In this episode, Byron Jones and Victor Arocho recap the New York Giants vs Tampa Bay Buccaneers game, and the rest of the NFC East.
Victor Arocho – @varocho
Byron Jones
Victor Arocho
Live from South Florida Miami Fort Lauderdale. Welcome to the Jones inner roadshow show. Hosted by Byron Jones and Victor are roadshow brought to you by the sports cast. Today is November 5, right? If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to our sports cast on all our all your channels, YouTube, Periscope, iTunes. And if you’re an iTunes, please do us a favor leave a rating and a review. It’ll help us out tremendously. You can also visit us on the sports cast dotnet or follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one please check out our our app on the sport cast in the iOS I store and also follow us on YouTube. Right now we are live on Facebook and live on YouTube. So let’s get ready for a good show. How you doing today Byron? I’m doing great
Byron Jones
and wonderful and Delaware County, Pennsylvania.
Unknown Speaker
And today’s weather.
Byron Jones
Today’s weather is 70 degrees. I got a lot of stuff done today.
Victor Arocho
Okay, so yeah, two weeks over 70 degrees, right?
Byron Jones
We all know what to do with myself. I took the snowball and I pushed it back all the way in the back pull the lawnmower out it was great. Can’t wait.
Victor Arocho
I mean, I’m in shorts in sunny South Florida. So we’re doing a lot. We got a lot of rain here. That’s the only only thing we got going on here. Alright, so listen up. Before we get started, I wanted to give a quick shout out to one of our own down here in South Florida basketball star on the rise. Dylan Frye. He signed his first professional contract with a Croatian teams playing the Croatian league. And here’s some of the notes that they’re telling us about him. Just read it to you real quick I coach this guy, a Byron, this young man in AAU and you triple say basketball. What do we do who’s dedicated his whole life? His hair Dylan fries, another American who made his debut as a professional basketball player his weekend this weekend. And what a debut with a fantastic 30 points, four rebounds, eight assists, and one stone ball but seven three pointers from five attempts and a great approach as if, as if this was his hundredth game. And not his first experiment, his first appearance, the young player and they pronounce the name of Croatia. I don’t know. It’s just doing outstanding. And then his the last one was Byron. He’s 22 gorgeous graduated sign. And the last update we got for him. He just scored his first double double. He had 18 points. And 10 assists is
Unknown Speaker
very nice.
Victor Arocho
That’s pretty nice. And his name is Dylan fried RFRY II YouTube him. There’s also known as white chocolate he Yeah, he played a bowling green. Just a phenomenal kid. Great family. So shout out to my young man. Dylan fry had the honor of coaching him for a little while there. So pretty proud of that. I’m sorry. Did you cheat them out of the docq? Yes. Did you teach them? No, no. Okay, I can teach my but he could dunk though. I did teach about it. Okay, tell them how to you know, we just balanced our games. That kid was a superstar since fourth grade. Um, today we’re going to talk about we had rough rules by Rivera, he got tied up with another commitment. So he may join us later. We’re not sure if he’s gonna join us later or not. But we’re gonna continue going. We’re going to talk about the NFL to a star giants in the Bucs Dallas and Philly AFC East in general. I have some things about the youngest head coaches that they made some comments on. I’ll see we’ll come back to Tulsa and win this weekend. And then we’re going to be opening up live calls welcome to join us anytime you want. So let’s get it started here. So what did you think I mean obviously we want to go to the Giants I don’t want to go to giants first. Let’s let’s go to giants first as usual. Okay, buyer giants verse bucks. Will you think it?
Byron Jones
Well, I’m gonna jump back on the Danny diamonds.
Unknown Speaker
Oh, man.
Byron Jones
Go I’m coming back. I’m coming home daddy is coming home,
Victor Arocho
flip flopper and election.
Byron Jones
Flip it all over the place. The problem I see with him he tries too hard. Instead of giving up on the play for roll it up in the bleachers throws in the Cylons. He’s trying to make a play. That’s what happened with those two interceptions that he throw. He’s just trying too hard. And I’m gonna give him the benefit of the doubt. Now, though, I think he can be a franchise quarterback because
Victor Arocho
because Peyton Manning was a turnover machine. Eli Manning was definitely a turnover machine brett farr turnover machine. So hopefully, you know, you know he can work the kinks out as far as just take the ball and chuck it into the stands instead of trying so hard. I think a lot of quarterbacks have some challenges with that but, um, franchise quarterback, I don’t know yet. Here’s someone who’s statistics that I looked up. He obviously they’re one in seven. He’s got a 61 closest 62% completion rate. He’s got a seven TDs verse over nine interceptions. So over over what eight games he’s thrown 16 Hundred trees averaging what like 200 some gain
Byron Jones
What does he have as far as you know he has butter finger Evan Evan Ingram or whatever his name is right I don’t know why he doesn’t throw the ball to go and take you know he’s a proven Pro. Now you saw his wife got on there it was blasting everybody you know as far as him not getting the ball which you should know Sterling sharp you know he’s gonna do his thing, but they’re just they just don’t have any playmakers he just he just tries too hard chuck it get rid of
Victor Arocho
it. Well, he should have done that at the end because he got rid of it one too late and he got rid of it not only did he get rid of it too late he threw it behind the receiver so that could have been another picks that would have been a pick six like 100 yard return so he has to get rid of that ball earlier than and he did it and he should throw it outside so guys you touch so you gotta throw it outside I’m a I’m a D back if you throw it short I’m coming up I’m not worried about that but I’m getting the ball by is gonna get really big me
Byron Jones
through it like you said toward the pylon that’s where the ball is supposed to
Unknown Speaker
climb in outside yes
Byron Jones
toward the pylon. That’s where it’s supposed to go.
Victor Arocho
But early but earlier to he had even if he did it with the throw. Yeah, it would have been okay, if he would have released it earlier. He really he gave that guy too much time to catch up.
Byron Jones
What about the DB? What do you think that was a pass interference
Unknown Speaker
that one
Unknown Speaker
this way though.
