Even if the worst of the pandemic is over in a couple of months, professional soccer could take several years to recover.
// N O T E S O N A C O N D I T I O N A L F O R M – 2 2 M A Y – P R E O R D E R N O W // L O V E https://t.co/CMaYOANpbx pic.twitter.com/ZC35ixyffQ
— The 1975 (@the1975) March 30, 2020
// J E S U S C H R I S T 2 0 0 5 G O D B L E S S A M E R I C A – F R I D A Y // L O V E pic.twitter.com/DM4dtCjeNb
— The 1975 (@the1975) March 30, 2020
[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MiAcU2DvbXM&w=560&h=315]