Santiago Leon and Victor (@v2kcoverage) discuss and preview MLS new soccer club: Inter Miami.
Second half of the show, Justin Riley enters and discuss how did Alabama players did in the NFL Combine 2020.
Santiago Leon
The sports cast March 4 2020. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe and all our channels, YouTube, Facebook, Periscope and iTunes and if you’re an iTunes please leave a rating and review. It will help us out tremendously. We are running a contest $20 applebees gift card if you subscribe on YouTube, and if you follow us on Twitter, and also leave a rating on iTunes and also subscribe. You gotta show proof so you you got to go to the sports cast at I mean, the sports cast one@gmail.com the sports cast one@gmail.com to enter the contest. And of course you can visit us on the sports cast net, the sports cast net. Tonight’s sponsor is is the Bible app, crave verses and pictures and share to the world you could download the Bible in the Apple App Store. Major League start up majorly sis girl has become, which is called the MLS. A couple of these teams are launching this season and one of them is inter Miami. Tonight we have a special guest. We have Victor from Miami. He is he is his Twitter handle is a V to K coverage. And he’s an avid follower of inter Miami and also in other sports. So we have Victor on the line. Welcome back. I mean, you are into the sports cast. Welcome to the sports cast.
Hello, thank you for having me,
Santiago Leon
Victor. So tell us a little bit about yourself.
well as myself, I mainly started off as a I’m like, originally I started off following baseball. And I was that was the first sport I got into. It was like back in elementary school. We took a class short trip to Marlin game. And since that day I like fell in love with the with the sport and got to my low for sport started, then sports as a whole kind of run deep in my family. I had an uncle who was the main reason why I got into scene and then soccer. those are those are his two favorite sports. And he got me into both of those.
Santiago Leon
And what like what sports do you follow?
mainly for me, I’ve mainly followed baseball, boxing, and then I usually stay up to date with some of the other ones. I never really followed the MLS so much because Miami never had a team. So I never got interested in the MLS as much. But I was always a follower when the World Cup came along, watching the US men’s national soccer team and the following some of the players not just on The national level of falling some of the players when they would break out and go back to the club teams, you know, just checking out how they would play.
Santiago Leon
And are you a follower of the World Cup?
I do I I love the World Cup, I think probably, if you pull it up there, it’s tied with the Olympics for like one of the biggest event in the world.
Santiago Leon
And of course, it sounds like your parents are not from the States. What? What t I mean, what country is your family from?
Both my parents are from Nicaragua and Central America. And they both were immigrants to the US and came here at a really young age and I was born here in the US.
Santiago Leon
Cool. So you go from Nicaragua, if they make it to the World Cup.
If they made the World Cup which the thing when you cut our is they’ve been mainly a dirt their main sport is basically They’ve never really competed in a being on a big national level or an international level should I say him? in, in, in baseball, but years back, I don’t remember that’s the one year. I’ve always been told the story like growing up when they had a, I guess a sort of international Caribbean Lee, like World Series type thing. And they ended up beating Cuba. Like one zero was was the final score. And you know, like it was a give the whole country like, went up in flames when they won, you know, and that’s probably like one of the biggest thing Nicaragua’s ever won on that level. This year. In the realm of baseball, they’re actually this month in March. They’re going to be competing in the Americas qualifier for the Olympics road to Tokyo 2020. So I’m pretty Really excited about that one? You know, hopefully they can qualify and make it to the Olympics. That would be pretty special for me.
Santiago Leon
But in the meantime, you referred to us as the makers of the World Cup because I know last time they didn’t make it.
Yes, always for me number one is the US. Yeah, me 100% Yeah.
Santiago Leon
So Ryan to soccer we’re going to come down to the meat and bones of the show enter Miami launched today. I mean, launch this this month this season. Um, obviously this has been a process for the past couple of years. Some people say it’s way before that. Victor, tell us your your affair with inter Miami.
Well, I mean, just to give like a little history, you know you can put on a team is you look at this team and it’s been seven years in the making. You have one The most famous and legendary players of soccer. And David Beckham, who, at the latter point of his playing career, came to the MLS playing for LA Galaxy and fell in love with the league and he loved the MLS. All the fans in LA Galaxy loved him, treated him well. He was loved within the MLS. He was a legend within the MLS, because as he was pretty much anyone that he played in, and the thing is that he spent seven years, seven years, seven years trying to get this team here in Miami. I’m going to be honest, my honest opinion, I think getting anything done in this city feels like a mess. It feels like nobody wants to give up any land. Never wants to give up anything to you know, face a build stadium even I mean, for crying out loud our stadium this season is all the way in Fort Lauderdale and you’re trying to get the official stadium built here in Miami. So it’s just kind of how it is but you know, exciting to see that they finally March 1 at exactly 5:38pm kicked it off and debut in their MLS team into Miami FC playing on the road, versus one of the toughest teams are the toughest team in the MLS in LA Galaxy.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. Just like what Victor was saying. This process happened seven years. Wow. It does feel seven years to be honest. Do you remember the Miami fusion?
I don’t remember as much because I really wasn’t, you know, around fat. But I read a I’ve read and heard about them ever since you know more news on into Miami came out I’ve started learning more and more about Miami fusion.
Santiago Leon
So of course inter Miami This is the window down to the history lane because this is pretty interesting story here and how how complex it is to start a soccer team Miami of all places. It happened 2013 Garber wanted a team of Miami. Miami Fijian was a MLS team back in the late 90s, early 2000s. And it felt it just broke. No one went in and they played in Fort Lauderdale. Originally they originally wanted to play an orange bubble, but that didn’t work out. So the whole like so pretty much like the whole process like the main reason why this whole thing waited so long was to find a stadium and a piece of land for the stadium. At first. They did wanted to build a right next to the triple A I remember that Victor.
Yes, yes.
