In this episode, we announce that Marvin Constant is an official contributor of the Sports Cast. He’ll be co-hosting with are other contributor, Justin Riley, every Tuesday Night at 7pm ET starting September 8th. They’ll be covering Alabama and SEC news.

Justin Riley @JustinRiley7
Marvin Constant @Marvin_Constant
Santiago Leon – @sleon
About Marvin Constant
Marvin Constant was living the dream, starring on the football field. The Central High School graduate muscled his way into not only being a force on the University of Alabama’s defense but had earned the reputation as one of the Southeastern Conference’s best. A high draft pick and an NFL career were in the bag.
A high draft pick and an NFL career were in the bag. That is, ironically, until the thing that earned him the reputation as being one of the best players in the country betrayed him. He mangled his left knee making an heroic goal line stand to preserve a 1999 Crimson Tide win against LSU.
Years at AL: 98 & 99
Show Notes
Marvin’s New Book, ““Physical and Mental Fitness at 40 Plus”

Free your mind and unlock your inner beast to achieve that body you’ve always desired.
- Workouts for beginners, intermediate and gym beasts
- What to eat and when to eat it
- How to manage stress
- How to achieve long term success
Contact info:
IG- @constant45
Twitter: @Marvin_Constant
Santiago Leon
Sports cast August 27 2020 if you haven’t yet, please subscribe to all our channels Periscope, iTunes and YouTube. And if you’re an iTunes please leave a rating and review it will help us out tremendously. And visit us on the sports cast. dotnet does sports cast dotnet for the latest and greatest lag going on in sports? This episode is brought to you by instant Bible app you can download the Insta Bible app on the iOS App Store. Like I said before, a lot going on in sports today. But here in the sports cast we like to keep a positive outlook and hope for the best. Today we have a special episode and announcement. But first, we have Mr. Justin Riley all the way from Central Mississippi survived that hurt. Kane, welcome back to this board’s guest.
Justin Riley
I know survive is the right word, but because it didn’t really affect the area that I’m in So, but most importantly the people who it was going to affect weren’t really hurt that bad so that’s a blessing.
Santiago Leon
Were you feeling I mean, like, was there like any rain when any drizzle or
Justin Riley
just mainly in this region? Rain and some some wind but other than that been fairly pleasant.
Santiago Leon
Sounds good. And then of course, we have Marvin constant to the sports cast. Welcome. Welcome back.
Marvin Constant
Well, hey, thank you for having me. It’s always a pleasure to join you all.
Santiago Leon
Mormon, so you’re, I mean, uh, you’re, you’re currently like living in. Um, we’re at exactly I’m,
Marvin Constant
I’m currently on the north side a little bit outside of Atlanta in Lawrenceville. Georgia
Santiago Leon
is right here in Georgia is right. There’s no hurricane going over there.
Marvin Constant
No hurricanes. But it seems like it rains every day. So I’m wondering, do I live in Seattle?
Justin Riley
No kidding. Exactly. you’re that close to Terry Jones, Jr. How come you can’t get him over there for a workout?
Marvin Constant
Me and Terry have this conversation on a regular basis. I think, you know, sometimes guys, they’ve been away for so long that they’re scared to step back into it because they feel like they’re not gonna perform like they used to perform, you know, so it’s more mental than anything else. But he did say, if they canceled their season that he was going to start working out with me, because he didn’t have practice for an excuse anymore. So how’d that go?
Santiago Leon
Right? Now, we’ve had for the past what just in four months of interviewing a bunch of Alabama players I know Marvin knows most of them. Um, Marvin, which one? Were you kind of like, I mean, and plus, I heard that you’ve been listening to like most of the podcasts, but which of the interviews Did you like the most from like these past four months.
Justin Riley
inspired a lot of interviews to say.
Marvin Constant
But yeah, I was gonna say to my Galloway when he got, you know the whole snake situation. Yeah, I know he was not prepared for y’all to ask him about snakes. Yeah. The phone call that I got when it was over. Yeah, you heard the backend. Yeah. What do you say to you? First laughing but then he’s like, you’re gonna have Peter looking for me. He’s like a miracle.
Justin Riley
Man, I was just thinking about that today, man. I was hoping you bring that up.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, I mean, my god. It was a great interview. Justin had a great time these four months. I know Marvin was one of your favorite interviews Justin, but after him. Which one did you enjoy the most obviously, I know you. You’re not like that. A guy that was a favorites but uh, Which one did you enjoy the most?
Justin Riley
Wow. Oh man, it’s hard for me to pick just one
Santiago Leon
or you say that all your children
Justin Riley
man I’m just you know, the way I look at it is I just been blessed like God opened an amazing door to be able to spend time with these guys just a truly a blessing to hear each one of their stories and, and the matches each story contained. But if I had to pick one more over here definitely will my favorite. Oh, well thank you. Thank you. I truly appreciate that.
Santiago Leon
One, the first one I will say weigh in. Yeah,
Justin Riley
I will say this. I really enjoyed the most interview in the guys from our time Marvin. I feel like that was a special time special unit. good group of guys. For the most part, each one you guys are just been so humble. And just have had a great story to tell in a great message for for everybody, especially athletes coming up, man. There’s a lot of things These kids just don’t hear because what the media feeds on or what, what’s trending or what’s popular, they they miss out on some important aspects. And guys like you and Ahmad and Terry, no host of others, kind of bring it bring it to more down to reality. And that’s what we need.
Marvin Constant
Well, you know what I think it is when you look at that I think social media played a large role in a lot of these younger athletes, they feel like they’re larger than life because they got to 300,000 followers in high school. It’s nothing to have their own platform. So you know, a lot of them lose that humility at a young age because they feel like oh, I’m the greatest this that and the third because at a young age, you know, all over the world, they have all these followers who know who they are. So But for us, you know, we had to earn what we had, you know, nobody gave us anything, you know, you made a name for yourself on the field and on the field alone. You know, that wasn’t social media to promote your agenda.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, that’s true. I mean, I don’t know. I mean, I, I can personally say that, you know, this generation is a little bit different from yours, but I definitely see a lot of respect a lot of humbleness, working hard effort and things like that. Um, what I’ve been talking to Justin I really enjoyed a Rudy Griffin. I had fun with Dalston. A whole lot. I think he made me laugh. I think we’re just having like fun for some reason. And of course, also, Terry, you really got my attention. very humble person.
Justin Riley
That’s our work story was the best.
Marvin Constant
Yeah, they weren’t happy with me when it happened. But
Santiago Leon
and we heard some mixed reviews with Mike Shula, like, you know, there were some lovers and not so lovers, but you know, it happens. And then of course, we saw some players that was in like the transition Between Shula plus Nick Saban, so it’s kind of interesting how like the whole dynamic and you know, some of them felt like you know, stepchildren, the others felt like they position into that new system. Right, Justin?
Justin Riley
Yeah. This it’s been interesting hearing this for perspective from each transition. And my gosh, you know, I, you know, Marvin, there were so many transitions back in our day, and it was just a whirlwind. And at times, you’re sitting there thinking, is this really happening? But it was really cool to to get from it from a player’s perspective exactly what that was like and then pass and all that and then heading into the saving era that we are all now aware of.
Marvin Constant
Yeah, those transitions can they can be tough on players, you know, because you got to look at it new coach comes in, he’s getting paid how many ever millions, he’s getting paid to coach. He wants to play his guys. You know, he’s not really a fan of the former players. You know, the The former coaches guys, you know, because again, Coach comes in with his system, so he wants to recruit guys who can run his system. So if a guy has been running the three for his whole, you know, career and he comes in to a defense that’s been built to run a four three and he doesn’t have a guy who can play that one technique tackle, you know, so he’s got to go find his guys to make it work. And for a lot of guys, they can find themselves on the outside looking in. You know, I was in a situation like that due to my injury, you know, new coach comes in, he’s like, Hey, I know you’re injured, but you’re taking a scholarship that I want to give somebody else. You know, there’s a lot behind the scenes that people have no clue about.
Santiago Leon
What Yeah, which is something that you’ve got to think about and the pressure and everything. Anyways, let’s transition into this part of the episode. Marvin has new book, physical and mental fitness at a already plus. Marvin tells us about this is the brand spanking new book?
Marvin Constant
Yeah. Well, the biggest thing for me is, you know, I never had any desire to write a book about fitness. But I have so many people messaging me on a regular basis, asking me questions like, hey, you’re about to be 41. How do you still look like that? What is it that you’re doing that we don’t know? Tell us a secret. So finally, after all the messages, I say, you know what, let’s just do it. Let’s just get it over with and I did. And for me, I feel like it’s another way of giving back and I’m sure people will really appreciate the book. You know, because the way I went about writing it, the first 20 something almost 30 pages is all reading, just talking about what to eat, when to eat, how to train, how arrest is beneficial to you at this age, because rest is just as important as the workout you know, because your body doesn’t recover like it used to at this age. So you got to learn to go sit down at times, you know, so you know, just talking about all that. Then I get into the workouts, it’s actually three different workout programs with three different skill levels from beginners to intermediate into what I call people like myself, the gym beast who just like to go in there and just tear it down.
Justin Riley
You know, you talk a little bit this morning about just how critical right now this this, this error in our lives, you know is but also there’s a big misconception out there people and I’ve experienced this whenever I’ve trained I’ve been in the fitness industry for countless years, got my degree in exercise science, I’ve trained athletes, I’ve trained older people or younger people and the misconception is, well hey, I’m, you know, named this age. I can’t do this anymore. I can’t make this change. It’s like they they think that everything is gonna stop and they can’t do anymore. Can you talk about that misconception and why people just so wrong.
Marvin Constant
You know, a lot of people feel like as they get older, because that’s what you’ve been programmed to do your whole life. You know, once you You get to a certain age, you know, you get fat and life falls apart. I’m very blessed that I had great mentors at a young age from Richard Sandler, a former power lifter who held you know, Olympic records. Terry Jones, former Alabama strength coach being Paulette, former Texas in him. So I had a lot of people who taught me a lot over the years. And one thing that I took away from all of them was take care of your body, you have to listen to your body. So for me, when I set out on this journey, the biggest thing was, how do we get the results we want without hurting ourselves because again, you have to think about that at this age. So, you know, I experimented with different workouts, different rest patterns, until I finally came up with a formula that worked best, you know, for my age, you know, because again, I’m about to be 41 and oh, god another day. So, you know, I know my my body does not recover it like it did when I
Santiago Leon
think we lost Marvin Marvin, I think your internet connection went low. Justin, you’re there.
Justin Riley
Hey, I’m here. I’m assuming all the same.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, let me let me tell Marvin, your connection went off. Oh,
Marvin Constant
I hear you. Yeah. Oh, there we go.
Santiago Leon
Okay, yeah, continue on. We’re talking about that when you Well, you’re about to turn 41. And and like, when it comes to fitness, it’s a bit different within your 40s rather than back in your 20s.
Marvin Constant
Yeah, because the body just does not recover as fast as it used to. So you know, that rest that you get between workouts, I mean, that is going to be the determining factor. Because you think about it, when you’re working out, you’re tearing muscles, you got to give those muscles a chance to recover, you know, and again, the body doesn’t recover at this age like it used to. So you know, just picking a workout program that’s going to give you the results you want and fit into your lifestyle. That’s the biggest thing.
Santiago Leon
Marvin, will this book be more geared towards like anyone even like players that used to play football? Back in the day was it for you know, older people like what demographic you were kind of kind of focused towards?
Marvin Constant
Well, the book says 40 Plus, but at the end of the day, it’s for anybody. If you follow me on Facebook, you seen the image of my son who’s 15 I taught him how to work out two years ago he stuck to it sticks to the plan and he dropped 80 pounds in two years Wow. You know comedian funny man funny man is my first cuz I gave him the plan. He dropped almost what 25 almost 30 pounds in like three months. So you know, it doesn’t matter your age. It’s all a matter of how bad you want it. Now, it’s, it’s more it’s geared more towards older, you know, I’m older but people are in their 40s because of the wrist and the way the workouts are designed. Whereas younger people you know, they can still work out five, six days. We can be fine. But they could do it as well.
Justin Riley
Talking about how foreign it is, especially at our age, having a goal, a set goal or a set in gain is before going into anything like this, because I think a lot of people get deterred going into the gym because they just have like a basic goal. I want to lose weight. I want to get bigger. Okay, well, what is the main goal? What do you want to do? How much weight Do you want to lose? How much weight Do you want to gain
Santiago Leon
each body? That’s always a good question How?
Justin Riley
Well you know a lot of people go in not really having that in gang talk about how important it is to have a set goal that you look to every week, every month, or maybe you know, every six months that you’re trying to reach.
Marvin Constant
Well, you know, one of the things I talk about in the book is habits versus routine. What does everybody I would say I have a bad habit. You don’t ever hear anybody say I have a bad routine so in developing a routine that’s gone on a
Santiago Leon
losing Marvin again might be the weights that is giving me interference their wiring is a streaming live from as a gym.
Justin Riley
A lot of power coming from that area, man. Yeah.
Santiago Leon
Wait, wait, you know, speaking with like the whole with the whole transformation. I mean, I remember like when Justin went through a transformation about five years ago and you had to go through a lot of sacrifices but man you were you’re a Beachbody ready let’s just say that. Haha.
Justin Riley
Well it’s true a sacrifice is huge. And this thing is you got to know yourself you got you got to know what you did previously, that got you to where you’re at, and a lot of people don’t understand is you got to make a lifestyle change. It’s not something fad, you know, is not whatever is hot in a magazine or whatever’s trending. It’s about making a complete about face in every area of your life. You know, your your eating habits, your cardio, your lifting, lifestyle choices, things like that. How does that
Santiago Leon
mean? Like, can you go to McDonald’s, Justin?
Justin Riley
Well, you can have a cheat meal. I’m not saying that you have to just eat perfect all the time. You know, when I was doing this when I dropped, you know, 60 pounds, and in 12 weeks, I allowed myself to, to cheat meals on the weekend, but I was eating clean and committed to eat and clean me the other days and the other times, but I was also committed to the cardio was also committed to the weights. Can you kind of talk about you know what your thoughts on that Martin?
Marvin Constant
Well, one of the things that I found at this age, carbs are a lot more important than calories. You know, when I pick up some needed I’m gonna Look at the carbs First, the protein second and Academy stuttered. Because I like to keep my carbs under 50 grams a day, you know, my cheat day under 100 grams a day. Because you know, the average recommendation is 200 grams of carbs a day to pretty much maintain where you are. So, but for me, I’m trying to stay as lean as I can. So I like to keep mine under 50. And again, at this age, your body doesn’t work like it used to. So when you go eat that Twinkie or that cheeseburger, you know that metabolism is running 100 miles an hour anymore. So you got to think about that. Now before you eat your body. And just like you, I have a cheat day, but when I have that cheat day, I plan ahead. I make sure I haven’t had any carbs that day. Because usually for me, I’m gonna eat a cheeseburger and I know exactly what I’m gonna get it from. I know that bun is 24 grams of carbs and that’s gonna be the only carbs that I have that day. But it’s all about planning ahead. You know, you can’t just wing it and think that fitness is going to work for you.
Santiago Leon
right about that. Marvin Yang Cuz my cousin was doing some body competition, and he had a watch on his grands. I think he could only eat like 50 grams of carbs, which is like ridiculous nothing. So he had to track that. But yeah, you’re right, you got to plan ahead. You just can’t like wing it.
Justin Riley
Santiago Leon
I’m Marvin, were you like, always in shape like that, like when I see you now or you had a little bit of like, like, they dip between your ears and now
Marvin Constant
I had a dip at one point because I had a knee surgery and, you know, my body just wasn’t recovering. You know, like I thought it would, and I got up to around 305 and I knew at 305 that my that weight was not going to help my knee situation. So one day I just decided you know that you know what to do. Just get back to doing it, you know, and as hard as it was because again, you got to think about it when your body’s used to eating bad foods. It’s just like a drug. When that buys Not getting those food, you experienced cravings and withdrawals, it’s the same thing. So you know, I just had to fight through that part and get back to where I needed to be. So in the last, it’s been about three years now. So I came down from 305 to I’m at 215. Right now.
Santiago Leon
Wow. Which is your lowest way that you’ll come down to right? Is that something or you want to keep going?
Marvin Constant
I said I was gonna do to team but I don’t think my body will allow me to go. You gotta understand. So I played in college at 250. I played High School at 250. I’ve been at least 225 since I was a freshman in high school. So for me to put on size 34 pants and shorts is if that’s new to me.
Santiago Leon
Interesting. Yeah, I mean, you got a Beachbody pretty much.
Marvin Constant
I’m trying. I’m trying. You have it already. But I’m a perfectionist, I always measure.
Justin Riley
Talk about I talk about how important eating is not just the The aspect of eating right but a lot of people still have a misconception, well, I’m gonna, only one or two times a day talk about how dangerous that can be and how it really just will set your metabolism back and the importance of eating several small meals a day.
Marvin Constant
Um, I just like to do three meals a day and maybe a fourth one. And the biggest thing for me is I make sure that I’m consuming at least 102 I try to keep around 125 250 grams of protein a day to support my muscle growth. Because again, at the end of the day, I know I don’t take in a lot of calories. Use that keep my calories under 1500. So you know, on a 1500 calorie diet is naturally going to make your body wants to go smaller. So I increase my protein to a level where it will at least support my muscles to keep up and then I make sure that I eat a sufficient amount of green vegetables, you know, for health purposes. And just to keep me healthy, healed. So, you know, but for those who want to do small minutes a day, that’s that’s great. Because again, you got to realize some no five meals a day, they’re going to help you metabolism to keep firing to keep working. Because again at this age that metabolism it’s doing this. It’s slowing down every day. Yes, sir. Do to keep it rolling is a blessing.
Santiago Leon
Small food like rabbit food. Marvin, also in your book, you talk about managing stress. Can you talk about that part of the book?
Marvin Constant
Yeah, you know, the thing about being in tow, there’s a lot of stress. Some of us have jobs, we don’t like, you know, some people are married to people they don’t like, you know, I mean, there’s a lot of stress in the world, you know, and like, you know, people will always say misery loves company. You know, people who are miserable will do everything in their power to drag you to their level. So, you know, it’s all about managing those relationships and understanding, okay, just because I’m attached to this person somehow, some way they don’t control My ego, they don’t control what’s going to happen in my life. Because ultimately, it’s all on you. And a lot of people fall in that trap of saying, I feel like I’m stuck. You’re not stuck you making a choice. Now you can make the right choice to fix the problem.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, that’s something that really goes on, you know, like they say, spirit mining plus body. So it’s kind of interesting how, you know, when you see people when they change their diet or when they exercise their like, their mind gets clear that more energy and things like that. I mean, Justin, you probably felt that when when you lost 60 pounds.
Justin Riley
Yeah, absolutely. And one of the things that was really important to me and definitely chime chime in on this Marvin was surrounding myself with the right people, people who are gonna support what I’m doing. People who are going to hold me accountable and also removing toxic people and myself from toxic situations in order to achieve, you know, this goal. How important you feel like That is when you know at our age we’re trying to make a change physically.
Marvin Constant
One of the most important things you can do is have positive people around you people that are going to support you and not derail you I talk about that in the book because one of my good friends he goes by to his real name is Travis
Santiago Leon
however in those though, the the interference with the weights are definitely coming through. What happens Good. Now we’re doing like when we know now the test run for the weight room might be an issue but anyways,
Justin Riley
hey, maybe you weren’t prepared for the power man. I’m anxious to hear this the story here.
Marvin Constant
Well, here’s the xfinity was at my house today supposedly fixing this internet apparently not. Right? They never wouldn’t blame it. They were here today. So
Justin Riley
Okay, so we can go ahead and scratch them off a sponsor list.
Marvin Constant
But you know, you know, my good friend, Phil, you know, he was very supportive again, he’s the life of the party. So I knew the biggest struggle will probably be him when I stopped drinking, because I stopped drinking for a while. So, you know, to get those carbs out, but he was very supportive him as well as my other friends, you know. And that’s the thing, you got to have people who are going to support your dreams and what you’re committed to, because you don’t want to be around negative people who just go and try to derail you at every turn, you know, because again, you’re only as strong as your support system.
Santiago Leon
Right. Marvin, what is the best way for people to buy this book,
Marvin Constant
they can get it off the website, 40 plus strong.com. That’s 40 plus strong calm.
Santiago Leon
And of course, if you go to the sports cast dotnet you’ll see the book link on our website in the sidebar. If you’re watching the desktop, if it’s mobile, you got to scroll a little bit down and you will get access to the book is, you know, it’s funny because when I think of 40 because I’m like, a couple years away, Justin’s already there, but I feel it like in my 30s It’s not easy to lose weight. You got to eat healthier. Um, and yeah, it’s it’s a whole different ballgame. But hopefully, well, maybe marvins book could change things. So
Justin Riley
let me let me chime in right there. Santiago, some people may think is not easy. It’s as easy as you allow it to be. It’s all about the work you put in because that’s a misconception. You know, I lost all this weight, you know, I was approaching 40. So, it’s not about having this barrier that’s gonna stop you when you reach this specific age. It’s all about the work you put in.
Marvin Constant
Right? Very true. You know, again, if you don’t get it, you know, because at 40 You know, I’m still rocking the guns, you know?
Santiago Leon
Marvin Constant
I drink too. To three gallons of water a day, that’s that’s one of the secrets and I drink a lot of water hydrates. You think about it your skin, you know, it’s mostly water if you’re not hydrating properly, you’re just gonna dry it out, you know? So and I’m just very particular about the things that I put on my body. You know, as far as you know, when I shower and other things, you know, you got to take care of you as a whole across the board.
Santiago Leon
Let me go into a tangent like you also tell like high school players or even college players to eat right, even though they’re working out, like, every day, but they can’t go to McDonald’s every day, right?
Marvin Constant
Yeah, but you know, that’s a different diet when you’re playing a sport because those guys are burning three 4000 calories a day, sometimes. 5000 so you know, if you burn 5000 and you’re expected to play it to 25 you better put 5000 in one back in.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, McDonald’s, you know, could do the trick. So
Marvin Constant
anyways, for me, it was Domino’s Pizza. That’s where when I played football at Domino’s,
Santiago Leon
Back then, right?
Marvin Constant
Yeah, it definitely. So you know, Domino’s Pizza is what kept me when I burn those calories and moving to Domino’s
Santiago Leon
See, that’s the thing, guys, if you want to eat Twinkies all day, you got to play, you know, college football. Or join CrossFit. But Justin is anti CrossFit. So
Justin Riley
there’s a lot of arguments I have about that. But hey, you hit him a very important subject calories in must equal calories out. So if you want to, I mean, I don’t want to eat that stuff. But if you insist on eating that stuff, and you want to not retain it, you gotta burn it off, you got to put it in twice the work to get rid of it.
Marvin Constant
Mm hmm. You’re true, you know, and that’s why I try to keep my calories in on 1500 a day, you know, because, because for me, I know my body. If I get over 2000 calories a day I start to gain weight. So you know, if I’m at 2100 calories, I can feel that extra 100 calories. So I always make it a point to try to stay in that 1500 range so that I can stay warm. Yeah,
Santiago Leon
yeah, that’s something that was like the whole measurement now Marvin for the whole, like measuring like calories or using a app or you’re kind of like seeing like the label and you write it down, like how are you tracking it?
Marvin Constant
Because I eat a lot of the same flow. Gotcha. Yeah, man, you know, right and then I’ll look at it if it’s something that I’ve never had before, but I’ve read labels for so much of my life, I just know what most foods are. Because when I played I played at 250 at Alabama coach said if you get any bigger you’re gonna have to put your hand in the dirt. So either that he and I had to look at what I was eating, you know? Okay, this is gonna make me gain weight. This is good. So, you know, back then I had to start realizing you got to figure out what’s what before you put it in your body.
