An NCAA oversight panel approved multiple rule changes in an effort to shorten football games and reduce the number of plays, a source confirmed Friday to Nicole Auerbach of The Athletic.
One of the reported changes will keep the clock running after first downs are achieved in Division I and Division II games, except for in the last two minutes of each half.
Teams will reportedly no longer be allowed to use consecutive timeouts and penalty calls that take place at the end of the first or third quarter will be carried over instead of playing an untimed down.
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v a l o r a r t e.— ︎ 🤍 (@escritosheart) April 20, 2023
« Tous ses prédécesseurs (de Macron) ont su reculer quand c’était nécessaire ». Henri Guaino.
✅Macron n’a qu’à appeler le peuple 🇫🇷 à trancher, c’est tout simple: dissolution & nouvelle élection ou référendum— Philippe Murer 🇫🇷 (@PhilippeMurer) April 20, 2023