In this episode, Victor Arocho and Byron Jones talk the latest on the New York Giants, and of course previewing the Super Bowl.
Victor Arocho – @varocho
Byron Jones
Victor Arocho 0:12
Miami Fort Lauderdale. Welcome to the Jones in a roadshow actually the Jersey Boys sports talk show today is brought to you by the sports cast Today is February 4. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to the sports cast in all your channels YouTube Periscope, iTunes. If you’re on iTunes, please leave a rating that’ll help us out tremendously. You can also visit us at the sports cast dotnet or follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one, please check out our app on iOS, you can download it and subscribe to our YouTube channel, you’ll be able to see all our shows from the past and our past episodes. So please go on there to some pretty, pretty good shows we had on there. We are streaming live on Facebook right now and today again is sponsored by debt free life. They asked two questions are you 100%? Sure Byron you’re gonna have a great retirement or you have some doubt. And number two, we have some doubt what if they can show you how to get out of debt nine years or less, including your mortgage without spending any additional money? any interest texts? d f l 23053185735. That text DFL 23053185735 Alrighty. We’re pretty excited. How you doing today? Byron?
Byron Jones 1:42
great and wonderful. Delaware County.
Victor Arocho 1:46
Delaware County. Okay. And you a picture of the weather out there. You got any pictures?
Byron Jones 2:00
I had to go outside the other day and dig three times. I had to go out there three times with a snowball that’s
Victor Arocho 2:11
43 this morning. And it got to 70 in the afternoon. As we get down lower today. It may get down below 40 today.
Byron Jones 2:24
Come on, man.
Victor Arocho 2:27
And Saturday is gonna be at the Super Bowl. It’s gonna be nice and hot. Now Hey, Kansas City. It’s cold up there.
Byron Jones 2:35
My stock melted.
Victor Arocho 2:37
Yeah, yeah, yeah. So we’re gonna get ready to get right into Alright, today we’re gonna talk about obviously the Super Bowl. I talked a little bit about giants we have going on, and a few other items. But before we start I thought it was very important to to share this. I’ve had this for a long time. I got a couple things to share. Let’s see if I could get this going the way I want it. Or ride share. Can you see that by a sci fi?
Byron Jones 3:11
Oh, really, man, Tom Brady. Tom Brady.
Victor Arocho 3:36
Come on, man. That’s pretty good. I’ve had that. I’ve had that for a long time. I just oh, I’m trying to stop that. Stop stop out of work. Katsuaki I stopped sharing you can’t see that anyways. Right. All right, good. So let’s get out of there. Alrighty, so we have a miss Vaughn Jones seller joining us she’s our moderators keeps us up to date. So how are you doing Miss Rhonda? Good how are you? Good are we gonna see you today we’re good to see you.
Brian Vaughn 4:14
I’m working on it give me a few
Victor Arocho 4:18
call you help you out with that. Anyhow, as you see on the screen on my screen today we got to bowl 55 Nice shirt
Byron Jones 4:29
There you go.
Victor Arocho 4:31
Show on if you see my background you see Superbowl 55 you see our sports cast the sports cast logo and then if I go figure out which way by remember that was our original show. That was the very first show we did back in October. Oh my over Yeah, no, no, no. What’s it Oh for you for I think the second time that was over But anyhow, that was me the beard on it. But that was when I had the Kansas City behind me and We dedicated the first show to a great friend of mine who played for Kansas City for seven, eight years Pella, McDaniels the third, who passed away last year at the age of 52. broke my heart. And we also dedicated this show to Edward Valdes Jr. who passed away tragically in a car accident at 23 years old. But it’s ironic that our first show had to kick you know, dedicating the show to Pella, McDaniels the third, and we’re gonna get into a little bit but I’m also doing a little, a nice dedication to Pelham for Black History Month. Tell him This was his stand up, stand up father, mentor to two people, two students, two NFL players, he played nine years in the NFL. He He’s Dr. Helms McDaniels of third. He did a lot for African American Studies. And I’m going to dedicate something later for him but very impressive. He’s an artist, a football player, a father, son, husband, just got two wonderful kids, a lovely wife from the VAB. And it was just broke my heart and he was able to see at least Kansas City last year when the Super Bowl before he passed, and I just brought that up because it was our first show. We had Kansas City there. So again, God bless you, Eddie Valdez and Pelham McDaniels so to grip helmig Daniels a third look him up. He is an inspiration to many, many, many people. So let’s get our show started there. Alrighty. So how are we doing Vonda? You’re not as cold is Byron over there in Philly, are you?
Brian Vaughn 6:53
I’m still in
Vonda Jones Sellers 6:54
South Carolina. Right. So
Brian Vaughn 6:59
it was kind of cold this morning. It was what 27 degrees this morning.
Victor Arocho 7:06
It was 40 it was 43.
Brian Vaughn 7:09
it warmed up to a blazing maybe in the mid 50s this afternoon, so we’re good.
Victor Arocho 7:14
Yeah, that’s good. So let me let me talk I’m always gonna we’re always gonna start off about giants. Probably Byron, this is gonna be good to your heart. They’re all D lineman. So I was reading some news on the giants and a former teammates. There was headline former teammates cheer on jpp in a group chat. john paul Pierre, the offensive lineman linebacker for Tampa Bay Bucs. And that group is Justin tuck, Michael stray Han Mathias. Kiwanuka. Kiwanuka. Fred Robbins, and they communicate virtually every day, like five days a week business sports keeping up with each other. So they’re rooting for their teammate jpp, which I thought was pretty cool that those guys continue to get together. They talk like every day, so I like bringing up that news. And I like, you know how the linemen stay very close. That was good line back. Well,
Byron Jones 8:10
you know, the other guy, Mike remmers, the left tackle for Casey. Yeah,
Victor Arocho 8:16
he was on the Giants too. I was reading that. Yeah, but I didn’t want to mention him. Like, so giant update. And then I just want to bring this up. Actually, I’m gonna bring this up now because I have it on here. Well, Byron, but let me bring this up in biology going on some jpp. This year has 9.5 sacks, he led Tampa Bay’s defense that registered a total 48 sacks tie for the NFL fourth highest total this year, which is going to bring this to light as we talk about Sumo. What do you think about those linemen and them getting together and helping each other out and moving on jpp
Byron Jones 8:56
wants alignment, always alignment? I’ve got a bit out the game for 1000 years, and I’m always rooting for the fat guys. The overweight lover like Heavy D led that as you go, I’m always root for like, I don’t know what team it is. Yeah, I always want you know, I watched from the inside out all the time, and I’m always gonna be that defensive guy.
Victor Arocho 9:22
It’s nice that they stayed tight. Right. You know. They talk about business they talk about, you know, just making sure they keep their lives just as great as they do in the NFL. I think that’s fantastic. Because sometimes it’s tough leaving, you know, lt had his problems and you when you leave the the fans stop cheering. It’s probably something a little different. How am I right?
Brian Vaughn 9:52
Today is Laura’s child’s birthday to you. That’s right.
Victor Arocho 9:56
That’s right. Yeah. Birthday. Oh t I’ve ever seen, you know, when I turned 50 I have a picture of me and him in the gym. I walked into the gym that morning, and he was walking out on my 50th birthday. That’s awesome. I took a picture with him. He still just me. He lives it. He lives. 10 minutes 15 minutes from the golf course.
