We recap the Iron Bowl, preview the LSU game, discuss Devonta Smith for the Heisman, and revisit our guests’ careers.
Guests: Steve Brown, Alabama legends Nico Johnson & Kelvin Sigler, and Stephen M. Smith of TD Alabama Magazine
Twitter Accounts: @justinriley7, @comicstevebrown, @constant451, @JOHNSON35BOY, @CoachingMSmith
Justin Riley
Ladies and gentlemen, welcome to another episode of The rallying constant show. Tonight we are about to have some fun. And as always, you know it’s gonna be some surprises. So you got to stay tuned to see what’s gonna happen, baby.
Justin Riley
I’m ready. I’m ready. Hey, Mark, you know, wash big so well, don’t you?
Marvin Constant
Why is that Justin?
Justin Riley
I went to University of Alabama man. That’s the only reason
Unknown Speaker
Justin Riley
will see. Well, Marvin, we’re still waiting on Steve. So we’re gonna go ahead and get started. We had a great show last week and we also had an iron Bowl victory to go with it. This week is no different. We got some great guests Amer previewing. LSU Can you introduce who we have on the show?
Marvin Constant
tonight’s guest Oh my God, when I say this lineup of guests. You couldn’t pick a better lineup of guests, man. One of these guys. You know, I got the pleasure of playing with for one season. Watching him you know do amazing things on the field. Straight out of mobiel baby the one and only Kevin Sigler.
Unknown Speaker
I do appreciate you having me.
Marvin Constant
Thank you, brother. The next man up oh my god, what can I say national champion. A man of my own heart. You went when I say the pride of his hometown on he want to mispronounce it because it is hard to pronounce. But it’s a little country town in the backwoods Alabama. I’m gonna let him Yeah, at the end loose and loose. Nico Johnson leg
Unknown Speaker
as andaluza baby appreciate you having me. Always, always on it.
Marvin Constant
Thank you, brother. Thank you. And if y’all hadn’t noticed yet you see Kevin Sigler with that JSU background that’s right coaching at JSU Nico with his you ll background baby University of Louisiana. Lafayette when you go to Bama, you do big things when you’re done. And last but not least baby. The one guess who’s here. That ain’t a surprise. You knew he was coming but he he’ll the man himself from touchdown Alabama. Don’t get mixed up with Steven Naismith because you catch the week boxing move the man Smeal from touchdown Alabama magazine baby Thank you for coming to join us tonight.
Stephen M. Smith
Like I said my brother
Justin Riley
I got to give a shout out to Stephen man he was on the Paul finebaum show. How many times this now Steven? I think for for he’s becoming a regular so you shout out man. Congrats on that man. Pretty soon you’re gonna be on ESPN. So just remember from back when?
Stephen M. Smith
Y’all make it happen, man me. I’m just happy to be here with job.
Marvin Constant
Hey, we’re doing what we can given the circumstances we’re getting.
Justin Riley
No doubt, man. Yeah, glad to have y’all just have some fun tonight. Courses a big week we know why we’re playing LSU now is our favorite segment constant chaos is brought to you by Milo’s who has one of the greatest food situations. Since 1946 this segment allows Marvin to give us his unfiltered thoughts on issues surrounding the Crimson Tide or college football in general. Marvin, what do you got for us this week?
Marvin Constant
You know the chaos this week. It’s not from Alabama when I say the tide has been playing a lot better ball, especially defensively. I’ve actually been highly impressed with what’s been going on. The chaos that I got for you this week is straight out of Tallahassee, Florida State let another team travel all the way to Tallahassee to not play them again. How did you let that happen for two weeks in a row unit, two different teams bought a plane
Unknown Speaker
loads of artists
Marvin Constant
go through pregame walking the day before, wake up and have a pregame meal to only tell them you’re not playing. What the hell is going on here. I mean, what he is gas money free now is the ACC just letting people get out of town for weekend trips or something. Because this is the second weekend in a row that Florida State has pulled that crap. He I mean, I who is continuing to let this happen. Well, you have teams pack up a full plane, you’re not much money comes to charter a plane. For that to happen two weeks in a row you pay for hotels, two weeks in a row, flew two weeks in a row, only to not play a game after the team’s already know.
Justin Riley
Guys how y’all feel about that is that two weeks in a row is unprecedented. And like Marvin said, You let the folks come all the way over there, only to tell him you know what, we ain’t gonna do this today. It’s 2020 guys. Matter of fact, today, I think I read an article where the ACC has already packed up shop for the season, and they’re calling it and they’re just gonna go straight to the championship game. Y’all see that?
Marvin Constant
Yeah, they just showed that on the bottom line on ESP and debt for Notre Dame Clemson just gonna play for the ACC title.
Justin Riley
I don’t I don’t understand what is the ACC not doing that the SEC is doing. It seems like we have it under control.
Marvin Constant
We have had quite a few game council so no fiance’s onto
Justin Riley
it compared to everybody else.
Unknown Speaker
I know the ACC they was testing three times a week because we we played Florida State game one and we had to test three times that week before we played them. So I guess on their last test they went it took a while to get the layers results. Those final results of the last test so that’s probably what they had some guys that was positive. They just don’t have enough guys to play it.
Marvin Constant
Can I tell you something? Brother sigma. Beat Did y’all had him on?
Unknown Speaker
What Yeah, yeah. Ready?
Unknown Speaker
We had him on rose. We just we kind of ran out of gas. And you know, I hate it. But you know, it. I showed a lot our guys, you know, to go out there with that effort and no, play the hearts out. But, you know, we just got to continue to get better. And you know, it helped us the rest of the season. We only have four games this fall, but we end up finishing pretty strong.
Marvin Constant
So let me ask you so you played four games? Yes. You all for three full months and you play a game.
Unknown Speaker
It is different like with us I conference, let us play you know, four games, non conference game this fall season. And then you know about us only playing four games were eligible to play a spring season. We’re supposed to have a seven game conference regular season then playoffs. So but you have some teams in our conference that chose to play a full schedule. So they’re not they won’t be allowed to play in the spring because they played what seven games or more in spring.
Marvin Constant
Okay, now everybody. Everybody who watched the show, they know that I wait. I make bits every week I make a lot of wages. One wage in particular cost me a lot of money. When the raging Cajuns took down our state that cost me a lot of money. But I will be mad about this right now because Nico on the show.
Justin Riley
A lot of money actually goes when reasons we got you on the show we need to collect so Marvin Khanna has that taken care of it? He’s been salty ever since we
Unknown Speaker
met man we were guys are playing very well for Coach Napier. They’re really bought in even though with the circumstances, you know, y’all probably already know. And so you know, we also coach earlier this year, so every since that happened, I can’t I think it was like a lightbulb went off for players and coaches like this is not good. It’s not not guaranteed. So every opportunity we take with without coding players go out and play their butts off. So that was a golden opportunity off that, you know, we have been working our butts off, up to that point. So, you know, we saw this opportunity and the players show up as hats off to our players to get the job done. They are a good football team, as everybody can see. Yeah, I’m sorry.
Marvin Constant
I got a look at the line. But it’s app state game yesterday. And app state is favorite by three I think. So I was about to place a wager on it. And then I’m like, I think back was to y’all upset and I will state cost me money. So I did that way to own that game. So I said, You know what, I’m not gonna touch the raging cages because they don’t cost me money again, even though they look good. Last week. I said, You know what, I’m not touching it. I’m not touching it.
Unknown Speaker
It’s a crazy year man with COVID. Man, you, you’re not guaranteed to have a certain player that practice all week, and then a player that didn’t get reps all week, he’s got to come in and place. It’s tough. I think that’s kind of what Florida State is dealing with. And coaches tell you man having players that, you know, go out that hasn’t got reps all week. It’s tough. It’s tough.
Marvin Constant
But you know what, though, the thing about this season that I’ve enjoyed the most is watching the emergence of the Cincinnati’s the coastal Carolinas, the liberties. Now you see a lot of the smaller schools dominating. Maybe that’s the COVID effect. But you see a lot of the smaller schools actually dominating and playing football on a very high level liberally has been putting in work up until that one loss, both for Carolina still undefeated, Cincinnati, still undefeated. You know, I think it’s gonna prove to be problematic for the committee as they move into those final rankings. Because again, you sit here with Ohio State who’s only played four games and the games keep getting counsel. So how do you take a team that doesn’t have a body of work of the four games and say that they deserve to be in playoffs? Are you going to overlook these smaller schools who have went undefeated that have been laying around? I will
Stephen M. Smith
say this more than most others, though, keep your eyes on coastal Carolina’s head coach, that guy may be getting the call to go to South Carolina to replace Muschamp.
Marvin Constant
I wouldn’t doubt it. You know, he’s done phenomenally well, I actually know one of the players on his Coastal Carolina team, when he’s here in Atlanta, actually training. So you know, so I talked to him a lot. So I’ve that’s why I follow Coastal Carolina so closely. That guy’s doing some amazing work that he’s really got those guys to buy into your system and what he’s selling down there. He I don’t think he’ll be at Coastal Carolina after the season.
Unknown Speaker
This season, this season for everybody is turned into who can manage the COVID situation a bit. And as what is coming down to and all the teams as successful, have been able to be successful. You can it’s a testament, I think that it shows that they’ve been able to sustain to have, you know, consistent players in the plays what it is on the field. So hats off to everybody is doing a good john. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
Like Nico said earlier, he was just saying, like, you know, you have a guy that practice all week, and then he might not be, you know, ready to play for the game, because he’s tested positive. But, you know, in that case, you gotta get everybody ready during the week. I mean, it’s hard to take reps from a so called starter, but you just never know, especially if he ever tested positive, you got to get that guy, the next guy ready, because you just never know when it
Marvin Constant
timeout time. I hate to interrupt you. But, you know, it’s not we don’t get this opportunity often to have two college coaches on here. So I got to ask these questions. If you manage your players during the week to make them do the right things, or make sure they’re doing the right things, because we all know, at 18 1920 years old, is out there, that fun is out there. And we all know if things that we want to do with that age that we probably go sneak out and go do that we shouldn’t do. So how do you get your players to buy in and be accountable and do the right things? So they’re not putting themselves in harm’s way or their teammates
Justin Riley
to kill? You remember an 18 year old Marvin so yes, yeah.
Unknown Speaker
just freaking out jazz you bought I know, everybody else is different. You know, everybody got different protocols and things like that. But we can control the force over the complex. So you know, we we don’t have 14 means things will be on zoom. If we have position meanings, you know, we got them separated, we got everybody spaced out and things like that you got your mask on. And then with us because we were spoiled, smaller school, we rotate offense, defense and meeting so if the defense is meeting, you know, we’re not different rooms, we got to spaced out and now offenses. They’re getting taped and things like that. So we may have 45 minute meetings. And then after that, then we flip flop. So it just basically having that protocol for us. Keep the guys socially distant with a mask on and then So when they lifted weights, we had them in certain paws, where you may only have 10 lifting at a time. And then they got different weight times that they go in. But now when they leave the complex and go home, you know, now they just got to be smart. If you want to continue to play the season, then you got to do the right things, you can’t go hang out at buddy house, there’s not a football player that your homeboy is where you grew up with, you just got to know you got to understand that, you know, you tried to play a season, get through a season, so you just can’t risk the team and everybody else by just going hanging around everybody.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, it’s kind of same thing on Iran is the message for us here is not to be selfish, because it’s like co said, you want to be able to play and play games to coast, the Carolinas, and app states of the world, you got to be available. And if you’re not available, then not only are you hurting yourself by not wearing a mask and COVID and things like that. But like first like, gosh, like myself, I got COVID COVID, a couple weeks ago, and it was hailed. So I’m able to stop my players up some of the younger and older guys and tell them like how tough it is dealing with this situation. So we’ve done a good job of getting our players to police themselves outside of the complex, because we can only do so much and you know, we all know, a 78 year old kid gonna do what they want to do regardless, we can only police ourselves. So luckily, we’ve done a great job outside of here. Instead, on top of it. you’d run into issues where we played a couple big games without you know, a lot of starters, like coach, and I was saying earlier, you got to get to the next man up. When is that? You don’t know. So you got to always stay prepared. So to answer your question as to it’s tough. This is a different territory. Different water for everybody. Yeah.
Marvin Constant
I know it’s tough. And it’s been a particularly difficult situation. My one of my cousin’s shout out to Reggie Sanders man. He lost his dad last week to COVID man so you know, they’re praying for you, brother. I’m here for you know, Batman, I just, you know, that was that was a tough man. When when family members have died from this stuff. A lot of people don’t take it serious man. But, you know, when when my dad called me, he didn’t sound too good. I’m like, what’s going on? He tells me what happened. I was like, you know? And what can you really say in that situation? You know, so it’s definitely not something that I wish on anybody, man. I’m glad that you recover from it, man. So
Unknown Speaker
appreciate you. Yeah, God is good.
Stephen M. Smith
It just goes back to the care. You can’t be selfish in these times. I mean, you guys have talked about it. You’re not just not trying to hide yourself in danger. But you know, your teammates, your family members, people that you know, in danger. So it’s always better to be safe than sorry, you don’t want to live in fear. But at the same time, you want to use wisdom and what you do, Steven,
Marvin Constant
when are you gonna stop being selfish man? He was on fine Bama. You didn’t call me just
Justin Riley
at all. And I text him every day, huh? Look at his show three times a week.
Stephen M. Smith
I said the untold fireballs produce. I told them folks. I saw that I was on the phone. But just mom and Oh, yeah. And they’re reaching back my back pocket. And they like, what is he doing?
Unknown Speaker
I was sitting there pulling
Justin Riley
for y’all to get on there. You must been on mute when that happened, Marvin. I guess that’s what that’s what happened. Let’s talk about some positive guys last week. arambol. big victory man retribution. What was yours got? Oh, you first take home that how y’all feeling about that victory?
Stephen M. Smith
Just me being at the game. Very proud of Steve Sarkeesian. In that moment, I know it was a very kind of nerve wracking week for him knowing that, you know this was going to be an opportunity for him to show national people out there that he could coach in the state of Coach Saban and did a great job. Game Plan was great. didn’t try to be like Coach Saban did himself and got so many people involved offensively. The defense played off of it just really proud of Sarkeesian
Unknown Speaker
Are you gonna say Kelvin? No, I
Unknown Speaker
just said I’m always excited when Bama wins the game, especially against Auburn, but uh, you know, I thought they did a great job with Coach Saban not being on the sideline, which is some different that you haven’t seen in a long time. But you know, like Steven say Sarkeesian did a great job of just, you know, run the same way cost saving wasn’t there and it’s pretty much you know, cost saving, gotten like high one. So it’s pretty much a well oiled machine. So no, they did a great job.
Marvin Constant
Sark had his victory. Drink in the gate and Ray cups he was drinking on the sideline for gaming.
Stephen M. Smith
Marvin one thing say that one thing saw did do he did have that Saban headset down pack down
Unknown Speaker
below some songs.
Unknown Speaker
Yes, yes.
Marvin Constant
I asked him what was in those cups.
Unknown Speaker
I think Bama has finally especially defense finally found their identity. I know it’s cliche to say but I think all year they’ve been searching for that identity as a defense and I think they found that and now it’s all coming together at the right time.
Marvin Constant
So I’m excited to see how they how they move forward. Because if they don’t, they’re gonna need to show up down the road. It’s definitely coming together to bright out and I will say this I’m gonna go out on a limb and I’m gonna save this not a cop more best defensive back on that team hands down. Hey, listen, man. He has been out shining every other defensive back on that team. I know there’s another first round of who, you know gets out got all hype going into it. Man when that young guy has been playing his butt off all season long a man makes play after play after play.
Stephen M. Smith
And marvel marvel what was crazy is is I remember watching one of the first clips that Malika was out there in practice with the team. He put a hit on Taiyou Jones bear and I know that you Jones Vale because I was out there watching him at the Under Armour all America practice in Orlando, Florida. He put a hit on Jones bale. And I was like, Who the heck is that? I turned around. I saw it was Malika. I’m like this do is going to be something crazy. Now. A lot of people are right now comparing him to Minka Fitzpatrick and rightfully so. You see a novice similar characteristics instinctively between Minka and Malika the one area malakoff guy developing more. It’s where Bama sends him on the Blitz. playboy gotta get home and get the quarterback because when they sent makeup, Minka was a bullet. By God way. Have
Marvin Constant
you ever seen a freshman with coverage skills like he possesses?
Unknown Speaker
Stephen M. Smith
I’m saying I’m saying I’m saying coverage wise coverage was not a cause right there with mega coverage was? Absolutely. I’m just saying. The added element to make us game was when Jeremy Pruitt said Minka, go get the quarterback. I don’t care who it is. Go get him. Man go went and got the guy. Now. There are times where he’s still a slight hesitant on the Blitz. But when he picks that up, oh my gosh, it’s over.
Marvin Constant
But you know what you can see how that directly correlates to the game as a whole for the team. Because again, when you can cover man demand that gives the defensive front more time to hit home and get more sacks which on Saturday, you actually had that combination worked out where the pressure and the coverage matched. Okay, it finally worked out it’s finally been you know, because at the beginning of the season, the two weren’t working well together. But they’re finally working together.
Justin Riley
Kevin, what do you see, this young man is allowing him to be successful. So early, you know, he’s drawn high praise. We just talked about Maiko being a comparison. I see a little bit George Teagan. In fact George Teague endorses him and has done so openly. What do you see from playing defensive back position yourself this allowed this man just to be phenomenal
Unknown Speaker
I think just the way he approaches the game just hi prepare stuff. You know, I think he just mentally and physically ready you know he he’s a little bit older than than what you think you know, as far as he’s a freshman but yeah, like he’s a junior senior just the way he approached the game and I just think the way he prepares so we can week out you know for the game I think that helps him Excel.
Justin Riley
Nico, who he saw seen on this defense this season this really allowing them to come together. And like we’re talking about finding that identity and finding success. Can you pinpoint to one specific player or do you have a couple in your mind?
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
I can’t I can’t pinpoint one player. But I think what has made this Alabama’s defense start playing better. I think the linebacker Corps has started Neil chipping away and being more consistent. Anytime you’ve got your lawn back, according to Nick Saban’s defense, and they’re producing, they’re successful, the defense runs well, and I think that’s what’s happening. I think that linebacker Corps is starting to be more consistent and started playing better ball, and that’s why they’ve been successful, so I can’t pinpoint one player. But I think that group there is starting to be more consistent and they’re starting to show as a group.
Marvin Constant
I’m going to create In blah, blah, the boys find it fun to play some ball up front, when I’m talking about because it all starts up front, you know, net three, four, it all starts in that middle. If that nose and nose detangling holding it down. It’s pointing to 1234. So if he has been leading the way for that group, man, when I say they have been playing lights out these past few weeks, man, I’ve been so happy to see it, man. Okay, mom,
Stephen M. Smith
Marvin got Baltimore. Let me throw my son out here Chris Allen baby. Yeah, Chris Allen, who came off an ACL in 2018. He was not quite healthy last year. But that boy leading the team in sacks leading the team in tackles for loss personally spackle CA, my son, Chris, I’ve been doing.
Justin Riley
You actually write about that he’s not getting the praise that he deserves. This week, Christian Harris with name is a semifinalist for the Butkus award. Why and Chris Allen being in the same sentence. He’s nominal.
Stephen M. Smith
Yeah, I don’t know. I don’t know just and to me, to me, he’s kind of having the same season that Anthony Jennings had last year. Remember, Anthony Jennings, when he came back from injury he had last year, he had what not yet what 12 and a half tackles for loss at nine. Matt, the team in both areas coming off an injury and was named a permanent team captain Chris Allen is having the same type of season. It’s just he doesn’t talk a whole lot. So a lot of people don’t notice when he’s in the Roma. But when that boy is healthy, and that brother is playing, and he’s fears when he’s finished with it.
Justin Riley
They’re talking about somebody who might not be getting the respect he deserves when it comes to the highs and conversation. And that’s the vontae Smith. Do you feel like now after all, he’s done that he should be mentioned now with rush these guys that they’re bringing up week after week. I mean, that guy owns the SEC records and he’s about to get more and he’s been doing it year after year. Why isn’t this brother getting mentioned for the Heisman?
Unknown Speaker
I actually think is because he makes it look easy.
Unknown Speaker
You know, he’s
Unknown Speaker
making it look so easy that people is taking that for granted for what he brings to the table. But you’re right, I think he deserves to be in to talk with because he makes it look so easy. Like people just say Ah, he’s back at it again. Time. So yeah.
Marvin Constant
to piggyback on what Nico said from second and 26 Smith has been killing from from that touchdown from that one right there. He has been eating on a regular basis, man, I do think he does not get the praise that he deserves. But he don’t get it when it comes draft time. I’m pretty sure he would much rather have that check in some of his praise anyway.
Stephen M. Smith
Oh, oh, also, yes. And it’s it’s crazy to think about but college football has one prayer right now. And that prayer is Jesus. Don’t let Bama get another deep threat vontae Smith? Is Bama pop another deep threat out here we are screwed. College Football is prayer. Jesus don’t
Justin Riley
Yeah, and it may be Billingsley that dude is looking good. He’s getting better week after week. Reminds me of oj Howard.
Stephen M. Smith
Awesome Will Smith and oj but I see.
Justin Riley
Okay, okay. Well, let’s talk about we talked about this earlier how great Sark has been doing or didn’t the game. There’s some birds chirping now that they that may have been that on on the field interview for possibly being a successor to saving. Does that have any weight to it? Or do you feel that this just you know, a water cooler talk?
Marvin Constant
Me personally, I would be fine with that. I think he’s definitely a great coach. You know, we all have issues in life that derail us from doing what we are destined to do. But he took his lumps he sucked it up. And he’s been doing phenomenal work at Alabama left went to the Falcons came back to Alabama. I don’t think he came back to Alabama for a second stint just for the sake of coming because he could win anywhere. So I think that there was a method to it from that point forward because again, your your NFL offensive coordinator Why would you leave that job to come back to college and do the same job it’s almost like a lateral move unless you knew that there was a greater purpose to you coming back to college?
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I think for yourself in a good situation if that ever happened. But you know, co saver, he probably got coached another 10 years.
Stephen M. Smith
I was gonna say right, what uh, what Kevin just said, Man, I was gonna say that right there with Coach Saban. Coach Saban. You He’s an Iron Man, you really don’t know how you can think that saber is gonna be done after three or four years, because folks kept saying, we’ll save it had the hip surgery in the hips, bothering him in the hip, but say been out that 69 years old stretching and running and flipping thing so that he has his diet and given him the issues that people keep saying it’s given him so while I’m proud of Sarkeesian, and I will not for him to be the coach or take over upon Saban calling it a career because just like Marvin mentioned, he had some bumps in the road, but he’s learned from them. He’s adjusted from them. And just think about this. Look at how he’s gotten Mac Jones this year. I mean, yeah, last year, people are like, you know, Mac Jones, he ain’t he won’t be too and he can’t pop it off like to this year, Mac has happened to seize that has blown everybody all the water, I people’s mouths are on the floor. And the reason why not another reason why Mac is having this success. The play design of Sarkeesian
Justin Riley
definitely done a phenomenal job. And there’s no question about that. Honestly, Neko, you play for saving? Do you ever see that man stopping? I mean, after he wins the national championship, he’s started thinking about recruiting. So what would he do without football?
Unknown Speaker
Oh, I remember my senior year. He’s He’s always he’s told us that he didn’t want to coach. This is when Joe Paterno was still living. He didn’t want to coach, you know, and be that age of Joe and still be coaching football. So we’ve always thought 70, maybe 6869, he’s probably gonna hang up. But he never stopped. I don’t know what he’s gonna do. Like, it is crazy that you say that because every time we win a championship or have a successful season, as soon as like that team took like, 2011, that Chevy ship team came back from New Orleans, the next year that that next day where we all arrived back to the facility, we have a meeting, all the juniors, that’s gone pro and all the seniors is gone, they’re gone. We have a meeting with that new team, which is 2012 team, they come in and tell us, this team here hasn’t accomplished anything. Now let’s get back to work. And that same day, we’re working out, you know, so it’s, I’m glad I witnessed that because it’s been instilled in me to never be satisfied. Always get the question. You know, what’s one thing I like to say? No matter how good or bad things are coin, just remember, you have room for improvement. That’s called saving every loss that he’s, you know, that he’s been given from other opponents. He takes it personally. And for some reason, it drives him. It drives in it don’t matter how many championships he wins, because he he remembers how can how could have, how could I put my defense or my team in the best situation to have beat? You know, Johnny Manziel, in 2012, who beat LSU to so called game of the century, those games always sticks with him. So he’s, he’s going to coach him to win whenever he’s done and ready. Because I don’t think he has nothing else to do. I mean, he’s got grandkids now but he can still do that and coach football so I’m eager to see just like you guys are because he never stopped. I think Miss Terry to tell him you’re done the right time in life as
Justin Riley
well. Before we get to look at your careers. Let me ask both you guys this. Y’all both were coached by two of the greatest ever Kelvin Gene Stallings at one point, and then they go you Nick Saban? What were those experiences like and how special are your relationships with those guys?
Unknown Speaker
Just me because you know, just where he was recruiting me coming out of high school. You know, my mom was sick with cancer then. And my mom ended up passing away my senior year of high school, but a co star came to my house to do a home visit and by that time my mom was bedridden. She had chemo near they lost her hair and she couldn’t walk. So first thing ko Stalin did was soon as he came to the house he asked me when my mom was so I took her to his bed and he just said that he’ll the hand and just talk to her she know him from the man in the moon you know she couldn’t talk anything and right there so me and said you know that’s why I was going I was going out with them just because I called her genuine co stalling was but you know, you saw you know he was a great guy, you know great leader and you know, he knew how to get the team worked up fired up to play and play. And I always respected that article style.
Unknown Speaker
Because you know, one thing for me was I nobody in my family has ever been to college ever. You know, graduate from college, I had that type of education. So when saving did home visit there in my home, talk to my mom talking to my dad was never about football. It was all about how can how he can make me a better man. And at the same time, give me the education that nobody ever parents never had or anybody my family or bad. So that was that’s what got me do recruiting because it was it was bigger than just the game of football. And then when I got to Bama, he never he always wondered why he was only hard. And the older I gotten, the more I understood that he was coaching me as a freshman or sophomore he was culture as a senior or junior I was going to be
Marvin Constant
Hey, Nico. Sorry. I’m just in somebody’s knocking. You might want to get that one.
Justin Riley
Okay. I got two of them. Well, I’ll stay just left. How’s your boy? Tell them get back on here. All right. Hello. Hey, welcome to the rollin Constance show.
Unknown Speaker
How you doing? Victor wrote, yo,
Justin Riley
what’s going on, man?
Marvin Constant
I just just that’s not what I was talking about was knocking.
Justin Riley
Well, that’s the only person I saw at our virtual door so to speak.
Marvin Constant
He’s coming to the door. Sorry.
Unknown Speaker
That was before when I peeked in, so he knew I was there.
Justin Riley
Victor, welcome to the show. Real quick, you know, thanks for coming on. What questions do you have for these guys here? We got a great list of guests here. You know, Steven M. Smith. He was with us on our meeting a couple weeks back. We got it though. Great Niko Johnson and one of the best defensive backs Alabama’s seen and Kelvin Sigler.
Unknown Speaker
That’s awesome. You guys have a great show. I like Alabama as a team. I’m not an Alabama fan. So just don’t shoot me down. Now. You know how to get on the phone. We’re Steve Brown is Steve Brown.
Justin Riley
Not yet he’s actually doing something with his daughter he is trying to get on.
Unknown Speaker
But he I got to add some color to the Crimson Tide. So what do you guys think about those? I got questions for you. I could ask you questions for days. I just wanted to get one out because you guys fantastic. What do you guys think about those two plays for Jalen hertz.
Justin Riley
wants to take that first.
Unknown Speaker
Bueller, anyone?
Unknown Speaker
Well, I didn’t get to see the game last night so I can’t come in on it. I just like to place guys forget about watching it. He went in for two plays and they yanked him.
Marvin Constant
Hey, hold on. Justin, you gotta let these guests guess I got him at a time. So we got to get to him.
Justin Riley
Yeah, and this is a big
Unknown Speaker
brown shirt. And you guys are too quiet.
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
What happened?
Unknown Speaker
Hold on.
Marvin Constant
You gotta hold on. We got to get to this guest Yes.
Unknown Speaker
Oh, I’m sorry. I’m sorry. Sorry. Sorry.
Justin Riley
I had a I had a feeling this was who was gonna you had coming?
Unknown Speaker
Do you mean?
Justin Riley
Oh man. I am so excited about this. They had this guy on here. Marvin, do you introduce them or
Marvin Constant
the baby Mr. Andrew xao lead up guy he
Justin Riley
was going on Andrew man. That’d be here.
Unknown Speaker
Thank you, man. Appreciate it.
Marvin Constant
Kelvin Sigler and Nico Johnson and Steven m Smith
Unknown Speaker
what’s going on man? Let me try to get this thing right man
Unknown Speaker
you guys y’all know how to work you’re not at work yeah
Justin Riley
he’s gone off football
Unknown Speaker
There you go. Yeah, we
Justin Riley
got we got life we got life.
Unknown Speaker
Coaches meeting luncheon dinner actually. But so we’re getting ready for that man.
Unknown Speaker
are you guys doing it?
Unknown Speaker
You got the Oh head on you still like Kevin. See?
Unknown Speaker
I know from nine to 598 I’m no hit.