Santiago Leon
And then of course the city did not approve it. But yeah, I think probably a year two years later they did approve a piece of land next to Marlins stadium. Victor What happened to that?
I never really heard anything after that just sort of seems like it fell apart and never really continued with, you know, momentum for that.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. And then of course, I’m a new owner came in a new partner named Jose moss, who is a very famous person in Miami Dade County. You know, grow up. His parents came in all the way from Cuba. I believe he was born in Cuba and then immigrated here to the States. And of course, he was the breath of life for Miami. Looks like I one point back home and the other partner was about to give up. This thing was about to give up until Jose mas came into the picture. And I think they announced that in 2018 or 17. And hosted last came in and he’s moved the needle. Right, Victor?
Yes. He’s, I mean, he’s been, I would say, the biggest reason why this team was able to finally like, officially enter the league, because he’s came in and, you know, like behind closed doors and been like a big reason for getting this team here in Miami, you know, being able to talk to people and the connections that he has to take care of the business side to put this team while right now not being in Miami, you know, in Miami.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. Which is something that that the Okay, so then hosted by Scott the land I mean, sorry, got in. Apparently he did not like that piece of land right next to Marlins stadium. So he decided the look elsewhere and there is a there’s a golf club. I believe it’s a golf club. If it could correct me if I’m wrong.
That is right next to the airport. It is like a golf course that they want to transform. Pretty much that whole area right near the airport area. That would be the official stadium. And then where that golf course is, they would turn that all into soccer field. Yeah. Funko soccer fields.
Santiago Leon
And I believe they ran into a delay with that because there is a I think there’s some oil they found like right below it or some type of sewage, which will delay the whole construction, right.
Yeah, I was hearing about that, you know, like just delay with process and another thing was also you know, certain people, not wanting to Give up that land because they happen to play golf on there too. So,
Santiago Leon
apparently I think it was two years ago there was a vote and I believe the voter approved for the stadium to proceed. So I think I think it’s been approved completely they just need to build it of course that the drain some people that drink some oil or some sewage that was below the golf club, and then they could build complete construction, I believe the stadium will will be completed, which is called freedom Park will completed in 2024 or 2023.
I believe it’s 2023. somewhere around there, even though I’ve read that it could potentially be some delays. So I’m not so sure and because the date for it opening, I’d always been up in the air. But the latest one I heard was like 2022 2020 13.
Santiago Leon
Yes. So in the meantime, They’re going to go play at Lockhart Stadium, which Lockhart stadium is been a soccer stadium since the 70s. It was first. Like it was first played up in the Tampa Bay rowdies back in the late 70s, early 80s. For for the NASL. That was the first Soccer League in America. They might have been one, you know, previous to that. And then, years later, I guess I said it was pretty much empty or maybe used by high school teams. And then until the late 90s, Miami fusion. Victor What does Lockhart stadium mean to you?
To me, as someone who doesn’t fully know in history Vini you know younger than enough maybe to know fully about it. It just means a hope for soccer to still have its place in Florida in Miami. You know, for that stadium to still be there and not have been demolished and taken down. means that you can use the word home. And it It shows, you know that there was always that chance to bring back a team. And now we’re seeing that the team is you know, the team is finally here.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, and, of course Lockhart stadium is only temporary for three years but they did rebuild it. They made it a little bit very soccer ish. And it pretty much looks pretty good for the outside before Lockhart stadium used to be very old stadium and things like that. Well, let’s get started. The season started about it started last this past Sunday, and they played against la FC Victor what happened in that match.
It was a very interesting game. It was you know, a tale of two you know, you can put it like It was a lot going on and was the excitement before the game of Miami finally having you know your team playing you know, you saw it all over social media Jorge match posting, even after the game and and like before the game, you know posting how fans were waiting outside the team was for the team to arrive, you know, supporting going all the way from Miami to California, you know and I was hearing a lot that there’s a lot of people who live in California that’s important to team you know, waiting outside. But to get back into it into game action, you kick it off, and you’re playing against la FC considered to be the best team in the MLS, with the best player and cardinals were lost. And if you look at the final score, one zero. I think just that alone You have to be satisfying is a team played very well for a team with not the power superstar, the one superstar our designated player in in wrongful Pissarro, who had a very interesting game, which I can speak a little more on later, but I think it was very exciting to finally get, you know, a chance to look at the team.
Santiago Leon
So here is the lineup and the manager for inter Miami. The manager is Diego Alonso. He is from Uruguay. He’s coached he’s played. He was actually a player if or or player. He’s coach Mullen today, but chicot Olympia general Gladney and Bellavista he recently coach Monterey which they went to the World Cup of cup football this past December so this guy is very legit. And of course, I was in Go buy this for us but let me read you the roster. And then I want x Victor. Is there a plan for bigger stars but let me read the roster for you guys. JOHN McCarthy is a goalkeeper then alveus Pau undress radius. Christian mckuen Nikolas phagon will trap Lewis Morgan Rodolfo Pissarro, Mathias Pellegrini, want I go dello Victor a Lula J. Chapman, Norman guto kieswetter nilus Robinson, AJ Garza, who Leon cadenza Ben sweat Lee when grant linear Drake calendar Roman Torres Louise ro Blaze, Mike Ambrose, say, Georgia Kosta Anthony’s release with this roster, Victor, there’s a few couple names that I recognize, of course I see. They go. I go dello Lee, when these are players that played in the US national team. Some people may say they’re at the end of their prime or their Kind of like on the down slip, but this roster is not that bad. What are your thoughts?
My thought is in you know that same deal. It’s a middle of the road kind of roster that may be of some of these guys can catch fire and heat up for like, I don’t know, a stretch of two three games maybe like a span of foreign games, you know, it could be the deciding factor of this team getting into the playoffs maybe you know, contending for general season. But the big thing with this club is that their main star player, Iran for Pissarro that’s and while being a great player, and, and Leah Mac is you know, with Monterey, he he he’s a fantastic player. But you’re your hero from world renowned analyst and people around the League. He just wasn’t the best player in Leah Mackey’s in no hate, no doubt and he was an amazing player, but not the best player. And you bring David Beckham brings him in as as the key star player at least early on in the season. And you definitely saw a moment in in the game you know where he showed like, like his passing ability and and you know getting getting inside and being able, you know he had chances of scoring while coming up empty he still had his chances of scoring. But roll from the styro is not is not the guy you want to be the player. He’s not going to be a guy that lead you to the promised land like a gardener as well as water or or a Martinez you know, who recently went down with an ACL injury. And you know, or maybe even, you know, he’s not going to be same caliber player as some of these other guys. You know. So I think it’s important for this team to look into building, building around beside room, you know, maybe not as the main option, but maybe bringing in us on one or two, you know, true star players that can help. Besides you know whether it be someone who’s a really good score so pisarra someone capacity or you know, someone I can compliment beside room.
Santiago Leon
So you’re saying Pissarro is not the end game here?
Be Saturday wouldn’t be the end game answer, because I don’t see him being the guy that can take you to the promised land. While he can be really great player. He’s not the answer for inter Miami
Santiago Leon
to all MLS. People there are I mean to all the people who are New to MLS is not liking Europe or well yes not liking your that you buy any player you want. MLS designates three to four dozen players meaning their VIP players are like high talented, typically it can be foreign or domestic and they get paid a little bit more than the rest of the squad. Miami only has two DPS ak esna players and that’s Rodolfo Pissarro and Mathias Pellegrini. Victor Pellegrini is a 19 year old from Argentina. Is he going to be the next big thing or what have you heard about him?
He’s, he’s an interesting player. When you when when you look I Pellegrini because he’s still very young. And his game looks very raw. From action you’ve seen from him. He’s you know, he’s He’s a player that I feel can be very dynamic at times. But it’s also interesting with him because I don’t I don’t think you’ve yet to see enough of him you know, because he’s too raw right now to fully get a grasp of what he can do and especially on a squad like into Miami, you know, having only played one game. I feel like now that Diego Alonso has seen his squad in action as a whole intend to give him a better chance of put, you know, key players like Michael Pellegrini or a decider or a guy like maybe even Robbie Robinson or you know, some other guys in a position to succeed. But I think right now, it’s too early to tell exactly what the ceiling or maybe what the floor for guiley Pellegrini is You know, being a very dynamic player.
Santiago Leon
So Victor, of course, we’re seeing, you know, to DPS. What have you heard from the rumor mill? Who do you think will come in in the future? Not necessarily saying this season. But is there any big star that you’ve been hearing that could come into play for into reminding Keep in mind, Miami is a very sexy city. It could attract big stars. What have you heard?
I would say that I believe, this season, they can get maybe one star player, if possible, in an independent who’s made available, and ultimately, the decision of that player on those players that are made available, what they wanted, what next steps they want to take. And if if you look anywhere, you know, I’ve seen it on ESPN, mainly when they’re covering The MLS is that this team from the very beginning, it wasn’t a thing of fan saying, you know, or in the media saying it or the commissioners saying it was the team themselves said that they would bring star players. So everyone has been expecting you know, where is that like Starling big name like you know, someone who may be the average fan you know, it doesn’t follow the MLS that much or or soccer in general and can turn on the TV and be like, I know who that guy is just because he’s a big name player. You know, they don’t have that yet. So, yeah, good. But one of the biggest names that I’ve heard and it’s a very interesting name, in my opinion, is Edison Gandhi’s
Santiago Leon
I heard that very strongly, very strong this past weekend. Actually. I heard something about that.
Yes, he’s been playing in Europe, you know, for most of his life and, and he also played on the world on the World Cup staying you know for new guy, and he’s a very he’s an amazingly talented player. I’ve I’ve just heard in general and give you talk to other soccer fan or if you just listen to any, you know, soccer and covering newspapers are outlets that his play Addison Come on is play in Europe has gone down he’s no longer this dominant player that can play in Europe but galvanism South currently playing from PSG has stated that he wants to he would like to stay in Europe. I could see teams in Europe, you know, still giving him a roster spot, you know, and keeping them over there because while he may not be as good, I think he still has value over there in Europe. But another thing is, you know, we often have Coming to play here in the MLS where if if you bring someone like him, he can be a star player over here, especially playing for a team like into Miami, you know, start something fresh. At this point, I would say annamma garrison colonies would be someone that David Beckham would bring in. And it truly all depends on what guyline us wants to do. If he truly wants to stay in Europe, or be willing to take an offer to come play here stateside.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. cavani plays in one of the biggest clubs in the world and Paris PSG Paris Saint Germain. They’re a top tier club in France Of course in Europe, combining is 33 years old and in soccer terminology that could be towards the end of this probably not necessarily really. Lot of athletes today could play until their late 30s. Look at LeBron James. Look at Cristiano Ronaldo, but yet cavani there has been some signs of couple slides of a couple was the slowness and of course, we’ll see what happens cavani is probably the most valuable player. I’ve also heard Victor Luis Suarez messy and even Christian Ronaldo. How realistic are those rumors?