Victor Arocho
I didn’t see enough that what I would call pass interference. You do
Byron Jones
look like the game was that when the saints and the Rams well they played with a cloud all over top he ran into you he did tournament to usually
Victor Arocho
you know talking about on the plate for the for the winner. Right.
Byron Jones
I think I thought it was a pass interference, though even though he didn’t throw the ball where he was supposed to throw it because Winfield when he ran toward he’s running but he didn’t he never talked you know, he did turn around look to see where the ball was he just ran he’s sort of stuck his arms out and then the ball hit him in the back of the arm. Usually they call that if the guy doesn’t turn around,
Victor Arocho
right but I think that if the ball hits it what I remember spending was on here what I remember is if it’s hits the defenders hand it’s immediately as if he’s you know going for the ball defending the ball. So as long as he if he’s touching the ball before he touches the receiver He’s fine.
Byron Jones
he banged into him that he was there before the ball got there. And the ball hit him on the back of arm his back it was head was looking that way he wasn’t even thinking about looking for a ball they should call that but they did.
Victor Arocho
But the one thing I am happy for once defense played a good game
Byron Jones
for the most part, you know well the figure was against Tom Brady. You know to hell no gronk like couple, two or three passes to him every Monday I pretty much held him in check even though he didn’t get the one of the touchdown but they held their own I was impressed with the opposite they were a little bit better the Giants this week with the rookie point of view I think the same is the good the left guard next to all the other train wreck Andrew Thomas they ran a ball pretty good they should have gave the ball the wall gold Goldman a little bit more.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, I mean, again, I don’t know if the Bucks just took them lightly. Or here’s our call a number so if you have if you’re listening now you may want to call in as 6465588656646558656 or just ask for an exit and access number 806-981-3148 806-981-3140 pounds typing your name and we’d love to hear from you. I’m
Unknown Speaker
back at home and
Victor Arocho
this is what I feel right now about the Giants that’s you and me. That’s me that’s that’s to me. That’s the Giants right now. I don’t even know what to do. I don’t know what to say. You know? The division is terrible, but that’s how I feel the giants are I don’t understand anything. I just don’t understand what they’re doing and Danny Dimas has it uh he missed some throws that he needs to make
Byron Jones
yes too long a couple of like two or three two Slayton deep,
Unknown Speaker
deep he, you know, just
Byron Jones
be at least Ingram caught the one not the passive, the same one that they would have won the Philadelphia game but he caught that one this time.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, I mean, it’s this combination of pieces, but uh, you know, there’s throws, he’s got to learn how to make and the other thing is, um, Obviously I’m biased because as a giant fan and I’m like, what went down? What do you like but my he may have he think that he’s having pressure from the fact that there’s so many other rookies that are playing outstanding football.
Byron Jones
The other ones that are playing well, like Kyler Murray, you know, same class. He has more people around him. He’s got Fitzgerald. Hopkins, they have talent around them. He has him.
Victor Arocho
No, I understand just saying Do you think that adds so because you got to He’s doing well, Justin Herbert’s doing well, you just move to it. We’ll talk about that in a few seconds. I’m just I don’t know if that pressure starts getting to them. But now I feel comfortable with Jason Garrett. He’s a good builder of quarterbacks. Definitely missing now sake one. But again, I’m big on defense, right? If we don’t play defense, well see, those little guys are gonna have to put their bid. I got this one, particularly for you, because you guys jump the bow like my giants are killing me. And I had a hard time this weekend. Cuz you know, I always want giants to win. But I really didn’t want Brady to lose. So it was kind of a combination. Sweet, bitter.
Byron Jones
They’re getting they’re getting close. They really are getting close. There’s no look at the losses, all of them are close. Mm, john, except for the 49 is when they got blown out. But all the other all the other games that they played, they have been closed? Yeah, they’re there. There’s it’s just, you know, they just need to learn how to finish a game. That’s the problem.
Victor Arocho
Well, let’s hope that they start doing something mean, they still got a shot. That the sad part is they got a shot. And I don’t actually for me, I’m happy if they win, right. And I’m not happy If anyone comes out at a conference going to playoffs. But you know, hey, if we get to playoffs as part of this, the rules, we didn’t make them up. It’s good experience, at least for the team. Right as they get there, even with a lousy record. You know, I think that’ll motivate sake one Barkley even more, not that he needs it. But um, I’d be excited to come back.
Unknown Speaker
Oh, no.
Byron Jones
Go to a playoff and get embarrassed to play that, you know, it’s nice to go. I wouldn’t want to go there and get blown out the first game, because
Unknown Speaker
you just said they’ve been playing pretty close.
Byron Jones
Pretty close. But then when you go to play in the playoffs, that’s a whole different beast. That’s a whole different No, that’s that’s that’s up here that gets faster.
Victor Arocho
Well, whoever for the NFC goes is gonna get a have a problem. So it’s like,
Unknown Speaker
matters, right?
Victor Arocho
As a matter, so at least you get there you get there, right? But then we then we have a problem with you. You’ve you fake tankers, right. You want to take for what you think you want. Alrighty, so to start, right. What did you dig about to start 93 yards.
Byron Jones
That’s all he could say. 93. He didn’t know he managed the game. He didn’t have any catastrophic mistakes. And he probably turned over the first turnover. It could have been a lot worse. He could be Danny dies, if you’re throwing three interceptions over there from the ball. He didn’t put things in harm’s way. And he played fine for his first game. Maybe it might open up the book. A little bit more for him to the next game. But he did well, 93 yards and he didn’t blow anything. The other defense helped him well, special teams. And now that’s what it all three parts.
Unknown Speaker
When Well, he got hit he fumbled the ball.
Unknown Speaker
against the D end that we’ve been taught Arlo was at Arnold.
Unknown Speaker
Aaron, Donald, why
Victor Arocho
not Aaron? He’s the quarterback who’s the defensive end that came in
Unknown Speaker
for the Rams.
Byron Jones
Oh, Aaron Donald buy my MVP pick for the NFL.
Unknown Speaker
The D tackle.
Victor Arocho
Oh, yeah, he got a good. Yeah. So I mean, I don’t really know. We’ll see what happens is, like you said they were mentioning a lot of things you were bringing up that they definitely had to see something in practice that made them make that decision to make that move. It brought up some good points. You know, like I said, Fitzpatrick, again, I don’t think they treated him the way they should have but I’d have I’ve always mentioned how Fitzpatrick has led teams you know, like buffalo to do well, but he’s also streaky. We’ve also seen him not do well. So they were making a point maybe four is like I said what we think is a dumb idea becomes a smart idea because he figures Hey, a great comment they mentioned they know the ceiling of where Fitzpatrick can go to right. They just don’t know where to is it right. They’re gonna fight they’re gonna find now but at least that hit shows that he didn’t have any issues as it relates to getting hit.
Byron Jones
Well at least yet, either. Find that he’s not fragile Yeah, yeah I was just like first got it falls on him he’s gonna fall apart
Victor Arocho
he made it. Yeah. Yeah so we’ll see the jet the dolphins in June pretty well. And so let me ask you a question. So what do you think about data Dallas and Philly situation Dallas Cowboys true. Oh, wait, hold on. I got something for you for your buddy hopefully as he called it. Tell me Tell me. What do you think about that was just terrible.
Byron Jones
They’re horrible. I don’t know what’s wrong with Dallas they had but that was the quarterback the new ci or whatever guys. He went from good at you go.
Unknown Speaker
That’s the only thing good. Dallas Cowboys.
Unknown Speaker
Are they even sure they aren’t really? Sure.
Unknown Speaker
Who that’s here? Yeah. They were probably like four years ago.
Byron Jones
But he put the kid I think it was a pit kid he went to Pitt first and he ended up a James Madison the quarterback that they signed some guy off the press practice squad from the Cleveland Browns like Garrett garrison. I think the kid’s name quarterback
Victor Arocho
from Cleveland Browns practice squad. I
Byron Jones
think that’s where he got it from Cooper rush. He came back to us with the Giants I think and they cut him in the preseason.
Victor Arocho
So you’re only allowed five guys on the practice squad, right?
Byron Jones
Oh, no. I think it’s more than that.
Victor Arocho
No, I thought it was less was just wondering how I’m so yeah, because you’re not gonna carry you can’t carry your position so they have to go out to find out who’s carrying a quarterback. That’s interesting on the practice squad. That has changed the decision making that they would have to make on that. But you know, Carson Wentz is awful. This test. That’s amazing, man. Now I don’t feel so bad about having Nick foles statue in Philadelphia. He’s uh, you know, they’ve spoken about him he’s done great, but I just don’t see the guy that the way they built him up so much
Byron Jones
with him. You know, you got to give him a little break. Not much. Not much to offer the line is decimated like that kind of like Dallas. No offensive line all over hurt. Every last one ever heard the running back mile Sanders started running back. He hasn’t You know, he hasn’t been playing. And he’s awful, too. Photos.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, they
Victor Arocho
shoot I was gonna mention some buck. You know if but but if dynamic. Donovan McNabb was playing like him, they would have tore him apart.
Byron Jones
To chase them all the way to wherever he lived the jersey. They’d have followed him all the way home. Philly fans. Hey, Donovan.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, they always gave read. I’d like that have been taken there all the whole time. So we got to call her in here. Hold on a second.
Unknown Speaker
Ask him to unmute
Unknown Speaker
How you doing? Welcome to the Jones and arrojo show. This is Victor and Byron. Who do we have? What’s going on guys?
Unknown Speaker
Roll Tide roll.
Unknown Speaker
I want to acknowledge that. That’s what I’m talking about. I like seeing that.
Unknown Speaker
Well, he said he worked word for you. Yeah, I had to
Byron Jones
go back. Alabama. Back in the day. Johnny knew so running back.
Justin Riley
Hey, man, we had a great stable of running backs back in his day. One just him his major Ogilvy Tony, Nathan and, man. They just kept on putting them in there.
Unknown Speaker
Oh, yeah.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, we were talking about it. You know, I just I jumped on. Justin show Justin shows. Just tell us a little bit about your show. Before you go before we get into this a little bit deeper.
Justin Riley
Yeah, absolutely. I’m on the rally and constant show with Steve Brown. Marvin constant is my co host. He’s a former all sec linebacker that played Alabama from 99 to 2002. While I was there, and then Steve Brown. For me if you follow the follow the comic circuit he’s he’s one of the best all time comedians and we have a lot of fun on there. Our main focus is alabama football but we do talk about sec we do talk about NFL we we recap previous Alabama games. We also have different Alabama legend or legends Come on each week, and we focus on specific position groups. So it’s a lot of fun.
Victor Arocho
Awesome. I have I have fun. I have one column and the other day and we were talking about how Alabama I’m always thinking about running backs and they’re great defense. And then Charles Woodson was like picking his top five receivers and like three of the five came from Alabama. And you’re not even thinking of receivers are talking about Alabama. But you know, at least you know, you’re not realizing it until they put all those receivers up there.
Justin Riley
It was amazing how dynamic Alabama has changed here recently. Like you said, Victor, if you played Alabama first thing you think about is either a good offensive lineman stud running back or running backs, and then just pick any position in the defense and never would anyone have ever thought wide receiver until Saban completely flipped the script. You know, first brought in Lane Kiffin and started that movement. And then brought in some other guys and then now with Steve Sarkeesian. Just this is completely different Alabama squad than what we’re accustomed to growing up. Interesting.
Victor Arocho
I am Byron has sec changed. I mean, we’re flipping over to college a little bit. Let’s stay here. I want to ask you before Justin goes, how has the SEC changed since you played when you were playing at Tulsa
Byron Jones
back? Well, back in the day, everybody did random ball yos either wishbone. I know one of those just run they just run the ball and just pounded and pounded after we played Oh, you and what they do. You know when I got Marcus Dupree, they went from the wishbone offense to the eye and they just ran it just ran up and down the field. Ernest Anderson always shoe Oklahoma State he was running back there. Thurman Thomas came from there. So all these guys they just lined up and just ran the ball. That was it.
