Bay and I ended up getting traded with the Falcons got cut. Didn’t you know, Canada cowboys play well play with a bad attitude at that point, because I’ve been traded and cut, you know, then I went to the Miami basically and, you know, agreed to walk away. They came back to the cowboys and that’s not what I said, Okay, you know, we got to we got to stop doing this. And Came ultra focus on the football piece, you know, really changed my body and everything. And just the last four years I thought were phenomenal. Playing for the Dallas Cowboys
Santiago Leon
now playing for the Cowboys, you know, and us watching like the last dance of Michael Jordan, to the capitalists have that that championship, you know, feel to it when you were there like, Hey, no one could beat us, like the bulls did.
George Teague
Oh, absolutely. It was, you know, my first year coming in it just come off with three Super Bowl championships. Everybody was eager to get back on that was always just to talk in a weight room. How do we work in the locker room and everything else? How do you win? How do you win, you know, do a job. That’s, you know, we’re the best in the world. You know, we’re not talking about in the state or something of that nature. You know, we got to be the best. So it was just a mindset. We had to do it now. No, we haven’t been there. The Cowboys all time since then, but that’s the way the locker room was presented. That’s what the organization is about. That’s what jerry jones is about, you know, to say, Hey, we got to have these standards. And let’s get to the Super Bowl every year. So there it is.
Santiago Leon
We wrap it up soon. So Justin, two more questions and I have one question for him. So
Justin Riley
okay, well, of course I have to ask about it. I know you’ve answered this question many many times but it seems to me like historic moments are you go hand in hand you know of course Alabama. It was a strip of course was Dallas. It was defending the star America you’ve got two pennies of you maybe even a third it’s out there. You tell us a little bit about that. Defend the star moment and Is this something like now you went to can joke about?
George Teague
Well, first of all, I have been taught to throw loads. Does that answer that so no. is not Anything that we can joke about? Oh, wow.
Santiago Leon
Exclusive on this board.
George Teague
Okay. Yeah, we don’t communicate at all now I’ve tried to communicate with him beforehand, early on, you know, because it’s just, you know, isn’t it? It’s a game and we were playing Yeah, we’re he’s fun, all that kind of stuff, but we’re still we’re professionals. And I just wanted to, you know, really reach out and say, Hey, man, it’s no different than me and Lamar. You know, there’s the hatred that fire just kind of deal with and like me and Mr. Mauer cool. You watched on Twitter or whatever you see it. But not with Toronto was meant there. I don’t think we’re ever going to get there. So you know, and that’s because of the way it was in the game. I think. We were getting our butts kicked. He was handing it to us. He was having a tremendous day. There was a lot of trash talk, fellas, I mean, a lot of trash talk between he and I, even a team and everyone else and You know, when he went out to the store the first time everybody’s going like, really, you know, what is this all about? You know, just do so, you know, it answers back does his little deal and I knew that to was gonna score again. I mean, they were really beating us to we’re down on the goal line, it’s like throwing a ball, it’s gonna be a touchdown. And I was really just thinking, What is he gonna do? What is he gonna do? You know? So I’m watching him from afar. And then I see him just starting to go take off and it was like, Alright, enough is enough. You know? Yeah. immediately took off and got it. You know, I forgot there was not 1000 people in the stands and all that kind of stuff. I apologize. I was crazy there for a minute. certain things you can’t do man.
Justin Riley
Now I got with you. And
Santiago Leon
this is interesting stuff exclusive. Which player that you play together. Or maybe like the same team that was the greatest player you ever saw play? either with or against?
George Teague
Well, that ain’t fair.
Santiago Leon
It could be to.
George Teague
Yeah. So I’ve got Yeah, right. So I’m going to ask, I’m going to ask you a question. I’m going to give you a solo answer that I do for all your listeners to think about. Right. So when you say that people have played with Dan Marino, Reggie white, Deion Sanders, Emmitt Smith, Michael Irvin, was just a Troy Aikman already yet Sterling sharp. I mean, I can go on and on people I play with people I play the gifts. Barry Sanders, Randy Moss, Jerry Rice, Metcalf I mean shoot me with Tim Brown. So, I mean these are all Hall of Famer guys that either had to tackle or Terrelle Davis should keep adding them as a topic so when I say that but you know what our narrowed down for one for you to then say that I would take his best all time. And that would be Barry Sanders. Just because he that is the one guy that scared me to death that I have to tackle that is ridiculous. It just you have to get lucky to tackle him one on one. Or you have a whole lot of guys around it. So he gave me nightmares.
Santiago Leon
It’s been confirmed. It’s been confirmed.
Justin Riley
Great. Well, I can’t disagree there man. Even even if there were a ton of people around him that song Gaga still score out of there and take it yard. I just I’ve never seen anything like him. I don’t know if I’ve seen anything like it since. Yeah, I got it. He with that man
George Teague
if you didn’t think I mean when coaches say we need all 11 guys to the ball that’s what he meant because he took one guy off or some guy that only got him then all of a sudden he’s running out of there. Nah, bro. You might not have him so
Justin Riley
so who’s a better half step Are you or Dion Come on now
George Teague
better yes he he did it. He did it probably more often. I think mine was a little bit more sweet. It was supposed to headed in the left hand out while looking at the camera. I mean it was a piece of work, man. Is there all debt so I’m going with mine bro.
Justin Riley
Hey come on no argument here. Good job.
Santiago Leon
Well, this is a part of the show where we x random question I see that Justin could access as a random question. So about the cook off go ahead if you want
Justin Riley
I know I’m putting you on the spot man but because I’ve seen both you and your former teammate Mark McMillan going back and forth with these amazing dishes and grilling and whatnot on Twitter. I got asked if we have a final Cook Off showdown who’s gonna come out victorious. Oh, y’all can throw down man what’s on the menu again.