I would say at this point you rule out someone like a Messi or Ronaldo, because they’re just too good. tend to leave Europe like why would they leave a league? Or why would they leave a football scene in Europe that has no salary cap or they can make the most money? They under getting paid big time money over there in Europe. And I mean, if they ever player like Messi Ronaldo, they’ll come to the MLS, a and especially into like a new team again to Miami. It would be huge But it is not a realistic scenario considering that they’re still dominating over there in Europe day. They still they still have years left and those two players whether you have seen it like like all the guys, you know, you can look into the past like a like a slot Danny Ibrahima, the indoor you know David Beckham you know, you have guys like cheap Chinese though. And you know players like that who come to the MLS and you know once their time in Europe is over. I truly believe that those two players like a Ronaldo and Messi will stay in Europe and finish their careers off in Europe the day they retire. Won’t be under European club. Now as for Luis Luis Suarez, I think that’s maybe a far fetched kind of player, but I feel like that’s a guy who can come in, because I feel like he’s more of an option. You know, I feel like one His service and time in Europe if it ever truly does come to an end, I feel like and and if he truly wants to come play here in the MLS, I feel like that’s a name that can potentially work out because I feel like even if he might be too much money and maybe even embarrassing cavani some people might say is too much money. I feel like short term, not nothing long term, just short term for the immediate trying to win championships in the immediate those those are two names Kalani and Luis Suarez that I think David Beckham shouldn’t 110% spend the money on to bring the moment on the MLS, if a true window of opportunity opens, opens up for that to happen.
Santiago Leon
We’ll see where the cookie crumbles. Of course, there’s still time. It’s the inaugural season. I did hear myself Buying a condo in Brickell? Is that something you’ve heard as well.
I have heard of players you know like messy and stuff, but I just think that you know it’s it’s more of the city i mean i mean if you look at to me guys I mean I wouldn’t I wouldn’t blame a guy like messy you know buying a condo here in Brickell and when the money he has and you know, just spending is on his downtime here in Miami, I mean, you have all the nicest beaches around here so I don’t see why not. I mean, maybe if and once he’s truly done in Europe and he wants one last go around, you know, in the game of soccer or football, maybe but I feel like that’s a very far fetched and will stay a rumor forever.
Santiago Leon
Of course, Messi is 3233 years old. He’s still in his prime. He might be one of those players that could play in Europe till their late 30s of course, a lot of Hola Argentine Argentineans want to see him playing Argentina for bocce or a club in Argentina before it goes to the MLS so we’ll see where shares time really healthy player safer for Ronaldo he’s not slowing down. I think he’ll be a great pic but of course we don’t know if feel like it will be it will be just like a tom brady that wants to plant some 45 but we’ll see what happens lot of a whole lot going on in sports science. I’m Victor the next game is against DC united this weekend What are your expectations for that match?
I think it’s gonna be a very interesting match you know, hopefully you’re looking on the on the side of inter Miami you’re looking for more of an identity you know you’re looking to see in this team can mesh together on identity of playstyle because One of the biggest things of from their match in you know, against la FC was that it just seems like too many times, they were getting beat up like like penetrated inside over and over. And you know, too many times they just were getting beat up you know or warning when they were making you know, la FC which is making the correct pass and, and they were just, you know, outclassing them and every fashion on the game, you know, they didn’t maintain possession of the ball, that’s important. If you want to win the game, got a home gotta maintain possession of the ball, the more chances you get to score, eventually at least one has to fall in into the back of the net. So I think important is going to be ball control. And, and just, you know, closing up your defense a little bit nice Not being so you know not getting penetrated as much you know download the defense because if not, you’re just not going to be able to hold off I mean our goalie Louise Louise Romulus playing amazing you know except for that one goal and he comes out class you know don’t let like people say don’t light candles were like camping and again you’re not going to say that you know so and so those kind of things were insurance to maintain control the wall you know, make better passes, you know, just clean up on the little small things. And I feel like you can get a victory out and then
Santiago Leon
ball possession as well Victor saying and then the first home game is Saturday, March 14, against LA Galaxy sold out. It was sold out once the tickets were released. Victor Will you be going to that match.
I will not be attending the match, but I will win 110% be my full attention TV walking that mag 110% and I’m fully excited to see you What’s the energy feels like? And just checking out, you know, Twitter. Most of all, since I won’t be going to at least get maybe a virtual reality
Santiago Leon
that’s not a bad idea. Cuz
what it’s like to be at the stadium. Yeah. I really do hope to maybe attend a couple games this season. But that’s right now, you know, up in the air and stone open the M plus
Santiago Leon
it’s in Fort Lauderdale.
Santiago Leon
You could take the trial roll out there. So if you read transportation issues. Yeah, of course. The first home game is March 14 against the LA Galaxy. Another good team as well, which they just got huge it though, which is people are saying, No way. Yeah. LA Galaxy. She said he was a big name in Mexico but also in Los Angeles. So that’s another big pickup by the galaxy. My pinions over into Miami I have a good feeling this is going to be a good team of from the Fort Lauderdale strikers to the Miami fusion. This might be the best Miami club, soccer team we’ve ever had. And it’s here to stay. And years prior for the past 30 years Miami has a struggles to keep it a keep a team of soccer here. Why is that? We don’t know, by things like the buzz and the hype and becan behind it. I think like as a team to stay so I really do think I don’t even think we need a big star Victor. I think t like the people here will support them.
I feel like if you can, if you can put you know the hype around them without the big star, which is just winning games. I mean most important at any fan base because I feel like no matter where in the world you play and you’re not winning games, forget having fan support. Yeah, and also being an honest ownership, you know, front office, being able to show that, you know, you stand behind what you say not just empty talk, you know, deliver on your promises, you know, and one of the things I, I want to see which obviously was in the 10 years, but at least would be exciting, is, you know, they’ve talked so much about their, you know, getting a youth academy having a USL team, which is one of the like, league right below the MLS, you know, here here in the States, um, you know, having Academy team you know, building a youth academy system is a, if you’re not going to bring in a star player, go find that star player and use your youth academy. Use your USL team, to go and find and build your star players.
Santiago Leon
something to definitely look at. I really do think we could deal with that a star and I hope we bring in the academy, I think can we will work specially here, Miami, because it’ll be a great place to recruit players and there’s plenty of players to go around in Miami when it comes to soccer. Almost all the parks have people playing soccer. And of course, there’s a huge, huge population of foreign players. Hispanic families has been in kids and also from other countries as well in Europe that play soccer locally. So I’m really looking at to look into like, hey, the Academy is worth it here might not be worth it in Columbus, Ohio, but it’s definitely worth it here in Miami. I’ll definitely put the right investment. Um, quick question. Do you watch the NBA?