I don’t know what mood he’s in. I can take any jams in there. So, super low 55 today’s his birthday. I mean, he’s Aquarius just like me. My birthday was a j you’re 26
Brian Vaughn 10:48
Okay. Happy belated birthday.
Victor Arocho 10:50
Thank you. And since they they moved the Super Bowl forward, right. They added an extra game or the Super Bowl every five years used to land on my birthday. Which was awesome. So when I was in Perth Amboy my 21st birthday. It was a Super Bowl. And we think it was Sam. It was San Francisco versus dolphins. We have to go. Eddie Lopez’s house. Oh, Lord. Imagine that. The Wall was terrible. Girls will come over tomorrow. Lisa, you would always have them over but the boys were there we go crazy. And then we go bowling afterwards. But it was a but the best thing I loved about it was every every time my birthday was so close or fell on it. That no matter what bird Super Bowl party I went to, there’s always a cake for me. Now they moved it forward. I got no more suitable cakes. But turning 21 Super Bowl was really very, very, very fun. Very fun time. So Alright, let’s talk about what’s happening here. Well, Byron, did you see this two guys out? We talked earlier. Two players are already in COVID protocol for Geez,
Byron Jones 12:09
what’s the haircuts
Victor Arocho 12:13
to tested positive the wait for Sunday for the elements to come back. The same thing got Patrick mahomes was in front of everybody. They didn’t give him the quarterback treatment to come in front. And they actually one of the guys who had to stop his haircut. You see, he had half a haircut.
Byron Jones 12:30
Guys, like whoever like messes with these guys that come around, they should have a test. They’re supposed to have a test before they go around them. They’ll go to cut somebody’s hair or whatever.
Victor Arocho 12:40
They had masks and everything on
Byron Jones 12:44
I guess the mass didn’t work. They didn’t have to
Victor Arocho 12:47
remember to mention a word would you don’t know if the guy was touching his hands with his turn every single time he cleaned his hands when he touches the utensil, you know the things that they use to cut hair so me you know, things you look at Russia Kansas City,
Byron Jones 13:03
that’s the more of more of them test positive before before the game that’s that’s not gonna be good at all.
Victor Arocho 13:10
I think there’s one person that they’re gonna worry about
Byron Jones 13:13
Patrick. everybody else’s on their own.
Victor Arocho 13:17
What do you think is gonna happen to Patrick? test positive?
Brian Vaughn 13:21
If he does That’s it, then they’re not gonna be winning that Super Bowl. There’s no way.
Victor Arocho 13:26
I wonder by reading this don’t have it.
Byron Jones 13:30
I was thinking about that today. I was thinking if they have that many guys that you know, test positive. They might move it back a week, you know, maybe, but then why Could it be like Tom Brady? I was reading what he did what a tom brady did with his family.
He said along the way.
He lives. He lives in a 50,000 square foot house and because he wants to, you know to focus on the game. He’s his wife his kids. Everybody sent him away. He’s been in a bigger house. Was he living in your in the in the shack yo for the last two weeks?
Victor Arocho 14:04
Really? I didn’t know him I got two stories on that and I love the guy I’m not to mention I love him. But you know he Everybody makes mistakes. And this was a crazy mistake. To give you the perspective how big 50,000 square foot houses that’s the size of the vendor hollyfield house and he had literally had his mistress in a wing of his house. Oh, wow. That’s crazy. To your same roof and three, that’s how big a 50,000 square foot houses
Vonda Jones Sellers 14:36
Byron Jones 14:40
You forget you gotta heat that thing. You gotta have a ton of money.
Victor Arocho 14:47
He got at least 10 to 20 air conditioners in there. But um, but then the next thing about Brady they were forgot who was on who shot I don’t know if you heard it. One of the guys on the sports today we’re saying that the guys were all celebrating when they won the NFC Championship. Brady yelled out of like, never like men have nowhere to cry or you know, I’m trying to celebrate. So what do you think about that buyer? Because there was other opinions about that, and why not want to hear your opinion?
Brian Vaughn 15:21
Yeah, Brady Brady would just try to be smart. He’s just making sure that his own players, nobody catches any kind of COVID they want to go ahead and they better wait until after the Super Bowl. They shouldn’t be doing it now. No, they were celebrating like, you know, cheering and
Victor Arocho 15:35
it wasn’t like going out. They were like, all excited and cheering and he yelled at him.
Brian Vaughn 15:41
Now, that was wrong. Let him celebrate
Byron Jones 15:48
their first time probably, you know, getting their yo yo to the NFC Championship game. Let him get a little one.
Vonda Jones Sellers 15:56
All right. All right. And then let us
Byron Jones 15:59
focus That’s what he said just gave a little bit. Just a little he’s been there 400 times they should turn around the Superbowl. They should call it the Brady bolt. Now after he’s done apply, just change it to Brady ball.
Vonda Jones Sellers 16:10
Victor Arocho 16:12
Brady, Brady. Brady, he’s his he’s been in more Super Bowls than the entire team of the Bucs combined. Right. And number one, and number two, they were the same this morning. They were like, there was one side It was like Vonda, you know, hey, you know, it’s not easy making NFC Championship, you know, celebrate and so forth. And then the other side was then again, did not Tom Brady, right. I mean, you live in Nuneaton and sleep and football and his goal is always to win the Super Bowl. So, um, so I don’t know which way I probably would have been the guy celebrating, right, but just don’t do it in front of him. Don’t do it for him. But nothing is he at least sets the standard though. You know, he’s like, you know, they always say Byron, right? You want to have people have experience in the locker room that’s already has to be experienced and talk to one side or because like, that’s good to have. He has some experience Super Bowl players there. Right. That they can do, especially veterans. And then and then when they see Brady do that and do the things he does kind of sets the sets the precedence. They’re in Tampa, right the culture. So I think those guys were up and down about it, but I think they’ll be more happy when they win it. Right.
Byron Jones 17:29
But Bruce Arians has been there before when he was at Pittsburgh, so he, you know, he has an idea, you know, as far as you know, things that you know, what to do and what not to do, because he’s been there.
Victor Arocho 17:37
Yeah, but you know, I mean, I, you probably know, but you know, better than I do, but I’m just I, I know from playing, and I that level is just that the locker room presence outside of a coach is very important, right? So you have someone making sure you got a leader in that locker room, like,
Byron Jones 17:55
like the Giants with players, like the guys back in the day, when they have ourselves you had, it was George Martin, it was Harry Carson. And it was somebody else’s, like three or four of them were like the guys, and you know, whenever if they had an issue, they went through, you know, his guys first and then he would take it to the big guy. But you know, you always got to have that, you know, you know, probably will tap is probably like jpp you know, it’s probably one of the guys probably Sue, you know, might be one of the guys, you know, down there. So you got to have that strong, you know, presence, you know, in the locker room that way, you know, everything, you know, they’ll weed it out before it gets to the coach.
Victor Arocho 18:32
That’s what I was the same way. He’s the one who went to kotlin and tell kotlin Hey, you know, players have changed. Melanson, let’s play it your way and play it our way. Right. You know, it’s too much and they sent it. They respond to me, he was really rough. But anyway, I thought that was pretty interesting. Taking that perspective, right, let’s celebrate and then here’s what we’re for. So you could take it either way. I think that was a good topic. So we got a good Joey they must. They they should make an award named Brady. signs in Jones. Team. mahomes Oh, Sonia, you’re going for the Chiefs team. mahomes. And this is the first time I’ve ever seen an emoji that didn’t have wine or coffee.
She got football emojis. They should name an award called Brady. He’s a sign of excellence. What do you so give me your some of your keys to the game bar.
Byron Jones 19:57
Like I keep saying the two tasks They’re playing they’re gonna play for the Chiefs on Saturday or Mike rhymers originally right tackle he’s gonna be switched to left tackle. And the other guy is Martinez Rankin is the right tackle. So if those guys don’t block though jpp and Shaq Barrett is gonna be a long day because they’re gonna get pressure on they’re gonna get pressure on them. If they can contain him keep him in the pocket that they’ll have him you know, not roll out and do the things that he can do to make him a special player. Tampa can beat these guys.
Victor Arocho 20:37
Advantage do me a favor if you go if you have a V you do another window for yourself and go on Facebook or go onto our link that’s where you see the comments and I got a Sony came back at me you got jokes. And guess what was the emojis? Like 12 cups of wine. It wasn’t even one. Oh, wait, I got some. We got we got that I got something for you here. So I’m gonna I’m gonna tell you what conversation yesterday and and I want to ask here this one. Man.
Byron Jones 21:23
I gotta put it on like him.
Victor Arocho 21:28
He was in a suit today with a with a can go. That’s right.
Byron Jones 21:31
That’s that man.
Victor Arocho 21:33
That is funny. So you want a couple things. Let’s get back into the keys. Why don’t you you were telling us You were telling me before. Tell us a little bit about the staff that he has over there. Bruce Arians,
Byron Jones 21:46
he has a staff. That’s what’s supposed to look like as far as diversity on his staff. He has made it there. Let me get there. Give me a second.
Victor Arocho 21:56
Can you see the face?
Byron Jones 21:59
I’m pulling it up right now. His assistant head coach.
Victor Arocho 22:01
The link
Byron Jones 22:02
is Harold Goodwin is the Assistant head coach African American pop bowls. defensive coordinator, African American
Victor Arocho 22:11
Byron Jones 22:12
offensive coordinator is by rim left which African American chief Armstrong special teams coordinator, African American. And he even makes it even better because he has he has two females, two women on his staff. Assistant strength coach morale jadi firing something like that. She she’s assistant coach. And then you have my favorite. She’s a deepest online coach, Assistant, Laurie Lucas. So he has women as well as African American on his staff. That’s what it looks like.
Victor Arocho 22:50
Now. A fan I didn’t really edit. I wasn’t too sure about him because I was concerned early in the year only because, you know Brady had a few of those interceptions early on. And then you know, Jameson had 30 and 30. So I started doubting whether it was you know, Jamison, or was it ariens
Byron Jones 23:13
a little tidbit about him. He played in Virginia Tech tech quarterback. He was a first area. They play quarterback, wishbone quarterback, he’s from New York, Pennsylvania toe,
Victor Arocho 23:23
he that size guy played wisco quarterback, yeah,
Byron Jones 23:29
he’s a quarterback. He, um, he was a first player. So the integrate the heat a black roommate in the early 70s, when they didn’t really have you know, back then were you know, white guys, they were white guys, or whatever. You know what they did back then? Well, I’m dating myself because I was a 72. But he had a black room and he was the first one at Virginia Tech to do that. He’s also part of Alabama tree because he coached the last year, I think but Bear Bryant that he passed away as a coordinator down there. So he’s a Bear Bryant, Nick Saban. Tree guy.
Victor Arocho 24:03
That’s awesome. That’s good, too. For Black History Month, too. That’s a good good, though. You know, why don’t they talk more about that, you know, Steven Naismith, always yelling about something. And you know, you brought that up, and that should be talked about, right. I mean, that’s that you just made a good point. That is the way like the balance should look like right. And they should talk a lot more about that just you know, people of color and everybody in general women, right women getting the opportunities,
Byron Jones 24:33
but when you have a league, the league is 70% African American, I’m not sitting there saying you know, I’m not gonna sit here and say, Well, you know, everything’s gotta be black. You know, that’s not how the world works. I said, but it should, you know, look like America. Even like with the owners in the NFL, you only have two minority owners. You have the one for Jacksonville. Calm and for Gula up in Buffalo, the Buffalo Bills, you got two owners. That’s where it starts, because we don’t have you know, African American owned And NFL,
Victor Arocho 25:01
just because in my let’s say minority owners right because I’m Latin Latin coach to cool now we think I like a river. But it’s because I think we were people of color we were making that money yet to get to be able to that’s old school money those guys right you think about it right? The only one who really had the new school money that bought was Snyder right at 34 or something right? So but now like, you know Michael Jordan Magic Johnson LeBron, you know, Jeter now their contracts because those players back then were so great. They didn’t get paid what they’re getting paid now and get half a billion dollars, you can think mahomes is gonna own something soon. Right? So I think now it’s given them the opportunity for them start getting some of that ownership in these in these organizations in every sport, but the whole thick balls got what a Robert Johnson What’s he on the gentleman from bt? Does he own
Byron Jones 26:07
these? I think he’s on the
Victor Arocho 26:10
Byron Jones 26:11
was it was a Charlotte back in the day while
Victor Arocho 26:14
Jordan owns Charlotte. It was somebody beforehand. Yeah. And I think he owns it and then Jeter owns part of it of the Marlins. LeBron owns a W NBA team. So I just say that the money now is getting to the level. I mean, Jay Z could buy any of those.
Byron Jones 26:33
But the whole thing, like with the NFL, you have to be voted in. Yo, you come forward with this, you know, you want to buy a team. So they’re gonna go through to him, look at your records, you’ll see how much money you have no cash money and all this other stuff. And it’s like a fraternity you have to be voted in to the NFL fraternity. That’s not what you know. Okay. I’m worth $50 billion. I want in No,
Victor Arocho 26:58
I won’t get let’s say on the Super Bowl. They almost booted Jimmie Johnson out when Jimmie Johnson on jerry jones out when he first came in. Because he was playing playing around with being able to pay guys by getting them sponsorships. You know, so and the NFL said, Look, you need to relax. So I think this is valid points there. But I think now there that there, there’s our abilities as people of color to make a lot more money today is gonna give us a lot more opportunities to own more than we had in the past. Because, you know, we didn’t really, we didn’t have those opportunities,
Byron Jones 27:36
yet, but it also starts, you know, at the college level as well. I can’t I don’t know that one. African American president of a university, a major college anywhere, I’ve never heard of one. I’ve never seen one. And you know, even you know, they have their issues. You got 125 what the visual one school, you got four or five African Americans there not many, and you know, NCAA. So you know, that’s where it starts, you know, the NFL, and then all the way up.
Victor Arocho 28:08
It’s true. But you know, like I do you, you don’t get paid in academics. You say whatever you want, but you don’t get paid. I can tell you this, you know, I would have stayed coaching if I knew the coaching salaries would have gotten to where they are today as an assistant coach. Right. I would have stayed coaching. But anyways, so what about Vonda? What are your thoughts on some of the stuff that’s happened with chiefs?
Brian Vaughn 28:38
Well, yeah, I forgot to mention though to Patrick mahomes. He’s a part time owner of the Kansas City Royals too. Yep. So he’s already starting there.
Victor Arocho 28:49
That’s before 255 100
Vonda Jones Sellers 28:52
I know.
Victor Arocho 28:57
What else Colby would have probably bought the Lakers or we got a big party.
Brian Vaughn 29:01
Oh, yeah, most definitely.
Byron Jones 29:04
Another shout out for a new jersey guy that claimed that he’s one of the code the defensive back coach for the Kansas City Chiefs Kevin Ross is a jersey guy. I played with him in the all star game in high school in 1980. He went to temple he played for the Chiefs for a long time defensive back. He’s a great player with that. But he’s one of the DB coaches with the Chiefs till the chiefs. Okay.
Victor Arocho 29:29
So what are your thoughts on the Super Bowl and what’s happening with cheese or give me your opinion? You pick it?
Brian Vaughn 29:37
I’m picking the cheese. I don’t know. I said I’m still kind of leaning towards Brady. I said we just like Byron said if we find out more folks get that the corona the COVID on the Kansas City team, you might as well just go ahead and give it to Brady.
Victor Arocho 29:58
Knowing that the ratings plummet
Byron Jones 30:02
Kevin Ross, he’s a coach with Tampa Bay, Tampa Bay.
Brian Vaughn 30:06
And they’re playing at home too. They got the home
Byron Jones 30:11
to sleep in your own bed.
Victor Arocho 30:14
The Miami Dolphins ownership group. But that’s a I don’t know what she’s mentioned in there. Yeah. But uh we’re gonna tell you what we were talking about the yesterday we talked about the Super Bowl about. I think I was the only one No, me and Santiago were one route, pick the books. And the other gentlemen, on the show, Nick and Joe picked the chiefs. And they were saying, Well, you know, if they rush them if they stay stacked a line or, or you know, that they got to be careful for the deep ball and mahomes is going to eat them up. And I’m like, Look, you’re playing with a very weak line right now. Right? Number one, number two, the defensive line, the defense for Tampa, has been playing fantastic. These last several games. And I don’t think I could be wrong. The only part I think I’ll be wrong is is that when he scrambles, right, because they even say that today he is the number one in yards amongst all NFL players when scrambling and throwing balls downfield. So, you know, that scares me, but I’m just thinking he’s not gonna bury think he’s gonna have a chance to go down field with that rush coming.
Byron Jones 31:43
I’m thinking that he’s gonna have problems because, you know, like I said, you know, you got to know you have the two big guys in the middle of the Bay Area. And so you have the two guys, they’re gonna come they’re gonna rush off the field, but keep him in the pocket. And these guys are just like the giants that same exact thing that I said, Come around the end and you’re gonna have these guys coming straight up the middle, pushing, you know, the pocket into his face and on the injury report and listed as toe injury Still, the practice, but his toe still hurts. And if it’s like I said before, it’s a turf toe hurts and never goes away. It’ll be Yeah.
Victor Arocho 32:23
That was my point. My point was, I think tyreke Hill is still gonna get his his I don’t think there’s anything anyone’s gonna do to stop him. Kelsey, I just don’t think i think it’s gonna be a little harder for them to go down feel deep.
Byron Jones 32:39
When they made the adjustments in the second half, when they were getting to where he put up like 200 yards in the first quarter, you know, and they did make adjustments where he didn’t run up and down the field the way he did. And you know, I’m sure the corner I think his name is Davis. The corner now knows like, hey, this guy, he can go you can go deep. And I think Antoine Winfield he didn’t play the last game when they played so but he’s gonna play this one. Hopefully, the safety is very good safety so it’s gonna be it’s gonna be a little bit different. Not gonna be. I don’t think it’s gonna be we’re gonna run up run up and down the field. It’s gonna
Victor Arocho 33:15
pick Okay, and bother you picking the cheese?
Brian Vaughn 33:19
Yeah, but I know it’s gonna end up being a close game. It’s gonna definitely be a shootout. I think we’re not going to know until late in the fourth quarter who’s gonna end up winning, but I think it’s gonna be it’s gonna be close.
Victor Arocho 33:32
It’s gonna be close.
Brian Vaughn 33:33
Yeah, it’s not gonna be a blowout Super Bowl. But yeah, like the cheese or a slight favorite. So we’ll see what happens
Victor Arocho 33:43
you cheese a slight favorite. Well, I want to welcome to the show. We have a Joey badass.
Byron Jones 33:50
All right. That’s my man. Army buddy.
Victor Arocho 33:53
What’s up, Joey How you doing? Welcome to the show. Are you on mute? unmute yourself, buddy.
Vonda Jones Sellers 34:01
unmute you.
Victor Arocho 34:04
And let me see uh, let him in. Oh, he doesn’t even have the sound on. He got a call in. Hello, or are you going to hit your audio? Joey? All right. Well, we can we’ll come back to that. So why why are you picking cheese?
Vonda Jones Sellers 34:17
Oh, come on now.
Unknown Speaker 34:21
Victor Arocho 34:24
Yeah, I just suck. Yeah, I’m Brady all the way and they have too many weapons. I want to see Antonio brown win one. Just to be able to come back. So I’m pretty excited about that. But I think you know, Kansas City has a lot of weapons. I mean, Kelsey is phenomenal. Hill is phenomenal. Who else they have they have several other players
Byron Jones 34:51
Victor Arocho 34:52
this walk ins is playing is really good. You know, we’re one and you know, their running backs pretty good. But the funny part is if they end up running More wheat. That’s what we want. Right here they’ve run that’s a problem. They’re gonna have a problem.
Byron Jones 35:08
Look at Tampa Tampa is loaded Tampa has Godwin’s a good receiver Scotty Miller the other guys faster what you thought you know what is Mike Evans? Antonio brown gronk the other tight end they have people forgot they have levy on Bell still and they have fernet they have a lot they have just as many even more weapons to Kansas City.
Victor Arocho 35:32
Oh yeah, they’re I mean they got two great tight ends. I think gronk is gonna have a big game that’s all I got it.
Byron Jones 35:43
You got matthews’s like five foot nine is gonna be trying to guard or God is six foot seven 270 pounds coming out. It feels like a runaway freight train.
Vonda Jones Sellers 35:51
That’s gonna be funny.
Victor Arocho 35:56
I think also the Chiefs got too many distractions are going on with all that crap the app.
Byron Jones 36:02
Hopefully y’all nobody else test positive for over
Victor Arocho 36:09
a year more, says we can’t hear you. You got to go.
Brian Vaughn 36:21
I posted him on Facebook and I just said we can’t hear you.
Victor Arocho 36:25
Yeah, he’s got a call in or something. What do you think? Okay, let’s go on both sides, though. What do you think is gonna take Kansas City to win buyer
Byron Jones 36:35
protect homes, be able to run the ball a little bit more than they usually do. You know, don’t come in with the attention that we’re gonna throw 50 or 60 times they got to run the ball. I really you know, keep the ball you got the same thing with them. But you’re gonna have to be able to keep the ball away from tampering because they’re gonna get theirs. And their defense has to stand up to you know, all of those weapons. weapons that are that they have
Victor Arocho 37:06
that right there is where he’s the scariest to me. Look who I ended up picking with Tampa there. He’s scariest He scares me when he runs to the line.
Byron Jones 37:16
But his toes hurt. I’m telling you when I when I watched him run.
He has no he has no he has
no he don’t have the same giddy up you know that he usually has and his his foot is bothering him.