Victor Arocho
Well, you got some history, it was sec. When they were not the powerhouse they are today.
Byron Jones
I was like the pack of a pack a pack then the big a back then. And you know pretty much doubles over to your wall.
Unknown Speaker
And the Big East with the Big East.
Unknown Speaker
Basketball, basketball.
Unknown Speaker
When Miami was winning,
Unknown Speaker
we have recruits that don’t even
Justin Riley
they get they kept the GPA.
Unknown Speaker
Justin Riley
I was gonna say I was to be honest with you. Yes. Those were some great conferences during that day. But the SEC was quite frankly overlooked. They had some solid Dean’s you know, Alabama was still pretty good. And the 70s and 80s. In Tennessee at that time, was a very good squat. Florida was good. So an Auburn was good as well, especially when they have you know, Bo Jackson. We just were overlooked, you know, because of it seems like you mentioned like Miami and then that how states and some of the other squads you mentioned,
Victor Arocho
when I first moved down to Florida, it was with a company out of Atlanta was a corporate headquarters. So staying in the Marriott right by the office, and it was just a massive party going on. And it was because the SEC championship was that day. And I see people from all different ages, super Southern accents, and just you know, who came in and hollerin it all up. It was kradic the awkward crowd was there at that hotel. It was amazing. I mean, people from all ages, so it wasn’t just a bunch of young people. What do you call that tailgating? It was you know, was more mature alumni really partying it up? We definitely have one of the most passionate fan bases of any in the country for sure. Yeah, so you see what I got on now. So let’s talk a little bit back. Go back to the pros, right. So you think about the NFC East and Bye. Bye. Where are you at now you Philadelphia there’s only four teams you could pick. I am never known a guy. I didn’t think this loyal giant fan just flop.
Unknown Speaker
Flip Flop.
Justin Riley
Man I think whoever is the best of the worst is going to finish that and the fans are not going to be the ones that benefit from it. But I want to touch on Dallas man, I think their training were mainly because of Jerry Jones. And I’ve mentioned this to you before man here mostly a lot of our Davis when he’s with the Raiders and just destroy that organization and run it into the ground and I believe that’s the same thing replicating itself here in modern day Dallas, and he just needs to be run out of town. Or Dallas will never remotely resemble anything once was.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I mean, dude, he’s not a worse guy.
Byron Jones
He’s not going anywhere. He’s gonna be like out Davis out Davis kept coming to work every day with the Walker and everything probably with oxygen and a nurse Never Never, Never Never gonna give up control until he dies. Yeah, I don’t want I’m not wishing death on the guy, but he’s not. Not gonna give it up.
Victor Arocho
It’s also great. I think the game is so expensive. I mean, the team’s like worth almost close to $2 billion. I mean, you’ve really, really, really got to have not only just major cast, like the bombers of the world, but you’re gonna have to DC better know what you’re doing. Going into that.
Justin Riley
Thanks for spending way too much money for what they have. I mean, the one thing that they do have some good talent physicians and they really should be ashamed of themselves for not doing more than what they’re doing. Yeah, I understand losing Dak is huge, man. But you still got Amari Cooper out there. They’ve had what like two touches this past week. How do you how do you allow that to happen? How do you not get the ball in the hands of arguably your best play on offense?
Unknown Speaker
I was talking about that was giants
Unknown Speaker
in the back corner with
Byron Jones
the new cheer. Whatever kid’s name is playing with Dallas the quarterback. Yeah, there was a reason. Yeah, he that’s why he played a James Madison.
Unknown Speaker
Sorry, to my days Madison.
Byron Jones
Madison, I’ve been there a couple times.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I think.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, but But uh, so do you think Jerry’s move on DAX contract is panning out? Good for him good for Dak I mean, you know, he pays zekiel Elliott major dollars and he’s having a terrible season.
Justin Riley
That’s where I have a problem, to be honest with you, man. I’ve never been on the zekiel Elliott bus. I’ve never been on that. And I think that his money needs to be put towards DAC that you can rely on DAC is somebody that can take that organization to the next level. I don’t see it was he I think he’s way too self centered. And he’s more about himself than he is about the team. And he’s all about getting that payday and whereas Zack Dak is the exact opposite.
Unknown Speaker
Byron’s got a smile on his face.
Byron Jones
Where can we start with that once most of Zeke problem is he doesn’t have offers a line to wanted they originally have a first got there he was avid was at least four or five yards of carry when he had the tie rod Smith and Zack Zack Martin and the senate every time he was much better when he had that full line but now since he has this big shift line that wherever they got him from you know he’s not running with the same authority and he’s become a funder to
Unknown Speaker
the fumbling is in his control but
Victor Arocho
they’re gonna pay him all that money they got to know the line that’s in front of all i mean that’s just a stupid move down I’m gonna pay my running back all this money but I’m not gonna have anybody to block
Byron Jones
but you got to remember that when they built a team they started with the deep the off of the line first look at their will. Smith number one pick Zack Martin number one pick the center what I think was a number one picked up cut while the other guy was a first and second they’re all high picks those guys every last one of them five or six guys that had an ally and he’s like yeah, they started with that. And you know they got Zeke then no Dak and you know they built it the right way but now those guys are just they’re hurting they’re falling apart the center retired No, it’s just a mess right now.
Victor Arocho
Hey, listen, I’m not a Dallas fan. I know I have friends that a Dallas fans I’m not bashing on him but sorry. I guess I am bashing on him. You know call to defend them but the biggest problem with Dallas is they get too much bread like no today like they get all the press in the world for no reason right at all. And you know, it’s just it’s just terrible and they’re you know, obviously not forgot the owner’s name. He He’s losing a ton of money with a stadium now. He’s got a lot of money. But they’re all losing money
Byron Jones
because of your Coronavirus every last one or losing millions and millions of dollars because nobody’s gonna. Nobody’s gonna stand. nobody’s buying concession. nobody’s buying anything.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, well, they have 100. They said 100,000 people.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, that’s a lot. That’s a lot of money. That’s a lot of money.