George Teague
So let me tell you where I win. I’m gonna win on the grill. We go out and we got to Cole’s barn and all that kind of stuff. I’m gonna I’m gonna toss some things up on him. He might not be ready for he’s doing good with his little steaks and all that kind of stuff. And I got those two. I think I can lay it down on the on the grill. Now I’ll be honest and say I don’t know if I can handle him in the kitchen on the stove, whatever they might do he likes to cook in there and do all that other kind of chef stuff like that. I can debate about expertise. And we out back you know, having a broom and Yeah, got some meat and veggies. I got him. I got it. I got my own sauce like him little green McMillan with that special sauce, whatever it is. Yes, but maybe it’s time. I can put it down on the grill.
Justin Riley
Well, if it does happen, promise me We’ll see. Let’s see this stream lives in some way because this is epic stuff.
Santiago Leon
But George, what we’ll go ahead, go ahead.
George Teague
I’ll say I get a chance to see him a lot, actually. So maybe we’ll try to work out something and do some fun. But
Santiago Leon
so what will be on your menu? What would you cook
George Teague
So who’s judging? Are you the judge or
Santiago Leon
Justin I guess we’ll just be the judge well
George Teague
I gotta have parameters because I don’t know if you’re looking at the way look the way it tastes you know? You know cuz I I would do something different you know I wouldn’t put some more than a lobster back on the grill man. I gotta put the lobster on there because it most people don’t really know and you really have my corns I want to see all the meat. So the way I cook my corn, I will tell you the season that I put on my corner put it in there Oh my gosh. My family about it bite their fingers over there like me. What is this? Oh, that’s a season on there. But you know, everybody cooked their ribs different. I cook my ribs like Alabama ribs did not St Louis.
Justin Riley
There’s only one way to cook ribs you write Alabama. And
Santiago Leon
by the way, Memorial Day weekend is this weekend perfect time for a cook off.
Santiago Leon
Sports cast challenge.
George Teague
Yeah, so I mean, we can do some, we’ll put around a game. Maybe I’ll come down here that will do.
Justin Riley
Absolutely. And he might I need a team now since you have me denounce my allegiance to my other team so i mean you know, on Twitter
George Teague
Okay, how we gonna work this angle right here? I will leave I didn’t say that the Cowboys were the best for this one. You know, say something about Steelers or the Ravens or you know, one of those guys I played against bam bam Moore’s. Oh geez.
Justin Riley
That’s a big dude.
George Teague
Different topic I talked about him and you know, bennis, so football man that was that was running football.
Justin Riley
I was a grown man football back then. Wait. Yes.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, brother. Anyways, that as part of the show where I have some closing words. Let’s begin with Justin and then we’ll go to George and then I’ll finish off.
Justin Riley
All right, yeah, man. Again, I can’t thank you enough for coming on today and talking with those knuckleheads, man. Like I said before, and I said to you many times, you’re the main reason I became an Alabama fan. And this is really an honor to get to talk to a guy that you looked up to growing up, and just amazing career and you know, every time I see any of your historic moments, I still get chills. And you know, something I’m going to always carry with me but it’s just been amazing to talk to you and get to know you even more. definitely looking forward to that grill off if we ever do put it together
Santiago Leon
this week.
Santiago Leon
George and any closing words for you any any words you can say out there for aspiring high schoolers that want to be in your position? playing professional or playing college one day?
George Teague
No, yeah, absolutely. And I was gonna say, you know, that I’ve been blessed and fortunate enough to, to be around some really good people, some really good coaches. I’ve had to deal with adversity, and things of that nature. And nowadays, you know, these young and they think that things they’ve always had to be perfect. And that’s not what life is really all about. You know, we have to overcome things all the time. So you know, whatever people may be going through, know that you can rely on your parents or your coaches or your church or whatever it is. And don’t ever give up on your dreams because you don’t know What’s gonna happen just like I didn’t know if I was gonna be playing soccer, just being an engineer, or whatever. It was one conversation that I had with my mother to change the outcome of my life today. And that was just taking great advice of someone who cared. And you know, that led me to being who I am talking to you guys today. So thank you guys, you know, for taking an interest in me and interacting with me. I love talking to people. I love alabama football. I love the Dallas Cowboys. I’m a big fan too. I get crazy at the games. I like to keep it real. I like to have fun. So I just hope everyone will. You know, come join me. Whenever you can follow me on Twitter and Instagram at Teague football at peak football. That’d be great.
Santiago Leon
Very inspiring. And that one like the most inspiring photos I know that you’ve done a lot of great moments but is the one that you were carrying. The American flag after the whole event of back in September 11 is 2011. Um, oh one. And that was a very, very inspiring moment and I really appreciate you coming on to the sports cast. Justin, take us off.
Justin Riley
Had a great time again, just looking forward to some football season. If you need anyone needs to get in touch with us. You can find me on Twitter at Justin Riley seven. And they don’t Instagram at Justin Raleigh underscore seven or follow us on the sports cast at the sports cast one I’m doing a lot of live tweeting on there as well. So if you need me, you can find me and if it’s something that is going on about alabama football, you better believe I’m gonna be talking about it. And so it was George T. And there you have it and you can follow us at the sports cast dotnet the sports cast dotnet or on Twitter at the sports cast one and of course we follow anything with college. Football, professional football, some NBA some soccer and of course, George is one of our followers. We follow George and, George, we really appreciate you having you on and hopefully you’ll come back again.
George Teague
Absolutely, man. I appreciate it. Thank you guys very much.
Justin Riley
See you welcome Roll Tide
Transcribed by https://otter.ai