Vonda Jones Sellers 37:28
Who’s telling her?
Byron Jones 37:34
this field might be her too. If you got COVID messing around, try to get as do done before the game.
Victor Arocho 37:41
You may be getting a pedicure. Explain. explain to the audience again. turf toe, right, because I always thought it was a stubbing of your foot. Right.
Byron Jones 37:53
When when you’re running like an artificial turf, you’re running your router, your router and when you stop you’re putting so much pressure on the big toe and the little toe when you stop and it causes it to separate you and your shoe in the set and it puts and it’s like there’s nothing you can do for you. I still work he doesn’t work when your finger finger and it hurts. No it’s not your mommy can’t kiss it make it better. Nobody should make it better. It just it hurts. And it could be that that’s what ended jack Lammers career was turfed off.
Victor Arocho 38:28
Really? Yes. Joey guy? I think he I think Tampa by three. Yeah, I’m pretty close to that too. I’m I got Tampa. So I have a little wager going on, that the chiefs are not going to score 41 points. Nope. No. Good for me. Um, and by the way, for those of you out there, you know, I wager that on the mind is purely on anyone play on the game is that they’re not gonna score 41 and when I when I’m donating it to the Gary Sinise foundation make the impact for our show for the foundation, but I’m gonna win. There’s no way. Baron Davis, when I found out there was like 17, six to seven teams in the history of Sumo that scored over 40 points.
Byron Jones 39:23
in history, there’s not many out of 55 games. And you know, you’re talking about a really good defense.
Victor Arocho 39:34
I think Kelsey is probably going to have a bigger game than hell is what I think I think that for them to want two things for that for Kansas City to win. One Kelsey is gonna have to have a good game. If they get some running in and then to mahomes has got to make I don’t think they’re just standard plays are going to work. It’s going to be The mahomes like get loose and running and making something happen. What are your thoughts? What are your thoughts? on either one of you Vonda What are your?
Brian Vaughn 40:16
No, but let’s go ahead and take down. BJ.
Victor Arocho 40:24
All right, so I just again, I think that they’re I don’t think they’re gonna go as far downhill as they did last time last time they shut them out in the fourth quarter.
Byron Jones 40:34
I think because Tampa made the adjustments, like I said before, you know, at halftime, where, you know, they limited what Hill got the 200 yards because if he didn’t, he probably had had about 600 yards, you know, that game. And then Kelsey, but Kelsey had what 12 or 13 he had a whole bunch of catches too. But then you also got to realize now Sammy Watkins is coming back to and the other kid, the other receivers pretty good. Pretty fast, too. That’s why they run all the jet sweeps too and all the other you know, when they pass the ball to the receiver, but if they just shut down hill, but you still got to worry about Kelsey. Kelsey is a beast. He really is he’s probably you know, he’s gonna Hall of Fame tight end. You know, you know, he’s gonna get his regards, but he is a great tight end. And if you shut that you still gotta worry about him.
Victor Arocho 41:25
I don’t think just like in any game, you know, the great athletes are gonna get there’s a lot to just have a bad game. I think tyreke Hill still gonna be a factor in the game. But I’m agreeing with your list why Steph started off. I think Kelsey is gonna have a big game because they’re going to be nice short passes. He’s got to get that ball out. We got we got a guest coming in. Welcome to the to the Jersey Boys sports talk. Who am I speaking to?
Unknown Speaker 41:54
is Joey.
Victor Arocho 41:56
Gay. Joey Joey Oh, you’re back. Hey, Joey Welcome to the show. Now we can hear you
Unknown Speaker 42:03
Victor Arocho 42:07
So you got us in the background? Also, you got to hear us three What do you have the score? Yo
Unknown Speaker 42:17
Well, I got a 3128 I don’t think it’s gonna be a high score.
Victor Arocho 42:21
That’s exactly exactly this photo. I had to pick over it because they said the over 66 the over under 56 I got a similar score. I think I did 3431
Unknown Speaker 42:36
I think they only go for three or four touchdown so
Victor Arocho 42:39
what do you think? What do you think the keys of the game are gonna be for for the bucks and then for Kansas City.
Unknown Speaker 42:48
Well, kind of like what Byron said I don’t know too many offensive linemen like but I’m unfamiliar Peters California originally in the US from my high school. So they say he’s not that good. But he came back after breaking something and he’s doing pretty doggone good. And with john Pierre Paul. I think they could scuffle the offensive line there a little bit. He’s gonna be in trouble.
Victor Arocho 43:12
Yeah, and last time, and I suddenly got I like I was saying, Byron, they got a defensive score, right. Again, you can’t you know, the defensive score was off of a fumble off of one of their better receivers, but he didn’t even fumble it he was just going down. Oh, that was the the thing when we always talk about these guys what they always try and they’re already getting tackled and they’re trying to make something happen. Just go down.
Byron Jones 43:37
Oh, you remember, I just thought about this. The Tampa Bay have very good front, seven. The other the inside linebackers are very good. Levante David and the other guy, Devin. Devin white. They’re very good. So that front seven is going to be a handful. You know four. The chief the second go round.
Victor Arocho 43:59
Yeah, I need for it. I would like to see fernet also have a good game. That’s gonna be key. We could balance it out. Don’t forget.
Byron Jones 44:07
He might be the X Factor.
Victor Arocho 44:09
Oh, I forgot he did. He didn’t play last game, did he? Oh, yeah, I like him because he’s a now I gotta switch to my man here. I like Bell because he’s a great receiving running back. So now imagine adding another receiving running back to that Tampa Bay team right now. Oh, man. He’s got a lot, a lot of weapons, a lot of weapons. We need that line to protect them. And I’m still I’m telling you if Tonio brown scores on a deep pass to me right then and there the game’s over. Now you’re now you got to worry about everybody. And I don’t think and I’m not saying Antonio Browns gonna get, you know, 1215 caches, but I think he’s gonna go deep. And I think I believe he’s You’re gonna score touchdown.
Byron Jones 45:02
Just so real quick. The guy you’re talking to I went to basic training with him in the military.
Victor Arocho 45:08
Oh, really? Thank you for your service. You’re welcome. Thank you. Thank you my dad’s 20 year vet in the army. Nice. Cool. Thank
Unknown Speaker 45:17
you for your pups. Yeah, I believe, I believe if they do get a deep threat, cancer, these defenses is going to be kind of like really thinking about that.
Victor Arocho 45:26
Mm hmm. And remember before him before Tony Bronco went out, I think he went for straight games with a deep touchdown pass.
Byron Jones 45:39
So he’s back. You know, he was uh, you know, he’s living in Tom Brady’s uh, you know, pool house, which is probably about 10,000 square feet. And he’s
Victor Arocho 45:50
married his throwing square feet around as much as as much as Sonia throws wind around. Hey, I got Jesse Willis. Bell is on Casey. Oh, yes. That’s right.
That’s a good that’s a good another good weapon. Good. Good catch. Jeffrey. Thanks very much. I forgot to look that up. Look it up. You got it wrong. And I agreed with you what I do the problem is that both red teams
Byron Jones 46:35
that’s probably why I get it all messed up.
Victor Arocho 46:38
You’re wearing a red hat. So as soon as you said red bell I thought I thought
Unknown Speaker 46:43
back to my army hat
Victor Arocho 46:49
one they already have news going up into this they got leaking of some commercials already taken place. So I wonder how that’s gonna how that’s gonna happen. I’m wondering if they’re charging more now. For the supervisor think so. This is Brady mahomes has got to be a great I think probably the most watched Super Bowl What do you think?
