On this emotional show, the gang will pay tribute to fallen Crimson Tide legend Lorenzo Washington. His former teammates will come on throughout the show to pay tribute to him.
Justin Riley 0:16
Ladies and gentlemen, it’s
Tuesday night
February 16. That means only one thing that Riley constant Smith and brown show.
Unknown Speaker 0:25
Just go ahead and give him a new name.
Unknown Speaker 0:30
Hey man, hey Ray, all that
Justin Riley 0:34
for all that, but we used to be called the ryan constant show. But now we are the Bama standard because we are the standard when it comes to alabama football as well as your personal entertainment. And with me as always, tonight is a two time sec legendary linebacker, Mr. Marvin constant, and the senior analyst of touchdown Alabama magazine, Mr. Steven M. Smith. Welcome guys.
Marvin Constant 0:59
Dustin, it’s a pleasure as always, it’s not gonna be as fun today. But we ready
Justin Riley 1:05
now. Yeah, let’s go ahead and jump on that. Normally we hit We’re here. We’re excited about bringing on some new guests. Former Alabama legends talk about their career and reflect on that. But two days ago, the Alabama family lost one of our members, and that was defensive lineman Lorenzo Washington. The details of his passing, have not yet come out. I’m sure we’ll find that out in the next few days or so. But it’s truly tragic. So what we decided to do the night was have a tribute show to him. And we’re going to talk about some of his greatest accomplishments, but also to we couldn’t have invited some of his former teammates through the years while he’s there to come on and, and give us a few words. So that’s what we do throughout the night. So various guys will be popping in But guys, first and foremost. So what was your immediate reaction Upon hearing this news?
Marvin Constant 2:04
I’ll let Mr. Smith go.
Stephen M. Smith 2:07
I mean, to be honest, I was praying to one true cause. One of his fault, one of his teammates, one of the big xos teammates actually texted me and said that this had happened. So initially, I’m sitting here playing hoping that it wasn’t true. And then, of course, he was like, well, I will get some confirmation on this. Once I know more. And then yesterday, it started being an outpouring. Yeah, it did happen. I’m like, man, cuz I remember when Zell came to Bama, and oh, five like, zone was one of the few recruits. It was like, let’s go like we got him. And the dude great, dude. Great, dude. Real good, dude. And, to me, I just remembered the old nine championship team, so many people pull out. Well, Rolando McClain was a gorilla and he was MacLean was bad. High Tao was bad. Eric Yanis was bad. dedric was bad. Those were all bad dudes, but zodat on his own, and people forget how dominant so was, you know, in Oh, nine. So this I didn’t want to believe it was true. But when I figured when I found out that they got the confirmation it it hit man cuz he was one of those guys that I was really genuinely happy to see come here. Well,
Marvin Constant 3:28
I’ll say this. I was an intern on the 2009 national championship teams. I was actually there with all of them. And he was a great guy. I’ve never had a bad experience with him. You know, it’s always fun to see him and Freddie Roach joking around, you know, him joking around with other guys. You know, they call him Fishburne you know, cuz he looks so much like Laurence Fishburne. And we always have fun. You know, it was always a pleasant exchange. You know, I never had a bad exchange with him. You never seen anything bad from him. And you know, he was a leader on and off the field. So, you know, he epitomized what alabama football is somebody coming in with their ass off and taking those talents and going to the next level with him and doing things beyond football to be successful in life. But for me, it brought back so many memories. When he passed when he it really touched me in a way that I hadn’t been touched in a while. Because if y’all remember this, I still have this shirt from 2008. That’s when Victor L is passed. Me and Vic were classmates. We took the same classes class 198 roommates on the road, played the same position. We were meeting rooms so we were always together and to lose him at 28 the way we lost him that was extremely painful and Winslow pass, it brought back so many memories of that. So that’s why when you said to me, you know, some guys want to do a show, I was like, Yeah, because I know how I felt when Vic died. So I know how they feel. Because we as athletes, we feel like we’re the toughest damn thing on the planet, right? And we never think things like this would happen to us. So it’s a lot to process. It’s a lot to deal with. And I just, it’s it’s tough man. And I mean, cuz it took me a long time to get over victus passing. So again, I know how they feel. And I’m here to support them however, they want to be supportive, whatever they need, because you know, I’ve been I know.
Justin Riley 5:44
Right? And I remember when when Victor passed a man that was that was one of the most devastating things that I saw. I mean, of course, you know, I wasn’t a player but I watched him play there man up incredible guy. Incredible play incredible man touched so many lives while he was there. reading articles know how close he was to Mr. Galloway. There. I believe they were roommates. They came in together and yeah, how it affected him. And then how effect to each of you guys differently. And you know, when things like this happens, man, it just hurts to the core. You know whether
Marvin Constant 6:20
it does because at the end of the day, the thing that that bothered me the most was, I always thought like, we were always together, whether it was class practice meetings, traveling games, I was like that could have easily been me, opposed to the guy who was always beside me. You know, what was so different between the two of us that it was him and not me? Because again, the same age, same position. We took the same major, we will always win the exact same classes. Yeah, same meeting room code. Rowdy when we traveled game. We were roommates like, so it’s like when you spend that much time a person who makes you say Damn, why him and not me. Right?
Unknown Speaker 7:03
Justin Riley 7:03
We did have someone to join us, but their camera’s not on. Here. We got with us tonight.
Unknown Speaker 7:11
Ali Sharif, I’m on here right now. Oh,
Justin Riley 7:13
hold on, brother. We did. Your camera wasn’t on so we couldn’t see you.
Unknown Speaker 7:18
I’m sorry. I was imagining working on my razor and stuff right now. So one of my friends raises, we pull our stories we ride we ride and stuff like that.
Justin Riley 7:30
I got you, man, no problem at all. Just glad to have you on and you know, happy to have been speaking with you the past couple of days. And looking forward to the opportunity for you to be able to talk to us a little bit about your former teammate, and you know, what this all means to you and so on so forth.