Santiago Leon
That’s something to track you know, it could be you know, knowing the food if it’s really like very repetitive you don’t have to put it into nap you know, it’s you know, you don’t get like the lose it weight app that people use it and this track what they eat. definitely get marvins book, go to the sports cast dotnet and you’ll see the link you’ll also see the link in the show notes and things like that, guys, college football is in pretty much in exactly one month. Justin, no word from the SEC. I mean, on my end at least or Alabama But what have you been hearing lately?
Justin Riley
Or just waiting for kickoff right now there has been no nothing to suggest that. We’re not going to have a season and the SEC and the ACC and the big 12 It looks like everything is as planned. So right now we’re just a couple weeks away from being back to something normal.
Santiago Leon
Anywhere from practice.
Justin Riley
Oh, just a grind and man. These guys are hungry at Alabama. I’m sure Mormon can chime in on this. They’re hungry. They’re ready to erase what happened last year there’s there was a bad taste left in their mouth because of underperforming and knowing that they could have gone a lot further than they did even with the injury to to a tagovailoa. They’re they’re motivated
Unknown Speaker
they’re definitely underperformed.
Santiago Leon
And there’s obviously been some news this past week with two. I think he’s been he’s been looking good in practice but then you hear that like he’s not looking in practice. Justin What have you heard?
Justin Riley
Oh, just that basically the normal growing pains that any NFL rookies gonna experience you know, making that transition to that level. It’s a whole different ballgame meaning for something come right out of the chute and they can nail it. Others man, they’re gonna have growing pains and you know, you can’t really read too much into the negatives you can’t really read too much into the positives, but it was there and he’s a guy who’s gonna find a way to make it work and be that next guy for Miami.
Santiago Leon
Marvin for two out what should he be doing this season or this preseason with no games on? But what do you think? What should be his strategy learning like this? system trying to impress Flores, what do you think is going through his head right now?
Marvin Constant
I don’t know what’s going through his head, I’m pretty sure it might be a little bit overwhelming the fact that you know, now you’re in NFL and especially playing in a city like Miami. You know, Miami is you know, it’s a very glorified city around the world. So you know, that comes with with a lot of pressure. So the aim that you know, he would need to be doing mostly studying their playbook. And I would be talking to defensive backs and secondary coaches trying to understand what those coverages actually look like in the NFL, because those DVDs in the NFL are a lot faster than they are in college. So that window that you thought you had, it will disappear a lot faster. So
Santiago Leon
yeah, and of course getting to know everything of course I’ve been here writing fast breakfast, Patrick leaving practice earlier, something but either way, I do believe that Ryan Fitzpatrick is that British quarterback. I hope to doesn’t play much maybe like for two games at the end of the season. Justin you’re hoping for no games.
Justin Riley
Well, I’m just hoping that they don’t try to rush him in too soon and especially if things go south and they’re not winning games the fans are are chirping they they’re getting all this pressure that front office’s the coaches are hope they can just squash all that and just stick to the process and having come in at the right time, of course of Ryan Fitzpatrick just underperforms and doesn’t do he’s supposed to do or heaven forbid he gets hurt. Yeah, Ben bring to an end. But you know, just let him do his thing. Like Marvin says so the playbook, learn how it goes. Talk to those DBAs. Talk to those coaches and learn about how they operate that level. Because Yeah, Marvin, you’re absolutely right. It’s a different world, the NFL, it’s a different kind of speed.
Santiago Leon
And today, there was news about that Miami Dolphins trading a running back Ballade kailyn Blige to the Jets for a late round draft pick. Marvin, do you think dolphins are kind of gonna tank again to get more draft picks? Or do you think they’re gonna have a reasonable season?
Marvin Constant
I don’t, I just don’t think that they’re in a solid enough position to really make a run in anything. So I mean, do you do you try to force it and you know, finish in the middle of the pack? Or do you pick up the draft picks? I mean, because again, if you’re trading guys, for draft picks, you are really showing early signs that, hey, we know this is not going to be our year. Let’s start stacking up pieces that we need to build later on. Because again, how do you get to where you need to be if you don’t have draft capital? That’s one of the biggest assets you have.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, that’s something that, you know, we’ve been talking about. Obviously, we don’t know what the Patriots are going to do. Are they going to tank for Trevor do the Promise with Jared stenum or with cam, Justin, who do you think will finish off in the AFC East? Some people saying are like the bills will be first, but what is your prediction for the AFC East?
Justin Riley
Man, that’s a hard, hard part of the conference to really predict right now. I am anxious to see I think the bills have an opportunity to go to the next level. You know, last year, they really did show some promise. They got some key pieces. They just got digs. It’s really exciting to see what Diggs is gonna be able to do. And then all fance another quarterback is is excited. So Will they be able to grow from what they did last year? Yeah, it was great. They got back to the playoffs. It’s been How long since they’ve been? Well, it’s time to do more than just show up to a playoffs. It’s time to get there and win some games and go to the next level and show that you’re a contender. That’s a Bama
Santiago Leon
answer. I like that. Marvin. 30 seconds at CES. How do you think it’ll pan out?
Marvin Constant
Honestly, I have no clue, either.
Santiago Leon
We can’t rebuild. I’m more focused
Justin Riley
on the north AFC, north, no ravens.
Marvin Constant
You know what the thing about it? That’s the team that I actually I think the Ravens have done enough this year to where when they get to the playoffs, they’ll have more of a chance in there. You know, the Ravens do a lot of nice things in the draft, you know, to really make a run,
Santiago Leon
yes. How about Earl Thomas like losing him? Do you think that was a good thing for the Ravens or were your thoughts about that?
Marvin Constant
I think anytime you have a guy that’s disrupting the locker room, or if he’s throwing off the chemistry of the team, you got to get him out. You got to move, because here’s the thing. You got a bunch of rich superstars. You got rich superstars. They’re easy to do. Chronic, and you don’t want them bickering with each other, because that’s going to carry over onto the field as well as back into the locker room. You know, you’re getting into a guy’s like that with him and I forgot who he had an argument with the whole situation. I mean, that’s going to carry over. And you know, when you’re on the field gap, how do you busting coverage and you’re on a blitz? You’re supposed to be covering someone, but you’re blitzing. I mean, there’s so many things that you can talk about with that situation.
Santiago Leon
Justin quick. 10 seconds. Earl Thomas leaving the Ravens. Is that a huge disappointment for you? Or is that a good thing for the Ravens?
Justin Riley
I think it’s, it should have been done a while ago. I agree with Marvin. I think that’s a poisonous situation far outweigh a talent level, the talent level of any player. It can cause a major disruption a major distraction, and it can create toxicity is hard to get rid of and it will trickle out. through the entire season if you don’t get rid of it, so removing that from the pitcher definitely makes the air a little a little bit more breathable and it gets their focus on what they’re supposed to be doing. And they had the pieces in place to make a Super Bowl run and win the Super Bowl. So getting rid of a distraction like that is definitely going to hell. That’s why I’ve been a huge i’m not i’m not a fan of Antonio brown coming there just because of the negativity it would bring. So
Santiago Leon
no, and of course, if he goes to Baltimore, he’ll get a game suspension. So you won’t see until November ish or maybe October anyways. Yes, Baltimore is the favourites for the AFC of course the guy get past the chiefs. And potentially really the Titans were Derrick Henry plays an old Tom is rumored to go to Texas, but we’ll definitely keep an eye on that. To the Cowboys. I’m in Houston. I don’t think they want him yet. But we’ll see what happens in the next couple of days or weeks. Actually days has to be days, not weeks. Anyways, we got a special announcement. today of course, a sports cast started about two and a half years ago, February of 2018. We started with three guys, it was Justin Riley, Mr. Ty Turner and Ryan, Krista. And we began on a journey that we never thought would be big, but there was motivation and energy. And today we have an expansion of the show. We’re gonna have a Tuesday night. Justin Riley plus Marvin constant sec night. So we talked about Alabama, sec news and things like that. And Justin, Marvin, tell us a little bit about your show every Tuesday night.
Justin Riley
Well, I’ll let our draft pick first. We’re gonna
Marvin Constant
we’re gonna dissect alabama football across the board. You know, the thing about alabama football fans love their players. So you know, it’s a way for fans to get an even more in depth look at the place by specifically you know, focusing on those guys. So you know, and having that ability to have that amount of time to break down them versus their opponents. Because again, most people don’t realize that matchups that really occur on Saturday and how meaningful some of those matchups are. You know, you might have star linebacker dealing Moses versus some running back or some quarterback, you know, what are the mind games that are going to be played? What is Dylan thinking about how to deal and analyze the game, you know? So it’s from a player’s perspective in what’s really going on, you know, and did specially dealing with COVID you don’t know what these guys are going through on a weekly basis in preparing to play. So yeah.
Justin Riley
I’m excited, because we’re going to have you on this is something that you know, you and I’ve been talking about doing for some time now. And I kind of felt like from our first interview that we had something special, there wasn’t one quite sure how that was going to look. But hey, and we got this doors open to us. We, like you said we got in depth analysis. We got something coming from a player’s perspective and a lot of people people out there who are the armchair quarterbacks who think they can dissect understand everything you’re about to be proven wrong. So it so it’s a huge dose of reality, you know, to be a fan, you know, to understand why things happen and why they are, are happening. You know, we got to hear from a player’s perspective and I like that coming from you. You know, we’re going to talk about that. We’re going to talk about what’s going on with Alabama. That’s our main focus. We’re gonna talk about the SEC. We’re also gonna have some guests on no reveal too much. Just expect big all the time. That’s what we’re about. I have a lot of green.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, I think more than half of our interviews came from Marvin, right, Justin.
