This is the Super Bowl LV 2021 Preview show, where we will preview the game between the Kansas Chiefs vs the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.
Santiago Leon – @sleon
Victor Arocho – @varocho
Joe Toscano – @joeybagovdonuts
Nick Rosetti – @The_Rossetti
KC vs TB
Vic: TB 31 KC 28
Joe: KC 38 TB 31
Nick: KC 41 TB 28
Justin: KC 38 TB 31
Santiago Leon 0:16
The sports cast February 3 2021. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe on all our channels YouTube Periscope and Apple podcasts. And if and if you’re an apple podcast, please leave a rating and review it will help us out tremendously. We’re also on online digital radio you can listen to us live on the sports cast app or if you go on to the website, the sports cast dotnet you can see all the news and the latest and greatest. Today is college football. Signing some players some leftovers. Anyways, join us we got a big show today. Today’s a Super Bowl preview show. We do it usually every year we got a big, big show today. We’ve done big shows for college football, but this time the Super Bowl, the big boys, the real. The real pro league we got Justin Riley, Nick Rosetta, Joe Toscano, and the one and only Victor a roadshow. Welcome to the sports cast.
Justin Riley 1:10
Hey, hey, what’s going on? it’s about that time man. So promote this guy
Santiago Leon 1:15
know. Welcome to the big show.
Unknown Speaker 1:18
Thanks for having me. It’s great.
Santiago Leon 1:20
Nick Rosati. He did a big show a couple of weeks ago How you doing?
Nick Rossetti 1:24
Is it not bittersweet that we’re at the end of the football season fellas? Like I’m excited obviously for Sunday but a little sad that it after Sunday. It’s I don’t really know what I’m going to do with myself after that.
Justin Riley 1:37
Well, my saving grace is done the FCS start pretty soon and then that’s football and then about a month or so spring training starts for college and hopefully in a day for us Nick. But we got we got a little song song but for you Alabama fans,
Santiago Leon 1:55
your your basketball team is ranked like the top 10 so you got something to watch. In February March.
Justin Riley 2:04
Right man we don’t we don’t know what to do.
Nick Rossetti 2:07
I don’t know what to do with my hands Florida.
Victor Arocho 2:10
A lot of states coming up there. Whoa.
Santiago Leon 2:14
Victor Arocho 2:17
national champions last year.
Justin Riley 2:20
The oh so y’all y’all claiming the title like UCF playing the football title couple years back? I believe they gave it to us. Or they gave it to y’all. I didn’t know that. Okay.
Santiago Leon 2:31
By the way.
Victor Arocho 2:32
I had two first round draft picks in the NBA Hey man, how hard you know how hard that isn’t basketball that five guys to get drafted in the first round.
Justin Riley 2:47
Right didn’t Robert Ori and Charles free world building in the first round.
Same year in Alabama, maybe just Florida State there.
Santiago Leon 2:59
Anyways, I’m for steak got a big Signing Day. Right, Nick? They put the pick up a four star Did they
Nick Rossetti 3:08
say yes Yes. Yes. Yes. Um, I don’t know his name. Exactly. His position but yeah, yeah, they they look I mean, Mike Norvell like I always really liked that hire. You know, I liked what he did it Memphis and obviously they had some like COVID affected a lot of different programs differently. It affected them in a really negative way. A lot of people remember them dodging that Clemson game but yeah, they I think that’s a solid hire and they got some transfers to using the transfer portal as well. So that could be a program to watch out for here in the next couple years. If you know Mike doorbell can really steer the ship the right way.
Santiago Leon 3:43
Mike Novell doing some special things in FSU, but this is the NFL Super Bowl previous show.
Super Bowl.
2021 lV, Kansas City Chiefs versus the Tampa Bay Buccaneers. Some are calling it the old the current goat versus the future goat. Let’s go for a quick synopsis over this game where your thoughts Joe? Joe Toscano. We’ll start with you. We think about this matchup
Joe Toscano 4:13
is gonna be very interesting. Very, possibly very close. Both of these teams are just at the top of their game. The Chiefs look unstoppable, but the Bucs look really good too. So I think it’s a very interesting matchup. I’m not sure how it’s gonna go. But I am very intrigued. I think I think it’s going to be a close game.
Santiago Leon 4:41
Victor roadshow tell us the parody of this game. What what are the storylines Are you going to look for in this matchup
Victor Arocho 4:50
the storylines I’m going to look for in this matchup, woof. There’s going to be just too many of them but let’s go with the first one. The first storyline is is going to be Kansas City’s offensive line. Right? How are they’re in trouble like they think their backup center now is in COVID protocol going against that defensive line for Tampa. So that’s number one. The second storyline on that it’s to dovetail is how is that going to affect mahomes. And when I say that it could affect homes, both good and bad, he scares me anytime he starts running towards the, the the line of scrimmage.
Santiago Leon 5:37
Justin Riley, you watched the AFC Championship game really closely when the Chiefs played the bills? Tell us what are their weaknesses for this game?
Justin Riley 5:48
Be honest with the office? Well, they don’t really I don’t see any weaknesses. That’s about the most put together offenses you can possibly get. The chemistry is just absolutely amazing. And it’s not just one guy. It’s not just two guys, is it’s everybody coming together as one, man just they’re they’re constantly in sync. And they’re just they’re doing what they do. And Bob buffalo didn’t have an answer. This definitely defensively they couldn’t do anything to stop them. So the question at the offensive line is really going to determine how well this offense responds against a great defensive front like Victor just mentioned. And that is a front we just mentioned is really caught fire at the right time. I mean, they made life A absolute living hell for Green Bay and Aaron Rodgers, more specifically,
Santiago Leon 6:36
Nick Rosati will stick with the Chiefs as Victor was saying, you know, their old line Do you think they have some issues there?
Nick Rossetti 6:46
Yeah, absolutely. Um, you know, I think with the the they now have a starter and a backup that’s going to be missing this game as Victor mentioned. And, and it kind of ties into my theme of how this game might go. And in my mind, this is very similar to the 2008 Super Bowl, which was the Patriots versus the giants. And if you remember back to that game, the real difference maker in that game was the Giants front seven. Guys like Justin tuck and Michael Strahan made Brady’s life a living nightmare. And I think that a key to this game, if the Bucs are going to have any chance of success is to follow that same formula. And what better way than to have you know multiple starters on on mahomes his offensive line missing now mahomes is obviously an athlete like we’ve never seen before, in my opinion, and that may, you know lead towards scramble plays, which he really does better than anyone in the league, even if they try to get after him. So it’ll be really intriguing. But I think that one of the keys to success in this game for Tampa Bay specifically is going to be able to use their their dominant front seven and get after and rush the passer and kind of see how that plays out real quick. jp
Victor Arocho 8:00
was on the Giants team when they beat right
Nick Rossetti 8:04
JP Oh, yeah, he
Victor Arocho 8:06
was not confused. He has experience going after goats.
Nick Rossetti 8:12
Yes, the same goat.
Santiago Leon 8:15
Joe this time? He’s
Victor Arocho 8:16
not going after that goat. All right, right. He’s on the same team.
Nick Rossetti 8:20
Santiago Leon 8:20
Joe, would you like to piggyback on what Nick said?
Joe Toscano 8:26
I think the I think both teams are going to try to be aggressive offensively and defensively. I mean, once it gets really fun as they played in week 12. So they kind of know each other, which I think is going to be very interesting. And in that game, we learned a lot. Like maybe you should cover tyreke Hill and not let him get, you know, almost 1000 yards in one game. So you know, they’re gonna learn a lot from that game, they’re gonna learn a lot from each other. These are kind of different teams from week 12. So it’s gonna be very interesting how they adjust, but you know, whatever game plans you have, like if the if the Bucs decide to try to run the keep the Chiefs offense off the field, that’s not gonna help much when you’re down, you know? 1015 points. So it’s gonna be very interesting to see how this all plays out.
Santiago Leon 9:21
Justin Riley in week 12 the Bucs I believe uses zone defense against tyreke Hill Do you think they’ll find a solution to stop this rapid player?
Justin Riley 9:33
This be honest, there’s really not a solution to him. It’s more so of just fail to limit him to what he can do. The fact is he’s gonna get his regardless. He thinks Oh, yeah, I mean, it’s just gonna happen if you sit there and try to base your defense around stopping him. I think you’re gonna make a mistake, just because you just gotta kind of limit what he’s able to do.
Santiago Leon 9:55
Nick can the buck stop Tyree kill? No. Why?
Nick Rossetti 10:00
I mean in my opinion he’s the best offensive player on any team on on any team in the league and and in particularly in this game. I think even if you double him that’s going to just you can’t double him because if you do guys like Travis Kelsey you know guys like Williams on the outside and just you can’t do it so I think that you kind of do what Justin’s point said. Let it like keep him in front of you. Don’t let them get behind you. But if you’re going to give them the 10 yard slant routes for first downs, as long as behind you, that’s that’s what I that’s how I would that’s what I how I would if I’m I’m trying to think of the Bucs defensive coordinators name but if I were in that’s how I would try to defend the bulls, Victor Rochelle.
Santiago Leon 10:46
You’re not in your head. Talk to me.
Victor Arocho 10:49
Look, two things. The books lost by three points. Right was 2724 Yes. 2724 correct. They weren’t fully rostered yet. Right. Their defense was in playing like they are tyreke Hill I agree with Justin. great players are going to get theirs I just think he’s not going to get his like he would normally get because because of the offensive line for Kansas City and the defensive line for the Bucs. It’s not going to be enough time for him to get downfield as much I think Kelsey scare is going to scare me more than he’ll he’ll still gonna get his I mean, he’s dangerous on that quick first down. He’s really hard to cover. But don’t forget the Bucs also got their own speedster. I mean, he may be a white guy, but he ran a four three,
Santiago Leon 11:39
Gotti Miller.
Victor Arocho 11:41
So all I’m saying is that Tyree kills, kill teams downfield, deep mahomes is not going to have that time. The only thing he’s gonna have though when he gets time is if I still say he drops back farther than any other quarterback. So he could run towards the line of scrimmage. And when he’s running towards the line of scrimmage is when he’s the scariest.
Unknown Speaker 12:04
Santiago Leon 12:04
I see you waving at me. You. You got something to say about that. Wait, what you gotta say
Joe Toscano 12:10
that game that they played? Yeah, it was close to 2724. But for most of that game, the Chiefs were killing them. The Buccaneers camp for two touchdowns in the fourth quarter to make it close. But for the most of that game, it was it was destruction. So I don’t know, I don’t know how this is gonna go. I know they’ll make adjustments but from that first matchup, it wasn’t as close as it looked.
Victor Arocho 12:37
Yeah, but wait a second. They also gave a 10 point lead to the bills. Right. So that team is up and down. That was fluky. I’m just saying to you know, Kansas, I flew Kansas City. Give up Don’t give up points early and then coming back. That’s gonna be really tough against bucks. They can’t get behind the bucks. There’s all I think they can not get behind on the box.
Unknown Speaker 13:01
Santiago Leon 13:03
Why did the bills go ahead 10 nil against
Justin Riley 13:06
it. Just Just make him just capitalize it off of mistakes. It wasn’t like they did anything that just, you know, wild. Kansas City is just they just they they got the ball back off a turnover they scored. And you know that that’s it. There wasn’t anything magical about it. I mean, if you get the ball that deep or in the redzone you’re supposed to score, but they really blow the doors off of the Chiefs defense.
Victor Arocho 13:33
Well, there wasn’t one I returned an interception for a touchdown.
Unknown Speaker 13:37
No, it was just
Victor Arocho 13:40
gone was a defensive score. Right. And then there was a kill goal now now take that off the scoreboard. I mean, you know those things happen in the game but you know, it’s not gonna happen all the time.
Santiago Leon 13:52
Nick Rosetti you’ve done Justin
Justin Riley 13:55
Well, I was going to add that point oh, you’re talking about my home’s not may not be able to get in by down the field. Well, the thing is, I kind of got pointing out the fact that he’s just as dangerous with the underneath rose, Hardiman or Hill.
Victor Arocho 14:10
I mean, those guys are dangerous wherever you place him in the field. So if you take away the deep ball, they’re still going to kill you down low. So you really can’t say that he can’t go downfield is going to hurt him. No, no, what I said is that Tyree kill still gonna get his but he’s not gonna get his in such massive yards deep. Okay, and then one and number two, what I said is that mahomes when he if he gets downfield is because he’s so great at running to the line of scrimmage with his head always looking downfield and he could run so he’s either gonna run or he’s gonna throw. He’s dangerous when he’s, he’s his most dangerous running towards the line of scrimmage. Does anyone disagree with that or agree with that?
Unknown Speaker 14:52
Oh, I totally agree with that.
Santiago Leon 14:53
I think we all agree with that. Yes, dangerous everywhere. Does danger. Okay. Travis, Kelsey, Nick Rosetta. You break it down. These players really well tell us about this guy. I mean can the buck stop him? Or can they just at least slow him down 10%
Nick Rossetti 15:08
what is the best tight end in the league for me um he’s the best tight end this league seen in a really long time most athletic tight end I think I’ve seen in quite a long time um, shifty can get past guys you know, you can’t put a linebacker on him because he’s too fast. And you can’t put a safety or or money guy as we would call them on him because he’s too big. So he’s, you know, his his talent is is is exponential in terms of how Eric been been enemies schemes him as well schemes him open a lot. And I think that plays into a lot of this, this how Kansas City’s offense runs so efficiently. But, you know, to this the theme of this conversation. I wonder what they like stopping someone completely? Absolutely not. But limiting him limiting, you know, this this Kansas City offense? I think they can, but in my mind, it really comes down to how do you want to defend them, right. And there’s really two options in my mind. Number one is you drop eight, and let keep everything in front of you. And let Kansas City march up and down the field from the 20 to the 20. But when you get into the red zone, that’s when you lock down, or you can be super aggressive play one on one on the outside and put seven in the box and try to get after mahomes I wouldn’t personally do that. I think that’s a terrible idea. But you know, if you particularly to your Travis Kelsey question if that’s something that the Tampa Bay Bucs tried to do, then I think he’s gonna have his typical nine to 12 catches over 100 yards and probably two TDs in this game,
Santiago Leon 16:42
right. Joseph Scott? Oh, Travis Kelsey, is he a factor that the book should worry about or or put their focus more on hill?
Joe Toscano 16:52
That’s the thing. You stop Kelsey, you have to deal with Hill. You have to stop Hill you have to deal with Kelsey. You try to stop both of them. You might have to deal with Sammy Watkins or Miko Harmon or Clyde Edwards Hilaire. So you lose either way. No, it’s that phrase, you can’t stop them, you can only hope to contain them. And that’s all you can hope to. Is that hope that that you you give up only you know, 10 to tyreke Hill instead of instead of 90. You know, you only give up a little bit to Travis Kelsey. But I mean, it’s it’s almost an unstoppable attack. It’s almost the only way I think the Bucs can hope to win is if they keep them off the field with a good running attack.