Unknown Speaker 7:47
Ah, honestly, not. I got a call from Eric Andrews. The, I want to say it was before yesterday, he kind of told me he’s like, Man, you know, Lorenzo, that and now and I just, I don’t know, I thought it was kind of, you know, joking a little bit or he just heard some missing misinformation. And I was just like, no, no way. He was, yeah, man. He, he passed away. And then, you know, we kind of got a confirmation about it the next day, but for me, for me, personally, I know, with all our guys. You know, he, he was more like a, like a brother than anything. I mean, I know. I know, that all the classes are like that. But we was very, very close with our class 205 class. And, you know, just knowing that, you know, he’s passed away It hurt. It just took a little bit of your life and heart out of you a little bit. As far as a man he’s always been a great man. Great brother. Somebody just hanging out with and, and talking. I remember, you know, when we first we all first went down there for our visit. And we all went out one night and we just got close. Everybody was real close. And it was um, it was kind of it was different. Because for me coming where I come from, you know, a lot of people on my team we didn’t have on my high school team. We didn’t have a lot of the same goals. But when I when I met guys like Renzo Lorenzo’s one of the first guys I met him and Chris Rogers, and we all kind of had the same goal, and then made a lot to me. And just over the years being around that guy, he was just a great guy. Just a fun loving guy. Just a really, really good guy.
Marvin Constant 9:49
Man, I tell you this really bad I understand your pain. I understand it, but that’s what we were just talking about. You know, we went through something similar with one of my classmates. In 2008, so I get it man, you know, I feel bad for for his family. But I feel bad for y’all man because a lot of people never understand the Brotherhood that you develop planted Alabama these guys, because I haven’t played Alabama in 20 years, but I still talk to a lot of these dudes on a daily or weekly basis, man. So it’s just like you lost one of your brothers and it hurts man when it when that stuff happens. Because like I said, it just it brought back so many memories to me from 2008 so I know how y’all feel, man. So just know brother, I’m praying for y’all, man. And I’m here supports out. Whatever y’all need, man. Again, I’m here, man. I’ve been to before. It’s not fun.
Unknown Speaker 10:44
It’s very appreciative. Oh, yeah. You here’s his stuff, like to hear news like that. But, you know, no, we, I was chilling I actually turned on one of my friends. You know, we we don’t have a choice in this at the end of the day. You know, this is all of that, you know? So I know he I know he lived a great life and and you know if his family anything ever needed thankful for me and I know the rest of the brothers like they were definitely gonna be the army we started thinking about his daughter when everything when Allah when all the news transpired so I guess it’s just a good time, which I talked about my I taught all my all my brothers, but, you know, I just kind of feel like this is a good time for us to kind of get a little bit closer to what we need to do. Because you never know. You never know when something bad will happen. Well, let me ask you
Marvin Constant 11:43
this. Are y’all are y’all planning to do something, please? door?
Unknown Speaker 11:47
Um, as of right now, I’m not 100% Sure. The only person I really talks to right now is Eric, but Eric Anders. But I think I think we should definitely get his shirt right here.
Marvin Constant 12:03
Since 2008, you say V fun on Victor Ellis. That was my classmate, the one who died. And we raised a lot of money for him, man, to make sure he was good. And his family was good. Everybody was good, man. So if y’all want to do something for his daughter, man, I will do any and everything in my power to assist y’all with this. And I will donate whatever y’all need from us, man. Just let me know.
Unknown Speaker 12:29
Yes, sir. I’ll get a lot of Bros. bros together. I know, I know, Eric, definitely down Chris Rogers definitely down. And then a couple of the other guys, we definitely have to do some because, you know, that’s me personally. And I feel like I can speak for them too. When it comes down to to our brothers, I feel like to honor them, and to call them a brother, we have to be able to help him and his family, especially his daughter. So that’s, that’s one thing that, you know, I was built on by my my family and, and all the friends that I keep and brothers that I keep. That’s one thing you got to do is hold your family, family members down that way. So I’m definitely gonna try to try to try to reach out and talk to these films.
Marvin Constant 13:24
Please do brother because again, this is one of those things that in life, man, you don’t want it to be worth look back and say, you know what you wish you had done? You know, because these are moments that you know, this is what separates me from boys, you know, you know, you got to make sure his family still good. You still got to make sure his daughter still good, because I mean, that’s, that’s a hard one to take. And I know that’s gonna be a major void in her life, man. So yeah, man, whatever y’all need, man, just let me know.
Unknown Speaker 13:59
Yes, sir. Appreciate the
Justin Riley 14:06
love to promote it on this show, you know, maybe some kind of fonder foundation or something like that, what we can do to help. We’ll definitely put it out there to help you guys. Because you know, my marvins say, you know, it’s all about family, you know, and we try to promote that here. Matter of fact, our platform here is here, to bring the players back together as one unit, one family and to spend to allow them to spend time with each other, especially guys who’ve lost touch over the years that allows them a chance to have a community they once had. And we’re definitely or leave the door open for you guys to come. And we want to help y’all out.
Unknown Speaker 14:44
Appreciate it. And to be honest with you, I’m glad you reached out to me, because I mean, I’m kinda in my little hole. I talked to a couple guys. But I’m in my own little hole over here. I just I kind of you know, work with And go play with my, my razors and trying to start a family and everything. So I definitely appreciate you for reaching out.
Marvin Constant 15:10
Yeah. Wow. I tell you this too, though, man, you know, I get it, you know, but the moments you share with these guys, man cuz I’m telling you from my perspective Looking back, I enjoy every chance I get to talk to the guys that I played with man because we all it’s always laughter It’s joyful just reminiscing on those times because you did something that millions of people wish that they could do. Right You know how many people wish they could put that uniform on? And they will never understand that bond that brotherhood man I kid you not. I was talking to Joe Dixon today I talked to Todd face today I talked to Katie Smith. Yes. Literally, I talked to on a regular basis, man. So cherish those moments, man because again, you never know. When it’s gonna be too late not to cherish you
Justin Riley 16:03
will definitely have a little reunion on here for you guys, man. Because one of the things about our show is it’s not about 90% nonsense, us having fun reminiscing and about 10% actual sports. So we’ll get a little bit of you know, the the questions that you’re accustomed to, you know, from fans, and interviewers, but like to make it a fun place for you guys, like I said, just an opportunity for y’all to have community again.
Unknown Speaker 16:30
Appreciate that.
Justin Riley 16:32
And I know that your group was very close, because I mean, y’all went through a lot before y’all brought Alabama back to what it is again, and I just it was amazing watching you guys Hang in there. And just endure a lot of what a lot of Alabama people aren’t used to today. How did Lorenzo I guess, serve as a leader in that respect, as y’all moved out of the not so great years and into the great years that we know now?
Unknown Speaker 17:00
Oh, he he said his work at they stay consistent. You know, he he didn’t change. Like, I guess he grew. But he didn’t change like, and I know that might be a little bit hard, hard to explain, but I’ll try as far as being the being the regular fun, you know, Lorenzo. Like when we came in, you know, he was always just a fun guy. But he grew into a better, better person, a better man. And, and, and a better overall better player. He just kept growing. And he took he took that, that the criticism from coaches and everything like that, but he did, he never changed his fun attitude. He always stayed the course. And that’s, that’s one reason why, you know, we got to go to the NFL. And he I think he was one of very few of that class in our class that that went to the NFL. But he, he was always it’s a great guy, always a good person to go talk to he didn’t. He never disrespected any of the younger class blues. So a lot of a lot of those younger class players that came in, that we’re playing under him or, you know, equal to him or whatever, they feel comfortable. So he was still that fun guy. He was always still that fun guy. But you know, there was still still that, that leadership role that he had. And, and I think that’s, that’s also one of the reasons why, you know, Alabama is starting to a lot of the younger, younger guys that were younger than than us, you know, that I kind of feel like I don’t know if this was true, but I feel like a lot more people are kind of doing the same thing that you know, we did way Lorenzo carried itself and done things. I think that’s that’s one reason for the success because that, you know, this is a bond, the Alabama bond right now, people, they won’t ever be able to understand the bond. A lot of these Alabama players have right now. And it’s unbelievable to be able to see and witness what these guys are going are doing right now. And I think Lorenzo is a big part of that as well. Yeah.
Marvin Constant 19:25
Well, I’ll tell you, I’ll tell you this though, man. So when I came back to school, to finish school after I finished playing football, I came back in 2009. JOHN Davis said, athletes cannot just get the classes paid for anymore. You got to do some volunteer work. He said, you want to be a strength coach anyway, so why not just go into her in the weight room. But I’m actually glad I did it man. It was a pleasure spending a year with you all man, I learned so much y’all man. And to see your growth and what y’all went through from 2005 six. 72 my losing to Louisiana Monroe, to winning the championship in 2009. People will never understand how that experience will change your life forever. Y’all literally went from the bottom of the barrel to the cream of the crop man. And just to see the growth in y’all, I’m extremely grateful for that. And I’m happy I took John’s advice, and actually spent a year working in the waiting room with y’all, man. So thank you.
Unknown Speaker 20:27
Well, no, thank you. I remember you having some left. I appreciate I appreciate the older guys. That helped us out as well. Like we, we got to stop, we got to see that. And I think just having the older guy, some of the older guys that were there, I mean, we had the free roaches. And and you know Dylon Simpsons and, and those guys that kind of just like this, this is how you need to work. You know, we just, we just so happened to stumble upon, you know, cost savings. And we had, we still had that mindset of the Freddie Rogers. But we also had a little bit more guidance on you know, on the saving, and the guys that he bought it as well. And, and that’s one thing I was talking about with Lorenzo like his, his, the way he grew from that he grew from, you know, being one way but then also being the type of player that Coach Saban needed him to be. And the leader that he needed him. And that was that was big for us. Because,
Unknown Speaker 21:34
you know,
Marvin Constant 21:35
he was he was definitely a leader though. Because I would I think back to all the days when Cochrane heads out like they’re running 20 something one teams at two o’clock and y’all are dying. He would always be one of those people telling everybody to get their stuff together. Come on, let’s go. So he, I mean, y’all really work. And he was one of those people who made sure y’all did what she was supposed to do him and a few other guys. So man, yeah.
Stephen M. Smith 22:12
My thought my thought my thought to you on it was my thought to you was, you said that, you know, Zola don’t have a playful sob, but he knew when it was time to be serious. So just, you know, from my end, you know, when he was out throwing a whole bunch of other talented defensive linemen, because you had data right out there, you had Cody out there, your other guys out there, but what, what really separated zone and had him hold his own, despite those other dudes out there.
Unknown Speaker 22:49
I don’t know if I’m gonna try to explain the best I can. But it was more like when you when you out there, it’s just like, yeah, you play but once that whistle blowers, like, his seriousness, and those are really challenging, but he also had a work ethic, as well. So once that whistle blow, he was just a different person. You know, and, like you, I mean, first we didn’t practice or something like that you everybody plays around. But, you know, once that whistle blow Joe just puts it in another gear. And, and if somebody’s not doing something, right, like you have to, you have to call somebody out. But it is not one of those call outs for words, like I’m belittling. You know, it’s more of like, a you get shit together. Right? You know, and when that happens, a person like like him, does that you need to respect it, you know, you’re like, Okay, okay, I need to do this, right? I need to do this. And I mean, but along with that, when somebody says the same thing to him, vehicle, Saban or any other rd line coaches, he takes that criticism, and he does the things he needs to do now in that that’s part of the growth. You know, you can take, you can take a leader, and it’s kind of like the old Tom Brady, when he was with with the Patriots, you know, that Belichick would get on to him, even though he’s one on Team Championships. But he takes that criticism, and he does what he needs to do, to, you know, help the rest of the team. And that’s that’s kind of what Joe was doing. You know, he, he took that criticism, but he also tell people what they need to do and how they need to do so.
Justin Riley 24:45
And I could definitely see that across the board. You know, he had this contagious energy that just went to everybody on that team because you your group as a whole were nothing but workers. I mean, and you’re right there was a transformation. was over everybody else, but he really pioneered that. I mean, I saw your transformation from coming in there and being a running back, then switching to D beam becoming one of the best DBAs we’ve had in a while. But yeah, mark of a great leader is not just you know, doing things as as a single unit on the field is who you can make better around you. And that’s what he did. And like I said, it triggered around egpu guys, and it ultimately led you guys to not only get back to an SEC title, but also a national championship
Unknown Speaker 25:34
is know about best DVDs we had. Wow.
Justin Riley 25:41
Crazy. Hey, man. You know, you held your you do you did a great job, man. You held your own and definitely could tell when you’re on the field. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker 25:51
I mean, I mean, we
Justin Riley 25:55
are good. He agreed. He agrees.
Unknown Speaker 26:03
Now, I think I think so like, like I said, Oh, zoologist he knew and knew what, what made him great. Go ahead, Joe had a lot of sizes also had a lot of speed. And he was strong. But But what made him great is, is that he listened and he was a leader. You know, he listened to, to the what coaching that he had. And and that’s what that’s what made him great and also made him a leader because people see people see that, because if you have a guy out there, this, this, this is not good to take in coaching and they’re not doing things right. You can’t as a younger player, or as a player, that’s just coming up. You don’t really don’t, you really don’t want to listen to that guy. He’s just just not the type of guy that you want to listen to the zone was one of those, like I said, one of those players that took criticism, but also and done the things that he was supposed to do. And he put it in a word in the time and effort you know, so that’s the type of player that you that you want to be around.
Justin Riley 27:17
Without it out. alley while you are you are. You’re talking just in your former teammate, Mike McCoy just jumped on the line. What’s going on? Mike? is going on fellas.
Mike McCoy 27:27
How y’all doing?
Unknown Speaker 27:29
Stephen M. Smith 27:29
Mike McCoy 27:31
What’s going on? Brother? Hey, man can complain one bit can complain.
Marvin Constant 27:37
But yeah, any backup yet? Are you still off? Nah, man,
Mike McCoy 27:41
that case got dropped. Man. I’m back in. I’ve been back for about three weeks now. Okay.
Unknown Speaker 27:47
Let’s go.
Justin Riley 27:48
Yes. Yes. Oh, yeah. Michael, we got Ali Sharif on the line. He’s just been sharing some moments he had with was Oh, and guess what? We’re all here tonight. So, you know, if you like manage, go ahead. And you know, tell us about your experience with him. I know y’all all came in about the same time. And, you know, feel free to say what you got to say about the man?
Mike McCoy 28:11
Well, yeah, man. So those guys are a year older than I am. But I can tell you just like this. Joe was one of those individuals that was smart, articulate, well spoken. driven, coachable, likable. I didn’t drink beer with him. So no, I ain’t got no crazy stories about them. But you don’t hear you. You’re not going to hear too many bad words about so. I reached out to me several times on social media. Just cool. Dude, man stayed in his lane. extremely strong. He was a he was a family guy. I could tell you that. So, but, man, I have nothing but the utmost respect for him. It definitely, uh, it definitely hit home just because, you know, that’s somebody that you you personally know, you know, I’m saying so. Um, I just definitely send my condolences to him, his family, his little daughter and his mother.
Justin Riley 29:17
Allow Steve Brown with what’s going on. Glad to have you on for
Steve Brown 29:22
that man just gave me gonna do what I do, man and just join this
Unknown Speaker 29:30
Steve Brown 29:32
tribute that we’re having. I’m just happy to be part of it, man, you know? And of course the you know, kind of last words on it, cuz we’re all shocked about it, you know?
Unknown Speaker 29:44
Right. So,
Steve Brown 29:46
and, yeah, that’s pretty much I just don’t I mean, sometimes when things happen like that, you really don’t have words because, you know, it just, I mean, I just put it to you like this. Like my granddad was just To me, nobody can prepare for death. Nobody can no matter no matter you can see it coming from a mile away of whatever you put you cannot prepare for. So you know that this is one of those moments because we didn’t expect it. But uh, of course I sent my sincere condolences to his family friends and loved ones and you know he’s gonna go down remember it is one of the great alabama football Crimson Tide players and you know hey forever Roll Tide
Justin Riley 30:36
Mikey remember any special moments you may have had with him whether it be you know winning the SEC championship or are upset in Georgia in the blackout game or winning that national Tyler’s anything that really sticks out to you and then I’ll leave you could follow that as well. That’d be great.
Steve Brown 30:52
By the way that that that blackout game what no upset.
Justin Riley 30:57
It was the ESPN because they weren’t giving us any props
Unknown Speaker 31:01
they want?
Mike McCoy 31:03
Nah, Nah, man, I just remember just just that year, I you you can always tell that the energy was just different when we won. You know, the SEC, and then the national things would just completely different. But I vividly remember him in a weight room. Just I mean, power cleaning the house, man. So those are the moments that I think mean more to us than the actual game. It’s the you see somebody or your counterpart that’s putting in the work like you are, like I say, just a blue collar worker. But you know, anytime that you have teammates that I’m sure I’ve only got I got I got a few stores and I’ll leave. But far as though outside of football. Nah, man, we really didn’t kick it man. But you know, in between, in between the lines, the locker room, man, that’s more more of I saw so I saw nothing but straight positives from him.
Steve Brown 32:05
It seems like to me that, you know, from what you’re saying he was one of those guys where
Unknown Speaker 32:14
he comes to work, the work, get off, and you don’t hear from the next day. He just did to do the job.
Mike McCoy 32:22
That’s exactly right. And you’re like me, blue collar guy. I’m gonna be the first one and I’m be out Don’t bother me when I’m at home. Yeah.
Steve Brown 32:32
Man, believe it or not, that’s how I am. You know, in my mind,
Marvin Constant 32:38
that’s the entertainment.
Steve Brown 32:41
I go to work. When some done I don’t do after party and do none of it. Unless I’m contractually obligated. That’s only I’ll stay for one hour. And I’m out what I’m saying. So I get it. I get it. You just want to go do your job do the best you can at it. And and and spend that that the rest of your time with your family. I love it. I get it. trust, respect.
Justin Riley 33:05
I like to piggyback off of that as well. Is there a special moment I guess that stood out to you the most whether it be like I said, that Georgia blackout game where he wrecked everybody upfront
Stephen M. Smith 33:15
or he destroyed Matthew Stafford
Justin Riley 33:17
man. He wasn’t saying that to that man. And of course he destroyed Steven Garcia a couple of weeks after that. South Carolina.
Unknown Speaker 33:28
Steve Brown 33:30
think I think even Garcia and Matthew Stafford needs to probably speak at his memorial to let people really know how vicious he was. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker 33:43
I got I got a few life stories outside of outside of football but we keep them in house. So they they weren’t bad stories but we can’t
Unknown Speaker 33:54
you know we at least have we say
Steve Brown 34:10
the Marvin Marvin hold up before I come on to this show. I this show is like none of we air at all. I don’t care who did what.
Unknown Speaker 34:25
We keep doing
Marvin Constant 34:28
a few things that we got.
Steve Brown 34:33
But this is why this show is so unique. And it’s like lightyears ahead of all the other shows because this is about Bama players. And it out air and everything. I’ll let let it all wear as they say a football. Let your nuts hang like like a cup of coffee.
Unknown Speaker 35:00
I feel it but I can’t do it man. I mean, you know, that’s that’s college life. We don’t keep that at college. I think I think one story I got as far as football go,
Unknown Speaker 35:21
here we go. Here we go.
Unknown Speaker 35:22
I remember I remember when we was playing LSU This was right before right both you know right before you know Coach Saban I got there and I actually I think Saban was at LSU and I was I was on kickoff and like they was beating us there’s been this bad they were strong and it was on we was on I was on kickoff return actually and I ran like 20 yards again my spot and I look around as soon as I’m looking around the guy familiar shoes right on I’m talking about he only fails and he just like threw me out the club like out of the club. I get back I get back to the sideline and I’m talking I’m actually talking to Joe and I’m like bro you see oh do get me he’s like he matched he really didn’t match I was like how bad he was like are you like you use us really on spaceship
Unknown Speaker 36:28
oh you know in it already know like we go when we go to a field yeah.
Unknown Speaker 36:36
Oh yeah.
Steve Brown 36:48
Nothing that happens in film sessions. That’s so embarrassing. Let’s say you got by the opposing your opponent right? And then when you think that not only does it culture wind it back.
Marvin Constant 37:12
Just rewind it back to the beginning there rewind a bit right to the plot when he hits you. Right yeah, so you see the whole like, everybody’s seen me get hit man.
Steve Brown 37:28
Look, the last part in it. That’s so humiliating. When you get blasted? Then the culture started getting on you about your technique or your angle. See it wouldn’t happen to you when
Marvin Constant 37:39
this man killed me and got up on SportsCenter.
Mike McCoy 37:46
what’s even worse, what’s even worse is the fact that
Justin Riley 37:53
it’s coming.
Unknown Speaker 38:01
Oh, wait.
Unknown Speaker 38:05
Steve Brown 38:05
a man imitates a man. Ah, look, I’m I’m in the film session in high school in Central Oregon. And and they were showing a player he did not he got the hail knocked out. It was so embarrassing because it was me and I was on the bench. And got me on the bench. See, your technique was wrong.
Unknown Speaker 38:48
But did you grow from that?
Steve Brown 39:01
I should have I should have had my head.
Band so I learned a hell of a trombone player too. I learned from him.
Unknown Speaker 39:22
He was on the kazoo man.
Steve Brown 39:27
Man You know what? Ah. Speaking of learning, I have something I have to say. This is not by the party, but it is about it is about one about doing the party. Ah, Ben Davis. So let me say this. Ben Davis. Now you know we joked we joke we joke Marvin we get on in Davis every week. And let me say this and I don’t know if y’all saw my my Facebook post about All right, so then Davis he decided to leave after six years right with a six year so y’all can piggyback off this if y’all want to. I salute Ben Davis, even though we jumped on loved in days I love his his person. But at the same time, people have to realize that sometimes, you know, I would say about Alabama defensive scheme is probably not for a player like being Davis and Ben Davis is probably not a player for Alabama decent scheme is not saying that he’s not a good player, is just the fact that he probably didn’t fit what Bama had to offer. So you know, I am and I have to give him props for sticking and staying that long. And and hoping that, that if he goes to the next school, you know, maybe he’ll feel Shanks. I think he got one more year. So he got to really get it. So.
Marvin Constant 40:59
But you brought up a valid point. And I think that’s one of the things that made Renzo so special, the fact that he moved from, from from D tackle to a nose tackle to D. and still exhale. And those are some of these better years. At least Which one? Yeah,
Steve Brown 41:19
yeah. So so so the thing is, man being is moving on, and, and it does two things, it shows that he he does want to play football, and hopefully he’ll he’ll, you know, get more out of it than he got. Then what else am I got out of him? And I’m number two, it like cuts my job book in half by this much so many jokes. Like me being in turn my job book into a magazine and yeah, yeah. So yeah, it turned into a pamphlet so but you know,
Marvin, Marvin, we can’t do them but which being the best, we can’t do it with wish,
Marvin Constant 42:08
I wish nothing but the best one, you know, at the end of the day, I always want to see any guys who played Alabama be successful. But at the end of the day, you also got to realize you play it out of bounds. It’s a different level of competitiveness. Just like when I came in I had all American in front of me. Everybody asked me why are you going you got all American that’s a year header you can find because I knew I was gonna take his job. Everybody’s not up for that challenge. You know, it’s a different mentality to play that kind of way. So you
Steve Brown 42:36
know you but you gotta have you gotta be a special player man. No, y’all don’t you saying he changed positions and steel? That’s a hell of a player.
Marvin Constant 42:48
You asked me he did some of his best work at D
Stephen M. Smith 42:52
he really did though he really well.
Steve Brown 42:56
And and being did some of his best work, catching them highlights of getting tackles and
Stephen M. Smith 43:06
best hog I was with Landon Dickerson got hurt beer came off the bench trying to fight somebody got dirty.
Justin Riley 43:25
Steve was imitating Steven talking about Ben Davis being good.
Steve Brown 43:32
I really believe and honestly Davis I hope video sales man I really do. I do. Yeah, I do. So So is that is it? Is it any word on where he’s going? The ITT tech I’m just kidding. I’m just kidding.
I’m always going
Justin Riley 44:11
to be headed to South Alabama but
Stephen M. Smith 44:15
he might end up at South Hey, you
Steve Brown 44:17
know what so so so what about what about with Deion Sanders Jackson State? I think that he might be a good pickup there.
Justin Riley 44:28
I’ll keep a lookout on him Dion’s everywhere here lately so even going through the snow to try to find the open waffle house right now.
Steve Brown 44:34
Yeah. I tell you what, tell you what to listen. undefeated this season without let camera work on him because not they are going to turn on his head. I promise you
Mike McCoy 44:57
they may not want from you saw they are
Unknown Speaker 45:01
I mean a series out there in Jackson either they all the way in which you are cuz you gotta go
Steve Brown 45:09
they’re gonna turn on him nationwide because he didn’t he’s like making it about him and I understand what he’s doing. But in those situations, you can you can excel or you can fail miserably.
Mike McCoy 45:22
I’ma tell you like it I personally think he’s going to excel just from the aspect he’s going is different when representation is everything. Coach that looks like you I just like we laugh a bit, Dave. I know he got a lot but we all are system players. And if you don’t, it’s not that he’s not a good player. It’s not a great player. It tastes US National coach to bring the best out of you. You know what I’m saying? You don’t just put your position coach may not like you just because your hair. You may not be his physical action. You know what I’m saying? Or
Steve Brown 46:00
hey, your story with that what you’re trying to say? It could be?
Marvin Constant 46:06
Yeah. Hey, Mike, just go ahead and say it. primetime can get the best out than boys because he primetime he talked like he was like, You look like
Mike McCoy 46:18
me, man. That’s why time is different. When you can go sit at Yo, first thing of black mama gonna say is are you gonna take care of my baby? He raised you to be a young man. On top of you given me a small town hero a chance to be play on ESPN. I was overlooked. I got a chip on my shoulder. I couldn’t pass a certain class or make a certain grade and you won’t give me
Marvin Constant 46:47
my hold on hold on. Hold on a minute. Let me ask you some No, Mike. Did a coach ever walk into your house would go a chain and diamonds Oh,
Mike McCoy 46:56
no, but the real.
Unknown Speaker 47:00
Reason hold on heat. The reason.
Mike McCoy 47:03
The reason I went to bamboo was because of coach cheese. He was a black receiver coach. He’d been where I was trying to go. Charlie Harbison. You know what I’m saying?
Steve Brown 47:15
Yeah, I get it to be black mamas. Don’t let the babies go with Deion Sanders, but you can’t rule out the fact that primetime hit some of them black moms to man.
Come on, man.
Marvin Constant 47:47
You name it for grandma mom.
Unknown Speaker 47:56
Oh, baby, you wrote it off.
Steve Brown 48:02
Think about the steel. Times Of course, they don’t let the sun go down. And they don’t end up at every game.
Justin Riley 48:16
If there’s gonna be a lot of those games already, they’ve already announced it so he got
Steve Brown 48:23
a look. And guess who won ESPN a black mom. That’s what
Marvin Constant 48:30
you know, I think for him though, the thing that’s gonna help him the most is them moving this football season to the spring. So now all eyes are gonna be they’re not competing with anybody for TV time this spring was the perfect opportunity for him to grow his brand and his team and really attract the recruits that he really wants.
Steve Brown 48:50
Well you know what the only thing he’s going to be up against and we all know is black man. I’m gonna teach you some justice as black men at an HBCU game black folks don’t go for the game we go full time. So you don’t have to really really you don’t have to compete with
Justin Riley 49:09
anybody can you can appeal a couple games to see so I’m looking forward to it.
Unknown Speaker 49:15
All right.
Marvin Constant 49:15
Yeah, I would come down to but they still in radios and cause near Thank
Unknown Speaker 49:31
you better know somebody that’s on my
Marvin Constant 49:37
list. My my cousin got married in Jackson, Mississippi. And this is one big club that I came up with name of this.
Mike McCoy 49:46
He’s talking about freelance. Freelance.
Unknown Speaker 49:49
Yeah, man.
Marvin Constant 49:51
They walked off on a big debating got Rob Massey? Yes, yeah. Shinola group.
Steve Brown 50:01
I did a comedy club man when I was there. Just me and him we were the only two scared people in the building. Justin was scared cuz he was on the whiteboard. I was scared cuz I was just down
Marvin Constant 50:24
they want no more than five minutes. They come back read the Hard Rock. They didn’t tell me she’s trying to go get some chick and they got it got a
Steve Brown 50:39
Amen, amen look, that was my first time people Justin right after the show usually people shake your hand take a picture. Say hello to me. Hello, I’m Justin, but he was running to the car
Unknown Speaker 50:57
for you
Marvin Constant 51:02
to get the hell out of there.
Jackson wouldn’t know bad if you look at Atlanta right now though. I don’t even go in the city right now. It is.
Steve Brown 51:23
Marvin Let me tell you something. I live in Atlanta. I don’t go in the city.
Marvin Constant 51:28
I live outside of Atlanta Yeah, I
Steve Brown 51:32
live in the suburbs too. I mean, don’t get me wrong I first of all, I don’t want to go to the city because you know somebody that looked like me probably gonna come to me then number two is you
Marvin Constant 51:47
know, but I’m saying that y’all man case you know Sharif might ever do come over anytime soon. The way they’ll be robbing people knocking on one is instead of cause man Be careful you come over like for real?
Steve Brown 51:59
Let me finish my story and look like me they built they built like like like like Marvin and Ollie are a big muscular dudes and you can do a number be nice because you get beat up by a gay dude you know I’m saying so
Justin Riley 52:24
I got lost in College Park one time and
Marvin Constant 52:28
yeah man oh man
Steve Brown 52:40
he thought he thought it was a college in College Park
Justin Riley 52:45
No, man I got I got my GPS somewhere to work out and the GPS
Steve Brown 53:00
was trying to kill you bro
Unknown Speaker 53:03
I believe so.
Marvin Constant 53:06
Listen don’t go down there. No not happen
do go to see that drop mother call. I don’t drive my baby down.
Steve Brown 53:25
Hey, Mike. Hey Mike. Might you know Margaret said he drive is he trying to let y’all know that he made it I made
Marvin Constant 53:36
a big boy. You got this show.
Mike McCoy 53:45
The conversation changer.
Steve Brown 53:47
Hey man. Hey Marvin. Marvin. Marvin on back pain.
Unknown Speaker 54:03
Steve is in Atlanta. Anybody got a tendency not to do.
Unknown Speaker 54:12
Don’t do it. Don’t don’t don’t do it.
Justin Riley 54:20
For the next show, we’re here to pay tribute to somebody.
Steve Brown 54:28
Definitely mess up the tribute. Human beings
Unknown Speaker 54:36
with you at a later date.
Steve Brown 54:41
Because you got your left hand on the button. You ready to put it up. Don’t do it.
Unknown Speaker 54:46
Right here today. We are here for respect today.
Justin Riley 54:56
Before moving to the closing part of our show. He talks about you guys talking about how special was to win the national championship, which was Oh, and especially now that he passed my
Mike McCoy 55:15
mic. I didn’t hear I didn’t get a question my phone I went,
Justin Riley 55:18
Oh, my bet will pay your minutes, man. Oh, no. Looking back, looking back now at there’s those passing? How special was it to win the national championship with him?
Mike McCoy 55:31
Ah, I mean, man is a different type of feel, I guess. Because you realize how much how young you are, how young you are. I didn’t feel that long ago, when somebody I met you won the National in 2009. I’m just like, Bro, I can still tell you the moment the feeling what probably I was listening to before the game. So it means more now, the fact that you that time goes on and you’re just like, man, we don’t have a lot of time on this earth. You got to give your flowers to people while they’re still here. Like, I wish I could go back and you know, you have deeper conversations with people you wish you would have got to know him better. You know, I wish I would have got a chance to go meet his mom a little bit more. You know what I’m saying? Right? Those are the things that you wish that you could do over and realizing that Hey, man, you’re gonna be older a lot longer than you’re young. And you need to make those relationships that will last a long time, you know, a lifetime. So that’s what it means more than me. The fact and it really hits home because I got 11 month old son, you know? I mean, Bro, I can’t even imagine I can’t fathom not even, you know, that’s tough. Man. I, again, that’s why I hit home with all of us, because we’re all in similar situations, man. So that’s why I felt like it was I had to pay my respects. You know, I’m saying?
Marvin Constant 57:11
Well, I’ll give you this one thing. So you know, I was talking to you earlier about fact. You know, my classmate. We were roommates own role played the same position, same major. So we took every class together, Vic Dale as he passed in 2008, while actually in school. And we had our 10th anniversary of our SEC championship in 2009. And when they were talking to me about it, and I told him, I said, Tim and Kathy Miller, they took care of Vic when he was dying of cancer. I told him, I said, if you want me and the rest of these guys to be here, they need to be there. And I told him same thing when we had our 20th anniversary. So that’s my message in that y’all is man, include his daughter, man, make sure y’all include her include his mom, and whatever you do, because I demanded it, and the university did it. So don’t let them tell you what they won’t do. Because I demand that they did it and they didn’t do it, man. So that way, they can at least see the legacy. His daughter can see that legacy that he leaves behind that make it inclusive to her because they will do
Unknown Speaker 58:18
a seven.
Justin Riley 58:21
Ali, what about you mean, you want to check with him and achieve the highest award there is in college football? How special was it, you know, for you now that he’s passed that you want that accomplishment with him?
Unknown Speaker 58:33
For me? I think it was more, you know, like, like, my, you know, like Mike pointed out, you know, we were in the same class together. Lorenzo not so. To me, it was more like we, we grew up together as well way I feel I feel like we grew up together. And then and we seen the real real bad times. And which Mike was there as well. But it was more like you know, that he was our class, our classmate, our brother that we came in with, and to actually get a championship with your class. It kind of it kind of changes. It kind of just makes you feel good. A sense of accomplishment. To me, I kind of felt like it brought us a little bit closer together because we did do something that you know, a lot of people don’t get get to do I not saying you know, Alabama, they’re doing just about every other year now. So but for us it was just a little bit different. Because we really didn’t know where we were going to be. And the way every time we were shaking up for us, we had all these athletic guys coming in. And you know first just to be still be still be able to play and play with these guys. just felt like we just had some kind of sense of accomplishment, closeness. Some that we can always just come back to and just talk about a man we, we we really did win a national championship. And that’s something that we talked about, we actually talked about it when everybody else wouldn’t even think about I think Derek k went on. before he even got there. He’s like, we don’t want 1234. I mean, that, you know, we didn’t do it. But I mean, the rest of the other teams are actually doing. And I don’t know where that clip clip is. But I know dedrick for sure, was saying, he has said that, you know, we’re gonna win 1234. And that’s actually happening to where the rest of the Alabama teams are actually doing that. But I know that was big for us. And I’m just, I’m just happy to say that I’m, I was, I was with I was with those guys and with with Lorenzo during that time, and seeing that convict confetti dropped down on us and being on that stage. Like it was, it was a beautiful time. This is really all I gotta say about my day.
Justin Riley 1:01:22
I got I got messages from a zig Knight he wanted. He wanted me to read this to y’all because he couldn’t be here tonight because of work. He said, Well, I’m really hard about this. He was young and going to soon, I wish that I had the chance to hang out with him like we used to. I’m praying for his family because I can only imagine how they feel rest in peace, my brother. And one last question, you guys, what would you say? His legacy is that he’s left behind? I’ll start with you. I’ll lay
Unknown Speaker 1:01:53
his legacy i think is is always hard for me to separate, you know, football and, and family. But his legacy basically is his daughter. And for us, as his teammates, you know, we got to meet me personally, I think we have to, like, you know, like Marvin was saying we have to include, not so so they’ll be able to actually see what he was he’s done. Because that you know, his daughter to me, that’s his legs. That that is his leg. That’s one of the greatest things he’s ever done. And for us, we have to we have to get to know her and talk to her and kind of tell her what type of man that he was. We were there. As far as football goes. Just to be able to grow, just be able to grow and take collective criticism, you know?
Marvin Constant 1:02:57
And I tell you one quick thing. Oh, man, you know, I talked about the shirt I’ve been carrying in shirts. You see the date on the shirt? Yes, sir. Even though y’all lost this game, to Louisiana Monroe on November 17 2007. We sold so many t shirts and we did so many other things man to raise money for his family man. And for him. I implore y’all man, do whatever y’all can just to make sure his daughters good man.
Unknown Speaker 1:03:27
Yes, sir.
Justin Riley 1:03:29
Mike, what would you say his legacy is? Are you are you piggybacking off of what Ali said? Or do you think there’s a something else?
Mike McCoy 1:03:39
I really, man, I think his story is going to continue to live on man because he lived out freedom much every dream that you have as a young man growing up. You play it on, you play it at a premier college you played on Sundays, whether it turned out like you want it to nobody can ever take that away from you. Is You know, I know he started his own business. I mean, self employed, you got a family. I mean, you. You won. You were winning. And the fact that nobody can say anything bad about you, the fact that you were a villain in any one story, who’s on this line right now. That’s been nothing but volumes. I think I can’t argue with anyone when they say we got to include their family man. Especially his daughter, his mother. Because she’s going to marry somebody just like him far as being of his caliber, and she needs to know you know what I’m saying? how good of a man that he was. how strong he was mentally physically. Just gifted all around. I really like I said, Man, I’m still at a last word because again, I can’t say Hey, man, we drank beer together we party with you it is but the fact that this was a man and you’re saying they put on the same uniform issue that was right next to you lace up the same shoes as you. Man, it is mind boggling. So yeah. And now I think we still digested it at all, you know? Cuz again, you guys we do this almost like that cousin, you you. You your your cousins. You know I’m saying you may not talk every time but y’all still family and those four years that you spend together? That’s exactly what you become family.
Marvin Constant 1:05:52
Well, Mike, speaking on what you just said, I’m gonna volunteer Justin for something because I talked to somebody earlier. I’m not gonna say his name while you’re alive, because he don’t want anybody to know. But if y’all would each man put together 20 32nd video clips man, I get Justin edited, put a video together for his mom and his daughter, man, something that y’all can give them to say, Hey, we always gonna remember him. And we can appreciate him from now until the end of time. So you know, if y’all can get the guys to send a you know, 20 32nd clip to Justin. He’ll be more than happy to edit together nice video. Yeah,
Justin Riley 1:06:32
absolutely. Especially, especially for the guys who couldn’t make it tonight. There’s law guys at work conflicts and a lot of them just for taking too hard to really speak on it. And I understand because you know, this, this runs deep, so I totally get it. But definitely want to bring together the whole Alabama nation, especially your group. So yes, let me know when you can do that. I’m more than happy
Mike McCoy 1:06:59
to do my part. And,
Marvin Constant 1:07:02
yeah, what am I gonna be? This will be a video that won’t be seen in public. Nobody will ever see it. It’ll go to his mom, his daughter for their views and nephews. Nobody.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:16
I’m with it with a
Justin Riley 1:07:19
good deal. All right, before we close on out, Marvin, if you would give us an update on your book and how I really
Marvin Constant 1:07:25
want to talk about the book, but I’ll just say this. Next week we’ll have on Jason Jones, former Alabama dB, defensive defensive back coach, University of Indiana. We’ll have long Lance Taylor, former Alabama wide receiver and current Notre Dame running back coach, they’ll be on with us next Tuesday. Awesome.
Justin Riley 1:07:44
Definitely check that out. guys. Thank you again, for coming on. Thank you for sharing your heart. I know it was hard, especially on a situation like this. But I do appreciate you guys opening up. You know, with us, it means a lot.
Unknown Speaker 1:07:57
I appreciate you for coming on bovee reaching out to me and Mike and the rest of rest of the guys. I mean a lot to me, to me personally, to be able to speak about Lorenzo and just to speak. Period. You know you guys show and that means a lot to me.
Marvin Constant 1:08:21
We really do appreciate you, man. And again, I know how you feel, man. I went through it. It does not feel pleasant because again, we all feel like we superhuman as athletes. We don’t think this would ever be our world. It’s hard to process man. So rely on your brothers. Don’t be afraid to call them and tell them how you see it. Don’t don’t digest it and take it alone.
Justin Riley 1:08:44
Absolutely. God bless you guys. I’m praying for you guys. I’m praying for his family. And if y’all need anything, let me know. And like I said, I’m glad to help out with that video. Anything else and we talked about earlier as far as if you want put together something that could help out his daughter. We are more than happy to promote on the show and do our part.
Mike McCoy 1:09:07
And we need to raise any money or anything like that.
Marvin Constant 1:09:13
Probably for her if y’all could put that together maybe get BJ involved with a club and put something together for her maybe a scholarship fund. So you know something she can use later on in life. I I’m, I’m more than happy to donate and I will rally everybody who played it out of them to donate and every album found is planned for give it up because she needs some support.
Unknown Speaker 1:09:39
Justin Riley 1:09:42
sounds great man. Again, thanks. That means guys, and we’d love to have you back on under happier circumstances at a later date. Like I said, we’re always about bringing people back together, especially the former legends. We’d love to give you your opportunity to have community manager that’s so important, especially these days.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:00
Thank you guys.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:01
Thank you Thank you.
Unknown Speaker 1:10:03
Unknown Speaker 1:10:04
Transcribed by https://otter.ai
Santiago Leon is the Founder and CEO of the Sports Cast. He covers NFL, NBA, and world soccer. He’s also founder of sleon productions, which he specializes in technology and serves clients with solutions to make their business grow.