
In this episode, Victor Arocho, Byron Jones and special co-host guest Andres Gispert Jr. talk about the latest NFL Free Agency signings, including Kenny Golladay signing with the New York Giants.
Victor Arocho – @varocho
Byron Jones
Andres Gispert Jr.
Show Notes
TE Kyle Rudolph Minnesota Vikings
CB Adoree Jackson Tennessee Titans
LB Ryan Anderson Washington Football Team
ILB Reggie Ragland Detroit Lions
DE Leonard Williams NY Giants
LS Casey Kreiter Denver Broncos
WR C.J. Board NY Giants
DT Austin Johnson NY Giants
RB Devontae Booker Las Vegas Raiders
Victor Arocho 0:00
We’re live out of Fort Lauderdale. Welcome to the Jersey Boys sports talk hosted by Byron Jones and Victor roadshow brought to you by the sports cast. Today’s March 25 2021. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to the sports cast in all our channels, YouTube, Periscope and iTunes. If you are on iTunes, please leave a rating and I’ll help us out tremendously. You can also visit us on the sports cast dotnet or follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one, please go to our app, the sports cap, the sports cat that’s in the iOS App Store. Also subscribe to us and hit the notification button on YouTube at sports cast that lets you know when we’re live. So you just listened to us or you know watch us or you can see it at any time. You’ll enjoy some of the jersey boy banter going back and forth. We’re now streaming live every Thursday at 8pm which you live on youtube and stream live on Facebook. You can catch us up on Facebook at s Leone sports that’s s LEN sports and we’re always live by Ram How are we doing today? My man? I’m gonna army what’s the hat guy?
Byron Jones 1:26
Go Go army. What else?
Victor Arocho 1:29
What else you got like 15 million hats.
Byron Jones 1:32
I feel a certain way with the giants.
Victor Arocho 1:34
Hey, I’m good. You should be and armies always good. Let me ask questions. So how cold is it a winner in Philly.
Byron Jones 1:41
It was 70 degrees a day. I went out today gamba my spandex on.
Victor Arocho 1:46
Oh yeah, I’m pleased. Okay, Andres, I’m gonna introduce Andre. Andre just want to give you a perspective of first of all anybody. Andres is a big man too. But I can’t imagine Andres wearing spandex. I never wear spandex. Just to give you perspective, the size of spandex they had to put together like in big and tall like 15 pairs of spandex from Byron, because he’s six foot six 290 plus pounds. And I can’t imagine there’s enough spent an ex NFL player so you know how big his legs are and the rest of his body? How much spandex can be to wrap around you be wearing spandex?
Byron Jones 2:33
Hey, man, I’ve got outside of them that I was I’ve been touching myself. Oh, my
Victor Arocho 2:39
touching this. We’re on. We’re live. You know that
Byron Jones 2:41
right? Yeah, no.
Victor Arocho 2:44
I would not be saying those words. Please, we got to keep it clean. Now,
Andres Gispert Jr. 2:50
considering what we see. In yoga pants on certain women. I think the payback is good.
Unknown Speaker 2:58
That’s right. That’s right.
Victor Arocho 3:02
This is a big boy to say how big are you like 6364
Andres Gispert Jr. 3:05
I just weighed myself on Friday again, and I’m down to 310 pounds from 390 in
Victor Arocho 3:14
November like he’s real like 290 but six from four to nine. I got two big gentlemen on should not be wearing span dash. Or Velcro. What do you call that velvet stuff that Jayla wears a
Unknown Speaker 3:27
baby we just big sexy
Victor Arocho 3:31
I can go anywhere around. Would you guys so it’s 70 degrees, right? No, that’s why I hate it. But literally and today we’re in March, right? I hate going up there this time. Because what happens is at 70 and your stores are cheap, so they don’t want to put on air conditioning. So I’m used to I need a cold all the time. So when I go up there if I go with a friends or family and they want to go to a store the mall like my wife and kids you want to do I hate being in the mall because it’s hot. No way conditioning on 70 degrees.
Byron Jones 4:05
You know what it is? You move down to Florida you’ve gotten soft as cotton.
Victor Arocho 4:11
I am not Fred Really? Yes You are my love Fred. Do you find that to be that is not true. Oh, yeah. Yeah. Okay, I got soft. You used to shovel and me snow with a shop a real plastic handle aluminum shovel. Now you got this electric gas motorized
Byron Jones 4:38
gas guzzler? ozone blowing up. That Stop man,
Unknown Speaker 4:46
don’t tell me I’m sorry. You’re not weren’t willing to shovel. I’m old.
Byron Jones 4:54
I’m alive.
Victor Arocho 4:55
Okay, that’s my point. Why you were suspended?
Byron Jones 4:57
Well put it this way. Remember, we were talking about what you stuff when you throw the kids out of the house, and you know, I got the house because it’s all about the house, so I ain’t got nobody here. I gotta do it myself all that pretty soon
Unknown Speaker 5:09
he’s gonna have a naked room. Yeah.
Byron Jones 5:12
Alright, here we go.
Victor Arocho 5:16
Get him started I want to show you river River. Alright, so look, we got a buyer appreciate it, but I know it’s gonna get cold there again because it is March if you don’t get snow. But I’d like to introduce and I’m proud to have on our show. A friend of mine, a friend of the family. Our guest co host today is Andres gijsbert, Jr. and I’m going to give you a little brief background on him because he’s got a tremendous background. He’s and Byron you’ll enjoy this. He’s a servicemen as well. He played football at the United States Air Force Academy, from two down in 1998 to 2000 to 2000 on the coach Fisher diberi. He served the United States Air Force from 2002 to 2006. So Andres, thank you for your service and we’re very big on on service on people who are first responders and our military on the show. He coast he was an offensive assistant and then why receiver coach for high school football team in Miami Booker T Washington. This is top school from 2005 to 2007. where he’s got rings he won two state championships as a coach Tim ice Harris. He was a 2007 USA Today Coach of the Year That was incredible talent down here. Y’all know that every school of day Alabama, you can say all they want about their teams Byron, but they all got my Florida players, every top rated team in the country, our players from Florida. He also coached the head coach at Hillsborough Baptist, where he was a 2008 and he won state championship. He has coached football at all levels college. He was interned with the Bucs. He’s got a wealth of knowledge. And with all due respect, even though he’s from South Florida, because you know how I feel about South Florida and knowledge in sports. So you know, I can keep going. He’s got a lot of resume. So before I go in, and um well Andres, welcome from Andres, my my co host, Byron Jones, my man for boat from Amboy, New Jersey. And welcome to show Andres How you doing? Welcome. Thank
Andres Gispert Jr. 7:17
you for having me, guys.
Byron Jones 7:19
Unknown Speaker 7:20
And where are you at? Now you say you’re like,
Andres Gispert Jr. 7:22
I’m in Kent, Ohio, Kent, Ohio is about seven miles from Akron, and 47 miles from Youngstown. You know the hotbed of the hotbed of football where they teach football year round. But it’s Oh, you know, they’re actually teaching football. They’re not relying on talent. Unfortunately, there isn’t a whole lot of talent
Victor Arocho 7:46
when it comes out to South Florida. Um, and how’s the weather were there? Oh, man, it
Andres Gispert Jr. 7:52
was beautiful. 76 degrees today.
Victor Arocho 7:56
Got lucky. Hey, by the way, he’s from South Florida. Are you born and raised here in South Florida.
Andres Gispert Jr. 8:00
I was born in Miami, raised there. Then, of course, you know, once I broke my mom’s heart when I was about 12 or 13 years old. We went to Washington DC and I said, I never want to live the whole my whole life in Miami. And you know, for a Cuban mom. That’s that’s sacrilege.
Victor Arocho 8:18
And listen to me, he comes from a family that I thought Puerto Ricans multiplied on each side of his family. They got like 14 brothers and sisters. I don’t think I’ve ever met somebody that has so many brothers sisters on brought on his father and his mother side like they could feel their own teeth.
Andres Gispert Jr. 8:40
Yeah, my mom was one of 11 My dad was one of eight.
Unknown Speaker 8:44
Wow. Oh in South Florida.
Andres Gispert Jr. 8:46
Well, no. But some are no longer with us.
Unknown Speaker 8:52
But 8 million of them bro.
Unknown Speaker 8:54
Unknown Speaker 8:55
it’s you’re at the party.
Victor Arocho 8:57
I go to a party there. They all know me because there’s one Victor and his 8 million guests births and your mom’s last name.
Unknown Speaker 9:05
Swati Sully’s,
Victor Arocho 9:06
Swati Sully here. See, they always have long last names. You can’t finish, you know, like they have multiple last name. Do they go Hey, Victor, and like and then his brother keeps telling me the family member. He keeps telling me the wrong name. So I’m like, hey, Alex, who’s that guy who go Oh, that’s Todd and his name is Jose. So I’m like, hey, Todd. I will remember these guys and he was like a million of these so it’s pretty funny. Let’s get it it’s pretty funny for us to many people. And now I don’t listen to my brother in law anymore. Because he lives he doesn’t lie as a normal but he knows busting my chops. So Alex gisbert god bless you want to shout out to him. He’s a does a great job with with schools and and now and teaching our youth here. Alright, so let’s get into Welcome to our show on today’s agenda figured, you know, Byron and his entire family pretty much have served my dad Certainly army for 20 years and I got a lot of air force a friends and family so we’re big on this show and regarding the military, so Alright, let’s get into it. Alright, so today we’re talking we always start with the giants, right? Because that’s our team. That’s the bottom line. We’re going to talk a little bit about giants. And then we’re gonna get into the rest of the what’s happening today. Samira and I got here. Look, Kevin, holiday golladay Kevin golladay. Is that right? Oh, that Yeah. Kevin golladay. Remember you said if they’ve got you in town, did you say that last week? That’s right, if the Jays bring in town,
Byron Jones 10:35
but don’t let you go.
Victor Arocho 10:38
Tell me what happened.
Byron Jones 10:39
You’re gonna get sign. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 10:42
What do you think about that sign?
Byron Jones 10:43
That’s a good sign. Now we can focus on some other things that we need to address. But that was good, though. They overpaid for him. I went to gave him 18 point 5 million, but you know what? They had to do what they had to do.
Victor Arocho 10:58
And look, I spoke with Andres before here coming on the show. And he has some good. Good perspective. What do you think about that signing Andres?
Andres Gispert Jr. 11:06
Well, in reality, he is what market value was calling for. Unfortunately, I know that it hurts your cap. It hurts you cap significantly, because you’re hoping to get him for about four to 5 million less. But at the end of the day, it’s what the average what the market is calling for now. And it’s almost a it’s almost a shame that it is what the market was calling for. Because there isn’t a whole lot of guys who could do his skill set at the quality that he’s providing.
Victor Arocho 11:37
Interesting. You know, what, that’s one thing about sports that I wish it was like a business, right? You get paid for past performance and business. Past performance doesn’t dictate future performance. Don’t care what you made before. Right. So how do you think Byron that’s gonna help her? Just globally right, and then we’ll get into the other components of it. How do you think that’s gonna help the mix? Remember, you got Ingram that you know, has slippery hands? You got you got now golladay And now, Danny dimes and we got to say Kwan. So telehealth helped me out what do you think that mix is? And then that’s one and then to the the number of balls to going to Ingram going to shift.
Byron Jones 12:21
Well, they also signed Kyle Rudolph the tight end from Minnesota Vikings does a big signing even though they had a little scuffle as far as his when he had like a foot injury, maybe or whatever. And, you know, they were, you know, going back and forth. But he’s gonna take a lot of passes away from England. That’s the way that’s gonna go. So Galloway golladay he’s gonna get Rudolph is going to get his because he’s a big target, you know, in the redzone. golladay is a big target. And that’s what they needed. Now, instead of having, you know, the smaller receivers, you know, the guy. Shepherd is a smaller receiver. You know, Derek Slayton is the go D guy. Now, they really didn’t use him that much as far as in the redzone. But now when you have these bigger receivers, so that’s going to help that might also help Ingram because now he has somebody who’s gonna be pushing him and taking away snaps from him. So hopefully, he get his act together, because if he doesn’t, he can be gone after this year, because this is the fifth year option. I think, either they picked it up or didn’t pick it up. But uh, he could be gone after this year. So it affects a whole lot of things inside and this guy,
Victor Arocho 13:29
I was thinking the same thing because you know, he cannot. It’s way too noticeable. Of how many passes he drops. Right, but every time we like them, you know, he’s a good receiver. It’s just you kind of associate his name with Miss. Drop balls, Miss catches? Right? And that’s not a good thing to associate yourself with. Now, Andres, what do you think about that, that mix there?
Andres Gispert Jr. 13:58
I’m actually more excited for Jackson signing up for Dori Jackson. I think I think he’s gonna he’s a character guy. He being around him for an all star game or two or, you know, I think he’s got he’s got the character. When you say be around, what
Unknown Speaker 14:19
do you mean?
Andres Gispert Jr. 14:20
You know, when you when you do things for when you do scouting for analytics firms like I have, I’ve been around him on a couple of times, where he was an all star game or when he was younger. And when I was actually still coaching and recruiting, I got to see him and his progression. And I always consider him one of those top tier guys. And you know, I never heard a bad word spoken about him or anything. I think he’s up. I honestly think he’s a great addition. He might, you know, he reminds me of someone who’s just a gym rat, who’s going to put in the time to make himself better. And he kind of drags people With him kicking and screaming sometimes to make them better to and you know, that’s a I think that’s a huge huge, huge fill right there.
Unknown Speaker 15:13
That’s awesome.
Victor Arocho 15:14
Hold on say for for you know, blue collar in New Jersey that’s important a buyer how effective is a character in the locker room? You know based on what Andre said howdy What are your thoughts and like that
Byron Jones 15:28
in a locker room sure you want that guy you know he’s coached long time you know you want those kind of guys that you know you don’t have to yell at them. You don’t have to scream at them you know the natural you know they’re naturally or people naturally gravitate toward you know those kind of guys you know, they’re gonna want to lift that one extra weight they don’t want to lift that you know run the extra mile you want those kind of character guys you know to play with you did their their infections you know they may kick it up a notch for everybody you want those kind of people you know according what he just said you know, I’m glad they picked him up you know hopefully now he’ll be the number two you know obviously Bradbury and they’re gonna have a pretty good you know, deep in the backfield with the guys that have you know, with Logan peppers, and people forget about McKinney yells back so they’re gonna be loaded back down the back of the backfield. important to know some of the things that are out there. They’re all high character people, so they’re gonna feed off each other, because they’re all going to want to do well.
Andres Gispert Jr. 16:28
I know you guys got to be excited for Zach Fulton opening up some holes for you guys.
Victor Arocho 16:34
Yes, we’re gonna get into that because but Byron got some some pieces in the sun. Well, I always like that, you know that the jazz organization doesn’t deal with a lot of both, you know, Bs when it comes to their players, right? They did. No, you don’t play your game. This is how you’re going to do it. I mean, look at Odell gotta go.
Byron Jones 16:53
The only thing I’m worried about is like the last time in 2011 when they did all these signings and you know they went left and five you know they got all these guys and then next you know in Florida just fell off the wagon, you know, because they signed you know, probably the wrong people at the wrong time in your career, but they were pretty bad. You know, they were good that one year but after that all those signs were probably weren’t even worth the bother.
Victor Arocho 17:17
I like jokes I mean, Joe judges I’m obviously doing something pretty good. You know what I mean? I mean for specialty coats you know, it’s kind of surprising but I mean, he seems to be doing something right right like you You called it out last year with the line of defense the line as they started progressing after they won one game when you said they weren’t they started progressing. Even here that park Byron said over Okay, so real quick, let me just go over to sign players that we have put together by the head.
Byron Jones 17:49
I wanna hear about the Zack Zack phone cotton you know I
Victor Arocho 17:53
let me go over the list and you guys okay, so you want to talk about right? Okay, I mean cuz you put up a good list you did you know, but this buyer put together helped me out here you go. Okay, so I’m just gonna mention them and then you guys pick and choose who you want to talk about that way. Okay, so we got tied in Kyle Rudolph from the Vikings. We got the cornerback adoree Jackson, Tennessee. We got the linebacker Ryan Anderson from Washington. We got inside linebacker Reggie Ragland from Detroit lender Williams and my man we got a long snapper Casey Where are you even putting long snap on here?
Byron Jones 18:29
They’re important. Yeah, man. They’re very important.
Unknown Speaker 18:33
Very important.
Unknown Speaker 18:37
All right. All right, man. If
Unknown Speaker 18:38
you missed a
Victor Arocho 18:41
long snapper Okay, I didn’t even contatto LS I guess what that was? I was in but Casey crater, Crider from Denver. You got why receiver CJ bought another receiver was already with them. I don’t say they resigned him and they resigned Austin Johnson and then we got a running back devonta A Booker from the Raiders. That’s interesting. I liked him. So again, I got and I got a discount. Jackson. Anderson. You guys pick. I think you guys know who you want to talk about?
Unknown Speaker 19:14
I want to hear about. Okay, so
Andres Gispert Jr. 19:16
Fulton is just this big, beautiful black athlete that could definitely open up the hole fornia when he was in Tennessee, about 47% of the runs for positive yardage came from holes that he had positive impact. Obviously, you know, you’re talking about a guy who, you know, he hasn’t you think he’s only been in the league for about a he’s only had a cup of coffee. So, you know, I think he he only
Victor Arocho 19:46
started over and Andres is that mere environment you seem cutting out. Yeah, he was cutting out a little bit. Sorry, cutting out a little bit on your Wi Fi.
Andres Gispert Jr. 19:53
I’m sorry, boss. I’m sorry. If I recall correct happens
Victor Arocho 19:56
to Stephen A Smith. So we’re good.
Andres Gispert Jr. 19:59
If I Call correctly. He was drafted in 2015.
Victor Arocho 20:03
But he said on the list I mentioned, did I miss them? No, you got him? I mentioned him, I think, yeah. I said, I don’t see Fulton.
Byron Jones 20:13
That was a late addition. I go, okay. That’s all that matters. I got,
Andres Gispert Jr. 20:20
you know, I think he got a bad I think he got a bad run with playing on the Texans, when you have a mobile quarterback. You can’t have, you can’t really develop an offensive line that can plow holes for you. You play more past pro than anything else in the world. But when he was in Tennessee, he was just opening up holes like crazy. I’m actually excited to see that he’s getting a fair shake. And I think he can make an immediate impact on the on the Giants if you ask me. Because he’s just you know what they say big and beautiful. And that’s what you need in the offensive line.
Victor Arocho 20:59
And we’d like those guys like those big guys and sangwan. That’s good for Seiko. What do you think bar? You added him without letting me know?
Byron Jones 21:06
Okay. Yeah, no, it was a late addition. He’s assigned a few minutes ago. A couple hours ago. Um, yeah, that’s a good sign of recording. You know what he’s saying? Because you figured it out. Hernandez was kind of kind of iffy. And Lou, Shane, the other guys kind of so at least they got competition coming in. There was a push. These guys are either gonna sink or swim with this guy coming in. I think they said he got drafted in six rounds. 2014 by Kansas City. Then he played it on a Tennessee. Yeah,
Victor Arocho 21:38
he played for Tennessee. You gotta you got to think of something mean, Roger Henry was doing well there. So if he was playing with Roger, Henry’s he had to do something. Right. Right there. Derrick Henry. Sorry, there, Roz? Henry’s a friend of mine.
Unknown Speaker 21:50
Derrick Henry. down the street from a person.
Victor Arocho 21:53
Yeah. Oh, yeah. That’s right. Derrick Henry. Um, that helps us out quite a bit because two things it helps us with pass. Right pass blocking. It helps us with what run fake. It helps us with say, Guan, you know, and he helps us with the offensive line. So I’m pretty happy. I mean, you know, I that part. I mean, no. So I’m pretty happy.
Byron Jones 22:12
I saw your email with my Gmail thing now. Yeah. So that gmail account.
Andres Gispert Jr. 22:17
Thank you get my daddy, he’s gonna be an impact package.
Victor Arocho 22:21
Did you get my doc that I shared with this shared with you with your brand new gmail account?
Byron Jones 22:28
Can we let my man finish what he’s saying? I’m just saying,
Andres Gispert Jr. 22:32
I’m already imagining him in the jumbo package or 22 personnel where you put him right next to right next to Rudolph right next to each other on one side. And you just let Barkley just go ahead and plow through.
Byron Jones 22:44
Well, hopefully, Barkley doesn’t run the way he usually runs where you skip the hops, and it looks like he needs to, he needs to get up in there. Yeah, but
Victor Arocho 22:54
you gotta admit though, you said it last year like the offensive line was an issue right? So you know, maybe he’s hopping and skipping because he had he had a half a skip around lineman if he’s if he’s got someone plowing a hole I don’t think that guy’s he got no skip room. Oh, he did a pretty good with a lousy line.
Byron Jones 23:14
Yeah, but I’m just saying though, he needs now he has if he has a real opposite line now. He needs to get it up in there. Go back go up to the line and let me see where the hole is. And you know, all this skipping that he was doing he know he needs to get it up. He’s up to 135 pound back or whatever. 230 whatever. Hit it up in there.
Victor Arocho 23:37
Okay, and before we get into before we get a mock draft What else? Let me see. You know me like my the Tennessee Titans that is that the the quarterback? You were talking about Andres? Yes, Jackson. Okay. That’s awesome. And so see Leonard Williams. He knows a man. I’m gonna skip the long snapper CJ board. How’s he gonna affect the team? You just we got golladay we got Ingram we got you know,
Byron Jones 24:05
he’s gonna do like he last year. You know, he’s primarily a special teams guy, you know, probably a fourth or fifth receiver. But when you look at the receiver that’s been loaded, people forgot to home. Oh, if you remember this kid from West Virginia, David’s still the fifth. I think his name is I played a West Virginia. He was a great player of West Virginia. Though. He’s very good. Very good receiver coming out.
Victor Arocho 24:31
So then, okay, and what about devontae? Booker? I like him. So now you got the gentlemen Fulton you just mentioned you guys say Quan. Now you got the vontae Booker
Byron Jones 24:41
and no Wayne gallman.
Victor Arocho 24:44
And what and no Wayne gone. Oh, yeah, we got you got the other running backs right. I like Dolman too. But he’s not there. So Gary, what do you think about this davante Booker.
Byron Jones 24:56
I’ve watched him too much for for You know, what corn what they’re putting out there that you know, he’s a good sign and go cheap signing is not that much. But yeah, I would have preferred having Wayne Goldman back, you know, because he wasn’t his dad was a military guy, you know. So you know, it is what it is.
Victor Arocho 25:14
I like Goldman, too. I did like, Oh, it’s hard to keep everybody. I mean, you gotta say Kwan calling back. You know, how many how many guys you got to sort of run back to stock about? Where are you going on today’s you know, we’re
Unknown Speaker 25:25
live streaming, right?
Andres Gispert Jr. 25:26
I understand. But I had a vasectomy last week. So I’m still a little tender down there.
Victor Arocho 25:31
I appreciate it. Let’s keep those little things here. TMI, TMI. I’m assuming you can’t wear spandex.
Unknown Speaker 25:40
No, no, no, no.
Unknown Speaker 25:46
Okay, let’s move on. Okay.
Victor Arocho 25:51
We’re gonna go with the giants. So let’s say we got something I was bringing up, john. So I know you have something with the offensive line on the rise. We talked about
Andres Gispert Jr. 25:58
we just talked about we just talked about him. I think I think he’s a great addition. I think he’s going to open up some holes for you. He’s not going to be in every down guy. I think he you know, I think he’s going to be for that 22 personnel jumbo packages. I think he’s that he’s that perfect fit to just go ahead and get those short yardage that just the plow and finish it off.
Victor Arocho 26:23
And that’s giant football right right.
Byron Jones 26:26
I hope so this year. keep hope alive.
Victor Arocho 26:29
Yeah. You scare me. What’s your hope though? This year already still on the Washington bandwagon. So you know, I gotta either got my giant fan blue all the way in. But you know, that was a chat. I am streaming um but you know, I got to talk a lot my man right Brady. So you know, we talked about that you see all the Recycling’s doing Yeah, sir. I’m pretty good job.
Unknown Speaker 27:05
Yeah, keeping the band together. Yeah.
Andres Gispert Jr. 27:06
It’s always nice when people come back at a discount, right?
Victor Arocho 27:10
Yeah. Oh, watch up until they want to win just got you know, they had fun. They look that look like a team that legitimately had super fun. I mean, for Brady, to get enumerated. I mean, and be seen on a video and he read it. I mean, that’s he must have fun. I mean, gronk You know, they’re seeing videos of when brain called grog he goes Raj is waiting for you to move when he ready call me he called them some of us to have their grant them on player patients anymore. Because he pretty much said that I was just waiting for you to make a move. Once you made a move. I was waiting for this call.
Byron Jones 27:47
Well, you’re not going to start again. Yeah, my usual sell let him play again. No, he takes it this. He takes a discount all the time because his wife is worth $400 million dollars. We know
Victor Arocho 28:01
this is a three week spray the only does what he does. It’s not because of this character. It’s not because he likes to win. It’s not because it’s just his wife is worth 400 $100 so he doesn’t care if he cuts 10 million.
Unknown Speaker 28:22
Okay, I
Victor Arocho 28:26
look who they resign man. They Godwin got franchise tag. They resign Brady for another extension here. gronk got resign dataman two got signed. I mean, they they’re just lining it up. And I truly believe they finally these guys finally figured it out. Maybe because they’ve already made some money too. It’s not that is that. This is way too much fun. We play with this hall of famer go, we want to championship right off the bat. We’re not even hitting full throttle.
Unknown Speaker 29:02
They’re about to hit full throttle. Not only on Brown, if Antonio brown resigns. If, if is he gonna?
Byron Jones 29:10
Is he gonna take a discount just to come back? Is he that kind of guy?
Unknown Speaker 29:14
I believe he will.
Byron Jones 29:16
Okay, what are you thinking? Nothing.
Andres Gispert Jr. 29:18
I believe he might have no choice. Byron, and that’s just my personal opinion. There’s probably maybe three or four coaches who will put up with that guy right now. And that’s that. I think he is
Victor Arocho 29:32
a owner or owners not just the coach.
Andres Gispert Jr. 29:35
You’re right. You’re right. You’re right. So
Victor Arocho 29:37
the owners that get involved in that stuff.
Andres Gispert Jr. 29:40
And it’s, uh, you know, I could honestly say it’s one of those things that uh, he might have one other options on the table, and he’s debating that because he’s probably got, what one two years left in him. So you know, and he’s he’s a guy who’s lost a lot. Money. Yeah, he signed for a lot of money but he’s lost a lot of money. Just, you know, what’s his antics? He’s lost a lot of money
Victor Arocho 30:08
before to sign with the Raiders. All he needed to sign and he was getting 30 million upfront guaranteed.
Byron Jones 30:16
And what did he do? He left. There you go. That’s a lot of money leave on the table.
Victor Arocho 30:21
I understand that. But you know, I don’t know, man. I’m cheering for the guy. You know, I cheer for the guy cuz Brady took them in. He seems to he was zero problems for the bucks. Zero. And I think they said today, he had like 54 catches, which everyone was like, man, I didn’t it didn’t look like he had 54 catches either. 5444 I know there was one of those two. Right? And he missed four games, didn’t he? Yeah,
Andres Gispert Jr. 30:52
I think he missed more than for
Victor Arocho 30:53
like the first four games and then he got hurt when later in the season. But just to start with he missed four games. Okay, and my number one thing was they were starting to get fire because he caught a touchdown in the last four games of every game of the season last year. And he just I think just that I just think that he’s got you know relationship with Brady like Granta does not like gronk was looking for money and even the guys that we signed it wasn’t all about the money. I think Come on man. I’ve heard like NBA players or other players have told me or not told me but but you know hearing that they would trade like bar for example he shaved all his All Star appearances for a championship ring
Byron Jones 31:41
Yeah, well we’ll see.
Andres Gispert Jr. 31:44
I think another person that person that they got to think about is also signing Leonard fournette I think he was a great he was a great number two I don’t believe he’s a number two talent but I think he was a great number two I think he could start he can start number one for a bunch of other people after showing you know his durability last year
Victor Arocho 32:05
right they call them playoff Lenny got he got caught by the Jaguars that mean a great start he got cut by the Jaguars so you don’t know I always say look you don’t know the Empire you know this better than anybody else playing in the league. You know how great you can do with the with the character of another team or the play calling another team or me You just don’t know that you don’t know if the Jaguars that cut him wasn’t like they try to trade a morning. You cut them he wasn’t good fit. Because the Tampa did phenomenal. Right? You don’t look at Deion branch. madeon breath. He was he? He went Super Bowl MVP with the pages left to Seattle. We haven’t heard from him. He came back two pages. So imagine being an NBA Super Bowl MVP. And I was I don’t think people even know his name. Right. So So all I’m saying to you is I like Leonard fournette I want him to resign him. I’m just saying to you. I’m not a big believer is that what he did? He may be able to do somewhere else.
Byron Jones 33:16
He might though he’s not a bad back. he’s a he’s a good back. He’s a star for a lot of teams NFL. It’s just that you know, he went to someplace where he didn’t have to be the guy like he was in Jacksonville. He didn’t have to be the guy and you know he came there and you’re maybe looking to get paid
Andres Gispert Jr. 33:33
so that’s the problem well, I think at the end of the day Byron’s got a point he might you know, learn from that might be trying to get paid and the market just might not be there for him right now. Because we got to cut we got about good five or six backs coming out of this draft you know if you you know when you ask us
Unknown Speaker 33:56
I got to look that up boss. Why hold this for that you
Victor Arocho 33:59
think he’s got he’s pretty young I think because it came out of LSU The only reason I’m saying I’m asking about his age is 26 years
Unknown Speaker 34:09
Victor Arocho 34:10
That’s young. So all I’m saying is if he resigns again the books lighted up again and when he’s gonna get that money if he performs like he did last year, he’ll get his money. I don’t know like like with the backs coming out with all the situation with all the quarterbacks but all the things happened in the leagues. I just think that if he signs one more year makes a run again. I think then he’ll get paid big time. He’s just got to continue to perform the way what I liked him remember you mentioned it right Byron when we talking about getting in it? We needed we needed them to run because not Brady’s gonna get hit. They ran the ball. They ran the boat. Alright, awesome. I so let’s go I’m gonna I got this.
Byron Jones 34:56
I had to just bring a Brady because you know that yeah, that wants you to win. But you bring up my god that Bruce area and that’s the only reason I Oh
Unknown Speaker 35:02
yeah, like Bruce
Unknown Speaker 35:05
was that was upstairs upstairs.
Victor Arocho 35:08
Oh, you gotta you gotta feel Andres hat. Tell him what you wear every time you talk about I’m sure
Byron Jones 35:13
he knows for his kangal hats when I bought me a whole bunch of red candle hats show if I could be like my man, Bruce areas.
Victor Arocho 35:22
No risk. No risk in the biscuit. I love Brexit. I love a look, man. And I’ll tell you what, uh, I like him. Now. I didn’t know on the team that he wasn’t tell you. He told me. I don’t like him in the beginning. Because I was concerned what was going up. But I liked them now for just the the the the quarterback whisper rule. Really?
Unknown Speaker 35:46
Oh, yeah. Right. Oh, so so I like
Victor Arocho 35:48
him because of the diverse that they don’t give him enough credit for the diverse coaching staff he has between between minorities, including, you know, women or marinara. But he’s got, you know, he’s got African American and he’s got women. Right. And, and, I mean, he was loaded what we say he had 12 out of 28
Unknown Speaker 36:10
or something like that. Yeah, he had a bunch of
Victor Arocho 36:11
them. And then and and and Kansas City had eight out of 28 teams that were in the Super Bowl, had a diverse selection of coaches. Right. And you know, I love him, even though he’s Washington, you know, I got to root for the Latin guy, Ron Rivera within Washington, but they’re my league. So sorry, Ron. I still got my giants going. Alright, so look, I’m gonna go, Andres I sent you as well. Is the draft 4.0 and 3.0. Did you get that?
Andres Gispert Jr. 36:39
Yes, I did the 3.0 It looks funny right now. But as of everything that’s been going on, you’re right. After a week, it just doesn’t make sense.
Victor Arocho 36:47
We started at 1.0. And by what what’s the only draft pick up? What was the number of draft pick? I’m only looking for
Byron Jones 36:57
11? Like always, exactly.
Victor Arocho 36:59
So I care about and Andres I told you the same thing. And he started laughing Why? Because I know the top 10 the fact that we’re in 11 I love it. Because I know the top 10 is gonna keep switching, which then pushes down someone in the top 10 to 11. Right. I
Byron Jones 37:16
mean, then you got the kids, you know, because they’re doing the pro days all over the country now. And you know, before when they went and they had an Indianapolis, you know, I thought you know, the combine there. You know, you knew pretty much I you know, this guy ran a four three, this one ran that you’re not gonna know, today’s you know, who did what here Who did this? And you know, that’s just gonna fluctuate change?
Andres Gispert Jr. 37:36
No, I’m sorry. But I’m sorry, Byron, that’s, that’s all changed now. As a guy who used to host pro days at several different colleges, that’s all changed. Now. You know, the host school has to hire an analytics firm, whether it’s pro football focus, whether it’s sports info solutions, or whatnot. And yeah, it’s, they have to pay two grand for an official to come from one of those analytics firms to show up and certify the times certify the lifts and certify the height, the weight everything. So that those are the only two this year is the first year that Lesko got involved because they saw the everybody knows Lesko their, you know, their their big time in scouting. And now it’s a it’s a big deal. It’s a
Victor Arocho 38:26
so let me ask you a question. So it’s almost like when the Oscars and these guys hire accounting firm for the votes happening,
Andres Gispert Jr. 38:35
you basically can only hire one of those three now.
Victor Arocho 38:38
So so it’s like a major accounting firm that verifying the accuracy of the data based on the player’s numbers.
Andres Gispert Jr. 38:45
Yeah, and a lot of cases, they’re hiring either former scouts or current scouts to be there to certify these and basically they’re signing off the David’s saying yes, this is exactly how many times he lifted to 25.
Byron Jones 39:01
But I can’t do the Flim Flam that they used to do back in the day because I know when we have our pro day, you know, at Tulsa, the eddas guy is 6.6 and they don’t actually know when you get the actual call. He’s only like six.
Unknown Speaker 39:14
No, no, no
Victor Arocho 39:14
four. I’m gonna ask you a question back from the environment always laughing right? If they say a guy six foot, he’s like 511 510 they say he’s six five he’s six three, right? And they say you know the speed I believe the speed is just the speed. You can’t you know your time but but but I think height and weight is always inflated right in the programs and everything. Are you saying that that’s gone now?
Andres Gispert Jr. 39:40
Well for pro day, it’s gone because now they’re everything’s videoed, everything is pictured. You know, it’s it’s almost impossible to get away with it. When I was at Kent State, my first time running a pro day we had to buy these these special measurements. To put on the wall, and literally put the guy against the wall and take the picture, and then you could go ahead and they could see and zoom in. Or they could literally zoom in on their computer and actually see okay, yeah, he’s actually six, two and three quarters.
Victor Arocho 40:14
I saw I’m only joking. Like Byron’s really fixed with two 350 pounds. No analytic wise, he’s 652. No, no. But technically, he’s literally without those analytics. He’s six foot two 350.
Byron Jones 40:33
I got measured, and I was six foot five. And I just had to throw that out. That’s funny.
Unknown Speaker 40:45
Wow, that’s the buyer. What do you think about that?
Byron Jones 40:48
It’s great. You know, you figure Yeah, but I played back in the caveman days, didn’t have all that stuff. You know, a lot of those, you know, like, the the Raiders came, and I forgot what the guy’s legged. The back of the day was like the guru of all defensive line coaches, you know, he came there. And it’s like, you know, I don’t want you to run, you know, everybody was basically running 40, then come to find out was like, I know, we just need your 10 yard split, you know, what do you run, you know, 10 yards, you know, you’re not gonna run if you’ve been four yards down the field, guess what, you ran too far. 10 yards, you know, from point A to point B. And back then we’ll just caveman day but now, you know what he’s talking about? Is this like, I attack now.
Victor Arocho 41:27
But now it was also, I remember when I went, it was lateral movement to they were trying to test right, you’re still doing the LM level from left to right. Right. And then I don’t know, when you when when you got in? Right. Wasn’t it the heaviest weight? Because I remember for me, it was how many times you could do to 25 I was to 25 for us. So he went and went there. Yeah, cuz there was a point they were just like, you know, oh, my God, he benchpress 490,000 pounds, right? And who gave her crap? Because if he did it once, it didn’t matter. What they care about now is how much can you press 225?
Unknown Speaker 42:01
And the reason why is
Victor Arocho 42:04
for a lot for durability during the during the game, right? How many times can I hit someone at that pressure?
Andres Gispert Jr. 42:11
Right. One of the other things that
Victor Arocho 42:14
a buyer who may 23 I did 19.
Byron Jones 42:18
Ah, my arms long ago.
Unknown Speaker 42:22
I know is a D back,
Byron Jones 42:25
my arms are longer, but you are bigger. 37 and a half to 38. All the way up here. Oh, wait,
Unknown Speaker 42:34
I had nothing to do with it.
Andres Gispert Jr. 42:36
When I was happy with my 16 It’s true.
Victor Arocho 42:39
It’s true. I seen these things a little guys, they could press a lot. And just because just for
Unknown Speaker 42:46
the military.
Victor Arocho 42:48
Cool. It’s like a push up by your knees. That’s interesting. So
Andres Gispert Jr. 42:54
so it also changes the way they do the pro day, guys. So as you can imagine, nobody wants to run to 40 on the seat, oh, 20 minutes after doing the bench press. So literally, that this is why pro day is such a long day at these universities. So they’ll go ahead and at eight o’clock in the morning, they’ll do the bench press at eight in the morning. And then they’ll do interviews and the interviews are pretty much done right after that. And then they’ll do vertical jump. And then they’ll process them over to eat lunch or whatnot. And then continue doing l drill or three cone drill and 40 yard dash for the second half of the day. And it’s a it’s very well organized at every university. Well at most universities. I could say that if you’re
Victor Arocho 43:43
looking to best
Andres Gispert Jr. 43:45
I’m sorry. I’m sorry, being the best health. Well, when Steve when Steve kragthorpe was there you have the care from buyers from both Well, he knows what Steve kragthorpe was so that’s my man his dad he coached me at the Air Force Academy so I know all about Greg for
Unknown Speaker 44:07
spandex where I’m from
Unknown Speaker 44:13
everything spent
Victor Arocho 44:15
I got like, between the two of you I got like 1000 pounds of
Unknown Speaker 44:22
like, like you know what, like over 12 feet of 13 feet of men wearing
Byron Jones 44:31
gear right now
Victor Arocho 44:32
I’m gonna call I’m gonna call my girl from Spanx and she promised to send you guys some stuff so that we there’s no there’s no like doughnuts and stuff.
Andres Gispert Jr. 44:40
Just make sure it’s a sexy
Victor Arocho 44:44
we got begging sexy. All right. So let me let me ask you a question though. You know sometimes when you I’m just wondering if if if going to one section of a combine which makes it easier for everybody. Except for the players is, is better than the players being in their own environment. Like, you know what I mean? I mean, what are your thoughts?
Byron Jones 45:10
When I when I played, I went to Annapolis for that. But for some reason, it seems like you do better, you know, when you’re at your own place. Yeah. I just that was me. That was just my whole thing with it. You know, I didn’t when I went to Indianapolis, I didn’t live there. I said, I would live, though. I got away with Omaha did. But you know, why go back to Tulsa because the stuff that we had there I was using, I don’t know why, but for some reason, I just want to do it at Tulsa. So it just worked out.
Victor Arocho 45:39
I think it’s I think the same thing, I think, I think the I don’t know if it takes away from the guy. But I think the the true, the true player is going to perform better just like home field advantage, where he’s used to where he’s been playing all his like, what he’s been working out where he’s been running, where he’s doing everything else. So if they’re now having to go like on reserve, is that correct? You said they’re going to the schools, they have to go so
Andres Gispert Jr. 46:03
basic. Well, that was implemented this year. That since there was no combine. And if you haven’t noticed lately, there’s been a big trend, where there’ll be guys will just do the interviews at the combine. But they will not do any of the work performance at the interview. like everybody’s wonderlic. Okay, yeah, every, every team gets to checkmark whether or not they want to interview you for five to 10 minutes. And they set it up there at Lucas Oil Stadium. And basically, in the suites, you’re meeting with a scout, you’re meeting with a scout, you’re meeting with a GM, and you’re meeting with someone who knows everything about basically already has a book on you. And wants to talk about everything about you correct me if I’m wrong, Byron, you want to know about that candy bar you stole like the
Unknown Speaker 46:57
Really? Oh, yeah.
Victor Arocho 47:00
Timeout so I can understand, right? Because I didn’t get that far. So my question is, so it’s almost like a job interview. for that. Okay, worse, but. But it’s but it’s but you’re not jobbing. You’re not interviewing for 32. It’s the ones who want to interview. So they it’s like, you know, I got 10 companies get a resume and five of them want to interview you’re only even interviewing with five of them, you’re not going through all 32 Is that correct?
Andres Gispert Jr. 47:25
Negative in most cases, you’re meeting with at least 27 to 30 of them.
Victor Arocho 47:31
Oh, so you get a chance to interview in a lot. Okay.
Andres Gispert Jr. 47:34
Yeah. Because at the end of the day, they don’t bring in everybody. So I think now they think last? Correct me from wrong, guys. I think they only allowed 600 players. And total, the last two combines that we actually had. So, you know, there’s only so much time in the day to interview and do all these things. So they’re doing these interviews at seven o’clock in the morning. And they’re waking these guys up in a hotel that they’ve never been in, in a city they’ve never been in there. They’re making them wake up, go to a banquet hall, eat, get dressed, and go and present themselves in front of people they don’t know who you know, and hate this mind. This is how I used to prepare kids. Anything you say is going against you. This is the only job interview that you’re not trying to get the job you’re trying to find a reason not to hire.
Victor Arocho 48:27
A So, so interesting. So and you have to add to the fact it’s your livelihood, right? You know, it’s one thing that you’re you’re trying to get a job if you’re getting a job, this is a job where 1% of people get right, this is
Andres Gispert Jr. 48:42
not even 1% this is
Victor Arocho 48:45
percentages. So a lot lower than interviewing for a sales position at a company from Procter and Gamble to GE to whatever I’m so interviewing in the morning is is a lot better. And then, man, I wanted to ask you something in there. I that’s interesting. That’s interesting. I think that’s good. That’s good, great information.
Andres Gispert Jr. 49:11
For five days now, how
Victor Arocho 49:13
are they interviewing the interviewing now? Is it like through zoom or, you know, cuz that’s the case.
Andres Gispert Jr. 49:17
In a lot of cases. It’s in a lot of cases, it’s zoom for the individual scouting teams, for instance. And I’ll use the giants, for example, because I’m very familiar with some of their guys always the way they dress on the show. They will not interview a guy they have no interest in. They won’t ask for film on a guy that they have no interest in. They won’t play the game that Yeah, I just want the film on all your entirety. No, they want film on a particular guy. They know exactly who they want. It might not even be the guy you think they want. But they know who they’re looking at on your team. So then they’ll go right. In a lot of cases. It’s not just based on need. They’re thinking. They’re thinking chess while we’re all thinking checkers. Man. You No, they’re they’re thinking of their depth chart the entire time. And they need to, they need to keep in mind that they also have to field a practice squad. They also have to field a camp. So sometimes they’re trying to just bring in the best guys possible for camp.
Victor Arocho 50:16
So let me ask you a question back in the day Byron, remember the writers and then they had that movie with invent. Invincible and Mark Wahlberg. Marky Mark. Yeah, when they had that was open tryouts. Right? They don’t have that anymore, huh?
Andres Gispert Jr. 50:31
They still have open tryouts. Many teams still do it. In fact, Green Bay Packers still hold one every day.
Victor Arocho 50:38
I’m over here. It’s by team that has the choice that Raiders the Raiders did a lot.
Andres Gispert Jr. 50:45
Well, in most cases, they it’s a it’s one of those. It’s an open invite. In other words, no one knew what it was but it was a you know the 20 or 30 guys that showed up knew exactly because they’re their agents told them already.
Victor Arocho 51:01
Interesting. Yeah, cuz you saw the movie invincible with Marky Mark. Right? And Okay, awesome. That’s interesting. As a buyer that’s really but but but at what point because like in the movie Moneyball, it only worked for a certain period of time, they realized that it doesn’t work. Like it didn’t work consistently. Like the Oakland the Oakland went far but it still didn’t help the only thing that helped was like when Houston was capturing the signals right. And they beat my Yankees which they shouldn’t have been my Yankees. This is impossible when the Patriots are getting those sidelines
Unknown Speaker 51:37
Victor Arocho 51:39
allegedly timeout timeout town football is a little bit different. Right? But was a little bit different. So Alright, so let’s let’s Okay, we’re good. That was pretty interesting buyer. Any comments on that? I thought that was pretty interesting. was pretty
Byron Jones 51:51
very awesome things I didn’t know. Yeah. Yeah, no, that’s everybody. He just you’re one senator early, but you don’t have to repeat it though.
Victor Arocho 52:00
I’m just making sure that I respect your intelligence. But sometimes age has to take effect. I’m catching feelings right now. Okay, I’ll die. Are you getting soft and feeling I’m getting soft? Right. Are you? Are you forgiving?
Unknown Speaker 52:18
Yes, I
Victor Arocho 52:18
am. Right about now. Yeah. That’s Byron’s word. It’s called Phrygian or every Italian there’s more ties in the NFL than we ever thought and that’s because they’re all Fred g like to he calls to a Fred g isn’t Fred D kind of player All right. So
Andres Gispert Jr. 52:34
well. I grew up on the Christmas story so I know all about Fred Yeah.
Victor Arocho 52:39
Alright, so look, the top ones are easy you Oh, you change something you got Crk training with jet jets like Justin fields.
Byron Jones 52:52
The reason why I did that is you know for our jet
Victor Arocho 52:54
I don’t understand what you wrote though who they doing Tell me about the trade Russell
Byron Jones 52:59
Russell Wilson to wear to the judge. Why not? Um, so I’m just throwing it out there so I’ve jet fans you know, I got my desk I did it. And they’re gonna you know, trace them you know, to see how often they go turn around and trade him to get some more pigs Yeah, I’m just threw something out there and just throw it out there
Victor Arocho 53:20
to talk. Okay, I thought they signed that and Donald’s but okay. Um, you got the dolphins that stay the same. You got Pitts say the same. You got the bangle status saying you got the eagle. Eagles you change eagles. He got them kick. You know, Zack, what needs to add the Eagles taking a quarterback but it’s got to change now since they signed Flacco.
Unknown Speaker 53:43
Yeah, that will change. I did this.
Victor Arocho 53:46
Yeah. Lions, lions. You got that the same Pantages tree land?
Andres Gispert Jr. 53:53
I don’t like that. Pick. Number four. Number eight. I’ll be honest with you, I think. I think the Panthers are not going to pick trade. Lance. I know that rule personally and that. Hey, I don’t think so. I think it would be the other way around. Exact rules are still available. I wouldn’t be shocked if Matt rule goes for the gunslinger over overtrain Lance, which was a gunslinger Zach Wilson from BYU.
Unknown Speaker 54:19
Ah, oh,
Victor Arocho 54:19
so you you think well, first of all, Zach Willis is going to eagles. I think that’s totally gone now because of Flacco
Andres Gispert Jr. 54:26
That’s what I’m saying. I think I think now, if all thing is true, if it would it be true now I think Zack Wilson would drop down to the eight eight position and Matt rule will have his gunslinger that he so desperately needs
Unknown Speaker 54:39
who’s The Gunslinger he called
Andres Gispert Jr. 54:41
Zach Wilson from BYU.
Byron Jones 54:43
So they probably would have to trade up with the Eagles again and then if he’s still sitting here.
Andres Gispert Jr. 54:48
He goes are gonna go I don’t see the Eagles go wasting another quarterback, getting wasting, wasting a sixth spot when they need a tight end or or a wide receiver.
Victor Arocho 55:00
Yeah, because they got they got the kid from Jalen hertz and they got Flacco right now. And how many how many guys has taken three quarterbacks in the league right now?
Andres Gispert Jr. 55:11
Well, I still say they’re gonna pick up somebody in the fifth or sixth round, but I don’t see it. I don’t see them getting getting, you know, getting him at number six spot and having a warrant to have to pay first round money for a quarterback that’s just gonna sit there.
Byron Jones 55:29
gotta think about Kyle Trask, the kid from Florida.
Andres Gispert Jr. 55:34
I think he’s, I think he’s a good talent. I think he’s
Byron Jones 55:39
a quarterback.
Andres Gispert Jr. 55:39
That’s the that’s the quarterback. I think he’s a case. Really? Yeah, that’s just my personal opinion. I think you know, you know, all these kids that they that they allow themselves to put too much on on Facebook too much on social media. They’re, they’re showing, you know, they’re basically showing the glass door into their lives of their, of their mental intellect and of their of their character. And I just don’t think he’s got the character to be the number the QB one of an NFL team, right? Oh, stepping right in.
Victor Arocho 56:17
And Florida is usually their systems usually produce great college quarterbacks but they haven’t really produced NFL quarterbacks.
Byron Jones 56:22
Let’s back up for a second. You said Matt, Bro, I wanted Matt rule as the head coach of this guy so bad. You can’t imagine how bad I wanted it. I didn’t know he was coming up here. But he got that big fat contract down to Carolina next year. Now. What can you imagine? Now? Oh, man, I was so hurt that he didn’t get the job.
Andres Gispert Jr. 56:41
And you do know that that man when he was in temple, he would sneak off from time to time to go to a giants game from time to time.
Byron Jones 56:49
Man, I wasn’t so bad. I was killing the Carolina.
Victor Arocho 57:00
Patrick’s team. I’m happy to see this wild like top 10 just saying going to the Broncos. I’m happy as long as you don’t go to Cowboys, right? I don’t want him to play again. Right? And then you got the Cowboys. You still cowboys taking a quarterback. They need defense. And then you got the Giants taken. You went from a giant second linebacker to now another receiver, but based on what they just signed. What are your thoughts now?
Byron Jones 57:27
Because you have Shepard that was getting a ton of money. I’m talking about the future separately. A lot of money. You got Ingram? Is it ready to go? You know, since you don’t know how you’re gonna play. But you need another flat guy just you play slot or outside. Wow, that way more weapons.
Unknown Speaker 57:44
I love slack.
Andres Gispert Jr. 57:46
And I think he’s got the he’s got the best logo route in coming out of college right now.
Victor Arocho 57:54
That is we’re taking Jason while Jalen waddle, right? Yeah. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 58:00
Okay. All right. Well, that less
Andres Gispert Jr. 58:02
here got an ankle breaker there, that’s for sure.
Victor Arocho 58:06
Yeah, I must. I must stop at 11 because, you know, that’s all I care about is Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 58:14
Hold on,
Victor Arocho 58:16
cuz because it just gets in time and stuff. I thought this was a good show. I, Andres you. He really brought a great perspective with the analytics and stuff. You can tell he’s the young girl, the three of us. Damn, yeah. I just got by her to sign up on a Gmail account today.
Byron Jones 58:33
I know. Especially since I’m still walking around with
Unknown Speaker 58:39
Unknown Speaker 58:43
Unknown Speaker 58:45
Baby. Yeah.
Victor Arocho 58:47
Hey, so you know, I didn’t want to get to like we always talk about a show. But and before we end it because we’re going Andres we’d like to have you back again. Byron, what are your thoughts? Yes, sir. Yeah,
Byron Jones 59:00
you know, a great show. And you know, what a joy Have you young Air Force guy, you know, even though you know, air 40 I should have went the Air Force. But you know, that’s another long story for another day.
Victor Arocho 59:10
That tells you Well, he’s service guys. He’s a big, big fan of his family. Tell him about your sister. His sister graduated with me and that’s one girl. Shout out to Vonda Jones. And you know, just because what she shared think ahead. That 23
Byron Jones 59:25
years Marine Corps retired what First Sergeant that she works up here Boeing now. Oh, she worked at OCF he was the first female drill instructor for OCS down in Quantico. So yeah, she had a great career. retire like 2008
Victor Arocho 59:45
and I got to give a shout out to the younger sister Sonia Jones because I’ll be getting Texas with a voice service Sony Jones sees the younger sister. Jones family is awesome. We’re all from verdammt at Sony Jones, he’s, she’s gonna give a give you a GIF of of coffee. Morning or one afternoon. That’s it. I want to shout out to Jones family, they’re awesome. What I want to talk about before we start into this show where we always, we talked about the Gary Sinise foundation. What I found out Byron is Andres got some, you know, he’s got some experience with the guy at the Gary Sinise foundation. So I like if you could share, like your experience with it. And, you know, some of the things you told me before, you know, when we talked about coming on the show? Well,
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:00:30
can we all agree that we live in a day and age that unfortunately, a mental illness is overlooked in a lot of cases with us minorities, we look at it as a weakness instead of, you know, we don’t see that we don’t see the Help button as an option sometimes. And try to you
Unknown Speaker 1:00:47
know, get it out.
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:00:48
Exactly. And, you know, let’s start out with the bigger problem. Every day 22 soldiers commit suicide due to mental illness. And that’s a huge problem. It’s something that I wanted squashed. Back in 2014, I had a good friend of mine, a brother in arms that I served with his spouse got a hold of me and, you know, told me some, some pretty sad stuff that he was he was dealing with. And you know, it’s hard when they the spouse notices that he needs help, but he’s not going to take the help unless someone literally kicks him in the ass to go get the help or whatnot. And in this particular case, we didn’t have to, we didn’t have to do it by heart, he needed to help. He just he didn’t know how. So I went ahead and I racked my brain and I reached out to a few to a few Brothers in Arms. And you know, the one thing about the big blue line is it’s never ending man, and you never know where it goes. We were able to get them placed with the warrior’s heart program, which charges people absolutely nothing if you’re a first responder or event. And that program has completely saved that man’s life. He has saved his marriage. He is a happier man, he is walking living testimony to a program within the Gary Sinise foundation. And you know, it’s a, I think it’s beautiful. What Gary Sinise is doing, and he does it in such a nonchalant, everyday kind of way. I wish more people would come to notice that. Just because we served doesn’t mean the VA covers everything. Oh,
Victor Arocho 1:02:38
that’s great, because you know, this was a we wanted to do something with Byron, I started our show. And this was a an organization Byron was very near and dear to his heart. So ever since we always end our show with it. And then when I spoke with Byron, so how this came up, I spoke with him about like how we do it. And he goes, really? No, wait a second, let me tell you and he like worked with people with the sinise foundation. He did some stuff I got. That’s great. So you know, I want you to mention to it because we always want to talk about it. I think it’s important these days and time. Now, you know how I feel about we can’t have this show without service, but military people, right. And we can’t have this show without first responders helping out our own. Right. And for those of you out there, but you know, your football players, and particularly in a minority community, it’s true. We were taught to toughen it up Don’t cry be you know what I mean, be strong. I’ll tell you. I’ll tell you right now, when I was blessed to have my son first is the first boy in have all girls in our families is the first grandson. So I’m super happy. And you know, I kind of figured I could handle a boy. When I had my wife’s pregnant with my daughter. I was oh man. How am I gonna do with my daughter because I was a disaster. If I read I read this book about God, boys and girls, I’m going to tie this around so you understand where I’m coming from, particularly for minorities. But everybody does this is that it was saying see that girls are tougher than boys, especially when they’re younger. So what our natural instinct is when a boy falls down, toughen up, get up, but it’s an add in, you know, you’re okay. And, and the book was telling me that it’s the total opposite, right? It’s the boy needs he won’t. The boy won’t won’t start getting more emotion. He won’t be able to handle emotions. You know what I mean? Because of the way he’s treating he needs that common where the girls he falls down and everybody runs through? Oh my god, are you okay? And it was saying the book was the opposite is the girls a tough day, like get up? You look at them. If you don’t make a comment, they just get up and get going. If you make a big thing about it, then they’re going to add into the drama. So just I was just sharing with you I was an interesting story about, you know, my natural instinct was the same thing. Right? My boy falls down. toughen up, boy. Get up. And this was like when they’re little kids to teach them to be able to have more emotions, they got to be able to be it’s okay and talk to them. So it’s just funny how that ties into the mental piece of, of how we treat men and and women or boys and girls right? um you know women have a tendency when they have when their babies are saying like the girls will try to speak it and boys were like sorry, you know, our first words our room and girls first words are trying to talk so anyways, but um, you know, whatever we could do for the Gary Sinise Foundation, our service and first responders, anyone and everyone listening out there is really important to us. And just think about them that everything you do in life. I mean, Byron, please, you know, and, and Andres, you guys can echo this, but everything and everything we have the ability to do in this country is for the men and women that have protected this country. Is that a fair statement? Our ability to earn our ability to practice what religion we want our ability to have our own podcast and say what we feel, right? The ability to be a numbnuts kid from a college that does the wrong things on thing, but you can’t do that anywhere else. So that doesn’t happen without our being our country being protected by the people that serve our country. Is that a fair statement?
Unknown Speaker 1:06:24
Victor Arocho 1:06:25
Awesome. Alright, so let me I’m gonna wrap this up here, with what we always do. So freedom, and security are precious gifts that we as Americans should never take for granted. We must do all we can to extend our hands in times of need to those who willingly sacrifice each day to provide that freedom and security. While we never can do enough to show our gratitude to our nation’s defenders, we can always do a little bit more. Gary Sinise, and that’s the Gary Sinise, that’s si n, I SD, I always spell it because the bigger scinece Gary Sinise foundation.org if you can contribute, we’d really appreciate it. Do whatever you can. I know the times are tough now. But you know, it’s even tougher for guys that are out there confined during these epidemic and during the things that we got going on. So again, sometimes
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:07:20
you’re just looking for volunteers, Vic?
Victor Arocho 1:07:22
Yep. Okay. So anything you can do to help out we’d really appreciate it. And now Don’t forget you can follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one You can also visit our website at the sports cast that net Join us next Thursday at 8pm it’s 8pm every week right buyer?
Byron Jones 1:07:43
Well depends if you’re late but you know that’s that’s here to there.
Victor Arocho 1:07:46
Okay, or less your your got spandex on so every week at 8pm because our friends Andre only reason we’re saying that because our friends ever we go Hey, What time’s your show? Well, we’ve been doing this since October. So my mind is this. Andres Gasper Jr, thank you for everything you’ve done. How’d you like the show? We’d like to have you back again. Thank you.
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:08:12
Thank you joy to show you guys you guys make it easy on me to be honest with you the last couple of other podcasts I kind of bumped
Victor Arocho 1:08:22
I was telling Byron that I’d say most people that come on our show and that’s to our boys Richie Vargas and guess call some of them out. Mark is good when it comes to who doesn’t want to call our buyers? Mo Brian
Unknown Speaker 1:08:33
Oh Brian is a bunch of
Victor Arocho 1:08:36
more than even how it flips phone I think he’s got a brick phone
Byron Jones 1:08:41
true true that
Victor Arocho 1:08:42
all on we call out all the boys in Jersey that’ll that’ll Facebook all the stuff they want but they won’t get on damn podcast and defend their team. He’s jet fan so we always hate jet fans. Right? Um, and you know, we call them out we’d like to have you again back on our show. I thought you brought a lot of especially during the draft time right Byron cuz the statistics stuff that you brought
Byron Jones 1:09:03
is pretty interesting. But then he hurt my feelings by saying you know what, Matt roll? Yeah, that hurt me to my core. I want to hit guy so bad man was killing me. I just knew he was coming,
Victor Arocho 1:09:14
though. How did that hurt you when he said he was Vinci way snuck off the giant game.
Byron Jones 1:09:20
It’s just the fact that you know, he should have been he should be a giant. He’s blue. He’s a blue collar guy. But he should have been that giant, big coach. I’m fine with Joe judge. I’m fine with him. But
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:09:32
we could have had that other guy. mirin as you you were in the league. You know how it is sometimes you got to worry about that big, beautiful paycheck coming in. But he’s there and you might only get one chance to sign a contract.
Byron Jones 1:09:44
Well, he did get a big fat one though. He got a big one.
Victor Arocho 1:09:48
And especially the coach the coaches first one they get rid of Right. I mean, that’s the sad part. Right? No matter what happens.
Byron Jones 1:09:55
It’s easy to get rid of the coach to the whole team.
Victor Arocho 1:09:58
Exactly. You With the Philadelphia, they got rid of the quarterback. They got rid of his coach.
Byron Jones 1:10:06
The Philly fanatics
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:10:08
they even got rid of their video coordinator
Unknown Speaker 1:10:12
defensive coordinator.
Byron Jones 1:10:15
They you know, they had a bomb this drop on him right? He figured it was so bad to do Stanley left he’s been there for years with no salary left he’s like you know what i’m out and went to another team. best
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:10:29
I can tell you is for the first time in NFL history. There is a rotating door on the video coordinator position in Philadelphia for ever they had a man by the name of doc Mike Dockery and he had been there forever and a day and ever since that poor man has retired because chip Chip Kelly drove him nuts It has been a rotating door in that video office. So that is the unsafe his job right
Unknown Speaker 1:11:00
now. In the video Philly,
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:11:04
no in NFL because usually video coordinators don’t go through don’t don’t get swapped out from coach to coach. But there it’s it’s it’s become a rotating door.
Victor Arocho 1:11:15
They need somebody they need somebody blank. I will again vibrance is great job with a man with a mock draft that just changes on a daily basis. So we’ll see what happens. Close right when is when is it April
Byron Jones 1:11:31
29 or something like that?
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:11:34
Here in Cleveland. Oh, it’s gonna be in Cleveland. It’s going to be in Cleveland and
Unknown Speaker 1:11:39
hidden normally in New York or no.
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:11:40
Moving around now. They’re turning it into an they’re turning it into a traveling event show.
Victor Arocho 1:11:47
Really Yeah. Cuz I know it was always in New York. I was in Byron was that I like it on Saturdays. Byron likes Thursday.
Byron Jones 1:11:53
Thursday is cool. There’s a prime time prime time that I
Victor Arocho 1:11:56
like Saturdays. I used to go to shoeless right. I would go to schuler’s they would have everything going on there. I can be great steak on a Saturday and get excited on Thursday. I’m tired
Byron Jones 1:12:08
of the first round, you know, on Thursday, and all those kids you know that all of a sudden got money, you know, they got some $1,000 you know, $2,000 suits on the Rolex watch, like, hey, Mama wearing
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:12:17
Mama’s wearing Christian Dior.
Victor Arocho 1:12:22
By the way, the last draft, okay, they did a good job was versatile, but I’ve never seen so many guys that getting drafted that were in such awesome houses.
Unknown Speaker 1:12:36
Unknown Speaker 1:12:37
was in like, No man.
Victor Arocho 1:12:41
It was in pristine like, like, like Country Club type of house. There was not one like, I don’t know, I’m just saying you know, they’re gonna drown Airbnb in a incredible house. And I’ve seen some nice houses.
Byron Jones 1:12:57
Well, guess what? The ages that got to have them. You know, getting ready to get paid and the house like is ready to fall down. So I’m pretty sure that’s not their house.
Victor Arocho 1:13:06
Okay, maybe then maybe that’s the case. All I know is I’ve never seen so many nice houses for guys getting drafted. right out of college where they don’t get paid.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:16
Allegedly, that lead.
Unknown Speaker 1:13:18
I ain’t touching that.
Victor Arocho 1:13:21
All right. God bless, guys. Thank you for your time again. Thank you. Byron, as always, you know, you’re my man, thank you for everything that you do. God bless you and the Jones family. Shout out the Perth Amboy New Jersey as we always do. Mark perlick this was a really key I says
Unknown Speaker 1:13:41
Victor Arocho 1:13:43
Harlech, that’s it. He got a scholarship. He was an Army Ranger got a scholarship to Clemson won a national championship. Okay, but ruckers beat them. And Florida State still in the tournament. So I always say when we say about our robbers
Byron Jones 1:13:58
316 and toss on 77th street I know where it is. Just because it’s the next big man school this big ball 4000 4000 students though,
Andres Gispert Jr. 1:14:09
man, I think you’re counting the online students man. Half of their enrollment is all pastors. That’s true
Victor Arocho 1:14:20
to those those pastors can place a model a alright take care and same time say next week. We’re looking for the Jersey Boys sports cast. You can see us live like you are and you could also go to our YouTube channel and see us you know, listen to us and so forth. I think you get a kick out of some stuff we do we have some fun. Byron I got to get a picture that spandex. I’m gonna sing. I’m gonna sing Andre is a pair of spandex. If I can find a size that fits him. All I know is that I’m the average size of a man. You two guys. I can’t imagine how much spandex I get to put the curtains together. God bless how’s the night and we’ll talk soon.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai