In this episode we have special guest Mitch @SonOfAMitchh, who’s a avid Knicks fan and follower. We discuss the Knicks hiring of CAA’s William Wesley — known as World Wide Wes in basketball circles — as executive vice president/senior adviser.
Wesley has been a consultant in the coaching division of CAA for 13 years and has a long professional and personal relationship with new Knicks president Leon Rose.
Show Notes
Is RJ Barrett the man in New York?
Is Julias Irving the #2 guy for the Knicks?
Why didn’t the Phil Jackson fit well in New York?
Poll Question
Should the #Ravens acquire Antonio Brown or Josh Gordon?
Antonio Brown- 70%, Josh Gordon- 30%
Mitch- AB
Santiago Leon
Sports cast June 24 2020 if you haven’t yet, please subscribe on all our channels, Periscope, iTunes and YouTube. And if you’re an iTunes, please leave a rating and review. It will help us out tremendously. And of course, visit us on the sports cast dotnet the sports cast dotnet for the latest. Today’s sponsor is the Bible app. You can get the Insta Bible app via the iTunes Apple App Store. Get it today and share it to the world. Big news today the New York Knicks are hiring William Wesley. New York Knicks makes news today of course whenever they make a hire is usually heard around the world, at least in the NBA world. And join us a popular Twitter influence Serve the New York Knicks. Mitch, welcome to the sports cast.
Thank you. Thank you so much for having me. lucky to be here and talk about my opinion on what the Knicks have done in this hiring and hiring Leon last for a wild west. And I just wanted to talk about how excited I am as a Knicks fan. I’m very, I’m very caring. And obviously, I’m very, you know, I care a lot. And, again, lucky to be here. So, we’ll get started.
Santiago Leon
First, you could tell us a little bit about yourself, and how did you get involved with the New York Knicks?
Alright, I’m just a very passionate Knicks fan. I watch probably every single game, not every single one and maybe like 80 of the 82 games every season. Even the games that don’t matter. One, we’ve already had a losing record and are eliminated from the pile. very passionate, very opinionated. I believe that the Knicks are now heading in the right direction and hiring me on roads and obviously, now and hiring less. And it’s cool. It’s very cool. It’s very awesome. You know, you see a couple of other teams have done this and hiring people who have been working in sports agencies. Another good example is like Rob polenka with the lake, you know, he used to be Kobe’s agent and, and obviously seeing where the Lakers are now, being a sports agent, like less likely on for those years. It’s great, especially having those two because they’re obviously very well respected within the NBA world and basketball world whether that’s with other team executives, other team GM is and obviously with the athletes themselves. They know what athletes want This year they know what athletes care about, and they’ll learn how to deliver. And it’s very interesting way. A lot of these organizations again, like the Lakers have been going about hiring their GM presidents. I think it’s a great signing by James Dolan. And hopefully he’s a little bit hands off in terms of letting me on the road to let him know what to do allow him to do what he believes is best for the no organization. Even players like Kendrick Perkins who do not really respect the next to the next organization has been saying this is a top notch hire when the best hires we’ve done in years and you know, it’s good to hear that obviously as an expat I mean, you can’t couldn’t really go anywhere. But I just wanted to go on further say I think this is a great time to the next to do this higher, especially within the past couple of weeks. The next release the last statement out of any other NBA organization when it came to Black Lives Matter. And then it really is really the best statement and we’re getting a lot of negative responses towards that. The past recent weeks and Leon rose being, I mean, let’s West being an African American who is very trustworthy within the organization who I haven’t heard one thing about showing that he just signed with the mix of the front office position. I think that that’s great for next and next time, because that will prove that other players will be able to trust general and James going on in this and the next organization and hopefully that those bad thoughts and those bad energies, that bad reputation can go away. Yeah,
Santiago Leon
yeah, yeah. So obviously Like the next hire West as the Executive Vice President, slash Senior Advisor. I’ve been hearing a lot of positive news with this, like phil jackson when he got hired. A few years ago, it had a mix of negative and positive, but this was a little bit more positive. What value does Wesley bring to this organization?
