In this episode, Justin Riley and Marvin Constant interview Alabama Football Legends, Antonio Langham and George Teague, alongside comedian Steve Brown.
Justin Riley – @JustinRiley7
Marvin Constant – @constant451
About the Guest
Antonio Langham is an American former college and professional football player who was a cornerback in the National Football League for seven seasons. He played college football for the University of Alabama, and was recognized as an All-American.
George Teague is a former American football safety in the NFL who played for the Green Bay Packers, Dallas Cowboys and Miami Dolphins. He played college football at the University of Alabama.
Steve Brown– In the past 5-10 years the comedy industry has taken a drastic turn for the best. Those once unknown for their comedic genius are now standing center stage in some of the largest arenas with sold out crowds. With acts rising to the top, seemingly overnight, such as Katt Williams, Kevin Hart, and DeRay Davis it is hard to ignore that there is room for every hungry comedian to claim his top spot and co-exist among the current greats. Steve W. Brown is that rising star! More on Steve.
Unknown Speaker
Marbury Barbara, you hear
Unknown Speaker
Marvin you hear?
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I’m here.
Justin Riley
Cool, man. So your your job on this town says it’s totally computer.
Marvin Constant
Yeah, man, this stupid computer and we’re crap man my internet. So my
Justin Riley
mom started acting crazy like a few minutes ago so I hear you. I so we’re waiting on Antonio.
These they’re Alright, let me know when you’re ready, brother.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, you can put on a crimson sweater today. Oh, that’s what’s up.
Unknown Speaker
Justin Riley
Man, you killing it with your book, man. I’m seeing all these people. They’re happy and excited to have that book.
Marvin Constant
Hey, listen, we’re approaching 300 sales already.
Justin Riley
That’s what so we’re definitely gonna talk about that
Marvin Constant
is ridiculous. Like that fast.
Justin Riley
That’s freaking amazing, dude.
Marvin Constant
And I don’t even I hadn’t even seen Amazon seals yet. And a lot of people have been inboxing me asking me to sign their Amazon copies. So I don’t even know how I got it. I mean, Amazon. It is ridiculous.
Justin Riley
That’s freaking amazing. Man. You let me know how the Amazon numbers look that. This is just what week what week? Three, four.
Marvin Constant
Mm hmm. Already so.
Unknown Speaker
What’s up?
Justin Riley
Yeah. All right. Let me all right. You ready to do this? I’m ready. All right. Cool.
Ladies and gentlemen, is Tuesday night October 6, then that means only one thing though Riley and constant show presented by the sports cast. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe on all of our channels, YouTube, Periscope and iTunes. If you’re on iTunes, please leave us a rating and review. Also, visit us on the sports cast dotnet for all of the up to date sports news. This episode is brought to you by Zach white realtor. Le H. Homewood in Birmingham, Alabama. Many of you know Zach is someone who’s active believe in helping kids learn sports and life lessons through soccer shots, Western rich and ironkids ministries. Well now Zach has a new way to serve others through Lh real estate. If you or someone you know is looking for a home or needing to sell call Zach at 205-381-7050 I’m your host over the hill powerlifter and 2003 Bama grad? Justin Riley with me as always is the man who is an Alabama legend all sec linebacker two time author. And when Ric Flair said to be the man Whoo, you got to beat the man. He is that man. Ladies and gentlemen Marvin constant.
Marvin Constant
Hey, man, it’s a pleasure to be with you again. As always just roll tide Roll Tide roll.
Justin Riley
Yes, sir. And we rolling man. And we’re going to talk about that. But we got to bring our guests in first because I know they got a lot to say. So last week, you know we had one of the best running backs to ever do it. And we took he took us through his journey this week. Man we got another big show. We got gentlemen who set the standard at the defensive back position in college and in the NFL. We also have a comedy icon joining our big show
Unknown Speaker
oh don’t hold on.
Unknown Speaker
Let me just do the intro real quick.
Justin Riley
While I’m about I’ll turn it over I was gonna say can you please introduce our guests before
Unknown Speaker
so you know you gave
Marvin Constant
me this paper to use spec was not gonna do these gentlemen justice. I got introduced in the only way I know how do I start with the man the myth the legend himself, the gal who’s responsible for knocking to off the star in Dallas, Texas. All American all everything Mr. Jones. George t himself, followed by him. We got the man. I don’t even know what to say. But he’s one of the most famous football players out in football history as well. Mr. Antonio Langer. And lastly, his last guest Oh my God, he’s gonna bring some true comic relief to this show. When I say has been a Bama fan his whole life all the way back to when he was coaching the styling. Literally team at scallan Elementary ladies and gentlemen comicview all stock up. Steve brown people speed Brown. What more can you ask for three amazing guests. Welcome, gentlemen. Welcome,
George Teague
sir. Good to be here, man.
Steve Brown
What’s up, man? What’s going on?
Justin Riley
What’s going on guys?
Unknown Speaker
Hey, man. Life is good. My beard is finally connected. Oh, good.
Justin Riley
I’m still trying to connect mine.
Unknown Speaker
Get a friend to bring with me. All right, let’s let’s do this. I’m holding the whole podcast. Ready?
Unknown Speaker
Oh, he he checking in with a flip phone
Unknown Speaker
is a bad flip phone as a
Unknown Speaker
gift from the bank.
Unknown Speaker
Like man, damn, I don’t know what’s going on.
Unknown Speaker
Man, come on.
Justin Riley
Hey, before we get started, I gotta confess to something last week. I called George out on his on his show. So I need to own up and get get what’s coming to me. I got cracked on him a little bit on his show. When he was he was talking about his haircut back in the day I said that he looked like one of the boys to man’s missing members and I’m ready to he told me he was gonna let me have it. So right now I’m ready to receive what’s coming to me. So go ahead yours.
Unknown Speaker
No, you you don’t get a pic when I’m gonna give it to
Justin Riley
prepare myself all day.
Unknown Speaker
Works, man. I
Unknown Speaker
promise you it’ll get in there photo goes away. But he didn’t try to throw one at me. That was you had everybody dying.
Unknown Speaker
Read it. Look at everybody. Like what are they laughing? I was like, okay, just have a little fun.
Justin Riley
No, not at all. That’s what we’re here to do. So. Alright guys, let’s talk about the Bama game. First of all, Georgia is Tim all right after that game this past weekend.
Unknown Speaker
You say to Tim All right. Yeah, well, on the podcast at night, he will be at a George t jersey, Alabama jersey. So that that means he was expecting it. But he was texting me the whole game talking about a mod say saying how they weren’t very happy with him. But, you know, we knew what the outcome was gonna be that game, I think felt like we had him outmatched.
Marvin Constant
You know, how many times has he played Alabama? It’s the same result every time. I don’t know why they get their hopes up.
Justin Riley
Like he’d been there. 10 years, man He just won’t graduate. I mean, how Yeah, years of eligibility they got,
Marvin Constant
I guess you know, NCAA status, you won’t count so you might see him again next year.
Unknown Speaker
Oh, my man.
Justin Riley
I think Ben Davis played with you George had been there that long.
Unknown Speaker
Hey, that.
Justin Riley
I say another motto. I just go around the room kind of giving you a song on the game. We want 52 to 24 What is your first take of the game? George, we’ll start with you. Then we hit you up Stephen Antonio. About Marvin.
Unknown Speaker
All right.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I think we played well. At first I was a little bit concerned is not the word. I just didn’t know how well we’re going to be with the past. They were moving the ball up and down the field a little bit. And then as I begin to the defense start to figure out what was going on, uh, should it feel a whole lot better. Of course, I wanted to see if Mike Jones was still gonna stay on point with his passing game. And leadership in that role. So actually, you know, by the end of it, I thought that we put together a solid game. I think there’s still room for improvement, especially in the back end of our defense, whether that’s the way we played a defense, not necessarily a talent. Just take hold Sometimes and it’s probably designed that way but
Unknown Speaker
overall I think who’s pretty good
Unknown Speaker
at what you see
Unknown Speaker
I’m not gonna lie to you I was I was
Unknown Speaker
asked to
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
Alabama defense that we’re
Unknown Speaker
in the yards on Alabama like like when when when George Antonia played
Unknown Speaker
with the
Justin Riley
Antonio What do you think about the game
Unknown Speaker
well can you guys hear me?
Unknown Speaker
Antonio Langham
I don’t know man I just got out of practice man so I’m trying to make sure everything working at the school but in the game I felt like watching no no I’m not making a comeback you don’t have to ever worry about me making a comeback I don’t even play flag football anymore so you don’t have to worry about I don’t even like to play kitch anymore so you don’t have to worry about me trying to make a comeback. Everybody not beautiful come back anymore. But I did enjoy it. I’d been enjoying the game. I fished and I knew we were going to be strong I know Mac Mac will come back and he will he will get the job done offensively I run him back so a very good Nigerian I would look concerned about the receiving group because we lost them we lost some guys big time guys. But I didn’t know a lot about missing a meteor and I know water will be good but we just I wasn’t sure about who that third guy would be underwater and Smith was back but I wasn’t sure about that third guy and but defensively I was looking cerned about Melaka more when you got a guy young guy true freshmen coming in and starting at that star position is easy to find him and expose him because he hasn’t yet had a spring and he didn’t have much of a summer so you put him in Nick’s defense and I played that defense before and it takes a long time before you learn that defense and you’re comfortable in it to be able to play without thinking a lot so then we had to be patient with that because there’s gonna be times when he’s gone they’re gonna go at him and they’re gonna try to expose I’m pretty sure lane would try to find him this weekend and go
Justin Riley
I thought I looked pretty good I mean to be honest for you to be with you ate was probably the most consistent player in that back end the entire game. Yeah, it seemed like he was probably the guy who made the best tackles or who wanted to tackle and if you go well that were that number 13 you better break it so I was
Unknown Speaker
why showed up
Unknown Speaker
all week.
Unknown Speaker
You better you better get the damn year this weekend.
Steve Brown
But the thing is, guys, can we can we all agree there’s still too many missed tackles and two minute phone assignments. That’s, that’s my concern.
Marvin Constant
You want to talk about blown assignments on that one interception when the back releases, and they just let the outside linebacker D come off clean. They don’t even chip in and he tips the ball and they get an innocent, like how do you not even touch him? l do kick it do something. Don’t just give him a free release to the quarterback. You know, because it was so small mistakes like that, that caused us to turn the ball over and allowed him to get points that they shouldn’t get because that game shouldn’t have been as close as it was. Right should have wore them out that easily should have been 52 to nothing official Two, three. Yep, you know it, but I’m happy to see the second half. They played better defensively. The week before we didn’t close it out. And we gave him a lot of points late at least they didn’t give a point too late this week. So I feel like they made some progress. Although we’re far from where we got to be. We all making progress. So hopefully, you know, we’ll keep moving in the right direction because again, in order to be a championship caliber team, as we all know, you got to play defense. You got to play defense.
Unknown Speaker
What Marvin Marvin, my question to you was we can see everybody but we can’t see you are you making in your book
Unknown Speaker
Marvin D’Angelo type video
Marvin Constant
word on the street move you taught me to cc
Unknown Speaker
you sent me the book right
Justin Riley
I was just happy mine got here ma’am. The Postal Service was messing around took me about a while to get
Unknown Speaker
the book again.
Unknown Speaker
Y’all got your parents permission first? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
Look, man.
Unknown Speaker
What a what a no love ham was a man boom. So you
Unknown Speaker
might have said those are those water tattoos?
Unknown Speaker
That’s the first I’ve seen the book. So I didn’t know what the book cover looked like and nothing like that.
Marvin Constant
Just don’t think we don’t get anything on these paper copies tonight.
Justin Riley
I really don’t. I do want to start paying a fee to see your Instagram. Oh,
Unknown Speaker
George, I’m gonna go all the way around.
Unknown Speaker
So you get ready to make magic math. Magic Mike five.
Unknown Speaker
You got that raid bottle sitting right next to that food right?
Unknown Speaker
city in his country.
Unknown Speaker
It was
Unknown Speaker
a real human
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
Love some crab cakes. You got
Unknown Speaker
to pay? Yeah, let’s make it happen. Let’s make it happen.
Unknown Speaker
Nobody say man.
Justin Riley
Not Wait, is that a monster? That was there.
Hi, George. Antonio, you’re both coaches. Now. What was your players initial reaction when they found out that you’re a big deal. And, you know, did they Google your
Unknown Speaker
data like well, I’ll be honest with you my mind when I first started coaching. I had my kids they came to me and they were like coach You’re gonna you’re the real deal coach. And I’m like so how do you know I’m the real deal? What you do you Google me? You looked up my information. What did you do? Guess what a response was? No coach. You have your own Wikipedia page. So that made me had a beat I
Marvin Constant
had to go to the library on a fish machine. We’re
Unknown Speaker
talking about code. We tried to find the video and you got like a VHS
Marvin Constant
tape graded and like, you know,
Unknown Speaker
beta tape.
Unknown Speaker
Now, yeah, no clue. But the beta tape.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, for me, too. It’s funny. Because just last week, what am I play especially player, run up to me on the field. all excited practice for you. Hey, Coach T, um, you know, he’s smiling. So I’m like, you know, what’s going on whatever day something happened, you know, he’s like, You you you pretty famous. So what are you talking about man? He said, I just watched a video of you in Toronto was one of my friends showed me the video and he said, I didn’t know that that was you and that he was my coach. And I mean, he just got all super excited and just ran off and just left me hanging after he told me that he thought I was cool or whatever. You know, so it was it was a little bit weird doing that stuff but we try that so I have a similar length and we have a lot of guys that played I got five five of us on my staff all playing the pros. So we have some fun with it because we we put our highlight reel together us and compare it to our our teammates and show it so we get a nice little whooping holler out of out of the guys when they see some of the plays that you know that we’ve made so we kind of let them know about
Unknown Speaker
you made the first mistake now you said that man’s Hollywood he’s not Terrail. He’s terrible.
Unknown Speaker
days just fell in love
Unknown Speaker
with two R’s and two L’s anymore.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, well, we’ll talk we’ll talk that has got to be the best feeling in the world for wanting your kids or just a youngster come up to you. You’re like, man, I didn’t know you were who you were. And they researched y’all and found out that y’all were really really important, you know, in alabama football and honestly, man, you know, that to me, that makes me feel good for y’all. You know, I’m saying just like a youngster do that. So you know that’s, that’s that’s really cool, man. That’s big up. See, man just next time when when they do it, tuck your chain in touch your chain.
Unknown Speaker
So I’m gonna deflect a little bit so you ain’t gonna talk about marvins Kendra Scott Nicholas that he got Oh. I
Unknown Speaker
know I got my wife. But I
Unknown Speaker
was doing this.
Unknown Speaker
Did you cut the top of your shirt right there around the neck? middle
Unknown Speaker
Middle School cheerleader
Unknown Speaker
hulkamania t shirt. Come back and
Unknown Speaker
I’ll tell you one of the things we couldn’t do football for is we I think that we’ve never been really good at covering backs out of the backfield with our defense for some time. I mean, that’s one of the things I’ve always said I don’t know if it’s a flower. You know, we’re just you guys are talking about chipping the back or trying to text you back to the back or whatever it is. We hadn’t really been good at that.
Unknown Speaker
At least we weren’t last year either. So that was just something to keep
Unknown Speaker
noticed though. Another thing we’ve always been fooled by the wheel route coming out of the back that every time and I don’t know Marvin maybe you can touch on it cuz you are a ob so I thought maybe the linebacker supposed to pick him up in different coverages? Right?
Marvin Constant
Well that’s what it goes back to. They play so much man, man that yeah, that linebacker has a responsibility and a lot of times you got a running quarterback, you know, they take the bait, think quarterback might run or play action pass, make it full and it only takes a second for that back to get past you. That’s one of the downsides to plan out of man, the man that they play. If you don’t cover that back, he’s gonna be open the majority of the time because it’s not like so and that was another thing. We fall flat wide open again. It’s like they were when out in flat. Nobody was covering the flat the entire game. Okay, what’s going on?
Unknown Speaker
Again, um, I’m sorry. I mean, I know y’all you guys are professionals and y’all high ranking football plays But personally, I’m just now I’m not sold on the deacons coordinators. I mean like when y’all played in in other years man Alabama defense had that that spark now we just there I mean, y’all wouldn’t let people go up and down the field on y’all like that, man. I mean, I can remember that LSU game y’all didn’t get past the 50 yard line Come on, man. Now people are marching all the way down the field I mean, of course offenses have changed but you know y’all wouldn’t even be in but don’t break y’all was break period just just go and nothing on us. And it’s like man it’s like I get so I mean I love alabama football but I get so aggravated watching the defense man so I don’t know man I think in China struggle with us on
Marvin Constant
that we’re missing we don’t have any we’re not getting any pressure on quarterbacks quarterbacks have all day to sit back they throw we’re not getting sacked like we should and I mean quarterback to sit back and just picking us apart we got to get somebody to coming out that he had to climb pressure the quarterback without pressure playing man to man y’all know y’all play the second day if that quarterback got out so you can only cover for so long.
Justin Riley
Do you think I say recruits that
Unknown Speaker
way though? It seemed like he recruits the defense bands like that.
Unknown Speaker
He had some like band aid has been there for like seven years but he got freshmen came in
Unknown Speaker
24 years old Come on man is
Unknown Speaker
a freshman cup of freshmen is starting from right here down the street from me and happened Georgia freshmen and start and honestly Marvin you hit a dead end here. We’re not getting any pressure on the quarterback whatsoever. What happened with that?
Marvin Constant
I don’t know. But it makes it hard to cover. You can’t cover I’m sorry. No, no, no offense. Did you find them? Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
Well, let’s let’s let’s win this this be realistic though. We, we haven’t had with this pandemic. We haven’t had a spring we didn’t have a we didn’t have a really a summer football. So it is like everybody is lining up just trying to play football just trying to they’re trying to learn and teach as they go because we we miss so much football. So I try to I try to tell people I try to explain to them you you have to be patient with everybody, but not just Alabama, but every football team because so much was missed. And some of these guys needed the spring. And they needed the summer to in order to be ready to go in because so much has been missed. Everybody just trying to play football so we won’t win go crazy without having football. So they were gonna have to be Be patient and be so critical of what we see and watching.
Unknown Speaker
Antonia It was like that last year to me.
Unknown Speaker
It was like last year they
Unknown Speaker
were the problem last year where we are struggling with coordinators because we probably went through two coordinators during the course of the season. So you, everybody has different terminology where they want to teach stuff, but we also had freshmen linebackers last year. So it takes them a while to learn how to everybody every linebacker is taught. Joe is basically to go forward and then react back. No linebackers ever want to be in past coverage, no way, shape, form or fashion. So I don’t understand why any defense is created to put linebackers in man coverage because they do not. And then at any point in time, even when we were playing, we didn’t expect that linebackers to be in coverage. Nowhere.
Unknown Speaker
I told you, I feel what you’re saying. But why is it in my blue book? Yeah, that this is like the worst defenses Alabama’s had ever. Wow, what? Yep. See? Yeah, I don’t want to say what the problem is. But I’m a comedian. And I can get away with saying whatever I want to say. This is the worst defense we have. And he’s just worthless. Right here, man, and just just what it is, man. The defense needs to be addressed. I’m sorry, it does. And it was not there last year. He said he was gonna fix it. The same things that were happening last year are still happening this year. And I’m losing two minutes too much damn money. Okay,
Justin Riley
I’ll do I second that Steven. You’re absolutely right. And well, my biggest thing is is George you talked about this last time you on my podcast about when you Antonio were playing y’all had this mentality like you weren’t about winning by get more than 10 points a game against glee. So So the thing is, is it a mindset? Are these kids just not getting that mindset? What is change? Where’s the drop off because, you know, I get the offenses have changed a whole lot. But you know what, you just don’t have that. Killer Instinct and that that idea of you ain’t getting past me. You guys did it. Y’all played against some of the best ever?
Unknown Speaker
Well, I’m gonna say that there’s two pieces of that in a mango product confirmed, especially because we’re both high school coaches now right offenses as he alluded to, they’re different. And the way often I’m not pleased, no, I’m not passing off on why B fits in that good. Just trying to make a statement first, right, right, right that with RP O’s and the way they read stuff, offices can pretty much be right, if they got a good quarterback, or good coordinators that they’re always going to be right and figure out where you’re vulnerable at, in the defense, because they’re reading and looking. And they can always make the right there’s three people that they can get the ball to on every single play running back, or maybe for court, quarterback, the wide receiver the tidy and so far as it goes for trying to be a defensive coordinator. That makes extremely hard because you got to figure out by what down what distance what hash, who they want to throw the ball to what tendencies they have, if they change anything, you’re suspect, to getting beat, right. So that’s the first piece. Now the other part about mindset and mentality, I think you can still have that. But it’s not necessarily about the scoring. Because you can say that I think it has to be with your physicality and how you’re going to take people out of the game, by your speed and your presence. on the field. Do you need a rattle some people, I don’t know that we’ve gotten to where we rattle people and make people quit. I think no, Albert Sabin, say that a lot, you got to make them quit. And that may mean giving up some plays. But you know, when he catches it, oh, and he’s running it, he needs to feel it. So that he can think about it differently. The next time. So I know kind of went around the bush on that. But I really do think offenses are so complicated, or easy for the offense and hard for the defense that it makes it hard to be, you know, very, very good DPS. Like we used to be
Unknown Speaker
right. I’ll see you soon. See what you say. So just it used to be you know what, now, let me say this, he made a lot of sense. And I and you are so politically correct, cuz you’re a coach, I understand that. But what I’m saying is, you can look at Alabama, you can look at when you play, and then turn your play when Marvin played. Alabama defenses were mean mean is crap. Now the defense we got you. Okay, I’ll put you like this. You are a product of your leader, right. Alabama’s defense is like, Okay, do what you do to me, and we’re gonna try to stop it. It’s done. Now. Y’all ain’t gonna do nothing. We’re gonna crush y’all. We gonna take y’all with. That’s the defense. I’m used to with Alabama. When you Marvin, and I’m telling you play. Now. It’s like, y’all do what y’all want to do? And then we’re gonna try to stop y’all. That’s how it is. Come get us. And then we can we all agree on it.
Unknown Speaker
I agree with you on that. But I also want to say this, that if we’re going to be realistic, and speak realistically on on this on this tonight, that the killer, the killer, is the killer instinct is gone, because now, football has become self promotion. It’s become self promotion, everybody is trying to promote themselves so that when George and I played in Marvin’s play, it was team concept. Nobody, everybody was happy for the next man. Now you got the NCAA stepping in and people saying, well, let’s pay the guys, but we’re going to pay, the ones with the bigger names are going to get more money than the ones with the smaller name. So if if guys on your team, and they feel like Well, I have a small name, they’re not gonna they’re not gonna work as hard. They’re not gonna play as hard as become self promotion. So everybody’s out there trying to promote themselves for the next level. So the concept of team is gone. And then the other thing that is missing is, we lived in a dorm. So we had an opportunity to get to know each other. I could understand when Joe and how George played had when George wanted to be bothered when George wanted to be left alone. These guys are separated from each other other than when they go to practice. They you know, you got two or three guys living in a house together. So there’s no camaraderie because they’re not around each other enough to know how to play together. How to have a team concept because everybody’s so separated. So it’s hard to develop them when you’re not around each other, too. And so 24 seven like we were in the dome, huh? I
Marvin Constant
agree with you, Antonio. And there’s one other factor that plays a major role in that this new targeting rule. A lot of guys are scared to be physical to make tackles because they’re scared to get kicked out of the game. People not dropping the hammer like they used to when we play we play if you had the ball. Oh, you know, you seem to get it now. You know, it’s tiptoeing. It’s almost like powder puff like I want to hit him but I can’t hit him like a water heater. So I’m gonna try on tackle me and I missed the tackle and he’s like, come on, man. What are we doing here? Are we playing football? You know
Unknown Speaker
that that answers a lot of questions to that. That’s probably the reason we get a lot of missed tackles, right. Because people are like, armed tackler now so they’re really here because they’re afraid they’re gonna get kicked out the game.
Marvin Constant
You got to think about when you’re going to make a tackle. Now you got to literally break down and try to on top of this man who asked when we play. What was the coach say to me today? That was when you got it you brought everything you had. Now you get Okay, let me wrap him up. Let me ease him to the ground. You know, so guys, a lot of guys are scared man that the nervous.
Unknown Speaker
Right? thinks it
Justin Riley
makes sense. Think of that dorm situation. I want to talk about this because George, we talked about this last time you’re on here, man. Apparently y’all had a wrestling league in that dorm. I want to know more about that little wrestling league and who will tweet you and Antonio,
Unknown Speaker
we didn’t know we never we never wrestled, man, it was a whole lot going on there Dong. Dong could be considered a lot of days when someone would only want to discuss
Unknown Speaker
access man. So Steve was talking about the Holy Spirit The guys are playing so you know, I had a roommate by the name, but what is bevel? Who was 26 years old? By the way?
Unknown Speaker
Will it double? 30
Unknown Speaker
Yeah. 30 with 30 other freshmen
Unknown Speaker
so yeah, we had a little axe and smash combination with BB is always together, though, you know, right. So you know, one of the things that we I guess there was tears to it, you know, as much as we were competitive, even though we were always a team defense didn’t like to lose to offense. dB, they like losing to the wide receivers and anything, you know, whether it was cards, who had the best haircut, whatever it was, it didn’t matter. So, you know, I don’t I don’t know. Well, they can’t have any of that kind of stuff probably getting more because they’re not there to say it so it just makes for difficult times where we had closer times in the door you know, had closer times and don’t with the whole teams in there. We’re all sitting in a room together. Shoot I can remember when they’re Golden’s and they’re cutting hair for everybody.
Unknown Speaker
You know, trying to figure out why we paid him for some hair cuz we will receive
George Teague
a slap to the back of the head every time because he didn’t have one little horse brushes to get the hair off my neck so my curly hit the back of my head like this.
Unknown Speaker
Get to the good times. Girls.
Unknown Speaker
Don’t get it the dog could have been another day it could have been a bunny ranch.
Unknown Speaker
About you talking about what the boys used to dress him up. Yeah, that’s why they laugh at the guy from Seattle when they when he dressed a girl of like a guy walking in the door who got the girls will cover the door with hit with hood his own like
Unknown Speaker
you thought they played for the T they walked in there like
Unknown Speaker
I couldn’t get away with it. I lived on the top floor.
Unknown Speaker
Now you’re on third floor.
Unknown Speaker
Works why the one having it.
Unknown Speaker
You can get away with nothing. You know it is I know I missed a miss. You could have been you could have been like Willa gas, you know will again have for him chasing him. We were leaving the bus we’re leaving at 1030 with a gas to have four girls chasing him through the dorm. He started on the first floor, went to the third floor came back to the second floor came back to the first floor and the bus will leave in 15 minutes and I had to stop him. I said Look man, y’all gotta let him get dressed. So y’all follow him into his room and y’all beat him up in there. They let him get on the bus. Now get a seat. It’s true when the gas that comes to the bus and he has towels around here on the on the dresser. He has tiles around the nica but the tiles were completely ready to scratch them up. scratch the bozo Bay he gets on the bus coast all he got a 43 come here for men. You see how important is when it gets to this football team as a coach. We really need well again he’s you better talk to him because I’m getting ready to kick him off his football team. I got to sit on a bus and watch girls chase him through the door man got for whatever man I’m telling you man in that dorm. The dorm life I wouldn’t trade it for nothing in the world but if a lot of there’s somebody wrote a book about the door, it would make a killer. No Do
Unknown Speaker
I know where I don’t worry about him and I won’t I’d never be the one to do it.
Unknown Speaker
I know say nothing I am i know what
Unknown Speaker
i know but I’m not writing a book
Marvin Constant
you got to start you guys
Unknown Speaker
know all I can say is the basketball players are in a dorm too. So
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
in Tuscaloosa when you got a story
Marvin Constant
well the beauty too when I came in in 98 which was a few years after these fine judgment, they were renovating Brian Hall so we all stayed in Highlands during the renovation process and the team didn’t move back into Brian Hall until my senior year, my junior year but by that point, they let us live off campus the upper classmen anyway, so I would name Brian Hall
Unknown Speaker
Hey man, you know what? I had to go back to Auburn Park podcast late to everyday um dang this is
Unknown Speaker
I told you a few days
Unknown Speaker
yeah Marvin tomorrow we’re not gonna look up into the left because they just that’s what they know you lie man.
Unknown Speaker
Hey mom and you know I coach my wagons out so you know they didn’t told me about some of y’all are stored man so don’t even go to their mom. wagons for quite a few store now so this got y’all off campus don’t mean nothing. Yeah. Yeah, y’all needed to be in a dorm.
Marvin Constant
We definitely needed to be in Yeah, we stayed in a meeting with duboce about something that we had done. I yas is just really appropriate
Justin Riley
to have more girls chasing them Gaston or Palmer Oh Fred and mill
Unknown Speaker
say not about to to need to donate some of that money to the school man cuz I’m sitting here looking good to get your team some Nike stuff or whatever. You got that Russell jacket. Oh man. That’s what y’all sponsored by Russell’s nah man.
Unknown Speaker
Gaming is man. Team
Unknown Speaker
there’s a baseball jacket man.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, you turn the football jersey Come on
Unknown Speaker
reversable coach’s shirt
Unknown Speaker
Hey but we have fubu everywhere oh five or two
Unknown Speaker
a my Steve I’m gonna give y’all a good story right you go you go die lab but it did I go to I go to Dallas for one band was playing a game there so I go watch joy I get there early on a Friday as a team I’m gonna come watch out play so we get there I’m on the sideline or watch it again if he plays one covers the whole night so fine last night or whatever I said bass and glue as you got to come out in a cover to man you got to play you got to get to come out of the cover three and play look over to he said Ah
Unknown Speaker
that’s all we can learn. I was
Unknown Speaker
tired man.
Unknown Speaker
No, no just
Unknown Speaker
so I was a it was it was honestly the truth. And he did say that so
Marvin Constant
you’re coaching a little jobs man.
Unknown Speaker
I’ll put it this way that Little Giants
Unknown Speaker
so and I’ll say this now go feel bad. I’ll tell y’all whatever. But it was a school I used to work at before this one was a school of 100% of the kids had learning different so it couldn’t grasp all of it.
Unknown Speaker
You You You said you got a chain full of you know kids that were you know that went all the way down
Unknown Speaker
there Very similar to you. Yes.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah. I know.
Unknown Speaker
A man is that ideally I get good patience. Good. That’s good for you, man. Goofy
Unknown Speaker
pop up. No, I gotta get up the room start getting over tomorrow.
Justin Riley
Yeah. Tell us a little bit about your show before you pop off George. Right.
Unknown Speaker
Right they get the pop off Go ahead, bro.
Unknown Speaker
They did not.
Justin Riley
It’s not this kind of show. Anyway,
Unknown Speaker
so yes, I do have a podcast called teex take do it on Tuesday nights right after this. We’re gonna start up at eight. We’re talking about alabama football. So I’m gonna be talking about john Langan a bit on there I’m happy to get you guys will hear when he got the bubble good
Justin Riley
he moved that rage you shamed him too much
Unknown Speaker
and all that Joker
Unknown Speaker
but anyway I gotta get over get so I got on tonight. Langhammer you use clothes and whatever but I got bill curry coming on tonight.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah kochkor coming on at night.
Unknown Speaker
No, he’s been on with Justin before and Oh yeah. Good to talk about and man that’s man that got me in Alabama. You know to recruiting me up in there so
Unknown Speaker
I found one here this morning. So look
Unknown Speaker
so yeah,
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
is that oh can you tell us why you got that a man
Unknown Speaker
Don’t worry about it.
Unknown Speaker
Is there a camera on the top
Unknown Speaker
that would you go when you’re going through a neighborhood as your bike ride
Unknown Speaker
for Rio de Steve we were coaching this Tuscaloosa
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, he was going through he was over there he was over there for real Oh
Unknown Speaker
okay. Is that what
Unknown Speaker
what was this unity coach? Oh, what position?
Unknown Speaker
I don’t know that I don’t know now.
Unknown Speaker
Talk about it we
Unknown Speaker
he was stealing my line was that Well yeah, that you will
Unknown Speaker
just lose
Unknown Speaker
what position Did you coach lbs and MD B’s on Monday
Unknown Speaker
but I started the game playing I was sorry. And I studied
Unknown Speaker
how to wear shirts cuz
Unknown Speaker
Did you just put in the
Unknown Speaker
fitness Well,
Unknown Speaker
it was too big I had to cut it right you know
Unknown Speaker
anyone to say no about that. But
Unknown Speaker
it is what it is man. I could take a joke and deliver on good I’m gonna deliver on them No, so
Unknown Speaker
do me a favor, or make me a promise that when I log off right here to talk about me for the rest of the show.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I noticed I noticed that you got one blade on that ceiling fan.
Unknown Speaker
Since you brought that up. Why the hell you got three doors right next to each other
Unknown Speaker
Don’t let him off the hook either. He got all the hats on the wall. So y’all
Unknown Speaker
but y’all missing everything y’all
Unknown Speaker
got some 10 feet up in the air. No, he can’t grab
Unknown Speaker
that there’s not much station right? That’s not my
Unknown Speaker
understanding man. You got some good as you can see out of this, but you can see what
Unknown Speaker
Understand it
Marvin Constant
before you go I just got one question all right. What’s the funniest thing that ever happened on the field? Why y’all was playing together? I know something happened in a game while you’re playing together on feet
Unknown Speaker
I probably would say like
Unknown Speaker
immediately by his say he used to like the gamble and I don’t know if this is funny or most scary to me because he would tell me sometime Hey, gee, I’m gonna I’m gonna Blitz or I’m gonna jump this route get over the top
Unknown Speaker
la whoa that because that’s how I’m going
Unknown Speaker
you know so he would intentionally jumps in routes a whole lot of times and it wasn’t funny because I had to be the one to get back beat when I might be supposed to be the one to make play that’s how he ended up breaking my record. Yeah, I’m bitter about this man as you bring it up either broke my record record cuz he gambling told me to cover up for so.
Unknown Speaker
I need I need a jersey payday. So
Unknown Speaker
now you know.
Unknown Speaker
Tomorrow, overnight
Marvin Constant
so what you saying is Tony was the one that said no, i and t.
Unknown Speaker
Yes. Right. That was the beginning. Remember what he was just talking about? What do you say self promotion? Maybe?
Unknown Speaker
Ma robe like cobit I know. I know. But it’s showing me
Unknown Speaker
Justin Riley
as a pleasure man, I appreciate you coming on again. Had a great time brother and I’ll be tuning into your show tonight.
Marvin Constant
Thank you. Thank you as well brother t in a whenever you want me on your show. Ready?
Unknown Speaker
I gotcha. I will be hitting you up. Have you guys. Oh, I appreciate it bro.
Unknown Speaker
Me too, man.
Unknown Speaker
I’m a fan. We’ll see you I’ll see you in Tuscaloosa in a year whenever COVID chill There we go. All right.
Justin Riley
Speaking of gamelin Antonio in that how the famous Florida play con happened
Unknown Speaker
not to George going we can tell the truth I used that. So are they a solid tan? No what I had to do I had to play a lot of man and man he up Georgia that’s why I was gambling a lot so I won’t let him have that moment he know why I had what I was gambling
Justin Riley
that’s how he went the first round because of you
Unknown Speaker
yeah me playing a lot of man and man lending freelance yo me some money they talk about me sending him a jersey you need to send me something.
Unknown Speaker
I didn’t want to play man a man all the time.
Unknown Speaker
So the famous Florida he said a famous Florida play right. Did you say the famous for Yeah. He would not play he would just he was in a row coverage in the quarterback threw the ball in. He was in the wrong cup. He just
Unknown Speaker
actually, I was in the right career. I just went I went doing the right thing. I had to play the right bet to play the coverage. Right? I wouldn’t have never been there.
Unknown Speaker
You know, I’ve been wanting to ask you this for years, man. I remember I was watching. I think it was a goal line stand. And you tore your ACL Right. Yeah. My question is how the whole damn team tethered ACL It was like you
Unknown Speaker
wait a minute.
Justin Riley
Look like Saving Private Ryan on that field man. I was in the stands on my freshman year watching now. I’m like, everybody’s dead. Don’t start praying for that whole family’s team
Unknown Speaker
for their funeral.
Unknown Speaker
I know you were scared because, you know, because of course the ACL is terrible, but I know you did. You couldn’t have looked up and saw all that Crimson around you laying down everybody on your team Tony AC or that day. I’m like, man, we just go since mom and dad we go tausch it. Do we go
Marvin Constant
They didn’t score and time ran out but the funny thing about I was actually talking to LSU quarterback a year or two ago and he said that dinardo told him to just run the ball and I’m like I suppose because the tight end man to man anyway here he was wide opening back ends and don’t ball my man in the back ends on wide open
Unknown Speaker
so many I’ma tell you how dedicated I was Alabama when Marvin and about all 14 people on defense Tony ACA I told mine at home Oh my God
Justin Riley
even the recruiting class there’s
Marvin Constant
just too much fun
Justin Riley
how you always talk about how you want the guest to feel comfortable I’m just doing what you told me to do all along rather
Unknown Speaker
you real comfortable today I see a man
Unknown Speaker
Hey, man, come on code guy. Wait a minute.
Unknown Speaker
Personally was Marvin because you know and and I was like man you know I’m proud of him but as a matter of fact
Unknown Speaker
I was Marvin substitute teacher was I’m not
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I was
Unknown Speaker
back then. So I’m like I’m watching I’m a fan like okay, I know I’ve taught this kid or whatever this is a teacher I was in the class joking is yet below but anyway when he went down and it was like a domino effect everybody just started going down I’m like wait man now you won’t even know the play
Unknown Speaker
even those that didn’t get in the game. Oh yeah.
Justin Riley
Even coach friends Joanie
Unknown Speaker
the whole team when
Justin Riley
I was I was it was my freshman year I was up in the stands and the student section witnessing fall out casually
Unknown Speaker
man um, you know
Justin Riley
when they hurt he hurt
Marvin Constant
I got a question for you Tony. How does it feel to see the Browns actually winning?
Unknown Speaker
I don’t know how to take it. I really don’t know how to take it. I don’t know if I should get excited. It is disgusting to sit there and be quiet because the moment I read inside cheer for me. They’ll start losing every game so I don’t know how to take it right now. So let’s be real
Justin Riley
let’s be real that’s the real reason that Teague left that’s why that’s why glue left man because what y’all did?
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, we’ll get rid of I was getting ready to let him know about it. He had to rush on off the phone. me but
Marvin Constant
y’all have been in the dumpster forever. I mean, even the sun shines on a dog’s butt wants to eat and wow but yeah, I’ve been in the dumpster foot ever.
Unknown Speaker
So winter went through eight coaches and by
Marvin Constant
anybody could get that job
Unknown Speaker
everybody everybody was hired as one in
Marvin Constant
the qualification is yet to have one hits it before y’all got McDonald’s. Everybody
Unknown Speaker
Freddie kitchens took the job was gonna be inaccurate.
Unknown Speaker
Justin Riley
I can’t promise where it’s going boys, but we’re going through
I will say this. There are two Alabama guys on that Browns defense. Right now. I know that that might be reason right there.
Unknown Speaker
Well, you know, I think right now Alabama players are dominant dominating the league right now as far as I’m a player, but I will say this I’m not. I mean, I’m really not a fan of pro football. I like I love college football because, you know, you got something to prove and you really trying to get to that next level. Right? You know, you know, a pro football player. He can get mad and just halfway down the field because he still won’t get paid. But Ryan Ryan, I just love college football. Man, you know, I agree I’ll take it any day over pros. Just me you know I will
Unknown Speaker
contract you
Unknown Speaker
as a business
Marvin Constant
as a member of Browns Tonio How many times did you just say if and during the game?
Unknown Speaker
Well, you know honestly my 94 we went deep in the playoffs my rookie year and then the following year, man, we they made that announcement and middle of the season they were moving the team to Baltimore. And it was over after that man every game every Sunday home game the doll pan without a control they it was it was all for the play for the brown that year, man so we said we said it but a lot of
Justin Riley
what was it like playing for Bill chick and saving on the same team?
Unknown Speaker
It was tough. It was tough. It was it was hail but it was it was fun man is actually the two guys have they have a very humorous side to him when you around them and they really know you. When they don’t know you. They don’t they won’t say they won’t say too much. But those guys back there man belly check and save room. Oh guy with geniuses back there man that dumb boys they were they spend like they spent 20 some hours a day in his football facility. Now they were doing it back then we will play games in California get back into like, three o’clock in the morning and Belichick would go right to his office to start watching Game film. And yeah, he had a look sofa couch and a sofa bed and in his office he would lay down for about 30 minutes to an hour and he right back to work. And so it’s always been like that man. But those those guys, they knew the game and I tell Nick all the time, I said Look, I held out for 21 days. I got I came in right we got ready to start to see it. I missed all the training camp and still one defensive Rookie of the Year. No, no, they are good man. Trust me. They know what they’re doing.
Unknown Speaker
But you know what? I met when I finally met Coach Saban, I met him during a football camp. And he was like one of the nicest people you’ll want to meet. And he was cracking all these jokes. That wasn’t funny. But he was still laughing. Because he comes in.
Unknown Speaker
Does jokes.
Unknown Speaker
But in the end, he is he he is like when it was time for football, he became a different person. a different person. Like no joke. no nonsense, no nothing. But
Unknown Speaker
I’m very impressed by a man like us. He’s really, really good.
Marvin Constant
Hey, look, I’m gonna tell you a funny story about coach. Right? See, you can be in his camps. And Tony, I’m sure you’ve been his camps. I used to work as counselors coach. Right? And y’all know he’s very intense in these camps. This was his little This one is casual like seven to 30 are the little kids who can barely get over the bands. They fall in everywhere. Coach stops camp cause everybody he causes him out. God damn News. I’m he’s cussing him out bad, right? I mean, he’s dropping f bombs he’s going in. So at the end of camp. They call everybody up all the coaches and the camp directors like man, we’re getting complaints from the parents about you guys cursing at the kids. We all looked at him like, you know, there was no saving custom kids even knew seven eight, your phone number back God, dude. I mean, he’s chewing acid. Like he’s talking to the team. And we all looking at each other. Like, we can’t talk to him like that. But that’s coach we don’t let him do what he do. As soon as it’s over that they can’t directly we get a complaint from pick, and you don’t want to stay in the code. So you
Unknown Speaker
know, Marvin, let me ask you this question. I never work one is cast, but is it true? I didn’t I never wanted to work. One is camp because I played for him and I knew what kind of asshole he could be. So I went to I was determined not to go out there had to go back and forth with him. But I’m asked you this question. Is it true because I heard this now. If he saw a coach working his camp just standing around, he would tell me he would tell a surgeon you know, you can go over there to him he can go home right now. Is that true? He was not
Marvin Constant
a fan of coaches standing around doing nothing. I
Unknown Speaker
say that so okay.
Marvin Constant
But you know, I’m gonna tell you this is how hard he used to work. He is right. My knees are seven to 13 years. He’s not recruits. It’s not the high school campus in Liberty camp. So they will send us over to Tutwiler because you know they will take road in the morning the kids we miss these kids are in the dorm it took water with that doors lock hiding and will not come back from the porch. Right now my mom and dad and they sit me down. I didn’t want to do this.
Unknown Speaker
Do not want to come out.
Unknown Speaker
Believe it
Justin Riley
that’s Instead, you know, some of his former players say he’s mellowed a little bit. Do you think of shamans mellowed at all? Is he still had the same intensity?
Marvin Constant
Oh, he must be asking that, Tony. Oh,
Unknown Speaker
yeah, he’s mellowed a lot. Now he’s mellowed out a lot. Honestly, when he was when he was with the browns, my rookie year man, it was a guy that wanted to it was a player I wanted to fight him every single day. And it was because he Coach Saban is is a he’s a teacher, he’s a motivator. On the on the NFL level, these guys making more money than you are so that they’re not going to take you cussing them out, and yelling at him like that. So he was it was it was almost a fight every day with him and a player man and I was like, and he he was a complete one now, a butthole. He was one but the thing was, he was never an NFL guy. If you ask him right now he’ll cheer you. He was never an NFL guy. He was a paycheck. It was a job and it was a paycheck. He has always been a college coach. That’s why when people started talking about him going back to the pros. I said it’ll never happen because he has been a defensive coordinator. He’s been a head coach and and it was never for him. So he had he’ll never go back to the NFL when he’s done a Bama he’s walking away from the game.
Marvin Constant
Well, he needs to he don’t need to go be no Lily coach because the way he Look, he is what we have kids. I’m gonna tell my poor son what you call. I don’t know. I just need to consider this. I’ve never seen so many keys lined up for the trainer. They and I listen, I just came here to take a picture with Coach. I didn’t sign up for everything. Right.
Unknown Speaker
So so. So I’m thinking so once he retires y’all think he might come over the steelman started the program back.
Justin Riley
I heard he’s also going to conduct the ban to ban
Unknown Speaker
it comes down because we handle money. When do we outmail chase I mean, we we need no real coaches this deal. We didn’t we like had dads, like stammer will be winning some games. But after halftime, the coaches will have to go to work. So you
Unknown Speaker
was the first problem was when you hired Teddy.
Unknown Speaker
They got to go to work. I’m like man, what are you doing?
Unknown Speaker
Hanging out
Unknown Speaker
about how great of a cocci man
Unknown Speaker
and he did Bob RPL to stay up so you know it was headed in the wrong direction.
Unknown Speaker
When they interview me for cogent vision they say asked me point blank. Do you know anything about football? I’m like yes, sir. What you want what you want a coach.
Justin Riley
Maybe this is an opportunity for you, Antonio. I mean, you know here in Jackson, we got coach prime and you know, why don’t you fall? It’s
Unknown Speaker
a no no, sir. No, sir. No way.
Unknown Speaker
No college football required to but you got to be on the road recruiting for three or four weeks. I know. You know, sir. Prime can have a plan. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
We’re watching the
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
back there.
Unknown Speaker
Man, I want to go on the rope as he come back. Hey,
Unknown Speaker
I see you’re like this. I’ll be tough. I’m out at Birmingham wet night. It’s a couple of years ago. And somebody walks intimidates a master guy over here. He won’t. He told me to tell you to come in. I walked over there to the guy. His seal from the citizen club. He and I all white suit. Wasn’t white shoes. Oh, the pointy toe stays out saddle. He is
Marvin Constant
a he say out of fried Frankenstein.
Unknown Speaker
Oh yeah, that’s perfect. He said man, Majid I took care. You had to sit at the club. Man buy me a cup to drink. You know I talk as a Shia
Marvin Constant
Tonio Potter got mason jar.
Justin Riley
If he did come there you know they all get new uniforms how you think they look now fubu
Unknown Speaker
man what but
Justin Riley
the alumni be like man is the uniforms look I
Unknown Speaker
have so much swag but I’ll have the same number Oh
Unknown Speaker
fields it is that the unit graduated
Unknown Speaker
man I appreciate y’all having me.
Unknown Speaker
Man I gotta get out of here.
Unknown Speaker
I don’t really have to go but the minutes run out on my on my computer and uh
Unknown Speaker
I got you
Justin Riley
man pleasure having you guys man. Definitely an honor to have you and intake as well, man. It’s a blessing. We really appreciate y’all.
Unknown Speaker
I will say this is the
Marvin Constant
most fun I’ve had on the show.
Unknown Speaker
I’ve been at home in the mirror like
Unknown Speaker
Hey, Steve, you know that what? No j you know, Joe had over choco
Justin Riley
Roll Tide. RV ready to hit some predictions now.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I
Unknown Speaker
need some water.
Unknown Speaker
Alright, let’s do it.
Justin Riley
Man. All right, number 22. Texas vs Oklahoma.
Marvin Constant
Lose a bowl. I gotta get
Justin Riley
the big club turned into the big one.
Marvin Constant
Right they call it the Red River rivalry but it used to be the shootout or something. But clearly, it’s right. I’m gonna take Texas.
Justin Riley
I I’ll take Texas there too, is really yeah, whoever’s not the worst. Right. Next up, we got a surge in Tennessee Volunteers at number 14 playing Georgia. Is this a trap game for the Bulldogs or to the Bulldog roll.
Marvin Constant
I think we’re going to see what Tennessee’s really made of we’re going to see if coach Pruitt has actually made the necessary adjustments mainly being up front. Can your defensive line hold up can your offensive line reestablishing line of scrimmage because whoever can do those two things, that’s who’s gonna win a game? And I’m gonna go out and limit I’m gonna take Georgia. Oh, I can tell you
Unknown Speaker
a Tennessee
Justin Riley
I really thought I wouldn’t have faulted you either, because I really feel like this is gonna be a battle I think 10 so you probably play the best game they played in a long time. Pruett will haven’t Ray no doubt, but I don’t quite think they’re there yet. But I think Yeah, they are gonna make life difficult so I’m going ga and maybe three or four points. All right, Virginia Tech against UNC
Marvin Constant
I’m gonna take Mack Brown in the fight and he has a much improved team Virginia Tech’s been battling COVID leaf cool they’ve been missing a lot of players so you know there’s been plug and play for them so I got to go North Carolina.
Justin Riley
I didn’t realize this man you know that that the body mat Browns are sitting quietly number eight in the country right now.
Marvin Constant
Yeah, making a lot of noise
Justin Riley
yearly. Oh, that’s a thing to watch man. Definitely watch them when they play Clemson. So yeah, I don’t go with the Tar Heels as well. All right. Number four, Florida against Texas a&m. I’m taking Florida out their attention as always all hype but they never produce they never live up to the hype. So I’m gonna go with Florida gotta go to gauge. What do you think about the Gators defense? They’re killing it on offense. You know caltrak cow pits. lighten it up but their defenses going up. I think around 30 plus points a game what’s going on with the Gators there?
Marvin Constant
You got to make those improvements. You know one thing about football you can only win championships. If you have decent it’s very valuable. You see a team office win a championship. So maybe you know it’s just the lack of reps the lack of spring ball no real training camp. But I they have the players to do it. So I think it might take them another game to to really just put it all together but I think they’ll be fine.
Justin Riley
Right now I’m gonna go gators to Auburn versus an upset monad Arkansas actually took down the bacon bits. It is You know, it’s funny, everybody was riding on the leech train, and it just got derailed. The bandwagon toppled over. So he raised
Marvin Constant
some money out of my wallet.
Justin Riley
And they say it was mainly because of not having Collin hill there. You know, Collin Hill is good. Probably one of the best running backs in the country. But how does one player stop you from beating Arkansas?
Marvin Constant
Why do you give up so many points? khaleel is your running back. It has nothing to do with your teachings.
Justin Riley
And thank you and you got Errol Thompson, who supposedly won the Best linebackers in the country right now. Right? So yeah, I will go hawks here as well. It can be my upset pic of the week. All right, number one Clemson versus a very good Miami team right now. Who’s the real deal?
Marvin Constant
Over radiate all the radiant cleanses not beat them by at least 17 points. Not even though the game is gonna get out of hand early. Yeah. And there’s
Justin Riley
gonna be no looking back. I agree with you. I like what’s going on in Miami. It’s good to see the program back up on its feet in a positive direction. But they don’t got those horses like Clemson’s got, you know, I think that they’re, they’ll get hyped up and they’ll make it close for a little bit. But overall, like you said, Man, Clemson’s gonna run away the
Marvin Constant
turnover chain will not leave the jewelry box
Unknown Speaker
won’t even have to be polished.
Marvin Constant
Right the turnover chain will be non existent. You won’t see the
Unknown Speaker
turnover chain. Yeah, gotcha. Okay, we’re gonna see is
Unknown Speaker
Apple turnell
Justin Riley
I agree with you there. All right, Game of the Week. Alabama vs Ole Miss Nick vs. Lane Kiffin. What do you like about this game? I mean, it’s exciting.
Marvin Constant
I think lanes gonna come with the offensive game plan. That is going to be a phenomenal game plan because you know, from working with me, he knows what Nick wants to do on defense. So if anybody knows how to exploit Nick’s weaknesses, it’s like kissing and you know, he’s a great offensive mind. So lanes going to pull out some plays, that’s going to get the matchups that he wants. And we all know if brains getting the matchups that he wants, he’s going to score points. And with the points that we’ve given up against Missouri. I think this game is going to be a lot closer than people give all this credit for because lane knows Nick’s weaknesses. He knows what to do to exploit him. So I think it’s going to be a close game. And with all the points we’ve been given up, I’m gonna take them 4934
Justin Riley
Wow. Yeah. First of all, Ole Miss is always getting up for Alabama just for some reason. That’s their national championship. They’re always going to be up to play us but now they got Lane Kiffin there, who’s gonna make life a little bit more difficult. And like you said, He’s gonna find ways to exploit our weaknesses, especially with a way has Matt corral playing at quarterback. And he’s got those good receivers a larger more and throughout the others guy’s name, but man, he’s got the offense rolling. And of course, our defense still has not gotten things together. So it makes me a little bit nervous. But I do still think our defense is a lot better than what Ole Miss his defense is. So and in this contest, a former assistant will not upset Nick. So I’m gonna go 45 to 28 Alabama.
Marvin Constant
The tacho row.
Justin Riley
Absolutely. And you know, this is important to me, man. I’m in Mississippi, a whole family or Ole Miss legacy, my face Givens on the line rather, so I need a good sound victory so I can enjoy my turkey
Unknown Speaker
Justin Riley
you’ll get Yes sir. Yes, sir. All right, brother, this talk about your book we talked about we logged in. Great things are happening. Give us an update. Tell us where you’re at there.
Marvin Constant
Oh, man, the book has been phenomenal. If you follow me on my Instagram constant 45 on Facebook mark and Cassie, you see all the pictures of all the people with my book, taking pictures posing, just sharing our love. We’re approaching almost 300 sales in a matter of weeks. The book is doing phenomenal. So if you haven’t got your copy yet, you better go ahead and get it because again, the book sells itself you know again, I’m sitting here 41 years old and basic my life so you know for the price of a cheeseburger 1299 Why wouldn’t you want to change your life?
Justin Riley
And with that book I have noticed you got some hoodies and some t shirts out there to tell us a little bit about that.
Marvin Constant
Oh yeah, the 40 plus strong my my workout line my gears man. Yeah, so I’m actually in the process of introducing that line of 40 plus growth as well as I have a supplement line coming out as well under my 40 plus strong brand. So I’ve been working to make sure that the supplement line is exactly what I want and I’m getting the results that I want. I’ve been testing it out for a few weeks now. So I when it’s finally ready and it meets my standards, the 40 foot strong supplement line will be available for sale as well. But I can assure you this, I will never bring a product out that does not give you the results you desire. So
Justin Riley
I’m excited about that man. I know you have a high standard. So what you’re about to put out is got it even better standards. So I really thought about that. I tell us about next week’s show which you got lined up for us.
Marvin Constant
Next week is gonna be the show of all shows.
Unknown Speaker
I thought tonight was
Marvin Constant
gonna be a good one to show next week. We’re actually going to do our strength coach special. Yeah. Paul Hogan from Clemson, Alex Watkins from Mississippi State Kendall Morehead from the University of Tennessee and Jason Jones from UAB. So we’re going to have four phenomenal strength coaches that are going to talk about how they prepared their plays in the offseason, as well as during the season how they keep them healthy and able to perform at a high level. So we’re gonna talk about the sprint coach next week.
Justin Riley
I’m excited about that man especially being a fitness guy and I’m a powerlifter too and you know this fits right in your wheelhouse to we’re gonna have a lot of fun here.
Marvin Constant
We’re gonna have a lot of fun so I gotta get the six pack ready for
Justin Riley
me get it ready man was already ready
Marvin Constant
it wasn’t ready a few years ago but it’s ready now though.
Justin Riley
Alright guys, if you have any questions for us or any upcoming guests you know feel free reach out to us the the Raleigh and constant show@gmail.com also Marvin tell us your your twitter and instagram again in case anybody missed it.
Unknown Speaker
Marvin Constant
constant 451 Instagram constant 45 Facebook Marvin constant also we also have a quarterback special coming up very soon you’re not gonna want to miss this quarterback specified we’re gonna be out in the strength coach special
Justin Riley
interest me people out there. You don’t want to miss it. It’s always a big deal. So yeah, all right. Y’all can find me on Twitter at Justin rally seven on Instagram at Justin rally underscore seven visits on the sports cast dotnet. Any closing remarks Marvin
Marvin Constant
already plus drone comm four zero plus strong calm. Grab a copy of that book, support the movement. Trust me you’ll never regret it. Outside of that Roll Tide. You continue
Justin Riley
to be great. Absolutely. Role tag. Great show. Thank you. Thank you, sir.
Transcribed by https://otter.ai