Justin Riley
Which is just blew my mind when you see some of these guys getting these gigantic contracts. I’m like, do you not realize you have nobody in the stands? You
Unknown Speaker
pay for that contract at COVID going on? And we don’t know how long it’s going to go on?
Victor Arocho
Yeah, exactly. Well, the funny part is, I think they should be at least given some of that money back to the people that would have been working when they were there. Cuz they’re the ones that make it all happen for the fans and everything.
Unknown Speaker
A question for Alabama lately? Go ahead.
Byron Jones
Since you know, Alabama has those world famous alumni that are those guys sneaking into the luxury boxes over there, down there that stadium
Justin Riley
I can neither confirm or deny
Victor Arocho
Byron’s phrase denied the flag, get
Unknown Speaker
denied, denied, denied,
Unknown Speaker
denied, denied, denied.
Byron Jones
people down there, they got all that they could be and now they got more money. Jerry Jones over there and you figure you got all these big time. Alabama, Alabama alumni. Oh, I’m going to this get somehow some way. I think they’re sneaking into the building and they’re in those luxury boxes. You just can’t see it. They’re in there.
Unknown Speaker
Probably probably big donors to speaking.
Victor Arocho
I went to I went to the first xfl game in Birmingham, Birmingham full. You were probably Justin. Yeah. So I have them there. And they’ve played at the old Alabama stadium. Right. And there’s a statue,
Justin Riley
right. Yeah. Yeah, Legion field.
Victor Arocho
So I was so excited to go Byron, you know, nicely. I was excited because there’s the xfl. But I was brought there by a business associate and we had a great time. But it’s the old stadium and you’re not realizing those kind of stadiums. I mean, we’ll walk in through him like he’s This is super All right. So then we sat in the seats that were battle seats, but they had a back right had they had a back the rest of them were benches. And those metal rights were spray painted gold. Those seats were running at like a million. See back in George Brian’s day, and it’s just a metal seat with ours around it painted gold.
Justin Riley
That’s it, man. It’s just about the product on the field. People just want to people just want to be in the stadium.
Victor Arocho
Alabama, people don’t joke around man, this is an ex NFL game. And buyer. They ran out of beer. It was like $40 a case and they ran out a
Unknown Speaker
lot of beer.
Victor Arocho
And they ran out and this is an xfl game. It’s not like you know, no offense, but it’s an XML game. You read on the drinks. It’s it. I just want to bring that up. We were in Birmingham and I went to the Legion field. I guess you could call it well. Dallas, you know, the NFC East.
Unknown Speaker
Philly Who’s your pick? The winner. buyer.
Unknown Speaker
Per fan would Panthers.
Victor Arocho
Oh, I got that’s a high school team. Just
Unknown Speaker
Who’s that?
Unknown Speaker
There we go. Panthers. There we go.
Unknown Speaker
That’s right. That’s the high school we graduated from
Justin Riley
the NFC East. Yeah, I think you were touching a little bit on this earlier about how much longer are they going to put up with their boy quarterback? Because to be honest with you, I don’t see it either. And honestly, I feel like they need to be getting Jalen hertz on the field a little bit more than what they’re doing
Byron Jones
another Alabama quarterback
Unknown Speaker
kid who could get hurt
Byron Jones
only thing with him is that he could run the ball like you know and sec the other teams they put you know against those defenses, but the NFL is a little bit different beasts were
Unknown Speaker
like that.
Justin Riley
I agree but I just I’m not seeing it from whence right now and and you just kind of got to ask the question. Okay, well, how much longer are they going to deal with? is an article he’s or an hour when is Jalen gonna get his shot? I just I’m not buying wins right now.
Byron Jones
They’re paying less over 100 million dollars so he’s not going anywhere for
Unknown Speaker
a while. That’s their fault.
Byron Jones
Yeah, you’re right. They’re right. But they figured he was a franchise quarterback and I’m surprised they’re around here. sold off here that they have run him out of the safety net because like, you know what I’ve talked with Victor earlier. Donovan McNabb. When I got blown up like anybody else got blown up he was he got
Justin Riley
to put the put this in first. put this in perspective, the man was booed on draft day. One the Eagles drafted him.
Victor Arocho
And that is crazy. So hey, we everybody’s got a shot to see. So
Justin Riley
Honestly I feel like the Eagles though is ugly they’re playing somehow find their way in and win that division.
Victor Arocho
All right, let’s switch over to AFC East because we have a lot of dolphin and switches so dolphin and jet friends that we know so we were talking about to an alphabet show we talked about a little bit earlier. So what do you think by written II think buffalo is good to take a thing. Miami’s got a shot they look pretty good. A buffalo is gonna take
Byron Jones
buffalo I’m gonna go with them. Yeah, they got a good quarterback. He’s playing well. You know, Josh Allen got a good running game. Now the defense is pretty good. So I think they’re gonna hold on. Now. Here we go and get the dolphins
Victor Arocho
fan I like to see them do well, I want to see to do well.
Unknown Speaker
It’s a interesting year when celeteque is doing really bad.
Unknown Speaker
Victor Arocho
and there’s a chance for these other two teams to make it. You know, we’ll see what happens. But I like Miami’s defense.
Unknown Speaker
They’re pretty good. They’re not.
Justin Riley
I think Miami is doing Miami is doing very well. They’re doing a lot better than they have. They don’t just they just don’t have all the tools quite yet. I think they’re gonna finish strong. But the bills I mean, there’s their division to lose and it’d be it takes something catastrophic for them to blow that.
Byron Jones
The Patriots have done stick a fork in him. You know, he’s going to they’re gonna keep losing a loser, they might end up with a top 10 pick who knows that they’re not playing well, at all cam is. I don’t know what happened. Cam.
Unknown Speaker
I don’t know what happened.
Justin Riley
His style of play? I don’t think his style play really fits bill chicks offensive system and just the marriage. That didn’t seem right. And I don’t think Bo tech knows how to use them correctly, because he’s still one of that old schools style of offense.
Byron Jones
Pretty much it looks like the single wings. Yeah.
Victor Arocho
Well, they made a good point one when he fumbled. It’s two things I want to I want to see what you guys think. Right? One, when he fumbled the ball, he was running to his left. And he’s right handed. one. Number two is it we’ve always been taught since young age and football, always have the ball closest to the side. So if you’re running the balls in your right hand and you’re running down the left sideline, you need to flip switch that ball over. So at least if you move loser, so forth goes out of balance, if you’re running down the right sideline, make sure the balls in your right hand, left sideline left hand, well, he had the ball in his right hand running to the left. And if you see how they poked it out, if that ball was in his left hand, the guide never would have had. So is the ball was more towards more defenders than it was towards the sideline. Right. And so that’s that. The third point I want to make up and let you guys go is I heard one of the analysis and I thought it was a good point is you know, that was a mistake on belcheck part, why didn’t he run it to the right, he’s a right handed quarterback run to your right, quarterbacks are not used to switching the ball. Right? They’re gonna keep it in their stride. So you know, Belichick Why don’t you run the ball to your right. And you know, he doesn’t get a mark for that. Byron.
Byron Jones
But as much as Cam Newton runs the ball, he should know better. When you go head, turn your switch arms. He wants a lot. It’s not that he doesn’t know a little bit. He runs a lot he should know better.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I guess I just
Justin Riley
have to completely agree with that. I mean, you know, Cam that he that’s his wheelhouse. He has always been able to run the ball. Well, you know, especially what you saw with dig college and what he’s been able to do throughout the years, when he was healthy. When he knows what to do. He has that in his mind and grained of how he supposed to handle the ball. And that was just an oversight on his on his part. And it cost him dearly. Yeah.
Victor Arocho
I was rooting for him to do well, not a patriot. I like the Patriot organization. I like the AFC is opened up. But I want to I want to cam to do to do well. And I think I agree I don’t want
Justin Riley
to do well. I’m a ravens guy near ravens. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
The i think that
Victor Arocho
that belcheck I don’t know what they were thinking then how he could fit into that office. The other thing is my understanding unless he’s slimmed down the playbook, but the Patriots playbook is like, double the size of most NFL teams playbooks. How is someone going to come in and pick that up that quickly? And then they’d even put into backup quarterbacks which is a civil right.
Unknown Speaker
Look at him.
Victor Arocho
He’s he went down to third third string, but you know, how can he had a slimmed down that playbook there’s no way camp could pick up that playbook at the time from a pig.
Byron Jones
But what have you got to play to strength? What is the strength?
Unknown Speaker
Running, running? Right?
Byron Jones
Run it throw it throw that flat passing it throw no crossing patterns, you can throw them well deep he’s not a great passer at all. But you know, little simple stuff if they have, like, you know what the Westwell curves and those kind of receivers he should be fine but those kind of guys running across some patterns but for some reason the easy to turn it into the ground, or he’s airmail until 900 feet the other way. No Is he hurt no or what’s going on with him for him to miss these guys that are wide open?
Unknown Speaker
Edelman sir
Justin Riley
Yeah, that’s good. Cool. That’s good question. Byron is cam healthy? You gotta get I gotta ask that question because something just isn’t right. Or you know he could just be checking out man maybe he’s just kind of done i don’t know i it’s a hard it’s I have a hard time ring cams by language here that the past couple years. I just don’t feel like he’s a same motivated and driven player he once was.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, I could see that. It doesn’t seem to have the same fire you would think this year you would have you know, this could be a career ending ceaser
Byron Jones
got a one year one year contract. Goodbye.
Victor Arocho
And nobody was really going after him.
Unknown Speaker
Not really,
Victor Arocho
you know, I mean, so nobody was really going after him. Well, we’ll see what happens in anyway. Barry you want to make a prediction of the Jets gonna win a game of the season? Oh,
Byron Jones
Adam gates, the head coach he should have been fired before the season even started they should drop him off in the New Jersey Turnpike supplies a blow it all up and start over again.
Justin Riley
That is the next time that I want to go get a big job. I’m taking Adam gays with me. Because somehow this god he’s convincing people to give him a coaching positions. So he must know how to conduct an incredible interview.
Victor Arocho
Yes, something something’s going on. Because there’s so many better coaches out there we were talking about the enemy. There’s a ton of great Oh, absolutely.
Byron Jones
By the left list down there Tampa, Tampa Bay. So that guy’s there but for some Adam cakes, he’s cheese are horrible.
Victor Arocho
I think the enemy’s gonna get a head coaching position this year, I believe buyer left which is gonna get a position this year. You’re talking to me? No way. Byron man, once you found that Brady’s coming, I would say stay tuned. Because now he’s gonna be part of that organization. And they’re, they got a lot of awesome stuff going on there. And one thing I did want to discuss because you know, I am a put this up. You know how I feel about this guy? Which kind of bothered me when they don’t mention it. This is where I’m going. Oh, geez, man. Alrighty, so they were talking about the youngest head coaches. And it seems like that’s where the NFL is heading towards with like, coaches like make VA. Who else was the other young coach would judge who else is gonna coach out there
Unknown Speaker
with Arizona,
Victor Arocho
Arizona, Arizona, who’s at San Francisco
Unknown Speaker
was at Shanahan
Victor Arocho
Shanahan least not as young but they’re talking all about, you know, the young coaches. That’s how it you know, the NFL is switching to and so forth. And the comments on that, before I get into my piece I probably get gave you my card first.
Justin Riley
I think that the NFL is just adapting and this gene is changing and you got you bringing in fresher ideas to the table will allow the old coaching styles and coaching ways to just kind of, I guess fading off into the sunset or teams are able to have more success against against them. Whereas these new ways guys are able to bring something fresh, and I guess better to the table and able to breathe life into teams. Again, I guess. Unless you’re Andy Reid. Yeah, well, yeah, you got the exceptions to the rule for sure.
