
In this episode we are interviewing my cousins Cal Jennings who plays for Indy Eleven in the United Soccer League USL Championship league, the second division in the US Soccer pyramid.
And later in the show , we have Jordan Vargas to talk to us about the James Harden trade to the Brooklyn Nets
Santiago Leon – @sleon
Jordan Vargas – @therealjdv23
Guest: Cal Jennings @cal_jennings
Santiago Leon 0:11
Welcome to the sports cast January 13 2020. If you haven’t yet no 21. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to all our channels, YouTube, Periscope and Apple podcasts. And if you’re listening on Apple podcasts, please leave a rating and review it will help us out tremendously. We’re also on da ba online digital radio, you can visit us on the sports cast dotnet to listen it. If you’re a fan that want to listen to a random show at a random time, go visit it. And also we’re on Amazon, Alexa, and also Spotify and heart and I Heart Radio. So choose your favorite station vendor I was going to say or station directory and listen to the radio station there. And of course visit us on the sports cast on that all the information is there. And also you could download our app. The sports cast on the iOS App Store. And this episode is brought to you by Insta Baba. I will app you can download the Insta Bible app on the iOS app store as well. In this episode, we have some basketball and some football. The real football played internationally. we’re interviewing my cousin cow who plays for the Indy 11 and the USL championship league. It is one division below MLS and US Soccer pyramid and we got cow all the way in Georgia cow Jennings. Welcome to the sports cast.
Cal Jennings 1:52
Well, thanks for having me Santiago. I’m happy to be here.
Santiago Leon 1:55
Cow my cousin grew up in Atlanta. My my family immigrated to to Atlanta back in the 50s and cows family, which my aunt, my mother’s sister, Vicki shows sick to Atlanta. And so Cal tell us how you been? How’s Georgia? How’s the offseason?
Cal Jennings 2:23
I’ve been good. Yeah, I’ve been been here spending time with family which has been been nice, especially because you know, during the season, I don’t get to see them too often. But the holidays went well. And now I’m just yeah, preparing for next season. Seeing when that will happen. Now tell
Santiago Leon 2:40
us what happened like this past year during COVID did you play a lot of soccer was things limited? I know that the MLS went to a bubble but what did the USL did.
Cal Jennings 2:53
So yeah, I did I did get to play this. This past year, the USL championship. We had a kind of a shortened season. It got started in late late July and it was about 16 games. And I actually so I was I was drafted to an MLS team early 2020 FC Dallas and got released and was at home for months while COVID had just hit. So I signed on to a team called Memphis 901 in the in the USL championship a couple of days before the first game. So I packed my bags, went up there and then was able to dress for the first game and, and the season went well it was very, very different season as you can imagine with, you know, just COVID regulations and and trying to limit travel. And the way that the USL championship did this is they instead of like a bubble like the MLS did the USL championship did kind of like almost a lot of little different bubbles we played played more of a regional schedule. So we played a team from Birmingham, we played two teams in North Carolina four times each. And then we had a couple extra games here and there with other teams that that aren’t in that those that weren’t those teams
Santiago Leon 4:13
are similar to the NHL, how they just split up the east and west, played in Vancouver and I think the other one was in Edmonton, but But yeah, that’s like I guess like, you know, split it up.
Cal Jennings 4:24
Absolutely. So so similar in terms of that regional but we still went to their their complexes, so we didn’t play at one, one same location the entire season, we had Home and Away games, which was nice.
Santiago Leon 4:38
How did you guys get tested, like every day.
Cal Jennings 4:40
We got tested once a week. So we got tested once a week. And for the most part, I mean, the only people we were with We’re Team personnel and our teammates. Um, so we were we were the only ones using the facilities obviously we were having to wear masks and when we were indoors, particularly And on on long trips, bus rides and airplanes. So they were doing doing everything they could to try and limit cases.
Santiago Leon 5:11
Yeah, not meaning not able to go out during, during your off hours. Let’s start off here in soccer in America is a little bit different how it is in Europe. I have final the Premier League, you know, kids start at an early age. Tell us how did you start with soccer? And all the way through high school? How was that experience?
Cal Jennings 5:32
Yeah, so I started playing soccer, probably around the age of eight or nine, I was playing just in the local, the local recreation department here in Roseville, where I’m from, and I started, I mean, just I believe because I was watching my brother play growing up. So I had a have a brother who’s three years older than me, Tyler, and I went to his games and and was always there watching kicking the ball around. And as a young kid, I just took to it. I had had pretty good talent in terms of that at that age and, and just kind of enjoyed it Really?
Santiago Leon 6:13
Yeah, go ahead. No, yeah. So tell us about going into high school. Was that a turning point for your for your soccer career? were you saying I think I’m gonna go all the way.
Cal Jennings 6:26
Yeah, so going into high school, um, I was playing at a at a really high youth level. So I knew I knew I was, at least in a certain tier of players in Georgia, growing up. But it’s still high school. Obviously, there’s lots of changing it’s a new school, a new environment. And you’re getting closer to college, you’re getting closer to being on your own to trying to make a decision. Can I continue to play in college? Um, so I would say that that kind of picked up for me, sophomore to junior year in, in high school where I was being recruited by by some schools, not not a lot, but but a couple of schools, and was having to send lots of emails out to these schools to try and get them to come see me play. Because at the time, sports video, especially in new soccer, at least where I, at least in Georgia, where I’m from, is not as big as it was there was not as big as it is now. You know, with the technology. Yeah. So
Santiago Leon 7:26
when do you start hearing from from scouts, like when when like, when they started approaching you.
Cal Jennings 7:33
So college, college scouts, which is typically the assistant coach in the college programs, they come to certain for the most part, they would come to certain showcase events where there’s a lot of themes, and they can see a lot of games at once. But that started my sophomore year. I had had a couple coaches come in to see me and then and then a couple who had just, you know, see me at different places reaching out and seeing if I would be interested in attending their school and playing soccer team.
Santiago Leon 8:03
And tell us who are the candidates? They’re really we’re really pressuring you to come to their schools. I know UCF was one of them, but name a few others.
Cal Jennings 8:12
Yeah, that’s so that’s actually kind of an interesting story how I got to UCF. At the end, there was about three schools Wofford, Mercer and UCF that I was talking to very seriously before I made my decision. Um, but before I even knew anything about UCF, there was an assistant coach from Wofford college, who was recruiting me had recruited a teammate of mine and was watching me now. And I built a really good relationship with him. His name’s Joel Tyson. He’s now the head coach at Wofford. He wasn’t assistant there previously. And he actually midway through my senior year, took an assistant coaching job at UCF. So up until then, I wasn’t being recruited by UCF. But he was recruiting me to offer it so he just kind of continued to recruit me when he switched jobs. And then ultimately I trusted him I built a good relationship so I went down on a on a visit to UCF and just absolutely loved it. I love Florida. Love the school. Yeah, Florida, Florida.
Santiago Leon 9:21
Yep. Before we get into UCF, how was Georgia for high school soccer, how was it compared to I know Texas is huge and soccer when it comes to high school in California, but how would you rank Georgia? Was there a high a lot a high place for a lot of recruiters to go to tell us like the the atmosphere and the level of soccer back in high school in Georgia?
Cal Jennings 9:46
Yeah, so so Georgia actually is is known for you soccer, I would say it’s it’s one of the hot beds in the US force youth soccer players. And when I was coming through high school, it wasn’t necessarily The High School games that were aware of a lot of the scouts were coming, it was more, you know, club games, higher level club games. Or obviously if you if you reached out to a coach, you could get them to come out to high school game. But I believe that’s probably still how it is. The soccer landscape changes, a lot has changed, especially now in high school pretty drastically, but I would imagine they’re still targeting areas where there’s, you know, certain certain level youth players like tournaments and things like that.
Santiago Leon 10:34
Now back then, um, you played for a khadem e team, a travel soccer, which I did see you play when you came. Now, was it encouraged by a lot of these scouts or even your coaches that like the best path to go to the next level for college or you know, or possible professional career was going through the academy versus putting all all your chips in high school soccer.
Cal Jennings 11:06
So that was, yeah, that was that was kind of the feel was that a lot of the people who were supposed to be in the know, in soccer and Georgian, and in the US were kind of pushing towards, okay, this this academy system, this is where, where you’ll get college exposure, where you’ll get professional exposure. So yes, that that was the push. And even so like, when I was growing up in, in Atlanta, Atlanta, United wasn’t the thing yet. So we didn’t have an MLS team. So whereas some of these states, you know, would have had an MLS Academy where, if you’re good enough in that Academy, they might sign you to the first team that wasn’t really, really on the table for me. You know, there were there were no professional soccer teams in the in Georgia that that had academies and kind of had that progression. So for me, it was it was really focusing on you know, getting opportunity in college. And then and then from there moving on, and and I wanted to get my degree as well.
Santiago Leon 12:07
Yeah, that’s something that I I actually spoke to your father one time about that, because I was telling him about how you know, Europeans, you know, athletes don’t go to college. He goes straight professional at a young age, even as young as 16. And he was like, really strong, like, Yeah, well, I really want my son to go to, to go to college or to university to get a degree. So let’s go into UCF. You started in 16. You played all four years. Tell us your experience with that. And also how was UCF? And like the rankings in college soccer?
Cal Jennings 12:41
Yeah, so so I got to UCF, um, my first year, and we really didn’t have too great of a first year, though, I still really enjoy the school really enjoyed the team. We ended up kind of finishing mid middle of the conference, barely slipping into the conference championship, like tournament, and then and then got bounced there. And it was it was, you know, good experience transitioning to college. I actually tore my meniscus. So I missed a number of games that season. But long story short, between my freshman and sophomore year, there was a coaching change. And so my college experience, at least from a soccer perspective changed pretty drastically from my freshmen to my sophomore year, and onward. So it’s, you know, when there’s a coaching change, you’re, you’re back to Okay, well, I gotta, I gotta show them that I can can stay on this team and I can contribute because these are new coaches, you know, they didn’t recruit me here. And I was able to do that and stay around. And then as time went on this this new coaching staff began to trust me more and, and give me more plan time and they they continued to build a team that was stronger and stronger to where by my senior season, you bought Obama junior season, I was scoring a lot of goals, but more importantly, we were having a lot of team success. They had built a good core who played together and had a had a good identity as a team. And we really turned into a team that was ranked consistently in I thought last year should have gotten a whole lot farther in the NCAA tournament with the talent that we had in the season that we had but you know, sports or sports are crazy sometimes and maybe the best team on paper doesn’t always come out on top at the end of the season.
Santiago Leon 14:30
And you know when you have that new coach coming in I imagine that it may you push harder
Cal Jennings 14:36
absolutely did yeah.
Santiago Leon 14:40
He tells me like who was like the best college team in those four years that you thought okay like this team is the best team in the country because because you don’t hear about it you know like in football Yeah. Your Alabama’s in basketball you hear like the Kentucky’s, you know, but in soccer was there that one team that always did well in the championship? playoffs?
Cal Jennings 15:01
Yeah, so there’s, there’s a couple of teams that do pretty well. But for the most part, I’d say there’s a lot of parody in college soccer, kind of any anyone can win on any given day. So I didn’t, there wasn’t a team that I played during my college career that I felt we were outmatched by, you know, I actually actually felt like we, if not, were the better team were comparable to everybody we played, um, I’d say Wake Forest was a was a team we played that was really good and that the ACC typically gets a good reputation. But there’s lots of really good teams like in the American conference, which was the one I was in and, and in other conferences as well.
Santiago Leon 15:42
Something that you know, that you don’t hear about soccer, I mean, it’s covered sometimes on ESPN, or on even on like, the smaller networks like Fox. So tell us your, your transition to professional soccer. What were scouts telling you, what were the options that were given to you, and things like that?
Cal Jennings 16:06
Yes, so So coming out of college, it was I had, I had had two really good season scored a lot of goals. And was was expecting expecting to get a professional opportunity I had been, you know, in contact with kind of right when I finished up college and an agent that I actually ended up signing with. And we were kind of preparing for for the MLS draft because that was the next next step, I was a college player. And for the most part, college players have to go through the draft. So I was going into that was preparing, went to an MLS showcase event, got invited after college, and got to speak with some of the teams and there seem to be a lot of a lot of interest prior to the draft. And ultimately, like I said, I got drafted in the first round to FC Dallas, and reported pretty soon after that. So the draft was in January, I reported early February, I believe, and was there for a month and a week before I got released. So kind of right up until the season. Um, and that was that was a it was a good experience. And I’m thankful to be drafted by FC Dallas and to get to see how their organization runs. But ultimately, I kind of just didn’t feel like there was a space for me on the roster.
Santiago Leon 17:33
Yeah, that was something that I was reading on the articles and also on Twitter. Because it like you know, and like other leagues when you’re in the NFL or any NBA when you’re drafted in the first round, you’re guaranteed a roster spot. But when it comes to the MLS is a little bit different. Why is that? cow? Is that something that is just just how it is just, you know, it’s just just different from the other sports?
Cal Jennings 17:54
Yeah, I mean, for now, that’s that’s how it is, I think they’re looking to change that because they see it doesn’t give a whole lot of power to a player coming out of out of college in terms of you know, picking the right fit for them. Um, but yeah, it’s, it’s kind of just what you have to deal with, you know, if you’re not making the system, you’re, you’re dealing with it and, and I did it was was fortunate to that, you know, after I got released and all of we figured out you know, what the impacts of COVID had been I ultimately was able to find a team in, in the USL to, to give me an opportunity in Memphis, which was great.
Santiago Leon 18:32
So tell us about that transition. Was there a possibility that you were able to sign with another MLS team but or was there more guaranteed to sign with Memphis and go to the to like the USL? Yes, so
Cal Jennings 18:46
when I got released from FC Dallas, it was a week before the MLS season started. So ultimately, everybody’s last roster was pretty locked up and their finances. So had I had I been released a couple weeks earlier, yes, there might have been a chance to go in with another MLS team. But when I did that was kind of off the table. And the tough reality of it too was when I got released to the US LCS and only starts a week later than the MLS. So most of those USL teams had filled up their roster and spent the majority of their money. So as we were going my agent was going back and forth with teams. There was a decent amount of interest in the USL in the player that I was but there wasn’t a lot of teams who had the ability to make an offer. You know who could could have the funds because they’re their owners are saying wait a second, y’all have already signed all these players, the seasons about to start we can’t we can’t give you any more money, you know, you’ve made these decisions. Um, so I was in in a little bit of a tough spot. I figured I would get an opportunity to play I didn’t know that I would get paid in my first year. Just with the time Making things
Santiago Leon 20:01
and keep in mind audience Memphis 91 is is partially owned by us goalkeeper Tim Howard. Which he also plays I believe a little bit. Yeah. So you’re in Memphis tell us about the level of play when you first got there. I kind of call it like a college soccer plus, how was the level? I mean, a play when you first got there? Was it something that it was? like way more challenging? Or was it at a level that you were able to manage?
Cal Jennings 20:35
I like I like the term college soccer plus that you said, Yeah, I would say I would say it’s, there is a level of change. And there’s a speed of play change. But it isn’t so drastic that I was overwhelmed. I felt like I was able to adjust, adjust pretty well. And, and fit into the team and, and professional soccer. So I thought it was a good transition and nothing too, too overwhelming. But I would say the mentality of professional athletes is, is can be very different to college athletes.
Santiago Leon 21:08
Now you are, you know, like training with an MLS team for a few weeks. How was that level? When you first got there? Was it like really extreme? Or was it something that you’re able to manage?
Cal Jennings 21:19
Yes, same thing. Um, the speed of play definitely got quicker and expectations higher. But it wasn’t too overwhelming of a level. But you could definitely tell there was there was some quality on the field as well.
Santiago Leon 21:34
So tell us about your time with Memphis. And your experience there and your first season.
Cal Jennings 21:40
Yeah, so so I got to Memphis Like I said, I got there. Two days before the season started, had to get, you know, tested, make sure everything checked out. And then basically traveled that first week. Back, we went to Birmingham in the first game. And so I got it got a little bit of time there, I think the last 30 minutes of the game. And we were actually on my, my debut was interesting because I came into the game, right? Almost immediately after we got a red card. So we were down three to zero. And we had a red card and I came into the game and spent most of the game you know, trying to pressure defenders chasing and not getting anywhere close to the ball. But, you know, I was able to put in effort and try and show the coaches you know that I was gonna work hard regardless of the situation. And I think they saw that and more opportunity came from there to where by the end of the season I was, I was starting getting lots of time and and they trusted me and I was scoring goals. Now, of
Santiago Leon 22:45
course we mentioned previously that goalkeeper Tim Howard is partially own. Were you able to interact with him much while there?
Cal Jennings 22:56
Yeah. So Tim, Tim is a like, like you said, he’s a part owner, I believe he was the sporting director and he was a player for a little bit too. So I did get to interact with Tim a decent amount, which was a really cool experience. Especially you know, with his pedigree in the Soccer World, just kind of growing up watching him play on the US men’s national team. That was a really cool experience. Um, so yeah, it was it was nice.
Santiago Leon 23:23
Something that he’s one of my favorite goalkeepers. He’s now on NBC Sports, you’re able to watch him on the Premier League mornings every weekend really good. I think he’s, he definitely has a good talent. So you’re recently joined this past month in the 11, which I actually, I don’t not sure who the owners are. But I do remember these two guys. They used to have a podcast on YouTube. And they talk about like, you know, US Soccer and everything else and they became part owners. I’m not sure if they’re still there, but don’t worry about that now. But in the 11 I’m very, very familiar with I know you just got there but what do you know about them so far?
Cal Jennings 24:06
Yeah, sorry. I mean, it was pretty apparent. After the season, I was talking to a number of different teams interested as I’d had a good season in the USL but it was pretty apparent the professionalism of the Indy 11 they seem to be well staffed, I had a real good conversation with the head coach and the assistant coaches on how I might fit into the system, you know, kind of their style of play their expectations. And and ultimately, I was like this is this is something where I could see myself not only having, you know, an opportunity to play an opportunity succeed, but on a team that I feel the organization is is trying to compete for championships, you know, making the extra effort to set us up to compete for a championship and that was something I was excited about and you know, so I signed on
Santiago Leon 25:00
Yeah, in the 11 USL league in Europe, I, which is hard to explain sometimes. But in Europe there is a pyramid scheme, which is a whole system called promotion and relegation where a second division team has a chance to go into like the like the, like the top division first division. And then of course, if you’re in the top division, if you’re in like the bottom three, you get relegated to the Second Division. It’s quite interesting. It’s pretty cool. But it gives chance for small teams to go up in the top league and become a big team. In the US, there’s not that system. There’s a lot of debate about having it but of course, the big thing is the ownership doesn’t want that because they played millions of dollars to be in that top division. Um, of course, you’re you’re an MD 11 in the USL right, one step below of the MLS. Cow What do you think about that system? Do you think it should be implemented, it’ll give a chance for small teams like Md 11, or Memphis to get up there? What are your thoughts about that system?
Cal Jennings 26:14
Yeah, so So I actually really like the promotion relegation system. You know, if you if you’ve seen it, it works well or seems to work well in the European leagues. But I do also understand in the US how, you know, we’re, we’re working to create an infrastructure so that’s possible, you know, working to make sure the teams in the top league are well funded are committed, but also the teams in that second league should they get promoted are already for that, you know, that that step up because there’s a financial aspect of it. I understand that, but I think it would be a great thing and I think it would, you know, I don’t necessarily think it’s something that’s going to happen in the next five years or three years but I could see it in the next 10 years and think it would be good for us soccer
Santiago Leon 27:04
now being in the USL What have you seen what have you seen like these players to get to the MLS teams are MLS scouts always in these games always looking for you know new players from the USL what is the best path for a player to go to the MLS?
Cal Jennings 27:24
Yeah, so it’s it’s like anything anything else if you’re in the USL the first the first step is to you know get what you can control done so you you’re trying to have have the best season that you can be the best teammate have performed the best at your best and then ultimately from there hopefully you’ll get some looks from MLS teams they have you know scouting networks and the Soccer World is small sometimes you’re a phone call away from getting to talk to somebody else and and get a review on a player so I’m sure they’re they’re using those networks but a lot of things to consider too is there’s also a balance of okay for a lot of players especially at the top of the USL when to make the jump to MLS you know should I make the jump now and go into a a harder competition or be fighting for a backup spot? Or should I play in the USL continue to grow as a player hopefully get more time and and you know get better as a player really. So there’s there’s kind of that balance. Because some of these MLS teams, the reality now is, are playing big paying big money for some players in South America for players in Europe. So you’re competing, you’re directly competing against those guys. And when a team has an investment in a player, you know, they’re they’re hoping that person pans out you kind of become second second interest, if that makes sense. You know if they have more money in one player.
Santiago Leon 28:58
Yeah, that’s something that I’ve been hearing a lot. I mean, I’m a big soccer fan. As you know, we used to have like the four largest strikers back then they were at NASL. The team disbanded I think like five, six years ago, and that’s something that I’ve always heard it was kind of kind of a challenge but not impossible. You know, there has been players having players from the USL that have jumped to the MLS. Of course some of these teams are connected to an MLS team. I’m not sure if Md 11 is but I know that a lot of them partner up you know, just like how the NBA does, where they’re the league where you know, hey, they ran out of like roster spots or like they have some roster spots open and which they will need to fill it up. They will get people from that lower division and try to get them in their roster just to fill up a spot. Um, cow I know. I was gonna ask you Do you know anyone that went to your early on And, you know, try to go to the smaller leagues and how, and, and, and and how risky is that?
Cal Jennings 30:08
Yes, I’m trying to think, yeah, I know a couple people who’ve gone to Europe, I can’t think of anybody by name right now I have have had people in the past. But I think the biggest difficulty for an American player to get to Europe in a lot of those European leagues is to get a work visa or to have an a European passport. You know, in order to play in a lot of those leagues, you have to have a work visa, or an international passport. Because just like the US, does it, they want the majority of their league to come from their country or the surrounding countries, you know, they want to provide those opportunities for their players. So you you touched on it earlier, when we were off air about some of the Nordic countries, Norway, Sweden, Finland, those seem to be some of the easier places for Americans to get opportunity.
Santiago Leon 31:01
Yeah, I remember when one I could dallow was in Europe, and he had to buy a house in Cyprus in order to get a European citizen or get a work permit. So there’s some loopholes you can find, of course, why like a deadlock came back to the MLS and things didn’t work out here. Well, um, Cal, tell us what are your future plans for this season? What What do you want to get, like the most out of Indy 11 and your future plans?
Cal Jennings 31:30
Yeah, so I’m, you know, I’m looking forward to getting up there to starting with the team. And, and hopefully, you know, continuing on the success I I had last year, it’s a it’s a journey, you know, as a professional player. And some days, you’re at a high in some days, you’re at a low, but, you know, the The key is to stay grounded and continue to work and realize that, you know, it’s really a development game, you know, sometimes you’ll be, you’ll be playing and things will be going great. Other times, you’ll need to get better in order to win, you know, when playing time, and I know that, but I’m excited. And I’m confident that I can, you know, given the opportunity score a lot more goals this year. Definitely. Absolutely. And, and, of course, there’s
Santiago Leon 32:12
a lot of talk about this US Soccer crop of players. Do you know any of them? And what do you think about the US team so far?
Cal Jennings 32:22
Yeah, so So I actually have played, played with a number of some of these young guys coming up, I got to, got to meet a number of them in in Dallas have met some going up in, you know, just the Atlanta sports scene. But I would say, from a talent standpoint, and a young talent standpoint, the US should be excited about, you know, the the players that they’re producing, um, but I think they’re still, as a country, we’re still as a country trying to find our identity, you know, as a national team. And that’s what what Gregg Berhalter is, is challenged to do right now and we’ll see if he’s, he’s able to do so. But I think he definitely has a lot of a lot of talent to choose from, especially in a, in a country as big as the US you should expect to make the World Cup and, and thrive in the World Cup each year. And that’s kind of been the the battle and the disappointment from the previous World Cup missing out.
Santiago Leon 33:18
Definitely. And, of course, World Cup is 2022. And I was a couple of months, but it’s about a year and a half really looking forward to it. Kevin cow Jennings, what is the best way for people to find you on social media?
Cal Jennings 33:35
Yes, so that’s, you know, I’m actually I’m actually not on social media anymore. So I still my accounts are still up. And if you follow me and I ever get back on I’ll, I’ll follow back. But yeah, I’ve gotten off kind of, you know, trying to limit distractions, and also find, you know, other ways to allocate my time, but I have nothing, nothing wrong with social media that
Santiago Leon 33:59
I like that focus. I know that a lot of these athletes turn off the social media just to focus on what they need to do, you know, especially during like the championship, but but you’re doing it right now. Good, because you’re doing it at the start of the season. And before you go, when do you report the camp? And when is the first game of the season?
Cal Jennings 34:19
So yeah, those are those are things we are not sure of yet. I believe our report in March is kind of what I’ve been hearing from my agent and around the league. And then I think the season might start in May. But I would imagine we’ll get more details sometime late January, early February on what the season looks like. It’s just been, you know, with with COVID it’s been kind of difficult for those running the League and the owners to try and decide, okay, where, what are what’s in place, how are we going to do this season and when it’s going to begin?
Santiago Leon 34:53
challenging times, of course, for any sport soccer as well when it comes to age. To get you know to have these games played it’s very important because if you don’t have a season that’s going to be a big loss for the owners and for the sport and I know the NBA had to start right away because they were gonna lose a billion dollars if they did it and I hope and hope soccer which here in the States will continue and of course find some protocols to to have the game continued before you go Who’s your favorite Premier League club?
Cal Jennings 35:28
So I got on the Leicester City bandwagon back when they won the Premier League so I’m yeah, I’m still a city but I love I love a good Underdog Story. I haven’t, you know, necessarily had a particular team of rooted for growing up. But I love to see parody in leagues. I love to see different players and teams get opportunity. But yes, I’m still on the Leicester City bandwagon.
Santiago Leon 35:53
Well count Yeah, good team. I know they’re in the top five. Hopefully we’ll see what happens. Man United’s first place, but we’ll see how long that lasts. Anyways, cow Jennings. I really appreciate you coming on to the sports cast.
Cal Jennings 36:04
Oh, well, thank you for having me, Santiago.
Santiago Leon 36:08
And we will continue with the show. We’re gonna jump from the MLS to some NBA. And we got Mr. Jordan Vargas. All the way from the suburbs of Chicago. Welcome to the sports cast.
Jordan Vargas 36:21
Thank you, man. Happy to be here.
Santiago Leon 36:23
Hey, man, you got the mic? Not because of sports cast right now,
Jordan Vargas 36:27
man. No.
Santiago Leon 36:30
You prepare your login loaded. Wait. When you were on Victor’s show you had that mic right?
Jordan Vargas 36:35
Yeah, yeah.
Santiago Leon 36:38
Oh, good. Okay, yeah, so I thought cuz you’re because your audio was pretty good. Anyways, we just got done with soccer talk to my cousin soccer is a whole different ballgame. That is
Jordan Vargas 36:46
I listen to that. And that was very interesting to hear. It’s kind of like the what I’m what I gathered. It was kind of like the G league in a way.
Santiago Leon 36:52
Yeah, very big league. They pay their players better. In the MLS. They don’t I think it’s 30 grand.
Jordan Vargas 36:58
Yeah, I was gonna say Major League Soccer in Chicago Fire a few years back was making not a lot. I mean, they’re still not making a lot of money compared towards
Santiago Leon 37:05
Yeah, as far as another sports, and which were which is interesting, because we can stay on this topic. The G league is it’s very lucrative. It’s intriguing, like, okay, they pay $150,000. Right. And they and and, and plus that will allow players outside of high I mean, after high school to go on to G league rather than going into college basketball. Now, do you think you’ll like we’ll see more high school players skip college basketball, and going straight to the G league?
Jordan Vargas 37:35
Well, on my podcast, I actually interviewed Cody Dempsey, and he plays the G league ignite team on the G league night team. Most of the team was gathered of high school athletes who were top prospects who the G league or NBA affiliate reached out to them and said You can either forego you can either go to college, you know, they’re gonna go to division one college and play basketball be a one and done, or you can develop in our NBA g league. And eventually, I think what a lot of players it’s a, the julis is going to be a better route. You know, we’re seeing college athletes run into issues, you know, academically or not even that just they just run into issues to the NCAA. The NCAA rules are very strict in the NBA g League, from what Cody said, Is there helping them you know, get them ready for media and financial resources, and just, they’re just preparing them for to be the best basketball players in the world at the highest level. So
Santiago Leon 38:28
now we know how is how is the level of play at the G league? I mean, is it pretty? Like is it like college basketball plus is a college basketball level is a high school plus basketball? What have you seen so far?
Jordan Vargas 38:42
Well, I think what’s very interesting about the G league is that you are literally one step away, you are signed, you’re initially signed with a NBA team. But it’s a two way contract, or you’re just signed to their affiliate. So a lot of these guys are one step away. They’re just one call away from being an NBA player. And everybody wants to have that Cinderella story, you know, you play one game and then you go crazy. So it’s the jewelry competition, I
Santiago Leon 39:08
say is much better than college off the fact that all those guys are hungry, and they’re just so many guys. They’re fighting for the same position. The NBA gets one to two call ups a year. So and and if Yeah, yeah, and a another path. Jordan is some of these high school players go to like Australia, or you’re playing basketball and then jump into the NBA. We think about that, Pat?
Jordan Vargas 39:35
Well, lamella ball and RJ Hampton were great examples. lamella ball has had a very odd career his entire life. I mean, he dropped he got pulled out of school going into a junior in high school and play professional basketball 16. So this path is kind of weird to begin with. And same with RJ Hampton. RJ had a high school career but then joined lamella on the MBL. So I think players like that going overseas. It’s just gonna develop them, develop them and really help them on their craft.
Santiago Leon 40:05
something to definitely look at Of course now with basketball, it used to be, you know, right through college. No, there’s now at least three paths, right? g league college basketball, of course. And then internationally. Which, which league Do you think like outside the states of course, is like the best league after the NBA? NBA Oh,
Jordan Vargas 40:29
which is Australian league?
Santiago Leon 40:30
I heard about that. Wow. Interesting, you would think would be China by now. But no,
Jordan Vargas 40:34
I would think China too, but the MBL brings it out. You know, I’ll go actually both ways. I’ll go China, and I’ll go the NBA. Oh, but the only reason why Sam bl is because I see way more NBA veterans in the NBA. And the competition, in my opinion is much better in Australia than it is in China. Interesting.
Santiago Leon 40:55
A proof is in the pudding. You see the results coming from Australia, Kyrie Irving’s from Australia but never played in that league. Yeah. Who is that? Who is that warriors point guard that came from the G league. Quinn went to clean cook. Clean up, dude. Right there. That’s why you’re on the sports cast. He’s a good testimonial. I like his story.
Jordan Vargas 41:14
Santiago Leon 41:15
give him the G league warriors now with the Lakers. I don’t think he’s with the Lakers though, right. I look him up.
Jordan Vargas 41:23
I believe he is on the Lakers. Still.
Santiago Leon 41:26
Not I love him. I haven’t right here. Yeah, like you’re still with the Lakers. Yeah. Anyways, there’s bigger news than that. And the biggest news today was James Harden. Oh, he’s been complaining about the Rockets this past couple weeks. I mean, since summer, it’s been traded to the Brooklyn Nets. Jordan, tell us what was the whole development what led us to this day right now?
Jordan Vargas 41:48
Well, everybody knows James Harden was the face of Houston for a while and you know, while he was in Houston, he does he did Houston very well. He put Houston I would say on the map, not saying that they weren’t a productive team before. But when harden got traded when he was a six man of OKC in Oklahoma, then he now gets a starting position with Dan Tony. He’s kind of become the face of the franchise and for a while that’s what he liked, and he really fit that role but it seemed over time. harden was looking for other opportunities. He saw his peers moving from teams to teams and it just looked like that’s really all he wanted. And he’s kind of wanted out
Santiago Leon 42:28
and of course, he was complaining these past couple of weeks about by being traded of course the strongest rumor for a while at the beginning was Brooklyn died a little bit because I because I believe Brooklyn didn’t have the money to tell us about today’s deal. There’s a lot of trade pics being trade here when I was like the little details on like the whole trade.
Jordan Vargas 42:48
Well, Victrola depot ended up going to Houston, which my opinion Victrola depot is very underrated even developed to be a great player I don’t know the full scale of the trade I believe Houston also got
Santiago Leon 43:07
I’ll read it to you if you need to be pulling
Jordan Vargas 43:08
Yeah, Houston got they
Santiago Leon 43:10
got a lot of a lot of picks apparently.
Jordan Vargas 43:13
Yeah. I was gonna say they got got a lot of picks in the draft
Santiago Leon 43:17
through a deal with Cleveland Cavaliers. Let me pull this up and exchange rockets will get care is delivered. A Xm rhodius corrects for four first round picks Jordan, including the Cavaliers. 2022 first rounder from the Milwaukee Bucks and four nets pick squats about seven going on here. Yeah. And the Nets will also send Jared Allen and Tyrion prints to the Cavaliers another part of the trade includes the the Pacers who are moving elec depot the guy was like the face of the Pacers Yeah. To the rockets. Um Jordan is this good for the Rockets for the future? Yeah.
Jordan Vargas 43:59
Just because harden wasn’t really again if you don’t have the player then he’s not gonna gel well to franchise so my opinion was he given it at all his all know, harden earlier in the season was spotted out late night knocking prepared for the game. That’s just in my opinion. You know, we read that in the media too, that he was out doing whatever so he really wasn’t taking his career seems like a Houston seriously. He just was waiting for the trade. And now the other players now. Do what he was lazy. Yes. Now last week when I was on a sports cast, I mentioned him on my top players him and Kyrie I’ll get if you give me the chance I’ll get into Kyrie a little bit later on. We will.
Santiago Leon 44:39
Yes. When I get away, I think
Jordan Vargas 44:42
James just naturally good. In my opinion, he’s kind of like that high schooler who just is much better than his peers, but he’s extremely lazy. And that’s what I’ve seen. Naturally, he’s more gifted, he’s long. He has a nice shot, but he’s he’s He’s just I’ll give just one lazy I’ll say that. Yeah, he was lazy.
Santiago Leon 45:05
Something to, to definitely look at now let’s look at the Brooklyn Nets squad Jordan. They were favorited when the season started, which is Kevin Durant and Kyrie Irving now they add a James Harden into the squat into the mix. Of course you got DeAndre Jordan. How do you see the Brooklyn Nets? I mean, are they now at the pedestal of being NBA championship contenders now?
Jordan Vargas 45:31
Oh, without a doubt. Well, I’m and I’m really supportive of this trade because harden, Kyrie and Durant have all played together on Team USA. So they’ve won gold before and they have that chemistry. They know each other very well. It’s gonna be a great mix. I’m excited to see and I do believe that they are contenders. And with Katy being out. Last season, harden and Kyrie Lama say mostly harden can help boost Durant’s momentum a little bit and just give him more momentum.
Santiago Leon 46:07
Let’s look at the context of here. Durant is going back with Mike D’Antoni, but this time that Tony is an assistant coach, a coach is Steve Nash. Um, let’s go into the details of this team. How do you see Kevin Durant so far this season? Is he at a 2016 level? You know, MVP, you’re ready to win a championship. How do you see him so far?
Jordan Vargas 46:31
I don’t see my MVP, but I do see him as ready to win a championship just because of just because of his experience. Again, Durant really hasn’t shown me too much to show that he’s MVP level now are we seeing flashbacks from him from his, quote unquote, golden days? Yes. You know, he still has that nice shot, he still has a nice step back. He knows how to finish. He knows how to read the floor very well. But again, he just has to get used to it. I feel like he has to get a little more comfortable. I don’t think he’s at that point yet. And and that fans could agree that but but you know, when he does, we’ll reevaluate, but as of now I see him leading the team to a championship but him not being an MVP contender.
Santiago Leon 47:13
Let’s look at Kyrie Irving player recognize guy drafted by the Cleveland Cavaliers. Yeah. Went to the finals with LeBron James one it played well with with LeBron James. Some say that was probably his best days. request, requested a trade of Boston didn’t work out. But he saw a little bit of his attitude and Boston didn’t like it left after one season. Yeah. Went to now he’s in Brooklyn. Jordan tells about this player is a controversial player. Is he something that he’ll get his stuff together once the playoffs come around?
Jordan Vargas 47:51
Yeah. I was thinking about this earlier Kyrie to me at this point of his career is kind of like a Dennis Rodman. And I’m gonna tell you why Dennis Rodman. If you watch the last dance, during a playoff run, he ended up taking a 72 hour break. He was away for 72 hours and missed a ballgame. Now, that is kind of what Kyrie is doing he’s not really focused on basketball. He’s and you know, there’s been some controversial things he was caught without a mask and in a very uncontrolled area, which it’s not my business what he does off the court, but his focus has definitely shifted, and I miss Cleveland, Kyrie Rick. He just was straight to the point. Very good point guard insane handles and he stores insane handles you know, we saw that in Boston and honestly he made some decent highlights but I his focus i think is shifted a little bit and I think having Duran and harden there for him. It’s going to kind of be like Alright, listen, you know, you need to you need to get back on track. Now we have a real chance of winning a championship and that’s what it’s going to attract Kyrie back on the floor.
Santiago Leon 48:59
Would you consider the Brooklyn Nets a super team now?
Jordan Vargas 49:03
In my opinion, yes.
Santiago Leon 49:05
The nets are going up against Of course, the Celtics are first place right now the Sixers are set are are AR AR after the Celtics sank and then the bugs pacers magic Hornets nets seventh and hawks eight Knicks are ninth and here over are under the Knicks at 10th. I’m Jordan obviously it’s early in the season only like a couple games played in like six to eight games. I’m telling me your top three teams in the East in prediction for March. Where do you see this thing? In March? Who do you see who will be the top three in the East?
Jordan Vargas 49:51
Definitely am going to have to say the Sixers you know the Sixers really are coming up from nowhere.
Santiago Leon 49:58
What’s going on with them because I know last year They didn’t have a good playoff run last against I guess Boston I can’t remember exactly I know like two years ago they were awesome. This team back in track now are they like parents together?
Jordan Vargas 50:09
Yes. opinion I believe they do. Just from what I’ve seen and how they kind of built off each other is is just kind of what an MBA team needs and the Sixers just seem to have it.
Santiago Leon 50:22
So six is your top team who your other two to guess
Jordan Vargas 50:31
walks in Celtics
Santiago Leon 50:33
Bucs and Celtic Celtic.
Jordan Vargas 50:35
So Celtics actually, you know, I’m gonna go Bucs above the Sixers just because I like Yanis way more than I like him bead.
Santiago Leon 50:43
Jordan Vargas 50:44
I think Jada’s might pull through a little bit more later into the season so I’m gonna go Celtics bucks, and then sixers if those are my top three,
Santiago Leon 50:56
top three and then Brooklyn Nets. Where would they end up seeding? By April or by the time the playoffs start obviously
Jordan Vargas 51:05
it’s kind of hard to tell maybe five or six
Santiago Leon 51:09
Jordan Vargas 51:11
maybe out I’d say five I would say five. Forget when they all get together because you have to think about this. harden and Doran have to get used to sharing the ball. You put Kyrie in the mix? You have three ball hand Well, I’m not gonna call her in a ball and we have three guys who are very comfortable with the ball. So it’s gonna take it’s gonna take a few games for them to get used to each other and then
Santiago Leon 51:31
because that’d be a problem.
Jordan Vargas 51:33
Possibly but as I said they they work together on Team USA back in 2016 hopefully it should be Oh, it should it should be okay.
Santiago Leon 51:44
Interesting. Well, you know harden had to share the ball with Russell Westbrook that didn’t do well didn’t it?
Jordan Vargas 51:52
No, but that was expected.
Santiago Leon 51:56
Yeah, expected anyways, that is what’s going on in Brooklyn big trade today harden was gonna go He even said I think it was yesterday that this rockets team ain’t good. He was just being straight up. So he got what he needed. I’m not sure what it took for Houston to do it. But we’re definitely going to keep an eye on the east East looks a little bit better. Before we go to the west. How do you see my Miami he you think they’re gonna do well or you think they’re gonna gonna do well as last season?
Jordan Vargas 52:24
You know, I I’m a huge fan. And I say huge fan. I mean, huge fan of Tyler hero. I love his playing style. I love this swagger. I love his confidence he has on the court. I watched him when he was in Kentucky. I like what he does now. Jimmy Butler, he kind of got he kind of grew into Jimmy buckets in Chicago. When Derrick Rose left, he was kind of the star of the show. He kind of developed you know, went to Philly, then went to Minnesota. Now he’s at Miami and he seems really comfortable Miami. So with that being said
Santiago Leon 53:00
it was at home. Yeah. Sorry to say that. Jordan,
Jordan Vargas 53:03
what do you what do you think about Jimmy Butler in Miami? How
Santiago Leon 53:05
do you feel I think was a great Miami great pickup, obviously what he did this past summer. I mean, this past season, leaving the heat to the NBA Finals. against the Lakers, of course was a tough Lakers, but they were passing by Boston, Milwaukee. This team was a force to reckoned with of course, Tyler hero. Butler was a great hand. He was he the height of his prime wasn’t too old wasn’t too young, great attitude. I thought he always had a bad attitude. But now seeing him at the heat. His attitude improve the chain, very competitive. Jordan naskh I think so. He led the team very much like like, Michael Jordan. But I hope he continues this season right now from the standings there at 10th. It doesn’t look good. Right? But it’s only you know, a couple games in.
Jordan Vargas 53:54
I can’t complain. I mean, I can easily change,
Santiago Leon 53:56
like easily changed in the NBA. Let’s look at the West Jordan who got the Lakers jazz clippers, suns, trailblazers, Mavericks, warriors spurs and in spurs. I’m gonna stop at eight. What surprised me so far is Steph Curry has been having a good couple of weeks. How you see this warriors team? Are they playoff bound again?
Jordan Vargas 54:22
You know what I would say? I would say yeah, I would say yes. They have experience Steve Kerr at again. I’m a firm believer in good coaching and good player connection, good player relation and James Wiseman, in my opinion, his rookie of the year to be I think lamella ball is you know, there’s a lot of hype around them on the ball. lamella ball is good, but James Wiseman is just doing the right things at the right time. And with Klay Thompson out. Steph Curry really is just keeping it rolling and he’s gonna keep that consistency up. And we’re gonna see the Warriors kind of climb in the rankings.
Santiago Leon 54:59
Lakers are first place Jordan in another team, you know, I mean, who won the championship last season? How do you see him so far? A couple games and do you think they are going to be a? Like? I’ll have another spot in the NBA. The NBA championship again?
Jordan Vargas 55:18
Well, I would love to see Durant, Kyrie and harden go against their friend LeBron. Not bad for ratings, right? Yeah. I mean, that would be that. That would be great for Yeah, television. That would be great TV. But do I see them in a final situation? Yes.
Santiago Leon 55:38
Yes, I do. And who do you think will be competitive in the West against them will be the Clippers again? Or do you think a team like the Warriors, but who do you think will be a warrior? Is
Jordan Vargas 55:50
that what seven?
Santiago Leon 55:52
Seven, which is not bad? Yeah. I mean, they’re at reach. Mm hmm. But Which team do you really think is gonna be a challenge for them will be the Clippers? Or could it be? Well, the nuggets are 11 I have no idea what’s going on with them. But who is the second best team in the in the West? With a talent?
Jordan Vargas 56:15
Like clippers? clippers?
Santiago Leon 56:17
clippers with with with kawhi? Leonard?
Jordan Vargas 56:19
Yes. Quite as a man
Santiago Leon 56:22
with a loss against Denver last season. playoffs? I was so mad. I was just like, you’re up three, one. Right. And you couldn’t close it out. That’s why I like this nuggets team. So unpredictable. I never understood this nuggets team. Maybe you have maybe you’ve written a whole dissertation on it?
Jordan Vargas 56:41
Well, the only person I know from the nuggets are yo kitch Murray and RJ Hampton, who we earlier discussed played in the MBO along with lamella ball. So but that is all I know the moment
Santiago Leon 56:53
Well, anyways, that is our NBA update. Jordan, anything else before we close the show? And we head into random question.
Jordan Vargas 57:05
The G league Oh, what I want to what I want to talk about for a couple seconds is the NBA g league had their draft and, you know, kind of create their bubble. They have a draft. They have to have a draft can’t be. Yeah, the madness. Jordan, would you say?
Santiago Leon 57:20
I’m just gonna go ahead. That was about the draft.
Jordan Vargas 57:24
The draft one interesting. Now, you guys heard me talk about lamella ball. Well, his moto brother Lanza ball has had a hard time getting to the NBA, he signed a contract with the pistons. It was exhibit 10 contract one year, which means if he made it past training camp, they would sign him If not, he would go down to GE but the Grand Rapids drive are not participating in the bubble. He signed a contract playing the jeely bubble and he did not ended up getting drafted but what surprised me is the names that did not get drafted with him. And let me pull that up because I was I was shocked when I saw this apparently
Santiago Leon 58:00
Jordans giving me some news that there is going to be a bubble on the G league this season. Oh, yes.
Jordan Vargas 58:05
Yes. Have to be that is that is inside Cody Demps who plays on the Ignite team.
Santiago Leon 58:10
Okay. Go do some research right now. And okay, so please continue.
Jordan Vargas 58:19
There was some NBA veterans who are a little bit older and obviously did not get the chance to play in the NBA. So they had the the chance to go overseas or playing the bubble. And they ended up playing the G league bubble they signed Well, they signed to but trying to pull this up here.
Santiago Leon 58:37
Jordan Vargas is our NBA correspondent here at the sports cast. We’re having an NBA sports cash show guys, by the way, but we’ll we’ll let you know when that will be the start. We’ll have a it’s gonna be complete show. There’s a lot of interest for this show. So it’s quite interesting. Sports guys will try and get to the NBA. Round anyways, go ahead.
Jordan Vargas 58:55
So Michael Beasley was not drafted Mario Chalmers, Lance Stephenson, shabads, Muhammad and design Moosa.
Santiago Leon 59:05
So, you’re saying like the players are welcome to the G league.
Jordan Vargas 59:10
Those are the players that signed to play in the G league teams just put their name in the draft. It’s kind of like declared for the draft but in G league sign in julik terms, you have to sign you have to sign okay. And those were the players Amman lianja the ball that did not get drafted and that caught my eye Mario Chalmers played with Miami Heat.
Santiago Leon 59:28
Yeah, I know. shabads I know shabads
Jordan Vargas 59:32
Lance Stephenson had a nice run with the Pacers and Lakers. Wow. And he didn’t they did not get drafted. So I thought that was interesting that these NBA veterans who can clearly clearly play the game of basketball did not get drafted in the NBA g league.
Santiago Leon 59:48
Well, when Steven
Jordan Vargas 59:50
was undrafted imagine wild traumas going on drafted with Lance Stephenson. That was Michael Beasley. That’d be a tough pill to swallow.
Santiago Leon 59:57
Jordan is tough. The madness stop the madness Jordan you got to make this happen I’m just kidding no no it is what it is sometimes you just you lose your you lose your fastball you lose your shot you lose your touch is what happens you know backups bouncing
Jordan Vargas 1:00:14
Santiago Leon 1:00:15
exactly the system bouncing but I don’t know what happened could have been injuries it could have been they you know like that extra hour in the morning to go train with x. Anyways, Jordan Vargas, that is our NBA update of the night. Looking forward to it. Let’s go into predictions and pull up the the NBA scheduled for tonight. I’m sure you’d have I think there’s two games tonight. Well, right now
Jordan Vargas 1:00:42
okay, game would have happened, but it got postponed. Duda.
Santiago Leon 1:00:45
Yeah, good. I was gonna go to that. How serious is this? COVID because I know there’s been some well of course COVID series but yeah, with the NBA. I know there’s been been a few games canceled this past week. Is there some? Is there some like big red flag going on the NBA? Or do you think they’ll just like they’re gonna they’re gonna postpone some games and just continue but how do you see like the severen isn’t this
Jordan Vargas 1:01:12
you know, we kind of saw it in the NBA bubble where if you know a few players called COVID and it’s something that they cannot control. It happens I don’t think it’s that serious because they have the top professions you know, professional doctors that are out there on the field you know, work with them and making sure that they’re in the best shape that they can be so again, I don’t think it’s that big of a deal though.
Santiago Leon 1:01:32
They’ll figure it out. Yeah, they won’t cancel like like the season because of like a few cases that it probably won’t do that. George Hill came out today or yesterday talking about Hey guys, look, it happens it happens i can’t i mean i want to see friends I got to see my family there’s just no way out of it. It’s reality. I mean, if you’re a father you want to see your wife and kids you can’t be secluded from them
Jordan Vargas 1:01:55
know the the NBA g league bubble also be played in Orlando again
Santiago Leon 1:02:00
yes in Disney right Disney or or I was gonna say maybe this time I universal but they probably don’t have a sports complex like Disney.
Jordan Vargas 1:02:08
I you know, could have a universal I just know there
Santiago Leon 1:02:11
has to be Disney and there’s there’s no other way.
Jordan Vargas 1:02:14
Yeah, but anyway, the jeely kind of emulates the, how much it’s emulated. But of course,
Santiago Leon 1:02:19
it says owned by the same organization NBA and of course, Gatorade. We should pay out money for that. Which you follow about g league apparently which is good. I like that. Yeah, that’s good. Keep that because you never know that there could be some players coming up in the in the in the out of the ashes into the NBA. Anyways. Predictions tonight. Lakers and thunder Jordan who you have Lakers. Now what is the Oh, the thunder still has a chris chris Paul. Right. You know, he went to Phoenix.
Jordan Vargas 1:02:50
I did go to Phoenix.
Santiago Leon 1:02:51
Yeah, I’m not sure. I’m not sure if Adams still there. Anyways.
Jordan Vargas 1:02:56
Oh, Steve. He’s with the pelicans.
Santiago Leon 1:02:58
Yeah, that seems totally disbanded. So weird. Anyways, perhaps there’s always a life expectancy in sports. Grizzlies at timberwolves Who do you have up in the Midwest?
Unknown Speaker 1:03:14
I want to go I’m gonna go you Who do you think you who you got?
Santiago Leon 1:03:17
I wanna say Grizzlies. Okay, I’m on Mike Conley, fan. My colleague. Yeah. Okay. Oh, there. Yeah, teach me this stuff.
Jordan Vargas 1:03:26
I’ll go Minnesota. I’ll go Minnesota
Santiago Leon 1:03:30
fibs and not know, Thebes is he’s coaching at the Knicks, right?
Jordan Vargas 1:03:35
I believe so.
Santiago Leon 1:03:36
I was okay. I
Jordan Vargas 1:03:37
can’t keep track of Tom after he left Chicago. I was too heartbroken. I just
Santiago Leon 1:03:40
I didn’t want to live this general direction i was i get teary eyed New Orleans Pelicans at the LA clippers. Tonight
Jordan Vargas 1:03:52
you know the Clippers are a better team, but I’ll have to go save pelicans. I think we’re at fourth right now. They’re actually not doing too bad. Yeah, and you know, actually, you know, I’ll go I’ll go pelicans because I’m a huge guy on
Santiago Leon 1:04:04
How’s he doing? He’s evil. Like, like, is he able to keep that weight off?
Jordan Vargas 1:04:10
Who’s on? Yeah, maybe? I think he will.
Santiago Leon 1:04:14
I hope so.
Jordan Vargas 1:04:15
I don’t want to have another ankle injury.
Santiago Leon 1:04:17
He’s the biggest thing. So he he’s the biggest things in check. Yeah. Anyways, that is our NBA predictions. random question. Jordan. What goes best with milk? Cookies, cake pie, or pancakes?
Jordan Vargas 1:04:34
As you know, all the time.
Santiago Leon 1:04:37
Was that was what goes best with milk. Okay. Cookies. Yeah, cake. Pie, or pancakes.
Jordan Vargas 1:04:47
Santiago Leon 1:04:49
And most of the audience agree 66% voted for cookies. I was going to replace pancakes with peanut butter and jelly sandwich.
Jordan Vargas 1:04:57
Really? What about what’s going on?
Santiago Leon 1:04:59
Jordan Vargas 1:05:00
What about french toast? If you’re gonna replace pancakes I would not put french toast next to peanut butter and jelly. I’m sorry. In my opinion, I’m more of a French toast guy.
Santiago Leon 1:05:08
You’re more french toast with like whipped cream on top and butter and Yeah, a little powdered sugar. Hey, all good. Milk really does well don’t drink more water. It’s horrible. Jordan, tell us what is the best way to reach you and tell us about your other psychic podcast?
Jordan Vargas 1:05:27
Well, the best way to reach me on Instagram is courtside. All one word w j that stands for with Jordan. And I my personal Instagram is Jordan, underscore Vargas. And again you asked me about my podcast. I basically started a podcast early October, and I do exclusive interviews I’ve done let’s see about five exclusive interviews with NBA players or G league players. I’ve done an exclusive interview with my former Illinois governor Rod Blagojevich Sacramento Kings, former general manager, Drake you and AB the hero which works who works closely with the ball family. So that’s who I’ve that’s what I’ve gotten. So I do exclusive interviews and I discuss what’s going on in today’s NBA with people who actually play in the league. So it’s pretty cool to hear you know, their side of the
Santiago Leon 1:06:26
story. Oh, real deal with Jordan Vargas and tell us about your Twitter account. Because here at the sports guys, we are a Twitter fanatic. What is your Twitter handle?
Jordan Vargas 1:06:35
The excuse this username? I made this one I was I made this a few years ago. The real j d v 23.
Santiago Leon 1:06:47
The real j dV 20 Oh yeah, cuz Michael Jordan number 23. Yeah. Jordan Vargas. How old are you?
Jordan Vargas 1:06:54
I’m 18
Santiago Leon 1:06:54
only 18 do you got the whole world ahead of you? I mean, you were born after Michael Jordan played? Yeah, I
Jordan Vargas 1:07:01
mean, he was on the wall. He played his last All Star game and all three and he was with the wizards.
Santiago Leon 1:07:05
Jordan Vargas 1:07:07
don’t really remember anything up until I was here.
Santiago Leon 1:07:09
You missed the best times of basketball. But you were able to see Kobe Bryant.
Jordan Vargas 1:07:14
Oh, yes,
Santiago Leon 1:07:15
I’ll give you that.
Jordan Vargas 1:07:16
I was able to see prime Kohli with Derek Fisher Pau Gasol against the Celtics. D fish. Those are the days
Santiago Leon 1:07:23
anyways, you can reach us at the sports cast at the sports cast one, the sports cast dotnet the website you can get our app at the sports cast on the iOS App Store. And you can find our podcasts all over the world. I Heart Radio Spotify, Alexa, you know, so you could definitely listen to us all day all round. And we’ll have this NBA show coming up soon. Hopefully by the end of the month. We got a we got a few we got a we got Jordan got Darrell and also Ryan Krista they’ll put basketball actually be a basketball show because we will because we will have some college basketball involved. And of course g league because because Jordan falls a little bit about the G league and of course the almighty NBA. Anyways, this weekend is NFL playoffs continue keep an eye on that. I think I’ll have a show on Friday no guarantee I’ve been very busy guy try and run a sports cast and sling on productions with Jordan Vargas. You’ll see more of him. Anyways Jordan anything else before we leave?
Jordan Vargas 1:08:28
Nothing man. Just thank you for having me on here. I was I always like being on here and talking to you guys. It’s It’s fun.
Santiago Leon 1:08:33
I love having you on and I love seeing Michael Jordan in the background.
Jordan Vargas 1:08:38
Yeah. Oh, yeah. The the pictures. Yeah.
Santiago Leon 1:08:42
Anyways, Wednesday night, Jordan. Thanks for coming on. And let’s rock and roll.
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