Yeah, I mean definitely a lot more positive. Even if you see past players like Jamal Crawford, tweeting Kendrick Perkins, again, as I mentioned and present people within the NDA organization, respecting the higher I mean, it’s positive in the sense that it’s a great person to have when it comes to connection when it comes to obviously the free agents market or whether it’s the coaching obviously the next I’ll have the head coach Chad, and that’s up in the air to whoever it is. But, but if you if you have people, I think the biggest issue with the next most recent years People don’t really fit in or don’t really respect someone, and whether that’s the correct way to look at things or not, that’s up to you to decide. But they did it. And you know, hiring these two guys who are very big in the basketball world industry, and viewed as as good people who know what they’re talking about and have great relations with employers, and again, with other GM, and other organizations, and other franchises, it’s a great hire, I can only I can only help from here. I really do believe that.
Santiago Leon
As a next fan, what do you want to see Wesley do on day one, get that coach or let’s get the like the talent over to New York?
Well, obviously, a lot of things are up in the air. Now. We don’t know when we’re picking. I don’t know. When’s the next one make a decision on how to coach honestly, for me, just as we honor those that I’ve lost isn’t the type where you got to sort of be patient as an accent. I mean, a lot of Knicks fans. They’re too eager being a New Yorker, they’re not as patient or very fast paced at all mentality and brain and just got to be patient. You look at the Lakers As another example, they had dead, two dead, three top two picks and those years that they were struggling and Grom Lonzo and de la and you know, look at where they are now. Be patient, let the players develop. That’s one thing I was very upset about. Coach Mike Miller, I mean, I got he was trying to save his own reputation. But he kept on playing in these players that, you know, weren’t really important and the development of the next and you know, players like Kevin Knox I mean when you draft someone you’ve invested in someone you invested in the beginning of their career and hopefully the end of their career and I believe that those fighters should have gotten more minutes and I think if we just stay patient and hire coach who is very ready to impatient and what empires develop likes RJ berry like Kevin Knox like, like Mitchell Robinson, I mean, I don’t I mean, hopefully our job to coming up soon. I mean, I don’t think there’s there’s much more we can do from that. And then we can examine maybe next offseason when, you know, I’m not saying but I’m not saying the honest but a lot of other stars who are available in that in that free agency class in that market. I mean, I know that I know that Leon Rosen was very close with a couple of young rising stars like Devin Booker. I mean, that’s something to look at in all their contracts are still going on for a couple of years like Donovan Mitchell, I mean, I know that they still have to finish that that seven year contract. But I think the Knicks are in good shape if they stay patient developer pliers and don’t rush anything as long, even though a lot of fans will want you and will want women do you think
Santiago Leon
you think Mike Miller will not be the permanent head coach?
I don’t think so. Like I heard I read a lot of things and he’ll still be on the coaching staff whether how to coach or not, that the team wants to keep and I think he did a good job. I think he did a better job than says though, when it came to orchestrating an awesome defensive team. I mean, he had more lenses than says, excuse me, but I don’t think you will be the head coach. I don’t want him to be the head coach. I think someone like Kenny Atkinson to see what he did with the Brooklyn Nets and bringing an organization have made arguably the worst trade in NBA history with the Celtics and bring them to the playoffs and no no mean team into the playoffs and Getting DeAngelo Russell who’s considered a boss at the time to help lead them into the playoffs and make them relevant. I think he’s great with player development, I think that someone will look to obviously tibideaux has a great reputation with the bulls and taking them into the files to close. And
Santiago Leon
Claire wise, would you think that RJ Barrett is the starting point that they want to build like the team around him? Or do you think you’re still missing that? That one star, maybe a center or shooting guard, but you think RJ Barrett is demand or do you think there’s gonna be a lot more pieces needed?
