The NCAA placed a one-year postseason ban on the Oklahoma State University’s men’s basketball program.
In this episode we have a special guest Chris Becker from O’Colly, the official independent news publication for the students, by the students of Oklahoma State University since 1895. Welcome to the Sports Cast
The ban is due to the former OSU men’s basketball associate head coach violating NCAA ethical conduct rules by accepting bribes between $18,150 and $22,000 from two separate financial advisers, according to the NCAA. These bribes were used to influence student athletes.
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Three OSU football players test positive for coronavirus
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It’s #NationalDonutDay , who makes the best donuts?
Krispy Kreme- 59.1 %, Dunkin Donuts- 18.2%, Duck Donuts- 13.6%, Tim Horton’s- 9.1%
Chris Becker: Krispy Kreme
Santiago Leon
Sports cast June 5 2020 Episode 212 if you haven’t yet please subscribe on all our channels YouTube, Periscope and iTunes. And if you’re on iTunes, please leave a rating and review it will help us out tremendously. And of course, visit us on the sports cast dotnet the sports cast dotnet This episode is brought to you by instant Bible app you can get the insert Bible app on the iOS App Store. The NC double A placed a one year postseason ban on the Oklahoma State University’s men’s basketball team. And today we have a special guest, Chris from o Cali the official Independent News publication for our students by the students of Oklahoma State University since 1895. Chris, welcome to the sports cast.
Chris Becker
Nice to be here.
Santiago Leon
So Chris, tell us a little. Yeah, sorry. Go ahead. Okay, thanks for having no problem anytime, Chris, tell us a little bit about yourself.
Chris Becker
Yeah, so I’m the writer here at do colleagues, the local state and students labor Media Group. I’m gonna I’m currently the digital digital editor. And so, you know, I write about all kinds of things. I host a sports and so I’m I’m really busy right now.
Santiago Leon
I actually run a few other websites, and one of them is an independent student for this other college. How many independent publications are there for Oklahoma State?
Chris Becker
You know, I believe, I believe we’re the only few. We we are. Like, we’re, we’re a student newspaper. So if you’re a sports media major or any major on campus, you can come right for us as long as you’re a student here.
Santiago Leon
Okay. So no, no independent outsiders
Chris Becker
correct it’s almost like students who want to write and get their get their stories out there.
Santiago Leon
And you’ve been with Oh Kali for how long
Chris Becker
I’ve been with a volley for a little less than a year. I started back in September of last last year.
Santiago Leon
I love the name. It’s really simple. I’m like a one word name for like company names or also for newspapers, but I love it.
Chris Becker
Yeah, we, we changed it a bit when we changed it. But it changed from the daily oak oak Legion, so we just shortened it to do Cali. Oh, big difference.
Santiago Leon
Big difference. Anyways, a lot going on with Oklahoma State. The ban NCAA placed a one year postseason ban on the Oklahoma State University’s men’s basketball program. The ban is due to the former OSU men’s basketball associate head coach violating NCAA ethical conduct rules by accepting bribes between 18 grand to 22 grand from two sides Financial Advisors. According to NCAA, these Bryant’s were used to influence student athletes. Chris, tell me about this story.
Chris Becker
Yeah, so it happened back in 20 1617 season, Lamont Evans. He was an associate head coach under Brad Underwood, who has since gone to Illinois, and he, he accepted bribes, or she found out about a $300 bribe that was paid to a player. The player then sat out for the number of games, and OSU self reported the incident to the NCAA. And Mr. Evans was fired three days after the University found out so most you did everything by themselves. self reported it did everything by the book. And, of course, the FBI broke out in Amman Evans was a forefront was the forefront of that he was one of only four coaches arrested and charged in the case. What only to the to serve actual prison time So, you know, she’s been kind of the forefront of this entire time. Even though he did this behind, everyone’s back. No one knew about it besides Him until the University found out and inspired him. So, you know, it’s, it’s odd. It took three years to, for this to come back.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, something to definitely look into, um, how long has this been circulating around, like the whole school about, about the NCAA doing like this band? Like, how long have you been hearing like these rumors, or was this a huge surprise?