Byron Jones 47:11
No, because because you know people still you know, the political aspect of within ourselves and all this other stuff is a lot of sponsors like Budweiser and Budweiser and a bunch of them that we pulled out.
Unknown Speaker 47:25
Yeah, but I still think it once came in.
Brian Vaughn 47:27
Yeah, but I still think it’s got a lot of people gonna be watching it because we know can’t go well. Of course it’s limited of people that can go down there to Tampa, the Tampa but I think it’s going to be a lot of people that’s going to be watching the Superbowl.
Unknown Speaker 47:42
Joey What do you think
Unknown Speaker 47:46
we lose them? Yeah, um,
Unknown Speaker 47:48
I have a full um, I have a full back yard at least a good eight to nine people. So there’s nine people on the on the books. Gonna be six feet apart. Right. Exactly. Now but i think i think i think everybody’s gonna really gonna watch because they can’t go nowhere for COVID Well, I’m in Texas. So everything’s kind of open in Texas. Yeah, but you know, there’s still not there’s still going to be segregate you know, separated. distance. But I think everybody’s gonna really watch this game because of Brady. And a cup and customer owns.
Victor Arocho 48:17
Yeah, they’re building it as the goat versus the little goat. Which I don’t like. Because I don’t think mahomes is a goat right now.
Brian Vaughn 48:26
No, he’s not,
Victor Arocho 48:28
you know, then then the owner compared him to Michael. Cheers. Michael and then the owner for the Chiefs compare them to Michael Jordan. I’m like, What?
Brian Vaughn 48:39
How can you no comparison.
Victor Arocho 48:41
I mean, people complain when you compare LeBron which is to me LeBron. I think he’s starting to gain on Jordan based on the way he’s playing right now. I mean, he’s like the Brady of the NBA. But I think it’s gonna be the most watched Super Bowl because Brady’s in it. And because mahomes is in it, they want to see that and
Unknown Speaker 49:05
again, again, yeah.
Victor Arocho 49:08
And everybody’s home. Right so what happens is the thing I think is or it could be even the same amount of people though, but it’s going to be viewership is going to be higher only because normally you will have 20 people in one house watching the game as opposed to those same 20 people you may have them in four houses watch
Byron Jones 49:31
a lot of people you know they want to jam pack and you know the how 2030 people in the house and there are bars you know, a lot of bars you know that you can’t you know have all those people in and guess what they’ll does that count
Victor Arocho 49:44
you know, as well as one though that’s my point like the viewership they’re gonna it’s going to be on more TVs and more functions as well. I think. You know what I mean? Because if you know normally if you have a most people have Super Bowl parties and if everybody’s watching on one or two t i mean i have the Super Bowl and every TV on my house though I can’t go out and make sure it’s going on at all times. Really yellow Yeah. Oh wow even the playoffs even playoffs so I go to my bedroom the TV’s on play the game is on I go in my living rooms on if I go on kitchen areas on and my kids if they’re not home it’s on their TVs. I don’t care. I need to make sure I’m hearing it and watching it on all times.
Unknown Speaker 50:31
miss anything.
Victor Arocho 50:32
No, I’m excited. I think this is gonna be a great Super Bowl in a great place. A lot of history right? You got two phenomenal quarterbacks you got the quarterback his first year take him to the Super Bowl, you got not only taking the team Super Bowl, but this is the first time ever that the home team is actually playing in the Super Bowl of where it’s being hosted. Hmm. But what I did here is that they’re not going to allow like, it’s going to be still considered a neutral field. So normally when Tampa scores a touchdown in the arena the cannons go off they’re not going to be allowed to go off
Unknown Speaker 51:13
that’s fair.
Unknown Speaker 51:14
I think that’s fair to I mean you know
Unknown Speaker 51:18
first responders let them in a few 1000 or something like that.
Victor Arocho 51:22
For 30 Raisa he’s coming over my house put a steak on the grill anytime man come on over just wear mask. So we get I mean, I’m having some friends over by Mike I have a bunch of people that
Brian Vaughn 51:36
don’t know cuz I’m what Joey was just asking. Aren’t they gonna be a bunch of first responders in think they are? I think
Byron Jones 51:44
they give a lot of tickets to all the medical
Victor Arocho 51:49
wasn’t the first responders was the medical? Yeah, I think a lot of a lot of tickets. him bring the mask and wine. Oh, and bring the masking wine. My fraternity brother lives in Italy for a very long time and he can cook and he has good wine. Hey, Joey. How are you? See you? How are you sir? I’m the again so what do you have the score? What’s your score by?
Byron Jones 52:24
It’s gonna be close. 2724
Victor Arocho 52:28
so you’re going for the under 2724 I was gonna pick but I had to go over 56 it’s not
Unknown Speaker 52:34
gonna be high score. We
Brian Vaughn 52:41
think I don’t think there’s gonna be a high score. I say 2421 3128 right.
Victor Arocho 52:54
Is that right? So I think I picked the same score done. 59 right. Once it goes over 56 a day I picked the same score. I think this three but I think this is gonna be one of the another one of those games. I don’t know what you guys. Um, if it’s close. The quarterback that has the ball last is it is gonna scare me. Unless it’s Braden
Byron Jones 53:23
or who has a better kicker.
Unknown Speaker 53:27
Who hasn’t? Who hasn’t been a kicker?
Byron Jones 53:30
guy from Kansas City pretty good. suck up suck up I think his name is he pretty good
Unknown Speaker 53:35
he’s only missed a couple this year. I think
Byron Jones 53:38
that he’s not a bad kicker that he can I think he can he can hit it from a distance to
Unknown Speaker 53:43
Who’s that
Byron Jones 53:45
suck up the quick kicker for Kansas City. issues with their kicker missing a lot of extra points. I think he missed like a few.
Victor Arocho 53:55
Yeah, we got Sonia nice enough to give us the numbers is 22,000 fans in attendance 14,000 paying for tickets and then there are hosts another 7500 7500 vaccinated health health care workers.
Unknown Speaker 54:11
Byron Jones 54:12
Unknown Speaker 54:15
Victor Arocho 54:17
that’s free everything they’re given out there. I don’t know man. I just kept the numbers
and not even get it for me. But now I think it’s gonna be an interesting subrace also gonna be weird to bull right because again, goes back to unless somebody crazy is not gonna be so many parties. You know, so we’ll be doing a lot of zoom and a lot of Facebook going on. For the for our Super Bowl, but I’m I’m pretty excited. I’m looking forward to it. You know, everybody else wants to commercials I care about the game.
Unknown Speaker 55:00
About the food that
Unknown Speaker 55:02
you cook in
Victor Arocho 55:04
the Super Bowl food super ladies first choice. What? I’m not cooking, cooking you go buy food,
Brian Vaughn 55:17
no healthy stuff. I gotta have my wings Dell and then I’ll probably have just a bunch of veggies and not like Sanya. I’m not gonna have too much wine. I got my beer, and I got some specialty drinks,
Byron Jones 55:32
cooking, cooking all kinds of stuff. So the two of us here,
Victor Arocho 55:36
I see got wings. Joey what’s your food choice for?
Unknown Speaker 55:40
First of all, life’s gonna make some choices and then we’re gonna have some wings in nothing but modelos that’s all I drink nowadays. So that’s it. That’s it.
Victor Arocho 55:54
Bye. What’s your what’s your food of choice? I know you’re gonna have more food, but just in general.
Unknown Speaker 56:00
I’m gonna have wings,
Unknown Speaker 56:01
Byron Jones 56:02
meatballs, turkey meatballs, ribs. I’m gonna have some nachos. I’m gonna have three different kinds of moonshine. So
Victor Arocho 56:28
a euro Sonia wants to wants to know she’s putting in a to go and know what time she can pick up her to go order by
Byron Jones 56:38
a jerk chicken wing for
Unknown Speaker 56:41
drinking whiskey with with the Kentucky whiskey.
Byron Jones 56:46
Well, that’s the road trip whiskey.
Unknown Speaker 56:49
Is the wine whiskey. No, no, no, that
Byron Jones 56:51
was a road trip. Whiskey.
Brian Vaughn 56:53
Unknown Speaker 56:54
Coffee whiskey, though.
Byron Jones 56:56
They went to Kentucky to go pick it up.
Unknown Speaker 56:59
Oh, really?
Unknown Speaker 57:00
Victor Arocho 57:00
So it’s bourbon then.
Byron Jones 57:02
Victor Arocho 57:05
Maine. Oh, she has her food choices. Oh, she wants mangled jerk wings, bro. My food to everybody. I might have obviously wings but I like making sausage and peppers with with red sauce.
Unknown Speaker 57:22
First of all, damn, boy.
Unknown Speaker 57:26
Everything. Everything.
Victor Arocho 57:28
You want me to go down the list? Rice and red beans. You’ve got rice and black beans. You got perogies you got you got sweet potato pie. You got Greek salad? You come on to help me out. You
Brian Vaughn 57:46
know what Polish sausage? You got hot dogs. Pork rolls.
Victor Arocho 57:53
You got roasted pig. We have every nationality we possibly can add
Unknown Speaker 58:03
Victor Arocho 58:04
macaroni and cheese. macaroni and cheese in that town. What kind of beer from Yeah. Oh, back in the day when I was there with Coors Light, but now
Unknown Speaker 58:17
I’m good. Schlitz,
Unknown Speaker 58:29
Victor Arocho 58:31
Heineken. Yeah, Heineken is a big one
Unknown Speaker 58:33
Victor Arocho 58:34
dangling. Shout out to Benny Rivera. He loves his Chivas. Oh, Meister Brau. Oh, God, you guys are my brother. He said my son brownie. We used to buy my son Brown College for $7 a case.
Byron Jones 58:51
Well, when I was stationed at Fort Hood, Texas, we used to get the generic beer. There was a white cat that just had beer on it and was like $1 98 or whatever. It was cheap. It was
Victor Arocho 59:05
a gift for you guys to know if you go look up my Sunbrella $7 a case. Greg, listen to Greg. You know that my son brow is actually Miller Lite now. Really? Yeah. I looked. I went back to see what happened to it. And I saw the progression and it takes converting it’s actually Miller Lite. So that’s $7 cases now not a $7 case. It’s Miller Lite. coronas. I hear going out there. Joey’s got an modelos which one with Dell? Oh, there’s several one is dark one.
Unknown Speaker 59:35
regular ones, especially on
Victor Arocho 59:37
the go especially. Ah, that’s a good one too. Yeah. So we’re getting excited. I got to start cooking pretty soon and we
Unknown Speaker 59:44
my wife had to say Margarita. She’s gonna have her Margarita frozen on ice with salt without salt on the rocks with a shadow grandma
Unknown Speaker 59:58
who makes it
Unknown Speaker 1:00:01
You heard both of us.
Victor Arocho 1:00:06
That sound is pretty actually pretty good. Who were Wow. Greg goes, we were classy dudes because we’re drinking Miller Lite before Miller Lite became, you know, Miller Lite. We literally somehow got possession of a Pepsi machine. How it got into our fraternity house? I don’t know. But we used to have 50 cent beers. Eddie Lopez came up degas’s Man, this is the best fraternity house I’ve ever been to. The only thing was we had different labels so you could get a Heineken or you get a nice umbrella. You never knew it was it was just luck.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:43
Beer that’s all
Victor Arocho 1:00:45
we had in there with beer. Alright, so we got so you have the score there. I think it’s gonna be a great Super Bowl. I think again, you’re gonna have I think these playoffs have been awesome. We’ve saw some great quarterback matchups. What do you think? Right just just to be able to be privileged and blessed to see these guys play. Aaron Rodgers. Brees mahomes Brady,
Byron Jones 1:01:12
might be breezes last time playing my last time playing with Green Bay. So it’s gonna be a lot of changes going on.
Victor Arocho 1:01:20
Well, they’re there. They’re making sure that they’re letting him know he’s loved there. But I don’t understand him though. Right. I think he’s right to get him weapons. Aaron Rodgers think he’s 1,000% right. But he shouldn’t really he should look back on what happened to him. He waited four years, you know, it’s not like this is the first time they did it. They did it before
Byron Jones 1:01:44
the only thing funky was like Green Bay, he really doesn’t have anybody to go to like I like to like the owner of the team because they’re owned by the community. So they have a president of the team the GM you know, like everybody else, but he really doesn’t have anybody to go complain to like, Hey, you know, I want this is what I want it I don’t get this, I want to go he doesn’t have that he can just go to the media, whatever, you know, say what he has to say. And pretty much they just know. Oh, well. Now we’re gonna do what’s best for Green Bay, which was drafted quarterback, I’ll have him sit, you know, for the next three or four years, you know, or get rid of him next year. You know, Rogers, but you know, it’s just weird to wait you know, green bay packers are wrong.
Victor Arocho 1:02:27
And I think you know, Kansas City’s gonna be good for a while, but Tampa is gonna be tough again next year. I mean, grindstone already committed to come back.
Byron Jones 1:02:35
That’s the Bruce Arians if he wins, he might say You know what? I retired. I quit.
Victor Arocho 1:02:42
Why not go out on top? You think so? I would. How long have you been in he’s only been in Tampa for a couple years though.
Byron Jones 1:02:52
Yeah, but still he’d want to is a no tourism system went out when I was Oh, he’s got all caught. Yeah, he’s got a deal. Like a lot of health issues still going on? at all? No.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:02
Why not go out on top? When I go then you could say before Brady and gronk right, and then turn
Byron Jones 1:03:09
around and get the team to find relief which
Victor Arocho 1:03:13
Yep, that would be nice. Yeah, that would be really nice. Alrighty, so well, we’ll get an excited starts kicks off at six right six o’clock. 630. I can’t wait. I love Superbowl Sunday. It’s one of my favorite times of the year. And I used to always one of our paid holidays is always the day after the Super Bowl. Really don’t matter. Yeah, you got a paid HOLIDAY Every day. Every
day. That’s okay, but it gives him more time to snow blow. Thanks. Are you done? Do you feel bad? You’re in Texas right? Yo.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:54
Yeah. Is this
Byron Jones 1:03:57
like 16 inches of snow here? A lot of snow
Victor Arocho 1:04:02
knows about the reaches height. You know that? It wasn’t until that the the famous game with the guy from the Dallas that messed up against the dolphins was his name that touched the ball for Leola. I didn’t even I didn’t realize it Snowden texts.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:28
Now, next meeting next meeting next next Thursday when you have it out. We have a bunch of snow. The one that just happened after New Year’s like I’m in Crowley about 14 miles south of Fort Worth. And it stuck for almost three days I got a lot You have ruined thank kids on a four wheeler in the backyard and everything. Any any like it ain’t like where you’re originally from where they like where Byron’s from but
Victor Arocho 1:04:56
when we grew up, it didn’t snow as much as snowing there. Now, right?
Brian Vaughn 1:05:01
No remember, well, in the early 179 80, we had a big Blizzard back then. But other than that, we really didn’t see that what
Victor Arocho 1:05:13
they have now, I mean, crazy stuff. 93 when I moved here, right, I moved to Florida 93 right that year, they had a blast.
Byron Jones 1:05:26
We had the one year when was 32 inches of snow here, and I was stuck at work for three days.
Brian Vaughn 1:05:33
Well, that’s just like down here in South Carolina. What, two, three years ago, we got like 10 inches of snow and people lost their mind. It was like right after New Year’s and I went back to work not even for a day and was right back out for another five days because they don’t they don’t shovel. There’s no shovels. Here. There’s no ice here. There’s no saying.
Victor Arocho 1:05:57
That’s happening in Atlanta. When I lived in Atlanta. It’s even a threat of one inch snow, it shuts down. People don’t come to work. They like nothing. And I’m talking about it falls and melts. nothing really happens. The problem is they got ice there. That’s what’s happened. That’s the problem. There is the ice because it gets cold and then it freezes. But I’m telling you, I’m telling you, they say even the threat of possible flurries. Down Atlanta. That’s it. The same thing here. Alright, so I’m getting it. I’m excited. Joey, thanks for joining us and for your comments. Greg always given us Good. I’m glad I’m able to see your comments. Now. I got the Facebook on there. So come on over bring the steak and wine. We’re gonna make my sausage and peppers. Oh, you get to taste my sauce. I make it from scratch. Alright, so thank you again for joining the show. Byron, I think we’re pretty excited about what’s gonna take place and then after this is going to be the quarterback carousel.
Byron Jones 1:07:00
Yeah. We’ll discuss that next week.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:02
Brian Vaughn 1:07:04
Hopefully this killer back will do better.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:11
We get into quarterbacks that are out there.
Byron Jones 1:07:16
Check this out. I think we have two high ranking people. I think both of us, eh, right. In the military, both of them. Joey both of them retired military.
Victor Arocho 1:07:28
My dad was an East seven. Okay. Yeah. Good. He’s 20 years.
Byron Jones 1:07:35
20 years, and he’s a combat vet.
Victor Arocho 1:07:39
Oh, really? When you say combat vet, like
Byron Jones 1:07:43
tell him Mr. Brass.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:44
As to the Gulf War. We’re in the Gulf. Yeah.
Victor Arocho 1:07:49
Yeah. Wow. My dad was in Vietnam and the Korean War. II. Hate Vietnam was terribly terrible for each Korea Korea war. You knew who the enemy was. Vietnam.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:05
You didn’t know.
Victor Arocho 1:08:06
Yeah, no idea who the enemy was Terrible. Terrible, terrible. Terrible. Yeah. One great story. He told me he got saved by a roll of toilet paper. You know, they had to take the toilet paper to go to the latrine. And then he’s walking over there. And he forgot it and he had to go back. All right. And then when he went back, they blew up the tree. You know, he’s got the Bronze Star to joy. I’m proud of my dad.
Byron Jones 1:08:34
Just so everybody knows that. This is my bestest buddy man who isn’t our basic training down in Fort Knox. We ended up at Fort Hood. Together. He’s a great guy. He
Victor Arocho 1:08:43
really is a fort. I lived in Fort Knox. Why? My dad was in the army. Which part of the 20 years did you miss the beginning to storage?
Unknown Speaker 1:08:58
Next week we do court next week you guys do quarterback? But isn’t it like the deadline or something? start on the seventh of March the 17th of March. I mean when they can start really shuffling quarterbacks, March
Victor Arocho 1:09:09
March. It’s gonna be March and then you’re gonna see coaches all the coaches positions already taken all their dogs. Yeah. So we got to two of seven. Okay, well, again, thank you let me Joey This is how we end our show. You probably heard us say it before by I gotta I gotta wager that the the wager that I have is that the someone bet me demo three people against me because they didn’t want to bet or they didn’t want to wager as high as I wanted to wager. I’m just saying if you that confident put the money up. But anyways, I am going to donate my winnings to the Gary Sinise foundation. freedom and security are precious gifts that we as Americans should never take take for granted. We must do all we can to extend our hand in times of need to those who willingly sacrifice each day to provide the freedom, that freedom and security. While we can never do enough to show the gratitude to our nation’s defenders, we can always do a little more. Gary Sinise, Gary Sinise foundation scinece has si n i s e foundation.org, please contribute it helps our service our military and first responders and during these really, really difficult times, you know, we got to do everything we can for for the first responders for our military for police, you know, I think there’s got to be balanced there for you know, and for our people for all people, right just you know, kind of love each other. Understand why there’s so much problem. But, and then Okay, so now remember, you could always follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one visit our website the sports cast dotnet Join us next Thursday at 8pm we’re going to be talking a little bit probably post Super Bowl we’re probably talking numbers a lot of things going to be happening where I guarantee you between now and Sunday some other stuff is going to take place of course because it’s already happening you know this week so by that’s gonna take place we’ll be talking about some Perth Amboy more athletes that we talked about because that list is just getting bigger and bigger you know
Unknown Speaker 1:11:26
that list
Victor Arocho 1:11:28
and so we’re excited and you know a little bit NBA action we want to talk about and it’s pretty good some some pretty good stuff that I’ve been seeing and hearing so everybody stay safe God bless. And, and again, Joey thanks for joining thank you for your service everybody on here. And again, let’s have some fun enjoy the food send some pictures post some pictures out of this food. What’s up buyer?
Byron Jones 1:11:53
Oh, what I’m just letting it know I’m looking at an RV. Just so you know. So when I come down to Texas, you know you see the big RV yo flying through his neighborhood he knows me.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:03
I’m ready to go on down.
Victor Arocho 1:12:07
Exactly pick me up you got to pick me up in Jacksonville cuz it takes five hours to Destin, Florida get down here. Yes. All righty. All right. Well, as well. Thank you for the show to Jersey Boys. Sports Talk. Thanks for joining. We have fun every week. Myself, Byron. Miss Vaughn to helping us out and we got Sonia on the on the teleprompter for us. I really appreciate Jones bless Jones family. And thank you and again everybody. Have a great night. Have a great Sumo and let’s have some fun and post me some pictures. I want to see the drinks. I want to see the margaritas I want to see moonshine. I want to see specialty drinks. You know, Modelo. Joey that way I like those commercials. We were just talking about if there’s no African American owners is I agree with all of that. Latin brothers to have their you know, JLo and mark and JLo and Alex Rodriguez try to get by some of the Miami Dolphins Oh, they tried to buy the match. That didn’t work out. That got turned down. Yeah, well, you know, I wonder why. New York likes Alex Rodriguez. They should probably got more than he does. But no, that’s not true. No, he’s still getting paid by the Yankees. Oh, wow. All right. Take care. All right. Thanks. Oh, yeah.
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