Justin Riley
There was a connection with all of it, man. I hate to say a lot of interviews. We have some great Marvin spark questions. I think
Marvin Constant
I told him last time I taught him that I was the real 45.
Justin Riley
That’s true. We’ve have some 40 fives on here. So like us so 45
Santiago Leon
so every Tuesday night at 7pm Eastern or 6pm your time Justin central time. So definitely sec nights Marvin constant is with the sports cast. He is our contributor. And it’s great to see expansion. We also have some more people more shows lined up. We might have a recruiting show that will be announced a little bit further along, but you guys are lucky because SEC is playing this fall. And the PAC 12 and victim aren’t so you guys will be a huge spotlight. Like Hunter, you guys.
Justin Riley
Well, I’m excited about that, you know, I the PAC 12. More like the PAC to the big Tim or the big one. So SEC is where it’s at and to be honest with you the SEC schedule this year. That to me seems like a real College Football Playoff because every single A week. It’s a gauntlet every single week, it means something and every game can determine the outcome over what we’re going to see at the end of the season. So exciting to watch.
Santiago Leon
Can I say something, Marvin? Absolutely. Yeah.
Marvin Constant
I think we’ve proven who’s really the toughest conference, the SEC factoid, the big team, they only want to play
Santiago Leon
as crazy as 10 specially, I can understand very well.
Marvin Constant
They’re at home with their tissues and their pom poms. They’re gonna cheer the SEC on. Yeah, it’s gotta be quiet. They can watch the big boys play and they can take notes about what football should really look like every week now. So you know, they can thank us later so hopefully, you know, Michigan’s and all those guys don’t get their programs where they should be based off sec knows.
Santiago Leon
I totally agree. I think SEC is where the college football is really, really at and definitely like they play at the highest level, I believe. And you know, hey, I don’t think they’ll care about playoffs or college football I think when the SEC title is a national championship, but as an other podcasts to talk about? Anyways Arvin what’s the best way to reach you and also a a more information about how they can get your book.
Marvin Constant
They can get the book on the website 40 plus strong, calm, they can reach me on Facebook, Marvin constant and on Instagram constant 45.
Santiago Leon
And of course we are getting Marvin on Twitter because sports cars we work on like, you know through Twitter, so he’ll definitely be tweeting something. And of course, we’ll be doing some game day shows we’ve been talking about that game day or actually, you know, after the game, a little bit of a post game how like the whole wind felt, you know, you know, really fresh off of the television. Justin, what’s the best way to reach you to talk to you about losing weight?
Justin Riley
Well, you can talk to either one of us, we might even have a joint Twitter account.
Marvin Constant
You know, I just got to recover my password. I just haven’t used my Twitter in a while. So I think Get my Twitter back activate I just added a couple of my password.
Santiago Leon
Trust me you’ll get a lot of engagement anyways Justin.
Justin Riley
Yeah, before I say that wrong I want to remind everybody we have one final, Alabama legends interview this Tuesday 6pm Central 7pm Eastern is going to be Alabama great running back and Dallas Cowboy great running back Sherman Williams. truly powerful story of redemption. You definitely want to tune in for this final episode before we launch into our new show with Marvin,
Santiago Leon
which begins on September 8 2020. Yeah, as
Justin Riley
far as reach me on twitter at Justin rally seven on Instagram at Justin rally underscore seven. You can also find me contributing to the sports cast on Twitter and Instagram at the sports cast one also you’ll find some some articles of mine on the sports cast dotnet
Santiago Leon
the sports cast dotnet Of course and you can reach us on Twitter at the sports cast one for the latest and greatest tomorrow we have Ryan Krista to mesh out what’s happening with the NBA NHL MLB and and that’s it. There’s there’s three sports leagues also MLS might as well add that. See he’s on one of our about the WWE. What was that?
Justin Riley
What about the WWE? I mean, that’s still going.
Santiago Leon
I love Ryan falls wrestling. Good question. Maybe, maybe not, but wrestling. We have a show later on the road. Obviously Ryan has played with Alabama and Marvin so we’ll definitely keep you guys up to date. Anyways guys, it’s been a great show. Looking forward to the show of Marvin and Justin starts and September 8, all sec, all Alabama. And I don’t think we’ll have a big college football preview show because if I mean, we could because there’s three conferences but it’s gonna be pretty windy.
Justin Riley
There’s one conference and a bunch of other panels.
Marvin Constant
There you go.
Santiago Leon
Jonathan. Thank you very much, Robin. Welcome to the sports cast.
Marvin Constant
Thank you guys. Thank you for having me.
Santiago Leon
Roll Tide roll
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