I do follow the NBA.
Santiago Leon
And are you ready? Are you ready to make any predictions? I mean, let me read you out. Actually, a few games and I’ll let you know what you think. Who wins? Tonight between OKC at Detroit?
Okay see
Santiago Leon
in Annette, Indiana and Milwaukee,
Indiana, Milwaukee, Milwaukee in Orlando and Miami.
Santiago Leon
Miami. Memphis at Brooklyn.
Brooklyn. That’s an interesting one. Brooklyn, Brooklyn. Victor,
Santiago Leon
what is the best way to reach you online?
The best way to reach me online, I would say would be my wouldn’t be my Twitter, which is v two k coverage.
Santiago Leon
v two k coverage at twitter. We got Justin Riley that will come in to the to the D Half of the show Justin, I introduce you to Victor.
Justin Riley
Hey, Victor, what’s going on? Hey, what’s up?
Santiago Leon
He is another contributor of the sports cast and he’ll be a part of our second segment. Victor Who is your favorite college football team?
I personally don’t follow too much college football. But whenever I’m asking this, it’s the Hurricanes
Santiago Leon
me to the hurricanes. And real quick, how would the Miami Marlins did this year?
Here’s bone prediction, I say between 7075 wins, no more than 91 losses. And they will not finish last in their division.
Santiago Leon
There have been very positive victors positive about inter Miami and how people enter Miami finish. I mean, how would they finish the season?
I don’t have any prediction on record wise. I say they finish middle of the pack. May me like no lower than 10 in the Eastern Conference
Santiago Leon
that’s not bad. I think I believe correct me if I’m wrong, you might not know is either a teens make it to the playoffs from the east or is it? 10? I have to check. I know it’s pretty easy. No, it’s seven, seven slots. So Miami will be eliminated according to Victor’s predictions. I agree with you. The inaugural season is not the best time to reach the playoffs, but I think Atlanta did it first here they want it. Yeah. Anyways, Victor, follow Victor at Vic v2 k coverage on Twitter. We’ll have Victor on later on this season. And to recap what’s going on with inter Miami. Victor, I appreciate you coming on to the sports cast.
Thank you for having me.
Santiago Leon
We got Justin Riley. To to finish off the show. How are you Justin?
Justin Riley
Doing good man. Glad to be a part of the double header here. little rusty man. It’s been several weeks since I’ve been on. I almost don’t know what to do.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, you know, obviously we’re talking about MLS Major League Soccer another sport we cover in the sports cars very minimally. But we don’t, we might cover more than the xfl maybe we’ll see
Justin Riley
was definitely a market that is large and it’s something we definitely need to focus more on. Just great fan base. We definitely need to try to get that to grow a little bit, I think.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, absolutely. And of course, Major League Soccer like Justin was saying it’s outgrowing hockey as it right now. So we’ll, we’ll for sure keep that under check in the next couple of weeks. But we’ll see what happens in the world sports so tell me combine happened last week, Justin. Of course, it feels like most combines Alabama stole the show what happened
Justin Riley
right with Alabama, Alabama players who actually did participate, you know, they, they shine and they they did like he said stole the show. But before I get to focus on the ones that really does show out, like to start on the defensive side of the ball for the ones who participated Raekwon Davis, he was born first round projection. He had high aspirations after a sophomore year and then his junior and senior season. He didn’t quite carry on that, that that level of success that people were expecting an order the elevated but a lot of people feel like he has a tremendous upside. And they thought you know, with the combine it will give an opportunity to really get showcase that Well, he was so so and one of the disappointments with him was his 40 time. A rough, he ran a five one in the 40. Which if you’re defensive and you’d like a defensive end a little bit more quicker he had a 28 inch vertical leap, which ranked within the top seven. His position can you dunk with that vertical to play?
Santiago Leon
Was that he like a basketball with that?
Justin Riley
Well, I mean, for him Yes, he’s six six, so I don’t think the yes but a whole lot of basketball. If he does is something seriously wrong.
Santiago Leon
Okay, keep going. Justin. Sorry, I had to make that vertical basketball reference. Okay. What else happened?
Justin Riley
No. Brom. linebacker Anthony Jennings. He participate on the field drills. A lot of scouts liked him. He is a guy that that a lot of people feel like that he’s very versatile and can play multiple positions which makes him very valuable in the NFL. And quite possibly could help him move up. And his draft status, didn’t run the 40 didn’t do his vertical he’s actually wedding to Alabama’s pro day which is the end of this month so we got wait on that throw Lewis didn’t participate in the 40 didn’t participate on the style point events, did some on the field drills. Really again, another player who’s going to be waiting to his pro day to really show out but he came in measurement six foot five 262 pounds. You know back when I play football brother that was a lineman 90 more this is this is a linebacker who is right put her on somebody but anyway See what he’s gonna do as far as his 40 and his vertical compro day and now this guy that offense because you know that’s that’s where we sound. Jesuit Willis had incredible Pope pro day just really powerful. He looked like every bit of the top projections for for his business and many people have speculated. Matter of fact there was one instance where I believe he almost knocked the soul out of a guy who was holding the bag for him, but just really look good, really impressed and he’s kind of solidify where he’s at. But really what stole the show? Were the wide receivers Jay Judy posted 445 and the 40 had a 3536 is vertical. He looked really good and drills. He’s actually probably one of the best route runners in college football is not the best. He contain to prove that but of course, Henry rugs won the day had a four to 740 second attempt he had just over four three. Then when it came to the vertical eight nailed a 42 a vertical leap just man and correct so I able he just looked really good and I’ll be honest with you I was his performance he may have actually entered himself into the conversation of possibly being the first wide receiver taken.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, very, very, very possible as Tyler was was telling us last week, not just this draft will be back quarterbacks but also there’s a great class of wide receivers. So we got a high powered offense going on.