Victor Arocho
harbor Harbaugh’s good. Well, you know, one of my favorite coaches is Mike Tomlin. And that’s what they never bring him up. And I’m like, Do you guys remember he was 34 years old when he took the position? 32 Tomlin was I think 34 here to young coaches. Right and I just picked up ones that we would know there’s a few others but you got McVeigh with the Rams, right? He hasn’t won a Super Bowl. Um, you Got Tomlin that’s won a Super Bowl and has been in the playoffs. I think every year is just phenomenal in my opinion and look what he’s done with the team last year. Look what he’s doing with the team this year. Gruden was with the Raiders, but he won a Super Bowl with Tampa. cower was with the Steelers. So another young guy and they went to another young guy so you can see how good the Steelers organization is. Baltimore had Shula but he wanted with the dolphins. And then my boy john madden with the Raiders and he wants to be with the Raider. So only one, two, only three of the young grade coaches won a Super Bowl with the team they were hired for. And I just think Mike Tomlin there, they talk about him, but I would like when they mentioned about the young coaches that he was also a very young coach, and he’s adapted ever since.
Justin Riley
He’s gotten better and better. And one of his best coaching years, even though record didn’t show is this past season, man. I mean, he still had them, you know, contending for a playoff spot. And they were losing everybody to injury. Maybe they’re down to their third string quarterback and he’s still had them playing competitive. He knows that that’s just amazing to me. And especially with all the stuff that they’ve been dealing with all the adversity they faced and it’s just amazing, but I think is a phenomenal coach. And I think he has another Super Bowl a seizure. He may have won this year, they’re playing pretty
Victor Arocho
well a really good for ya. I just like him. You know, he’s uh, I like seeing those coaches been there for a long time and he was young and he’s with Steelers just as a great organization anyways, they don’t they haven’t had a lot of coaches in their
Byron Jones
world like three in the last 60 years. Probably the
Unknown Speaker
only ones I know was Joe Blow cower
Justin Riley
Bill Keller. I know.
Unknown Speaker
Victor Arocho
But again, I just was like if they’re gonna mention McVeigh, these young coaches, I think they should also mention the guys that were young and successful. So this is not something new. Right? It may be no no, but these guys were young when they started right. They got their
Justin Riley
shot. I just think there’s greater numbers now. There’s more younger guys coaching. But yeah, you’re absolutely right. I still think Tomlin is young man.
Victor Arocho
Ya know, he is but you know, just in comparison to the other guys. All right. But it’s also you just said something Justin, you said it was I’m sure I had lost my mind. But uh, what do you think about Tomlin there? Mr. Byron,
Unknown Speaker
I love Mike Tomlin it
Byron Jones
seemed like Yeah, he seemed like a coast I will want to play for you. It seems like he’s a player, you know, players gotta know he’s gonna eat unless you have to knucklehead and Tonio Brown, which is, I don’t know why he blew that up. But you know, he just seemed like, you know, somebody would really want to play for and, you know, give him you know, hundred percent every week. It seems like that kind of guy.
Victor Arocho
I love the fact that no matter how much drama is there hidden Ben Roethlisberger never have a problem. Never have a
Unknown Speaker
kid have a problem.
Victor Arocho
Some of them do. But he doesn’t date never. You never hear at all the whole time. He’s been there any challenges with him? You hear with the other players? Right?
Byron Jones
But you didn’t you didn’t hear that Antonio Brown was a train wreck the whole while he was there? Nope. They kept that on the down low with him. And all of a sudden just loaded.
Victor Arocho
I guess. Successful do that to you. Right. He’s he has so much success there. I guess there was a point where he felt he had more power than he had.
Byron Jones
Then why are you gonna go to two other teams and pretty much do the same thing again?
Victor Arocho
Well, think about it. He walked away from my contract of 30 million. All he needed was his signature. When he was with the Raiders, as soon as he signed he got 30 million guaranteed up front.
Byron Jones
Yeah, and then what he wanted, what time he wanted. He wanted to beat up the general manager. He probably wanted to choke. No, no, no, you’re gonna give me $30 million. You want me to get the fight where I’m not fighting anybody? I’m gonna be the angel. For $30 million.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, just for a signal.
Justin Riley
I’m just astounded that he’s even been he’s been given another shot to be honest with you. The thought that he was done is because of all his antics, but man, I hope I just hope he has. He’s not gone below this time. One. I don’t want to hear about it, too. I mean, my gosh. This is your absolute last chance. Yeah, if you blow it now you better call it Vincent van Gogh? dhfl.
Unknown Speaker
Victor Arocho
I’m hoping for a good I’m hoping for a good ending to this story because anything he owes it at least to Brady. I mean, Brady’s kids done everything to help them on and off the field.
Byron Jones
Well then they say you live in his house his pool house.
Justin Riley
Byron Jones
There’s no way I have Antonio brown in my pool house with my model.
Justin Riley
This sounds like a sitcom when watching
Victor Arocho
a Brady schoolhouse is probably, you know, 7000 square feet
Byron Jones
10,000 square feet there’s no way that that guy my house.
Victor Arocho
You guys know story about hollyfield his house was so big that his mistress was when it was in one of the wings of his own house. Yes. He had his mistress in the wing of his house. Right. So that’s how big these guys houses are. Well, we’ll see. We’ll see what happens there. Were to Tony Brown. He’s coming up this week. Right so all right, so we got the Tulsa house right so why are you gonna take over here? It was a scary win.
Byron Jones
No, that was a good yo the officials Yeah, they did a great job with that call. You know what that whole call as far as with the fumble, you know that you know, he didn’t follow the ball. I’m just telling you fumble. It was great when 3430
Victor Arocho
I did I did I deflect?
Byron Jones
Absolutely. Absolutely. And then when I think they got like a extra fourth down call or wherever they got set up looking like you know, even when I played we never got anything like that. It just never bounced our way like that. We went we went what 10 one and we didn’t go to a bowl game man.
Victor Arocho
Oh man. Well, I was a little nervous East Carolina played him tough. I mean they’re not even ranked.
Byron Jones
I think one and three coming in that we we played them when I was back in the day you know that was one of the people aren’t scheduling
Unknown Speaker
your conference.