Santiago Leon 17:34
Seems like we know who Joe’s gonna pick for this game. I’m Justin Riley. Let’s talk to the bug. I mean, switch to the bucks. They got weapons to the guy. AB the guy Mike Evans the guy for net? How I mean how I’ll help you. Okay, got gronk rock,
Victor Arocho 17:56
they got a break. Scott Miller hate. They got Scotty Miller. They got Godwin. I mean, they’re stacked. I mean, and we’re talking about all this who were going to stop and so forth with with with friggin Kansas City and so forth. You got a depleted offensive line. You guys act like these guys had they were doing this all year without an offensive line. That doesn’t happen. But this does not happen. Okay, this doesn’t happen. They’re not going to end they’re not going to play their defenses awesome. They’re not going to play to stop one player. They’re going to play the way they’ve been playing. And they got great edge rushers. So you don’t want to talk about weapons and with my man Antonio brown coming back, Tony if he if he I am telling you right now, first of all, I’m picking the chief so there’s no I mean, the bucks.
Santiago Leon 18:46
I’m picking up everyone heard the show last week. Yeah,
Victor Arocho 18:49
number number one number two is shooting in Tony Antonio Browns scores, t d. d is Oh, that was the second he scores deep TD just enjoy the commercials.
Unknown Speaker 19:06
Santiago Leon 19:06
back on that. You’re pretty unbiased towards the Bucks usually tell us about this team? Is the team capable. I mean, they’re loaded with stars a little older, you know, then the Chiefs but we think about this offensive weapons that Tom Brady’s doing and, and doing like the deep throws?
Justin Riley 19:23
Well, first of all, like you like you said, No team here is lacking star power. There’s no question about that. A B Yeah, I think a B is gonna be a little bit motivated because I don’t get a little extra bonus there if he scores a touchdown. So Victor brought this up in the show last night. So I think he’ll be motivated to play out there and be motivated to play just because it’s a Super Bowl. But what kind of effect is he gonna have? I don’t know. I’m not really looking to a B to be the guy who takes over the game. You know, I look. I’m looking I’m looking at my cabin. That’s not what I’m saying.
Unknown Speaker 19:53
No, I’m saying
Victor Arocho 19:56
you’re saying their street on their street going towards the Superbowl. He scored a touchdown in every one of those games except for the one he was out. And that was it. So he is not that he’s going to be the guys. If he gets that throw, that means they’re worried. You got to worry about him deep. That’s a problem. You got to worry about trying to kill. You gotta worry about Tyree kill deep, right?
Santiago Leon 20:18
Yeah, that’s right.
Justin Riley 20:19
And I’m not saying you know, totally disregard what he can contribute or disagree. disagree with your point. He’s just not gonna be the focal point for me. I’m still bitter about his, uh, what he did to the Steelers anyway, so I don’t care much for that. Yeah, but but Mike Evans is my central God right now. And I really do want to see what they do in the run game I want for net to take over and just wear him down. Can they do that? That I’m a guy who believes in the ground and pound offense and wearing people down? And you know, and that’s how you keep a high flying offense, like the Chiefs off the field. So Will they be able to have that kind of success against Kansas City? So I’m looking at the running backs. And I’m looking at it Mike Evans, you know, in grant needs to get his tool every now and then. But I will say this, I don’t think the chemistry between Brady and the books is as strong as my homes and his plethora of receivers.
Santiago Leon 21:13
Good point. I want to go with Nick. That’s just
Justin Riley 21:15
my thought.
Santiago Leon 21:17
Your thoughts are respected here. Nick. Obviously, Tom Brady is important player but besides Tom Brady, Nick, which player has to carry it a little bit more?
Nick Rossetti 21:28
Well, in my opinion, I want to look at a guy like Levante, David linebacker on the defensive side of things. I think he’s one of the most athletic linebackers in the league, guys a tackling machine. And in order to keep the Chiefs out of the end zone and keep them in front of you, which is how I think they should gameplan this, this scheme here on Sunday, then I would say that lamonte David’s going to have to be you know, running up and making a lot of tackles one on one and you can’t really miss many against a lot of shifty guys on that offense. So in my opinion, my my guy to watch out for on the defensive side of things would be Levante, David, Victor, one point I did want to mention to you specifically and and really bring it up to the rest of this panel. Let’s I just want to talk about the last five games that Tampa has played the last five games who they faced in the last five games, so three playoff games in the last two regular season games. Let’s go through it. The Lions?
Unknown Speaker 22:28
the Falcons
Nick Rossetti 22:31
the Washington football team, Taylor Hi, Nikki started that game. A saints team with a man with multiple broken ribs and a collapsed lung. And Aaron Rodgers and nobody else that’s the last five games they’ve played. When have they seen an offense? Say like Kansas City in the last five or six weeks? They haven’t? They have. So in my opinion, you know, you can you can gameplan all you want, but when it comes game time on Sunday, it’s been a while since they’ve seen a team like this. Now to your point, you could say well, they’re practicing against a very high octane offense, which I which makes sense but in my opinion, it’s been a while and and going back to Joe’s point, the game that they played early this year, it was 17 nothing in the first half. Like the Chiefs took their foot off the gas clearly but they that game could have got ugly fast. Now, it just in my opinion. I think that’s gonna Okay, 1717 three, number one and number two,
Victor Arocho 23:34
they never take their foot off the gas. Don’t ever say that a no NFL team is gonna ever take your foot off the gas.
Unknown Speaker 23:42
Oh, well, I
Nick Rossetti 23:43
just in my opinion, they can score at will. The bots have not seen an offense like this in weeks.
Santiago Leon 23:50
Good luck. niggly good makes a point victory wants anything else before we head to Joe.
Victor Arocho 23:59
You know, he makes a good point on the teams they play. But you can always since I played sports and everyone that I’ve ever heard play stores, I can’t pick who I’m playing against. I’m just gonna play who I got to play against. And they played well. You know, there were the turnovers. They played well their defense has been on fire regardless of who they played. They are on fire he went and and Brady went through a way
good Hall of Famers. I mean, you may you could say what you want but but Brees rock them kill them in the in the regularly what before he broke his ribs? Right. He shouldn’t have played his this fall the point? Good point. He shouldn’t have played he hurt his team that
Nick Rossetti 24:45
right? Yeah. I mean, I don’t know what the result would have been if you went with taysom hill or Jason Hill was out. Yeah. Yeah, right, right, right.
Santiago Leon 24:54
Justin Riley’s favorite player.
Justin Riley 24:56
We know the result of jamis would have been playing
Unknown Speaker 25:00
town right, Justin? It’s right here. The
Justin Riley 25:01
town’s finest right there. All right,
Santiago Leon 25:05
Nick, anything else before we, uh,
Unknown Speaker 25:07
well, Joe, go ahead,
Santiago Leon 25:09
Joe, go for it.
Joe Toscano 25:10
First of all, Levante David is, uh, he, I don’t know if COVID no hamstring. Oh, no. Yeah. Yes, yes. Wow, that that’s huge. Also might still have that that knee issue and I was gonna say one more time for Victor.
Santiago Leon 25:34
What? The player that was injured. I missed it David Davis. Okay, David, go ahead.
