In this episode of the Arocho and Jones show, Victor Arocho and Byron Jones recap the New York Giants win over the Washtington Football Team, and Tua’s second start.
Victor Arocho – @varocho
Byron Jones
Victor Arocho
Live out of Miami Fort Lauderdale. Welcome to the Jones and a roadshow sports show hosted by Byron Jones and Victor are roadshow. Today on the sports cast Today is November 12. If you haven’t yet, please subscribe to all our channels for sports cast, YouTube, Periscope, iTunes. And if you’re on iTunes, please leave us a rating and a comment that’ll help us out tremendously. You can visit us on the sports cast that net or follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one, we we do a lot of tweeting over the weekend, whether it’s college football and NFL football. So that’s a good time for you and everybody to get involved with the sports cast and make your comments and debates. So you know, check us out on Twitter at the sports cast one. Also you can see us on YouTube. And don’t forget we have a new sports cast app at the iOS App Store. So get ready. Let’s get going. Byron How’s it going? Are you ready to get it on?
Byron Jones
Yes, I am in lovely East Lansdale, Pennsylvania, raining for the last three days.
Unknown Speaker
You what’s the weather,
Byron Jones
rain, a lot of rain and it’s cold cold at night.
Victor Arocho
So for all our listeners and people possibly calling in. I checked the weather with Byron each week because it fluctuates between cold and hot every other week. While it’s raining really bad here where I’m at in South Florida. We had 14 inches of rain that actually had rain damage coming through because I had a hurricane shutter up so it was a it was the worst I’ve ever seen from a rain perspective. And that includes hurricanes we went it’s just good for the plants, but it was the worst I’ve seen. So now that we got the weather out today. Well I wanted to mention just real quick as we usually do this at the end Our show, but since it was Veterans Day, yeah, yesterday, right? Veterans Day yesterday, and you know, my co host and my brother, Byron served a lot of his family members served. A lot of my family members served. I didn’t, I wish I did. If I look back at it now, I want to thank to all the veterans. And I just want to see if I could put this on the screen. I just want to let you guys know about the Gary Sinise foundation. It’s Gary Sinise, foundation.org. And, you know, their motto is here, freedom, security are precious gifts, that we as Americans should never take for granted. We must do all we can to extend our hand in times of need to those who are willingly sacrifice each day to provide that freedom and security. While we can never do enough to show gratitude to our nation’s defenders, we can always do a little bit more. That’s Gary Sinise. And let me see if I could just share this with you real quick. So our listeners and our people could see the number and then on the recording as well. So I can move my mouse or share my screen. Can you imagine I’m having technical difficulties in the rain,
Unknown Speaker
blame it on the rain.
Victor Arocho
That’s what it is. Okay? Just put this up there. Because I know Gary Sinise, maybe not everybody’s gonna have the number or the organization. Okay, by what do you see?
Byron Jones
I see the what you just read.
Victor Arocho
You do? Okay, so you see Gary Sinise at ni and I S e foundation.org. So please uh, you know, check that out and you know, do what you can it’s also for first responders right Byron and maybe explain some time some people don’t know what first responders are. You want to elaborate a little bit about that first one federal
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
firefighters correction that I go through those guys in our police officers, doctors and nurses and all the people that you know,
Byron Jones
keep this country running especially during you know, the covid 19
Unknown Speaker
Victor Arocho
Yeah. So now Now that you know so if you could help out there, that would be great. The sports cast myself Victor Roach and Byron, a big supporters of that, and particularly all his families there. So thank you, Byron, for serving and everybody out there. My dad’s a 20 year fed. He’s a Bronze Star recipient, and I got nothing great to say about our our soldiers out there. Now, let’s get it on some sports. And some interesting things happen in this week. Well, the Giants let’s get it you know, we’re gonna go right into the Giants this week. So, you know, we got from ofor to two wins, right?
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, they’re killing me to kill me.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, well, I got something else. The following but the Giants You know, I’m looking at their record, right, even though we were kind of upset with things that were going on. But if we look at their record, you know, they lost 37 to 34. to Dallas, that’s three points. Right? They lost the Washington No, they’d be bullshit and then they lost to Philly by one point. Then we lost that we beat Washington by three we lost it a buccaneers by two right and we beat Washington by one and now we play Philly so you know we’ve been in every game is just finding a way to lose them and see if there’s a few more. No, that’s what I have. Um, so they’ve been you know, again, it just is a matter of not impressive with the NFC ease but they did well against the Buccaneers, but the bucket does seem to be playing on and off. So hopefully they get there things happen now, but you know, the Giants got the we got the Phillies coming up this week. And Danny dives You know, I think Ingram is starting to look pretty good. And you know, Daniel Jones hopefully I told you a Jared had been my biggest issue was the Eli and you know that but my my also believe was Jared, Jason Garrett. It’s, there’s something about him. It’s like the way you know, it’s like the Wade Phillips of defense. Right. You know, there may not be good head coaches, but they’re good defensive and offensive corrode. coordinators, Steve spagnola. So, you know, we were from Oh, four to a chance we’d be Philly this week. So but you got
Byron Jones
to kill me the kilometer. No, I wanted that number one pick but I guess not messing that up the Jetsons looking fabulous, you know as far as going over, but the problem is on defense, they don’t have a finisher they don’t have that. Lt. They don’t have a even a call What are those guys that can are Michael Strahan? So,
Victor Arocho
john pop here still playing?
Byron Jones
Yes, we see what he gave him away. And they don’t have a finisher. Now when they need somebody you know to get that big sack, get the big turnover tip the ball or something, they just don’t have one of those guys, you know, the cornerback with Bradbury is playing great. He’s probably one of the top three corners, you know, in the NFL, but it’s just a fact is Blake Martinez is playing well, you know, he’s leading the league in tackles, but it’s just that they don’t on the outside the edge rusher, they don’t have the guy, maybe that’s what they need, you know, either draft one, or maybe they can assign one for free agent but they just don’t have the finisher.
Victor Arocho
All right. Um, yeah, that and also, you know, knowing knowing that though. We got to put up more points. You know, we haven’t put up over 30 points, one’s right. And it’s an offensive league. Right now. We’ve been close in every one of these games. But you know, they got to put up more points if you know, your defense isn’t doing well. And I look I’m pretty impressed a little bit it to some degree without say, Quan Barkley. I mean, if we had him as a Berkeley, they say, all right, right. If we had him, I would be interesting to see what’s happening. But I’m glad they’re hitting the tight ends. Remember, I’m always big, giant tight end.
Byron Jones
But we have we have butter fingers, no. One at least once or twice again, he’s going to drop something is going to go through his hand or something is going to happen where he just doesn’t make the play like he should. Now this is what fourth or fifth year and fourth year in the league. And he should be doing better, you know, at least not hurt. Last quarter. They usually you know, it’s his foot me his hamstring as a kidney or whatever’s wrong with them. And you know, usually he’s just he’s out but at least he’s playing now. And the running game last week looked pretty good with alpha bars. brandable watch the redskin guy. And Wayne Goleman. And his dad, retired Sergeant Major Marine Corps to just throw that one out there.
Victor Arocho
They Thank you, sir. And the but makes it worse when these guys are missing balls. It hurts. This hurts a rookie quarterback, any rookie quarterback, you don’t I mean, because, you know, the stat goes into him as an incompletion. He goes as a drop ball, but you know, the quarterback stats are gonna stand out a lot bigger than, you know, drop ball receiver.
Byron Jones
Oh, he looked a lot better this week. I think Danny dines at least he knew either to throw it in the ground, or fraud up in the state, you know, up in the bleachers, you know, like I’ve been saying, you know, part of his problem is he tries too hard as when he when he makes mistakes is that, you know, he’s, you know, I guess maybe sensing the pressure from his back? Or do you see the coming front or side of where it was coming from? And he’s trying to make some happen. And instead of just get rid of it, you know, what, got another down or third down, put the ball at the defense get out there. But sometimes he just tries way too hard.
Victor Arocho
Right? And he’s probably feeling the pressure from like, serious giant fans not like flip floppers that, that are given him, you know, that are giving him crap, what he’s doesn’t perform. And because, you know, the New York newspapers are ruthless. I mean, they’re ruthless. They’re not going to mess around. So I hope you know, we could turn around the Philly game is going to be you know, I’m excited for this game. We could talk about whence but you know, I know you’re in Philly, and you’re surrounded by Philly fans, but
Unknown Speaker
you’re a big boy, you
Victor Arocho
wear that nice hat, where I walk right
Byron Jones
down the street with all kinds of giant stuff on I dare anybody to say.
Victor Arocho
But, uh, you know, so what do you think about the Giants Phillies this this weekend?
Byron Jones
Well, since we I think we haven’t beaten them since 2016. Something like I think it’s like eight games or whatever it is something like that. Oh, at a we’re close. We’re close. But somehow some way to defense let them down. Or last time when the when the finisher could have been Evan Ingram, when the ball went through his hand as he recorded, you know, the game was over, you know, to ran the clock out. We’d have been done. But the ball just went right over his head through his hands. And that was that
Victor Arocho
was, you know, one we haven’t beaten him in a while. So we’re do and to Garrett knows Philly. You know, I mean, it’s Garrett note. Like, it’s like we had a you know, we had Dallas his number in Dallas had Philly’s number. So, um, you know, it’s gonna be interesting. I think they’re, they’re improving. It’s a, but it’s easy to improve when you went from zero. It’s like with Jimmie Johnson, which I think is a great coach. You know, but I’m just saying in the spirit of improvement. There was a year that he They went one in 15 and then the following were year I think they went you know, seven and nine or something and he went coach of the year that year I think arch Snell should have won Coach of the Year You know, he did a great job with the Raiders at that time. So I was like, you know, how hard is it to go from 150 not how hard it is but it’s not that impressive to go from one to 15 with the talent you had to go to you know, he still had to lose the record arts No, I believe that you got that snuffed he should want coaching
Unknown Speaker
so who you pick it
Victor Arocho
leaves giants I’m going with the Giants All right, I don’t want to turn around I’m coming home I’m
Byron Jones
coming back home. The rest of you will see but this this week, I’m coming home I’m coming back to the Giants
Victor Arocho
you know what it took it took for us to do our show for you to come back to you know the possibility of coming back to the giant side the
Byron Jones
company I live around here I got ego fed the right of me to the left me back across the street every place I go. And you know, so I got to come home. I don’t want them. You know, next year. No, you know, somebody give me an eagle hat. No, I can’t do it.
Unknown Speaker
For me, I’m
Victor Arocho
a true blue. I’m gonna eat I’m not happy when they do certain things. I’m gonna be upset when they do certain things. You know, I used to be upset with coffee. But once my man won our Superbowl I was his biggest fan. Right. But I think I’m taking giants and I think the giants are gonna come through I think it’s going to be tougher than it could have been. Only because Carson well, Carson Wentz is playing terrible football. And I don’t know if it’s, you know, the team, there’s an issue there or just, you know, or maybe comes back out firing because he’s got the talent. But he’s been playing really bad to the point that, you know, brett farr came out and said they should never got rid of foals that she got rid of the cart. Carson wins.
Byron Jones
Yeah, a lot of people right here to say the same thing that they should have kept foals and not given on Wednesday 130 $4 million contract that he got? No, he’s Yeah, he’s another guy that, you know, he’s got all the talent in the world. But another one that tries too hard, you know, he won’t give up on a play. You know, he won’t email it. The same thing with you know, Daniel Jones won’t email it, you know, up into the bleachers or throwing around. Yeah, he’s trying. He’s trying. He’s trying. And he figured they’re both I think, Zach ertz is hurt, I think, I’m not sure. And Dallas Goddard is the other tight end. And they’re giant killers to those to them. And usually, some unknown, unnamed wide receiver usually brings her back to
Victor Arocho
write well, like I said, you know, I’m a big I’m excited about Jason Gary and be with the Giants as an offensive quarter, not a head coach. Only because he’s in the same conference. And he knows he’s put up big numbers before in the same conference. Right. So I think hopefully, we could develop them developed Daniel Jones, and that tank for the quarterback that you don’t know, I mean, you know, these quarterbacks are coming out though, these young ones are coming out fired. I mean, this is the this is I told you before, whether it was the NBA, even major league baseball and football, I don’t know about you, but I just feel there’s so much more talent today that you could talk about, like before just there’s the voluminous there’s so many we wouldn’t have enough time in this show. Just to talk about the talent that’s out there. Right and and they’re all talented to be in the NFL, but I’m talking about names you know, from tight ends to defensive players to to the quarterbacks to, you know, the running backs. It’s just It’s amazing. You know that you could talk there’s so many games I want to watch because of who’s playing now? Yeah,
Byron Jones
like a like Mr. Benny Rivera says that it’s a quarterback league as an offensive league now, you know, the defensive can smash people you know the way you know they used to back in the day I’m sure you know, Mel blunt of rule where you know, you can’t hang on the guy you know, over the field the way they used to or have a jack Tatum blow you up if you came across a field that those guys run across, like crossing paths. If this was back in the 70s and 88. And never you know, Wes Welker Edelman, and all those guys that run those Crossing Paths across the middle, they would have done it one time, and they would have got blown up and they would have never wanted to run across the middle again. But now, look, look when they run it, they run right across the field wide open. Now they run the pick plays, you know, with the receivers with the cornerbacks and all the games are playing back in the day you would have got blown up coming across the middle like that.
Victor Arocho
That’s an interesting interesting point. You know, come to think about you say that it brings me back to that’s probably where that position really started exploding that like mid, you know that that receiver that’s not you know, because you notice a lot of Mr. Big right so they’re kind of hiding in between, but they know their spots still great players. But it seems like that spot exploded because of that offensively. I mean, face up. Wayne trivette. Chrebet? Yeah, he, he was fantastic. During that time. He may have been even way better he was playing right now.
Byron Jones
But what happens on his career? Oh, um, concussions coming across the middle.
Victor Arocho
What’s my point though? If he was playing today, today, he’d
Unknown Speaker
have been great.
Victor Arocho
As good as he was. He was good back then. I mean, you know, he’s good back there. And for his size, there wasn’t that many guys that size playing like that.
Byron Jones
Right. I think from Hofstra after,
Victor Arocho
right. And he was from Hofstra. I knew it was from a big school, and he probably would have been fantastic even though he was a jet. So with that, um, all right. So we got the giants. We got the Philly game. We’ll excited for that. Hopefully our giants are are watching and flip flopping on us. I’m glad to see you’re back in the big blue hat on back home. That’s where I like to see. And what do you think what, let’s get to the Philly situation. What do you think is happening there with Carson Wentz? You think it’s just I can’t get out of selling the standard. You know what I mean? And then we were just talking about they shouldn’t get kept foals. He’s the guy that’s there’s a statue in front.
Byron Jones
Do they get rid of him? But he gets a statue of me?
Victor Arocho
Well, you know, I don’t know what’s happening with him. But you know, he’s got 100 million dollar contract. How much of that is guaranteed? You know,
Byron Jones
roughly about 60. Probably about half or close to that. But his backups. Jalen hertz, the universe Alabama guy? Oh, is he ready? No, he can’t run the same offense that he ran when he was at Alabama and when he went to Oklahoma is a little bit different. But they’re gonna run, you know, when they Philadelphia, he’s not gonna be able to run the way he was able to run, you know, in those two places, you know, pretty much scot free. Like, he’s a big kid. He’s not he’s a big quarterback, not a little guy. Right. And I don’t think that that offense would work. The way he ran, you know, he’s a better passer now than he was when he’s at Alabama when he got to a much better passer now, but you know, around here, you know, they’re screaming, you know, they want to you know, hey, give the young kid you know, your shot. So, you know, now that you know, that’s starting to pick up steam right here.
Victor Arocho
The problem is when you pay a quarterback that much money, it’s really hard to replace him with anybody. Right? So it’s really hard. I mean, he has to get hurt. Because when Nick foles replaced them he didn’t have 100 million dollar contract. I even close right so that’s the chair. The Eagles put themselves in a bad position. I wonder why they even they drafted him. Well, I don’t understand that just just in case. I mean, that’s kind of terrible for Jalen,
Byron Jones
maybe they want to run like like a like some gimmick offenses people run or you know, you put the quarterback in there and he’s a better runner than wins. And you know, like just gimmicky stuff because you figure Peterson is probably just like, what’s the name Andy Reid, you know, as far as want to run that was Jimmy Connor offenses. And you know, maybe that’s the reason why, you know, they brought him in, you know, to do those things.
Victor Arocho
No, shout out to Justin and his show and Alabama fans and, and Steve brown the crazy comedian there by ready to leave that one alone. So let’s get to Okay, now we got enough of the NFC so you know, things are changing there. But it’s still the the the Giants win this weekend, right? It’ll put them at three and seven. It’ll have the Eagles at three and five and one, so they still got that edge. Would you ever think that a tie would give somebody an edge?
Byron Jones
That’s not to be here. You think somebody’s gonna win a division with six games? Somebody’s gonna be six and 10 to go to the playoffs?
Victor Arocho
Exactly. I can’t imagine that. I don’t like to tie system.
Unknown Speaker
What else can you do? Yeah,
Victor Arocho
I think you I like the way the overtime rules are done. But I think you play until somebody scores. I don’t think you should stop it. I mean, what is that, you know, a tie in football, it’s a battle you win, or you lose
Byron Jones
a combination. When people get hurt. You know, they keep playing and keep playing and keep on can be heard.
Victor Arocho
No way they’re gonna play that much without score, or dent or change the next round to like in college football. Put him at 225.
Byron Jones
Yeah, but you figure if you’re an NFL you should be pretty good. If you’re at the 25 yard line. So if they did that, they will be playing a lot of overtime.
Victor Arocho
Then, but yeah, but you have to score a touchdown. You can’t do feel good, right? I’m just saying there’s Different options. I like what they did. I just don’t i don’t like the tie. I think the tie is terrible.
Byron Jones
Everything else has got a tie you figure you know, hockey when they got high hockey and ice hockey.
Victor Arocho
They don’t have ties in baseball ties in basketball. Right. So the major sports they don’t have tie that ties in tennis. Right. And football never had a tie. Right. So for me, I just don’t like the tie. I think you got to play you. Don’t you say that? Well, maybe they don’t want players get hurt. I could understand. But I don’t believe that why they’re trying to extend the season. They want to extend the playoffs. So how could overtime which is less minutes than an extra game? put you in any worse position than an extra game? Right. I mean, it’s no it’s not about getting hurt is I just don’t understand what they did that for them. There’s no logic in my belief to that.
Byron Jones
You don’t want the fan sitting there now for another two or three hours or whatever. It could be anything. Yeah.
Victor Arocho
Why do you keep going? The fans would love to stay? I think the downside of the fans is that they stopped serving drinks after the third quarter.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, they just you got to get the drink off.
Victor Arocho
And that’s really the end of the day is that they’re collected their quarters over drinks. So you’re watching the game there. But it’s uh, yeah, we’ll see how far we go. We’re halfway through the season. Through the Yeah, through the season. And we got eight games, so it’s just gonna be an interesting, interesting rest, rest of the season for NFC East as bad as they are. But like I said, I’ll take my giants be in the playoffs, no matter what happens. It’s just good experience. And I think sake one Barkley will come back fired up. Because if they made it without him, he’s gonna make sure that he’s worth everything they pay him for.
Byron Jones
Well, you figure they get. Well, again, the top five pick. I’m trying to keep hope alive. Um, I would take the tackle. That’s awful. was his name. Andrew Thomas, moving the guard, and then draft the kid from Oregon to replace him the left tackle.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah. I prefer defensive player. Like you said, I would prefer a defensive player.
Byron Jones
The highest ranked guy is coming out with them from Penn State linebacker Penn State is ranked guy. defensive end from Maryland.
Unknown Speaker
But Ohio State always produces.
Byron Jones
I haven’t heard of any quarterback from again, Alabama. Certain Patrick certeyn. No, you’re right. That’s the son. Yeah, that’s Julius. He learned well from his dad was a great corner as well.
Unknown Speaker
Oh, yeah.
Unknown Speaker
Victor Arocho
so let’s talk a little bit about the AFC East. But once that with the Jets, I am telling you that I was just about to text you to say you got another ofor that you going down. That was the stupidest throw I could ever imagined from a guy who’s been in the league that long and won a Super Bowl from Florida. He lost the game with that interception think I was double coverage. Who do you have on the Jets going to be that great of a deep threat? And you didn’t need to you were winning?
Byron Jones
I don’t know. Well, maybe he just resorted back to the reason why, you know, he’s a backup plan for the Jets after Baltimore Ravens got rid of them. There’s a reason why, you know, he’s put, I think it was Denver for the reasons why he’s on a second team. And well, 313 because basically now at this point in time, his career is back up. And you know, it is what it is.
Victor Arocho
But he’s been elite for quite some time and came anyway to Glen Davis School. Didn’t he go? He went to Delaware. University, Delaware. He’s been elite for quite some time. He’s been in the league for nine years now. That’s when he was married. So why did he come into the league rookie year? 2008. So he’s been in league for 12 years.
Byron Jones
Although he’s on the downside of his career now. That’s why he’s with the Jets. Yeah, for Sam. He got poor Sam Donald. Yeah, he’s, he’s a wasting waiting till Trevor Lawrence comes. And you know, takes his job if Trevor Lawrence comes out, because hopefully he won’t try and pull up Eli Manning, and not want to play for them.
Victor Arocho
I hope so. I wouldn’t. And look, I’ll be honest with you. Um, Sam, Donald’s a pretty good quarterback. It may be beneficial for him to leave town.
Byron Jones
I can see him leaving and ended up in New England.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, that would be a good fit.
Byron Jones
I don’t think the Jets would trade him directly to New England. So next year knows like, Man, look, this guy you know, he’s gonna be up To work aside for the next 10 years or so, somehow that would be a good fit for him, you know, with that opposite coordinator McDaniels up there.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, I don’t think that they would just would have to be really dumb or get massive amount of return to trade Assam, dar darnold to the Patriots, right? You need we, the AFC East teams need to keep those patriots down as much as possible. Because the second you give belcheck a chance to start rebuilding, right? He’s gonna rebuild again. Right? Or he’s gonna get out. He’s gonna leave, we’ll see what as almost 70 years old, so
Byron Jones
you know, how long does he want to hang in there? another five years now the three, he probably wants to try and win one more. Yeah, would you know, just to prove that he can do it without that guy?
Unknown Speaker
I don’t believe he’s gonna win. Without him. Yeah.
Unknown Speaker
It depends on the quarterback he
Victor Arocho
gets, I just don’t think he’s gonna win. I just his defense has not been playing well, his defense is awful. And it’s never been awful. And, you know, even my son made a comment goes well, that they always had great defenses. And then when he was right, but during that 10 year run, it was pretty balanced to where the defense was to where the offense was. Now the defense, you know, over whatever period of time that was, you know, the defense had a slight edge, but it wasn’t as dominant as you may think, you know, let’s say 20 years, whatever it is that they were, it may have been like eight to 12. And, you know, that’s, that’s great for a defense but doesn’t mean that that’s what one it for you. Your offense was doing pretty well. And their when their defense was up there, their offense was also up there. It’s just the defense was higher ranked. So I just, you know, their offensive goals, it is what it is. But they’re you know, he’s a defensive coach, and they’re playing good. Defense is terrible.
Byron Jones
He doesn’t have he doesn’t have the Vince wolf marks. They don’t have the yellow lock the teddy brewskis. And, you know, Willie McGinest and you know, those guys, that they used to have you a lot of like borderline Hall of Famers that they had. And they just don’t have those guys on defense.
Victor Arocho
Right. But a lot of those guys came from another team.
Byron Jones
Who else who’s gonna trade? Anybody that’s halfway decent to the New England Patriots? to help them? Nobody? No, no, he’s bamboozled and hoodwinked people for 20 years, as far as you know, getting, you know, players from other teams, and then re vevo for April. Yeah. Got him from I think was a Pittsburgh and came there and look what he did for three Super Bowls, or two or three, what do you got with them? So, now, people are not going to trade people that they think are there, you know, what nobody does is just load up on draft picks, you know, if they got a high pick, you know, they’ll know like a number 10. They’ll drop down, get more pigs drop down, get more pigs, next, you know, they’re out of the first round, but then they got a whole bunch of, you know, picks in the second, third, fourth rounds, you know, where sometimes, you know, that’s where you make your money with those second, third and fourth round picks too.
Victor Arocho
I mean, I don’t know if I’m correct. I have to check my numbers, but I don’t think like variable and brewski and all those guys. were originally patriots. I think they came most of them came from somewhere else.
Byron Jones
Their baby name is the head coach of the Tennessee rainbow. Yeah, he Yeah, I think Pittsburgh.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah. tedy Bruschi get the cat name somewhere else from Where else?
Byron Jones
Live? McGinnis was there wolfer he was drafted by them. The big two real big one that came from Georgia. Um, I can’t think of his name six. They traded him to the Raiders. Oh, I can’t think he’s a he’s gonna be a Hall of Famer
Victor Arocho
then so that now let’s get you this continue with the East right. Uh, what do I have here? the Buffalo Bills looked great the other day.
Byron Jones
I told you they were gonna be Seattle. You Yeah.
Victor Arocho
I think a it’s the league is crazy this year, and it wasn’t
Byron Jones
even close. But then Seattle’s defense like they said all week is then historically that the defense usually your legion of boom, or Doom or whatever they call it, so they’re done. Though they got the one good corner Christian and Bobby Wagner and a good linebacker. But for some reason, their defense is awful. Like, like, awful and I guess what’s the name on the little guy? Wilson Wilson, you know, figures he’s got to put up 40 points every game you know for them to win the game because you know, the defensive been that bad.
Victor Arocho
That’s a lot of pressure to win on a quarterback because you’re counting and you’re you know Football is a big football is a game of everyone has to do their job, right. So your specialty from specialty teams to major offense in the major defense and if they’re not doing their jobs when it counts, right? It’s a problem and when too much is placed on the quarterback, and he’s doing a great job with that. It’s just you know, how long can you continue that?
Byron Jones
He’s been like that, you know, they finally got one piece, that big, giant, huge, wide receiver, they finally got a piece on offense. But then you figure for the last five years, you know, he’s had to carry, you know, that offenses. That team goes as he goes, if he doesn’t do well, most likely they’re gonna lose. But you know, their problem is on defense. And you figure I’m Pete Carroll’s a defensive guy. So you know, I don’t know what the problem is, though, that, you know, they can’t stop anybody. Or just you’re getting older. You know, maybe that’s it, you know, you know, Wagner young couple of guys have been there for a while. But defensively, they’re terrible. But you have to give kudos to the Buffalo Bills, because they’re pretty good. They’re not that quarterback is
Unknown Speaker
Gosh, well,
Byron Jones
yeah, yeah, big quarterback.
Victor Arocho
I’m just trying to look at one of my taxes that I had sent out, regarding um, should I remember, I got I can’t remember the team or play. But I made a comment regarding man who was it was either, I don’t know, long story short, is you know how Metcalf made that phenomenal player chasing that guy down. But they made no reference to a receiver who was running. David made no reference to a receiver that ran all the way down the field and made that last block. For the guy to score, I’ll find that up. And, you know, hopefully, before the show’s over, I look at the text is what I said. But to me, that was just as impressive if not more impressive, because he ran all the way down the field. That last block was what, let the guy score. So I just got to remember what it is. And to me, I like seeing that, like that extra hustle. I, um, if I could find it, but to me, you know, I think the they got to give credit everywhere else. I think what he did was phenomenal. DJ MC D DJ. And, but they seem to forget these other pieces. You know, one thing I wanted to tell you that I think is still bad. You know, we’re talking about an offensively. But the the passing of parents seems to be so erratic, it’s not consistent. It’s bad. I mean, it’s either it’s either a really bad obvious call, or they missed it, or they called it incorrectly. It’s, I don’t understand why pass interference is so difficult for these reps. That’s why we need Benny back on. I just don’t understand, because some of it is like,
Byron Jones
well, you figure the speed of the game, how fast these guys are gone now. And you’ll usually BANG BANG real quick. And it’s like, you know, these guys got a split second, you know, to make a decision.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, but I’m okay with that. It just to me, there’s some of them that are way more obvious than before. Right? I mean, everybody’s human people make mistakes. Right, but, and you’re right, the speed of the game. I just think they’re making some bad stuff. The dolphins Right, so the bills are doing well. And I knew that they would do well. And I like Josh Allen, but let’s talk a little bit about because we always brought him up and it’s somehow down here and he’s an Alabama boy for everybody else out there but to his second start 248 yards to TVs. 00. interception, I think had like 123 passer rating you know, from a 93 yards and when TD to that game, you know, I was pretty impressive.
Byron Jones
It opened the book, they open a book a little bit more, you know, figured by him being the number one guy now he’s going to get more reps, you know, so that he could actually see what he can he can do and then tailor it to whatever, you know, game plan they have, you know, to for him and you see some some of them close, you know, they’re kind of impressive. The one touchdown a quarter that was he looked like he was backing back in with the Crimson Tide throwing that one pass. I was like wow, look at this. It’s kind of impressive. This guy. Yeah, he had some zip on the ball. And then you figure you know, he was hurt last year didn’t play. So eventually, you know he’s gonna get more I guess what do you want to strength you know, he’s got you know, he’s gonna be able to run the way you used to. It’s not like he’s a Kyler Murray or one of those kind of guys. You know, you got to run for 240 and take off but you know, he does have a little more Wiggle yo to him Where? You know, he can’t get away. He’s got he did show that, you know a little bit, you know the last game? Yeah, he has
Victor Arocho
good escape ability. And he’s able to see it and he did a good job of throwing the ball away. Yeah. You know, he did do a good job and doing that. So it goes back to what I said, What’s looking right now that I was thought was a bad idea is starting to turn into a good idea. Let’s see if it turns into a great idea.
Unknown Speaker
Oh, no, you did it now.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, look, I’ll admit it, because I just always feel with guys winning, you know, why take them out. But you bet flopper flip flop. No. And I said it from the beginning, that this could be a bad idea. That turns into a great idea. But right now, for me at that moment was a bad idea. Right? So, you know, I want us and I want to see to do well, I just was like, I don’t know, I just kind of felt like I’ve seen Fitzpatrick do well with like Buffalo, but then I’ve seen him, like fizz out at other times as well. Right. And then also the way they handled it, you know, I wanted to ask you to is that we talked about to his strength and so forth. So how did you see that was there? And I don’t want to just give it globally? Because otherwise, you know, we I’m gonna ask you a question. You answer it the way you want. You know, the strength coaches and conditioning from major D one schools to when you got to the NFL?
Unknown Speaker
difference? Yeah. Is
Victor Arocho
there a slight difference?
Byron Jones
hos a big difference. The big difference, you know, you know, tall Sonia, why play? You know, it was our more heavy weights, a lot of heavy weights, a lot of conditioning, we’ve ran, we’ve ran and ran and ran, you know, until you threw out, you know, kind of thing. And a lot of power lifting a lot of bench presses, you know, Kurt, you know, all that stuff. But everything was heavy that we did, you know, the once we got out, I got to the next level when I got drafted working out, you know, up there, it was more, you know, flexibility, more more speed. Now, because it’s a big difference to speed at the NFL level than one where I came from, because I played the senior bowl as well. And the difference when I played a Tulsa, that when I got to the senior bowl, and when I got to Minnesota, it was a big difference is speed. And you know, everybody y’all was everybody’s either Allstate all American or whatever. And it’s just, you know, they put in the work, you know, whoever works the hardest, you know, as far as you know, lifting the weights and running, you know, all the little things you have to do to be great. You know, that’s what these guys at that level we’re doing?