Byron Jones
Back then they were independent. We were in the Missouri Valley then which is no longer around the football but uh, they know they played well you know for the most part the quarterback for Tulsa pretty good. Good Kid. You know, Zack, I think he came from Baylor I think he’s gonna be able to transfer something like that. But uh yes, the referees definitely mess that game I apologize you know that they basically blew the game for them
Victor Arocho
I think just the hunger leftist so don’t just wanna say thank you again and we’re gonna mention it shows on Tuesdays
you but you like so many teams where you just jump where you guys were all over the place. That is crazy. So anything else about Tulsa? You said you guys got really really
Unknown Speaker
recruited defensive back that’s gonna be good.
Byron Jones
linebackers pretty good like one of the all American candidate this year is probably be like the third all American ever at the University of Tulsa or so now that things are looking better because he was on the chopping block Dell pretty much Philip Montgomery the head coach he was he was they didn’t do well this year. He might have been on his way out the door but you know they’re playing well so we’re getting a bowl game to tidy bowl you know
Unknown Speaker
do you go back there?
Byron Jones
No, I ain’t been back there just in case you know i don’t know if i got a warrant to baby mamas or anything so
Unknown Speaker
they’re gonna fight now.
Byron Jones
So yeah, I’m next year I’m trying to go out there you know to go see a game out there to know when all this Coronavirus stuff is over. I’ll probably go out there now.
Unknown Speaker
Victor Arocho
yeah, I forgot about that. That’s gotta be crazy. Alrighty, so well, we want to see who stops playing this week.
Unknown Speaker
Oh, I forgot.
Byron Jones
I know you’ve moved to Cincinnati game to the end of the season.
Victor Arocho
The Packers were playing San Francisco now.
Yeah, the Packers played today but I mean San Francisco is just buried with with injuries.
Byron Jones
Tulsa plays a Navy
Victor Arocho
That’s funny. It’s just had the Navy and a Notre Dame’s shout out.
Byron Jones
It may be your seventh and it got SMU ranked high next week.
Victor Arocho
Let’s see what you got here. Let’s make cupcakes before we start wrapping this up. Are you getting jives versus the two and five? Wf t
Byron Jones
- New York Giants?
Victor Arocho
Are you picking the Giants to win? win? Don’t pick giants. Let’s see who’s a good game. Oh, this is interesting bears and Titans
Unknown Speaker
with a client.
Victor Arocho
It looks like they’re playing at Tennessee, Tennessee. Yeah, Tennessee. Let’s see I’m only to pick good games. The Chiefs Don’t worry very Oh, ravens Colts.
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
Whoo. Seahawks bills.
Unknown Speaker
Were they playing?
Unknown Speaker
buffalo buffalo
Unknown Speaker
All right, let’s get something that’s good here.
Victor Arocho
I would take this Steelers 7026 cowboys. That’s gonna be bad. It’s gonna be bad. Pittsburgh played at cowboys at Dallas. They’re gonna get
Unknown Speaker
blown out and
Victor Arocho
Jeremy world oh my god jerry jones I can’t believe I went to Johnson Jones I’m the dolphins the Cardinals big game four and three plus versus five and two plane in Arizona Cardinals Cardinals and whoo there you got the saints again in the bucket is but this time is in Tampa remember they lost the New Orleans in in New Orleans
Unknown Speaker
return the favor.
Victor Arocho
Yeah in Tonio Browns plane as well. That’s gonna be a night game and then this is a game this is the the the idol the tidy bowl. Monday night must be dying the Patriots vs. Jets. It’s a their record combined is two and 30.
Byron Jones
It’s gonna be 330 patriots.
Victor Arocho
Oh, three zero. Yeah, well, we’ll see interesting now. Now’s the time when the teams will start playing. So we’ll pick up our pick it up who we think is gonna happen next week. Remember, and we also have on the sports cast. We have the Ty Turner show every Monday at 10pm. So we’re gonna show on the sportscaster though YouTube. And then we have my man Justin, who was just on the phone. So there’s Riley inconstant he is every Tuesday at 7pm. He takes call ins want to talk a lot about Alabama Casey and he’s got constant is a fantastic ex NFL ex, Alabama player. He’s got Steve Brown, a funny, funny comedian and knows a lot about sports in Alabama. So check out their shows when they want to bring up again. And as we talked about every week we speak about the Gary Sinise foundation. And I don’t know Byron you want to talk about a little bit this week? I think.
Byron Jones
Here we go. The freedom and security are precious gifts that we as Americans should never take for granted. We must do all we can to extend our hand in times of need to those who willingly sacrifice each day to provide the freedom and security. While we can never do enough to show gratitude to our nation defenders, we can always do a little bit more Gary Sinise Foundation, please donate to the Gary Sinise foundation. org.
Victor Arocho
Yeah. Gary Sinise mushy? Yeah, Gary Sinise foundation.org. And that helps just first responders as well. Right. So just militaries, first responders. It’s so excellent, excellent organization. We’ll probably post that up as well. So we always want to mention, you know, trying to give back to the people that give us the opportunity to do the things that we do. And again, Byron hopefully the weather stays good out there. I’m enjoying South Florida. We have a lot going on coming up next week. So we’ll see what takes place we get the trade deadline coming up to see everybody past this Tuesday. Yeah, four o’clock. Nothing major. Nothing major. Nothing. Nobody kick everybody’s happy with what they got right.
Byron Jones
The giant should have traded the whole team but
Victor Arocho
think about it Antonio brown there wasn’t even a trade his pick them up. All righty. So listen, just remember again, the the Jones in a row to show every Thursday at 8pm. Call us and talk defend your team. See if you can handle by we’ll give it to you. I’ll give it to you. And see if you got some good sports sense to handle to Jersey Boys fighting back. Alrighty, you can follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one and visit us on our website at the sports cast that net. Join us next Thursday at 8pm for more special guests, and we’re going to have more exciting pieces as we continue with our show. Just want to say thank you, everybody stay safe. Byron is always it’s been a pleasure. and we will talk soon. Yeah, be safe. Everybody be safe. Good night. God bless. Good night.
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