Chris Becker
Yeah, so, um, we’ve, Oh, she was notified of the allegations. I think back a couple months ago, so we everyone knew the allegations were there and other the case going on, but we didn’t know when we’re gonna find out anything until I found out this morning. I thought it this morning that the NCAA was supposed to You know, release their judgment or whatever. And then I was actually on a conference call with Mike Boyle in my quarter earlier, the athletic director and head coach of the coma state earlier today, and they also found out this morning, they found out around the same time everyone else did. So no one, the NCAA, you know, everyone knows they kind of they kind of, they kind of operate in the dark a lot. So no one really knew we all knew there was gonna come a point, but I don’t think anyone expected today and I don’t think I don’t think anyone expected it to be this severe there.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. And also today, that always you will, will, will appeal to the NCAA after this whole thing. What are the chances for that to be reversed?
Chris Becker
So on the conference calls, they had an attorney with Chuck Schumer, he’s, he actually worked on the NCAA, forcing the staff in the infractions committee. for 17 years before starting his own little program to help NCAA University universities in the predicament that she was in. He also helped LSU back if you guys remember the Sports Illustrated scandal that happened a few years, a while back. But he said, like, you know, he, they’ve been doing research all day. Of course, they found out about it around 11 o’clock this morning. So they’ve only had just a few hours to kind of prepare stuff. But um, they’ve been looking back at other cases and they they think is pretty they they want these to these allegations to be lowered to level two infractions. So, you know, I don’t know what our chances are. That’s up to the NCAA. You know, I don’t the NCAA doesn’t usually you know, do the right thing. So to see.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, which I’ve been reading on Twitter and reading like the whole chatter that apparently NC double a you know, some people are having a negative view towards this. them have certain decisions, what they’ve done in the past. Why is that? Is that something they just have a bad rap? Or they just, you know, they just don’t handle things as well as they should be.
Chris Becker
Yeah, I think he’s a little bit of everything. I don’t mean, I don’t think they I think they’ve given the bad rap to themselves, I don’t think. I don’t think they have that. I don’t think people misunderstand them. I think they’ve done everything to themselves. And in my opinion, this is going to shoot them in the foot because I do think OSHA at one level one allegation against them. And we got a one year penalty, a $10,000 fine of what we have to pay them a percentage of our basketball revenue for the upcoming season. We lose three scholarships for three years, over over the course of three years. And then a whole other recruits that we can’t hold on to other recruiting phone calls and official visits and stuff offers one allegation or one violation, Kansas five number one violations against them. So I think this this question was really really severe. And I think it was setting the tone. I think I think the whole goal set a tone. I don’t know how I don’t think this is going to be able to hold up in a court of law, because it’s just ridiculous. Oh, Lamont Evans says three months in prison for the bribery stuff. And oh, she owes you have to face consequences for three years. That just seems a little excessive.
Santiago Leon
What have you heard? Yeah, sorry. Go ahead.
Chris Becker
Is that the NCAA? I mean, to the whole NCAA thing, though, I mean, LSU in the NCAA have never had a great reputation with each other. You know, dating back to Dez Bryant Sports Illustrated back in the 1990s their stuff you know, it Oh, shoot in the NCAA. I’ve never really gotten along. So it’s been it’s been a long road, so I’m not really surprised that we’re in another war with them.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, long history with them now. You think how they handled things in football, and basketball Do you think they handled things will be different or is the same pattern
Chris Becker
I mean, I think it’s it. They show a lot of the Same patterns. You know, the Blue Bloods aren’t going to get as harsh as punishment. That’s US law schools. You know, obviously Ohio State basketball is not a blue blood school like they used to be when Hank Ivo was here, Eddie Sutton Of course. So, you know, they’re not going to give up blue blood school punishment, because that’s the absolute revenue maker. So I’m I’d be surprised to see. I’m looking forward to seeing what they’re going to do with Kansas, Arizona, and these other schools that were involved in this FBI investigation.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. Which I saw on Twitter. A lot of chatter with Kansas specially Is there something Pacific with Kansas? Do you think they will also get that penalty?
Chris Becker
Yeah, I mean, they have they have around the same time Oh, she received their notice a few months ago that we had allegations against us. Kansas received Kansas and Bill Self himself received allegation 5111 violations. So they’re still waiting their punishment out too. But they we Oh, she was given one violation. Kansas has five other ones. Which is the highest level of four. So you know, I I look forward to seeing what they’re gonna do with them because if this was if those you got this for one can we run off to Kansas and a basketball postseason tournament for you know, a decade
Santiago Leon
and keep in mind guys Kansas is a big team in college basketball, they’re like Alabama, you know, when it comes to college basketball now give us a little bit background of always see basketball. Are they like the top 20 like every year top 10 I mean a little bit more background with this basketball organization. owes you owes you basketball.
Chris Becker
that’s a that’s a struggle bus for the last few years. So, so we were good. You know, Hank, I vote really, really did a lot for the game of basketball. Then Then came along then he retired and coaches and Eddie Sutton came along right after I left and Eddie Sutton really, you know, Hall famer he changed the program for an Oklahoma State and put it on the map to Final Four teams, you know, just killing it and then he retired and then you know, we it’s been up and down coaches ever since his sons coming. Coming gone is that we had that we have Travis Ford. He’s since left and is at St. Louis now but he kind of got a bad rap here. He he got paid a big contract and didn’t really live up to it. Well in a horrible coach, great recruiter, just you know, didn’t really get us over the edge. And then everything seemed to be going right when, you know, we hired Brad Underwood from Stephen F. Austin. You’ll see when he came, he had, you know, just one made that I think a sweet 16 year on the lumberjacks and he came up and everything was looking right for the cowboys and then he left for one year which you know, the now’s a year that you know this all these allegations took place. He left to go to Illinois quite abruptly. And then we hired Mike Boynton and ever since then it’s been kind of every every year it’s gotten a little a little better. But yeah this next year seemed to be the one that’s going to get us over the hump you know top five recruiting class number one overall player in the class come here. Number one player in the US and Canada. Everything we’re looking at right now, you know these, this postseason ban could really hurt could really hurt this recruiting class.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, my boys and junior got elevated this past year so Wow, we’ll see what happens with OSU obviously the big 12 basketball conference is going to get a little bit more steamy cuz looks like Chris is saying Kansas might get in trouble and some other teams. So we’ll definitely really be eyeing on that as the biggest news in college basketball since they canceled back in March. Let’s look at OSU football. three players tested positive for Coronavirus, Oklahoma State senior associate athletic director Kevin, Clint Werth tweeted Wednesday that over 150 staff administration and student athletes have been tested three student athlete tests is that result in asymptomatic positives? Chris, tell us a little bit about the story.
Chris Becker
Yeah, so players started coming back June 1. And we’re almost prepared to begin practice June 15, I believe, which is when the big 12 said they will be getting voluntary workouts. So you know, these, we had the first wave of players come through that included like seniors and upperclassmen and coaching staff and some other admin that have weren’t already here. All players and coaches, staff, everyone they all got tested prior to being allowed into the facility and then three player of course those three players tested positive so we know that one of the players was star linebacker amen og bug Domingo. He came here He tweeted about it that he had tested positive. The other two players have not come forward and we I have not heard who they are. So that could be a big, it could be that they’re keeping it on the record as a big player or it’s a couple, a couple, you know, lesser known guys, so they’re not coming forward yet. So we’ll see freshmen. There, we saw a couple other waves of students to come in. But the good thing is, they had a plan in place and a taskforce in place. And work was prepared for positive tests. When they started playing, bringing players back they knew is inevitable that with a number of people tested that they were testing that they’re going to get all the tests they had, they had a plan in place to accommodate for those positives.
Santiago Leon
So only one player came out they tested positive, like was that his decision to do that or was the university that who was the one that was able to announce that
Chris Becker
He actually tweeted it before the Clint worth tweeted it. Okay. He he tweeted it, it almost started a few hours before point where he said anything so he said that he wanted people to know like that it could happen like to anybody anywhere and like you don’t have to know it just wanted to kind of bring awareness to like wearing masks and stuff.
Santiago Leon
Now, if the school does not I mean, frown upon that if he tweeted that out, right, or they don’t or
Chris Becker
I mean, I don’t I mean, I don’t think they would he just, I mean, it was bound to come out eventually so he tweeted out I don’t think any punishments gonna bring brought against them.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, cuz Alabama had a few players I think about like three to five players that test positive Coronavirus, but they have not released those names for some reason. Obviously, you know, a lot of these players are, you know, kind of big names in the recruitment circles. So, they might be very recognizable. So what so what is the process A couple of these players like to they had to be quarantined for two weeks or what’s the protocol?
Chris Becker
Yeah, so OSHA’s plan was that they do. They do have to be quarantined, and they will be retested and I think it should be, I think it is, I believe it is to a full two weeks. So they tested positive sometime last week. So I think sometime sometime next week could be when they retest and then oh issues. guidelines also say that from here on out, as long as they’re on campus, any player coaches staff could be tested again, for the antibodies, another Coronavirus test, or any other tests that is mandated by the NCAA, big 12 or any medical professionals that are supervising the team will not be going sorry. Yeah, we’ll have to see what happens to the courting period is two weeks so so it’ll be it’ll be interesting to see if any of the other players or coaches as positive
Santiago Leon
as you can prepare with the Testing kids, whatever you heard about the season coming up for football, is it something that you think they’ll resume on time? What have you heard? Are they gonna play within the conference? What have you heard so far?
Chris Becker
Yeah. As of right now, I think the big, I mean, the big 12 hasn’t really made any decision. But as of right now, it seems I mean, right now, it seems like they’re planning on playing the full schedule.
Santiago Leon
And when is spring practice begin?
Chris Becker
June 15. is when it’s when it was scheduled to begin. But I’ve heard that players are being they’re not quite starting to second wave players coming back yet. So we’ll have to see well keep an eye on that.
Santiago Leon
How’s the campus? Is it like all full or is it like, I mean, are they gonna let students back in like the fall
Chris Becker
or like what have you heard? So we heard actually, yesterday, we students heard that, Oh, she was coming back in person to begin the fall semester. And then we’re going online at Thanksgiving break.
Santiago Leon
Quite interesting. The whole scheduling with college football because NCAA president, they say if there’s no students on campus, They cannot be sports. Do you agree with that? Right?
Chris Becker
I mean, I think as long as the schools in session that I they should be allowed to play. I mean, because I mean, we’re still in school. And if they’re here, it’s actually I don’t really think it’s safer. It’s only seems out to knock a door on campus, because they say no one on campus and only those two methods are there. There’s no one besides them, that could, you know, in fact them so I almost think it’s safer if there there was no one on campus for them.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, it’s it’s quite interesting because a lot of these sports programs have hard the driving force for the school’s finances in a way or I mean, at least like the sports wise, at least, but it’s quite interesting. Tell us a little bit about the football team. I know at the big 12 they came to finish off mid table. How is the football program so far? I mean,
Chris Becker
there’s a lot of there’s a lot of chatter about this upcoming season for the football team. It would be the most important thing to happen if this football season got canceled, we were such as for me on paper we could they could have a really good team. We they have to they were turning Cuba Hubbard, Tyler Wallace and Spencer Sanders. They were turning a pretty solid online and then returning 11 of 12 starters on defense. So yeah, it looks pretty good on paper for them. wants to see though it. It could be a good year for us to say it could be the best year since 2011. And roster wise. It’s the most talented roster since 2011. that’s a
Santiago Leon
that’s a very good sign. And so Oklahoma State is normally a basketball school, right?
Chris Becker
I mean, it’s if you really want the answer. We’re normally a wrestling and Golf School. And that’s great if you really if you want to. If you want the truth, wrestling, golf is where it’s out here.
Santiago Leon
That’s not bad. And Mike Gundy football coach, what are your thoughts about him
Chris Becker
Um, let’s see. I mean, it depends. I, as a coach, he is pretty solid. He knows a lot about the game. He knows football. I mean, some decisions he makes, you know, I, I don’t know, as with most coaches, you’re never going to agree with 100% of the decisions he makes. You know, he’s a walker. See, I mean, he hasn’t been gifted the talent that a lot of the coaches have, could get in your state school, Ohio State, and it’s not a good town. Still water, not a big town. So you know, we’ll see he’s got a this is a perfect year for him. I mean, he’s got all the talent hate that he’s got the best team he’s ever had. So, I mean, yeah, I don’t. I don’t really want to dive too deep into
Santiago Leon
I understand. I understand. Yeah. And how’s like the recruitment of what sounds like your recruitment for football has improved a lot.
Chris Becker
Yeah, I mean Gunny got this thing or you know he he’ll never get the the top guy in the class. He’ll he won’t get a lot of five star recruits here. But he gets these young guys these lesser known people and he developed a Gatling gun is one of the best developers in college football and 80 to 100 Yeah, Robert does not alone at all. from Canada, he you know, he didn’t have very many different offers. And he here he is now the best, you know, debatably the best college football running back and you know, one of the top upcoming draft.
Santiago Leon
The last time OSU won the big 12 was in 2011. Mike Gundy has been coaching since oh five looks like a very young guy still. So coach he feels like he started yesterday. But yeah, Oklahoma State and they’re good and football and basketball but they’re better in golf and wrestling. So if you guys are interested in watching their their theatrics that’s quite interesting but there you have it OSU made news today in college basketball is my been probably probably like the bigger news in the NBA coming back so we’ll see what happens Chris Any closing words
Chris Becker
mean if I had to pick any closing words to be watched real closely in all sports next year, it’s gonna be good. It’s gonna be a lot next
Santiago Leon
poll question of the day is National donut day Chris who makes the best donuts Krispy Kreme Doughnuts Tim Hortons or of course
Santiago Leon
Chris Becker
good Don’t go. I’m gonna have to deal with Krispy Kreme on that one. You know, I’m a Krispy Kreme is definitely a donut shop in Oklahoma. You know, Dunkin donut. I’m a big Dunkin guy, but we don’t have any of those in Oklahoma here. So I’m gonna have to go straight. cream on that one
Santiago Leon
Krispy Kreme is one in 59% A Dunkin Donuts at 18% Doug donuts at 13% and Tim Hortons and 9% so that’s not bad Of course Chris Perkins is very popular Doug donuts I think they’re more in like the southeast. Tim Hortons is more towards Canada so you probably haven’t seen one of those here. Yeah, so Krispy Kreme is the safest bet Of course, Dunkin Donuts is weird because they’ve been around for like 4050 years but they’re not everywhere. They’re only like on the east coast and West Coast but anything in like the Midwest are kind of rare. So yeah, it’s quite a
Chris Becker
definitely Krispy Kreme but Dunkin
Santiago Leon
Yeah, Krispy Kreme you got to do fresh though you got to go Wait, like like they’re hot and ready. That is like it’s like oh, yeah, white crack. You know? It’s like melts in your mouth. It’s just done it. Chris, what is the best way to reach you online?
Chris Becker
First keker bris underscore keker three ones. Next.
Santiago Leon
And of course you can search on Oh, Kali, the best publication out of OSU. If you want to hear the latest Chris Becker, he is the digital director of Oh, Kali, is that what it is?
Chris Becker
digital editor, yes,
Santiago Leon
digital editor. So he’s definitely on top of things. He’s gonna work throughout this weekend. So we’ll definitely get the whole OSU story started. And of course, you can reach us at the sports cast dotnet the sports cast on that. Or on twitter at the sports cast one. This weekend is Bundesliga and I believe there’s a NASCAR. There’s NASCAR, and I think there might be some golf this weekend. I got double check, but definitely go to our site, the sports cast dotnet and check out our special of artists Gilmore, before Michael Jordan, there was artist Gilmore, a Chicago Bulls legend. Well, Chris Becker, I really appreciate it. She comes to the sports cast and hope you come again.
Chris Becker
Thank you for having me.
Transcribed by
Santiago Leon is the Founder and CEO of the Sports Cast. He covers NFL, NBA, and world soccer. He’s also founder of sleon productions, which he specializes in technology and serves clients with solutions to make their business grow.