Think RJ Barrett from that. I mean, I think he’s a great initial piece to work off of and build off of. I love his mentality, the way he goes about the game. He’s very focused. I want to the next game in Orlando. Like last this past year, and you can just see he may call them Maple Mambo for reason I know he doesn’t like using that but that’s because he really has that mentality work ethic and can’t compare to anyone else and I love him I think the next day even Rhonda awesome super badass you know? We have Marcus More’s Polo taking a lot of shots. We had Rambo controlling the wall for reasons I don’t know why when he juggles it office tells us I mean, I think our job is a great piece but at the same time listening like no team in our organization in today’s NBA is going to do well with just one person obviously it’s going to take a lot to help these super teams living off super Judo is building off with the Clippers Lakers everywhere, so I mean, it’s going to take some time again, be patient. Hopefully we can get a lot of balls bounce in our favor when it comes to the lottery and we can go from there.
Santiago Leon
How about Julius Randle is the the number two guy in New York has he become that number two guy or do you think He’s the guy that will sell that position.
I I’m not the biggest fan, just because he is very skilled. He can score when he’s in the right situation. But too many turnovers, he brings the ball troubles with his head down. I think the Knicks orchestrated the offense a little bit too much through him. And you know what, RJ handle it or Frank or even knocks him out matter, or anyone else really handle it and develop. He’s not the best teammate when it comes to developing pilots who clogs with pain or just needs the pain. You add that to the to strength area, driving in, I think, put it in the right situation. And I’m telling Randall, maybe not dribble the ball off too much. I think he’s a great player. I really do and hopefully the next can give again like a player like Kevin Knox is only 20 years old freak athlete freak athlete some more confidence and you can you show that through giving them playing time and through letting him be comfortable and putting him in situations for him to thrive someone like Julius Randle, always just dribble the ball and throw it to knocks in the corner when the shot clock was expiring in three seconds and useless the bad shot and he was also playing a lot more a lot less minutes last year. So I mean, to judge to be mad at as an ox and to judge him. I think that the rational I mean, I think you should be more upset about the next another organization not giving him and it’s about trusting the guy to drop the fire you invested. And we weren’t going anywhere give give the guy minutes and he does well and improves and helps the team and helps themselves and will help our organization or he doesn’t do that well and we know we got a better graphic. Like I can’t believe we be Atlanta. The The night the NBA said that they were canceling VA or they’re pausing it due to COVID-19. Beat Atlanta and now we have to lower to worst spots and getting a better drastic, ridiculous. Ridiculous. The draft picks
Santiago Leon
is definitely one thing the Knicks are gonna rely on for next couple years. Now what is Wesley hire feels like we’re transitioning out of the phil jackson era. What happened to that era? Obviously he hired Fisher and whole and also Horner sec, and a few other you know, ex Lakers or bowls of people But why didn’t like the phil jackson system work well in New York?
Well, first of all, I don’t think he was really committed. I don’t think he really cared. I don’t think that effort was 100% there. I mean, he went from coaching obviously the goal for Lakers great, great two teams and winning championships to He’s like, you know, I just want to be the president, but he wasn’t watching. These coaches do what they wanted to do. They’re trying to facilitate the trust. Oftentimes in today’s NBA where that just doesn’t work, and we, the next I’ll assign three years and extra holding on a star and Kemal Anthony with trade value, and losing games after games going nowhere, not even making the playoffs and at that point, you should you should trade the guy when he has value. You shouldn’t call out and say, Phil Jackson, so hey, this guy has no value socks, obviously then melted we’re going to get a worse trade offer method. And, you know, I didn’t like a lot of impatience. A lot of again the next day. They they put themselves in a cycle or because they’re so impatient and that they got like the seventh pick the eighth pick the ninth pick. We are one of the worst organizations when it comes to when last column within the past 20 years since 2000, but Last year when we bought RJ was the only time we were the worst team and yet we beat we beat the T roll as in our last game and that’s what made us get the fourth pick in closing this and that winning made us the second worst team from the first worse team than the empty world Karl Anthony talents I mean it’s just impatience I think if we tank correctly like the Warriors just did and they’re gonna get a top five pick and Anthony Edwards with with a healthy stuff and clay back That’s crazy. I mean like do it do it smartly. Don’t be stopping and patient like stop with these eight nine picks and getting Frank and knocks we have to wait more for them to develop. Stick to the gun like a Celtics about Tatum and Jalen brown and early picks I mean you got to be a little bit patient and wait and then start developing
Santiago Leon
Yeah, what I hope you know with this Wesley hired that a lot More star players will come to New York, because a lot of them are kind of like, not disgusted but a little bit afraid of going there because of the bad publicity and everything else. I know that you know, Kevin Durant was rumored to go there, even Kyrie was. And you know, hopefully that New York will be like the old days back in the 90s, even like the early 2000s, or players wanting to play in New York to play in the mecca of like the sport of basketball. What do you want to see in like the next couple years with Wesley? I mean, do you want to see the Knicks in the AFC playoffs by go to the playoffs? Like what is a good realistic short term goal?
realistic short term goal just started this season, I mean, we’re going to get a hold of the top 10 pick, hopefully top five or top four or whatever it is. And, again, just develop our players. I think it should be frank or hard j that pick Knox and Mitchell Robinson Got a majority of the minutes are working together and again, if they do while they do well on the developers fires that they like, and we put them in the right situation and they thrive and they gave them their own confidence and and and they become good values for our franchise and we can move on further and then from there if they were playing well and we’re playoff contender then then the other players in free agency with our the combination of Leon rose and less we can we can go out and acquire someone that can be an essential piece to our young core and teach them and bring us to another level and maybe make us go past the first round. But essentially, you got to be patient if they don’t do well and you know, and it’s not working out. It’s okay. Keep playing them and, and we’ll get a we’ll get a top pick again and wait for them to develop. I mean if you look at teams, the government like the Lakers, Who got three, four top two picks and Celtics got all these, all these top picks? that clearly works. And I mean the next Do you have as many first round picks in the upcoming years and it’s interesting to see how they go about it. I mean, you can trade them as the Lakers traded Bombo and grab a heart and all those guys for an Anthony Davis calendar fire are not interesting to see.
Santiago Leon
We’re syngas I think was probably one of the biggest picks since Patrick Ewing, of course, you guys traded him to the Mavericks. Was that a big loss for you? Like what were your, your personal opinion? Do you think this could have stayed and maybe could have done some more stuff for New York?
I don’t know if it’s true or not. But a lot of rumors came out that presented that it wants to say with New York that he was unhappy there. And I mean, if I’m the owner of the New York Knicks, I And I’m on the front offices in New York. And as I said, Chris stops down and I talked and I say what’s what’s upsetting you? What can you do to make you happy here? I mean, you’re the you’re the you’re the you’re there you’re on with you can be our Messiah like you could attract other people you are only getting better he’s a top one protector in this league obviously, can space out as a five, like no other big man in this league and you sit him down and you tell him what do we need to do to help you out and make this organization where you’re having to be and you accommodate his needs because he was our franchise supplier? Obviously, the freedom offer cassez and took the gamble and getting someone like Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving and pass up on and I think the Knicks just always tried doing that and trying to use a shortcut trying to get a shortcut trying to trade our whole team for someone like Carmelo Anthony but we lost all those pics. We lost all those players and what The first thing we want is pass the first and last in the second round, like come on, like, you know, develop our pliers and from there we’re the New York Knicks and we are the biggest market. It’s not the top, the most expensive team or the We are the biggest market we are New York City and from there someone will be happy to play with us. Once we show that we can develop our players are a legitimate team and a good organization that has respect requires and and other coaches and and i think Leon and Ross is going to go to do a great job at that. You forgot last how we on census data. I think it’s very important. Something Yorkers, including myself, difficult with their
Santiago Leon
MBA resumes next month only 22 teams are going to New York Knicks are not going What are your thoughts over this tournament? Do you think it’s a good format and what are your overall thoughts?
Well, I can Telephone the happier settle, not going to see the next slide for over half a year. I’ll be honest with you there definitely will be stress free. But I think if then obviously, if the MBA can pull this off, which seems like they are, it’s great for them. I mean, it would be amazing for them obviously Disney being a great location to have a bobble. And I think that I think it’s pretty fair, essentially, because everyone’s starting from the same spot. Everyone stopped playing basketball and everyone’s going to resume with a big lobby to three month gap in between. And obviously, if you can pull this off, that’d be great. I mean, baseball obviously just announced that they’ll be back. Hockey will be back soon and we’ll see what happens with football. Obviously, if they can pull it off and make some more money.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, definitely. You know, this to this This tournament or Well, I call it a tournament, but you know, I guess some people could call it that, but it should be quite interesting. And I know Avery Bradley announced this morning that he will not be joining and possibly jr Smith who used to be a Nick is going it could possibly go with the Lakers. Yes.
I mean, you know Joe Smith is just a streaky guy. He’s either on or evolved. I mean, it’ll be interesting to see I know the brawn can get him straight like he was in Cleveland, but the interesting to see Jr, McGee, Dion and why all in one area? At least their bubble wall. I mean, it’s interesting to see it’s very exciting.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, you know, Jr. Smith. I’m really happy that he’s you know, still has a lot of them yet. Still, even though I don’t think he’s been playing hasn’t played in a year I believe. So it should be quite interested in joining LeBron, which I heard he played Well with him. Of course that one game one where he forgot like the time clock that was not a good memory. I’m back with the next I look at the next history very closely as well. I look at the 70 Knicks. I look at the 90s. And of course in the 2000s, with Melo and jr Smith, which of the next era do you like the most?
So that’s a little question. I’m only gonna answer the era that I’ve been alive for. So obviously, I love that I love my law. I love the next, pre mellow light when they got Stottlemyre people forgot that he was an MVP candidate. He was averaging great numbers 3010. And the next one and fun to watch. I mean, there’s just excited, obviously was the one they had like Randolph and Jamal Crawford and the Marbury and Nate Robinson era Clinton. Richardson Adhikari I love that area too, because that’s when I first really started watching basketball and following the mix. But, I mean, hopefully this new era was Mitchell Robinson and RJ Barrett, and I’m going to include Kevin Knox, and then obviously, Franklin Kima fan favorite in that conversation, because, again, these guys are young, they’re only 20. I mean, early, early 20s. And they’re great athletes, and they just got to be given a chance. They got to be put in the right situation where they can thrive and show that they’re trusted, and they’ll get more confident.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, my favorite era was definitely in the early mid 90s, that that a mixed team that was coached by Pat Riley, that took the bulls to seven games had two teams. It was the Pacers and the New York Knicks. They were able to take him to seven games, but that next team, especially in like, two and 1994 They couldn’t beat the rocket that was their best shot of winning like the NBA championship in the modern era.
Yeah, yeah. Well, I mean, it’s not it’s all right.
Santiago Leon
I look at it. That team is very interesting with john Starks. I mean,
now if any player came to New York and brought us to the finals, and even if we did win a championship, they’d be like a god and there’d be a statue right? In all of New York will back down to it. I mean, I can’t say this enough for me and I have a little bit of an argument with New York basketball city. Yeah, you can say baseball Yankees Of course. I’m a big fan too. But I mean, linsanity some some random kid from Harvard just starts playing incredible for two weeks. What happened in Milwaukee I want to hear about that would be no such thing they wouldn’t advocate in a game that games are sold out. Of course, I went bowling in the game and play Pac even It was crazy. I mean, it woke up New York and the NBA and, and it was insane that that one little two weeks that brought that lid off New York City. New York’s a basketball city is to this day is still almost sold out every single night. And we’re clearly a basketball city and we’re just waiting on the draft pick waiting on a free agent who’s willing to take on that challenge and joining the mix. Obviously Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving were too scared in my opinion. They got what the media get to come and drown with his donor accounts and arguably the most skilled player in NBA history. Like, come on, man. You’re getting paid millions of dollars. Who cares what the guy on the couch is talking about? They couldn’t take on the heat. They couldn’t take on the challenge. And I mean, I mean, we’re excited to see who else comes in.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, definitely a New York. It was the favorite spot Michael Jordan like to play basketball games and some say his best games were there. So New York I believe with this height with the with his Wesley hire is a fresher breath air I think. And I hope the Knicks organization will come back you know, and hopefully will become a playoff seed unless the like, like a top number one maybe. But you know somewhere to get to a spot get back into the glory days of the New York Knicks Poll Question of the day should the Ravens acquire Antonio brown or Josh Gordon, what is your pick?
Mitch? I’m honest, I think Antonio brown just because Josh Gordon has been playing in a while like for a while I know he just been out this past year. And now they both have attitude problems. Those have off the side issues. But I mean if you can get a be obviously better obviously. Last time. You played with sooner? I say be all day.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. Which Antonia Brown is winning 70% 30% of Josh Gordon’s Antonio Browns feels like it’s a clear winner on our Twitter poll. So you go on Twitter calm for slash, the sports cast, one to check out to pull or to vote on who you think the Ravens should get. Of course, ravens are an upcoming team with Lamar Jackson and believes like some people are saying they’re like one piece away to go deep in the playoffs, or maybe at least when that first round game. So we’ll see what happens with the Ravens. We’ll take. Mitch, what is the best way to reach you online to talk to you about the New York Knicks,
my Twitter, my Twitter handle, some of them that the two ages out? Yes.
Santiago Leon
was like the one HRA taken Is that why you
didn’t want he was David Yeah.
Santiago Leon
You’re able to relive that a little bit and and of course, your Twitter. is mostly about Lino, mixed news and everything right?
Yeah. Next news, some personal opinion, big Drake fan. So some Drake saw my tweet about the Leon Rose was a Drake lyric on the game from last week and never checked me for opening lines and back to back. If Drake is tweeting about what, you know, you know that he’s known everywhere.
Santiago Leon
And of course, you know, there’s still a lot of hardcore Knicks fans as what I like about like the Knicks organization. Yeah, I know, they’ve had some tough gears, but there’s still some fans out there to stick it out. Yeah. Even if they’re good times and bad.
That I wish I had my RJ Barrett, with me. I was in the office. The news came out this morning and I already made my commute. So next time next time.
Santiago Leon
Now, I said there’ll be a press conference with the Knicks tonight on the on rose. What would that be about just announcing like the Westley higher?
Yeah, announcing last year. Would, what his ideas are I’m sure there’ll be a lot of questions about the coaching hire as well. I mean, it’s not that much of a press conference first. I do think they’re all wonderful talking but it’s going to be on MSG network and I
Santiago Leon
definitely want to tune in I select this I mean, it’s the first time you can feel a fan but President so excited to hear MSG network of course you can see it only on the New York area unless you have special rights on DirecTV or Dish Network. And we’ll see we’ll see Wesley become the next Jerry west or the Micha cup check. You know become these mind GNC maybe even become like a Jared cross, you know, where they just know how to assemble these teams that puzzle in together. They knew when to trade, Oakley for Cartwright, things like that, you know these that’s why these guys are in the game. That’s why they’re made that’s why coaches and jams Cannot you know, they cannot be one position. That’d be two separate positions because you got to be out there scouting, recruiting, and I think Westlake He’s going to get right on it from starting today. I bet I bet he’s making some phone calls right now. So well, Mitch, you can follow while everyone else you can follow us on the sports cast dotnet the sports cast dotnet or on Twitter at the sports cast one. Tomorrow we have Ryan Chris to talk about the return of baseball which I believe Mitch is a baseball fan too, right?
Yeah, yeah. A little bit Yankee fan
Santiago Leon
your Yankees okay. I was gonna ask you if your Knicks are I mean, Mets or Yankees because I know you have two options in New York also for football to lose your football game.
I don’t hate myself that much. I’m I’m a Yankees mix Ranger and giant boulder.
Santiago Leon
Okay, good. Yeah, typically what I’ve seen is Yankees and giants kind of go together typically.
That Yeah, definitely. The Jackson that’s I mean, I feel that
Santiago Leon
should be exciting. New York sports. It feels like there’s something going on. We need to bring back at least a championship at least from one of the sports right?
At least one
Santiago Leon
Well, Mitch, I really appreciate you coming on to the sports cast.
Thank you. Thank you for having me. Thank you so much.
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