Justin Riley
Or you play quarterback and nearby extension. You know, I gotta go with Jalen hurts, do claim him for Alabama. Then he was They’re from majority of the time and I was really impressed with what he showed us on the field. Of course, we had no doubt that he was gonna kill it in the 40, you know, he ran a four or five, which is really good. But what really turned the heads of many and got people talking was what he was doing on the field, just looked like a Polish veteran, had great ball placement just seemed to make really good throws and you could tell that he’s put in the work and he’s really starting to elevate his his status. And, you know, I made mention here recently, you know, not on the air but within our talks that I wouldn’t be surprised that Jalen hurts becomes more popular as the draft draws near, and quite possibly might be that flavor of the week. guy that people fall in love with.
Santiago Leon
And you think you started gross after the combine?
Justin Riley
Do I really think he do and you know, a lot of people push I’ll put a lot of emphasis on the combine. And you know, I, you know, oftentimes a combine really isn’t the, the best indicator of how success for a player will be in the NFL. But people always fall in love with you know, combine stats, but you know if if you don’t follow the combine stats, you know, you can fall over what Jalen did Where does he know is that was
Santiago Leon
as a right now where does the first round second round what what Peck
Justin Riley
Well, like I was saying, you know, before you went off on that trail there, honestly feel like he probably has pushed himself into the first round and he’s going become that popular guy. The high jump bone and then I think later, later part of the first round, honestly, okay, and now you know, people may not agree with it, but honestly, I feel like he may sneak into it. And that, you know, he’ll he’ll be taken in the first Brown.
Santiago Leon
And of course, a lot of the scouts were saying that he changed position. He’s not done that. It was the same issue with Lamar Jackson. Do you see some parallels there?
Justin Riley
Well, Jalen did make a comment on that very topic there. He said that, you know, he would be open to it. And the way he put it was he will do what’s best for his team. Meaning that, you know, whatever you ask him to do, he’ll do it that that means he does end up being a quote unquote, athlete where he can play multiple positions, you know, he’ll do what’s required. Know, that time so he’s not going to shut the door on that one. You know, Lamar Jackson, completely shut the door on his own play quarterback, you know, come hell or high water. He’s in pretty well. But, but Jalen, Jalen, ultimately, you know, his, his goal is to be, you know, to be one and that’s what he’s going to aspire to be. He’s gonna work towards but he also is gonna be a team player if called upon and he’s gonna do what’s necessary to earn that roster spot
Santiago Leon
you say Judy goes in first as as the first wide receiver in the draft who will be the first quarterback
Justin Riley
but Jerry Judy and more likely will be the first wide receiver in the in the draft but like I said you know it’s quite possibly with Henry relics production our show that he put on here in the combine he he could actually go before God but you know, it may not happen but I won’t be surprised first quarterback taken unless there’s like complete shock I just I still feel like that spot is reserved for Jobar second who’s second place well that’s where debate is gonna start to come in you know, I’ve been hurt hearing differing reports of you know, both to talk about a little and Justin Herbert which it seems like they’re going to be balanced for that covenant. spot right there. I’ve heard a lot of stories that he may possibly go the red to take him out to the table may go to the Redskins over haskin he may go to the right. There’s a lot of that talk here that’s come out recently, you know how how real it is? I don’t know. It just could be just, you know, draft Rama just to pull in viewers and readers and whatnot. We know what,
Santiago Leon
you know, they didn’t like the general manager or someone from the organizations. I said, No, no, sorry that that’s not true.
Justin Riley
Well, reports are coming out that, you know, it’s not exactly true, but things are swirling, I’m not bought into it. I just don’t feel like it makes sense. I mean, I can understand that they may not completely be 100% sure with Haskins. But they just spend first round money drafting the guy, and that’d be that’d be just be a major, major risk for them too. Though, you know, especially those money away and then draft another guy to talk about a lower had to pay him first round money as well. I just don’t make sense yeah there’s Hawk has been possibly go into the lions
Santiago Leon
as well
Justin Riley
it does you know and there’s there’s been speculation around Matt Stafford Yeah Are they got the lions gonna eventually trade him or are they going to keep him you know how much longer does he have what is this shelf life look like also to what do they have as far as insurance policy where they have the the predecessor you know I you draft to a talk about Allah you got insurance policy you also have, you know, an heir to the throne and also to you know, given to his injury situation, you know, allows him time to to heal and recover more but also to learn from a veteran quarterback like Stafford but let’s just be honest man No those things are thrown thrown in there but honestly feel like it was gonna go to team this this legitimately need a quarterback to play right away so I’m gonna throw out all that gossip you know water cooler talk there and I say that you know he will he’ll be drafted before justice Justin Harvard he
Santiago Leon
you heard it here first guys
Justin Riley
you heard it here first he did here here first now the question is who’s going grabbing because talk from the combine was that the the dolphins exactly show a whole lot of excitement about him into a kind of felt like or I was
Santiago Leon
awkward when are this room you know throwing smoke screens
Justin Riley
right was that is that another thing that you’re gonna run into kind of draft? There’s there’s drama is is football soap opera
Santiago Leon
is a soap opera best time to speculate so why so what did the dolphins do against to it was kind of awkward interview or something like would you here?
Justin Riley
Well, just here basically the general feel was just what a whole lot of excitement about him coming from the dolphins side of things. They weren’t really overzealous or over anxious they just kind of man and just didn’t really show a whole lot of poker face on and you know that not very well could be the case. You know, they could be using it as a bartering tool later on. So, you know, but then they do like Justin Herbert as well. And to be honest with you, I could see either one of those two quarterbacks going to the to the dolphin,
Santiago Leon
man, I really should look at you for one hour show because we could go on for another 30 minutes.
Justin Riley
Right now, I will say this Oh, man, I’ll make a bowl for projection. He could go there. He could go the Chargers, but I wouldn’t be the least bit surprised. Is the Carolina Panthers. come into the picture. Try it out. Na na na grabbing
Santiago Leon
Panthers are at seven. So it’s definitely attainable.
Justin Riley
It’s very attainable. And they also to our I don’t think they’re all you know all the time or they’re not entirely happy with the marriage between them and Cam Newton. So he could quite possibly be, you know on the table for a trade to move up it it can happen so I wouldn’t be surprised if maybe Carolina jumps into this and swipes to it. And there you have it. Where does chase young go?
Santiago Leon
Justin Riley
Yes, I is the most logical choice. You know. I throw out the two at all. It’s over. Just forget about it. Nobody knew that. Yeah, they need some defense. And he really is car the what would be the I guess they’re the completion to that date. And it’s I mean, they already got some really good Players up what’s having him there? It’s just going to make that that that flat seven just man I just monstrous cherry on top
Santiago Leon
and while seeing from this mock draft which I will which I’m actually see on Bleacher Report, Jared Judah. Judy, Judy Judy, to the Giants looks pretty sexy Daniel Jones to Judy, that will work really well.
Justin Riley
Well, you know, it makes so much sense and that the Giants don’t need to screw this up because if they’re going to go forward with with Daniel Jones, he’s got to have weapons and they don’t have
Santiago Leon
running back but they don’t have receivers. And Sterling Shepard is not a weapon.
Justin Riley
Sterling Shepard is not a stone shepherd. It was more of a complimentary guy.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, he’s secondary second option.
Justin Riley
The second option They need that that playmaker that guy who’s gonna bust the game wide open and also take the pressure off of say Kwan Barclay you know sake one was was the do everything literally do everything for the Giants yeah and he got injured in course they didn’t do anything after that. But you know if they don’t draft UT they really need to spend some serious consideration on getting a top tier lineman you know Jesuit Willis is a guy they might need to look at. But yeah, I mean they have a lot of glaring needs all over the place. But you know, why not start off by making a big splash with arguably the best receiver and this class?
Santiago Leon
Yeah, Alabama is definitely having a good class coming out. How about this one? Henry rugs to the Cardinals? Kyler Murray.
Justin Riley
Do you like that man? I do like it adds another weapon and and the arsenal and to be honest with you, they really That neck that guy who’s going to be the next big receiver because Larry Fitzgerald more likely will leave that to this year. He may call it quits just kind of depends on how he feels but the fact remains is that he can’t keep doing this forever and they’re gonna need someone to be that next big guy. And Jerry’s not Jerry Judy Henry, Rob’s it can be that guy. He does have that big play potential. It could be a star in the league.
Santiago Leon
Justin Any closing words of NFL combine with Alabama players? Or NFL combine and job well.
Justin Riley
Good combine as far as Alabama players was really great
Santiago Leon
performance for the show. He sold the show by the way, they stole the show,
Justin Riley
but they did still should office where they stole the show. One of the things that it did bother me I didn’t talk about this earlier was Xavier McKinney’s outing. A lot of people are giving him some harsh criticism because it’s 40 Time was a 464. But what people fail to realize is that he had an injury or he had cramping in his run. So, you know, I don’t know about you, if I’m starting to cramp or have some injury, things going on, I’m not gonna run the best time. So, you know, as I think the criticism there needs to stop, I think you’re going to see what he is really capable of come the pro day, I still think that he is a top safety in this class. So just watch him on pro day and see where it goes, but would have liked to have seen some of the other players actually participate in the 40 light Trayvon Diggs really was a lot to see what he could have done. He looked fantastic. And the owner Phil drills, Deion Sanders gave him his praise, and goes beyond was the best ever do it. And he said basically that, you know, Trayvon was making it Mac and everything just looked easy. A huge compliment from prime time there. Yeah. But I just like to see that light to see the 40 timely right now he is he is listed as one of the top three defensive backs in this draft last could possibly be the first one off the board. So we’ll see. Now he’s gonna run the 40 minutes pro day. Now one thing I was a little concerned about or left and asked him why Shaheen Carter didn’t compete in any events either. And if you don’t know Shannon Carter is if you’re not an Alabama fan, you really should know who he is. All the more reasons were why he should have you know, competed in those events because that’s a guy that could be a light round pick right now. You know, or go undrafted. So for him to miss that. I think it’s a bad decision, bad business decision. Really think that you know if you want those guys who are borderline late round if not undrafted You really need to come to the interview and interview you need to do more than just answer answer questions and get your measurements
Santiago Leon
you got to make up in Annapolis.
Justin Riley
Yeah, you got you gotta get fulfilled man. You gotta give some stats.
Santiago Leon
So no automatic yo default job bro went to to Annapolis, but he didn’t perform.
Justin Riley
Well. Yeah, he didn’t perform because he broke don’t fix it Really? Does he really have to at this point? foregone conclusion. He’s gonna be the top guy. And that’s something crazy. I don’t
Santiago Leon
want to see him run the 40
Justin Riley
you don’t know. I’m curious to see what he actually can run. I got you know, it looks like he has some decent whales. I mean, not anything. I don’t think
Santiago Leon
but yeah, I don’t think it’s worth Yeah, that were to embarrass themselves.