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
I had to baptize you when you first came to Bama when you was over there on the on the on the scout team quarterback guy used to wave at you the middlefield safety bar
Unknown Speaker
you know what
Unknown Speaker
you know I wear glasses too but my man he I expect seemed to have all the specs you know last time I saw you did have on spec so I’m
Unknown Speaker
paying my fair nine then.
Unknown Speaker
A constant we used to do these boys man. All the time was on scout team boys couldn’t handle us
Unknown Speaker
man. Would you please stop listening here we made him Hey, today now.
Marvin Constant
freshmen I used to do to me when I was on scout team hey
Justin Riley
I can’t Can you see this
Marvin Constant
man virtual background is making it disappear. A virtual background
Justin Riley
technology but you know you know us Mississippi folks. We can’t do anything right man
Marvin Constant
got no problem yeah just moving up in the world
Justin Riley
we just got like last weekend I mean we got America Online we
Unknown Speaker
love going up
Marvin Constant
well Justin We don’t have much time was out So any questions you got was out you might want to spit them out now
Justin Riley
well actually got a big one it’s LSU week and man this man right here is responsible for the best comebacks in Alabama history went down to Baton Rouge and it’s true they say the Todd don’t lose and Baton Rouge and in 1998 this man right here was responsible for a great comeback. Andrew Can you kind of live that for us and talk about that game?
Unknown Speaker
Fans dumb redshirt freshmen not knowing what I was doing and see can attest to that I was just out there having fun playing ball man and at anytime I got in trouble man’s get the ball to Sean Alexander Quincy Jackson man and those guys just may play at the play and but I go back to that game and watching so many so many plays man made late in that game and we’re basically out of and they were pretty much celebrated man come back and throw two touchdowns at the end of the game and win and win the game and then of course I embarrassed myself after with the interview of trying to give shouts out back to my hometown and all that
Stephen M. Smith
does owl does also so you’ve been the freshman rod Now coming back with him two touchdowns of the last touchdown that you went to the guys and said I brought us back down I know
Unknown Speaker
it was I was just happened to be a part of what was going on man I you know I go back and think about like guys like seeing man they they they kept you honestly as a freshman you never got too big headed because those guys they’ve been there they’ve been around and you know just to be a part of what they were doing was big for me so man big big win for us but man what a game what you know what what plays the guys we’re making Layton in Jason Kelly getting the onside kick late night game and and has been able to come back and win that game but you know you go back in that season I mean I was I came in as a backup but at towards the end sort of playing a little bit and you know getting baptized by you know, like six said man baptized by fire my freshman year so when I got the opportunity to get out there and do it someone else man it was fun. But yeah, that game man I I was Yeah, I was part of the comeback. But you go back to that offensive line with Chris Samuels, man I can never say enough about him. Of course everyone knows about Sean Alexander. But there are plays made by so many people in that game. Mark Spencer picked the game what it actually picked off in the endzone and was you know, slowly bringing it back. Bring it back man but a man What a great game though man.
Justin Riley
No doubt real quick, Nico. And you got you got some things you have to do tonight man. I know you had to step out boss want to take this opportunity to thank you for for joining us and spend time with us and talking alabama football about what you’re doing now.
Unknown Speaker
Appreciate you guys, man anytime going forward. Whenever I’m free from coaching, I would love to be back on and pick you guys brain man, this is crazy. You know, senior, you know watching you guys like like coaches out. And Marvin and all these guys are sick. Like I grew up watching you guys know. So I don’t want to, you know, make you feel older than but to me. So it’s like it’s crazy. Talk to stories because this game is talking about you know LSU game was always my best game, you know, watching the comeback and everything like that like that. It’s a bittersweet moment. moment for me. So I appreciate you guys having me on. Right now.
Marvin Constant
So well before you go. I got one question. Flee your best LSU moment if you got time.
Justin Riley
Yeah, yeah, definitely. A lot of
Unknown Speaker
my best LSU moment, um, was the 2000 2012 my senior year where we was down, I think it was down almost two touchdowns on that’s a game where you know, TJ yeldon, you know, caught the screenpad. Major Aaron, but, you know, everybody talks about that, but you don’t talk about the defensive stops we got in a row in football back to go down. Right. That’s, that’s one of my proudest moments there to be able to, you know, backs against the wall. You know, with some guys that nobody thought was gonna able to do back to back, you know, be able to win back to back championships that year. That’s one of my proudest moments to be able to go into Death Valley and come back and win the way we did. So that was it. You know, my proudest moment? Just honestly just just that because I mean, we had so many, you know, times when we had success while I was at bandwidth that’s probably
Steve Brown
one of my proudest moments is getting down here.
Justin Riley
Welcome to the show your favorite comic Steve Brown.
Marvin Constant
I wonder why he’d like to do a kick though right now. Rob man
Steve Brown
Hey man, look I’m I had to sneak out of my girls game I went from playing football to being a football coach or a cheer dad Now am I and oh my god. You’d be so bad anybody just standing there looking just like you so you know what I did? I started cheering so they put me out so that’s why I’m out here calling you out. Cheering yeah the cheer man cuz my daughters my daughters when they when they was getting beat they’ll get beat by like nobody you know any school spirit so I just thought doing the old Central High School cheer he’s the board dog but but but but look, but the team does be my daughter’s team. They’re Falcons. So they think and cheer what other team? I didn’t put my soccer games. I’m pretty sure my second grader because my dad but you know what? So it’s okay. It’s okay. How’s it going?
Unknown Speaker
It’s good, man.
Steve Brown
Justin, so good. Did you enjoy the show? Man?
Justin Riley
Man, I wanted to talk about that y’all. Steve was here Jackson this past weekend. I had a great
Steve Brown
meeting you and nobody just meeting you. That was
Justin Riley
it. I got the VIP show is what it was a VIP ticket. But man, it was absolutely amazing. You know be able to meet you in person. We’ve been doing this for a while. But seeing you in person was great, but more importantly, seen a legend and action. That’s huge man. So it’s an honor to be able to watch you do your thing. I had a great time man. You had me laughing It was great.
Steve Brown
A man the best part man was was was the the old lady you brought man that threesome was amazing. Oh my God.
Justin Riley
That was sponsored by Icy Hot
Unknown Speaker
Marvin Constant
Steve Andrews out Kevin Siegel and Nico Dawson ski
Steve Brown
Andrew he he pretty much came in as a battle quarterback and turn the whole season around Kevin II all the time to the last game of the season, the tackle Sunday on bad so
Marvin Constant
you know I’ve always wanted to ask you a question knows out. Okay. freshmen we were playing Florida in Tuscaloosa. Yeah, What went through your mind when you see Mike Peterson hit john David Phillips in his day, and no, you had to go out against Mike Peterson and Javan curse.
Unknown Speaker
Literally It was like I’m glad I’m not out there when he got hit. Now you and I was like what? So but No, man it was a it was sort of scary and exciting because I had two teammates that I played High School ball with man but and really enjoyed the game but I don’t want to talk about that game because I made a freshman mistake at NC Don’t. Don’t laugh, man. Don’t freshman
Unknown Speaker
mistake man you just try to make a play.
Marvin Constant
We almost won that game, but
Unknown Speaker
don’t fall down.
Unknown Speaker
Exactly. Before I get out of here, man, I want to say hey man is great seeing you guys on here man. And I love seeing you guys but I gotta go man, but I want to say this constant. I got on that workout with that book, man.
Unknown Speaker
Perfect, bro.
Unknown Speaker
kick my butt though. But I loved it man. I’m sorry to see changes already, bro.
Marvin Constant
Hey, well, man, anything you need. I’m here for you, man.
Unknown Speaker
Appreciate it, man.
Unknown Speaker
You got big man. Gotta go man. You
Unknown Speaker
guys be good.
Unknown Speaker
Call me anytime. And I got Thank you.
Justin Riley
Thank you, Andrew. We appreciate it.
Unknown Speaker
Hey, Bing. So as soon as I get to the house in a plug right back in with y’all. Okay,
Marvin Constant
good. So see, I gotta ask you. See? Let me ask. You see john David Phillips take that hit from Mike Peters. What went through your mind? My mouth dropped. I was like, how can you not see him? It wasn’t even from the back. It was straight. Look.
Unknown Speaker
They have guys on defense. They have some dudes out there. But when he took that heat, I just felt bad. Now I just hope he got up.
Marvin Constant
Even like Nate Robinson, I
Unknown Speaker
know you didn’t know you didn’t do not just
Unknown Speaker
Marvin. Marvin
Marvin Constant
Robinson out there as you do know who Mike Peterson is, right? Yes. Mike Peterson I mean, it wasn’t from the backside literally. He comes off the airplane straight and john Dave, he’s looking down. He never turns and when he Oh, he met he folded him up like one oh Cheetos cheers man. Like JD delayed and I was like
Unknown Speaker
who he never played again after that. Huh? Yeah, okay, play play.
Justin Riley
He played Marvin he was playing basketball that
Marvin Constant
I always want to exit out what was going through his mind because if I got to watch him get hit like that. And it wasn’t even from divine curse was on the other side. Like he put me back here quarterback knowing that I got him to do over there. Hey, good
Stephen M. Smith
morning. I got like a business decision
Marvin Constant
right? I got a curse coming from my blind side and Mike PC coming from my front side. Now I’m good. I’m gonna be over here
Justin Riley
as far as LSU game guys DLC this now is a robbery I put a poll on Twitter at 3% of the people who voted say that it is a robbery now from y’all standpoint Do you feel like it is a robbery or is it just normal game?
Marvin Constant
Oh, let me see the answer this one first
Unknown Speaker
main person i think i think is Robert you know just you know planning in Baton Rouge To me it was one of the best atmospheres that you know I played it just me personally. I can recall back in 96 my sophomore year you know we walk into stadium and they student section already there you know they fall they just excited they lit and I remember co stalling he walked straight up to the student section just all raised the roof they got all those excited right there. We ended up being 26 nothing in there thing that that was my first start as safety. And actually I thought I play a good I had like five tackles in two peaks. shot out of them ran for two nine that was all they do.
Justin Riley
is always that guy.
Unknown Speaker
He runs out of water for touchdown. So hey, hey, lows, we got the wind that’s out in the sea.
Marvin Constant
I got to ask you, man, you had the pleasure of playing with some Fernando Brian. Yeah. Shay towns
Justin Riley
Oh yeah. Kevin Jackson,
Marvin Constant
a few other very great DBS back down. What was that experience like for you to play with two of the best DBS that will come out of Bama and Fernando and to shake
Unknown Speaker
I was great experience you know, Fernando and Shawn and Chris and I we all came in the same class you know and 95 and the SE actually was my my host when I came on my official visit so you know just just to say leadership and you know the way he played the game you know, you just love them and he was a true leader. And you know, Fernando was a was a great player you know, we stayed on each other a lot we you know always competed because we want the best out you know for each other but you know those two guys was really great DBS and then you bring up Kevin Jackson who was all American there he just made plays you know who feels go he’s gonna make plays but you know just from that doorway into say what were great corners
Justin Riley
what what do they I guess I was the guy that you really invested in for that next generation at you let those guys invested in you and you came in Who did you really take the time to mold into mentor to carry on the
Unknown Speaker
torch once you left? Definitely you know I was saying the DB roadsides alone so you had Tony Dixon coming up Marcus Spencer Kev Bailey you know those guys coming in and and you know Jason Jones was in there he was young guy came in Himachal played etc with Marvin and everything but you know, Tony Dixon, and Mark especially just talking safety wise you you knew there was gonna be some good players back there and they made some plays and things like that.
Marvin Constant
So, Steven, Steven, let me ask you this. Covering alabama football, you’ve covered a lot of games, a lot of big moments. What do you think has been one of the most pivotal moments in Alabama LSU series today?
Stephen M. Smith
Okay, okay, so for me, that would be the 2014 on ball because I was actually the other shoe guy because I actually covered that day. And I remember the summer before that game, but Blake Sims and our good friends, we took classes together. And I remember that summer, Blake Sims now at Mary Burke East dining hall, we was having some cheeseburgers and some steaks. And we sat down at the table. And Blake and I have this conversation about Jacob Coker coming in from Florida State. And my black man this coca kid man, he legit like says t what you’re talking about this my job? And my brother, I feel you I feel you but this coca boy Blake said bruh this my job. I’m like, I understand where you’re coming from bruh Blake CMC nearly stared at me. He got up until his burger was packed toward the ceiling. He got up, he put his plate down, didn’t touch his food. He walked out the dining hall. And I’m like, Did I just take blank Sam’s and, and then you get to the actual case against LSU. And it was not necessarily his best game statistically. But the way he was able to run and throw and then the pass he had the Christian Jones to set up the field go. I’m like, how did Blake get out of that? To make that throw? And then and then the field goal by Adam Griffith had me all in my feelings, because I’m like grits hadn’t made nothing in practice. All Yeah. So drip makes the field goal. And then, you know, Kiffin calls to the trick played to the tidy Brandon green. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker
I’m like, how was the open?
Stephen M. Smith
I mean, it was it was one of the weirdest, coolest games because I think I may I think I said Blake Sims intensity off the whole season when I challenged him with the black cup but the Coker conversation cuz I have never seen a black man that angry to where he leaves the dining hall with a burger and a steak not
Justin Riley
so and so basically what you’re saying is we have you to thank for that for that victory.
Unknown Speaker
I mean, basically Yeah. Well, you know, there’s
Marvin Constant
been a lot of solid games in Alabama LSU history. I think I think I might have wrote one of those chapters myself in one of those games you know? Yeah. I think my 13 tackled performance with four or five
Unknown Speaker
attempts you
Unknown Speaker
did you did
Marvin Constant
an amazing chapter in this whole series is way Oh, so let me just put some respect on my name.
Justin Riley
Go ahead and talk about that game Marv. I mean, it’s probably one of the most recognized games and Alabama history. I mean, you you say the day I mean is absolutely amazing game and your name will be forever attached you know to that game and 1020 3040 years down the road. We’re going to remember that so take us through that and I know we’ve talked about before on previous podcasts, but it’s always special to hear your version of it.
Marvin Constant
Well, I don’t want to go too in depth when we got the guest but I will say the one thing that that’s cool about it is when you look up the history of Brian Gaynor you Google bruh anything that you look up on Brian Dini and that is the one goal and Stan that people talk about no matter what article it is in the history of alum football Brian Danny so it a lot of people recognize that as one of the most pivotal go line stand stops in football history in that stadium. So knowing that you know I will be forever remembered for that even though I’ll get a statue on that and cool. You know, I’m in several album history football books and other things for that play. But you know, it was a bittersweet moment you know, it’s one of the things but you got to take the good with the bad you know, we stopped him I got her you know, and we all know how that story goes. But at the end of the day, you know, I enjoyed every moment of planted Alabama, you know, I enjoy playing against every school, especially LSU my sister in the morning LSU play volleyball there because he didn’t want to go to Alabama when nobody knew me. So, you know, terms is always cool for me to play against LSU always fun.
Justin Riley
Kelvin talk about your experiences with LSU you’re sure you’re coming out party was against LSU in Baton Rouge like you said earlier getting those two picks. And then you have that memorable game that I just talked about with Andrew when he was on which one of those out to you the most or meant the most to you as far as your career
Unknown Speaker
Well, I would say my sophomore year 96 just the go in Baton Rouge and dominate like we did, we won 26 zero like say, my first start there, you know, really having a really good because again for us, you know, five chapters too big, but, you know, just watch the show. And as the rest of those guys out there play, you know, just love being around those guys and Shawn rose for 291 and then you talk about it was at 98, my senior without, I actually was hurt I got hurt the stiff Game of the Year against East Carolina. So I was on the sideline, I had told my knee then, but just watching those guys out that battle, you know, those guys just making play out the play and, you know, I’ll talk about the passes. You know, a couple of times the baby was there to pick it but he just tipped it in the field right in the hands. You know, things like that, but I just enjoy watching those guys play.
Marvin Constant
So let me ask you this. You talked about the 90 day season. What was your favorite moment from the Music City bowl? scratch
Justin Riley
that. I knew at some point you’re gonna work that in here.
Marvin Constant
Music City bowl. That’s all I’m gonna say.
Justin Riley
Tomatoes, five star accommodations they gave you?
Unknown Speaker
Marvin Constant
I’ll leave it at that.
Unknown Speaker
Okay. Oh, okay. Obviously, there’s
Justin Riley
a story there. So I feel like we need to bring that out.
Marvin Constant
I had a lot of fun. I was a freshman. I didn’t know. I learned a lot from upperclassmen.
Justin Riley
Is that how you learn how to deal with your 18 year olds Calvin
Unknown Speaker
by putting up with this guy? Oh, yeah, definitely. I’ve been coaching a while so I can I can deal with a lot of stuff a lot of stuff.
Marvin Constant
So he knows speaking of that, do you ever look at something that a play a D and you’d be like, why did you say anything? So I can’t really be too mad.
Unknown Speaker
Sometimes I have I have said that to myself, but I still know if they shouldn’t be doing it then I’m gonna say something but I know back in my back my mind. Hey, I probably did that when I was his age. So right? You just got to help them out.
Marvin Constant
Do as I say not as I do. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker
I see a young amateur you got to lead them God in the right way. No, no.
Justin Riley
Tiger Stadium is a crazy place. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever experienced that Tiger Stadium
Unknown Speaker
said again? I’m sorry.
Justin Riley
I say Tiger Stadium is well known just first atmosphere and it’s crazy. What’s the craziest experience you have while you fight? They’re
Unknown Speaker
not just you know just a how routed The fans are? And I’ll tell you one thing when we did walk in the state and that’s when they had the tiger sit right there when you walk out the dressing room So that right there was little Timmy day that first Nina live Tiger like then he just stares in right into cages you walk out the dressing room. You like hold up you only want to walk that way but uh know just how crowded The fans are. And you know, they’ll they’ll hold a tone now when you walk by them that night.
Justin Riley
Well, before we turn to the LSU game this year itself, talk about your best memory as an outbound player all together. What was your most What was your favorite moment? Ah, let me think he can pinpoint just one I know. It’s hard. You guys.
Unknown Speaker
Just me. Just going back to that 916 I thought we had a really good year and just an Outback Bowl when it was a coast all the last game. We played Michigan, you know, Charles Wilson was there and things like that and we ended up coming back to win the game and uh, you know, just playing that game. I’m so excited the night before. My roommate was Sager Sam, you and he played safety. So you know I’ve just so excited to play the game. I probably go to bed by two or three o’clock. I’m a sophomore. I’m bouncing around in the room. He tried to go to sleep because we got to play I like man. I’m ready to play now. Let’s go and take a look to sleep. But uh, you know, I just thought that was that was one of my better games also and then just I just thought it was a great team in the senco style now with Victor right there his last game and that was one of my best moments. I can remember that battle lane. I had a lot of great moments, but I just want them send him off with with.
Marvin Constant
So what was your pregame? Your favorite pregame, pregame ritual. Me personally, you know that was looking at me crazy because you know, we always have snack the night before game. Yeah, I always had to have two cheeseburgers and two slices of pizza and they would always look at me like Dude, you sad as hell. The night before you play
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
David Mitchell but you know I didn’t eat a whole lot ah forget it and stay get the free game but you know back when we play the hare sodas and all that so we’re drinks riding coke right there again so yeah, back when we play they had a bunch of soda salt so we drink soda
Marvin Constant
I never ate I couldn’t eat before a game though. So you know so my last meal on game day would be used to be the night before one of my two cheeseburgers my two slices of pizza in my bowl of ice cream. So
Unknown Speaker
Marvin Constant
Oh, man. That was cool. Yeah.
Justin Riley
Big Sam could eat before game either. What he throwing up on the bus? Yeah.
