In this episode, Victor Arocho and Byron Jones cover the latest on the NFL and the behind the scenes with scouts.
Victor Arocho – @varocho
Byron Jones
Victor Arocho 0:12
live out of Miami Fort
Unknown Speaker 0:13
Lauderdale. Welcome.
Victor Arocho 0:16
This is Victor rojo Welcome to the Jersey Boys short, a sports show hosted by Byron Jones and Victor roadshow brought to you by the sports cast. Today’s February 25 2021. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to all our channels. Subscribe to the sports cast on YouTube, Periscope and iTunes. And if you’re an iTunes, please download our app and leave us a review. It’ll help us out quite
Unknown Speaker 0:40
a bit.
Victor Arocho 0:41
And you can also visit us at the sports cast dotnet or follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one, please check out the iOS on our app once more. And we’re getting ready to go. Sorry about the delay. Byron, can you hear me okay?
Byron Jones 0:58
Yes, I can. Okay, great.
Victor Arocho 1:00
We’re streaming live on Facebook and in YouTube.
Unknown Speaker 1:03
Let’s get going.
Victor Arocho 1:05
We had a great day we had up quite a bit coming up. So I’m gonna ask you to whether because you didn’t send me any pictures.
Byron Jones 1:12
So there you go. It was like a heat wave here. 50 degrees.
Unknown Speaker 1:16
It was a heat wave. 50 degrees.
Victor Arocho 1:21
It was beautiful hair. Okay, where’s my my my topics? And I just didn’t I just send you the topics.
Byron Jones 1:28
Yeah, Facebook.
Victor Arocho 1:34
Computer breakdown today will tell you what’s happened with the Giants which will tell you we’re going to talk about the giants. Find out some news. Some of the pics have changed. Right? I can’t believe somebody deleted something. Maybe I asked him what news is happening with the Giants? Are you seeing the top 40 see the top 10 they’re picking a lot of the guys we said we were gonna pick the tight end. Kyle pits, cow pits. Some of the receivers the guys that are still available, I think though are going to be the edge model. Because it’s gonna be a lot of offense taking the first five rounds. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 2:17
Victor Arocho 2:18
what is a? Any updates would take one?
Byron Jones 2:23
Nothing. No, that’s that’s a good thing while you’re here. He’s saying that. No news is good news.
Victor Arocho 2:29
You say that every week is true. I’m just hoping to hear something from him. We don’t I mean,
Byron Jones 2:35
are. Y’all stay out of the news? That’s a good thing.
Victor Arocho 2:41
Can we should be streaming now so I can get that. That’s us. I can see the comments. I don’t know what he’s doing. So let’s go to Kepler’s picks. I got him here. Here’s a mock draft that we’re talking about today. So some of it still seems old. Right. But Kepler has us think we can get Jaylen waddle the receiver from from Alabama. Right. Right. Didn’t he mentioned the Android but see they still talk about this talking about the same guy so I can’t tell this is old see mentioned in cockpits, but he’s in the top 10
Byron Jones 3:26
he got hyper hyper hyper Mel Kiper? Yes, his name is Mel Kiper. The list I got today I got Charlie castle, a shell the guy that puts up a list and he still hasn’t you know, the top five is uh, you know, Trevor Lawrence with Jacksonville. You got a trade probably he was thinking that the Panthers are going to trade up to number two to try to get a quarterback or the Jets might stay where they are and take a quarterback and a quarterback they got here Zach Wilson, the guy from IBM what BYU right? Then Miami on castle he got Jamar chase them five receiver that sat out this year from LSU. Or if Carolina Panthers stay at for where they’re at now. That a tre Lance a quarterback from North Dakota State to play one game and they got film for one game for him this year. And they still have the big tackle from Oregon to set out this year. So going to Cincinnati because a guy doesn’t need to be protected. Joe burrow. So looking at a tackle. We got it goes a surprise. The vontae Smith to the Eagles maybe? Really? Yeah, that’s what he has on here. But you know, I’m thinking you because they already moved on from Sean Jackson and Al Sean Jeffries, but it probably gonna be received Then we have Michael Parsons the linebacker from Penn State. What a Detroit Lions. Probably not this is high. Throw it out there and you know maybe just to the Colin with this one. They got Nagi Harris number the eighth pick going to arm the Atlanta Falcons with a trade the Falcons trade back they got Denver Caleb Farley Bailey that’s another kid cornerback that on set out this year from Virginia Tech. And all here you got the giants like 11 he has Jalen wall or pits, or the edge rusher from Miami Russa or Russo whatever his name is, or the vontae Smith, the pic 11.
Victor Arocho 5:53
He will Yeah, parts that I had on my, on my outline them trying to look inside of our piece on the event itself, but it was talking about when I wanted to talk about the giants and who they’re going to pick. So you know, we still don’t know in the 14 but it was funny. Kipling was talking about and I wanted to get your response on this. He was talking about you know, predictability how last year they they were stating how, you know, Josh Allen wasn’t really going to be that great of a quarterback. He was talking about Justin Herbert and they were the scouts were also talking about this year’s Justin fields. So he was laughing because it was all Jays. So what he’s saying that the scouts themselves should be or our art should be held accountable to the breeding predictivity of a player in the NFL, because they’re the ones watching them all the time.
Byron Jones 6:51
And but you really don’t know if their game is going to translate from where they were to the NFL. Because you have like most of those guys like Justin Herbert, he didn’t he was on the center that much but he would know Wyoming soft they weren’t yelled at the team was awful. The people around him were awful meal plan to bad weather, Joshua for Buffalo, and they didn’t know how would you notice this guy? You know, it’s gonna succeed the way that and it also helped that he got a real Brian Gable, a coach from Alabama, coach them up.
Victor Arocho 7:26
Okay. Yeah, but I mean, I just hear now I got everything now. I had a copy back from Facebook. I hate nothing. Um, no, but he had some legitimate pieces, right. You know, the, the scouts or the these teams are paying the scouts to evaluate talent. And you know that in college, right, the best teams are usually have the best recruiting classes. Right. At least in their conference, you went out recruit your conference, and you want to recruit the country? fair? Yeah. Okay. So those scouts are held accountable to but in the NFL, where they’re paying them big dollars, and then picking all these quarterbacks, right, and all they’re doing a lot. They are picking a lot more offense in these drafts than they have been in the past.
Byron Jones 8:13
Because now it’s a quarterback driven league. The pervert had it came out last year, he would have been the number one pick. And I’m thinking the Giants would have tried to jump up to get him last year.
Victor Arocho 8:26
Right. But so he’s talking about that, that the scouts were predictive of the success of Josh Allen, I know we’re seeing who’s calling them out. Right. And then the other quarterbacks. I’m just saying to you, though, those are pretty some high right, those are, there were several interviews, making a point. It’s not just them, they get wrong. Right. You know, some guys and Miss Brady, right. There’s a whole bunch of pieces there. But I wanted to bring that out. And they were saying that a scout should scout with anticipation. What this How does he see this person? Like they were saying, what he was saying is that they were given to a has the right arm strength is the good quarterback is ranking them above these three players.
Byron Jones 9:07
Victor Arocho 9:08
right. And he’s saying, look, you know, you got to do a better job as well that I get. That’s now I remember where it came from. But you
Byron Jones 9:15
can’t you can’t predict how these guys are going to do going to get the NFL. You know, you have looking What’s his name? Robert Griffin. Right. He was a Heisman Trophy winner won all kinds of stuff. Your college got the NFL first year Rookie of the Year You know, he did well then next year though he just fell off fell off the wagon, you know, because of injuries and just he wasn’t coached up right? You know, and they’re not going to be 100% all the time. That’s just you know, you got to hit or you got to miss that’s it.
Victor Arocho 9:51
I agree with their because they’re making back then they’re at least now they’re they’re picking more quarterbacks are coming out, right. So they’re just saying I guess he was saying From my perspective, I kind of agreed with him like that. He’s just saying that they’re picking more and, you know, the scouts needs to be held a little bit accountable and they should do better predicting of, you know, a lot more pieces as opposed to someone they like, or they think
Byron Jones 10:16
about how, you know, how are you gonna know for sure you’re not, you’re never gonna know for
Victor Arocho 10:21
sure. But look how many they got wrong. Right, Josh Allen, Justin Herbert and he say that he feels Justin fields would do well as well. I guess he was defending the fact that the critics were saying that Justin fields isn’t going to be made is not going to do as well in the in in the NFL, and we still don’t know how Jalen hertz is gonna do either. Right.
Byron Jones 10:40
But when you go back to like the Ohio State, quarterbacks look at all the ones that came out in that offense. And I’m talking about y’all know, I’ma leave though the one kid alone that Washington had, but all the ones prior to him. None of them have succeeded at the quarterback level. They’re all played at a high level. They all put up tremendous numbers you know, at you know, at Ohio State. And then when they got to the NFL it just did their game just didn’t translate and I’m sure the audio this guy’s The best thing since sliced bread. He’d You’re right, he could throw a ball, but it just didn’t work out. Well, speaking
Victor Arocho 11:15
of that, let me ask your question. How does a guy like Matt Cassel, right? Go to USC never play it down, but was behind some really good quarterbacks was on the winning, you know, national championship teams. This is last night was in high school and still makes it in the NFL. Like how does that happen?
Byron Jones 11:37
He was better than the other guys hitting the cap. Do you figure did you figure though USC is a high? No, that’s a big program. So you know they’ve been scout. scouts sales go to coach don’t go there. Yo you got the coaches are probably talking him out. And he just got lucky. He made a lot of money.
Victor Arocho 11:58
I mean, he had the size. It was not like he didn’t have the size.
Byron Jones 12:01
I had a teammate. He was drafted one pic before me Dean Hamels name. You want to Washington Redskins. He ended up you know, he never started with us. They never started with us. He was an offensive lineman. When he first got there. Then he switched to the defense of his senior year. You know, draft comes around here, Ron, he was strong as an ox. Also, you know, he went to the right team. He made the team. He ended up being a Super Bowl winner. He even won a Super Bowl. When he won, like 8186
Unknown Speaker 12:31
john Riggins,
Byron Jones 12:33
whatever. Wasn’t Tom Brady? Yeah, Doug Williams with Doug way. If he was on that team, he was a special teams Captain on that team. He never started at Tulsa. All takes a bit. He never did. You know, all it took, you know, just be in the right place at the right time. And he was he played the other play in five years.
Victor Arocho 12:51
Yeah. And also you can’t teach sighs you there’s certain things you just can’t teach. Right. So I just I just wanted to ask that question. And then so the NFL Draft. Okay, how is it discussed job provide some predictive success. So, all the way from Mark sorry about the about Dak. Let’s go look at like, what do we see the top picks? We know, let’s go. We know that Trevor Lawrence is going What do you think about him going to play for Urban Meyer
Byron Jones 13:24
that’s the only reason he probably went there because they got the number one pick. And they have a $2 million in cap space. So they just start off, you know, running and not be a complete flop. No, quickly.
Victor Arocho 13:38
Right. Also, he’s also been he’s pretty been successful with when he
Byron Jones 13:44
has a good quarterback. Well, hopefully he doesn’t do what he usually does is all sudden, you know, the pressure gets to him a little bit. And next, you know, he gets sick and he has to go. That’s happened twice. Say that again? With Urban Meyer. Yeah. What did he do what Florida all of a sudden, you know, he had health issues. He had to leave. He went Ohio State he got health issues. You got to go so hopefully things don’t get tight on him at the NFL level because it’s gonna get tight. And all of a sudden I have health issues. I gotta go
Victor Arocho 14:20
well, you know, he’s already proven a history of that. So why do you think it’s gonna be different?
Byron Jones 14:24
Hopefully, you know, if he succeeds, he will have health issues. If he’s losing everything is going to be bothered. I think everything is gonna be fresh from the top of his head to the bottom of his feet frenzy
Unknown Speaker 14:40
Victor Arocho 14:42
yeah, I can’t imagine I mean that’s another thing you got you got a guy that you know is there for a while that has a health issue but you know, he’s one might still think there’s better guys out there a lot of a lot of turmoil going on with tiger. So here’s what they have here. The jaguars Pick in Lawrence. They got Zach Wilson a quarterback from going into jets.
Byron Jones 15:07
Victor Arocho 15:08
Really? Okay. The dolphins devonte devonta Smith, there’s still a lot of talks, you know that Watson Watson mentioned that Miami would be a team you’d want to play for
Unknown Speaker 15:21
give up too much too much together.
Victor Arocho 15:24
Right. So they got devante Smith, he’s from Alabama. That’s a good person to for to to throw to. Yes, it is very, very familiar with Trey Lance and other quarterbacks. Latest offense, offense, offense first four first five. So Trey Lance is going to Atlanta supposedly is a mock draft right. Where’s he from?
Unknown Speaker 15:48
He’s only a sophomore. Both Dakota State
Victor Arocho 15:52
is only a sophomore dude. He’s a redshirt sophomore. And he’s going that far that high up that is crazy. To cheese. The bangles are picking jomar chase wide receiver can’t see where he’s from but LSU What do you see if not no worries from LSU LSU LSU they got the Eagles taken Pitts Yep. Right. So that would be good for Justin. There’s a linebacker
Unknown Speaker 16:26
Mike up Georgia Yeah,
Victor Arocho 16:27
he’s good. In seventh we got Justin fields going all the way down. That’s what they were saying they got they can’t believe that guy trade jumped ahead of Justin fields. And that’s what Kip was talking about. He’s like you know these guys they lower the bar and Josh Allen and Justin her and all these guys and to a higher ranking
Byron Jones 16:48
there but look who had the best year of all them was Justin Herbert. He put up big numbers in San Diego or Los Angeles.
Victor Arocho 16:55
Josh Allen did pretty well. They both did. That’s what that was the whole point. He’s arguing Justin fields case. Right. So they’re saying that the market we’re looking for mkhaya Mark Parsons. Yep. We have picked 11 I think we have picked 1411 Okay, good. Dallas getting outside Lyman
Byron Jones 17:21
Slater from north Northwestern Yeah, no.
Unknown Speaker 17:27
Pete pennwell Penny one
Byron Jones 17:29
penny well Penny
Unknown Speaker 17:31
Unknown Speaker 17:32
go where?
Unknown Speaker 17:32
Unknown Speaker 17:34
now nobody’s picking
Unknown Speaker 17:37
huh 10
Byron Jones 17:40
but he’s not gonna drop that one
Victor Arocho 17:42
they ascertain is nine fields is as a big old jewelry is seven Pittsburgh in the title I like that kid pits. I don’t know who this jumar chases trade lands so that was what the argument was CIC trade lands being picked hired and Justin fields
Byron Jones 18:06
figure they have a lot of film on Justin field. Now play Ohio State now this year and I’ll know what happened you know cuz he didn’t get hurt. You know, the game before the national championship game. And you know, he hurt his ribs or whatever when he got blown up. And maybe he was still hurting but he didn’t play well. You know, well as he should have. And the other kid they only have one year of film on him North Dakota State because you know, they you know canceled the rest of the year. No, this year so I played one game at the beginning of the year and that’s all the film that they have on there based on like its cost of life going on potential what he might be able to do right
Victor Arocho 18:51
What do you think I think he’s gonna do well with with right up there. Indianapolis is good is a good place for him.
Byron Jones 19:02
It was a perfect place warm they got off of the line. They got a good running game. They got a good defense. So he fell right into something good.
Victor Arocho 19:10
I said it from the beginning dude, how can you be paid that much money and then thought of as the future of that team and then go to work every day with the statue of the guy that replace you won the Superbowl? Like he got I don’t know about you. I get out of town. Get out of dodge. Why?
Byron Jones 19:31
filled up is a great sports town.
Victor Arocho 19:34
And I’m just I’m just saying that I have always said that. You know if they erected a statue of Nick foles and you got to go to work. And he replaced you, man. It’s like, what was that guy? Mickey Mantle took over for? I’m not a Dodge. You know, you’ll never compete.
Byron Jones 19:54
Competition competition makes you better. I would
Victor Arocho 19:57
just take the statue down. Why? But I
Byron Jones 20:01
didn’t put it up. You know what they got a picture. They got the statue of raffia. What brought me to do besides being a movie made Philadelphia
Unknown Speaker 20:08
boxes on the map.
Byron Jones 20:11
They were already bought here, Joe Frazier
Victor Arocho 20:16
and became well known and loved them ran in the park. You ran up the stairs. Have you? Have you run up the stairs? What stairs?
Unknown Speaker 20:26
Were Rockies? Oh, I looked at it.
Victor Arocho 20:32
I don’t see anything on our live stream here. I don’t know what’s happening. But it’s okay. So let’s see what we got next. Right. So we got dad going on. We got the trades going on. We got the I just think things are gonna switch even more. Right in the draft, I think there’s gonna be more trades early on, something’s gonna take place.
Unknown Speaker 20:56
Victor Arocho 20:56
I hear that Seahawks there haven’t eaten Russell Wilson is saying he wants to stay. But you know, he would be interested in the own What’s going on?
Byron Jones 21:05
Those quarterbacks are trying to be like, the basketball player that I said it before, where they want to dictate personnel decisions, you know what office, they’re going to run, what office a coordinator gotta get, and it don’t work like that in NFL, they’re not going to do that.
Victor Arocho 21:20
So they’re threatening to leave in lieu of that we say, Okay,
Byron Jones 21:24
I know about it. Good luck. Good luck trading yourself.
Victor Arocho 21:30
And with that big salary
Byron Jones 21:34
thing ain’t going anywhere. You know, they’re gonna be quiet. And they’ll be a good soldier. That is.
Victor Arocho 21:43
That is crazy. That is crazy. Well, we got a lot of news happening in. I’m going to wait for Mark If not, we can get into the deck situation. See what you think. If he joins us, let’s give him a few minutes. I want to get a little bit to some of the NBA that I saw. Saw a little bit NBA for now. Because I’ve been dying to get this out. I don’t know if you’ve had a chance to watch the pelicans versus the Celtics?
Byron Jones 22:09
What the 24 point gave up thing.
Unknown Speaker 22:12
Yeah. You saw that.
Byron Jones 22:16
I couldn’t take any more because they don’t nobody plays defense that that irks my nerves so bad watching these guys run down court, and they hoisted up 30 foot shots and 40 foot shots all of them nobody plays defense anymore. Nobody
Victor Arocho 22:32
Well, there’s this scene and that’s starting to but I’m gonna tell you the story here is this play videos this kid first of all had a lot to say about that game. Just too long. I wanted to just give you an idea. This kid Zion and then Jalen. A Jason Tatum are incredible and then just the whole team of several players on this hot selling product. Get this word get rid of this ad but
Unknown Speaker 23:18
nice your income and change your life.
Unknown Speaker 23:22
Change Your Life.
Unknown Speaker 23:41
What if one hot selling Amazon product could replace your income and change your life? Hi, I’m Sophie Howard. And I
Victor Arocho 23:53
don’t know if I’m supposed to do this by Aaron but we’re gonna check this out. But what it showed me was how awesome like
Unknown Speaker 24:02
did you see
Victor Arocho 24:06
that I said I forgot to optimize the window. Okay sound All right. Yeah, better
Unknown Speaker 24:20
answer keep a person from getting into the pain off the drive.
Victor Arocho 24:25
I just want to get to later in the game. So the pelicans were losing like, Oh, man. Nice pocket. Okay. Back to Mr. Thompson. That’s
Unknown Speaker 24:34
pretty good. Often.
Victor Arocho 24:35
Zion Williams relocation by any not too bad first half. And I was able to catch the highlights. And what was impressive to me wasn’t good that the SE gave of a 17 attacking that shot 65 to 49. You say that, Myron? Yep. Okay. So they’re getting blown out and Zions a shadow Bad bad game. First half. Okay, I was stopped for that, but he had a really bad game. Then in the second half, and we they were down very far and Boston’s a good team. But kemba Walker. Forget Jalen something and Tatum. They were doing their part. But all of a sudden, it’s like the energy of Zion Williamson to sloop lifted his entire team. And he sound like he’s got as many players as that I could name on Boston, and they ended up winning by five. But then when it got close, and you know, you have to make those clutch shots. All the stars are making those shots that moved into overtime, and then one team has to lose. Right. So the sad part is that Celtics let them get catch up with such a far lead. Right? That was the bad one. And it was also good that you saw a young player playing till the end and his team response to him, and he was passing it, he was taking shots. And he was he’s just like a young beast of a man over the other players. Then the other part is when it got close, like Jason Tatum was taking some great shots. kemba Walker was taking some great shots, like the stars were playing. Does that make sense? Yeah. That to me was amazing to watch. Right? If they lost, it was nice that you I can explain it. Like, you knew when those stars got the ball, they were going to make sure they were going for there, right there were there was no looking at past there was no thinking, you know, he was gonna make they were gonna make the game. So I really, really enjoy enjoy that game. And you know, one thing about basketball I do like is that it could lift up enough of the players. Because there’s less players that the role players start either buying into it or they fall to it right? What are your thoughts?
Byron Jones 27:06
pretty much saying no, if you get my thoughts, right. Because Mark Mark calls. he’s not, he’s not calling today.
Unknown Speaker 27:23
We talked about we can talk about him and
Byron Jones 27:26
beat up we can beat down the capitalism.
Victor Arocho 27:29
And then I’ll let you go in there because I watched the game, but it was I want I want to see and then I’m going to ask you something that you can answer at least with it as it relates to LeBron, right? So LeBron, they’ve lost a couple games a DS been out, right? And LeBron comes on and says, you know, my teammates are doing part I gotta, I gotta do my part. I got to make those shots when I need to make bah, bah, bah. And then the narrative on the next day with Steven a Smith and Kellerman was, you know, is it okay for the Lakers to ask LeBron that he should do more? And they’re like, answering yes, it’s okay. He’s supposed they should ask him that he should do more. And that kind of bothered me and I want your, your response to that is because they’re agreeing that the Lakers should ask him to do more. And that’s not what LeBron said, LeBron Brian asked himself to give up once he wants to do more. He took the leadership role, right. It wasn’t the the team, the management that asked them, he put that upon himself. So anyhow, what are your thoughts? I just didn’t like the way they dressed it. He was
Byron Jones 28:36
the leader of the team, who wants to one thing when things go good, because all the credit, things go bad. Because the bad stuff, you got to be able to take the good with the bad. And, you know, for the most part, he’s done his whole career. Right.
Victor Arocho 28:51
But But I guess it was more than he did, like a team that had asked him he was gracious, you know, he’s great enough to not blame anybody other than the fact that I’m gonna play better. They were like, Well, yeah, of course, they should ask.
Byron Jones 29:04
I’m sure behind closed doors, you know, he’s a blast and people don’t kind of like the same thing Michael Jordan did for years. People. Yeah, probably.
Victor Arocho 29:21
I don’t know. I just thought I just thought there when a player himself says it, but but if it came out that the Lakers had a conference, and they said, Well, we expect more from them Braun, that would have been a totally different error.
Byron Jones 29:40
They’ll never do that. Then they go bears him or I noticed.
Victor Arocho 29:44
Well, the way they said it that the Lakers have the right to ask them to do more. I’m like, No, that’s not what happened. But Brian is taken upon himself. He’s big boy. Yeah. And and his roleplayers got to play bear coups was not playing the you know, they were in the high last year. You don’t know if those players can can sustain the same thing going on. They had Rondo that a few guys they lost.
Byron Jones 30:05
They got they got their rings that are good now.
Victor Arocho 30:07
Well, we’ll see. We’ll see if they go back to play the unit to playing well, so your sisters that happy about the Knicks? Yeah. So that let me ask you a question. So what do you think about Dak situation? Do you think he’s gonna pay him? Do you think they’re not gonna pay him? I mean, I feel bad for the guy. He’s, he’s the topic. They’re just hanging around. I mean,
Byron Jones 30:28
why I put this out there with Mark when I was talking to him earlier. I said that said, I know jerry jones is getting older. He wants to wind down, like right now. No, you know, go out a blaze of glory. And I said, You know what? He might make a jerry jones splash and say, You know what? I want to Shawn Watson trading. I just threw this out there to number one picks this year next year, and Zack Martin for him. Yeah,
Victor Arocho 30:57
Eric is Jerry Jones knows what it’s like to go what it
means to say, Hey, I don’t blame them, though. I’d go for it. I like to Shawn Watson. I’m seeing some stuff on on some social media pieces where people were like saying he’s a fake. He’s a joke. This and that. I’m like, he’s a great chord. You know, I mean, get into it. But for me, I think he’s a phenomenal he’s only 25. I think he’s a great quarterback.
Byron Jones 31:27
But like with that situation, what are we gonna go? You can’t pay him at the top of that level, you know, the 42 million or whatever, like Big Ben and Aaron Rodgers at that level. But you got to put them he goes somewhere in the middle, in the middle. Now what a quarterback is between 35 and 40. So I will go as high as 36 million a year for him. He’s worked back.
Unknown Speaker 31:52
Does he want more?
Byron Jones 31:55
Who knows you figured agent is Bobby asking for more? Yeah, I want I want Russell Wilson money. I want Aaron Rodgers money and saying, Bobby 40 No, they probably asked him 40. But he should settle for 36. I will take 36 and run. Oh, you will see 36 and B you will hear from me? To practice, I shall practice. But I would take that 36 million and I would be a happy camper with 36 million. Oh my god.
Victor Arocho 32:26
Well, you know, I think that um, it’s just, I feel bad for the guys playing and playing on a one year contract for the last two years. No. Yeah,
Byron Jones 32:35
I did you figure you got hurt. No, last year. And you know, he did. He didn’t start off like a blaze. You know, the things that he did quiet, you know, he’s proven that he was worth all that money. So hopefully, you know, he’ll recover from, you know, terrible injury and you know, can continue on the path, you know, upward.
Victor Arocho 32:56
Just trying to see if we’re getting any messages. I can’t see him from here. What’s going on?
Byron Jones 33:04
I got on here to match the market value for him is $36.8 million for DAC
Unknown Speaker 33:09
that lies just about is that Gordon? Commissioner Gordon? said hello to you. You’re on here. Oh, who was it? I thought of you. Who are they talking about? They were talking about someone who kept they were recording video them saying one thing?
Unknown Speaker 33:45
You’re on video.
Unknown Speaker 33:48
He said watch it to say we got denied that
Unknown Speaker 33:57
sounds Bona.
Unknown Speaker 33:58
Okay. But it was pretty, pretty funny. All right, let you know. I’m pologize I thought Mark was gonna come on. And I was prepared for the Dallas Cowboy piece. So
Victor Arocho 34:10
I don’t I’m I’m pretty excited about next year. I don’t know about you. I’m just you know, I’m hoping Daniel Jones gets what he needs. Right. What he needs is a true number one receiver.
Byron Jones 34:23
Yes. Because what they have right now is not cutting it. Then the other problem we got to deal with his cap space. They only got $5 million cap space.
Victor Arocho 34:33
That’s what I wanted to ask you. I’m confused. Okay, I don’t even know what’s the real story now. Heard the cap was going down and it made sense. Then I heard the cap was going up. Man. I heard someone say mid cap wages on social media
Byron Jones 34:50
is what I get as social media message. What a five minute walk from one side. That’d be 175. It’s at 180. Now,
Victor Arocho 34:57
we talked earlier and I was going down and we were like yeah That makes sense because no fan did Am I missing
Byron Jones 35:02
something or no? It was supposed to go up more than what it was
Victor Arocho 35:07
during normal circumstances I always knew that it was gonna go down No.
Byron Jones 35:13
Yeah, I think it was like at 198 or whatever it was. And it did actually go down to 180
Victor Arocho 35:21
also did go down there yeah I’m looking at the the look they got the mock draft. Trade let old trade shakeout trade Lance davante Smith Nagi. Harris. All these offensive players, man.
Unknown Speaker 35:39
Victor Arocho 35:40
Yeah, I gotta give a shout out to Alabama. Boy, Justin. You know that kid Mack Jones. God bless him. Yeah, he graduated in like three, three and a half, two and a half years or something like that. And he’s got his master’s degree right. You know, those are the kind of kids you hear about that are like fantastic is to be able to play at that level. Be that studious it those kind of grades before you get out of college, and go to college with money
Byron Jones 36:12
creeping up into the first round. He’s gonna be a first round pick to
Victor Arocho 36:16
it. I don’t even have him on here. And that’s my point. I mean, we’re one of those tanks. That was my whole thing. I didn’t see him right. I
Byron Jones 36:23
didn’t mention him at all. Did I?
Victor Arocho 36:25
Okay, so what happens if he goes up is gonna push one of those guys down by 10 let’s go back to that thing. Let’s go to NFL mock draft. Okay, so here’s what they have is the top 10 if one or two these guys draw, who would you want out of the top 10 for the giants. Okay, you’re not going to get Trevor Lawrence. So let’s leave that alone. Okay, so let’s just go through who’s gonna be sorry. You’re not we don’t want a quarterback. Not a draft a quarterback. Okay. You got the vontae Smith. devonta. Smith. Would you take him? Yes. Not Trey Larchmont. Jamar Chase, Mr. Chase. Yes, I
Unknown Speaker 37:08
would take them.
Victor Arocho 37:10
Kyle Pitts I would say yes. What do you think about the linebacker from Georgia?
Byron Jones 37:17
Yes, I would take him well, Penn State No. PARSONS. No, no
Victor Arocho 37:26
no GS Kumar he’s from Georgia. Nice. I’m a hurdle Okay, so with no Justin fields, we’re not gonna tase a quarterback. Patrick said team for sure.
Unknown Speaker 37:37
Without a doubt
Unknown Speaker 37:40
they got him that night that I think he’s gonna go up No,
Byron Jones 37:44
he’s gonna stay right there because all your offensive players are taken first. There’s a lot they’re gonna take no, I had
Victor Arocho 37:50
to skip plays because they were all quarterbacks. I know giants aren’t gonna take it they’re gonna get a quarterback you know they’re gonna take Shaun Watson jr guys draft a quarterback
Byron Jones 38:00
need either they need a wide receiver. They might I
Victor Arocho 38:04
just say out of the 10 I took out quarterbacks three,
Unknown Speaker 38:13
Victor Arocho 38:16
out of the top 10 I had to take out four quarterbacks there was only six left over. Right. drafting for quarterbacks with all these star quarterbacks wanting to
Unknown Speaker 38:27
play somewhere else back Joel does that sneak in there?
Unknown Speaker 38:30
I’m just not even there. He’s
Byron Jones 38:33
he’s gonna sneak into that dress. Somebody’s gonna take a chance I wasn’t that’s
Victor Arocho 38:36
why I wanted to ask you the remaining six Now let’s go back to remaining six which one would be your number one choice demonte Smith the GMR the other receiver so if you had to pick Okay, let me tell you what’s left over. This is good. This is what I want to do.
Byron Jones 38:51
I take your March chase from LSU
Unknown Speaker 38:54
you got to
Unknown Speaker 38:58
think who would you take chase?
Victor Arocho 39:02
You would take chase so over a tight end over Pitts Yep. And over demonte Smith you take him through Okay, the other one was a linebacker and then pat or Patrick’s team would be number one right? But that’s it the other ones from an offensive side you have to take that Where did he go and you’re right My point being his whole point of having to scouting for the Giants is knowing now that there are 11 All we need is one of those top 10 guys fall right and it don’t matter because we’re not going to pick a quarterback anyway. So what are those four quarterbacks drop? The John’s gonna just skip right over. Unless it was a train and pick for another pick right? Man I don’t see Matt Jones. I’m on 14
Byron Jones 39:52
back Jones is going to sneak into the first round. I have set it right here. It would talking about that. Yeah. He can end up knowing the Patriots. Yeah, New England Patriots, he could end up there. He got the Washington Redskins.
Victor Arocho 40:12
I don’t even see him. He’s in the back. Jones. They got him going 29 to the saints.
Byron Jones 40:20
He’s gonna sneak in somebody. Somebody’s gonna take a chance on
Victor Arocho 40:26
the kids smart, he’s good,
Byron Jones 40:28
you know? And don’t forget to save in Bill Belichick connection.
Unknown Speaker 40:34
Right? That’s true.
Unknown Speaker 40:37
Yeah, but
Victor Arocho 40:38
now you could say that but it has been taken really taken a lot of Alabama players. Yes,
Byron Jones 40:43
they get a lot of who Damien Harris is taking some linebackers before maybe
Victor Arocho 40:52
defensive. Yeah, because lately the offensive guys he hasn’t had a chance to take Well, that’s gonna be good. All right. Well, at least we know. I think there’s several guys like that. I can’t believe he’s that far. Matt Jones is is a head of those other four quarterbacks. He’s behind all those. I don’t even know if there’s a quarterback in between.
Byron Jones 41:13
He’s still Yes, he’s gone in the first round. That kid No, He’s good. He’s smart. No, no, he
Unknown Speaker 41:21
didn’t make
Byron Jones 41:22
me make a lot of mistakes. He just he just doesn’t look a lot of fleet of foot. It doesn’t look too fast.
Unknown Speaker 41:31
Brady ran a five to
Byron Jones 41:35
or worse than that.
Victor Arocho 41:38
We’re hoping to get a franchise Godwin you know.
Byron Jones 41:47
Check this out this way I got here. Jacksonville has the most as far as cap space they got $82 million was spent. The last two the two Super Bowl teams that play the Super Bowl. Tampa Bay has like 24 million. And Kansas City. I think I’ve messed this with either or minus 80 million or there does have 18 million total added objects have $73 million in cap space.
Victor Arocho 42:13
They get to sound watts. Now how many how many out? How does that work? Like so they they let’s just say it’s 20 25 million like the other guy does that mean that you get fuck you if you had to pay five guys $5 million a year that’s how you can use it was a guaranteed guarantee. Like a 25 million in cap space is really hard to get a star player
Byron Jones 42:40
yesterday the Giants only got five so that means they’re gonna have to cut some people like the guard like man
Unknown Speaker 42:49
who was the one who had at something.
Unknown Speaker 42:52
Victor Arocho 42:53
to get at something getting the number one pick of which they still got to pay him under his rookie contract right so they don’t
Byron Jones 43:00
have to get crushed. Well, this is what I got for a whole division. Yeah, the Eagles are negative $40 million in the hole. So the Eagles are screwed. The Giants and spy Washington Redskins have 42 million in cap space and scary. My boys are 24 million cap space.
Victor Arocho 43:19
giants lose so much.
Byron Jones 43:22
The Giants the eagle the 40 billion in the hole minus 40. So let me get out my players before they got the cut. Some people just like assigned a draft picks
Unknown Speaker 43:32
or the cut the defensive defensive coordinator and they got rid of him
Byron Jones 43:37
laughing No, I’m saying the player you figure they’re gonna have like somebody like cops, you know, the defensive tackle. Maybe gram the defensive end they’re gonna have to cut people to get to zero. Really? Yeah. The Eagles cap space is a mess.
Victor Arocho 43:57
That’s crazy. I’m looking up. I’m looking this up for Sonia, Sonia. Because she was she mentioned for Black History Month she was talking about Dr. J. I think his birthday was today. Right now. Dr. J. was great. Let me tell you those. I was saying that those w MBA the ABA intros Those were my favorite. But did you know that he also so I was telling Vaughn that she didn’t know that he was a major buyer of Coca Cola stock back then and that he bought I mean he that’s where he made a ton of money. And they think that he was even on the board. I mean he was for him to know that kind of stuff back then God bless them. You don’t need me, right wasn’t like they were making that kind of money even though he’s got all the accolades you know change cuz he’s got all the ABA pieces but Just wanted to give that shout out to I think he was around that guy goose Shweta who was also one of the top shareholder. He was he generated some of the most shareholder wealth, right? Dr Jain him became good friends and but this was but before they became friends he had bought, you know, a ton of stock and coke. I just wanted to see it. God bless him. I don’t know. She goes on and on. I go. Yeah, man. He was pretty sad. You know what he was doing? You know, back then. So shout out to Dr. Jay. He was so much fun to watch, man.
Byron Jones 45:37
I got a shout out to get for a Perth Amboy guy. You know when right Glen Richardson This is his brother, Bernard Richardson is alumnus of Howard University. He earned a master’s degree from Yale Divinity School and a second master’s degree and a PhD from Michigan State University. As a student at Howard University, his dream was to one day return as the Dean of the chapel there he fulfilled his purpose was appointed officer of the religious affairs of the 14th of the historic Andrew Rankin Memorial Chapel at Howard University. banagher has accomplished so much in his life, but my favorite is that he’s the founder of the university Alternative Spring Break program which sends over 800 students across the world to address social history issue during the spring break. There’s one perk that was find this. What’s his name? Bernard Richardson, Dr.
Victor Arocho 46:30
Dr. Bernard Richardson. Amboy, New Jersey. It’s nice to hear. That is awesome. Oh, he’s got his doctorates. Oh, yeah. And he got he got his undergrad from Howard. Yep. Oh,
Byron Jones 46:45
that’s really glad when I went there. play football. So when did he play all four years? Oh, yeah, probably. I don’t know.
Victor Arocho 46:57
You guys had all those big players. Well, that’s great to hear man. I love hearing that from from our youth from further away. But yeah, shout out to Bob like she had mentioned up at Dr. Jay was awesome man. You know, just not not just on the court off the court. And just smart enough to invest in Coca Cola you know, those shares he can buy it and buy it I think he did very, very awesome. Guy shout out. Shout out to him. Who else you got? You want to go into some of your NBA your purse. Amway athletes. Where are we at now? You got a long list.
Byron Jones 47:35
Yeah, the list grows and grows. Now jump over to bat we’re gonna jump to a track. Yes, happy Crawford. You haven’t heard anything?
Victor Arocho 47:45
Yes. The whole Crawford family How many are there?
Byron Jones 47:49
Quite a few. She was all American all world track 100 yard dash went to Arizona State you know competed there. Now we have one of my favorites on it out theorizes big. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 48:02
yes. She She was a cheerleading coach.
Byron Jones 48:04
He came back to the house. He had been a principal now she’s retired now live in a life in Florida. As he’s five. No, I said she live in the life in Florida. Yeah, it’s crazy. About Carla Taylor Williamson. Paul. Got to run in the ramp of the Junior Olympics back in the day. Uh huh. Tc narni.
Victor Arocho 48:29
Remember TCC god bless her soul man. She went Tim was one of the good ones. She shouldn’t have gone to that early man as a sweetest girl. Yeah, flex the nerdy fan.
Byron Jones 48:40
The cardi family. George cardi Bruce Perry, cardi and Philip cardi. I was somebody throw it out there that George party ran I think was 110 meters. What the hurdles and came up for place in the 1968 Olympics. Oh, somebody told me I gotta check that out. That’s all I know. But I’m pretty sure it’s probably true. But daymond john Carlos and Tommie Smith, he would have been on that team but that was the Nova. How do you
Unknown Speaker 49:15
say the names again? Random cannot? Yeah, those
Byron Jones 49:18
two brothers are Oh, yeah. Helen deeds ran track back in the day. Connie peaks.
Unknown Speaker 49:27
Byron Jones 49:28
Who was shot put Howard Dillard. A great Christie with the University of Houston. On the Carl Lewis and then you have the Ralph Richardson is on here.
Victor Arocho 49:39
That whole crew his whole life. You got Eddie Jimnez?
Byron Jones 49:44
Yep. Eddie, Jim as I got on here heavy. Christo. They were first place in the four by four. Think Yeah, they want to counties. I hear the coaches Mr. Curry and Mavis Ron Davis. And they were the county boys.
Victor Arocho 49:57
They want the counties right that for the for bye For you, it was 1985 Yeah, I mean, they were fast. Ralph was fast. Eddie German is around like a four, six. I mean, they it was a good team shout out to Jim and his family shout outs, Richard said, shout out to Bert them with a team. And a shout out. I’m telling you, I think the girls cheerleaders in 1982 or 83, won the championship. Whatever. Chilean shout out to the cheerleaders. The cheerleaders still,
Unknown Speaker 50:27
I think it was a cheerleader I feel was a cheerleader. And we loved it. We loved the cheerleaders. I love the cheerleaders.
Unknown Speaker 50:36
Hey, Jess.
Unknown Speaker 50:39
Byron Jones 50:43
Michelle, so select date. Yeah. That’s that’s the back from your military. And
Victor Arocho 50:51
yeah, she raised really the highest rank she can get to the airforce
Unknown Speaker 50:57
shout out to the show. Yeah.
Victor Arocho 51:01
And a product went to the service with the Marines.
Byron Jones 51:04
Yes, right. Yes. Alice. Mambo what the Marines? Oh, yeah, that’s right.
Unknown Speaker 51:09
I don’t know any other
Unknown Speaker 51:13
way. LinkedIn serves
Unknown Speaker 51:16
the resume. Well,
Unknown Speaker 51:16
though, I
Victor Arocho 51:17
mean, I got friends like Lisa bouncing is a teacher. She’s got her, you know, master’s, and a lot of them were done. Well, I better refer I don’t want to name more fancy katsanos. I go that whole crew, Yvette Rivera. Find a name. There was no other reasons. Just for time. I didn’t want to not mean at least I was able to name some buyer. All right. So what do we got coming up? What do you think is so we got now we’re in February we got isn’t a trade free agent starts. Though? A week? Two weeks? Right.
Byron Jones 51:56
17th, I think or seventh or something like that? Yeah. So for free agency, the transition tag, which they didn’t put on Leonard Williams. So they might have probably he’s looking for anywhere between between Aaron Donald money, which is 23 million a year, and the forest bunker, the lineman from the Colts, which is like 21 million. So he’s looking somewhere between that.
Victor Arocho 52:25
We don’t have that what so the what’s going to happen though, if the 11th comes, does that take any bearing on deshaun Watson like when they he has to move them or anything?
Unknown Speaker 52:35
Nothing doesn’t affect them at all.
Victor Arocho 52:38
So so he they still can trade for him. So free agents, just the guys that are free agent, they can go look around and like watts, right? great interview.
Byron Jones 52:48
Most of them slip most of the deals are already done. Because they said they said you know, they have like a certain time where you can talk to these guys. And if you ever noticed that, you know, I say for example Tuesday at four o’clock free agency built again that you know, a four or five or something signed with.
Victor Arocho 53:06
So you’re saying there and it talks before
Byron Jones 53:08
their talk. You know, they talk you know, all these agents know each other and the players know each other. Hey, Oh, I like to come down. He will get a deal for you know, undercover stuff. Oh, really? Oh, another shout out. Drew Pearson, one of the all time greats. isn’t a Pro Football Hall of Fame folly.
Unknown Speaker 53:29
Oh, yeah. You mentioned it last week.
Unknown Speaker 53:31
I mentioned it again. Just
Victor Arocho 53:33
shout out for Drew. That’s right. That’s right buyer.
Byron Jones 53:36
And Sam Mills got screwed again. He did he deserve to be in that Hall of Fame. No, they have. Yeah. Huh? How many shots up until they get to then they switch over to the senior committee and then the senior committee picks it so if hopefully nobody gets up,
Victor Arocho 53:56
can you only be on the ballot a couple, like you only have a couple of
Byron Jones 53:59
shots getting in and out like a certain amount of time, you have to get like a certain percentage of the votes. And then if you don’t get to certain percentage, you know, then they throw you off. You know that list and then whatever you float around, so that it ends up going to the senior committee where you know, your peers are the ones they’re going to be voting on, you know, as far as you get in and out and hopefully you know and get there that way. We
Victor Arocho 54:26
won’t ask you why. Why did they let voters or writers cast a vote
Byron Jones 54:31
because they see them flying? They go to watch and play and that’s pretty much as we’re all sports, right? All of them do the same thing.
Victor Arocho 54:41
The one thing I liked about the football all Pro is voted by the players.
Byron Jones 54:45
Yeah, that was it that like all the other
Victor Arocho 54:47
All Star cake game teams are voted by
Byron Jones 54:50
popularity, but like him, how is it Yankee fan? How is them Mariano Rivera went in unanimous, though as far as with the votes But Derek Jeter did Mr. by one vote.
Unknown Speaker 55:05
I love to be No, no, but they’re never gonna release that guy’s name. But how is that possible?
Byron Jones 55:11
I honestly, Mariana was the most dominant, closer in history. But then you have the guy who was right there with him the whole while. No, that was that was basically just, you know, he stirred
Victor Arocho 55:21
the whole thing. But he was really doing timeout. So we’re crystal clear though. The leader of that team was there.
Byron Jones 55:30
Okay, well, the other guy got a unanimous
Victor Arocho 55:35
vote because they hate the Yankees. And they didn’t want to give them to have to be the only two unanimous players from the Yankees
Unknown Speaker 55:47
wasn’t guaranteed
Unknown Speaker 55:50
it was guy was from Boston.
Byron Jones 55:52
It probably I wouldn’t be surprised if he was was the boy the boss he got me I’m not giving that vote no way. He would have voted until he found out that it was he’s not gonna leave New York guy did it all
Victor Arocho 56:09
met fans as possible a Yankee fan wouldn’t do it Yankee fans and Yankee fans for um, yeah, I was wondering that. But still, I guess the writers I just say that, you know, the writers they can appreciate the SAM bills of the world, right to be able to come from where he came from, you know, and I’m not talking about the life from a division three program, you had to work really hard.
Byron Jones 56:36
That is five foot nine.
Victor Arocho 56:37
Yeah, linebacker and to work even harder. Right. So there’s so many pieces that what can you write about? That doesn’t add to the ability to be member remember because of that, that good numbers. It’s not like energy, don’t get on the ballot list. You got good numbers,
Byron Jones 56:53
but he didn’t play in a big market don’t know all ins. It’s not a big market. Not a big market now, big theater played in New York, or Philadelphia, or Los Angeles, or Chicago, even Chicago would have been invited.
Victor Arocho 57:06
Yeah. I just think that’s why my problem is having the writers to be able to write because they still I don’t think there is objective as they would they would try to act like they’re objective, but they’re not.
Byron Jones 57:18
Yeah, but they see them playing all the time. That’s the only reason you know that they’re
Victor Arocho 57:24
okay, so so there’s someone watching on Sunday.
Byron Jones 57:28
Yeah. But then look like with the Heisman Trophy, for example. Look at that. Where most of the kids went on the east coast. Because everybody up there, watch the game and nobody goes pm till 1112 o’clock at night.
Victor Arocho 57:42
If you’re on the west coast, you will. Yeah.
Byron Jones 57:45
I’m just saying that voters most voters on the East Coast so they’re not saying have to watch some kid play. Oregon. No 12 o’clock at night. I wouldn’t do it at night. It’s too late night nighttime.
Unknown Speaker 58:01
Cannot base what the sports world would do based on what you were doing. Why not? Because they’re not going to deny deny and deflect Well, they
Unknown Speaker 58:11
see what every day
Unknown Speaker 58:13
denied. Sure. They Okay, they’re gonna flip flop. Let’s see how many other
Byron Jones 58:21
beats we see it every day in the world. Every day we see people deny, deny, deflect, stop, lift, blah, change, you know, oh, well, let me do this. Let me do it every day. So I just put a title on it. That’s all flip flopper deny deny deflect.
Victor Arocho 58:38
That’s true that that is true. All right, well, we’re gonna start wrapping this up. This one went fast and I thought next week we will have some people on and hopefully mark will join us and we’ll tear apart some stuff and we’re gonna see I think stuffs gonna start happening this week. Something’s gonna have to happen. Something’s coming to blows between like look I’m reading something here the rift I feel bad for Tiger shout outs tire hopefully, better. Hope was nothing particular. And that kids had a difficult road. Hmm. Ever since his dad died. I think things change.
Byron Jones 59:17
Well, I’d be tired. I’m not a tiger fan and sob does not say that he got hurt, but I’m not a tiger fan. Really? Why
Unknown Speaker 59:24
Byron Jones 59:25
We’ll talk about that later.
Victor Arocho 59:28
Like tiger. He did a lot for the sport. A what? I wish I would have played golf when I was young. Alrighty, so we’re gonna wrap this up here. Let’s wrap it up again with Gary Sinise foundation. freedom and security are precious gifts that we as Americans should never take for granted. We must do all we can to extend our hands in times of need to those willingly sacrificed for those who willingly sacrifice each day to provide that freedom and security. Well, we can never do enough to show gratitude to our nation’s defenders. We can always do a little more. Gary Sinise, that the Gary Sinise, si n ISP foundation.org helps out our first responders, all our soldiers soldiers. You know, it’s dear to to Byron and my heart and family Byron, right. You get some words there. First responders. Do
Byron Jones 1:00:27
good. Military, first responders, the nurses, the doctors, everybody to know does help this great nation.
Victor Arocho 1:00:36
And this organization has been around for some time. So imagine they really need it now. Probably more than ever. So you, you can follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one, please visit our website sports cast dotnet. And join us next Thursday. Call in you see the number there. Join us next Thursday at 8pm. With more special guests. We’ll be catching up about a see what changes buyer let’s see if we can start making our own mock draft. Let’s do now that we know that john, now that I know the giants are in the brown the 11. Let’s make a couple scenarios that where we drop so like, maybe bring up Mack Jones but if Mack Jones comes up, somebody’s gonna fall out.
Byron Jones 1:01:19
Right? He’s gonna go on the bottom half, but we’ll figure that out next week.
Victor Arocho 1:01:23
Yeah, let’s let’s let’s you know, we’re only working with 1215 maybe. Right. Let’s see where we would we will put them based on what we need.
Byron Jones 1:01:32
For the whole one. Do all one to 35 do my my part. 32 Why would you do the 132 while you’re shoveling snow, there’s no snow there.
Unknown Speaker 1:01:46
Still will be my next week. Thanks.
Victor Arocho 1:01:50
All right. God bless everybody. Stay safe. Byron is always a pleasure. was quite quiet today. But I enjoyed it as always. So let’s pick up on some news and I will talk to you next week.
Byron Jones 1:02:02
Live long and prosper brother, thank you.
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