Justin Riley
Yeah, you know, that’s not that’s not prime TV right there. So I mean, knocking on the That but yeah,
Santiago Leon
there you have it. I thought how else you really quick how did Elysee do 30 seconds
Justin Riley
the general consensus was there a disappointment and Claude Edwards Hilaire with his 40 time and just overall performance, which I was shocked about. I didn’t really see a whole lot of LSU what they did but the things I heard they really weren’t all that impressive. So you know,
Santiago Leon
wait for pro day way for pro day that’s coming up in a few weeks I believe NFL draft is on April 23 to the 25th but I’ll but most people watching on Thursday night the Live from Las Vegas. I’m looking forward to that. It should be interesting. Which they should get that in Nashville because Nashville had a great turnout. Right in the middle of San
Justin Riley
Yeah, man. No doubt. I was debating on you know go into it, but You know, when I saw it on TV people were lined up upon blah,
Santiago Leon
blah. I don’t think last week is gonna top it. They’re probably going to do it at the MGM arena or something. Who knows?
Justin Riley
Well, I mean, last Last Vegas is more of a sexy venue than the Nashville. I love Nashville. But I mean, it’s Las Vegas. Yeah, I think the turnout is gonna probably surpass what we saw in Nashville. So, yeah, I’m excited to see what’s gonna look like and your prediction. Where’s Tom Brady going? Where’s Tom Brady going?
Santiago Leon
Or is he staying?
Justin Riley
I’m leaning more towards him actually staying with the Patriots. I just I don’t really think that he’s gonna leave. However, if I had to say if he actually does leave, and I’m forced to say, Okay, if he leaves where’s he gonna go? I’ll lean towards the Tennessee Titans. That’d be the spot.
Santiago Leon
Not because you’re a Henry fan.
Justin Riley
Makes sense. I think that he has more weapons at his disposal with that offense. Yes, he does have Derrick Henry who is the best running back in the league or he was this past season, but he’s got some good receivers. He has
Santiago Leon
weapons. It was also a free agent Henry may not come back to the diamonds.
Justin Riley
A Marina. That’s another thing to follow unless you take the pay
Santiago Leon
to play with Tom Brady.
Justin Riley
He got paid need to take a pay cut. He needs a pay raise. You know, but I mean, yeah, yeah. Tom Brady used to say for all for just conversation. If Tom Brady does go, that honestly the that is a very appealing to Derrick Henry. And I think he stays at that point, man, adding Tom Brady. Just presumably, I mean, I’m not just guaranteeing it, but adding Tom Brady. takes them from being a playoff team like we saw last year. It’s awesome to get into a Super Bowl. So the possibility of getting to a Super Bowl, you know, can’t keep players around.
Santiago Leon
Also rejoining with his, with his buddy variable Coach vibro from the Tennessee Titans. So it will be a good fit for him, but we’ll see what happens. I do things and stay with the Patriots. patriots will say look at the alternatives your chances of winning with those teams are pretty bleak. But if you stay with the Patriots with a week so we gave the East just the bills to worry about. You’re sitting pretty but anyways, that’s just us another podcast to talk about. Justin what is the best way to reach you online to talk to you about Jerry Judy? Well, or Jacob BC,
Justin Riley
I like to run. Good Lord. Lord bless and not praising him right now. Anyway. can catch me here at our sports cast Twitter. At a sports cast one as well as you know for our Instagram account but if you want to hit me up on my personal account out at Justin Riley seven
Santiago Leon
and what if and what if a person wants to look you up on Tick Tock? What is your username there
Justin Riley
at j Bama 2003 2003
Santiago Leon
if you want to see some Michael Jackson and Justin Riley put together you can only see that on tic-tac period.
Justin Riley
Yes, you can. Those who have not seen me just picture Kevin James do another Michael Jackson dancers and now there you go.
Santiago Leon
You can pull this up on Tick Tock but not on Twitter.
Justin Riley
No, no, hey, check out my Tick Tock. You know, I actually became a tick tock celebrity for a week man you I
Santiago Leon
had like 20,000 followers, didn’t you?
Justin Riley
Oh, yeah. 20,000 followers was pretty crazy man. I posted a 25 second video not this Sunday, but this past Sunday. Maybe and reunite with my best friend one of my best friends and then thing you think about it posted it. Next thing I know it’s got 3.2 million views and it’s got 100,000 likes and like over 5000 comments is mind blowing. But yeah, I’m there
Santiago Leon
and you can follow us the sports cast at the sports guys.net and at the sports cast, one we’re running a $20 Applebee’s gift card $20 if you if you fall, if you like us on Twitter, you know, if it’s subscribed to follow us on Twitter, subscribe on YouTube, and you got to subscribe on iTunes and leave a rating and a review and you’ll and you are entered into the contest on the sports cast and you can email the proof at the sports cast one@gmail.com. So the sports cast one at gmail. com and that Email us the proof that you’ve liked. You followed us subscribe and leave a rating so we could definitely entry into the $20 Applebee’s gift card. So we’ll see what happens. Justin Riley, follow me on. Go
Justin Riley
ahead. Follow me on Tick Tock also as a bonus at an autographed picture of top earner.
Santiago Leon
There you go Ty Turner. He’s our recruiter, contributor, scat contributor. He knows what’s going on behind the scenes. He knows what the draft is going to look like before anyone knows it before Las Vegas happens. He knows what’s going to happen. Definitely follows the NBA will have Caillou on next week. We’re actually going to take a break Thursday and Friday and Saturday because I’m actually my office right here. We’re actually renovating so I’m glad we had Justin on because I would I probably would not have had him on to like next week or till Saturday, but Saturday is nuts as well. So I’m glad we haven’t won for the doubleheader with Victor and Justin we have another victory now we have the Victory Road show. And we have Victor which I don’t have his last name, but I know it’s a victor. I could follow him vtk coverage so that he is going contributor
Justin Riley
I don’t play there’s only one Victor. Oh,
Santiago Leon
there’s one that clear. Yeah, yeah, for sure. Anyways, sports cast follow us NBA this weekend. SFL this weekend MLS this weekend lot going on in the world sports football is always news. Justin Riley. Always a pleasure.
Justin Riley
Yeah, same here.
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