Marvin Constant
Whatever. That’s he’s the reason why I got on Xbox One. Come on, man. I can’t go play a game. Right? You just been back. You’re fucking up the bus.
Justin Riley
Hi, this, let’s turn our attention to this year’s game. You know, it’s not really on the radar on a national thing. But to us it kind of is a big deal. What are your thoughts going into this game? I will start with you Kelvin.
Unknown Speaker
Okay. No, I just think LSU is not attainable. They were last year, you know, they lost a lot of guys, you know, you know, to the draft and stuff from last year. But you know, a lot of guys out and out now for us not plan, you know, either for you know, because they want to go pro for covid reason or for other reasons. But, you know, I just don’t think LSU what they asked for is how they played last year and I just don’t think you know, it’s gonna be a game. I think Ben was gonna run away with it. Just me personally.
Marvin Constant
I don’t care who they come out in that uniform. I don’t care who beat them to this man. I hope you 70 to nothing is a downright beat down. Drag them through the mud. Okay, grandmas come out with some uniforms, lay ways to sleep last year, and they talked all their crap to either with a bum ankle they still almost love man. They got some lucky eight beat the pain often?
Stephen M. Smith
Nah, nah, Mama. Nah, of course. I’ve been missing to everybody right now. So I’m gonna come back my plan. Now I agree with you. But here’s the back of my plan. Last year. I was at I was at the game last year. And this is when President Trump was in there. And he had the Secret Service out there. Do you not know that the Secret Service search job boy phone times?
Unknown Speaker
Stephen M. Smith
Service searched me. Like my beer right now was a bit thicker than what it is right now. So one of my photographer friends was like Steve, they think I think they think they believe from Al Qaeda some out. bambra, you might need to cut that. I’m like, Why don’t go search my bag twice. like Steve. Thank you, Taylor. So I sat there and searched my bag full times because of that. And I didn’t know this happened to me. The other shoe you search my band? Oh, different times. From al Qaeda.
Unknown Speaker
Justin Riley
Oh my god. Things you don’t see on TV.
Unknown Speaker
But you know, I don’t know.
Marvin Constant
Well, here’s the thing, though. I knew that that was gonna be a bad day. Um, from started day. I was actually idea Gary Harris, his pregame show that day, right by restrikes right outside of the stadium. So and I’m just looking at how many people were out there. You know, it was to me. It was two pack boys. It was coming. It was a spectacle. I think the focus was on everything except football that day.
Stephen M. Smith
Marvin. I think the fact that doing the Gary Harris pregame show. Prior to that game. That was probably one situation that were told Gary cut this is going on.
Marvin Constant
Gary’s My God, man. I always go off the gate when he calls me, man. But no, but like just seeing what was going on on campus. Just the amount of people there with the President. When you talk about Secret Service and all the law enforcement presence. It seemed like it was more of a distraction than anything else. It was like, yeah, we’re here to play a football game but so much of that took away from the game.
Justin Riley
One person who’s not going to be playing for LSU as if they didn’t need any more bad news is terrorists Marshall Jr. Probably the only one on the offensive can move the ball. He decided you know what, I’m out. I’m gonna try. I’m gonna get ready for the NFL. What kind of impact does this have for LSU
Stephen M. Smith
Big one it’s a major impact because now you’re not you know only all learning laws jemar chase your bulletin a cough award winner from a season ago. Now you lose terrorists Marshall, who’s your other sort of vertical number one threat so now I mean you’ve got racemic math, but he’s a speed guy he’s got a true number one and then you got the the K shine boot kit booty kit but once again he thought traditional number one so now and even with Eric Gilbert, who’s a great twos a toddler tidy and when you don’t have a number one receiver to create all that attention to them to free up Gilbert. It’s it’s a tough situation for LSU because how are you gonna move the football Not to mention miles Brandon’s not plan? You got TJ Finley the freshmen out there
Marvin Constant
it’s not that big of a deal cuz it ain’t like they can throw the ball to them. No worries. They don’t have a quarterback. Listen now is about to get destroyed comes at that freshmen.
Unknown Speaker
It’s done. You see? I’m saying Did you see
Marvin Constant
how sure he looked last Saturday against Texas a&m
Unknown Speaker
so he also did
Marvin Constant
he now you got to play bam. Oh that kids oh he just don’t be surprised if he ends up with some excuse why he can’t play he’s not gonna more no parts in this come Saturday. How did
Justin Riley
how did not score more points on them now this is off topic.
Unknown Speaker
It was raining now.
Unknown Speaker
It was a slick ball slick feel.
Justin Riley
Oh, yeah.
Stephen M. Smith
Right now at OSHA Rhonda wrote a check that he no he can’t cash and bam about the cashier’s check in a bloodbath away. So I would not be surprised if an old call the SEC for the office right now being like a bra. We got about 97 kids in contact tracer.
Marvin Constant
And what you saying is he should pull the Florida State he
Unknown Speaker
I promise you, you.
Stephen M. Smith
I’m telling you all week in the player interviews the players have been talking about, well, we ain’t thinking about rubbish. But you know, Bama thinking about rubbish and every athlete.
Marvin Constant
About rivia no athletes take a loss and just say, No, you beat me. Do you want to see me again?
Stephen M. Smith
Not even down to Coach Saban. Right, Coach Saban usually doesn’t entertain the revenge question. He actually gave a quality answer on the revenge question. You know, it’s all now. A see.
Unknown Speaker
Marvin Constant
Have you ever lost anybody? And you didn’t take it personally? The next time you had a fight face?
Steve Brown
Yeah, me. I am taysom. I’m glad to see you all again. I’m back. So listen, so Yeah, I did. And the thing is, I took it so personal, until this guy beat me up. And every time I saw him, I found him every time but guess what? I kept losing shit. Every time I saw because I mean, those those guys don’t take it personally. It’s gonna be a real book weapon that said,
Marvin Constant
I hope so. I’m calling it 5063
Justin Riley
One of the things that people will bring up we just came off a big emotional when the does that come into play in this game at all? We are we just so pissed off right now because of what happened last year that that’s gonna be completely disregarded. And it’s just mayhem.
Steve Brown
I’ll see you. I gotta say this. I gotta say this. First off.
Unknown Speaker
This has been planned out of Steve.
Steve Brown
I know. That’s why by the same man, I just Justin that we touched on it when we saw each other. Yeah. And I’m like, man, I said Justin is like, yeah. And then we continue to smoke crack. But look.
Unknown Speaker
It was cheap.
Marvin Constant
Smoking meth is what you
Steve Brown
say. You know what? Check this out. Check this out. Right now. Alabama. As far as numbers. Alabama got the best defense in the nation right now. Yeah, these past
Marvin Constant
few games ever since that, since that second half of that Georgia game. That defense has really been on the upswing. It has really improved a lot.
Steve Brown
So they must have fired. They must have fired Pete Golding.
Marvin Constant
Now he’s theater.
Stephen M. Smith
No, no, no, see, hasn’t thought PST see what they got? They got Pete behind the scenes. They got Charles Kelly running it. Okay.
Justin Riley
Okay, one of the reasons that Steve and I talked about Saturday night it really stood out to me is the body language of the defense, completely different way they’re carrying themselves.
Stephen M. Smith
There was so much energy on that feel like for the first time in a while like that was some energy on that field like big massive This was dancing around. That was one point where we were forced to fumble. Tim Smith got up and I thought the earth has shook
Steve Brown
the thing is the reason they are full of energy now is because they finally got in damn shape that’s what happened they finally get in shape. Oh no nothing I gotta say this to man. That was the freshman name and keep thinking all these plays more hey he’s a stud right these are still you missed that we
Marvin Constant
are talking about him for about 30 minutes and how he does not play like a freshman. Oh,
Steve Brown
hey I don’t appreciate you telling me I’m late or low key I
look man you go say you missed. We talked about it 30 minutes ago
Unknown Speaker
Hey Rogers come from the mom, you know
Unknown Speaker
chick fil a
Unknown Speaker
you know? Yeah.
Marvin Constant
But but but see, I really want I want to ask you, what do you think about Alabama’s defense and how they’ve actually transitioned from where they were at the beginning of season do that Ole Miss game where they gave up all those points to the Georgia game where you actually start to see them improve to where they are now. To me it looks like they’re playing more zone and mixing a more zone with man than before and they’re just playing mostly man. So what do you think is going on with this unit?
Unknown Speaker
I haven’t watched a whole lot of that game just because you know we’re just playing two on Saturday so it’s kind of interfere but I try to come back and watch when I can I just like guys just to settle down and you know they’re getting better defensively it goes I mean go that he’s he’s doing a good job too. But what you got you got you got guys you got you got two new safeties back there also Who’s this they just first time plan this year so they come along they go
Steve Brown
Hey, man, what what what are your coaches got to be politically correct. Golding is doing a good job.
Unknown Speaker
You just say they know more defensive cutter right? Well, I see you You might know the inside track. I don’t know the inside track right now. I know p golden is the deepest coordinator so
Steve Brown
Amen. I look, I got the inside track.
Justin Riley
You You caught on. That’s the bill Oliver.
Stephen M. Smith
He was saying Adam was sick was saying. I think also the gods are not thinking as much now because I could start the season. You could tell them guys we’re thinking too hard. And on top of that, it’s like, I gotta make sure my brother doing his job but just do yours. You know yours. You focus on yours and trust that your brother gonna do it? He is. So I feel like now they’re not thinking as much as they were at the beginning. They just
Steve Brown
Justin I’m gonna tell you what these brothers really saying. I’m gonna take what you what they are saying that these guys finally learned the place. That’s what it is. And I heard this interview they were talking about that what’s the middle linebacker, his name? Moses, Dylan Moses, Dylan Moses. They were saying the reason Dylan Moses wasn’t um in on a lot of plays are in right position because he was too busy trying to get everybody else in position. And then by the time he gets positions, Bobby snap. So they kind of simplified it for me or whatever. Well, I
Justin Riley
can definitely see that. I mean, last year Xavier McKinney was trying to do the exact same thing and how to make up for a lot of other people’s but
Stephen M. Smith
also Beth X to man.
Justin Riley
And he and he still was making plays man. It’s just amazing what he had to take on himself, but I can see where that could definitely happen.
Steve Brown
Oh, but wait a minute. Wait a minute. Wait a minute. Oh, cuz I watched the game in its entirety. You know what I was missing? Because of course, you know, the jealousy Davis got in the play that one.
Unknown Speaker
I thought about
Stephen M. Smith
don’t do that, bro. Don’t do that. Boone Davis missed a tackle.
Unknown Speaker
I mean, it would have been a tackle for loss for you to do they got hurt. They brought him right back. And he was like, make so bad.
Steve Brown
When when being Davis missed that tackle, they brought dude back out there and they were still wrapping his arm while he was playing
Justin Riley
these popping out and
Stephen M. Smith
I look and I’m like, bro. Oh, what’s wrong, bro?
Unknown Speaker
I wait, wait, wait.
Steve Brown
I fought you. I fought you. Yes. I’m telling you in your face. I fought you because I You had me excited about being Dave’s you gave such a grand interview? Yes. You’re like, man, watch out Ben Davis. He’s
Stephen M. Smith
because because the reason why was because he was killing it.
Unknown Speaker
I was so excited. I turned into you.
Justin Riley
I’m so glad because he was Ben Davis, support crew. I mean, he was I mean, he was promoted to
Unknown Speaker
Stephen M. Smith
the governor.
Steve Brown
He gets so excited. He don’t even know what he’d be like. A man but you you do such a great job. You’re like man is like you just have to get me up. That you you put out there man when?
Stephen M. Smith
Steve I appreciate that. It was crazy. He is like I was talking to so many folks in the program the entire summer. And all I kept hearing was man be infinite do it now. He found a pimp it all in. He got decide now. And it was like it got to the last two weeks of fall camp. And all of a sudden like real Anderson started. Yeah.
Marvin Constant
What’s what’s, what’s the over under Ohio coming back next year since this season doesn’t count towards the
Stephen M. Smith
ban. Button transfer.
Justin Riley
Come over here. Because it ain’t gonna happen at Alabama.
Steve Brown
Amen. Man, I promise you man, I had given up on Ben Davis until I actually heard your report when I saw your report. I’m like, man, okay. And it’s the more partners of mine. A deliver Nope. I’m like man, Northport who talking like, man, dude, I’m hearing a lot of great things about me. And then an article was written. Because Because honestly, being the biggest linebacker we got, I don’t know if you notice that, but he’s the biggest one. And I’m like, Okay, and then also the oldest one, right? being like 27, I think look so. So if, if bn is 27 that means if he went to BYU, he’ll be a freshman. But look. But the thing is, man, Martha, Martha you don’t understand and Marvin, this shouldn’t hurt you. This shouldn’t hurt your knees again. Being was right there on the tap. And I mean, for loss and the dude turn them all the way around. And you ain’t saying no more. Man. was the guy that got hurt. It was I think it was number four and look when they roll. Chris Adam back on the field from the annulus from the analyst.
Unknown Speaker
Just don’t do what you do.
Justin Riley
So which players are going to have the biggest impact in this game Saturday and if you won’t say all of them, say
Steve Brown
I think I think of course, you know what, honestly, I think I’m gonna leave even though I don’t like Pete. I’m gonna say the defense is gonna be that they’re gonna, they’re gonna show the world that they’ve improved. They got a lot because LSU kind of show that yes, last year, so I think that defense is really going to show up this game. I’m kind of balding in
Marvin Constant
Well, this past week I seen him do a lot more zone blitzes with you know, with that zone coverage behind it opposed to that with man coverage. They actually seem to play a lot better when they have zone defense behind those blitzes. So I think you’re gonna see a lot more of that this week. I really think that they don’t come out to their freshmen I don’t think they’re freshmen don’t have much time do much of anything on Saturday. So I’m looking forward to seeing those outside linebackers and those in a defensive line. Just finished. I’m looking forward to seeing them eat I I wouldn’t be surprised they had at least five sacks on Saturday.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah. Which I think the difference like statement, they making better about it. I just don’t think LSU gonna be able to block them up front.
Steve Brown
Another another thing, man, what surprised me, Marvin. And they are they are now starting to get to the quarterback and I wish they did.
Marvin Constant
Yeah, and think about it. Bo Nix Bo Nix is a lot more heads out. And he moves better than his freshmen that they get ready to play on Saturday. So but Nick got out of some situations that he probably shouldn’t have got out of. So I don’t think these freshmen on Saturday is going to have that same luck in getting out of some situation. I think they’re gonna pinays back and make them try for him every chance they get. I think he’s gonna see more pressure and he’s probably ever seen in his life.
Stephen M. Smith
I’m gonna say this right now. So it took Remember, it took five games in 2015. Before Tim Williams got his first socket this Georgia will Anderson everybody compares will Anderson the Tim Williams will Anderson finally got that first site dissolver he bout to go on for real now.
Steve Brown
now now now now waiting. Me I you know what? We will Anderson has the potential. But Kim Cannot you you expert is the episode. He could probably get to the quarterback. But he cannot make the tackle he every time. He does not wrap up the he has the person and they grab his grass. And he’s always slipping. They always slipping out of it. I’ve counted it myself. He would have at least five sacks right now or six. But either they always bring
Stephen M. Smith
what not six, try 1212 right now.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, yeah.
Stephen M. Smith
He’s right. He’s right there. And what’s crazy is he right down. But as always, he’ll either spend too much in or they’ll bump him too far out. And then when he tries to cut back the corner, but he’s always a foot away. He’s always a foot away from the quarterback.
Steve Brown
But But a lot of times you have the quarterback in his grasp. And right now
Justin Riley
it’s all about the change. I think this is gonna be when we see him tee off. You know, a lot of people actually compared him to Derrick Thomas, one point before the season.
Steve Brown
Hey, oh, no, that’s crazy. You know what, to two outside linebackers. You can’t compare nobody with that’s near. And, dear times, you just can’t do it. I’m sorry. I don’t know who said that. Oh,
Stephen M. Smith
my gosh, this year. So when you mentioned when you mentioned when you mentioned Derrick Thomas and Cornelius. A lot of times people do not throw keep mechanics in there too. That’s true.
Justin Riley
Huh? He’s, uh, any up for the College Football Hall of Fame, too. Because that that dude was a baller man. He I know his NFL career. What would everybody expected it to be? That man in college there won’t anybody
Steve Brown
off the chain? I remember one time. Yeah, he I saw him he was fine. He hit the dude the dude was in Tuscaloosa. He slid all the way over the bridge.
Unknown Speaker
You understood?
Justin Riley
Hi, Steven Smith. You being good at this each game you know given us some. Some unknowns are not unknown, but somebody who’s got a young kid is gonna show out. You’ve been great. You’ve been on point with this. Who’s that young kid who’s going to show out in this game Saturday.
Stephen M. Smith
Oh man, young kid that’s gonna show out in this game Saturday. I’ll look Want to say the receive of Javan Baker but he still got to get the trust of the coaching staff so I’m not gonna say him just yet. I’m gonna go this route here. I got a strike I got a strange feeling strong feeling there. Watch Jace McClellan again this weekend. Watch McClellan again. I mean when I watch this kid on, I’m seeing three different Bama bags right here when I watch this kid run. He’s got a little Ingram. He’s got a little Drake and he’s got a little kin of Darby. He’s got a little bit of all three of them.
Steve Brown
Okay, cuz I’m gonna say okay, but you know what, I like him, but I think the guy that’s gonna get off to me and and forestall better watch himself. Is that number 19.
Unknown Speaker
Herb Smith
Justin Riley
Yeah, he’s legit. All right.
Unknown Speaker
The football player. Specify,
Stephen M. Smith
I got I got the football player. Okay. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
I was
Justin Riley
if we can, as part of our program predictions, so we’re gonna go around the room and get everybody’s take on these games this weekend. Not a whole lot of going on but they’re decent. We’re gonna start out with number four Ohio State vs Michigan State. Kelvin Lone Star you
Marvin Constant
Yes, they play
Unknown Speaker
if they want. Yes. How you state
Justin Riley
Marvin, if they play
Marvin Constant
got to go with Ohio State even though Michigan State actually put up a pretty decent game last week. And they won. They actually looked fairly decent last week. playing against Northwestern um, cost me a lot of money
Steve Brown
Wait, wait man Wait, wait wait wait wait is it me? Like he don’t really give a damn he like you don’t give a damn about you ain’t right. Wow.
Unknown Speaker
We just played four games in the fall we went through three and one and we got to have a spring season.
Unknown Speaker
What you you you do
Justin Riley
you go out of state or Michigan State turn I think you just found a new a new video to make for Instagram.
Around Brown is your turn. Okay,
Steve Brown
so I’m going with a Ohio State and a closer
Justin Riley
you know there’s always that game where Ohio State pools in Ohio State and they they make a mistake against someone they shouldn’t it could be Saturday. All right Texas a&m Guest Auburn Kelvin
Unknown Speaker
I go roof on Melbourne Tex Daniel. Damien Craig the I know Damien gray.
Unknown Speaker
Marvin Constant
got to go to Texas and they’ve been playing some decent ball they struggled a little bit with LSU but it was in the rain. So I’m not gonna hold up against them I think it’d be Texas a&m and a close one but they’ll get into
Stephen M. Smith
the Battle of the two coaches I can’t stand no give me give me oh
Marvin Constant
don’t be a close game.
Steve Brown
I don’t think I don’t think I’m gonna close game because all burn all burns wheel to finish the rest of the season. It’s gone. I mean, the Bama took all that so i think i think you’re gonna get blown out I mean, I mean nobody watching but Alabama’s Mr. Chase a man stop betting on these games. Every weekend. You come up with some Last minute again you’re gonna be home but so if you can stay in my trailer school
Marvin Constant
story hey look my other hand she she don’t you lose too much money we got this
Justin Riley
Steve based on Instagram videos if he starts losing more money he met him start stripping
Steve Brown
away Marvin don’t you never end your damn life looking at camera like you was doing a video
Unknown Speaker
wasn’t loving
Marvin Constant
I know steve steve IE, he don’t get a word but now you’ve been bugging me for the last
Steve Brown
two weeks, bro. So
Justin Riley
he actually
Unknown Speaker
brought you in
Unknown Speaker
here for the show brother.
Marvin Constant
I noticed just flip flop a lot. He was sad to
Justin Riley
see when I saw that video. I was like, I’m on Instagram on Pornhub
Unknown Speaker
Yeah. I had to call
Unknown Speaker
out. Hey, you know?
Unknown Speaker
Justin, wow. Wow. The video with my grandma. A man a man
Justin Riley
number 12. Deanna versus Wisconsin. Number 12. Indiana versus number 16. Wisconsin.
Steve Brown
And no matter watching it.
Unknown Speaker
Go Indiana. I work. South Alabama when he comes coordinating and you got Jason Jones who saved to Coast A good friend of mine.
Justin Riley
And there’s one thing to mention they just lost their quarterback for the year.
Marvin Constant
I was gonna say that. Yeah. Oh god. I bet. Indiana,
Justin Riley
Indiana do they lost a quarterback torn ACL?
Steve Brown
He You know what? I thought maybe when he called it his Achilles tendon. That’s what I thought but it was an ACL.
Justin Riley
ACL ACL. Yeah. Damn. Me. Here.
Marvin Constant
I got to take Wisconsin. out for the rest of the year.
Unknown Speaker
Not a backup do pretty good. A pretty good to see you.
Stephen M. Smith
Man. I’m gonna roll this dice on Paul, Chris, Wisconsin.
Steve Brown
I’m still going with Indiana man. Indiana play Ohio State again this year.
Marvin Constant
What they should have been in the first time two minutes. First have too much of a hold at first. Hey, if they had came out and played when they play the second half the first half they would have beat Ohio State. Yeah.
Justin Riley
I will state versus West Virginia.
Steve Brown
When do they play?
Marvin Constant
I’m taking West Virginia,
Unknown Speaker
West Virginia also.
Steve Brown
I’m going west virginia because I’m just going to West Virginia.
Stephen M. Smith
Does it? This is the weirdest game on the schedule man. I like coach Campbell, but West Virginia be burning couches. dimmi fire and couches West Virginia.
Justin Riley
That’s right.
Marvin Constant
with Texas last week they struggled with Texas that they look horrible at times.
Steve Brown
My question how do you know all these people by the first name? I just know that coach does you know a
Stephen M. Smith
lot of studying math A lot of it.
Unknown Speaker
Mm hmm.
Justin Riley
We got a rivalry game of course it’s not as strong as it used to be. Number six Florida versus Tennessee. Law
Unknown Speaker
number six Florida versus Florida.
Unknown Speaker
I just like I think Tennessee they just struggle right now and you know, Florida’s gotta go and I just, you know, for Megan getting ready by next year they’re dying, but I just like Florida. I don’t think they can beat Florida.
Marvin Constant
I think Florida, Florida struggled with Kentucky that first half last week. Love the game. It cost me money. But
Unknown Speaker
Marvin Constant
all they had to do was going to have to up by 14. And I would want on the money line. But no, they turned the ball over. And the buddy muffed punt, and they let Kentucky take the lead on them. And I almost went into halftime lead. No, no. I’m like, come on, man. So yeah, if they don’t if they don’t play, if they play better they play they play like play the second half. There’ll be fine.
Steve Brown
A man will almost say this. I don’t know what y’all see. But Florida is just not impressive to me. That is worse than ours.
Marvin Constant
They’re just not impressive to me. Anybody can put up points so now we can get together go out and probably put up 14. Oh, no.
Unknown Speaker
No, no.
Justin Riley
All right, Game of the weekend for us. Number one Alabama vs LSU. More so where do y’all want to see this game? We know who’s gonna want
Marvin Constant
to see 5063 that’s what I want to see. Kevin, what
Unknown Speaker
do you want to see? Just basically just a dominant performance you know, offense defense, special teams that you know, I think is gonna happen. Like LSU can be on the field with
Steve Brown
Kim and don’t give a damn.
Justin Riley
We’re wrapping up. All right, Steven Smith, what do you what do you what do you think?
Stephen M. Smith
Oh, man, this guy can complete domination. But well, let’s see in this game. Daniel, right. Stop trying to play all the time. And just play football. Kev,
Justin Riley
I need you to work with Daniel right man.
Stephen M. Smith
Please tell buddy, stop trying to play hero ball. Just do your job. Number three.
Unknown Speaker
Stephen M. Smith
the guy the guy that lost his two left shoes. The bottom. Boy look completely lost. Number three.
Steve Brown
Oh, I gotta keep an eye on him. Because definitely, you’ve been keeping off on him. I gotta get I gotta
Justin Riley
put your glasses on. When you do. Oh, yeah. All right, before we head out couple news. Marvin, we’ve talked about your book. Tell us what’s going on this week. Some success stories and just what’s going on with it.
Unknown Speaker
If you want to talk about Nick, thank you.
Unknown Speaker
Steve Brown
Wait, wait wait when you when you put that shot on Steven
Come back, Justin, just
Unknown Speaker
the book is doing what it’s continuing to say.
Steve Brown
You cannot talk about your book with that background you can’t do
Unknown Speaker
that’s gonna be our new logo next season.
Marvin Constant
Well is treatment man, it was good to hear from Andrews out in fact that he’s loving it that is working for him. Man, when I tell you it has been nothing but amazing results. So if you hadn’t picked up your copy yet, go ahead and go 40 plus strong calm grab your copy. I’m here to help you any way I can. That’s what’s up.
Justin Riley
A couple other programs to be on alert for here of the sports cast Tyler Turner shows on Monday nights at 9pm Central is not
Unknown Speaker
better than ours
Justin Riley
now, because he talks about the big boys, the big 10 and the PAC 12. So and then on Thursday, the Jones and arrojo show just two guys from Jersey talking about sports and whatever comes to their mind which they will be talking about the Tyson fight this Thursday, so I’m sure that will be very entertaining. Marvin who we have next week.
Steve Brown
I invited somebody I don’t know. I don’t know if he’s gonna show up because he’s really not a stand up guy right now. I’m biting Nate Robinson, but
Justin Riley
he’s gonna be promoting certain mattresses
Stephen M. Smith
Unknown Speaker
Marvin Constant
Who makes sure it’s a good one? No, I can promise you that. It’s always good ones every week, right? Oh, you know, it’s gonna be
Justin Riley
alright guys, before we get out of here, can we go around the room. Give us some closing remarks. What’s going on next for you and then also how we can contact you on social media. Kelvin. We’ll start with you.
Unknown Speaker
Just get ready for spring season. I’m here at Jacksonville State as defense coordinator. Go to my third year. We had a fall season with like say three and one then we got to spring season four, FCS season I play a seven game, regular season conference and then we have playoffs and everything but a love have everybody to come you know supporters. With the fans their thing, we’re not gonna have full capacity and everything. But if you ever get out here in Jacksonville, Alabama, we’d love to have you to a game.
Marvin Constant
Hey, listen, I’m gonna hold you to that because one of my cousins is actually a freshman at ASU right now. And I thought I was gonna come down and check out so I would love to come down there and come to a game. See ya, man. And make sure you tell your wife I said hello, man. It’s been a long time, man. We wish you nothing but the best brother blessing to you. And I hope you have fun. Thank you for giving us your time, man. Yeah.
Steve Brown
I can’t give an alibi to ask you or not. And I’m gonna ask you are you are you interested? And I’m coming and taking the defense coordinator job at Bama. We would love to have you. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
But you know, I’m excited where I’m at so I’m not
Unknown Speaker
That’s right. Yes. Raising raising
Justin Riley
stakes man. Can you tell us what’s coming up next to you. Please promote peace promote your show. We touched on it a little bit earlier. Mo wars and Steven Smith one of the best shows through the week during college football season. Please tune into that but go ahead and tell us what’s going on with you how in contact you all that good stuff.
Stephen M. Smith
I’m having so much fun on the show. Steve brown got me back a crack. I’m enjoying myself. But yeah, the show is, in my own words every Monday, Wednesday and Friday on YouTube. We laugh we have fun. We talked about football. So you call me in to get your opinions out there every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. This weekend. Your boys headed to Baton Rouge to cover this game. So yeah,
Steve Brown
I saw a so So look, if you see a a sin 585444 I’m calling the show. So look out for me. Oh, camel call you but 33332 I’m calling this one. If you see a 424 that’s the best. Call the show Monday.
Justin Riley
Please, please tell me what you do for let’s detail what’s going on with you. I like like I said you had a great show this past weekend and Jackson came out what’s coming up next for you.
Steve Brown
Hey, man, I will be in Charleston, South Carolina this Friday. Macon, Georgia Saturday. And of course we got the year we talked like this show on YouTube. If you haven’t seen it, check it out. Make sure you subscribe to the channel. It is really really crazy. Justin your Marvin check it out. I’m like I’m inviting everybody to check it out. Man. Make sure you scrap the year we talked like the show. Man besides doing virtual comedy shows and hanging with y’all, you know? Yeah.
Justin Riley
That’s what’s up. Now. Great time, guys. I really appreciate everybody coming on. Just fantastic. Calvin, thank you so much for giving us two hours of your life that we’ll never get back. But I really appreciate it and yeah, thank you, man. Thank you, Steve Smith.
Unknown Speaker
Look, let’s make it a man. Let’s start the show. Kid.
Justin Riley
Man we gonna be longer than
Unknown Speaker
he did. He was gonna have fun.
Unknown Speaker
He always made me laugh.
Unknown Speaker
I met a man check you out. Loud Yeah, knowledge out later, man.
Justin Riley
All right, man, guys. Roll Tide. Roll.
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