In this episode, Victor Arocho and Byron Arocho go over who will the New York Giants mock draft, and reactions with Carson Wentz heading to the Colts.
Victor Arocho – @varocho
Byron Jones
Victor Arocho 0:12
Miami Fort Lauderdale. Welcome to the Jersey Boys sports talk hosted by your own jersey boy Byron Jones and Victor are roadshow brought to you by the sports cast. Today is February 18 2021. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to the sports cast and all your channels, YouTube, Periscope and iTunes. And if you are on iTunes, please leave a rating. It’ll help us out tremendously. Also, we have an iPhone app sports cast, you can download it and enjoy it from there, you could follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one and you could also visit our website at the sports cast that net again check on your iOS sports iOS phone so you can get the sports app and you can listen to us there besides viewing it so this is also recorded. You can see this regularly on our on our Facebook page. You can see this on YouTube. And usually Byron I will have it repost it on our sites as well. So you can see this at another time or just listen to it. Sometimes I’m listening to it myself as a podcast and I think it’s pretty funny when you hear me talk. Brian’s got the big and okay so I wanted to go ahead we are streaming live on Facebook at Facebook’s SLE on sports are live on YouTube as well. So if you are a YouTuber, go to YouTube if you’re Facebook, go to Facebook and go we go from here. And today’s show is sponsored by debt free life would you give 20 minutes of your time if they can show you how to get out of debt in nine years or less including your mortgage without spending any additional money than you’re spending today. If you’re interested in having a 20 minute conversation, please text d f l debt free life 23453185735 and one of the representatives will get back to you. That’s right. Nine years or less it’s not consolidation. It is not negotiation it’s elimination. And back to our show. Mr. Byron I have a very interesting video you sent me today since you told me not to ask you anymore
Byron Jones 2:35
No wonder why
Victor Arocho 2:37
so I figured Let me see if I get a enjoy this moment here
Unknown Speaker 2:43
let’s see what this looks like. Why is this looking funny? got small on Mele Am I share my screen with you right I can see you see me right
Victor Arocho 3:05
so let’s get let’s get into it well I wanted to show you the bliss really day over there some technical problems
there we go. Okay, now I’m seeing this twice why I don’t know. I can’t see you by having a rough day by when I can tell. Help me Lord help me. Help me Help me Help me. All right. Oh, I think it’s on speaker view. That’s why Yeah, gallery view that’s what I want. Alright, so let me just share this one piece with you for you for those of you that are out there. Oh sorry. It’s like a Holla Holla Holla Holla scream screen
Unknown Speaker 4:01
there you go.
Unknown Speaker 4:05
You go No, you’re good.
Unknown Speaker 4:08
Okay, that’s the videos messed up or that shirt looks
Unknown Speaker 4:14
nice on tight look at
Unknown Speaker 4:16
that big knowing
Unknown Speaker 4:18
but I don’t
Victor Arocho 4:21
know what to do. Okay, so let me ask you a question there on this video here. Like Wait What do you snow mango Victor?
Unknown Speaker 4:29
This is what are they doing?
Byron Jones 4:34
right they’re always there. Yeah, keep going.
Unknown Speaker 4:38
We see that wire is that when
Unknown Speaker 4:40
the wires right there?
Unknown Speaker 4:44
That’s a sidewalk truck over here. We got like underground fire Rob. Victor.
Byron Jones 4:58
Don’t ask me what’s Boy here See? See y’all know the whole length of it. See what had happened was I did half the block today because I was being a good guy doing my good deed for the day so I did half a block.
Unknown Speaker 5:14
Really? That looks really good. It
Byron Jones 5:17
looks like a Bruce. My man.
Victor Arocho 5:21
Good to have the patch of mama county police academy Monmouth County police academy All right, but maybe next week I’ll bring up my state police
Byron Jones 5:38
smedium on him
Unknown Speaker 5:39
looking good man. What’s coming he got a date night tonight. So
Byron Jones 5:42
that was yesterday that was
Victor Arocho 5:46
alrighty so look. Um, today we’re gonna talk about what was good talking about the giants. I as we always do, and then we’ll see if people who’s calling in let me just get to the Facebook page here. Because I’m trying to make sure that I can answer comments cuz last week we had a lot of comments, and I didn’t get to any how to answer them afterwards. So here I got Vonda. Obama was making fun of me when I invited her he was like What’s that? Home is one that shows up she was hiding from us Byron she gonna
Byron Jones 6:17
probably hide again.
Victor Arocho 6:18
I will you you at least showed up on the couple times. We got you. You see us denied denied in the flesh showed up
Byron Jones 6:25
denied denied the flex. She showed up. Rhonda? What’s going on? You got homework or something? Oh, yeah, she’s
Victor Arocho 6:32
got school, right?
Byron Jones 6:35
Yep, she got like another two or three weeks. All right. I
Unknown Speaker 6:37
see myself here. Okay, good. I’m just trying to make sure I can get the comments. You know what I mean? Yeah. Is to come to ready. Vonda How do I otherwise what? I can’t zoom in. Hello.
Victor Arocho 7:00
I sent it to you look on the screen on the CD screen. Just go to zoom.us killing me. Hey, bro and Victor I Sonia. Van Jones. I finished my homework. Oh, so she did at school. I told you. She’s the Brainiac in a family?
Byron Jones 7:24
Yes. Apparently. Yes. Without a doubt.
Victor Arocho 7:28
You guys see you get the Brainiac. You got the wine and coffee kind of sewer. And you got the app the jock?
Byron Jones 7:36
Well, she wants to affect both on ranch trying to make it in range.
Victor Arocho 7:41
And man No, you Jones got a distinctive look where you guys all look alike. We’re supposed
Byron Jones 7:46
to look like Clifford Jones. Adama
Victor Arocho 7:48
Oh my god. Well, I guess I can’t say anything because my family the same way. There you go. Even my kids. So when you tell me something you can please get it and I sent it to me invite so can’t get in comment. So I see Can I got five comments? I can’t see all the comments. I this is 1234 let me just tell it go to
Unknown Speaker 8:31
Unknown Speaker 8:35
Victor Arocho 8:38
I mean, how many how many shows her she’d been on?
Unknown Speaker 8:40
Oh 52335
Victor Arocho 8:46
All right. And man here he is.
Unknown Speaker 8:50
She came out of hiding.
Unknown Speaker 8:58
came out of hiding. Behind me Come on, take it like a marine. Like we want to see you or whatever you’re doing studying. We want to see you thinking like a marine.
Unknown Speaker 9:16
You’re running
Victor Arocho 9:19
you were like you were like who was that on the phone? Was that Mike polidoro when he was talking about the Ravens ravens ravens and buffalo
Unknown Speaker 9:34
Tampa Tampa
Unknown Speaker 9:37
Unknown Speaker 9:39
Joe Brady all right but not not now you got my back at least you know Byron shows up but he denies what he picked
Byron Jones 9:48
to Tampa.
Victor Arocho 9:50
I know that but I’m just saying when whenever you’re saying the opposite. He goes up Vaughn. They doesn’t I will call you out
Byron Jones 9:58
your beat upside the head. Who cares?
Victor Arocho 10:03
All right. Well, Vonda. So we’ll give you a few minutes. What did you think about the game? I know, we’ll just to give you a little chance to talk about
Brian Vaughn 10:12
I keep on hearing a lot of different voices hold on
Victor Arocho 10:14
all because you gotta you gotta mute your Facebook because if you got us on Facebook, you just want to look at the comments.
Unknown Speaker 10:21
Like, pause it on Facebook. That’s why you’re hearing us on Facebook and you’re hearing us on zoom.
Unknown Speaker 10:28
Brian Vaughn 10:30
can you hear me now? Is that better?
Unknown Speaker 10:32
Yeah. I can’t hear you. We have a problem.
Unknown Speaker 10:37
Victor Arocho 10:39
what do you think about the game?
Brian Vaughn 10:41
What game I can’t remember.
Unknown Speaker 10:47
Oh, my God.
Brian Vaughn 10:50
Well, I watched it again. You Forever and I watched it again last week. Your brother.
Unknown Speaker 10:57
I thought it was just a binary thing.
Brian Vaughn 10:59
Well, I watched it again last week. Because I was so frustrated. When the Superbowl came on. I watched it again last week. And I’m like, it was horrible. It was just all one sided. So it is what it is. It’s all in the books and hopefully we won’t have the same outcome this year.
Unknown Speaker 11:20
I’ll tell you what I am
Victor Arocho 11:22
man I finally got on Derek Neely. Derek Neely. Derek, welcome, Derek. Hey, for listening to our show. Welcome we got Miss Vonda Jones sellers and my my wonderful co host Byron Jones and Vonda. We had a pool Vonda, Heidi, but she was studying so we’re gonna give her a break. But she was hiding in she was a fish. She picked Kansas City. He spoke like he was gonna pick Tampa
Byron Jones 11:54
sounded like it but
Unknown Speaker 11:57
flip flopped like that.
Unknown Speaker 12:01
Did you hear me calling you out?
Brian Vaughn 12:03
Yeah, I heard you but I just couldn’t answer the phone.
Unknown Speaker 12:07
Oh my god. That’s hilarious.
Unknown Speaker 12:12
You know, hey, I
Victor Arocho 12:12
was happy. I was happy for the game. I’m happy how it goes. He made a lot of sports casters eat their words. I mean, Steven a Smith Kellerman. m&m, did a video, Guess who’s back back again. And it was like all the doubters and like it was just amazing. And then Brady tweeted out apparently Shannon shark was calling him out profusely. Byron, don’t
Byron Jones 12:39
be a hater right now. Okay. The reason why Tom Brady won, that Super Bowl was a tremendous defense. Every Super Bowl that he has won, he has had a top five, defense, New England, all ones that he won, they were a top five defense. This was Tampa Bay. This was their defense, their defense won that he’s just a game manager. Now he just along for a ride because it was a defensive effort to shut down the home.
Victor Arocho 13:07
I don’t have any problem with that. But I will tell you though, my son said the same thing prior to the Tampa Bay. By the way, Derek said he went when he went when Casey as well. So yeah, that’s all right. Oh, you know what? I don’t know what’s happening to my green screen. That’s all right, Derek. Then you went with Casey I can understand if it wasn’t for Brady. Now when I like Casey, I think they’re gonna be back usually shows up because using fibers the one that was hot at that height environment just says he didn’t pick that to come out too big. And we hit him on video.
Byron Jones 13:47
too big. Too big too high. Where am I going?
Unknown Speaker 13:53
To snow?
Byron Jones 13:54
Yeah, all the snow we got to put out there. Yeah, probably.
Unknown Speaker 13:59
doesn’t look good.
Unknown Speaker 14:02
Like he’s like, look good today.
Unknown Speaker 14:10
Thursday, Ladies Night, ladies. Lady night.
Brian Vaughn 14:15
Exactly. I’ll
Victor Arocho 14:23
be part of that snowboard. Yeah, the Bing. I agree with you. But first of all, it takes team number one number two. But when I when I looked at it over the years that Brady was in prior to this one, the defense was always up there. But the office wasn’t far behind. It was later in the office and drop it so so though the defense was in the top five or whatever the offense was in 643. When Randy moss were there, they
Byron Jones 14:56
were like number two, but when they beat when they beat the Rams What kind of defense was
Victor Arocho 15:02
that? There’s no doubt the defense was there. I’m just saying to you though it wasn’t it wasn’t always just another word. You can’t tell me that it was so lopsided, like when the Ravens one with what’s the talk tall quarterback Michael Flacco right. Okay. When the Ravens won with Flacco there was no doubt that that was a defensive championship. Right when the bears won, no. That was more you can you tell me you go
Byron Jones 15:39
this is what Brady team. This is sad to say. But when the Giants played the Ravens that won Super Bowl, they got smashed. That was a defensive team win that year when the Ravens beat the giants and the only touchdown they got was on a kickoff return that game they would have been shut out if it wasn’t for you on a kickoff return that game. Yeah, but who do we have who’s quiet Ryan? Terry Collins
Victor Arocho 16:07
still happy we made it there but I always forget that Sumo.
Unknown Speaker 16:12
He did he got smashed. It’s terrible.
Victor Arocho 16:16
But but but still did it look man they still put up good points. Number one and the defense it come to play and the defense did a great job. And I was like Tom Bowles did a fight. We talked about that last week. So I don’t want to keep going into I just want to give him the chance to talk since Derek came on board. couldn’t go with Brady Lawson big on the Atlanta game.
Unknown Speaker 16:37
Did you lose on this game? Derek?
Unknown Speaker 16:43
Three points. Oh, I’m sure he didn’t lose.
Unknown Speaker 16:47
I won.
Victor Arocho 16:50
Sorry about I won. And I even take points. But again, only Gary Sinise foundation for the service people so alright, so into the into the show. What I want to talk about I want to get involved a little bit of hiding. And then too, I want to let’s talk about the what by risco didn’t answer my question though. You can’t compare Flacco to beat Flacco being on a defensive dominated team to Brady.
Byron Jones 17:26
I’m being a Brady hater Can I can I be a Brady hater please please? He’s he’s he’s pretty he’s got some pretty big kids and family and stuff. Yes. Let me throw some haterade out there let me throw some hate let me throw some Hey make another
Unknown Speaker 17:40
million next year at 44 that’s even more reasonable.
Byron Jones 17:45
I’ve been here right now he’s got the perfect life and everything even though he has a be living in his 10,000 square foot pool house. Yes, I’m gonna be paid on by Derek Jeter Whatever. I’m gonna be I’m gonna be a hater now copy and I hate that I hate Yes. Oh
Unknown Speaker 18:00
you still like Bruce Arians. So you got Bruce Arians good. He parently gave you some style. Snow. I thought I thought that hat came out first. Qu j No.
Unknown Speaker 18:14
Unknown Speaker 18:16
who was who came out with it for the tango. Tango. How was the Shabaab Run DMC? Run DMC?
Victor Arocho 18:26
Yeah, who was it? Right? No run. They weren’t they weren’t like the
Byron Jones 18:31
safari looking things. Yeah. LL Cool J e. bandits. Oh. Number three.
Unknown Speaker 18:37
Somebody else in here. Jones number three.
Byron Jones 18:41
Oh. What’s going on? unmute yourself or somebody muted?
Unknown Speaker 18:49
I’m asking.
Unknown Speaker 18:51
Victor Arocho 18:53
gonna tell you who worried and Run DMC
Unknown Speaker 18:57
Victor Arocho 18:59
Yes. Jones three Welcome
Unknown Speaker 19:03
to como esta she’s hiding our Yang Sonia.
Unknown Speaker 19:09
estado mondo. vino,
Unknown Speaker 19:15
money and money in.
