Today we have special guest, Brandy Holmes, a wide receiver from Morningside College, who is a NFL Draft prospect.
Compared himself to 49ers WR Deebo Samuel. His first college game, he had 8 catches for 108 yards and 1 TD.
Overview: He is a reliable, sure-handed receiver who has average speed but creates catch opportunities for himself by varying route speed and running highly focused routes. His lack of vertical push will have cornerbacks looking to smother him before he can get out of the gates. Also can round routes from time to time but his ball skills and ability to handle contested catches.Positives: Great Release, Good blocker, Finishes plays, Body control, Fights for years, Gets up the field, Reliable pair of hands, and Quick feet.Negatives: Quicker than fast, Lacks speed to threaten over the top of squatting defenders, Lacking in explosive athletic traits, Need to sharpen cuts in routerunning, Limited film.
Brandy Holmes Twitter: @BrandyHolmes
Santiago Leon
Sports cast April 20 2020 if you haven’t yet please subscribe to all our channels, Periscope, YouTube, and iTunes and if you’re an iTunes please leave a rating and review. It will help us out tremendously. And visit us on the sports cast dotnet the sports cast not net for the latest on NFL draft and and also some more sports. The Big Show NFL draft is tomorrow at 6pm. Eastern. We’ll have the whole sports cast crew plus Alex Gill strap from NFL mocks. Today’s sponsor of today’s show is the Bible app, create verses and pictures and you can download the app in the iOS App Store. Today’s special guest His brand new homes a wide receiver from from Morningside Morningside College in Columbia, South Carolina. Who is an NFL prospect.
Brandy Holmes
Sioux City Iowa, I’m sorry.
Santiago Leon
From what state sorry.
Brandy Holmes
I was Sioux City, Iowa.
Santiago Leon
Oh, and Iowa. I google told me the wrong one. Sorry, guys. Brandy, welcome to the show.
Brandy Holmes
How you doing?
Santiago Leon
So brandy, can you tell the audience a little bit? A little bit about yourself?
Brandy Holmes
brandy Holmes, from Miami, Florida. My dad was an army so I moved around quite a bit. Went Juco out of high school transferred a couple times and into my senior year at Morningside
Santiago Leon
and can you tell the audience about your college career and What the recruiting process was like?
Brandy Holmes
Um, my college career wasn’t really, it was okay. Definitely experienced that transferred a lot. But it definitely was worth it. I would say in the end because I learned a lot. But I’ll tell you played two years. My freshman official freshman year had 30 catches 500 yards and three touchdowns. And then my senior year, I didn’t play too much, but I had six catches center yards and a touchdown. And so that’s how my career went. Well, I still was invited to to bowl games and plaster came up pretty good.
Santiago Leon
Well, high school. How was the recruiting process?
Brandy Holmes
Oh, ah, I was a highly recruited in high school so I had made the decision i right away just to go Juco that just seemed like the best decision for me.
Santiago Leon
Why did You choose to go to Morningside.
Brandy Holmes
Um, it just seemed like the best fit at the time for when I was transferring to they had just came off a championship. Coach looters who end up being our, who was also the coordinator and our receiver coach. He was the guy who I was talking to all the time and he like he told me that I would come in and play a lot or that it’d be a great fit for me, and it ended up being a great experience. Definitely I learned a lot. There offens definitely takes a lot to be in. It’s not just a regular offense. So I definitely think it was worth it and and
Santiago Leon
what would you consider your biggest accomplishment in your sports career?
Brandy Holmes
Ah, my biggest thing is being able to play in college. Like not not too many people can do it. I didn’t even decide to go play cause ball so I guess that just overall was the biggest thing for me.
Santiago Leon
And what did you consider to be one of the most important things you learn from the coaching staff while playing at Morningside
Brandy Holmes
patience and consistency. That is my been my biggest thing throughout the whole college experience, you’ve been patient, learning that Gil Tama will eventually come and being consistent like the system and make them play consistently doing the right things. Then on top of everything
Santiago Leon
what has been one of the most memorable plays of your career at any level high school college
Brandy Holmes
that thing that’s that doesn’t happen the other day I think, probably I think a one hand cast in high school. I ran a think cornered polls I want to say or are in a scene down the middle of the shoot. As simple as that. And the quarterback scrambled right and just threw and it’s not like I catch it and I just laid out and stuck my hand out and I was just like, just hoping to come in and I just end up catching the one hand and everybody just went crazy. So that was definitely a highlight.