Victor Arocho
Well, the reason I bring that up is that’s going to help to, right from his recovery, to be stronger to do a lot more things, right. Because if it’s migrating in that, as you said, and you know, strength conditioning coaches are great in D one, there’s no confusion. And obviously, each level you go up, but I think that’s a good point to say that, you know, if he gets through this year, you know, God willing, he’s just gonna get better and stronger.
Byron Jones
Look at Daniel Jones. Same thing with the game. What do you love to keep thinking? They said, We like to 25 it’s like 235 245 is big. He’s not a little guy. He’s a big you can see the difference with him. When you look at him last year. You look at him this year. Yeah, he’s he’s a little bit bigger. Right.
Victor Arocho
And as long as you’re not running for a long stretch, yeah.
Unknown Speaker
stumble, stumble, Fall Fall slide,
Unknown Speaker
though. I’m sorry that that was I think it goes back to he was just so excited. He didn’t know what to do.
Victor Arocho
But that was funny. Well, you know, I’m happy to see that with two. There’s a lot of dolphin fans out here. It’s gonna be tough with the bills. But again, I like Florida, he’s done a great job. You know, he’s done that defense is looking good.
Byron Jones
And they’re going to be even better next year, because they’re going to have I think they have a Euston, Texas pick, and right now, Houston, Texas picks is a top 10 pick. So they’re gonna have a top 10 pick and then wherever they’re gonna end up in the draft, and they’ve accumulated a lot of pics, you know, the last two or three years, you know, doing you know, whatever they were doing, and now it was all gonna pay off when you start getting these guys to build around to
Victor Arocho
let me tell you that their defense is playing an excellent I mean, they’ve every game they’ve they’ve stepped up you know? That’s number one, which is impressive. For the dolphins and then two. This is probably the best pic I’ve seen them make in the entire 20 years I’ve been down here so far.
Byron Jones
Are you thinking a candidate couldn’t mess up just remember to stay Patrick Ram. Where was he from? Miami.
Victor Arocho
The Giants deepens coordinator. Now many players are with other teams that were x. Dolphin and are like phenomenal.
Byron Jones
It was a fire sale there get rid of people they want to pigs get rid of
Victor Arocho
this system was just terrible and then back in the NFC East with the poor jets about boy Richie out there. Vargas shout out to him gazes gotta go, you know, he may have talent in some aspect of coaching. It ain’t head coach.
Byron Jones
Well, like Justin said last time, what did he say? He said he would take him to whatever job interview because for some reason, he’s selling whatever he’s selling to them and they’re hiring this guy. And they keep doing it they kind of they need to five days they just like I said before the gym and the equipment manager everybody just fired all and you know, maybe even sell the team because the owner team’s been the ambassador to England or Ireland for the last two or three years sell the team you know to somebody that’s gonna be around and you know, fix this mess because this this is a New York area they shouldn’t be as bad as they are.
Victor Arocho
No, no, what’s weird though, is he got fired from a from the dolphins in this same division. And then you pick him up as a head coach.
Byron Jones
He’s a good salesman, whatever he told that’s what he saw.
Unknown Speaker
You let a shitty coach go into the same shitty you know, in the same division and you picked up you saw what you were playing against?
Byron Jones
He finally said that you know what I know you guys have a franchise quarterback. You know, I could work with him. You know, I could do this. I could do that that that did that he probably said that and sold the fact that they could fix Sam Parnell and guess what? It take a nuclear bomb to blow it all up and start over again.
Victor Arocho
There was like he said the enemy there’s so many better coaches out there that should
Byron Jones
look after the coordinator. His name came up another Here we go again. Another Alabama guy. Table Brian table. I think his name is the opposite coordinator for an arm. Buffalo. So he’s in the mix of there. So they threw his name out there as far as one of the ones that should get a job and somebody jobs open. Oh,
Victor Arocho
yeah. I just never understand when the when the head coaches are going within the same conference. This like, if you didn’t do well in that team on the same conference, you know, I guess there’s some because you know, the teams who you’re playing against, but I just think that’s terrible. All righty. Well, yeah.
Byron Jones
I like when I turn around and traded Don Wagner from the Eagles for Washington Redskins, same division
Victor Arocho
and he came back and crushed them
Byron Jones
and then he fell apart after that.
Victor Arocho
But you know, at that time he was already coming down and his career you know, it just I think Donovan they did him bad.
Unknown Speaker
But it did hit him bad. I
Victor Arocho
was just terrible. All right. What about Tulsa Tulsa do this week how we didn’t play
Byron Jones
this week? Oh, games they move back to whenever so they play SMU to number 19 right team coming up Saturday.
Victor Arocho
What is Tulsa? Tulsa is 15
Byron Jones
out of nothing now we got dropped you know didn’t play a game but we still dropped
Unknown Speaker
because you didn’t play a game yet right where yet?
Byron Jones
Right off the polls. Not even not even a top 25
Unknown Speaker
you guys were a 15 were you
Byron Jones
like 15 but two weeks ago yeah.
Victor Arocho
I like I don’t like that when they do that. How do you drop because you didn’t play?
Byron Jones
How do you not how are you not playing a bowl game where you wouldn’t take games we want everyone
Victor Arocho
that was that was when you had a you didn’t have white whiskers?
Byron Jones
Yeah, no, no long time ago when we were 10 or one eight and three and six and five and we didn’t go anywhere we hear it every show.
Unknown Speaker
I will
Victor Arocho
pull the ball it’s not a show I think I haven’t you ever told us we were
Unknown Speaker
gonna harp on that until the day I died.
Unknown Speaker
Okay, well you tell some people you got to be proud you got a great representative because he’s got blessing lives forever. But he’s gonna take that to
Unknown Speaker
take it with me.
Victor Arocho
Who lives here great father’s dead brother at that era and never made it to a bowl It was a bowl game. Anyone know bowl game?
Unknown Speaker
damn thing,
Unknown Speaker
so they’re gonna play at SMU.
Byron Jones
That’s pretty good night there. Yeah ranked 19
Victor Arocho
Well, they beat them they should come back in the top 25
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, they should but
Byron Jones
Lord knows what’s gonna happen. monsoon rain or whatever. Yeah, I’m still gonna ride with those golden hurricanes. I don’t flip flop with them.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I could tell 10 to one no boat.
Unknown Speaker
That’s right. No boat.
Victor Arocho
Hey, you know before we get into some of the other pieces, and we’ll be wrapping this up. Um, I wanted to talk to you about what do you think happened with Brady this weekend and and the bucks that just disintegrated against the saints. The Saints beat them twice.
Byron Jones
The saints have a pretty good defense.
Victor Arocho
But what happened was they also added Tonio Brown. So I mean, but he,
Byron Jones
he really wasn’t a factor at all. Not, not what, because if you’re getting played in one to two years, or however long he’s been playing gronkowski looks kind of he looks slower. He doesn’t look. Well, he wasn’t like the, you know, I don’t know, I called the hundred yard dash winner or whatever now. And for somebody who’s not going to him as much as he used to, for Mike Evans, the other receivers, I guess, he’s been there for a while. He’s been the guy, you know, 567 years, however long been there. So I guess he wants to try to get him the ball. So he doesn’t complain. But then, you know, Godwin has been hurt. I guess he hasn’t played in a while. But it’s just weird. You know, he has all these different pieces to the puzzle, and he just not where it needs to be. Oh,
Victor Arocho
it’s you know, he’s everybody’s entitled to a bad game. But remember, gronk was more utilized, um, in the red zone. Right? He was a really, he’s utilized in the games, but his biggest asset was, you know, the quarterback to tight end touchdown ratio. I mean, they’re up there. They’re pretty high. And he’s already did he have a touchdown last week? No, that would have been the third weekend in a row, a third week in a row, which he had a touchdown. Brady over a bait Brady also overthrew him when he was open. So it’s either Brady overthrew him or he was too slow.
Unknown Speaker
But he’s also getting a lot of pressure. So. So usually, you know, he gets pressure, you know, you get pressure, like up the middle, you know, in his face kind of thing. You know, he’s gonna get kind of, he gets a little jittery out there. You know, like, when the ends come up, and, you know, he steps up, you know, he’s pretty good. But if he can get the space, you know, he have issue sometimes as far as trying to complete a path.
Unknown Speaker
Right, right.
Victor Arocho
I also look at it is maybe add an Antonio Brown, obviously, you want to add them early, but sometimes I think when you just add a good player, it turns out that chemistries loses fast. Right, you know, you start thinking let me let me get some to Antonia brown and you’re making not as good at decisions as you would have made right. Um, and I’m not I’m still not convinced with Bruce Arians, you know, I mean, you’ve told me some things I didn’t know about them, but I just, you know, you know, Brady through how many interceptions, three, he threw three interceptions. Right. And I just, you know, remember, Winston also threw 30 touchdowns and 30 interceptions. So there’s got to be, you know, areas has got to take some responsibility on that.
Byron Jones
Right. He’s got a field plan and he also has a guy that’s been playing for 20 years. Yeah, but he’s calling the plays.
Unknown Speaker
Byron Jones
he’s supposed to complete the play. why he’s doing pretty much the same thing. But he’s off as a coordinator at Pittsburgh. He wants to he wants to chuck it deep. You know, as much as he can. Instead of relying on you know, setting it up at the running game. He has good backs you got shady McCoy for neck and levy on Bell and Ronald Jones. They got all the three and they
Unknown Speaker
got levy on bell.
Byron Jones
They got fourth No, no let me he went to Kansas City. They got three good running backs. So why is it you figured you got shady McCoy is good at catching you know catch a ball out of the backfield. Ronald Jones is probably their best like a you know, the best back and the other guy is on
Victor Arocho
for that. Bell went to Kansas City was wrong. Hi, we got a caller in who’s uh,
Unknown Speaker
who do we have the pleasure to have on on? What’s going on guys? To me Santiago.
Victor Arocho
Hey, Santiago. How you doing? Santiago is the leader of the sports cast. He’s our producer.
Unknown Speaker
How are you? executive producer,
Victor Arocho
executive producer?
Unknown Speaker
I get the final say that show gets cancelled or not? cancelled and I
Unknown Speaker
appreciate it. What do you thought? What are your thoughts? gize? Philly.
Unknown Speaker
What are you? What was that?
Victor Arocho
You pick a giants Philly.
Unknown Speaker
I think I do it though. I got your question. I think it probably the Eagles. I really do think they’re gonna beat the giants. Well,
Victor Arocho
you got we got me and Byron got giants. You got the Eagles. What do you think happened to Brady this week? And we were just talking about? Well, first of all, I mean, I wanted to welcome to the show with Well, I’ll
Unknown Speaker
talk about Brady and then I’ll ask you guys another question. I think is Brady has issues with the saints. I guess it’s just a matchup issue. Before that he was fine. Yeah, they were rolling. They’re rolling. Yeah. So I mean, look. bucks have to pray that they don’t face this. In the playoffs.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, that’s true.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah. So you know, and keep in mind the the Bucs can beat the Packers. They can Yes. Yeah, they can so I’ve seen like the only had to worry about it’s probably Seattle and New Orleans.
Byron Jones
Well, Seattle’s awful defensively they’re terrible.
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, so maybe the Bucs might have a good shot with it with with the Seahawks. But when it comes to the saints, it’s been proven they cannot be the same. At least for the season.
Victor Arocho
No, it’s funny going into the season before it started. You know, we were talking about the the books and in that division, you know, we were thinking about late It’s not gonna be that easy. You got the saints, you know, you have Atlanta. Right. And you know, Panthers, yeah. And then they just disintegrated those two teams. So which is which is good for the books. So what’s your question?
Unknown Speaker
Who do you got between the Colts and tonight? The Yeah, the next Thursday Night Football.
Unknown Speaker
Colton, who
Unknown Speaker
i think i think is Tennessee, Tennessee. Titans Tennessee Titans to playing in Tennessee, in Nashville,
Unknown Speaker
Tennessee, Tennessee,
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
And will the dolphins be the Chargers this weekend?
Victor Arocho
And now Who are you picking? First of all? Oh,
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
I’m probably going for the Titans. I’m like, huge. Henry thing. Oh, Henry. Byron, too. I hear her burns a huge Derrick Henry fan.
Byron Jones
Oh, yeah. Another Alabama guy. Oh, they’re killing me but it’s Alabama stuff.
Victor Arocho
He’s just the brow fan. We’ll talk about that later.
Unknown Speaker
as well. I’m not Justin Riley. Justin Riley is a huge Alabama fan MC brown fan.
Victor Arocho
Yeah, just adjusted Joe Justin, who you know mentioned his Alabama guys, but he’s pretty objective. Right? I mean, he’ll bring up some good pieces. But Alabama produces a lot of great NFL players. It’s kind of hard to argue. You know,
Unknown Speaker
I know they do more than Oregon. Yeah.
Victor Arocho
But I guess I should do I think the dolphins will be San Diego. That’s my fault.
Unknown Speaker
I mean, sorry, la chargers not being de la erber vs two watts. I go lower. And I use matchup Byron
Byron Jones
Yes it is. Where they find Los Angeles.
Unknown Speaker
In Los Angeles at $6 billion stadium
Byron Jones
I’m going with Justin the god it could have been the New York Giants quarterback I mean it came out last year
Victor Arocho
I’m going with the dolphins I’m going to I think two is going to I just think he’s personality everything and then the charges are finding ways to lose
Byron Jones
if they didn’t close the game they lost close
Victor Arocho
you got a kid that’s throwing 300 yards a game and losing Yeah, I mean that’s that’s a problem in the in the team right 300 yards and losing dude that’s that’s you know, Brady wins with 160 yards.
Unknown Speaker
guys keep in mind that adults can make the playoffs this year. Yeah. To one with 98 yards
Victor Arocho
the dolphins can What are you saying the dolphins can What?
Unknown Speaker
The dolphins can can make the playoffs this year?
Victor Arocho
Yeah, I think they got a they got a good shot to make the playoffs. Yeah, I mean you know and see what happens with with buffalo too. But yeah, they got a shot. I don’t think there’s any reason I think their defense is fun. I like boring. fleurs like I said earlier as a defensive play. Fantastic. And then we were just talking about he threw 248 yards and two TVs and zero touchdowns and he had 123 passer rating. So he was
Unknown Speaker
like the reason why I’m saying that is because the Patriots are tanking right now they’re not going to make the playoffs. I mean, they’re out.
Victor Arocho
Now. Yeah, they’re done. They’re rebuilding. They’re tanking for Byron. Lauren, you just mentioned a pic Who did you pick the charges? Or did you keep asking us You never make a pick?
Unknown Speaker
I wouldn’t say the dolphin. I think dolphins are in a momentum role. The charges are good. I think the best case scenario be a tie game dolphins winning by three. That’s what I’m thinking. But we’ll see. I mean, Justin Herbert does have better receivers, so it could be a factor. Hold on. We got another caller. Okay.
Victor Arocho
Welcome to the Jones and a roadshow sports show. Who do we have the pleasure of having got our phone today?
Unknown Speaker
None other than the legend, the host of the rally in constant
Unknown Speaker
Well, y’all dropped a lot of Alabama talk tonight. Guys are killing it in the pros. And I heard Santiago, the executive, the executive producer of the sports guy, talking about Alabama and maybe an objective.
Unknown Speaker
No, no.
Victor Arocho
Timeout. Justice. I said you were talking sports. Santiago said you’re not objective. Right. And I did Cano, your boy Brown, they’re not objective.
Unknown Speaker
They’re not objective. I mean, if someone thinks neck Jones can make the Heisman, that’s not objective. Obviously, if you can’t say that Matt Jones is deserving of the number one spot right now for the Heisman Trophy race. You don’t watch football because that man is dropping dimes and he’s putting some balls in the air. They just are absolutely amazing. Yeah, I get it. He has probably the best receivers in the country. But somebody has to deliver ball to those guys and he’s doing it with authority. And I honestly don’t feel like there’s anybody else right now who’s doing better than he is. But how many guys are on me like I had an opposition. How many guys are ahead of what now? How many guys are are like, head of neck Jones? well as in the voting no one but as far as total passing yards. I mean, you may have the kid out of BYU and maybe Kyle Trask, only because Caltrans has had the luxury of playing an extra game you know, we’re off two weeks. So
Victor Arocho
all right, Miss Alabama. Let me ask you a question. Who do you have the dolphins over to charge?
Unknown Speaker
Victor candy coffee honest with you. You know, I really out of college football. I
Victor Arocho
get on his show. I talk college football. This is the second day I let you guys come in. But this is our show. So you pick
Unknown Speaker
charts. Alright, come dance your yummy right now. That’s your question right now. To your point Victor’s you mentioned earlier, the defense of the dolphins are just absolutely nasty. And they’ve done it back to back games and they just are terrorizing people and it’s just amazing. The complete turnaround because they used to be absolutely horrible. Statistically, they were awful. They were they were dirty you you number 32 who’s your pants the run better off I feel like based on what I’m seeing right now. The evolution of tour I feel like the dolphins will have the edge I think there’ll be a close game it’s I think it’s gonna be a shootout but I thought the dolphins will have this buyer pick it up shoot out it’s gonna be
Victor Arocho
charge so Byron you remember this one thing about the Chargers? Either they got some incredible system and wherever they plug in there because you know Philip Rivers did well 50 something thousand yards there, right? And then back in our time. Remember Dan Fouts those guys used to put a 4060 points in a Na Na rough defensive league.
Unknown Speaker
Good weapon.
Victor Arocho
Right they but here’s the put up points but then they don’t points and they will lose. So I just think that I don’t know what it is with the charges. That’s where I thought Brady was gonna go. But uh, you know, I’m picking you know, I picked Davos because I think the dolphins are defensive play. Well, I think to step it up, and I do think Justin harbor is doing everything he can, but at 300 yards a game and they’re still losing, they just seem to find ways to lose. That’s why I’m picking.
Byron Jones
I think I’m this week is gonna be closed, but he’s gonna break through Justin Herbie.
Victor Arocho
I like I like that kid, man. He’s a and look. I mean, tell you some we were talking about the Heisman last year on the sports cast. And we were talking about Justin Herbert and we were talking about Joe burrows. Remember that Santiago?
Unknown Speaker
I remember that show very clearly. It was on December 19. December 19 2019.
Victor Arocho
I remember that the fact that nobody else could be exact.
Unknown Speaker
Wrong. I know he
Victor Arocho
was on the show, but you can throw out any date like who’s gonna go back to like the podcast on that date? So like, Good try.
Unknown Speaker
I hear a show I hear. You don’t even remember last week’s
Victor Arocho
show up. Preston said that. So remember, every detail and read the transcript. I pick Joe burrows over her but I didn’t know of Herbert. You guys brought him up and then I thought he was very well.
Unknown Speaker
I pay the sportscast. predict like the next big quarterback.
Victor Arocho
Job, only because of what happened, what they were the analyst or reporter had stated that they were talking to him after a game, a Byron, and they are here. They were trying to talk to a receiver after the game. They said, Hold on, because after a game, we go over, Joe brings us back over, and we start throwing, running, you know, running more plays, running some stuff, and then we’ll come over. And that was pretty impressive for me for someone to keep pushing, who was his first year right? at a new school. And that showed Yeah,
Unknown Speaker
cuz he was a transfer and had a good one year wonder. And now this year, he’s I mean, he’s living up to the expectations. I mean, even Justin Riley is kind of surprised. He didn’t he’s not able to.
Unknown Speaker
Because, you know,
Unknown Speaker
I’m impressed. I’m impressed with Joe burrow, stemming from the fact that he’s able to put up these stats with absolutely nothing around him. I know. That’s a loser quarterback. Who’s the wide receiver. AJ green is injured. Right?
Unknown Speaker
So when he
Unknown Speaker
sees that he stays on? A lot of games. Is he a guy? Who’s that AJ green, AJ green? No, Georgia boy. Okay.
Byron Jones
Just here’s my question, Justin, since I got blew up the other. Are you ready? Yeah. What? The Alabama dominant defenses from the years What’s going on?
Unknown Speaker
Oh, man, you know if I can answer that question right now. I’ll be coaching there. Defense right now? Well, you know, I will say you know that the game has evolved considerably, but it doesn’t excuse the fact that we’re missing tackles. We’re at a position you know, we are seemingly lost in plays. There’s a lot of standing around waiting for players to make moves instead of attacking. And then, but also to the coaching side of things. As a coach on the coaching side of things we’ve had, how many defensive coordinators are coaches over the past quarter past five years. It’s a constant carousel, but it doesn’t make up for the fact that you know, we can score 40 points a game but then we’ll give up 40 points a game that’s just not Alabama standard. And it has to be coach NASA do not buy into what Pete Golding is doing there. And I have not seen I’ve seen a little bit of improvement this year, but I still feel like there’s a lot to be desired and the fact is, we are playing better defensively. But this go ahead and be honest I’m gonna be objective here. We haven’t played against a good quarterback yet. You know, that’s what they did want to piggyback I’m gonna piggyback what Justin said, what they
Victor Arocho
did was incredible. And now
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, but But wait a second, Victor. Georges Georgia had a great defense. And they had all their players healthy defensively in that game. However, Stetson Bennett is not elite man. He is it? Yeah, they’re quarterbacks. That’s a minute. That are elite. he’s a he’s a he was a fourth string walk home before the season. And I mean, he he’s serviceable, but he’s not elite. Now you put somebody in there with a towel, say like a Trevor Lawrence. Man. That’s a totally different game. You keep the country. Oh, yeah, we can keep up with them all offensively. But defense man, it may have been a little bit different. And piggyback Oh, hold on one second.
Victor Arocho
Do we were talking about strength coaches. Justin’s a strength coach.
Unknown Speaker
Physical, right, just
Unknown Speaker
Yeah, I’ve done that. I do power lifting done by building up done at all. I have worked with athletes. Yes. So I’ve dabbled about in every arena within the fitness industry. Right. And by
Victor Arocho
that he’s not on here to doubt you to tell him what we are. You’re playing size was and you’re you’re 40
Byron Jones
Oh my son. Let’s see Becca. I was 290 pounds or three or 478 40 Pro day in Tulsa.
Unknown Speaker
And how tall are you?
Unknown Speaker
Six Five.
Unknown Speaker
That’s a big boy.
Unknown Speaker
That’s that’s Wow. That’s Wow, that’s incredible, dude. Congrats on that.
Victor Arocho
Guys to realize the size of someone who’s that fast keto. Yeah, and run and you can’t even make fun of him cuz he’s gonna catch you. Oh, I just saved back, it was at San Diego,
Unknown Speaker
back to the Alabama defense, and I had to give credit to our other sports. Taz interpreter. Mr. Ty Turner. I do think it comes down Nick Saban. I think he’s been I’ve been like a CEO role. And and I kind of just did probably, like, we would probably agree with me on that. I think he’s not been able to lead the beast, I mean, hire a good defensive coordinator with experience. He’s been hiring like a bunch of freshmen coaches. Hey, quit that role. But well,
Victor Arocho
the longevity of just the coaches with Alabama,
Unknown Speaker
not very long, because as soon as as soon as they begin to get a little bit of success, they use that they use the Alabama name to get a head coaching job and they’re gone. Or to go to the pros, like a couple of previous coaches have. But yeah. I mean, any coach in any case can probably be at
Victor Arocho
ease everybody, everything out of somebody. Right. But to the point that you could squeeze them so hard to someone to deal with it. You’re there for like Justin just said, you’re there for a stepping stone to move forward. Right. Like a lot of coaches go to programs so they can get to the next programs that they’re briber Yeah, right. And then they leave you’re like Jimbo Fisher did demise Florida stay I hate him.
Unknown Speaker
I mean, it. You know, you don’t have very many cases like Brent Venables. at Clemson where he’s arguably one of the best defensive coordinators. They could get a head coaching position anywhere. But he stayed he stayed at Clemson for 10 plus years. That doesn’t happen. Anywhere else you have to get some guys are competing for the title. Who our top five finishers year after year. They’re going to use it like Victor said as a springboard and go somewhere else. They won’t be head coaches. They won’t be the do
Victor Arocho
or they want they want NFS experience on their resume to get a head coaching job. Maybe
Byron Jones
have a look at it. Saban he didn’t tell y’all he started what Kent State and worked his way all the way up to where he is now. So they all do it.
Unknown Speaker
And he came to me.
Unknown Speaker
Wow. Yeah. Can’t stay.
Unknown Speaker
I don’t know that.
Victor Arocho
Schools. I mean, even NBA coaches, none. You know, it’s not like they were all at big schools. No, yeah, they got to go through like Ball State or something. Yeah. And remember when you start off and you start off as a coach in college, man, you’re just a road warrior. You know, they’re not paying you Well, today. They live on the trailer. Yeah, you gotta live out of our
Unknown Speaker
car. Right?
Byron Jones
Look at the guy on the D for the quarter.
Unknown Speaker
Byron Jones
I got was, I think it was 1.5 million or whatever, as a coordinator where he’s making some crazy amount of money to stay there.
Unknown Speaker
Well, the coaches,
Victor Arocho
the assistant coaches for Alabama are all over 500 grand
Unknown Speaker
All right. That’s a lot of money golden makes like three that like about three k per day too much too dang much. I’d be doing what he’s doing. If I thought
Victor Arocho
that the coaching back when we were going up would get to where it is. I would have stayed in football coach. You know, it’s like,
Unknown Speaker
none of them were really the duty
Victor Arocho
that you had to do to get to that level. You know, none of them making any money now they’re all made me
Unknown Speaker
look at Dabo Sweeney, man. He started at Alabama making 36,000 a year
Unknown Speaker
as assistant, I’m looking at him now. Yeah, but before that he was somewhere else making nothing probably throughout he was a grad assist system for
Unknown Speaker
an echo
Unknown Speaker
ahead buyer.
Byron Jones
When I was in military I made two grand a year so
Unknown Speaker
go with him.
Unknown Speaker
Hello, everybody knows he muted me man.
Unknown Speaker
I’m trying to get new whoever was making that noise in the background that
Unknown Speaker
might be me cuz I’m in my car, so I might be making some noises. I don’t know. make any noise? No. He’s at home watching the Hallmark Channel, man. I’m
Unknown Speaker
watching the Christmas. No.
Unknown Speaker
That’s right.
Victor Arocho
All right. So listen. We’re gonna start wrapping this up and I’m gonna mention a few things. But real quick, you know, I usually mentioned your show, Justin. Justin, why don’t you tell a little bit about your show real quick and then I’ll talk about Ty Turner or I’ll let you San Diego and then start wrapping this up.
Unknown Speaker
He’s got a great show every Monday night at 10pm. Eastern. Okay, good. You said your parks ahead, Justin. Yeah, Matt, first of all, thank you for giving me the platform to talk about our show is the rollin constant shows every Tuesday nights at 6pm Central 7pm. Eastern. It’s me with former Alabama all sec linebacker Marvin constant. We also have comedian Steve brown on there regularly. And then I’ll go with the brown. We will also have on each week, former alabama football legends at each position and we’ll talk about their careers. We’ll get their take on the team currently. We’ll also recap Alabama from the previous game and then we’ll make some predictions and give shout out to other shows a lot of fun. What I like about it is you got four players on there who give us a unique perspective and insight perspective to the game that a lot of us armchair quarterbacks think we have figured out but they gave us the real dirt. And it’s really cool to hear what they had to say and, and enlightening us on what really is happening within the game. Also, too, we get to find out some cool facts about more players that you know whenever new so it’s a lot of fun. Maybe too much fun at times. But yeah, check it out. You don’t even have to be an Alabama fan blog it you know, we are constantly having a good time. But let me warn you if you’re not an Alabama fan, you got three people jumping all over you.
Unknown Speaker
I found that out.
Victor Arocho
St. Brown is funny, but let me tell you that brother has no objective.
Unknown Speaker
Let him know, man,
Victor Arocho
everybody’s tough on the phone.
Unknown Speaker
for 30 years. Yeah,
Unknown Speaker
we got a lot of people up here in the
Unknown Speaker
fraternity brothers are US Marshals Secret Service.
Byron Jones
I mentioned the stuff that I did in the military.
Unknown Speaker
Right. So we like to have a lot of fun with our guests.
Unknown Speaker
Now you guys.
Unknown Speaker
You guys have a great group of guys, man. On Monday at 10.
Victor Arocho
I know. Santiago you have a show that goes pretty long.
Unknown Speaker
I have I have a show. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday. And tomorrow. I’m having Ryan Chris that we’re gonna preview NFL weekend so we’re looking forward to that and talking about Yeah, just pretty much every game is gonna win. And I have no guests. Random guests from you know, from like other sports networks that come on and and see what happens but it’s gonna be a good weekend of sports guys. It’s gonna be not much as DC for games that canceled this weekend because of COVID. And that, so we’re seeing COVID get hit hard a little bit for with like with college football, and potentially the playoff schedule might move back a bit so that should be interesting, right Justin? is definitely an interesting man. I’m really anxious to see how this whole thing plays out.
Victor Arocho
Again, I’m gonna wrap this up again, please look up the Gary Sinise foundation. org for military and veterans and first responders. I like to thank Justin and Santiago for calling in and as always mine my pal my buddy my now he’s back with the Giants by reason. And so listen, again, you can follow us. You could follow us on Twitter at the sports cast one also you could have to go to our website sports cast dotnet dotnet and join us next Thursday. We have more shows we have fun when we’re on the show guys. Did you have some fun on this call coming in?
Unknown Speaker
Great show. One of my favorite shows. Thank you thank
Victor Arocho
you and you know just follow us and the other thing I wanted to state out there because you guys are you guys do a lot of tweeting as well. I just want to let everybody be out there know that again on twitter at the sports cast one. Justin tweets I tweet. Santiago tweets a lot of our guests we Byron has a flip phone so he can fire up your phone.
Unknown Speaker
There you go.
Unknown Speaker
CB radio.
Unknown Speaker
Steve Brown.
Unknown Speaker
Unknown Speaker
He called me I said I call on a prepaid phone.
Unknown Speaker
I don’t even know what a prepaid phone is.
Unknown Speaker
from Walmart.
Victor Arocho
Yeah. Yeah, but Steve brown asked for me to call in right Jesse cuz he said he was making fun of one of your hosts that he goes, man, these guys are nice. Remember? What are your guests? Yes, yes. I want someone to give you some battle. All right, here I come.
Unknown Speaker
It was fun, man. We enjoyed it.
Victor Arocho
So again, look at the sports cast one on Twitter, you’ll see a lot of tweets from our our fellow hosts of the show. You know, I’ll tweet or someone or family members for binary will tweet for him since his phone can’t tweet. So please join us every Thursday
Unknown Speaker
look at building and building at the sports cast.
Victor Arocho
We’re welcoming calls, really to be honest with battles, right? We want you to tell us right or wrong. We’re gonna have opinions. Just remember that the art of sport is debate.
Unknown Speaker
Period. Right. We’re talking about Matt Jones or the couch or ask
Victor Arocho
for Jalen hertz.
Unknown Speaker
Right? starting quarterback for your Eagles parting words. We love you any parting words?
Victor Arocho
Now shout out to the joy I’m gonna do it for you. They got a lovely lovely Family Retreat I went to I graduated with a sister Vonda his family is just they’ve always been big supporters. And so I want to say a shout out to the great Joel family. And again, thank you for joining us in you added some code to our show. And we will we will talk soon god bless him and stay safe and vibrant. Looking forward to next week baby.
Byron Jones
God bless everybody be safe out there doing his difficult times. Right.
Unknown Speaker
And do it again. Thank you for having me on. Yeah. Oh God. He’s rolta Florida State
Transcribed by https://otter.ai