Unknown Speaker 19:22
Sanya? Yes, it is. Remember, they
Unknown Speaker 19:40
practice that my college? Did I mess that up? Every time you saw the Mercedes and the decked out caddies, we move their
Unknown Speaker 19:56
shirt on forever
Victor Arocho 20:00
Oh man I’m sorry I did fuck idea What do you call it? left I mean heat fan now so let’s let’s talk about this mock draft Byron What do you think is gonna happen with we got a mock draft What do you think they’re gonna be picking up as it’s coming up pretty soon right so they’re showing here Mike calper they’re talking about a tight end from Florida and gave him I don’t know who this guy said it says edge a defensive guy know from Miami from Miami right what’s that edge rusher?
Unknown Speaker 20:41
Yeah he sat out this year he didn’t play this year.
Victor Arocho 20:43
Okay so I’m assuming you mentioned three picks the tight end from from Florida Miami the picking the edge edge I’m assuming that edge rusher right now or something like that. He’s not able to pass up the big athletic edge rusher okay. So you got an edge rusher you got a tight end and then they’re picking a good Jalen waddled wide receiver so those are like in the what they’re trying to talk about Alabama to be able to get down to get the bump.
Byron Jones 21:20
You figured like what what happened with the eagle say it might mess up a lot of stuff. It’s gonna blonde figure the title pitch the tight end from Florida is the same thing that we already got, which is Evan Ingram they’re pop they’re about the same skill set same time, but maybe this kid can catch he’s not Mr. butterfingers so hopefully
Victor Arocho 21:41
we’re thinking about doing something with them
Byron Jones 21:45
well, he’s on his fifth year of his contract you know, his rookie contract so it’s not like they get 6 million or whatever’s on there. And hopefully they can do something with it because you think I’ve been matched this kid picks and put him together that’s pretty good group of tight end you know, but then again if you want to run the ball How are you gonna run the ball you got to non blocking non blocking tight ends for CEPA if you haven’t to those guys on the field of saying Bob Yeah, you’re not
Victor Arocho 22:12
give me defense. I got I got I’ll take
Byron Jones 22:16
the kid from Penn State Parsons. linebacker inside linebacker he sat out this year so
Victor Arocho 22:22
what do you think about him in the edge rusher from Miami?
Byron Jones 22:25
I would take the linebacker because with Patrick Graham he could do more with that guy. Yeah, he could put him under the edge rusher he could play inside this guy very versatile you get an edge rusher that’s all he’s gonna do is be an edge rusher
Victor Arocho 22:38
and I think that’s becoming the new like the left tackle league because the edge rushers You got him you need those edge rushers to stop those nice quarterbacks that are running and throwing downfield
Byron Jones 22:48
and what you saw what they did this year they had a good scheme you know he’s scheme do a lot of those, you know, the fact that they got not a big get they signed letter. Williams, you know, that’s a big plus. And dalvin Tomlinson, they have to get both of those guys, no, lose one. Then they’re gonna have to go either draft another one or sign a cheap one yo free agents, you know, another side, another Carolina Panthers. They just cut short one short they just cut him and he’s like 32 years old and Gelman loves picking up the Pampers for some reason.
Unknown Speaker 23:23
That’s funny. So Tanya, how you doing? Are they doing great this
Unknown Speaker 23:29
year? They’re looking good. Yesterday, though, but they looking good this year. pleasantly surprised.
Victor Arocho 23:37
Everybody is? Yes. Everybody is the What do you would like to see the Giants getting you to big giant major fans? Over there. So who would you like to see the Giants given offense? more focused on offensive defense?
Unknown Speaker 23:53
I think defense
Unknown Speaker 23:55
Victor Arocho 23:59
bias to your brother. Yeah. But if your brother was a pretty boy for receiver you’d be going offense. No.
Byron Jones 24:09
I was a pretty boy defensive man.
Unknown Speaker 24:11
Unknown Speaker 24:14
Sony Pictures a big bottle one.
Unknown Speaker 24:18
Thank you.
Victor Arocho 24:29
And then it was funny because I said I sent you a picture that Cuban coffee. Yes, we make that high octane.
Unknown Speaker 24:37
Victor Arocho 24:40
This morning?
Unknown Speaker 24:41
Byron Jones 24:43
I drink one of those. That’s Cuban one time, and I was in New York. I drink two of them. I got on the New Jersey Turnpike. I was doing 110 miles an hour to car coffee.
Victor Arocho 25:00
Every time in Atlanta we service you know we would serve it twice every day at 10 o’clock and three o’clock and it was awesome when we had business people coming over we just extra because usually they’re like okay let me just be heavy you buy when you had the sweats
Unknown Speaker 25:27
I was crazy
Victor Arocho 25:28
and we need to do something on these picks now so right now we got we got Philadelphia we don’t know what’s gonna happen there I don’t know where I got the news wrong last time because I thought Wentz was traded Remember to to do the bears and that was false news and I reported that and then so you got Philadelphia you know with a rookie quarterback right in without a rookie but it’d be second year Danny dimes you know I hope he does something and he’s got to do something you know or we may we do something because there’s this they said there’s still like no, there may be another 18 quarterback half the league is gonna be shifted and by the way, they didn’t give up too much. The Colts you called it I’m gonna get to that right away. So for us in the draft you know we I am a defensive player so I just always want to have defense and I think would sake on coming back Now the problem with Ingram is is what we noticed right and i mean i’m we’re into the game but but it’s not like not a people who aren’t totally into sports as deep as you and I buy her a lot of people notice he missed a lot of balls mine like every game so he hurts us that hurts him for hurts us for tradability and hurting for money. Right and it hurts the team because I don’t know what’s gonna happen when the ball stone tool and then it hurts Danny dines because we can’t tell if he’s any good or not because one of the best receivers we got has a chance of missing the ball is getting better though over the year the past year he’s a little loosey goosey I know my convention because that one first year was alright second year he didn’t have say Quan so you know you know we he needs a full full throttle we got judge under two years right? Doing well but then by reading like the offensive line the guy who’s got
Byron Jones 27:27
locked and loaded and you figured out how to fix that again because you guys didn’t know the kid was playing hurt or you’re Thomas he had ankle surgery at the end of the season. Love you or whatever the the left guard next to him he was a rookie he was awful in past protection yeah Gates was a converted tackle that moved to center he did all right he wasn’t bad zeidler was alright and I can’t the Fleming the right tackle is awful. They need to fire him my fact I would come out of retirement to play right that will be better than him.
Unknown Speaker 27:57
Victor Arocho 28:03
bars Vonda and the fellow the events and for you Byron play with me Shane MacPherson is on comments he says we need he says I’m out number two I’m out number Oh, he came on my side. We need offensive players. He thinks we need more offensive players. Why am I not he’s just watch what I say What did I say? When I say shame no shame right?
Unknown Speaker 28:29
Unknown Speaker 28:31
Yeah, yeah, we did we graduate. Yes. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 28:34
Brian Vaughn 28:35
I’m trying to fit your face.
Unknown Speaker 28:37
Renzo Carter.
Unknown Speaker 28:39
They need a right tackle.
Victor Arocho 28:41
Hopefully he sell a rental car we’ll be back
Byron Jones 28:44
outside linebacker that’s the kid from Georgia. He was alright until they got hurt. They need a right tackle. They need a left guard they be a right guard put it this way they need to three other people because the center is I like gates and Andrew Thomas is gonna be fine
Unknown Speaker 29:06
not for nothing but I think Sonia’s cameras drinking
Byron Jones 29:11
so what what happened
Victor Arocho 29:13
his cameras drinking cuz she wasn’t even there and the camera was like moving
Unknown Speaker 29:21
away from me
Unknown Speaker 29:22
to stay in the picture. Stay put
Unknown Speaker 29:28
the timer for wine glass.
Unknown Speaker 29:31
Minor timer for the next poor.
Byron Jones 29:35
Yeah, they need a true number one receiver to cause Slayton is not it.
Victor Arocho 29:42
Yeah. Well, we’ll see when they all get together right. So then I just don’t I don’t want that line to be keep doing what he has to do. I don’t want to say Kwan to have you know, I don’t want to have any how don’t have excuses forsaken, which I don’t think they will be but I want to have a line that, you know he could run and he could and we can get out Daniel Jones to video to manage the game. Then we’ll be in good shape. Hold on someone’s Welcome Welcome to the show.
Unknown Speaker 30:12
It’s a shame not have been memorable.
Brian Vaughn 30:21
Well, I had to pull out our yearbook
Unknown Speaker 30:27
your yearbook picture let me get started.
Victor Arocho 30:33
Oh Tell me why do you think we need offensive players? JOHN?
Unknown Speaker 30:37
Because Evan Ingram is above the guy he can’t catch anything. The bet the bet the best thing that ever happened was that he made the Pro Bowl maybe we have some tradability with him
Victor Arocho 30:49
Yeah, I think still made the Pro Bowl hmm and it just makes me nervous. There’s no confidence in me with her imagine I’m not even thrown in the ball.
Unknown Speaker 31:03
Yet we I mean port anytime she doesn’t have a number one receiver we I mean we whether we get a free agency or I mean you know we got to get somebody from the throw to I mean the kids too late and he’s a nice but he’s a number two he’s a one eight if anything, but if we if we can get if we get number one. You watch how good Danny dodge looks
Byron Jones 31:27
like golladay the guy from Detroit big receiver Alan Robinson from Chicago Bears those kind of guys. That’s what they need to go after. But I don’t know if they’re gonna have the money with the salary cap and yeah, I guess the salary cap? What franchising golladay another guy.
Unknown Speaker 31:47
Yeah, they’re talking about franchising, so they might even not even get a chance with that right now. More
Byron Jones 31:53
governmental do his usual and dig down the Panthers again. They got Corey Davis is another guy that’s on the list. Oh,
Victor Arocho 32:02
yeah. So if I go back to where they hadn’t draft they were those guys. They talked about Jalen waddle from Alabama. devonta Smith. I mean, we’re picking 11
Byron Jones 32:14
that’s a good spot. That’s
Victor Arocho 32:15
a bad spot. Right? Because you got and you know, you know who’s gonna go number one. Right. But the vontae Smith won the Heisman, didn’t he?
Unknown Speaker 32:24
Yeah, we got we we got Odell at like 12 you know, so it’s actually good spot a lot of people saying that the three receivers are gonna be gone by the time to get there I don’t see that happening. I don’t see three receivers going into top 10
Victor Arocho 32:39
so far the from a receiver standpoint, not counting tight ends I just see wattle. I see devonta Smith.
Unknown Speaker 32:46
Unknown Speaker 32:47
Chase. Oh, shoot.
Victor Arocho 32:51
Yeah. Oh, you’re saying notable 11th pics we’ve had Did you see that Odell? They’re trying to get old Ella tamp.
Byron Jones 33:03
Everybody was there a new flavor of the month? Hey everybody go play for Bruce Arians. The Tampa
Victor Arocho 33:10
play for Brady though I know you’re being a hater, but they’re going to play for
Byron Jones 33:15
Bruce Arians is
Victor Arocho 33:16
playing for Bruce Arians is the oldest coach and is mom is the oldest fan.
But uh, yeah, Shana, I’d like to see i think you know, the thing is my biggest challenge though, is that we always went on defense but number one number two, when we do have our offense we have a good running back but we always always have a good tight end to
Unknown Speaker 33:55
right I’m with you. I’m a defensive guy myself, you know, but I tell you if the kid certeyn from Alabama the cornerback is zero 11 you run up to the podium Yeah, those two quarterbacks there for how many in Brad buried him shut down.
Victor Arocho 34:13
Yeah. So it’s just a just a matter of where because I’ve always seen whenever we we started doing well, it’s when we get that bolted a tight end. For some reason, our tight actually make a difference. And then it opens up everything else and the sake lock comes back running the way he is because I think he’s still gonna come back strong. I think he’s gonna come back more motivated because of what the team was able to accomplish without him.
Unknown Speaker 34:37
I mean, I’m, I’m old school as a as I was never big enough, as he’s not a traditional Titan. I mean, you go back to bavaro you go back to shocky. You go. I mean, yeah. I mean, he like he live with the tight end that that scene passes. They’re always there. You know, and we only hear his ingerman speed is speed speed. But if you’re going to drop it, speed means in And yet more drops in anybody in the whole league.
Victor Arocho 35:02
Let’s just put it this way to me. I didn’t even consider him a tight end. Byron I considered him like a big receiver. He’s dropping the ball.
Byron Jones 35:12
Yeah, all the time it hit him on the hands bounce off his face and sky intercepted. I’m sure if put this way if it was Peyton back there the quarterback he did that repeatedly. He put beer he’d been gone. Peyton got rid of maybe even Eli Parker like You know what? I can’t throw this guy he got to go they’ve got rid of him.
Unknown Speaker 35:31
Yeah, not a poor kid pitch from from Florida. I mean, he’s a stud. You know people going to people don’t compare him to to Evan. But this kids 668 we look at his red zone no drops. You know it mean he’s a weapon. You know? Yeah.
Victor Arocho 35:48
That’s what the Kyle Pitts Yep. Saying that giants could get enjoy a fantastic do a tight end pitch is a versatile enough to play with Evan Ingram, and be moved around the formation and provide the quarterback Daniel Jones with a playmaker.
Byron Jones 36:03
That’s if Garrett calls a raid offense and doesn’t do what he usually does. First play play action. Second play outside zone three. comeback pass is predictable.
Victor Arocho 36:20
Yeah, they’re already talking about you know, the reason why we they were saying they were moving up that guy to offense more into the offense was because they’re thinking that Garrett is gonna get another shot as a head coach again. Well,
Byron Jones 36:34
what do we always say is the good old? Hmm.
Victor Arocho 36:40
I just think there’s just some coaches that are suited better for the position like being an offensive coordinator pretty much you’re, you’re the head coach, offensive, decent offensive quarter, right? That’s it. And sometimes those guys are just better at those positions like spagnola. He’s a terrible head coach. He’s a great defensive coordinator, Wade cook, terrible head coach, great defensive coordinator. Wherever he went his defensive.
Byron Jones 37:10
Coach, Pat Schumer. Great opposite coordinator. Awful New York Giants coach.
Victor Arocho 37:16
Right? Exactly.
Unknown Speaker 37:18
North North Turner, North Turner.
Victor Arocho 37:20
I mean, you can keep going and going and going and that’s where that’s why there’s probably a little they’re saying there’s a little discourse in Seattle not to get off into Jeff was because cows great guy, great coach, it’s just the defensive minded coaches. Right, the quarterbacks want it’s a quarterback league. It’s becoming a little difficult to have a defensive minded head coach when it’s a quarterback lead. Right so that may be something brewing brewing over there. All right, so all right, I think that I wouldn’t I think I’m okay with everything. So we got so far defense defense defense what we do agree we need some playmaker somewhere along the way. I think this year’s draft is going to be interesting because before we it’s March 11. Byron, what do you think that they’re gonna have to do something with these quarterback movements, because the reason why I’m understanding the culture we’re gonna go into to the Wentz trade, right. I won’t go into the quarterbacks going around right now. So they they’re saying that the reason why the Colts had so much power was that Wentz is $10 million was coming up that they were going to either have to pay it and try to get rid of them or get rid of them and not worry have to pay it.
Byron Jones 38:42
I probably wouldn’t want to give them an extra $10 million, because he didn’t want to be here now. And all these silly bands that I’m surrounded by over here, Dave was beating him upside the head. I’m sure Sonia with her finger friends, Karen and Tiffany, they probably have to play. They wanted him to golf, because he was at a point where he just didn’t want to be here. No more. He became a bad teammate, though he didn’t want to deal with, you know, fighting for a job. So maybe that’s the best thing for him to take his 120 $8 million and move along.
Victor Arocho 39:17
So right now in the in the NFC East, the giants are the most stable team right now.
Unknown Speaker 39:22
Washington’s pretty stable to them.
Victor Arocho 39:25
They have a quarterback. There’s a quarterback challenge there, though.
Byron Jones 39:28
Well, they signed a kid, the one that was starting before Alex Smith, adding anything to a two year contract.
Victor Arocho 39:37
He’s pretty good. He went bad. Wasn’t he like playing coaching football?
Byron Jones 39:43
He was coaching in the high school or something? Yeah, he’s not bad at all. He played a good game.
Victor Arocho 39:51
Yeah, well, we’ll see. I still think it’s unstable though. Right? Because you know, just because you had a good game there. Right now we’re, we’re the most stable in the NFC East which is kind of funny, but
Byron Jones 39:59
you We’ll make some probably the most stable defense. Washington defense is a top five defense that’s gonna carry them to, you know, a little bit step above the Giants right now.
Unknown Speaker 40:13
Yeah, no, I agree.
Unknown Speaker 40:17
If I say that again, that D line in Washington is is something to be reckoned with
Victor Arocho 40:23
you hadn’t there’s no doubt no and when I say meant stable apologize i mean is that there’s there’s not we’re just trying to figure out what players we’re gonna bring in. But you know, we’re not worried we’re not concerned about our quarterback even though we may be but was as a as an organization, right we’re not concerned about quarterback we got to start running back coming back. We have all our coaches. You heard of me there’s no problems. You know, Dallas has got his issues with with Dak and what’s going on there Philadelphia just got rid of Carson Wentz. Now you got Jalen hertz is, you know, gonna have to do something there. They got a brand new head coach. Right. And then you got Washington, which is doesn’t have secure quarterback. He did play well. But the, you know, again, their defenses there. That’s what I meant. Like there wasn’t. If it was a business from a business perspective, the least amount of issues going on. That’s distracting.
Byron Jones 41:17
Yeah, the most, the least amount of distraction.
Victor Arocho 41:22
Right. So did you see that? What by what’s an optional second?
Byron Jones 41:28
That’s what I got it here right here. 2021 for Wednesday, with the Coast Guard, they got to third this year for them and then 2022 they’re getting a second, but then it goes up to a first if he plays 75% of the games or whatever them. So the more he plays, which they’re going to hope he does, the higher up the tickets going down. So right now it’ll be a second but if he plays which he should to be, you know, they’ll get a first round pick from the Eagles next year.
Victor Arocho 42:01
Awesome. Thanks for explaining that because I didn’t know what to
Unknown Speaker 42:05
do you have optional second round
Victor Arocho 42:08
about the opposition second and first I’m going to go first, right? Jeff Jeffrey equals. He says was D Washington’s D is as good as they need. They need some secondary help, which is to Billy Abram Hello Vonda and Sonia. Yvonne Shane By the way, he’s on the phone. Thank you Shane, you also coach you know
Unknown Speaker 42:41
I coach for 30 years I’m now I just I’m just being a dad and watching my boys play.
Victor Arocho 42:47
That’s awesome. That’s awesome. Football right? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 42:54
That coach with the forge Bearcats for years and then we started up the Red Raiders with Mr. Bishop may rest in peace. And then they coached up here for years
Brian Vaughn 43:10
are you still in Jersey?
Unknown Speaker 43:12
I’m in brick New Jersey down the Jersey Shore
Unknown Speaker 43:17
sounds stronger than all of our
Unknown Speaker 43:22
I recognize
Byron Jones 43:27
the south park or anything on the other side of 195
Unknown Speaker 43:32
South Jersey
Byron Jones 43:34
who knew me
Unknown Speaker 43:37
that’s all jersey
Unknown Speaker 43:47
Eagle fans right here this is
Victor Arocho 43:49
bounded by snow and telephone poles you don’t Florida I don’t we don’t have telephone poles.
Byron Jones 43:55
Are you done yet?
Victor Arocho 43:58
Oh, that’s a clear sky this stars you can see stars.
Unknown Speaker 44:03
just rubbing it in.
Victor Arocho 44:07
So the so what do you think is gonna happen with Philadelphia? The only quarterback they have right now is um, is Jalen hertz. No. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 44:17
Byron Jones 44:19
I could see them picking a quarterback maybe if they don’t really like this new cloud doesn’t want to work with Jalen hertz. I don’t know why not. But I can see them maybe picking the quarterback.
Victor Arocho 44:31
There they were. They were mentioning that as well. Right. By the way they didn’t get back to Wednesday didn’t get a lot as much as people I think would have thought
Byron Jones 44:40
because he wasn’t worth it. He was worth a ham sandwich. So all the chips that’s all he was worth. That was it. That was it.
Victor Arocho 44:50
What do you think about Vonda What do you think about Ben? Big Ben in Pittsburgh? His his contract vironment and Where’s he going? No, I think he’s gonna take a cut.
Byron Jones 45:05
That’s a big cut because he figured I think his salary not 43 right.
Brian Vaughn 45:13
So what they tried to get another quarterback.
Byron Jones 45:16
Well, they got um, what’s the name Haskins and Mason Rudolph at a tool off?
Unknown Speaker 45:21
Right? Wasn’t he the fourth stringer Who?
Unknown Speaker 45:25
Rudolph Rudolph.
Byron Jones 45:27
He was the backup. But now they got my man they have Dwayne Haskins is gonna get fixed and he’s gonna be fine when he Pittsburgh because Mike Tomlin
Brian Vaughn 45:38
so I want to I want to know where my man gonna be going from Clemson. Trevor? Where’s
Byron Jones 45:43
Jacksonville? That’s easy. Maybe crazy not to take.
Victor Arocho 45:51
I don’t want to get him after that hiring of that coach.
Byron Jones 45:55
Oh, coil oil. Wherever that guy’s name is from Iowa. Yeah, yeah, I
Victor Arocho 45:59
was. I was. We were Facebooking with my my buddy Johnny terrorists, which, by the way is one of those who is a phenomenal baseball player for them. We played in college as well. We talked about Pete Rose, and how to travesty that he’s not in the Hall of Fame. You know, I don’t care what sport you played, but everybody knew who Charlie hustle was. Yeah. No matter what. They tried, they wanted you to hustle like to him. And a guy like him is not in the Hall of Fame. But you got coaches that are doing the stuff that they’ve been doing. And, you know, he never bet on he never, he never bet on. Hit the games. He
Byron Jones 46:38
came clean from the beginning. Instead of denied, denied, denied. It’s like he probably would have he probably would have got in.
Victor Arocho 46:45
I had a good friend of mine that used that all the time. So I don’t really
know if you saw the line, but I think he belongs in the Hall of Fame. I think it’s terrible.
Unknown Speaker 47:02
Pete Rose definitely can’t talk to you can’t talk about baseball there without talking about Pete Rose 3000 hits no steroids.
Victor Arocho 47:10
I mean, he never did anything that was in you know, there was nothing shown that he did anything that was detrimental to his own team. You know what I mean? guys get guys get in. When they they they were caught with drugs. How many how many Hall of Famers and I don’t want to I don’t want to bad name anybody but there’s several Hall of Famers recently that were caught with drugs right there’s always a harassment charges there’s other things like that and they get into the Hall of Fame and you know well he had an addiction or he had it this and that Okay, great. But gambling is the one of the worst addictions you could have because you can’t see it physically. right there’s no signs of it right? I just don’t I just don’t know what happened there
Byron Jones 48:00
Look at him he’s crying about you know he wants to be taken off the Hall of Fame list because he feels like with the Raiders the writers have given him a bad deal because of some of the very interesting things that he said and done in the past and he wants to be judged by his peers which are being with the seniors committee will he be with them that’s what he must be judged by them instead of a writer because I guess he feels the writers are gonna never let him in because of some of the things you know that he said you know politics this and that. Now he’s another guy that you know should be in but just sometimes your mouth
Victor Arocho 48:36
is not gonna guess that’s another issue for me I don’t know why they let writers make those kind of choices
even the even real even like like news news, we don’t believe you know, you’re gonna have a right you’re gonna have a Brady hater and you’re gonna write against Oh, man, you know?
Byron Jones 48:59
Well, if I had a vote I would vote for Brady.
Unknown Speaker 49:02
You would I would not he would have no you wouldn’t have to because they won’t they won’t even be a vote
Victor Arocho 49:08
because he’s just walking in there’s already there already created and still know what color hair to put on them but it’s got a bus made for him and everything. Alright, so let’s keep going there and they’re saying that Bruton more news around the league. Let’s see about the quarterback Shane. What do you think about the quarterbacks throwing your quarterback Would you like to see or you’re interested in seeing get moving around or we think is gonna happen with like, Ben, you got Ben, how many are there you got Aaron Rodgers. They don’t know if he’s gonna want to come back. You got Russell Wilson that wants some decision making and then you got the biggest one is the Sean deshaun. Watson.
Unknown Speaker 49:50
deshaun Watson. I mean, obviously, I mean, he wherever he goes, he’s going to change that team. I mean, who has the best bet to get them. I think the Jets I think they got the most to give, you know, with as far as draft picks, and you know, stuff, but I mean, it’s what have you done for me lately? These quarterbacks aren’t getting as much time as they used to get before. Just look at the 2016 draft, we already get rid of the Rams guy and we got wins. What are they wanting to in that draft? You’re gonna read that I’m sorry. It’s only like four, four years
Byron Jones 50:28
long ago,
Victor Arocho 50:29
but I’m telling you, we’re talking about that last week. It’s only been the last few years but before that they stopped picking quarterbacks in the first round because of these problems. They didn’t want to pay these big dollars. So they were picking you know, there were a lot of defensive guys were going early, you know, linemen. The quarterbacks were getting picked a lot lower. Because
Unknown Speaker 50:55
it’s such a it’s such a team back away is if they don’t work out. I mean, yours. You know, that rookie contract is what you live by and you got to win in that now. You know, you now know the Dallas, look at Dallas. They’re gonna pay they’re going to pay Dak all this money they got you got Zeke Elliott with all this money. They’re not gonna have any money to pay anybody else.
Victor Arocho 51:17
They haven’t struck a deal with Dak yet. But if I if I was the Jets, I would go do everything I can to go after Shaun Watson. I don’t know if he’d want to play there. But I would do everything because the the AFC East is still just the AFC East.
Byron Jones 51:31
Yeah, but I do want to give away the farm to get this guy. You know, they got you know, they got a new head coach. Well, how much
Unknown Speaker 51:39
do they have? They got they want to get one more game, right?
Byron Jones 51:43
Yeah, I’m just saying as far as with all the draft picks, they have a lot of draft picks and they have they have a tremendous amount of money with a salary cap, you know, the psyche. So that gave the Shawn Watson is not being they requested jets this year, number one, and number two this year. I’m just going out I don’t know for sure. He’s gonna number one next year. And number three next year. He’s gonna have four of his four, five picks, at least for him. And maybe even a player. Oh, yeah. I’ll do it. Do you want to do that though?
Unknown Speaker 52:17
I would.
Byron Jones 52:19
But are they ready to win now if you get him and you get rid of them? 2525 Yeah, but are you gonna wait you’re gonna it’s gonna take you if you give it all on pigs right? He’s yours he’s got 20 years Yeah, but you’re gonna be down there in the road three years down the road by the time you know they’re gonna win if they get rid of all this draft capital
Victor Arocho 52:38
they’re not gonna win in three years with whatever they do
Unknown Speaker 52:41
with the Jets
Unknown Speaker 52:42
Byron Jones 52:45
If they build the right way Yes, they will.
Victor Arocho 52:47
Yeah, yes. No way. They’re not gonna win. You got Miami and buffalo that you’re gonna have to come against and then you got Belichick that is either going to make that move to try to get back there or not I just think the Jets have to make a drastic they’ve been terrible for so long but decision making with gays the decision making they’ve done I think it’s worth the gamble. But he’s one guy.
Byron Jones 53:15
So what are you gonna do about the deeper I’m just saying that you know, you got a house for everybody 4050 points again probably probably not it’s it’s hard to go further down than you already down the basement I wouldn’t give up all that you know they got a new coach like I said, and they got you know, all this capital
Victor Arocho 53:37
O we’ll see how that we’ll see how that plays out. brownsberger is going to be a problem for these guys. By the way I’m seeing in the news area and is trying to get back up Jamie mentioned that and then to that a lot of these guys they’re trying to make a move for most of these guys want to try to sign up and stay
Byron Jones 53:59
like the the Golden State Warriors now everybody wants to go play with like back you know, few years ago everybody wants to go play gold say everybody wants to go run down there play Tampa for years people nobody wants to go there. But now you got Brady and all the weapons they got down there. Everybody wants to go running down there to get that ring.
Victor Arocho 54:16
Well, they’re just saying that that that it looks like what they have. They’re trying to keep everything they have with the salaries of that. I haven’t read too deep into it. But that would be interesting. If they add Odell Beckham. I just don’t know. I mean, what do you think Vonda you know your big giant? You said what do you think about if the Braves the Bucs get Odell Beckham? Because you saw what happened? You know, because you saw what happened with the Browns right? Baker Mayfield did a lot better than was.
Brian Vaughn 54:48
Yeah, but I don’t think that I mean, I’m Odell is going anywhere. Well, Dell gonna stay right there. Really?
Victor Arocho 54:55
He’s out. Okay. I think he’s out a bit. I think he’s
Byron Jones 54:59
just coming off. injury.
Victor Arocho 55:01
He’s coming off an injury. He was already not getting a lot of balls thrown to him because I predicted it. The first three games he barely had balls thrown his way. Forget about the way he cashed it. A guy like him is gonna not gonna be happy with that. And then I think his egos bruised.
Unknown Speaker 55:18
Maybe I’ll come back to the giants.
Byron Jones 55:24
Well, I know Mike here, I got a good one here. I know he’s listed this. Um, Donald, trade it to Washington. What do you think about that? From a mere equals equal guy Jeff equals? Yeah, he’s the Washington fan.
Victor Arocho 55:47
Yeah, he’s right. That’s a good that would be a good move. I think Donald’s pretty good. I think Jesse just babble for the Jets.
Byron Jones 55:53
And he can go out there and be a game manager for Washington. He doesn’t have to put it all on his shoulders. When everything
Victor Arocho 56:01
all right. Speaking about giving away the farm and fraternity brothers said the Jets have a farm that grows nine potatoes and three B three string B.
So give away too far. Give away those potatoes of the string beans. deigning the Jeff Jeff Jeff are saying they need a wide receiver Robinson from Chicago and they need a quarterback draft. hankie will be good we’ll be a good backup hediki I think you’re right now I don’t know if any key you know those guys could play one or two good games to play consistency consistently like that through seasons it’s it’s not easy not in the end especially in FCS I think he’s right there. Imagine our
Unknown Speaker 56:54
Victor Arocho 56:57
what do you think about that? So let’s let’s go to an apologist so I’m all over the place today. Trying to get prepared for this piece. I’m going through the NFL news. You got the quarterbacks you got sound, Watson What do you got? I know we got some.
Byron Jones 57:14
I got all the teams that probably be cool. I got my list. Thanks. They need no brute breeze. jaguars need a quarterback. Well, Brandon Stafford. The Falcons maybe with Ryan? The Cowboys and dolphins. Maybe either one of them. Would you man deshaun Watson. The Panthers are going to need a quarterback. The Lions already got golf for now. They might end up drafting another quarterback that he could be the stopgap for now. The Broncos also on my list are looking at trying to get to Shane Watson to 40. Niners they really don’t love Jimmy g i can see him ended up somehow some way. The Patriots.
Victor Arocho 57:57
That’s what they say. Yeah. And who is who is shooting for him to who is San Francisco shooting for? Was it Watson? Watson?
Unknown Speaker 58:08
What about what about the news that Carolina is going all in on Watson? They’re even offering up Christian McCaffrey. Would you do that? Oh, yeah, that’s
Unknown Speaker 58:15
right. That is too much.
Byron Jones 58:17
Well, you figured out the head coach, he has like a 55 year contract rule. So he ain’t going for the giants. And he ain’t going nowhere in no time. So if he screws this up. Yeah, he’ll still beat
Unknown Speaker 58:30
the watch Watson going back to his old Clemson grounds you know, that might be nice to
Byron Jones 58:37
definitely sell out with him. Under the order the team just bought a $73 million mansion down there somewhere in Florida someplace.
Unknown Speaker 58:48
Unknown Speaker 58:50
Byron Jones 58:52
tricky. Yeah, I’m sure yeah, I’m sure you probably wouldn’t be able to get the game.
Unknown Speaker 58:59
Out of gate. Oh,
Unknown Speaker 59:01
oh, here we go. Boy.
Unknown Speaker 59:03
No. Man, boy, you can’t take the boy You ain’t
Byron Jones 59:12
you ain’t jumping over the fence
Unknown Speaker 59:14
to jump over trust me man. I
Unknown Speaker 59:15
look pretty good in a suit and tie. Oh, here we go.
Unknown Speaker 59:20
I get my way through anywhere.
Victor Arocho 59:23
You know I got I always got real quick before we start wrapping up I got a lot of collared shirts you see me wearing it’s like you got all those hats and different stuff. We were taking our kids every time we were traveling the country. We take extra days to go to the visit all the colleges. Every time away you go. So every time I walk in to see my son play basketball, basketball player, so every time I walk into high school, I want to go and walk in with my iPad because I would like to keep his stats. Right? So I walk in if I had a Duke shirt on or University of North Carolina, they wouldn’t even let me pay. I’d walk in and this you know out of high school Kids are like, Oh my God, who she was a year to look at, who’s the scout and they always thought I was some kind of coach from somewhere. So I get in anywhere I want
Unknown Speaker 1:00:08
it like that.
Victor Arocho 1:00:09
I didn’t fake it. I just went to the game. And I didn’t say I still paid, I still offered to pay no coach, and then I sat down, and he’s a little high school kids and little high school kids are gonna do a little whispering and stuff. And I looked like a coach. They thought I was there for somebody. So it was pretty funny. My wife used to get me
Unknown Speaker 1:00:28
out of college.
Unknown Speaker 1:00:33
Enjoy it.
Victor Arocho 1:00:35
Carolina. All right, well, let’s, let’s see what we got. What do you think’s gonna happen next couple of weeks. I mean, we got March 11. Coming up, right. The draft coming up, the trades are going to have to be made. I don’t know, I think I think this draft is going to be a long draft. I think that’s when they’re gonna, they’re gonna start wheeling and dealing these quarterbacks for picks.
Byron Jones 1:01:01
Most of us get done probably before the draft, you know, wherever they’re gonna end up, there’ll be probably the draft because we want to get that done first. And that way, you got to figure out you know, what, who else you got to pick between, you know, with the free agency trade and, and, you know, the draft, that’s what it all the moves would be made them
Victor Arocho 1:01:18
for free agency starts March 11. Right, and then the draft right there in April. So in less than a month free agency is gonna get started. So they’re gonna have to start figuring stuff out. And like Shane said, I can’t believe they’d get rid of McCaffrey.
Byron Jones 1:01:34
What about this big one? The JJ watts. Got about him? Yeah, here, Cleveland Browns.
Victor Arocho 1:01:42
Yeah, I heard clearly about her Cleveland, her Green Bay,
Byron Jones 1:01:46
where he wants to go home. Could it play to Wisconsin,
Victor Arocho 1:01:48
right. And then he wants to he wants to go play with his brothers. Right in Pittsburgh. So he’s all over the place. But I think it was. You see what he did on Twitter. I thought that was pretty cool. He directly addressed the fans.
Byron Jones 1:02:03
Like we said before, something going on with that ownership down there. They’re all these guys want to get out of here.
Victor Arocho 1:02:08
Right. So where everybody wants to come play with Brady. Everybody wants to dance. You see we have a problem. Well, anyhow. Well, Shane, thanks for joining us show. hope you had a good time. Miss Sonia. She went to go uncork some wine. Appreciate your studious self, and your study. So good luck in your studies. Really appreciate it. And you know, we always end our show with peace before I say off the call when you tend to have Why are you looking at Austin now you look like Byron.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:47
Oh, gee, thanks. I’m glad.
Unknown Speaker 1:02:52
suave before
Unknown Speaker 1:02:55
black is the head the Red Hat the Red Hat. Like accented your black sweater.
Brian Vaughn 1:03:02
There we go. There we go.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:08
Put the hat on for the latter. Look, look at the difference.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:12
Yeah. Totally different.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:16
style brother.
Byron Jones 1:03:18
Come on now. No risky.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:20
No. No, you used to wear a uniform for most of your life but you know,
Unknown Speaker 1:03:25
style swag that Bruce Arians it swag. I keep telling you that. They,
Unknown Speaker 1:03:33
Vicki, you got to get one of those hats for next week.
Victor Arocho 1:03:36
I gotta find one. Oh, you’re going to get one I got I got one but not one like that. I got like a little beanie thing. I got something like that though. I haven’t when I go to the cold. I also got a big floor like a good place to go to Chicago and the snow came out. I was like now I know why I wear these hats.
Brian Vaughn 1:04:03
There’s my head right there behind me right there.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:08
Nice one.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:10
Hold on. Let me show you. Hold on. Let
Victor Arocho 1:04:12
me get my bearings. You don’t have to hold on.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:16
Oh, gee.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:20
I’m sure it’s gonna be interesting, huh?
Unknown Speaker 1:04:27
Well got a cowboy hat. No, no,
Byron Jones 1:04:31
I gotta know what the cowboy cowboy.
Unknown Speaker 1:04:38
Yeah, cowboy cowboy.
Byron Jones 1:04:39
I got one of your white one.
Brian Vaughn 1:04:41
cowboy boots too.
Byron Jones 1:04:43
Now you gotta be too big for Pancho Villa.
Unknown Speaker 1:05:19
Boy, I got I got an old one, it’s probably my like, you know how hard it is to have winter stuff in Florida.
Byron Jones 1:05:27
I’ve never lived in Florida, so I wouldn’t know.
Victor Arocho 1:05:31
It ain’t easy trying to have your stuff. So I love my hat. Gotta be careful with it. Alrighty, so let’s let’s wrap this up. It was a my apologize a little slow today. So let’s go here. And then we’ll mention some athletes. Freedom is security or precious gifts that we as Americans should never take for granted. We must do all we can to extend our hand and our hand in times of need to those who willingly sacrifice each day to provide that freedom and security. While we can never do enough to show gratitude to our nation’s defenders, we can always do a little more. Gary Sinise, that’s the Gary Sinise, si ni. Se foundation.org is for our service, a military or service, and it’s for first responders. So please, you could donate. Jeffrey, I’m sorry. You lost but I won and I donated it. So what about the Oh, my fraternity brother called me Juan Valdez. And he’s been a fourth day I guess, Italian guy. They want to call me a gangster. He calls me Juan Valdez. Go figure. My my android B will call me a gangster. The Italian calls me one ball dead. Something’s wrong with that makes us Sanyo when I look at Billy’s and Sony went on a wine run. Jeremy said gotta go. Good show guys. See you next week. Thank you guys, because you also join in a message in in, Greg, by the way, Greg is a hockey player was fantastic hockey player for my fraternity brother in college. So that’s his, that’s his sport of choice. And there is something I want to say Well, what I wanted to say happy birthday to miss Sonia. What’s her birthday and I want to say Happy anniversary. To the women. Go ahead.
Brian Vaughn 1:07:30
But oh, the Marines. Were 78 years old. I look good for 78.
Victor Arocho 1:07:47
So here’s one thing I have to say, though, so. So when when you wrote that, right, I thought that was fantastic. So, but then I got scared of what to write. So I go, I’m having a slew of women. And I’m like, Okay,
Unknown Speaker 1:08:04
I’m happy for the Marines that,
Unknown Speaker 1:08:06
you know, we’re Marines. I’m like, okay, so go. I say congratulations to the women who have read or have read. So I just left it at marine.
Brian Vaughn 1:08:13
Just Happy anniversary. That’s it.
Victor Arocho 1:08:18
Yeah, so that was how many years prior to that.
Brian Vaughn 1:08:21
What you said, we’ve been around for seven, eight years. And the Marines have been around for 17. They we’ve been around for over 200 years.
Unknown Speaker 1:08:32
Yes. So women were able to get I must have been really hard for women is beginning.
Brian Vaughn 1:08:37
Yes. Yes. It was even hard. It was even hard when I enlisted. I said, I know. I had my little trials and tribulations with male Marines. But I think we all overcome that. So
Byron Jones 1:08:48
yeah. Are the women. We need to get the one guy I’ll call him one day. Troy Parker. He has a good story about when he saw you. No,
Unknown Speaker 1:08:57
no, no,
Unknown Speaker 1:08:59
no, Troy.
Brian Vaughn 1:09:00
Yeah. Yeah, kind of scared. And when I was a drill instructor when Troy was down there was in the Marines shoe.
Victor Arocho 1:09:12
Oh, the drill instructor, your drill instructor while he was in when he came in? Yes.
He must have got excited in the beginning and then hated it. Because you probably what about you? Did you feel like kind of it’s gonna be hard because as a drill instructor, you’re gonna be hard on everybody. But then it’s almost like psychologically, you must think that I gotta be harder on this person.
Brian Vaughn 1:09:33
It was scary though. Even when I went through boot camp, I remember seeing it and I was like, I know that face somewhere. Alice, Slomka go back. She was she was a drill instructor when I was a recruit. She played basketball for Perth Amboy. And I was like, I know I know that name. I know. I know that face. And I was terrified of her.
Victor Arocho 1:09:53
And the product was a marine to
Unknown Speaker 1:09:55
Victor Arocho 1:09:56
And abroad, it was a marine. So you like Lou Gossett, Jr. In a job in an officer officer is often
Brian Vaughn 1:10:04
a gentleman Yeah, cuz I trained enlisted and officers
Victor Arocho 1:10:14
that don’t say that. Right. Thank you. Laughter Well, congratulations. Thank you to the to the women Marines and for the Marines recognizing that they need a lot more brains than brawn.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:33
We do both
Victor Arocho 1:10:34
by having by having women by women joy. So I met you don’t leave it here. I met a gentleman this weekend. We went to brunch with my sister and brother in law. Okay. Social discontent. Yeah. Okay. Actually, he paid. I was really thankful for him. To do that. We normally just go ducks. We don’t really,
Unknown Speaker 1:10:58
Unknown Speaker 1:10:58
Yeah, yeah. cheap. Hope not me. Far from it. Trust me.
Unknown Speaker 1:11:05
Victor Arocho 1:11:06
I should have been but I never was my style. But anyways, when I went there was gentleman, an older gentleman on and he had a body question Puerto Rican shirt on. I’m in Miami, he’s always accused. So I go and I share what he started talking. And then I recognized he had a mass with the army. So that’s pretty funny. And my dad was 20 years in the Army. That’s Puerto Rican. So that was a walk it out. You know, I say goodbye to the gentlemen. I see my fraternity said I’m not cheap, because he’s definitely not cheap. Thank you, Greg. Juan Valdez thank you for coffee. Um, so anyways, I walked out and I said, Hey, thank you for your service. You know, my dad was in the Marines. And so he goes, Oh, yeah, he was in for 20. He said he was in for 23 years. His wife was in the Navy for 26. Wow. You know, they must have been my dad’s 86. So that’ll be up there. I got some of the Oh, I’m loud, but not cheap. returns.
Byron Jones 1:12:08
Okay. That’s better.
Victor Arocho 1:12:10
That’s a fact. I’ll stick to that. I’ll stick to that. All right. Well, God bless. Thank you again. Remember, you can follow our show to follow us and subscribe to us and like us on all your channels. Let me just do my out my out piece. And you can follow you see our sports cast one net or sports cast dotnet. You can follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one. Please join our show next Thursday at 8pm. Send me your questions, your comments. You know today was more laid back relaxed show as we’re picking up speed. Some of this is my fault. Apologize. But it’s always a good time to have the Jones on. Have a good time. Byron, you know, I learned a lot from you. You called. I just want to make a point that Byron has made statements prior to these major broadcast sports guy stating that I text them right. You just finished saying your Jase I gotta give props Byron.
Before you guys said this, he said Byron Byron, thank you. I’ve learned a lot while you’re on the show. I enjoy doing the show with you my brother and God bless and everybody stay safe and stay warm.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:28
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