Santiago Leon
If you could compare yourself to a pro athlete who would that be? And why?
Brandy Holmes
I would say I’ve been told James Washington for the Steelers upon us a probably like a TiVo, so I feel like he could do just about anything. He’s a big play waiting to happen. on the blog run. Running you’re out in alien thing somebody just seemed like to play it at a step in when no problem and do it.
Santiago Leon
Who is your favorite athlete right now
Brandy Holmes
and in the NFL
Santiago Leon
Brandy Holmes
Ah man. Ah No. I guess I say Oh, Dale, he’s definitely
Santiago Leon
some people say desert compare you to the four Niners wide receiver receiver
Santiago Leon
that he bought Samuel Would you agree?
Brandy Holmes
Yeah, I feel like I feel like this is definitely a good match. That was a go with adult both do whatever they asked of us. I feel that we’re both big plays waiting to happen. We’re very consistent.
Santiago Leon
What is your biggest strengths that you bring to a professional team and why should pro scouts consider you
Brandy Holmes
I would say physicality the knowledge of the game and why they should bring the beings to change this because I wouldn’t do whatever that’s to me. I’m not one of them people to complain you need to play special teams or do that. You need to block, run, catch up the throw or do whatever you need me to do to to help us win. I do have a smile on my face. I definitely have sometimes games so I definitely enjoy doing whatever I need to do to help the team win.
Santiago Leon
How fast can you run?
Brandy Holmes
I recently talked to for for forehand times.
Santiago Leon
What have you been doing to prepare yourself for the NFL Draft? I’ve been
Brandy Holmes
doing the speed training with my old high school coach Coach Charles Proctor at Canaan high school. I learned A hand. And then I’ve been training with one of my friends trainer. Name’s coach JJ. So yeah.
Santiago Leon
So give him more preparing with speed and running. Just how’s the weight training doing?
Brandy Holmes
Oh yes, I’ve been. I’ve been doing more like body weight stuff. So that whenever we get to a gym but I definitely wanna keep myself in shape so I can definitely still lift and stuff like that
Santiago Leon
has ever been challenged during this whole pandemic that you’re not able to do certain stuff. Like a normal year before the NFL Draft.
Brandy Holmes
I hit the gym into a gym graduate had like a regular gym membership at Planet Fitness. So now that was my I was lifting every day. And now that’s close to more like bodyweight stuff and band stuff with bands. I have a couple of numbers at the house. And a couple individual weights like plates. So I just do stuff like that just to stay in shape. But yeah, definitely.
Santiago Leon
Brandy. So what are your projections for this year’s NFL Draft? What has scouts been telling you? What round? Do you think you’ll come out of?
Brandy Holmes
I’ll definitely be a free agent. Don’t don’t think I’d be picked up in a dress from such a small school and since I didn’t really have a big thing here. And I haven’t really talked to scouts that I was I have come across an agent recently been digging a scout for me know what they’ve been saying. I haven’t talked to them a couple days.
Santiago Leon
Which was which, which team has shown interest what has your agent say that the like the possibilities of which team you might be playing for
Brandy Holmes
I haven’t talked to any scouts as far as my agent is saying, Well, yeah, well putting but I don’t. I talked to her last Saturday to be completely honest. But she’s only just a whitewash he sent stuff out. So I’ll probably talk to her Not tonight. In tomorrow morning or something like that.
Santiago Leon
What team do you feel like you’ll be like the best fit with
Brandy Holmes
this? I can fit anywhere because I’m able to adjust to an offense. But I, I’m, I live in South Carolina law pants. And I definitely if the opportunity was presented to me, I definitely go to Carolina Panthers. I feel like okay. I could do great anywhere, but if opportunity came for me to go to the Carolina Panthers.
Santiago Leon
That’s not that I think or yeah the Miami Dolphins where you went to high school for which quarterback Do you like to be you know, working with
Brandy Holmes
in then NFL. I was I’m a big fan of Cam Newton lesson that’s a big reason I would definitely would have took the Carolina Panthers.
Brandy Holmes
I like the DeShaun Watson and Lamar Jackson. I like Baker.
Santiago Leon
If you do go Carolina, you might probably be working with Teddy Bridgewater. How you feel about that?
Brandy Holmes
Yeah. Oh man. dream come true. Just to be an NFL take any quarterback. This would be a blast.
Santiago Leon
something to definitely definitely look at course Panthers are in a rebuilding stage. So definitely, that there’s some wiggle room if you do go to the Panthers and whatnot, how important is to have an agent with this type of process.
Brandy Holmes
This is from my second set is very important because you’re not like as seen as acid from from coming from like a D one level. And believe it or not these agents are well connected, whether they’re new or somebody who is then in the agent game, I guess you would call it there, they definitely weren’t connected. They definitely could do thing that a player can I can. I can reach out to coaches and stuff like that. So having an agent would definitely put you in room that you can’t do for yourself.
Santiago Leon
Before the host Yeah. Before like a before I think the whole situation with the Coronavirus was the xfl a a possibility as well.
Brandy Holmes
Oh yeah, definitely excess sales whatever. Whatever. The truly present itself Yeah.
Santiago Leon
Have those leagues approach you?
Brandy Holmes
No they haven’t
Santiago Leon
something to definitely, definitely look at who is your favorite college player right now? All right.
Brandy Holmes
I would say I’m a big Miami Hurricanes fans, everybody on the Miami Hurricanes.
Santiago Leon
You think Miami? Do you think Miami is currently rebuilding correctly?
Brandy Holmes
Yeah, I think they definitely I personally think they got too big this year. I definitely think they’re gonna. I feel like we can come at Clemson and hang with him this year. Definitely. So
Santiago Leon
what are your plans if football you’re playing football does not work out for you
Brandy Holmes
plans try to do something in like real estate or love like houses. I that’s all I do other than I train and stuff like that I look at houses. I look at cars, I’ll probably do some an SEO probably real estate or I’m open like a shoe business. Something on lines.
Santiago Leon
According to the people, you’re very reliable. You’re sure handed receiver who has average speed but crazy catch opportunities for himself by very route speed and running highly focused routes. Would you agree with that? Yeah.
Brandy Holmes
I’m actually fed out and a lot of people say we don’t Like I’m like truly fast, I guess. Like, I guess my routes kind of getting me open, in a sense, but I feel like I’m fast but definitely that definitely all that is true.
Santiago Leon
Were you in track and field? Long high school?
Brandy Holmes
Yeah, I ran. I ran my van was a 400 meter hurdles, but also did a 110 football on football four. On a couple other things. It’s pretty fast.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. How was your time when you were at Juco college? What?
Brandy Holmes
My 40 or my, I didn’t do track in college.
Santiago Leon
No, no. We play football at our four year college.
Brandy Holmes
Probably probably I can just have half four or five. So I brought it down.
Santiago Leon
How many of your other teammates in college are also Trying to prospect themselves in the NFL.
Brandy Holmes
Coming out of senior year, I don’t think anybody’s but I think next year they have a few players that I know of that might be definitely trying to pursue the period
Santiago Leon
is the next class. What attributes do you have that separates yourself from other aspects? I’m
Brandy Holmes
out running around really good routes. I can create separation and I can’t really worry about it. I’m blocked. I actually thought it was awesome.
Santiago Leon
Brandy is a NFL scout is listening to you right now to this show right now. Or Or like any team, what would you tell him right now?
Brandy Holmes
All I need is opportunity and everything else to take care of itself.
Santiago Leon
There you have it brandy hos brandy. What is the best way for people to reach you?
Brandy Holmes
Honestly my phone or call me and I’m always on my social media. My Instagram is @BrandyHolmes1. And my Twitter is @BrandyHolmes. B-R-A-N-D-Y-H-O-L-M-E-S
Santiago Leon
random question. Who do you think will will be selected first to attack a Lola or Herbert Justin Herbert.
Brandy Holmes
I think No brother already talked about this because they say he’s gonna chime come to the dolphins. So After our I think tool, but I know everybody’s trying to say health concerns or if they have to dolphin was taken up to begin with Justin Herbert. But I think to call to the board first.
Santiago Leon
Brandy says to it to the Miami Dolphins and I guess the Chargers we’ll get Herbert. something to definitely look at NFL draft is this Thursday, April 23. Well, Brandy, I really appreciate you. Coming to the sports cast. Your Twitter is at brandy Holmes guys check it out. B RA and d y Holmes h LME s and he is a prospect to be entering the NFL this year. He thinks he doesn’t think he’ll get into the draft. But he might be picked up as a free agent. Brandy, any closing words. Thank you. Thanks for having me. Appreciate brandy. And I appreciate guys coming to the sports cast. So you go to the sports cast dotnet and also on iTunes, please leave a rating review. And please subscribe and all our channels brandy, I appreciate you coming on to the sports guest.
Brandy Holmes
All right. Thank you. Thank you for having me again.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai