Evander Holyfield has confirmed he is in advanced talks to come out of retirement for a trilogy fight with Mike Tyson.
It’s been 23 years since their infamous second showdown in Las Vegas where Tyson bit off part of Holyfield’s ear in the third round and the pair could be set for a third showdown.
And joining us in this episode is Ty Turner and special guest Sean Barstow from the BTR Boxing Podcast Network.

Tyson retired 15 years ago but has been back in the gym and Holyfield has announced his intention to get back in the ring.
The 57-year-old is 2-0 up against Tyson but revealed negotiations for another bout are underway.
Show Points
- Holyfield is 57yo
- Tyson is 53 yo
- The Oldest Boxer to ever fight was Steve Ward at the age of 59 in 2011, a British Boxer.
- Shannon Briggs announces he will fight Mike Tyson

Werder Bremen vs Bayer Leverkusen
Sean Barton: Werder Bremen; Ty Turner: Werder Bremen
Poll Questions
Were the Pacers a better team than the Bulls in the 97-98 season?
Yes – 25%, No – 75%
What is your favorite museum? #internationalMuseumDay
Science – 42.9%, Art 28.6%, History – 28.6%, Archeaology – 0%
Sean Barton: History
Ty Turner: History
Santiago Leon
sportscast may 18 2020 if you haven’t yet, please subscribe on all our channels YouTube, Periscope and iTunes. And if you’re an iTunes please leave a rating and review it will help us out tremendously. And visit us on the sports cast dotnet the sports cast dotnet today’s sponsor is is the Bible app you could you could get the app on the iOS app store today. event or Holyfield? Yes has confirmed he is in advanced talks to come out of retirement for a trilogy fight with Mike Tyson Holyfield versus Tyson three. And joining us ex boxer Ty Turner and all the way from the UK Sean from the BTR boxing Podcast Network. Welcome to this week’s guest
Sean Barstow
man Thanks so much for having us again, Santiago. It’s a pleasure,
Santiago Leon
Shawn on the eve of training of the Premier League is coming back tomorrow. I mean, I’m not sure if you’re following the Premier League, but I am at least
Sean Barstow
Yeah, I’m a fan of the Premier League. I’m in front of front of football. My football team actually don’t play in the Premier League. There are actually a few leagues down the one that I support but I am a big follower of the Premier League and it sounds very promising that potentially we are going to get football back. I think everybody at the moment across the world are absolutely dying to get some sort of live score going back on it’s been so, so difficult. We don’t realize how much we missed the sport until it’s gone.
Santiago Leon
It is anti Turner’s definitely desperate for sports, but he’s not watching the last dance. How are you tie? I haven’t
Tyler Turner
seen an episode yet. But will you? Oh my god.
Santiago Leon
Shawn, are you watching the last dance from the UK?
Sean Barstow
I’ve not watched it yet. I’ve seen many things about it. I’m very interested in getting into watching it because although I’m not a huge basketball fan, obviously followed Michael Jordan. He was very prevalent in the 90s. Growing up as a as a young lad and is a name that has always been remembered for a lot of fans in the UK, any basketball lovers or non basketball lovers know who Michael Jordan is. And that just goes to show you the impact he had on his particular score.
Santiago Leon
Before we head into Tyson. Do you think Michael Jordan has a bigger name than Mohammed? Mohammed Ali?
Sean Barstow
Wow, that’s a that’s a very bold statement, I think. I think not I think and that might just be me being boxing bias. But I think Mohammed Ali transcended not only his sport that he was in, but he transcended did a lot of things I think he transcended you know, different movements that were going on during that era of time that he was in. And he was very prevalent in various things. There’s many stories about Mohammed Ali saving hostage the freedom of hostages from from Iraq, in think it was 90 or 9091. I’ve seen stories of him helping people off alleged from committing suicide I think. I don’t think there’s many other sports people out there that I’ve ever done. The things that Muhammad Ali has done, so no, I would say no to that one.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, he’s done a lot outside the ring. Tie real quick. What do you think about that is Michael Jordan transcend over Muhammad Ali?
Tyler Turner
Um, no, I really don’t think there’s been a more impactful athlete in the history of sports, ballet. I think Muhammad Ali is the most famous with popular, most polarizing everything in regards to An athlete and just I mean yeah I just anywhere and he plays everyone knows Muhammad Ali is just so much that he represented was transcended of sport I would say that Mohammed Ali was the most famous greatest athlete from an impact level in the history of sports. Now the irony to that, at least in my opinion, I do not believe it was a great fighter of all time, and we could talk about
Santiago Leon
so different podcast
Tyler Turner
I, I don’t think I’ve even had it in the top five to be honest with you. But as far as as being whereas Jordan, I think is unquestionably the greatest basketball player. Obviously we fight about that the chat but I don’t think there was ever a greater basketball player, the Michael Jordan, and I think that’s pretty much unanimously like bleep I’m all the Jordan was the greatest basketball player. Where are we with probably the most impactful athlete okay with athletes, but probably I doubt very few people that are actually boxing junkies would say he was the greatest fighter of all time. It is a debate a question. I personally think, you know, back to the,
Santiago Leon
to the original question. I do think Michael Jordan has the branding edge, I guess, versus Muhammad Ali. But of course, we did outside the ring. I bet. That is up to debate. But anyways, let’s get into the main topic of the shore of this episode. It’s been 23 years since their Infamous Second show down in Las Vegas, where Tyson bid off holyfield’s ear in the third round, and the pair could be set for a third showdown. Guys, any of you two want to take this? What are your thoughts about this? Is this what the sport needs?
Sean Barstow
Well, I think it’s not essentially what the sport needs at the moment, but I think Do you believe that there is a lot of people that are excited by the prospect of it? However, personally speaking, I wouldn’t really want any of them to return to the ring. Tyson having not fought since 2005 looks an absolute shell of his farm itself, losing to Kevin McBride and then obviously you’ve got Holyfield, the last four in 2011 and even he made multiple attempts at coming back, which were unsuccessful. I don’t believe it’s a good advert in that respect for the sport but people are very excited because this three or four second clip of Mike Tyson looking in quite incredible shape for his age. He’s gone around on the on the pads and you know, showing what looked like an old version of of a mike tyson. But again, that’s just hard work. And that’s just him doing a three or four second combination. That doesn’t necessarily mean he’s going to be able to get back in the ring and potentially go on to fight guys that are In the current heavyweight scene, which is what some people are actually going out on a limb and saying so, personally No, I don’t I don’t think it is a good advert for boxing myself. Tyler, I’d be interested to know what your thoughts are on this.
Tyler Turner
From a the aspect of these are two very famous heavyweights two of the most famous heavyweight in the history of boxing. So the aspect would it get viewers? would people be excited because it’s the two all time greats fighting it in 50 plots? Yes. What a generating money? Yes. Would it be a good flight pack? No. You guys are in their 50s there would not be a great fight. They would wouldn’t look remotely like the guys that were once all time great level of heavyweights. It would be a pretty uninspiring life. I don’t know if you remember. Roy Jones, Bernard Hopkins. They bought a second time and I thought that they were both way too old. And I thought the fight was extremely uninspiring, but that would pale in comparison to 250 Plus, guys, one guy says was not bought in 15 years. Yeah, it was just because of their name because of who they were as all time great heavyweights would it be viewed and it would get some viewership it would get some generate some media buzz as far as the fight. Gods interested in seeing that five as I am watching to pass by
Santiago Leon
Mike Tyson is 53 years old, more events event Holyfield is 57. Shawn, what do you think from the two are are actually in better shape?
Sean Barstow
For boxer difficult, very difficult, very difficult to say? Because it’s easy enough to look at a video like instead of a three, four second combination and a pattern, say that someone’s in fighting shape, you’re never going to know if you’re actually in fighting shape until you actually get in the ring. Fine, and there’s always, you know, speculation about whether people are being fired fixative and default withheld from videos. He looks like essentially it could be in great shape, but like Tyler’s just rightly pointed out, would it put bombs on seats? Yeah. Would it sell tickets? Probably. Would it do would it do good numbers? Probably because we’re quite lacking in sport at the moment. So I’m sure a big time promoter would definitely benefit from from putting this out there on some type of pay per view, which wouldn’t surprise me Bohr in terms of in terms of what type of shape they’re in. It’s really really difficult to to ascertain if they’d been fighting shape combine. I I think I just wanted to make a quick point about a similar situation happening here in the UK at the back end of 2019, where former two time world middleweight and super middleweight champion Nigel Benn made the decision to come out of retirement and and was on the cusp of facing former champions Sakio Pika, who I think was about 10 years his junior who were both retired, but eventually getting injured in training because his body couldn’t hold up to it essentially the guys 50 odd year old man trying to get himself back in shape having not fought for, for nearly 20 years. He was the same age now he ended up getting injured. He struggled to get someone to actually license the fight to take place. And that was also another stumbling block as well. I mean, I wouldn’t see that being an issue with Tyson Holyfield. I’m sure the promoters in Vegas would love something on there. Of course they would because it had problems in seats, but it’s happened over here Nigel Benn got injured, he’s not come back out. There’s been no talk of him actually getting back in the ring. So whether whether this would be a similar instance, I think it’s exciting for maybe the younger generation of boxing fans more the more new generation of boxing fans because they will probably know Tyson from a lot of his highlight reel knockout videos and obviously hope feel for some of his videos as well. And, you know, looking back on the history of everything you can, you know, you can see that they were once legendary heavyweights brought this is this is 22. Any man, this is a completely different era time and I really wouldn’t I really wouldn’t want to see it happen.
Santiago Leon
Ty, obviously you’ve been a boxer, how much of a toll I mean, can these guys handle um, in a ring in their late 50s or in their 50s?
Tyler Turner
I mean, the thing is, is they’re fighting they’re both in the same predicament, meaning they’re both 15 plus. So they’re kind of in the same time like Vader or Joe trying to play content while they’re vanderhoek. They’ll try to buy How do you experience it’s trying to fight like I said, and are both in the same kind of predicament of being elderly, then close to retirement age. I’m talking about retirement in normal society, nine to five retirement 60 plus So they’re kind of in the same predicament. That’s what would make it even. Like last because they’re just both going to be shelter themselves. Ah, yeah. I mean, yeah, just not very interested in we call them flights. And the thing is we’ve gotten both by survive and we know what happened. But
Santiago Leon
there was never that like the mike tyson fight and holy Phil fight were like that number two was never really, you know, it was very short winded, it was just you know, two seconds. Tyson, you know, ripped his ear off. vendor’s ear off, obviously, I know they’re in their 50s. But do you think people want to see a complete fight? You know, 10 rounds? I mean, Shawn, I mean, do you think that’s something that Diogenes wants to see here?
Sean Barstow
I think you will find a portion of the audience that will want to see it, of course, but I think the majority of boxing fans would probably say no. So I think if you were going to put a poll out on on social media, I think you probably hopefully find that most people would say, it’s not really for me, I think the people that do want to see it with all due respect the people that are probably not been around boxing for too long of a period of time to really fully know the intricate, intricate workings of boxing, and I think they’re that people that would just go Yeah, I’d like to see that. That’s Mike Tyson. That’s Evander Holyfield. Yeah, let’s see them to get in the ring. We don’t want to, we don’t really want to see you again. And the thing is, these two guys have gone on to actually become quite good friends in the in the midst of it all. So them the potential of them actually getting in the ring, if anything is only going to be about them getting money in their pockets. Let’s be honest. If under hold if you had his troubles outside of the ring, ended up going bankrupt and selling some of these prized memorabilia that I’ve collected over the years and I think one of his estates ended up having to be sold as well as a result of that. And Mike Tyson’s problems are also well documented over the years and it’s nice to see him coming back to a level mentally where he seems to be at Quiet kind of at peace with himself with his with his hotboxing podcast and, you know, he had a vendor on that podcast. I think it wasn’t too long ago. And, you know, it was nice to hear them talk about them to face and the second via the infamous bite fi Of course and the way they seem to have kind of gone past everything. So it seems quite strange that these two guys have been been spoken about getting in the ring again. But also, there’s another there’s another person in the mix of all this stuff I think we’ve we’ve not really touched on yet. It’s Shannon Briggs. It’s been announced today that Shannon Briggs has come out and made a statement say that he’s fighting Tyson. And they’ve agreed to it. And it’s going to be Brownsville versus Brownsville. And that’s apparently what’s supposed to be happening. So again, there’s a third wheel in this story here. And what would you think about potentially Shannon Briggs versus mike tyson is also another question.
Santiago Leon
Will there be more intriguing Tyler?
Tyler Turner
Yeah, actually, that was because To the point you said they never finished it off mike tyson and Vander plaats, two times. And the first fight was I mean, he not favorite Look, don’t beat him fair and square. And then they fought the second fight. And honestly, Tyson was not going to win again. He was never going to be better. Why do I will actually say that? in their prime? Mike Tyson club one like this is never going to be an Android job. And yes, I’m a huge federal oil fan. But still, I think the proof was in the pudding. He dominated full time they bought But anyway, back to the question. Yes, that would be more entertaining, because they didn’t fight for one. Two, from Shannon Briggs is crazy. He’s allowed now. He would be very entertaining to watch the build up to the fight. And yes, invaluable versus roundel. That’s interesting too. I never thought that would be the more entertaining batch to see two guys that already taught two times that I don’t think of Andrew is a really entertaining built up guy anyway so you wouldn’t even be a ton of entertainment I can talk a lot trash probably will hardly talk at all. And, and he he feels dominated mike tyson two fights a day boss, why don’t you better off you’re never going to be an Android.
Santiago Leon
But you think Mike has a psychological issue back then.
Tyler Turner
Back then his whole life, he never would have beat him. I’m gonna say you never want to beat him up Android feels had one of the greatest, if not the greatest hearts in the history of the sport. And he was one guy that he didn’t care if he fought Godzilla, he was going to be there for the entire time. You’re probably going to hit him, you’re probably not going to hurt him. And you had to do it over and over and over and over again and it and really the only people that could be an answer when he was in his time was like Guys like a Lennox Lewis vertical, because at every physical advantage, they’re longer, they were taller, they were bigger and even then he beat Riddick well, three physical advantage over. Mike Tyson wasn’t gonna beat manner. He was always going to take Tyson shots and keep coming. And eventually he would wear him down physically and mentally. Shawn, he never was never going to be like, he was never going to be an Android. JOHN, you agree?
Sean Barstow
Yeah, I think you do. Yeah, I think I do agree with with that assessment from from trial and error because i think i think he’s quite evident that Holyfield click to his credit, although people wrote him off. I you know, I’ve recently been doing a lot of stuff for the podcast that I run regarding Holyfield, and Bowen and naturality. And it’s interesting to sort of see the progression of Evander Holyfield Ferrari’s throughout his years and the way you’ve frustrated mike tyson in their two fights. It was quite evident to see hence Wi Fi name and hence him ripping apart. I’ve only been to holyfield’s ear if he was just too frustrated he couldn’t get couldn’t get close enough to hurt him. And every time he came in, he was getting hurt by shots on the inside. And obviously Evander Holyfield is known for, I wouldn’t say dirty tactic. I say more rough house tactics in the ring us and he’s had a lot while he was on the inside and it really frustrated mike tyson in them two fights. And that was the way Evander Holyfield fought his career. I mean, we’re talking now it’s 2020. If this if this was to happen, theoretically, this year, we wouldn’t see anywhere near the same thing that we would seen what 2324 years ago there’s there’s not a chance that we’d get anywhere near that and it’d be quite it probably be quite sad to see but the Shannon Briggs prospects would I want to see it. If I’m gonna go out on a limb on a limb and say I’d watch one of them it probably be Briggs versus tiger. It was any of them I would actually got me wait to watch it be that one because there is a little bit more substance to that. Out holyfield’s beating twice. What more is disapproved, thereby coming out and doing the third one? The Greg two names fantastic Briggs, who’s been chasing a fight like this for what about five, six years chasing Vladimir, let’s go around on a speedboat and chasing him around in a restaurant trying to get that big fight and then coming to the UK and trying to call out David Haye over here and he’s been itching for a big cry for quite a while to be honest with you, and maybe an exhibition between them so it’d be a bit more feasible than Tyson versus Holyfield. But another topic that I came today when looking more into this subject was the fact that Larry helps as call me out and actually said, you know them to should get in the ring and fight Tyson and Holyfield should get back in there and they’re going to buy it and why not let them do it, which I’m quite surprised at that. But then again, I think I’m not in some senses because Larry Holmes was a guy who went on way too long in his career and and came back multiple times. He came back to bite size and then The late 80s only because Don King decided to offer him $3 million and a suitcase full of cash to do so.
Santiago Leon
Wow. So you’ve seen homeless well, wants to come back and box as well.
Sean Barstow
No, I’m saying Holmes is actually endorsing the
Santiago Leon
Sean Barstow
Yeah, he’s actually endorsing, he said he basically, I’ll give you a quote of what he’s actually said here. He said, if these guys want to do it, I’d say go ahead and do it. I’m not going to say don’t do it. And that’s come out and said, so he’s kind of endorsing that fight in a way and I think when you get a heavyweight as legendary as Larry Holmes, who sits in the same regard as these two guys saying that as well it’s I think he I think he’s obviously just trying to get these guys get him a ring and do it in a capacity where, you know, potentially it’s gonna make these guys some money because end of the day when when when these you guys have been in the ring for our careers, you know, they both walked away with not the rewards that they should have walked away with fire. Actually they walked away with respect and we’ve worked titles and Hall of Fame careers. They never walked away with the money they showed it and I think this is just for me personally it’s just a ploy to kind of get people to want to buy into it because it’s gonna make money inevitably it will make money. And if KSI and Logan Paul youtubers can make a hell hell of a lot of money then why can mike tyson and Evander Holyfield
Santiago Leon
now you brought up I actually wanted to ask you about that you know youtubers fighting against each other. Do you prefer seeing that or are you rather see like the old guys fighting?
Sean Barstow
Oh, wow. What is a typical one that because? Firstly,
Santiago Leon
first let me actually we think about youtuber fighting against each other. That’s my first question.
Sean Barstow
I Well, again, I think it’s there’s arguments for and against it, the arguments for it. The arguments are Tyler apparently which was, it puts eyes on the floor, it probably puts bums on seats, the demographic of the bar actually watching it I’ll probably age between 13 and 19 that’s probably the demographic of the ages of people that are watching it because they’re mostly the funds of these two. These two youtubers in particular have been successful in getting these fights on. But at the end of the day, they make money don’t they and that is why the promoters wanted that’s why Eddie earned in particular wanted it because he knows he’s going to be I’ll make money from promoting between two guys that I’ve got millions of subscribers on their own YouTube channel that are going to end up tuning into wanna watch these guys with this with this fabricated beef, so to speak. So yeah, it’s not for me personally, I I speak to a lot of fighters in the UK that are going to work on a daily basis and go into the gym two or three times a day around the work and I’ve got young families that have to work hard just to sell their tickets make money pay for their opponents whilst trying to make a name for themselves. And to me these two guys are coming with literally zero experience onto the balance and are able to go in and make this much money because of the farms we’ve got. I feel really sorry for the for these guys are trying to make something of themselves. And the same for fighters in America of course as well. There’s obviously fighters on that small level, America are obviously doing the same things here as the guys in the UK, they’re they’re fighting to make a name for themselves literally, blood, sweat and tears to make a name for themselves. And then they see these two guys just swoop in and take all these rewards when seemingly they’ve done literally nothing to deserve it. So that’s kind of my opinion on that. And Tyler is obviously you know, been in the ring yourself previously. What would you What would you say to that? What would your thoughts be on YouTube fights?
Tyler Turner
I’m definitely in the ballpark. Not a fan. I understand that the entertainment aspect. But as you said, I know kids that grew up from extremely marginalized home that have been fighting since they’re eight years old, that fought in national tournament after national tournament, getting donors and having to fundraise money. So they could make tournaments and then go into the pros and having to fight for very little money at at smokers and at low end cards and having to build their way up for an opportunity and to see that there’s two goofballs that are nothing more than actors that get in the ring kind of make a mockery of the sport because they’re not really any good at all. From a suite size aspect. I don’t like it at all. Now, I do understand the entertainment and entertainment cells. And it goes to I mean, I said Diego knows I’m actually an actor, I was actually an actor too. And that in itself has its own like I knew people that had gone to very serious Acting training and, and has spent years and years in small time roles. And then there’ll be some person that just happened to be famous musician and they get lead roles in acting sales. And so it goes in several different aspects of society meaning sometimes entertainment is the biggest seller. But straight up kids that work so hard and they don’t get near the visibility yet they know how to do the sport so well. A couple of goofballs are just a couple entertainers are out there making money looking like straight garbage.
Santiago Leon
It is pretty amateur, isn’t it? Yes, amateur fighting I saw both matches but
Tyler Turner
that is even my argument against Tyson and Koi field because that would just sell because of who their names are. They’re there ability to sell views because of their Hall of Fame careers. But I would rather that time and effort went into young heavyweights that are in the prime of their careers. Guys like setting up fights between a guy like Ortiz and fury or jury and while there’s three or something to that extent, instead of seeing two guys that have no business really fight anymore, because they were famous same, I mean mike tyson hasn’t been good for he was in decline when he only feels so yeah, I just I love when it comes to anything, any art, but in this case, the art of boxing that I spend a lot of time doing. I want to see two guys at the top of their career fighting each other. I want to see the chance of seeing greatness out there the chance to see something beautiful and unique and to guide have worked extremely hard level and are at the prime of their careers instead of seeing even just to have been. It’s just not exciting to me.
Santiago Leon
something to definitely look at cool fact the oldest professional boxer ever recorded was Stephen Ward from England. He was 59 years old. But he did not do well towards the end. Obviously, he lost a few fights but retired three years ago. So a 59 year old did it but obviously he did it consecutively. He didn’t you know, leave the game at 35 and come back in his 50s No, he did it consecutively. Mike Tyson and Evander Holyfield are coming back for maybe over 1520 years. So it should be quite interesting coming back and Shannon Briggs coming into the game. You know, we’ll see how that goes. But sounds like it’s more interesting with that with him versus Mike Tyson. And then a vendor, so we’ll see how it goes. Um, any closing words, Shawn?
Sean Barstow
Yeah, I think just touching on what Tyler was saying there about young heavyweights I think the only the only way I would possibly remotely even think about endorse in Tyson Holyfield are or even Tyson Briggs would be if they was able to put young fighters into a position where they would benefit from being on the card. So you get young heavyweights out there you get young cruiserweights out there you get a load of young fighters from from probably over in America or maybe it’ll import some from from the UK or wherever, get some of them fighters onto that card if you’re going to do it and give them the platform to be able to expose their their skills and what they’re all about to to the world because for me that would be the only way you’d be able to remotely endorse it as a as a as a true fight fan. You want to see All these young fighters come out, you want to see all the next heavyweight stars and X, Cruiserweight stars, whatever it may be. But if you get to see them as a result of this fight taking place, whether it just be a small four rounder exhibition, or whatever it is they plan or end up doing, then I would I probably only remotely and I say that with a pinch of salt only remotely in data just because of the sole fact that maybe some of these guys are getting a life changing opportunity to to be able to then put themselves on a platform which could potentially lead to further greater purposes. Further exposure and potential title shots down the line. That’s the only way I’d remotely endorsed this particular fight. Go ahead.
Santiago Leon
One endorsement I that I would endorse one fight will be Tyler Turner versus Logan Paul.
Sean Barstow
No, I definitely pay to see Tyler Tyler do the business on him.
Santiago Leon
Ty will have to get back into the training but I’m sure you could take this guy on
Tyler Turner
That’s not very, that guy’s not a very high standard. Hey, can I ask him? Can I? Yeah, sure. Yeah. I would like to know Sean, who? Just off top your head, who would you consider the 10 greatest heavyweight of all time? Good question,
Sean Barstow
or that’s a really, really good question. I’m not really going to be doing in any particular order. But this is a, this is a very interesting question. So the 10, the probably 10 names that I’m going to have to carry as I go along. So the first one that springs to mind from jack Johnson from that particular area, jack Johnson is definitely one of them. JACK Dempsey has got to be in there with the show. Joe Lewis is certainly got to be up there with a shell of course. Then obviously, you’ve got guys like Muhammad Ali. And now that you’ve got to consider Rocky Marciano Of course, just trying to think of a few but off the top of my head that I’ve seen over the years. I’ve enjoyed watching I’ve enjoyed studying throughout the career. I’ve enjoyed him and all the fields career. I’ve enjoyed Mike Tyson’s career, should they be in the top 10? Well, it’s a very it’s very subjective. Of course, I will say all these names and people will say they shouldn’t even be anywhere near the top 10. But these are fighters who I believe have made their mark in the sport enough to be able to be classed as a top 10 fighter Lennox Lewis, of course, you know, another one out there, who’s a legendary fighter from over the years. So we’ve got so many of these great fighters have
Santiago Leon
by George Foreman,
Sean Barstow
George Foreman, he has another one. Great, great fighter Joe Fraser. Even people might say Joe Fraser’s another one, they could stick into the top 10 but that particular era of Muhammad Ali, Joe Frazier, and George Foreman, there were so many heavyweights that you know, in a different era probably could have been in that top 10. Guys like any Shavers and Jerry quarry, you know, these are absolutely fantastic buyers that were around at the time that were just in the wrong gear of time. With a guy like Muhammad Ali, so I don’t think I’ve given you 10 but I’ve certainly given you at least six. Yeah, there you go.
Santiago Leon
How about Tyler? Who are your top 10?
Tyler Turner
Oh my top 10 have gone off top my head on my great the greatest heavyweight in my opinion was Joe Lewis. I think he was the most skillful. I think he could do everything he could walk. He could say he had your beautiful laptop. He fought everyone in his time. I believe Joe is the greatest heavyweight ever lived. I will go Muhammad Ali number two, I think he was the most talented heavyweight no one had speed. No one has ability to move especially before he went to present. Number three, I would probably actually say Larry Holmes. I think he just he was very very skilled at He had an excellent, terrific jab. He was difficult for anyone to fight now I know I beat out Lee when he was older. I do believe that would have been a very difficult fight for Allie and his crime. But he was very long. He had a very hard chaff. He threw very good straight punches. He was a guy that he was very hard to generate any kind of offense. And it was very difficult for any heavyweight to beat him at a point in time. That’s number four. Number four, I probably say jack Johnson. He’s fun, that older era but he was just very skilled and he was just so much better. He’s the greatest defensive fighter probably ever in the heavyweight division. What do you think is good in the newer air? I don’t know. But you just have to go there are a lot on and what abilities he had. He was a terrific center fighter. Number five, I’m going to go you know, I’m going to go number five Number six. I’m going to go based on the guys, two guys who I think had the greatest hearts in heavyweight division. And even though there was guys who are more skilled, even though there was guys that had more physical talent, I do not think any heavyweight and I possibly any fighters in the history of boxing had more heart than Rocky Marciano and Evander Holyfield. Every time those guys came, they came out there for every minute, every second, and every bit of every round and if you were not there for the entire fight, if you took one second off, you weren’t going to lose to rocky mark down the battle. I feel like Marcy, I don’t ever want a vendor only lost two guys and that’s the only reason why I had them. Struggle maybe we have above Louis. He struggled with those tall just naturally bigger guide. He fought Louis when he was older though. I wonder how that has gone when he was Joker is he beat? Oh, and he should never be involved involve every physical advantage. I would say number seven Lennox Lewis like Lennox Lewis was kind of like home, they just don’t think it was quite as good. But when it goes was just a very big man. And he was very long. It’s some of the longest arms in the history of heavyweight division. It just was hard to generate any kind of real often because Holmes and Lewis reminded me to such good jabs and they were long and do just a difficult person to be because they had so many physical advantages. And believe me, it’s someone who fought in that division when you fight some guy just big and long and straight punches. It’s really it’s, it’s very, very, very tough. And then I’d probably finish it off with man. Probably Frazier once again heart I’d actually put him close to only feel Mr. Seattle man now Kinda, maybe I’ll go Lewis five and then I’ll go Marciano Frazier and stuff here is tough field and then and then I’ll probably finish off with George Foreman, I think he was the hardest puncher ever and in in boxing, he just had a long period where he didn’t fight and and when he was young he had obviously that fight against maoli and no business losing and then he lost again to I was wrong. While I know it was wrong while I forgot he lost to some other guy that he had no business losing to is because of that I have a war but actually just straight punching car. He was gonna be hard for anyone to be. And then and then I probably Dempsey I think I have one more guy that I bought with deputy number 10. Sean,
Santiago Leon
you agree with this list?
Sean Barstow
I think it’s a very, very good list. I think a couple of outsiders that you could probably some people may or may not consider these guys like Vladimir Let’s go. He was champion for what a decade. In the sport, people completely overlook Karl’s reign as the boring era, which I totally understand because of his tactics, his jabbing grabbing hold. Tactics weren’t the most appealing to the boxing fans that wanted to see its era, of course, but he certainly probably earned his right to push himself up to that level because of what he achieved in the sport. It depends on what the list is based on. Is it based on accolades alone? Is it based on skill will on heart, it really depends on how you base it on but I think he’s definitely in with a shower of definitely in with the shout of putting them up there. And obviously Larry Holmes, as you mentioned, there was one that I couldn’t think of at the time, great fire again, it’s just a shame that he was in the era he was in because he for everybody that was caught in front of him and I think if he would have been born maybe five or six years earlier, he may have just crept into that era of obviously the hourlies the phrases that can you know, the unreformed now and boy he could have gotten a bit earlier in the career and could have had some some interesting fights. So guys Like that, you know, they certainly deserve to be in the top 10 you can make an argument for many other fighters you’ve got, obviously Jean Tony Riddick bowl, even flow part. And in Jersey, Joe Walcott, you’ve got all these other fighters there that, you know, people may or may not put in the top 10. So, yeah, it’s it’s very difficult, very subjective. Well, I think me and Ty are kind of on a similar page with a lot of the fighters that we put into that top 10 it’s, it’s hard not to look past them to be honest.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, one or two could be interchangeable.
Tyler Turner
Would you Who would you put first Louis rally? Whoo.
Santiago Leon
Ah, he stumped you.
Sean Barstow
I think Ali, I think Ali for me would be my number one person and they over over Joe Lewis. And I think the only reason the only reason to pick him over Joe Lewis is I just feel like Joe Lewis his career. It was difficult for Joel it was because obviously you fought during an era where some of the competition at periods of his career Wasn’t the wasn’t the greatest in hindsight looking back on it, whereas Ollie, even is three years out in exile. He did go on to fight some of the best in the business. He obviously had Floyd Patterson, you had Sonny Liston, George Foreman, Joe Fraser, Ken No. And Ron Lyle, Joe Bogna. You had all these names Ollie out on his resume that you can say generally that that resume is fantastic. And I think for Joe Lewis, you look at some of the notable wins on his record, and I know obviously, you don’t he’s he’s had different areas. So different areas different buyers bought from me, army is my number one heavyweight of all time.
Santiago Leon
Wow. And there you have it. I would like to see that list hopefully posted on the sports cast a little bit later on this week. Um, anything else before we head into predictions?
Tyler Turner
We have predictions.
Santiago Leon
We have one game but I don’t know if you can predict it. I know Shawn has a better chance.
Tyler Turner
Is it a soccer? It’s soccer
Santiago Leon
The only thing available? there Yeah. Okay. Werder Bremen versus Baron Leverkusen, we got Shawn
Sean Barstow
I am. Wow. Again difficult one. German it’s a German base both German base football teams I don’t follow I’ll be honest I don’t really follow too much of the player in base football. So for me, from what I know about the two squads, I think at the moment verta Bremen have got the the slightly better squad the violent occasion violent occasion actually used to be quite a decent force of years gone by the had some quite amazing players and what ends up happening in the German league is you end you get by a Munich and Marisa Darwin and poaching all the good players from the sort of the mid tier clubs like verta Brandon and by Leverkusen, I remember buying Leverkusen Team of the Champions League probably in the the the early to mid 2000s. You have some absolutely fantastic players but in this day and age it seems to be a bit of a two horse race with with Bayern Munich and Britannia Darwin,
Santiago Leon
Tyler Turner
only want to know
Santiago Leon
There you go. I’m Shawn. So even though like the Premier League training will start this week, do you think they’ll start in June probably.
Sean Barstow
Well, what’s happened in the Scottish Premier League? Today is a Celtic have been crowned champions, they’ve basically decided to end the league on the standings, the league table as it was, as the last time they play the game and Celtic have actually gone on to win the Scottish Premier League. So it’ll be interesting to see how they do the English Premier League because at the moment, as it stands Liverpool are at the top of the English Premier League. Nobody, Liverpool have not won a title, a major title like that, but elite types of, I think I think it’s something like ridiculous like 25 to even 30 years. 30 years in Liverpool? Yeah, Liverpool fans will be screaming at me now saying, How dare you? But no, seriously, they haven’t won the title for a very long time a league title. And I know, as for Liverpool fans, this is a major, major thing for them if they go on to to actually be crowned champions. It’s an amazing achievement for them obviously, having won the Champions League last last season as well. It’s it’s at least it’s that step that they’ve never been able to take for a long time. So I’d like to see it come back. There’s a lot of talks in the UK of it coming back with obviously then going into training as to whether they’re going to be able to fit this in over the course of a summer is another question because logistically, how are they going to be able to then set the new season up? Are they going to have to put that back till September October before the start the new season, there’s a lot of logistics around it, which I think is going to be quite different. To overcome fair play to them if you do get it up and running, but as it stands, if you decided to just go with, as it is Liverpool will be crowned champions.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. And players contracts expire on June 30. So they do have a time crunch, per se. Last night Reggie Miller said that, that his Indianapolis pacers team were a better team than versus the Chicago Bulls team back end. In the 98. playoffs. Tyler, do you agree? Yes or no?
Tyler Turner
Did they beat Oh,
Santiago Leon
no, they did not. But they thought they were a better team.
Tyler Turner
So that’s why they thought that they did. He doesn’t even make a final Oh,
Santiago Leon
no, they did. He did in 2000. against the Lakers.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, Lakers. That’s right.
Tyler Turner
Indiana teams were very good. I’m ready to go as one of the greatest shooters of all time. Rick Smith is a great player. But yeah, they didn’t Antonio Davis was great inside Dale Davis I remember those Indiana teams very well. And I think in a different era those teams will probably won a NBA title. But you know, it was the era of the bowls is the era of the next is the era of the Lakers and they kind of were the bride bride pretty much every single time so it’s kind of unfortunate because that they were actually always rooted for debaters like the next route when they played the ball that route Oh, yeah, I don’t even read US, China. Reggie Reggie’s Reggie applied, I just liked it. They’re kind of always the underdog and I wanted them to get over the top. I didn’t quite get it. But, you know, Reggie Miller, as pure shooter just as a pure ability to shoot the ball, I would say is top Three days one of the three best peer shooters in NBA history.
Santiago Leon
What do you do better than Steph Curry?
Tyler Turner
Yeah, the other guy curry with a better curry can do for the curry can drive very good is a good citator curry is the better basketball player. Now they just went out there and shot three pointers. Um That’s tough. I’m immune to it too between Allen Ray Allen, Reggie Miller and curry. Who would I take
Santiago Leon
to take that final shot very bad.
Tyler Turner
Maybe Miller Honestly,
Santiago Leon
I would too shot that
Tyler Turner
shot argument for Alan but yeah. Shawn
Sean Barstow
I, well, I’ve got I’ll be honest with you, I’ve got absolutely little to no knowledge of the sports that happen over in the in the USA. I mean, I’ve followed up followed a lot of stuff. I think I probably what’s known to the the audience as a bit of a casual fan when it comes to the American sports, the type of fan that will kind of dip in and out of some of the stuff and I’ll be the one that kind of goes in and sees the marquee names and things that might that might interest me I’m not going in there and have a locker there. So I’ll take a bit of an interest in it boy, I’ll be honest, I don’t go get the opportunity to be able to fully immerse myself in in some of the other sports that are there or in the USA, due to the sole fact that I’m always doing podcasts constantly for for the BT RC Podcast Network. So my time is quite consumed a lot with boxing most of the time.
Santiago Leon
I don’t blame you. Boxing is an international sport one of the few sports we share with the UK so it’s always a good thing that we have something in common and sports random question What is your favorite museum science, art history. street or archeology,
Sean Barstow
history, all the way history I’ve got a bit of a fascination with the Second World War. That’s that’s always been something that I’ve really enjoyed looking into and it was it was v day quite recently. Yeah. About I think it’s about a week or so ago it was the day and in here in the UK It was quite interesting that everybody decided to put out there the union jack flags, the Great Britain flags and you know, pay respects to all those that lost alive in the Second World War and I had a family member great granddad was in the Second World War and of course, I was actually given a couple of these medals on my wedding day from the second world war so I’m quite a big history lover so History Museum for me, Santiago would be the first place I’d like to go.
Santiago Leon
Oh, awesome. Ty, what’s your favorite museum science, art history or archaeology?
Tyler Turner
Yeah, hands down history and Shawn light to hear this in my opinion. The most important For a leader of a country over the last 100 years of Winston Churchill, a very Machiavellian like hero, kind of like we have today in America. But I think that Churchill was was one of the most impactful and made one of the key for him to take over leadership in England. Because that to Germany, completely out of control. Yeah, I love history and I think Churchill is the best leader of the last hundred plus years.
Santiago Leon
One of my favorite quotes from Churchill, if you go through hell go through fast. Sean, what is the best way to reach you online?
Sean Barstow
And the best way to reach me is my social media handle on Twitter which is at Sean spell s EA n BTS boxing. And you can find me on Facebook, find me My name is Shawn pastel. And I think we’re also on Instagram as well. You can find the ESPN boxing platform And there’s there’s about five different podcasts that I host at the moment. I don’t want to bore everybody too much, but if you go on to my main Twitter profile at Sean BTR boxing, you’ll be able to find all the latest podcasts relating to two different sides of the sport, including one that we’ve just recently launched called the dark side of boxing, which is basically true crime. So things like the passing of Sony listing, Oscar Bon Jovi, Arturo Gatti, Edwin Valera, all these names that ended up having a bit of a grizzly demise, we’ve been covering them. And we’ve been covering some great factual based information so many True Crime from boxing fans are out there. There you go. Something to listen to
Santiago Leon
die was the best way to reach you online to talk to you about boxing. And Buster Lewis. No. Go ahead. Go ahead. Sorry. I missed the names. Who was the guy that knocked out Tyson Buster Douglas. That’s his name
Tyler Turner
Buster Douglas.
Santiago Leon
One of my favorites.
Tyler Turner
I’m at Turner test. Yeah. Call me Fox in football. Are we gonna do a football one coming off? Right? Yeah,
Santiago Leon
we’re doing a football podcast I just gave just wrote a ranking.
Tyler Turner
I think the one that we’re thinking about doing is Yeah, Alabama centric. We got a lot of Alabama fans. Right younger Mack Jones, who will be why I’m doing the case for Bryce young. I believe. Justin Riley will be doing the case for Mack Jones.
Santiago Leon
Yeah, that will be coming next week. Of course, you can follow us at the sports cast dotnet the sports cast net on twitter at the sports cast one. I’m Sean I know don’t like this whole pandemic. But is there any upcoming boxing matches? soon?
Sean Barstow
The only one that I’ve kind of stumbled across at the moment is I don’t know Tyler. If you know it. I’m sure you’ll know the names Kevin Johnson, Kevin kingpin Johnson versus Marius back in Poland. And is proposed for June I think it’s the 12th or the 15th of June it’s been proposed for and they’re actually putting it on pay per view for a very small margin or fee of around I think it’s about three or $4 us money wise will change is quite interesting that that’s taken place one of the one of the lads I work with over at ESP boxing actually has just interviewed Kevin Johnson. He’s well known to the UK fire funds now because he’s, he’s basically become a journeyman of boxing and these four guys I Anthony Joshua and some of the prospects coming out of the UK Daniel, Bryan and Garmin, these heavyweight fighters so that’s actually the the next one that I’m aware of that people are looking forward to it in a way but they kind of not because these two guys are like basically world level gatekeepers fighting each other. In Poland in Marius back home, in hometown and on contract with no fans. We’re gonna make well We don’t know about that. We don’t know what we don’t know what adoptions Poland have got in place at the moment.
Santiago Leon
All the different I’ve heard Yeah, they’re a different animal in Europe. So at least 25
Sean Barstow
Reinfeldt sin. It’ll be interested in Santiago to see how that actually plays out. But for anyone else, that’s looking for a bit of boxing. You know, there’s a lot of talk of small hole shows going on behind closed doors in the UK. And, you know, with WWE doing a lot of stuff in Florida. I know that Bob Arum was toying with the idea of trying to get some behind closed doors boxing, which a few people have been quite vocal about. I think World Champion Jamal herons quite vocal about the fact that he ain’t hot, he’d happily go and fight behind closed doors, but emphasis on the fact that it probably would not be the same, because there’s going to be no atmosphere there for like a glorified sparring session for most of them.
Santiago Leon
I mean, my idea, you know, when it comes to crowds and fans, you know, have people sit every other seat or Or have household you know, sit together and then like a couple seats empty then a another person or household and then every other role, you know will be full. That’s what I say, you know Don’t you know and
Tyler Turner
pumping in some fan noise for you like because your lap fans maybe just doing some art they talked about a little bit NFL you know, maybe the stadiums aren’t as packed. But if you’re like the home team, you get like some artificial noise when? I don’t know. There’s some cool ideas you could do. Absolutely. And real technology at work.
Santiago Leon
Yeah. And then you can order your food from the nap and go pick it up. Rather there’s waiting in line with five other people there and they could catch the virus, whatever. But hey, there’s ways to get around. It will be more creative. We’ll get more technology get people like me like, like a web developer just to develop all these tools. You know, this is a shameless plug. Anyways, guys, we’re out of time. We got paid some bills, and it’s almost evening in England, so we got to go guys, thanks so much for coming on. Thank you for having me. Thank you.
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