Joe Toscano 25:42
Antonio brown also was might still have a knee problem that was gonna be my X Factor. We’re talking about you mentioned what he did to the Steelers, we’re talking about one of the best wide receivers of this generation. And he’s had all his problems. But when you have a team when you know, we were talking about how how loaded the chiefs are, but you’re right, you have a team with Godwin, who’s a beast Evans, who’s awesome. Scott Miller, who’s good, but Antonio Brown is your fourth wide receiver, and he’s one of the best ever. That’s it. That’s amazing. And we’re not even talking about Jones or for NATS or gronk. Or don’t forget, Karen breaks him and Brady’s
Santiago Leon 26:23
good too, right?
Joe Toscano 26:25
I mean, yeah, the Bucs are loaded to it. But yeah, I mean, when you haven’t Antonio brown as your third or fourth or fifth option, that is just a great option to have.
Santiago Leon 26:40
So you’re saying Antonio Brown is your x factor, or whatever?
Joe Toscano 26:44
He could be? he could, he can, he can have a huge game. Remember, we’re talking one of the best players to ever play one of the best wide receivers ever. Remember what he did before he went crazy?
Santiago Leon 26:55
Yeah. Justin Riley, can you concur that if Antonio Brown is 100% healthy, which he could play this Sunday? Could he have become an X Factor?
Justin Riley 27:06
Well, absolutely. I mean, I can basically sit here and repeat everything Joe just said. I mean, he’s arguably arguably the best, one of the one of the best to ever do it. And if you got a guy like that at 100%, yeah, this guy can go off at any point during the game, and just just set the world ablaze. So yeah, he can be an X Factor. But you know, we just have to wait and see, you know, what kind of health level we’re looking at.
Victor Arocho 27:33
I think otoniel Brown, The X Factor he’s gonna play is that one or two big plays? He’s not going to be you know what I mean? The X Factor is that downfield? That’s what I’m saying? In the games, he played against the lousy teams and Nick mentioned, right, he scored a touchdown, and every single one D. He didn’t have a lot of passes received. He didn’t have he didn’t have you know, 15 catches he didn’t know he had four or five for like 80 yards.
Santiago Leon 28:02
Before we we move to Nick Joe, who is your x factor right now?
Joe Toscano 28:08
My X Factor what for the box for the box? Yeah,
Santiago Leon 28:10
we know the Chiefs Hill probably. But for the Bucks Who is your x factor currently?
Joe Toscano 28:18
I mean, I would say the main option is Godwin. But like I said, like I said Antonio brown can be that home home run hitter. Don’t be surprised if Jones has a big game either. You know, if the if the Bucs are able to get ahead and stay ahead, and they could work that running game and keep the Chiefs off the field. That could be the whole game right there. Before
Santiago Leon 28:46
Justin Riley quarterbacks Brady versus mahomes um, what are your thoughts about that you think, you know Brady has the more like, like the most confidence? Or do you think mahomes has as much confidence as Brady does?
Justin Riley 29:00
I mean, I don’t think either one of these guys would be here if they didn’t have the confidence for it. I mean, these guys are. One is labeled the goat. I mean, he’s been there. He’s done that he knows what takes to he knows it takes to win. So he’s going to have the confidence and you have the next guy who’s been anointed as the goat in training. So yeah, he has they both have the conference. So you go ahead, throw that question out. It’s gonna be the the matchup to watch the most. I want to pose a question you guys because Stephen A Smith talked about this earlier this week. He he contends that if Ashley mahomes does not beat Brady that that count completely throws his nine out of the hat for being the next goat. What do y’all think about that? Me personally? I think it’s a bunch of both. I don’t think that his legacy is dependent upon what happens in this game.
Santiago Leon 29:48
Victor has an answer for that. I bet.
Victor Arocho 29:51
Yeah, I disagree with that. The only thing that affects him is is it he didn’t get the chance to beat the best that there was. That’s it. A kid is going to be incredible Brady loss to Eli twice. Right? And I’m a giant fan. I’m happy but I mean, you don’t see like twice. And mahomes is a lot better quarterback than Eli. Right? He and he lost Nick foles. I mean, come on. Nick foles is not even here. He will make the Hall of Fame. He’s gonna have a statue filler for Philly. So I disagree. I just think it’s a, it’s a nice to have to be able to say, right. But you know, he also could argue that that team was built to win the Super Bowl, whether mahomes was in the league or not. I mean, that team stack. You heard what Joe said? I mean, just stack. So I don’t think it’s gonna hurt him. I think that he’s gonna be great. He’s a special special player. Nick,
Santiago Leon 30:45
and the answer on what Justin reference on Steven Naismith.
Nick Rossetti 30:49
Yeah, and and i i 100% agree with what Victor pointed out. But just to play devil’s advocate, and to make an interesting of it, guys, it’s really, really hard to win in this league. Drew Brees is going to retire with one Super Bowl win one. Now, I’m not saying that Pat mahomes is not going to make it back here. And he’s not gonna, you know, play on some really great teams. But all I’m saying is that we don’t know what the future holds. You know, if you told me 10 years ago that Drew Brees would only win one Super Bowl and his whole career, I would have said, That’s crazy. That’s nuts. To me, particularly with the types of teams he’s played with in New Orleans. All I’m saying is that we don’t know what the future holds. In particular, you know, when mahomes is but once that rookie deal is over, and he starts making that big money, it’s going to be hard to keep all of these pieces here on this team, particularly on the offensive side of things. So, you know, we don’t know what this team is going to look like, next year, the year after, and and, you know, I, I understand how much of a great talent that mahomes is. But I just think that if you get here you need to win. Not saying that it affects his legacy. Like I, in my opinion, mahomes could retire on Monday, and he’s a Hall of Famer. But if you get there, you need to win. And so in my opinion, I think that this is his chance to do that. And like I said, you never know if you’re gonna get back you really don’t. So if you make it You better win, then look at a guy like Cam Newton. That’s the last I’ll set out go.
Santiago Leon 32:23
Joe, any any, any thoughts over this?
Joe Toscano 32:27
If mahomes wins, and if the Chiefs win? That’s two in a row. We’re looking at another dynasty. Yeah, that’s a little scary. They become the team to beat they become like the Patriots the evil empire. And if Brady loses, nobody’s doubting that Brady is the greatest but if Brady loses, he kind of becomes a brand of football. Yeah, you’ve been to the championship a whole bunch of times but he also lost a whole bunch of times you’ll tie them I believe targeting for the most Super Bowl losses so nobody’s doubting that Brady’s you know what his standing in the in the in football all time, but another loss doesn’t look so good.
Santiago Leon 33:10
Victor Roach Oh, I saw your face look beautiful when? When you’re hearing Joe’s answer Tell me about Brady’s legacy. In this game, a
Victor Arocho 33:19
dog moves on the other side. Um Brady has the least amount to lose. And I think if anything, he’s going to be back there again next year. number one number two. His his 10th Super Bowl is 10th Super Bowl they ranked there was a there’s no the top five quarterbacks that went into Hall of Fame entered the Hall of Fame at the age of Brady right now. And it’s a five year waiting period. So I don’t think it’s gonna affect Brady one way or the other, especially against mahomes I think I don’t think it’s gonna affect mahomes legacy. But let’s get back to that side. Let’s not forget Andy Reid’s been to the NFC Championship several times with with now forgot his name Matt McNabb me so it reads a great coach and be enemy should be a head coach somewhere else. So in the fact that they’re not going to be back. I don’t care who’s on their team. He’s going to keep building that team. And that city believes that Kansas City got great fans so to Tampa Bay by the way, a Kansas City’s got really really great fans. And a shout out to my buddy Pelham McDaniels, who passed away last year played seven years for the Kansas City Chiefs. He was able to see the Chiefs win their Super Bowl, he was only 52 and you know, it’s a Black History Month and and he’s African American. And if you get a chance to look up Pelham McDaniels a third and see the things he’s achieved in his life in 52 years. You know, he’s a guy I looked up to, I just wanted a shout out to him today. He’s achieved. And I’m sure he’s looking down upon it. But again, just remember who we’re talking about Andy Reid would make nap. And McNab I loved, I thought was great even though I’m a giant fan, but mahomes is above all those guys. So a lot of there’s a lot of mixture that’s happening with this. And next year the salary cap is going down. Oh, really?
Santiago Leon 35:19
Interesting. Guys. One
Nick Rossetti 35:21
one point I wanted to make. Victor, you brought up fans. I don’t know if you guys saw this report. But so you guys know the game is being played in Raymond James Stadium in Tampa Bay. It’s technically supposed to be a neutral field game. So they are not letting Tampa Bay shoot off the cannons have their pirate ship that they have that
Unknown Speaker 35:38
Oh, man.
Santiago Leon 35:39
I figured
Nick Rossetti 35:40
when they have camo, white, so I thought that was an interesting, interesting take that the NFL made?
Victor Arocho 35:47
I think they should. I think that’s I think that’s natural. That’s I think that’s fair. I think they should do that.
Santiago Leon 35:54
Right. Justin Riley put the put the cherry on top of this. Brady versus mahomes.
Justin Riley 36:01
The cherry on top is the fact we actually get to see this. I mean, this is this is amazing. Made for TV. If you’re a sports fan, this is your dream. And Jordan versus bird. You know, it doesn’t get much better than that. And you can only hope that it just they just light the field up on both sides and that they just have an epic encounter. So, man, the cherry on top. Yeah, it’s just the fact you know, we get to witness this as sports fans. I
Victor Arocho 36:28
mean, how cool is that? Very cool. Real quick. I want to add to that. What Nick was saying. I also feel I was were blessed to witness Brady versus Brees. Brady versus Aaron Rodgers. Yeah. Whatever the outcome was, right. We just saw some great, like talent regardless of how I don’t know how we’re gonna seal all that again. You know, and then you got the up and coming young guns. Josh Allen’s gonna be a young Baker May
Santiago Leon 37:02
I mean, Matt Jones is coming up.
Victor Arocho 37:05
It’s right, for Jalen hertz has got to get so so blessed regardless of the outcome, think about it and every one of those games no matter what happened with it, the game is whatever quarterback has the ball in their hands last. I think that’s the team is gonna win. Miguel’s very beautiful. Joe, you
Justin Riley 37:27
pretty excited about Matt Jones coming to Pittsburgh?
Joe Toscano 37:29
by God. I was just gonna say please, please. Whatever. Whatever God you believe in, please know Matt Jones the Pittsburgh I do that dad bod.
Justin Riley 37:41
Oh, come on, man.
Unknown Speaker 37:43
Please, please.
Unknown Speaker 37:45
Unknown Speaker 37:50
You deserve Justin. Let him
Santiago Leon 37:56
Victor Arocho 37:58
Ben’s gonna make next year. their money. 40 bills gonna kill their cap, man. They got
Unknown Speaker 38:04
48 million. They’re gonna fix that.
Santiago Leon 38:08
You’re gonna fix that? Yeah.
Victor Arocho 38:11
He’s like, get my check. Now. So security check for exactly.
Unknown Speaker 38:15
Ben is an extremely old 38.
Santiago Leon 38:19
An extremely young 43 big difference in health. Anyways, get a peloton. Big Ben. Before we get into predictions, Nick, read us out the spread for the Super Bowl game this weekend.
Nick Rossetti 38:31
Yeah, absolutely. And before I even read the spread, guys, I want to talk about one last thing. And I’ve talked about this kind of a lot. But just think about this. Shout out to the NFL man, honestly, like everybody loves to dog on Roger Goodell. But think about this season, think about the external circumstances and all this stuff we’ve dealt with, you know, going back to march and missing otas and the training camp and the testing and, and the fans and all this different stuff. We they didn’t miss a single game. They played every single game supposed to, they played every single playoff game on schedule, and we’re having a Super Bowl on schedule when it’s supposed to be played. So big, big shout out to you know, the medical staff have every team and all the different personnel that that made this happen for us fans. But yeah, to the to the spread. So right now, the chiefs are minus three. So they’re favored by three buccaneers, obviously plus three on the money line, you’re looking at chiefs minus 170. I’ve seen that fluctuate quite a bit with bucks plus 145. And the over under total is 56. Which if I were a betting man, which I am. I feel like that’s the easiest money in America. So if you guys are looking to make some money on that.
Victor Arocho 39:45
Good luck. So what do you think of the over the under, over? Oh, yeah. Okay, way over. I don’t know about way over. But I know I agree.
Nick Rossetti 39:53
I agree. I don’t
Victor Arocho 39:54
know if it’s gonna be way over but I think it’s gonna be
Unknown Speaker 39:57
all it has to be is one over so it’s gotta be 50 Seven
Unknown Speaker 40:00
we will get right
Santiago Leon 40:02
is the standout here Nick and Vic. I love it. Okay, so this has has interdictions. We’ll start with Justin, you could give a nice good 62nd and then your finals. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 40:11
this show already.
Victor Arocho 40:14
I mean, we’re ready to go. This is super bowl. I thought I came on I got dressed dressed up, I got dressed.
Unknown Speaker 40:25
You got to go to bed. That’s what it is. You gotta go to bed. You gotta put your Snuggies on right. Yeah, Alabama Snuggies. Oh
Santiago Leon 40:33
don’t go that far.
Unknown Speaker 40:39
You’re the producer Mandy. We’re ready to go.
Santiago Leon 40:43
I’m more of a boxer and shirt guy. Anyways, Justin knows your final prediction. Final score 60 seconds.
Justin Riley 40:53
First of all, shout out to victory. Jumping on tonight looking like primetime. All it needs is that gold chain man. He’s there. Now this is gonna be a game of the ages. I think it’s gonna be a back and forth. That’s what we’re hoping for. It’s gonna be epic. You know, my biggest question is is the Kansas City gonna be able to handle that defensive front with the problems that we talked about earlier? Even if they do have a hard time I think NFC still comes out on top. And my prediction is going to be can see 38 Tampa Bay 31
Santiago Leon 41:28
Joe Toscano tell us your final prediction for the Super Bowl Lv.
Joe Toscano 41:34
Last year in the Super Bowl was chiefs against 40. Niners 40 Niners an excellent defense. They shut down the Chiefs for most of that game, but then the Chiefs turned it on in the end, the Chiefs were out people that could happen again. Even if the Bucs have a lead. The Chiefs can just turn it on. Look what happened in the game against the bills, they just decided to turn it on. So I think the chiefs are unstoppable whether they have a lead or not. If they have a lead, if they get to a lead like they did in the regular season game, then the Bucs are going to have to come from behind. And Brady has the ability to do that with that team. So either way, whether one team gets a lead, I think it’s going to be a high scoring game. I want to say yeah, 3831 I’ll say chiefs, but it will not surprise me bucks when
Santiago Leon 42:28
that same score is Justin Nick Rosetta away from Austin, Texas. What’s your final prediction? And guys, I
Nick Rossetti 42:35
think it’s gonna come down to the offensive line and defensive line play I know we’ve been harping on that this entire conversation. But I ye be warned Tampa Bay Buccaneers. If you stack the line with your with your typical base defense and go one on one on the outside, this is going to get ugly fast. So in my opinion, drop eight, let them go 20 to 20 and see if you can stop them you know from the redzone on that would be my opinion. I don’t think that’s gonna happen. I think Todd Bowles is too aggressive. I think they’re gonna try to play one on one on the outside all night it’s not gonna go well. And in my opinion, I think it I think I think both teams kind of play each other out I could see you know, a low scoring first quarter and then things start to really open up I’m going to go 4128 chiefs
Santiago Leon 43:27
4128 chiefs, Olympic chiefs who is
Victor Arocho 43:32
close right now the data spread will not cover 1000 Let’s go We’re live we’re live Hey is not gonna have they’re not gonna score 41 points on the bugs defense it’s
Unknown Speaker 43:48
Victor Arocho 43:48
he’s got a bad show got no defense he got no offensive line. I mean, he’s got a problem so just I think it adjust to what the third string offense align against that defensive line their defensive secondary has how many picks in the last several games you can pick what you want that defense is on fire is on fire.
Nick Rossetti 44:14
Right so I’m just going off of a if you go down the position at
Unknown Speaker 44:18
one point I don’t think he gave up 41 points. The thing is it’s a lot
Unknown Speaker 44:22
every day Mark
Unknown Speaker 44:23
every single one
Victor Arocho 44:25
well, you pick him in but you to get chiefs right? Jumping cheese I don’t pick the cheese cheese. Hey, are you picking the cheese through their sleepy
Santiago Leon 44:36
Nick is I’m gonna wait till after you know
Victor Arocho 44:41
there’s no confusion I’m picking Tampa. I’m picking Tampa I don’t know. I just I think that they’re they’re too banged up. If this was a full Fred’s keys Kansas City team that came back with for that, you know, that made me exciting and so forth. I’m with you. I just think they got problems and he He’s injured. He’s got a toe. He’s got a rib that’s a little bit injured compared to me. But I say I’m gonna shoot man because I gotta go over 56 backup
Unknown Speaker 45:11
Victor Arocho 45:12
That’s a lot a lot more points. I know I was gonna say plenty 24 bucks, but let’s go a third. They go 3031 28 How’s that? Give me over? Yeah, good Nick. Oh, she gets him over well, cuz I don’t think he’s now that Think about it. Yeah, 3128 I just don’t do Don’t put it up. Everybody’s gonna put up all those kind of points. 3128 I mean, you guys said they turned it off and they still only score 27 points. It actually the only scored 21 points. After it’s only scored 21 points last time against them and the defense wasn’t rolling.
Santiago Leon 45:56
Do you want
Joe Toscano 45:57
to bet how much you want to bet cheap so I’m gonna say chiefs report a 41. How much you want to bet
Victor Arocho 46:02
1500 bucks.
Unknown Speaker 46:05
500 bucks. Bro.
Santiago Leon 46:09
Makes Big Bucks man man.
Unknown Speaker 46:15
My man. Scannell is
Unknown Speaker 46:30
gonna score 40
Joe Toscano 46:33
I’m saying that keeps you’re gonna score 41 Okay, take the money where my mouth is but not frickin five.
Unknown Speaker 46:43
Jazz Justin, I only go north. To 750 I go to 1000 they will not put up 41 points.
Victor Arocho 46:53
Well, what was the last high end? What was was the last Super Bowl scores. I mean, that was that high? I think it was there for Cisco when they beat the dolphins.
Nick Rossetti 47:06
When was the last time we had this good of offenses though.
Joe Toscano 47:09
It is true. Last year,
Santiago Leon 47:11
last year, it was pretty nice. This
Unknown Speaker 47:12
goes off
Unknown Speaker 47:17
Santiago Leon 47:21
when the 40 Niners defeated the Chargers 49 to 26.
Victor Arocho 47:25
Okay, that’s that’s it. And then what’s the next 118
Santiago Leon 47:31
second highest was 2018 eagles. What do you want to 33
Joe Toscano 47:36
Eagles 2133. I like that score. chiefs 4133.
Unknown Speaker 47:43
Double Put it this new
Nick Rossetti 47:46
30 points in the Falcons. Like goalies
Unknown Speaker 47:51
score 40.
Victor Arocho 47:52
Every everything every scheme is different guys. When you play defense, it’s a different ballgame. And when you’re
Justin Riley 48:00
playing it’s mahomes in his career,
Victor Arocho 48:02
when you’re salivating against the fact that I’m gonna get through this line a hell of a lot faster than I normally do. That, you know, as a defensive as a as a defensive back. That’s what you want. But you’re not going to score dumping it off quicker. The offenses that dump it off quicker which Brady’s used to. It’s really the West Coast offense which is really a run game but throwing the ball. That’s what that is. Okay, it’s a short pass five yards short pass. 10 yards. Sherpa, if you’re doing that you’re not putting up 41 points. You got to go deep. And they will it’ll eventually open up and he’ll you think you’re gonna score 41 points. I do you do?
Santiago Leon 48:41
I guess it is a lot of point. Yeah,
Victor Arocho 48:42
but that confident. Okay, let’s go you do you to knit?
Unknown Speaker 48:46
Unknown Speaker 48:47
I mean, between the 50 you get on to bet
Santiago Leon 48:52
against against Victor.
Victor Arocho 48:54
Go. Go volunteer bugs. They are not gonna score 41
Santiago Leon 48:59
divided by $366 guys.
Victor Arocho 49:02
This is no better than that. No, no, no, no, no, no. You guys. You guys put up 200 to my 500 so if i when i get six, if you when I pay off 500 you guys split it you do the hell you want. But it’s three you get one and let’s just send the other ones get in this.
Santiago Leon 49:27
But I am just a moderator. I
Unknown Speaker 49:29
get the box anyway. Yeah.
Joe Toscano 49:35
That’s it.
Santiago Leon 49:35
Alright guys. Victor picks the bucks. Everyone else picks the chiefs. I picked the Bucks 38 to 21 bucks. Let’s not start debating here. All right, so we’ll see.
Victor Arocho 49:50
What Whoa, that’s a loser score. Yeah. beaten him by 17. That’s a lot
Santiago Leon 50:00
I know the future
Justin Riley 50:02
anyways, a little bit of home cooking there, buddy. Tampa, Miami
Victor Arocho 50:09
we got a random question guys you got you got it. You got so many advantages on the book side is you know they’re playing at home they’re gonna be able to, you know just gonna have 6000
Joe Toscano 50:18
fans 25 Oh, a lot of home game
Justin Riley 50:24
soda cheese with Gehrig Dieter right Nick?
Unknown Speaker 50:26
Hey yeah
Victor Arocho 50:29
exactly what did she sweat
Justin Riley 50:32
the chief due to their secret weapon Gehrig Dieter. Yeah, wide receiver from Alabama.
Victor Arocho 50:37
Oh I just squat I know you said Derek Jeter
Justin Riley 50:43
he’s moved up to the active roster now Is
Nick Rossetti 50:44
he on the active roster now?
Victor Arocho 50:46
You don’t have to. Do you thought he said Jerry Derek Jeter also. Yeah, I thought so. Derek Jeter lent his house Brady. Yeah,
Santiago Leon 50:55
yeah. Anyways, before we go, guys, what is your favorite Super Bowl snack? We’ll start with Joe Toscano pizza. Justin Riley.
Justin Riley 51:07
I gotta go wings, man.
Santiago Leon 51:09
Nick Rosati.
Nick Rossetti 51:11
I’m going buffalo dip but I want to ask you guys another question when we’re done with this Yeah.
Santiago Leon 51:16
Justin What? Now wings but what’s us?
Justin Riley 51:20
buffalo sauce, man. Hi. Okay. You may be more specific if you’re down here in the south bum Howard and Tuscaloosa that’s where I get them shameless plug.
Santiago Leon 51:29
Victor wrote your favorite Super Bowl snack.
Victor Arocho 51:33
knackered just gonna go saw sausage and peppers. sandwich with sauce with gravy. You should know that. Nick, and I make my own gravy.
Nick Rossetti 51:48
My question is and if you guys want to make some money on it, you can you can do it online is what color will the Gatorade be that they pour on the wind? Right? I’m gonna go red.
Unknown Speaker 52:01
I’m gonna go orange.
Santiago Leon 52:02
Right there.
Victor Arocho 52:06
Yeah, I would probably say red because they’re both red teams.
Santiago Leon 52:10
Well, yeah,
Unknown Speaker 52:11
last year it was orange last year.
Nick Rossetti 52:14
I think right now but so the betting odd favorite right now is
Unknown Speaker 52:20
Santiago Leon 52:20
yellow. The original. The original. Yeah, interesting. Okay, drinks. Tonight. Super Bowl 6:30pm. Eastern. Justin Riley, what is the best way to reach you online and tell us about your famous show on Tuesdays. Famous show that
Justin Riley 52:35
everybody’s been a part of almost. You can reach me all on twitter at Justin rally seven. I’m on Instagram at Justin Riley underscore seven. Santiago mentioned check me out on Tuesday nights at 7pm Eastern, the Raleigh constant brown and Smith show where we’re actually trying to come up with a new name. So that’s just a working title right now. Basically, if you’re not familiar with what we do basically we’re a bunch of Alabama guys get together talk outbound football. And we also have former Alabama legends slash NFL legends Come on weekly. Sometimes one or two sometimes the whole dang team so it’s always exciting. Or 90% nonsense. 10% actual sports. So if you’re looking for something a little different, you know, feel free to jump on and see what we got. If you want to feel a little extra. Come on and give us a call like Victor Raja does from time to time, but it’s always a good time.
Santiago Leon 53:28
Joe Toscano what’s the best way to reach you? And I heard you house I have a podcast as well.
Joe Toscano 53:33
I have a podcast is called the donut bag. I talked about a bunch of stuff. I’m Joe bag of doughnuts v seven F on Twitter. I basically live on there. And occasionally Santiago, like, decides to put me on Monday afternoon sometime. And you know, you know you know Call me at the last second or whatever. But you know. Time
Justin Riley 53:56
I Get used to that lunchtime bra show you always put Oh man.
Joe Toscano 54:00
I love being on now. Okay.
Santiago Leon 54:05
Do you know NBA? Okay, I
Joe Toscano 54:07
don’t know NBA. There
Santiago Leon 54:08
you go. I mean, I
Justin Riley 54:10
felt draft we could talk NFL Draft. Joe. There you go.
Joe Toscano 54:14
NFL Draft. I’d love to bring on
Santiago Leon 54:19
Victor show cricket. Nick, what’s the best way to reach you online?
Nick Rossetti 54:26
Oh, yeah, you can find me on Twitter at the underscore Rosati, RL SS e TTI. You can find me on Instagram as well. At the underscore rosseti 77 and talking Bama basketball and football, signing day recruiting pretty much anything you guys want to as long as it’s within a certain parameter. So
Santiago Leon 54:46
that’s good. Yeah. Victor rojo tell us the best way to reach you and also your famous show on Thursday nights. Someone asks me if Byron Jones plays the NFL.
Unknown Speaker 54:56
Yeah, he played Yes, he did.
Santiago Leon 54:58
I should have said yes. Okay. Go ahead,
Victor Arocho 55:00
Minnesota Vikings and he played while Pete Carroll was a sippy. Carol’s a great guy. By the way, for the last game, by the way, for halftime, it was 22. Seven not to three, the time of possession for Kansas City was 36 minutes, versus 36 minutes to 23 minutes. And they still only put up 27 points. They didn’t score in the fourth quarter. Right?
Unknown Speaker 55:27
They’re pulling up 41 in this
Victor Arocho 55:28
game. I’m just telling you though, they had the ball a lot longer. So a way to say what did I get my bed in? The we get a better? I show you all right. Let’s have some fun. All right, go ahead. Go 50 for you. Okay, Justin, you want in on this? Sure. 50 Yeah. 100 to one,
Santiago Leon 55:52
just to make 2000
Justin Riley 55:54
a week we start pay me for the rolling concert show? Sure.
Nick Rossetti 56:02
Let’s do 50 man.
Victor Arocho 56:04
Okay, so so. All right. All right. Yeah. All right. 50 I’ll bet all you fit. So it’s gonna cost me 150 versus your 150. How’s that? All right. All right. So done, just to have some fun. All right. Make it fun. We could talk smack during the ball. All right, number one, number two, you can reach me at on Twitter at VARO ca. V Victor arrojo. AR o ch ro beechman. On Twitter. You can reach me on my website. And it’s easy Victor arrojo.com. So it’s vi c t o r AR o ch o calm. That’s my website for my company and several of the businesses that we do. And our show is every Thursday at 8pm. I co hosted with Byron Jones, who played for Tulsa and was drafted by Minnesota play for the Minnesota Vikings. He’s three years older than me. So he was a senior when I was a freshman back in, in high school is a great guy. He understands locker room experience. But our show is about a lot. It’s about the NFL, we talk about the NBA. We do some shout out with Tulsa. I’ll talk about breaking news. So we we talk all across the board. Justin comes on. We actually have some good talks. No, Justin, I mean, we talked to the board. There’s no will will debate or not but everyone gets their piece. Joe and Nick on again. Thursdays at 8pm please come on in and join I’ll let you in right away too. So we don’t make me put on hold like the Justin constant show. But um, they come in and we are color friendly. Yeah, we let we go around and we just ask differently, but we will talk all sports. I mean, I can pretty much I played all three sports and my father box. So we’ve done a lot of different things. We still have a lot and we have some guests on our show like some Brett, you know, football refs trying to get Kenny Anderson and some of the other players on. But it’s an all around a sports show. We’re not we’re not focused on any one piece. And one thing I like having Justin on, he has a good memory. So he’ll remember. He’ll remember things that I said that he goes, Yeah, he didn’t say that. Like, leave it. Just and I called you this morning because Justin had this coach, awesome coach that was on yesterday on his show. And prior to him coming on, I was debating with that whole Alabama squad. I was saying because they were talking about I was a Brian O’Brien a Brian Yeah, I said at the end of the day, Nick Saban is gonna pull the trigger. He’s Guy 20 minutes later. What did the coach say? Who’s knows way more than I do?
Justin Riley 58:54
Yes. JOHN Copeland former all world defensive in Alabama. Now great coach and echo the exact same thing. When Marvin wasn’t trying to talk over and
Victor Arocho 59:06
Saban runs the show. I mean, you know, he’s doing he knows and Brian O’Brien is gonna be good. Guys, you’re always welcome on my show at any time, come on in. You want to go but we do talk all around sports. And and just so you know, a big Mike Tomlin fan.
Justin Riley 59:22
Oh, yeah. That’s for
Santiago Leon 59:23
Joe. So Joe.
Victor Arocho 59:26
You’re talking about Tomlin all the time. And, and, and, you know, I think they were the worst undefeated team, but he’s a great coach. No, no, no, I think he’s a great great, great human anyways, talk about my ravens era now man and I talked about the Ravens. We talked about what’s your team? Pittsburgh? What’s your team members at the Ravens? That’s where I’m from? Oh, you’re ravens Raven mdv area.
Unknown Speaker 59:54
ravens Ray.
Santiago Leon 59:55
We thought it was an Alabama fan. So that’s x factor.
Victor Arocho 59:57
We didn’t get a chance to talk about the Ravens. When I told you about What happened to to the Ravens in the playoff game? once once he gets shut down? That’s a tough, tough, it’s tough man.
Nick Rossetti 1:00:07
He’s gonna figure it out. He just needs to be.
Victor Arocho 1:00:10
They need to figure it out.
Joe Toscano 1:00:12
He’s he still, he’s still young, he’ll figure
Victor Arocho 1:00:14
it out. It’s not his fault. He just needs someone else. You can’t get him. You can’t go into another Super Bowl, which can’t go into the game hoping that your quarterbacks gonna rush for 100 yards. That’s not fair. If you rush for 200 plus yards in any NFL game, you’re doing pretty good. But if you’re relying on 100 of those yards to be a quarterback, he’s not gonna last long. Escom be tough.
Nick Rossetti 1:00:42
And he can make the outside throw like anything outside the hashes. He
Unknown Speaker 1:00:47
gotta learn but I’m just saying I hope
Nick Rossetti 1:00:49
I hope he learns.
Justin Riley 1:00:50
You know, you can I want him to learn how to deal with adversity and come back if he’s down. He still is having a hard time fighting back when he’s facing a little bit of trouble. I noticed it’s a Super Bowl Santiago but I can go on about this off. Yeah,
Santiago Leon 1:01:06
that’s why you got Victor shows tomorrow. If you guys want to go on and talk about
Victor Arocho 1:01:12
why don’t you leave us on live?
Unknown Speaker 1:01:14
Last quarter.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:16
Last question on Diego. Leave. Leave us on live. Let us keep going, man.
Santiago Leon 1:01:20
I I gotta lock up the shop. I got all right. Last Word. Last Word.
Nick Rossetti 1:01:25
Last Word, and we’ll make it really quick. Who is a Super Bowl MVP.
Santiago Leon 1:01:28
I’ll go to questions. Right. That’s beautiful. Oh, wow. Tom Brady and the Bucs win. And if it’s the Chiefs probably be mahomes
Unknown Speaker 1:01:35
I’m going Kelsall I think, Okay, I think Joe
Joe Toscano 1:01:41
Yami the Chiefs opponent up 41 mahomes is having a real good idea. And let’s say do some play flickers or something Kelsey throws some touchdowns.
Victor Arocho 1:01:50
Or tyreke Hill scores all the touchdowns, right? He should be MVP. I think I think if MVP would be mahomes. But if the Bucs win, it could be man. Brady at the end because he doesn’t always win the MVPs on every Super Bowl that he’s won. So I think he knows how to manage the game. It could possibly be the again, like a Richard dent one of the linemen, defensive linemen or it’s going to be Godwin. Right, you know, one or four net goes to guys. They those two guys have a good game. He’s gonna change the game.
Nick Rossetti 1:02:28
Well, Leonard fournette Super Bowl MVP. I never thought I would hear the day.
Santiago Leon 1:02:34
Justin, he can run it hard
Justin Riley 1:02:37
for you. He couldn’t run for more than 30 yards against Alabama, but he’s gonna be the MVP of the Super Bowl. Man, uh, one thing I like about the Super Bowls. A lot of times or sometimes there’s the unlikely hero a guy you don’t see common. I won’t go with that route on a macro Hartman as the Super Bowl MVP for the chiefs. And
Nick Rossetti 1:03:00
2500 what Justin just said.
Santiago Leon 1:03:06
How about you Nick, who we are nvp Travis Kelsey. Okay. Yeah, that’s right.
Victor Arocho 1:03:10
Anyway, like a you know, last thing is that the sad part is I like to tease me like I love watching like every team. Because I like the story. I like Andy Reed, remember how
Unknown Speaker 1:03:23
Yeah, I love
Santiago Leon 1:03:24
I don’t like any read that all you guys so anyways. I like Andy. Love that man.
Victor Arocho 1:03:32
I like mahomes I like your
Santiago Leon 1:03:36
I like Dan Kennedy. No,
Victor Arocho 1:03:38
I wasn’t a big fan of Bruce Arians. Because he was terrible.
Justin Riley 1:03:41
He coached Alabama’s off
Santiago Leon 1:03:43
gafford um, you can reach us at the sports cast one on Twitter or at the sports cast dotnet there’ll be an article late tonight that will recap what happened today and college football, signings and all that see Alabama number one college football team in the country still. And they’re not bashful to say it. No shame whatsoever. They’re going to do it again next year. And of course catch Victor show tomorrow. Friday, we might have Jeff Farber or Jordan Vargas. I’m not sure we’ll see how it goes. Jeff could top it off. What’s gonna happen on Sunday? He’s very unbiased. Or Yeah, Jordan talk about the NBA and Brooklyn. That’s because that seems like everything’s gonna happen. Joe Toscano closes out with something. No, I’m gonna close out. Okay, well, gentlemen, Victor.
Joe Toscano 1:04:35
Let me let me just say real quick. You want easy money. You can bet who the MVP will think first. is good. Thank his teammates.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:47
And he’s going to Disney World. Oh.
Santiago Leon 1:04:51
Budweiser with COVID an hour and a half away. All right big.
Victor Arocho 1:04:57
Here’s the deal. One. I am I’m one year so you guys will always remember my age. I’m one year older than the Super Bowl. Okay, guys, I’m 56 and it’s 55 baby flies.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:13
You’re not that old thing.
Victor Arocho 1:05:17
And number one, number two, so that’s just a good trivia. You guys always know true Victor’s whatever the Super Bowl is. I’m one year older. And then two, since they added that extra week in the all star game. Prior to that every five years the Super Bowl landed on my birthday. It was like the greatest
Justin Riley 1:05:36
Oh, wow. Birthday. Wait, later. When’s
Santiago Leon 1:05:38
your birthday? This past week? 26.
Nick Rossetti 1:05:41
Oh, so so sorry to rub but mine is February 4. So mine’s tomorrow and
Victor Arocho 1:05:46
extend it now. You’re
Unknown Speaker 1:05:47
gonna get it?
Nick Rossetti 1:05:48
Yeah. Now every like 321
Victor Arocho 1:05:49
the Super Bowl was on my birthday. So imagine that would be my crazy Jersey Boys. And it was all it was awesome because you would go to a Super Bowl party and everybody was always have a cake for me.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:04
That’s nice. I get nothing.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:08
All right. Well, I
Unknown Speaker 1:06:08
got the Bucks I’m willing to get.
Unknown Speaker 1:06:12
All right. I say
Nick Rossetti 1:06:13
Venmo cashier’s check.
Santiago Leon 1:06:18
PayPal or Bitcoin. All right, guys. Yeah, we gotta go. We need to pay some bills. sewer bills this Sunday. Let’s rock
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